With the Sun now in Scorpio, joining Mercury, Saturn and the North Node, focus is building towards a Stellium (a group of planets within the space of 9 degrees) which begins to take effect on 28th. And with Mercury now having left the degree in which it stationed retrograde a few days ago, we are well and truly on our way towards the Solar Eclipse in Scorpio occurring on 3rd November. In effect we have the opportunity, in the intervening days, to consider exactly how we got to where we are now and how we intend to proceed from here.
It sounds like a fairly straightforward question, but little is straightforward where Scorpio’s concerned, and with Mercury now retrograde we may be in for some revelations in the coming days. Mercury in Scorpio can be a lonely experience. The planet which wants to keep moving, making connections as it goes, can feel bogged down in the watery depths of Scorpio, not least because Mercury’s world is consequence free and Scorpio brings us face to face with the roots and consequences of who we are, with few, if any, attempts to soften the blow.
When Mercury in Scorpio is afoot, we may feel both the pull to go deeper and the fear of losing contact with the surface where the life-giving light and air are reside. We know that somehow we need to plumb the depths in order to make the connections which will ultimately set us free, but the journey required to do just that can feel too daunting to undertake, especially alone. And yet alone is how we need to take it.
It’s not enough to say ‘oh well, we’re all in the same boat’. At times like this we can feel anything but close to others, and no matter what may be going on with us or them, it can be tough to feel connected. These moments in our lives, sometimes referred to as the ‘dark night of the soul’, feel insurmountable at the time, but it is in surrendering to that very feeling that we finally begin to realise the value in journeying to the darkest and most vulnerable place within us, to know it well enough to recognise how it came to be and the truths it needs to share. And doing just that is our task right now.
The truths of Scorpio, as revealed by Mercury and Saturn, are not those of a quick fix and a magical solution. They place us in a timeline of becoming, where each moment is fed by the previous one, including the moment of our birth. They remind us that we are a melting pot of cosmic energy, karmic forces, genetic heritage and ancestral influences.
They remind us that the blood running through our veins does not belong to us. It is on loan, from life herself, fuel for the journey as we untangle the web of energies that are our inheritance, ready to weave them into a thing of beauty as we go. Whilst these are times of struggle for many, they are also times of freedom, for in recognising that we are what we are, and none of it is actually WHO we are, there arises a stillness which can sustain us through more than we could possibly imagine without it.
So if we find ourselves in the depths at the moment, the cosmos is there with us, holding the space for us to uncover the truth of how we got there, what we find, and what it reveals about our true nature. It may feel like a prison, but its bars can dissolve in light of the recognition that visiting this place is our destiny, to reclaim all that has been lost there and to re-emerge whole.
With love to everyone.
Sarah Varcas
The long and winding road, of (my) spiritual evolution has brought me back to a place which has for a long been considered antiquated, that is, the practice of looking to a divine feminine deity in order to understand life.
I have been in my own personal whirlpool of life enhancing drama and challenges, which clue by clue, has brought me to this next resting place. Lots of my recent reading, both spiritual texts and life affirming/ enhancing/ coaching texts have been eerily validated by fiction books I have picked up to read.
There has been a lot of writing about the return of the Divine Mother, or, the divine Feminine in 'spiritual' channelling for the past year or so.
So what does this mean, really.
Let me take you on a ramble through what's beginning to take shape in my mind about what this means.
My own Female life has been full of the usual chaos (remember, we need fertiliser to grow from) that is commonly associated with being a woman in this day and age, and in this, largely un-spiritual part of the world. My ramblings have been of a mad 'woman' who has finally kicked her last bucket, and has settled into a "there's got to be something more than this" affirmation, and decided to retreat from the world to find it. I have often shared in posts what has currently been pouring forth. My last posts was about the Venus gong wash, again that was an incredible experience. I have also been rambling on about about the solar plexus and how the lack of feeling empowered has reduced many of us (women) to mush.
I read avidly the fantastic (fiction) "The woman who went to bed for a year" by Sue Townsend, this was never intended to be a spiritual book, but I find that most books I read or films or programmes that I do actually get around to engaging with, tend to be 'current' or have parallel themes to those I am engaging with in my life and in my "spiritual progress". She, the woman , had had enough of twisting herself on contorting herself into everyone else's views, and her own misplaced views, of what she should be. Exhausted she wanted to retreat. And think.
I have just started to read "Unearthing Venus" by Cate Montana, this is an autobiography in response to the question posed to her in 1999, by a recently arrived Shaman guru, Ipupiara, a native from the Ure-e-wau tribe found in Brazil. From its early chapters, Iwished I had read it years ago. This book starts with a question posed to Cate who had gone to interview him. A question she struggled to answer. The question was simply "What do you know about woman?" The rest of the book is Cate trying to answer the question from the baseline of her own life story.
The shaman had arrived in New York at the request of the Dream Change Coalition, which was pioneering an intercultural education process. John Perkins, was the guy who was founder of the coalition, and whose plan it was for us Westerners to gain "other" cultural insights. The idea was to initiate a response from the western world to invite some alternative leadership to help us navigate our ships away from the cultural chasm of global doom that we were surely sailing into.
During this visit and after some observing and deliberation, the shaman guru asks of John, "Where are your women?" John explains where the women are, at work, as teachers in schools and colleges, as bankers in office blocks, at home raising children and just generally living their lives.
The shaman goes on in dismay to educate John that in his tribes and indeed it is tribal tradition in Brazil, that the roles for women are distinct and men and women have different jobs. The men hunt and fish, they cut wood for fires and cut down trees for huts and canoes. The women cook, make clothes, gather food and care for the children. As elders the men and women have equal say and guide the people of the tribe. However there is one role that the survival of the tribe depends on, that is the role of women of the tribe to tell the men when to STOP. Men will fish and hunt, and cut down trees until there is nothing left, it is their nature. It is the role of women, as part of their nature, to tell the men when there is enough, and to stop. So The shaman asks of John, "Where are your Women? Why are they not telling your men to stop?"
Why, indeed?
Ok so I (personally) am at the end point of surviving, as a female, in a way that surely has, for most of us, outlived it's expiry date. We are living quite Unnaturally, (un Nature ally), outside of that which is of Nature.
As a species we are coming to the point that brings us back into alignment with what is natural and of our true nature.
This does not exclude men. Man is woman but with different chromosomes, why is that I wonder? IS it to differentiate the difference in physical attributes by any chance. But men and women, (X or Y Chromosomes) are each linked to the great balance of life. Within both males and females there lies a beautiful merge of our individual divine feminine and divine masculine energies waiting to happen.
That means each person has the potential to have a balance, which when merged and blended, allows us to step forward in the form we are supposed to be, the perfect and natural, the quantum and multidimensional, divine being that we are.
Much has been written about polarity and duality. We have lived under polarity and duality for such a long time that it will be difficult for us to just give it up. The polarity, black and white, opposites of good and bad, men and woman, sun and moon, day and night, sorrow and joy, war and peace, all are distinct dualities that we have never considered (not in this current history anyway) to allow mergence and blending into the one. The ONE.
So... we are ending these, BAD old days, and entering, the GOOD new, Old days.
Get rid of the bad old god, the one that was, and is, held up like a banner in war, and the god that defends my country against your country. The god that led the CRUSADES in Jerusalem, the one that told your religious parents and teachers to beat you, the god that in some communities says that the female genitalia must be cut...the list can go on, and it does.
Of course this kind of ' god 'was, and is the construct of the human minds who had, and have the power at the time. So 'man' determined the kind of god that is in reign in any given time period.
We are all of that 'man' that did the determining. So that, the reality that was, and is, prevalent in any given time frame, is a consensual reality. We conceded the kind 'god' that was deemed to be in-charge, through ignorance. Our humanness leaves us to be easily led, how else would we allow belief in the circumstances that have brought us through to where we allowed us to end up. Why would we be so ignorant of all this and come through such an agonising record of the 'History of mankind'? Maybe we just had to go through this stuff to evolve. It is such a journey that allows a global universal evolution, remember it is the fertiliser that aids Spiritual growth.
Maybe we agreed the whole devastation in order to fully know and embrace LOVE when we eventually allow it to, or there is a consensus for it. We have been waiting and longing for it to shine on us.
So now enter the new, GOD, the female god that merges with the male god and produces oneness and balance within the ONE GOD. Oh ...She never left really, its just that we were told, and taught, to forget about Her, and we did. For thousands of years. For during this time, our men and women were left in separation and disconnectedness from the truth of their being and true connection to the Mother/father God. This separation allowed devastation of the true divine masculine and divine female energies, specifically represented by the degradation of women throughout history. In general the population were of a downgraded status, those who degrade, and those who are degraded. Both the pitiful and despised, each gender was damaged. Those who do the degrading must be sufficiently deficient in order to believe this is the nature of things.
Incidently, individually we will have a record of being both, if we can believe that we had as many lives as some would have us believe. Even if we have no knowledge of this, it is written, somewhere, in our soul's CV, also known as the Akashic records. Deep stuff to heal. Every time we set about healing something within us, and within our own psyche, we contribute and help with healing the world's psyche. This is accomplished by the fact that we are all linked into the collective consciousness, the same consciousness that decides which god is in reign, at any given time.
So maybe we had to truly know who we "Were Not" so that we could truly know who we "Are", and we had to experience the separation and duality to learn the true art of being a creator and the responsibility that comes with each thought and action, because they are our "creations". The consequence of those thoughts and actions were described as our "Karma" which didn't kick in until the next life, usually. Part of the deal was in coming to earth, and forgetting, being part of the experience and contributing to it, and so adding to, enhancing or otherwise, our soul's record. Iam not an expert in this but unless you 'know' the absolute truth of something, you can only go by what resonates with you and feels right.
I am digressing again, but it feels right to acknowledge that 'Karma' was not a 'god' punishing us, it was always a self determined act of balancing the soul's energy, not a revenge from an angry god. (To make more sense of this, have a read up on the Akashic records, and read too about how we are now in a position, with enlightenment, to leave the wheel of Karma, its really interesting. I love this stuff).
The uplifting consciousness that is occurring, is bringing us out of the dark ages and into the light. But it is going to take a bit more time to get everyone aligned with higher truths and enlightenment. We take something as a concept at first, we intellectualise about, and discuss it, until it eventually becomes a truth that we can internalise, and then act upon.
Trumpets have been blowing about this new cycle, this new way of being, since the Mayan times.
WE did actually go through the much spoken about "End of times" in December 2012, which brought an end to the energy and paradigms that had kept us only about 4 steps away from Neanderthal man thinking. So this OLD era, this completely obsolete view of life, the earth and Man on it, has come to an end and the next cycle (overlapping) has started. With it the re- emergence of the divine feminine principle. The Goddess is back.
To many this will sound very archaic and back stepping. Well... it is...I suppose. Archaic, ancient, and stepping back. But remember the phrase, "there is nothing new under the sun" (google this to get the insights regarding this).
This refers to the premise that time is not always linear it is overlapped (quantumly of course) with time that goes round in , not just circles but goes round and up in Spirals, and of course there are intersection points, where the lines cross and re-cross and time revisits itself in the future wearing but it is wearing different clothes......(ok, ok . I am digressing , back to subject) But in short, we have come back to the "place" where the divine feminine is the driving force returns to hold the reigns and says "STOP".
But where has this divine Feminine Energy been?
She has been here all the time, its just we have been disconnected from her. We being MOST of us, throughout the world, and apart from a few tribes in Brazil, and for a very, very long time.
There has been much written about creation. And in whatever story about creation that holds your attention, will also hold the yield of your connection to the divine Mother. If "she" doesn't come into it, then you are sadly lacking a large part of vital divine energy that, should you connect to it, you will be enabled, empowered and returned to your original divine co creator self.
So how do we turn our faces to let this sun shine on us?
Before I go on, I will let you into a personal insight I had while meditating on this today. I wanted a phrase, a name an identity that I can refer to, or call to when I am writing about this stuff. I asked what I shall call this principle or what name I can give to what I am talking about.....
This came back to me without hesitation, DEVA.
It is a phrase I have not heard for a very long time and it came succinctly and without any other mind chatter, it was a clear answer to my question (albeit from myself or my higher self plus guides gang). In a dither I looked up some definitions......and found the following.
It is the natural world of fertility, plants and animals and is strongly reminiscent of the deva kingdom.
(Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) (Non-Christian Religions / Buddhism) (in Hinduism and Buddhism) a divine being or god
Indo-European, Sanskrit word for God, originally thought of as feminine. The modern word Goddess has changed connotations to represent a lesser form of divinity. Deva had the meaning we typically think of as the word God today, however God was thought to be the Great Mother.
In Buddhism Deva's are highly evolved beings who inhabit different levels of existence. Deva's are commonly associated with great beauty and bliss.
Modern New Age versions of Deva's are thought of similarly to angels, nature spirits, or fairies.
I was so open to this being a Big healing event for me, my intentions were to participate fully, and I was not disappointed.
Amanda has a beautiful voice and a great gong! The vibrations from the gong were so resonant and cleansing, it is like being 'washed' in its vibrations. My third eye was open and I could several visions which wrapped me in vibrancy and I was swept away.
My chakras were cleared and my DNA was blasted through with healing energy. I was so aware that this was a physical healing in the way that I needed at this time.
I could see guides that were assisting me in this, and I was aware of other peoples guides in the room that had come to this healing session.
I was even aware of the enormous guide and protector of the Gong energy as it issued its beautiful healing vibrations.
This is just what I needed for this period in time. It came at a place in time that was supposed to be.
When it was finished I knew that some things have to be, and you have to allow yourself to be guided through. I felt clarity and I knew, everything ' will be ok' just trust. Everything in its time, and everything in it's place.
I have gone on about my recent health issues,( in recent posts,) which really are my body's way of saying "Ok its time to reassess and readdress recent issues and past issues" by, quite literally rugby tackling me to the floor and saying "enough of this, if you want to be authentic, with integrity and congruent, then STOP, and listen".
here is an excerpt from a recent email communication with a friend..
Its official now...my health issues are down to stress.
My stuff is 'stress' brought on by years of getting on with it....my body ok for now but HAVE TO cut back on what I'm doing until I resolve how I deal with stress. Stress has become my base line, and so my symptoms are somewhat IBS related, fatigue, bloated swelling, and feeling down. Even stuff that is normal, my body reacts abnormally to or 'innapropriately', as if in stress. Its a woman thing.... and we need to learn to dissect this and resolve this so to teach our daughters.... they should not have to absorb this stuff and then become vulnerable to the same thing... how do we do this???
My family stuff, shared with my sister as she has chronic IBS and hard swellings in her intestines, and my brother's cancer, primarily in his gut, stomach and Gastro intestinal tract, shows how our 'familial' way of absorbing discordant energy and 'distortions from what is considered normal and loving' have affected us. It was our baseline, our 'normal' and so it went on till even normal forms of stress i.e. daily living becomes discordant.
Have had some acupuncture which helps, and recently went for Gonging healing which was beautiful. Now I have to manage and deal with what I know and change things...My GP said that I have been 'so good' with dealing with stress (taking everything in my stride but pushing it deep inside) where most people would have said ENOUGH, f*ck off, or collapsed, I /we, (my brother and sister) continued because we didn't know it was an abnormal amount of issues to deal with..... OR it could be that our familial way of absorbing this kind of energy that is deficient...whatever, I have to observe how things are occurring and act in time.
My pattern of doing things.
I am a writer, an artist, a healer, and never allowing myself time to any of this without qualifying myself by permission. Everything else must come first....as is the way most women work, this is a very disabling pattern. It worked for many years but I became resentful and then ill with it.
This year I have been grieving my brother's death from Cancer. It is year that I my body has also said, Enough is enough.
It is my time. My life. I have my needs. I have given enough to everybody else and other's 'more needy than I', to the detriment of myself and it's unfolding.
This is the time, in the time of Ascension, enlightenment and general spiritual evolution, that I claim back that sovereign right.
I do not place resentment now in past and previous situations, circumstances and relationships, because without them, I would not be at the stage I am now in terms of enlightenment.
I bless them and acknowledge them for what they are.
I forgive myself for my choices, for my creations, I hold gratitude for all things in my life because they are, what grew from... what was. Everything is a consequence of what is at the time. How we go about understanding this and growing from it, is our business, and depends on default plans we put in place, before we came into this incarnation, and possibly with all sorts of gameplans and guidance in place to get us to the right place ....in order to outgrow the old paradigm, the old way of doing things.... as we continue in this life, now, as we speak. Synchronicity....
I do go on about energy and synchronicity. Last week, outside the kitchen I found a pair of daughters woollen knit boots, she had been wearing them in the garden as she played with some friends, they had actually gone to the bottom of our very large garden where there are many trees and bushes and broken out over the fence at the very boundaries of the garden and disappeared with her friends into the park that lies beyond... peace for a while.
It was later that day when I found the boots discarded outside the door leading to the garden. I picked them up and brought them inside, but just inside the door.
Later I was cleaning the kitchen windows, which is synchronicity as the clear glass of the newly cleaned windows, implies that my "vision" is being clarified (Remember the kitchen is the heart of the home, so we are talking about an outer manifestation of what's happening internally), when I knocked a heavy bottle opener which is beautifully smooth, and of ergonomic design, but is made of a heavy metal. This fell to the floor, which in turn should have made aloud crashing sound as it smashes into the very old red tiles of the kitchen floor. Instead it fell softly onto the woollen boots that I had placed there earlier on that afternoon. Normally I would not have left the boots there but this time I did. The falling heavy metal, bottle opener was cushioned as it landed on the woollen boots, strategically placed.
Then I knew that sometimes things we put into place, will be the landing space or completion docks of stuff that will eventually happen or is a ' potential' waiting to happen.
So I think the Venus Gong bath, was a completion point, a healing point, a completion of actions and healings, a point of tying together of all those loose ends that lay writhing around like live wires spitting out electricity. A time of pulling it all together and putting it down.
Energy is like that, we are so busy being dense matter in a 3D sense that we are mystified about the fluidity of energy. But the truth is we are of both particles and waves that interrelate and under the law of harmonics. The harmonics means that the energy that is us, is affected by all outlying energy and we in turn, can affect all outlying energy. The waves of the gong sound energy, moved through me and in the law of harmonics, its waves moved through and displaced each of my particles/wave composition (quantum physics) and in in so doing, displaced the distortions that were making me ill.
The synchronicity comes in the fact that I had to go through this whole kite-string of situations, familial, ancestral and other life situations, and being so deeply affected by them,...Falling but I was holding and transmuting them, and internalising and healing them, and more on many different levels....then parachuting down softly, holding and healing all this stuff and finally landing onto a soft pair of woollen boots, strategically placed to catch my fall, or in this case, a beautiful gong vibration bath, which completed the healing that the process had brought me to.
Hi again, I have had one of those days when I can just roll up in bed and read. This is not an everyday occurrence, it is a special , a one off, and definitely off the Radar, a hidden extravagance that only those who don't often get the chance, will understand it's importance.
The book I chose to read is, "The Woman Who went To Bed For A Year", by Sue Townsend. I don't often choose to read popular, mainstream, fictional stuff, but a friend gave me the book and usually, when this happens there is something that is going alongside my experience, or helpful insight into what's happening for me at the time.
This was uncanny because the book feeds into the current insight I am having, regarding myself and life, and the "Womens syndrome" that I spoke of in my previous post.
The Book. It begins with a woman who within the second page decides to recline to her bed, and stay there. The story continues with the episodes of life that have led to her exhaustion. I empathise with this and have got to the part where she has someone to come in and dismantle a vast wardrobe and remove it and its contents.....I will tell you more when I know more, as I continue with story. I have a feeling it is not going to end well....
Lately, if you follow my posts , you will know, that I am exploring the space outside that which currently defines me. In other words questioning what it's all about. Health issues that have kicked me in the gut. All stuff preceding a "what if..... I just let go".
Anyway back to the book, I have been thinking about doing the same, dismantling my bedroom and turning it into a sanctuary, a place of blessing, where I can write and meditate, freed from past entanglements, struggles and clutter that no longer serves, etc. I am far too exhausted to do this myself, so I am only at the "if only" stage. My plan is to replace and redecorate with Solar Plexus enhancing colours... ok so you get the picture.
And so, in the book....The woman is exhausted with life and it's striving. She is exhausted with conforming to what "needs doing", who needs looking after, the continuous needs of others. I get the feeling that she has "health Issues" that are waiting to be revealed.
Her life within her extended and her own family has been truly exhausting and generally has been a thankless task, there has been no validation and you never know if what you are doing is "Right". Sue Townsend has the gift of writing gentle, humor which makes it an absolutely engaging read.
I had been so consumed by the story today that when I went into my kitchen, "the heart of my home", the cluttered place, where cooking and providing food for others goes on, I was exhausted with the actual physical effort of clearing it first, (remember I had been reading all day and so my daily duty of cleaning, clearing and general maintenance of the home and family needs had NOT been done.)
I found my thoughts wondering to my grandmother, my mother's mother, Maureen. In her later days, not yet 76, she succumbed to what we would call, dementia.
I didn't see it like that, I was young, still had jet black hair and VaVoom in me. I was in my "roaring" twenties. To me, at that time she had decided enough was enough. She lived quite a few years in a "home" for such elderly people. But she was not old, she had just had enough of "SAME OLD, SAME OLD." That will never happen to me, says I, still black of hair and drinking pints of Guinness, still clubbing and full of the old Irish Craic.
It was with gentleness that she was buried. We had been without her participation for a few years but we were all very upset. I learned about her story from my mother. ##She was born into poor blood, into tenement living in poor Ireland, a family story , typical of Ireland at the time. The mother died when she was young, and she was raised by her father, an alcoholic, we don't know much else about him. I think an aunt may have helped but she, Maureen had to raise herself.
She was beautiful, we have some photos, a haunting beauty, a treasure in the tenements of Ireland at that time. She was by accounts vivacious and vibrant. She became a great swimmer and was able to swim currents that most local people shunned. This was in coastal town, and where she met my grandfather, married young, and had her children.
A vibrant beauty soon became beset with raising her own children in a rented tenement. Her husband, soft by nature and had just lost out of inheriting a family farm because he was a second born son, was able to provide for his family with hard work and long hours in a local grocers business. So the years moved on. Her Children were a blessing. Maureen was still only a young when my mother, the eldest, was born in 1932, then she had another girl, my aunt, Mary, a third daughter died by epileptic fit and falling down the tenement stairs when she was two years old. The family was able to move to a another rented home after the death of the child. Then there were two more girls, Kitty and Ann, followed by a boy, my uncle John.
Life was hard, as was typical at the time, poor income, and Ireland was in a bad place in those days, but the family endured. Maureen had little experience of holding a family together but she did it, as best she could. While still young and vulnerable, my uncle John, gentle and soft by nature, became very ill, brought on by traumatic stress when he joined the army.
My mother had left for England to train to be nurse when she was 16. She was followed by my aunt Kitty when she was 16, a few years later. My mother always sent money home from her pay packet.
All the daughters had inherited a degree of their mothers beauty, they were a good looking family. My mother was shy and often blushed, she enjoyed the local amateur dramatic society and was very a very different character to the women of the seaside town. She was teetotal, and loved to dance, she was sweet and angelic, not fitting with the hardiness and harshness one needed to survive in a poverty stricken coastal town in Ireland at the time.
In England, my mother met and fell in love with my father, a deep, dark, intellectual, from an Irish speaking family that had an intense and intriguing history. This was the beginning of the track I was to become woven into.
The other daughters of Maureen, each met and fell for their own "heroes", some were rogues, like Leo, who married Kitty, who I became close to as a child. Each married a person who would take them from this place, to another.
Maureen had a hard life from early years. Her Husband, my grandfather, a soft and gentle man, died in his sixties. By the time it was just her and her son, my Uncle John ( who had been diagnosed with schizophrenia as opposed to post traumatic shock, and treated with harshness (electric shock and then medication) until he was so out of reach from all of us), she was to go on for a few years (with her hair turned white in her thirties) and dependant on what she received from her daughters in England and with support from daughters remaining locally, but she gradually opted out of participating.
While she was still alive, I saw her a few summers. Moved out from her home and into a welfare care home, but still in the town where she was born, she had dementia. She didn't know anybody, anything, or seemed to care. She really had let go.
I think that "Something snaps" and you say 'Enough Is Enough, I can't go on with this'. In this way, You get to Participate out of life.
If we take this one step forward, letting go, really letting go, maybe there is a parachute that catches us and raises us up to someplace that others, in this dimension, cannot see.
This is further validated and enlightened by a channelling from Magenta Pixie, somewhat complex, but gives additional explanation about how the two, apparently separate, parameters merge. These being :
Duality, or separation from God, which allows us to further create, with infinite variations.
Oneness, Unity, or being one with everything, being aspects of God, The ALL That Is, with the ability to create.
Can't really separate them out.
This video is intriguing and for me at this time, relevant, as she talks about the challenges showing up in our lives including "......resurfacing of old health issues" as I divulged in my previous post.
The video is 12 mins, and may need a couple of views.
If its all too much information, just watch the visuals, They are very beautiful and relaxing.
The Challenge of the Wayshowers (October 2013)
posted 8 October, 2013, 2308 views, no comments - login or register to comment
The Challenge of the Wayshowers (October 2013)
Duality into Unity - embracing the crystalline physical vehicle (Light Body Matrix)
The White Winged Collective Consciousness of Nine speak (through Magenta Pixie)
All music by Kevin Macleod of INCOMPUTECH
All images by Stock Xchng and motion backgrounds for free
Edited by Catzmagick Productions
FOR ME, this year had been an explosion of interrelated issues that have dutifully lined up, holding hands, to parachute out of my unconscious and into my conscious awareness. for my love and attention.
Health issues have increased and I, acknowledging that I must get to the bottom of them, have attended various GP appointments, consultations, had ultrasound scans, hysteroscopy scans, and blood tests.
It all started with stress, for years, and how excellent I am at holding it in. Where others freeze, freak out, and adrenalin-off- planet, no not I. I grin and bloody bear it. Fool. because Like fight or flight, the adrenalin has got to go somewhere.
So for many years, there I was, so good, at being controlled and in control, that I ignored and negated, dishonoured my true state of being.....congruent feelings. Yes I was being incongruent, I was not aligned with the truth of my energy. My outward play did not match my internal motion.
Women do this... a lot.
But we are SO good at this, that EVEN WE do not know we are doing this.
We so often get on with stuff, even when our hearts are bleeding, we feed the kids before we feed ourselves, we look after frail and aging parents even when our bodies are exhausted. We suffer fools, we do our best. We overcompensate for lack, we provide, we nourish, we nurture, so everyone else around us is being looked after, just not ourselves. All This, and, manage the house, the bills, the life plans, the pensions (we don't have, (all stress)), pay this guy, pay that guy... All before breakfast. This is not even including the home- work balance, which for most of us is a screen play or a film that we don't actually get time to sit down and watch.
I was doing this and non-grieving for my brother, who died of cancer in January.
Non-grieving I say, because I didn't have the luxury of shutting myself away and just allowing myself to cry. For me to be congruent, would mean me crying for two months, non stop, crying for a lifetime of sadness (my brother's). But we just say, I'm fine.......Actually my brother, even in pain, when asked, would say "I'm Fine". Whether he just knew we couldn't bear to hear the reality of his pain (he was ill, for many years with another unbearable illness. God knows how long the cancer had been growing for,) or, he had become desensitised, with medication, to the truth of his experience.
Stress is a killer, it will hurt us badly. Never mind the situations and events, reasons and causes of stress, because we do not share this, Stress is common to all, but the causes differ, one mans meat is another mans poison, as they say. But suffice to say, the situations and events, reasons and causes were like a long procession of haunting floats in a lifetime Halloween carnival.
Each one swallowed and stuffed further into my body.
This year was the year of clarity for me. A synchronistic happening occurred with the cracking of some windows in my home. The large sliding glass door leading from the lounge to the garden cracked, randomly and without cause and continued cracking throughout the summer. Two other windows in different rooms then began to crack, seemingly randomly.
The word "crack" just kept bouncing softly around my consciousness from time to time. " Something is cracking open. Cracks are appearing." It was me, I was beginning to crack.
My health issues finally took shape so that I could understand, my body was cracking under the stress that I had buried.
On the same day, recently, that the all the cracked windows were removed and replaced, I had complete clarity on this health issue, (that continues to resurface or rebound back into my physical body at certain times.) This summer was the time that this health issue demanded relief, and self knowledge, and completion and resolution from the whole crazy cycle.
Its all to do with my Solar Plexus. I had "Lost my power".
The hospital tests shows I am healthy, with healthy organs and blood and no obvious causes of disease means that my unexplained symptoms of abdominal pains and swelling, pulsing and weight gain, is a ........................womans problem.
Ok, jokes aside, It is actually my problem. " I had lost my power" I had driven into the ground by doing for others.
For years I have been overactive, reduced appetite and hugely skinny with stress, I don't drive and still managed to do the same if not more than most parents with their kids in getting them to school, friends houses, activities, sports events, and I WAS fit and healthy. This was not the cause of the stress, but it was what helped me ignore that much stress was in my life.
I have burned out. My solar plexus experienced harm. The feelings and emotions were buried and the solar plexus drowned in a sea of silence, I was not hearing, I was not delivering the goods to balance it out. So eventually it balances itself out, in order to do that, it swings the other way, the opposite extreme, It shouts at me to hear its voice.
Some of us are not in practice of being in the body, some of us are unable to master the spiritual emotional, energetic, mental and physical skills we need to operate at our peaks. Most of us alive that is. We all have our weaknesses and inabilities in some form or another.
Each chakra presents its own set of parameters which it needs in order to spin at bliss levels, these often overlap with the next chakra, to allow movement and balance from one to another. Blocks also occur from one to another.
I have been stopped in my tracks because I am fatigued. I am now in convalescence for my extremely sad solar plexus. But of course this is an energetic matter, the physical symptoms will be resolved when the Solar Plexus is balanced.
With healing and meditation, accupuncture and rest, and by listening to my body, and most important, honouring how I feel and being congruent, my symptoms have reduced greatly. Now they can only be described as those similar to IBS related symptoms.
Below is some writing on IBS related symptoms.
I have a copy of Carolyn Myss's books, 'Sacred Contracts' and 'Anatomy of the Spirit' (a quote from which is included further along in the included articles) . I totally recommend reading her work or seeing her stuff on line.
Also I have included some writing on the Solar Plexus. Finally there is a wonderful video from Magenta Pixie about the body and communicating with it. Its only about 16 mins long but YOU HAVE TO WATCH IT........ it really is, very good.
That's all from me in this post. I will be rubbing my belly often, and wearing Yellow until Christmas. Love and light, and laughing, (this too is very good for the solar Plexus, which probably explains why mine, has finally exploded)
Like a sun, the light that has descended into the nervous system. From here you are sensitive to situations. It is the centre of the human recognition and self worth. Unresolved situations create stress here. This is also the region of intellect and logic. It is concerned with organisation at every level of the individual. It provides the ability to discriminate life supporting from life damaging energies, brings clarity of thought, maintains personal power and helps to digest information and food. All types of digestive upsets, poor immune system and poor memory.
Where is Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra Found?
The Solar Plexus is found Between The sternum bone and the navel, hence between the rib cage and the naval.
How to Access the Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra?
The colour yellow represents intellectual thinking.
The colour gold represents identification, which the Gold allows us all to identify with the qualities of our souls.
A predominance of yellow in one's aura represents one's attachment to their ego's rational thought.
On the other hand, the predominance of gold in one's aura represents an ego that has surrendered its control of the physical earth vessel to their Soul.
On a physical level, the colour yellow stands for caution.
Yellow is between the red of "stop"
and the Green of "go".
Hence, the traffic light resemblance, acts as a caution.
What does the Yellow-Gold/Solar Plexus Do?
This chakra is the Power Chakra
On a Mental level
The power of this balancing chakra and the power of mind control, allows you to control and/or to gain freedom.
It governs our sense of self, the power that we have within and over our destinies, the power that we have over others, and the power that others have over us.
What does this Chakra Relate to?
This chakra is the Power Chakra and Relates to the;
Gall Bladder
The Yellow-Gold Chakra Regulates how centred we feel during the day in relation to our mental facilities and our ability to be self-motivated.
Could the Chakra Have Another Dimension?
Yes, The third Chakra is known as the gateway into the Astral Plane of the fourth dimension,
Ruling our astral emotions.
However, these emotions are very different than physical emotions,
this is due to the emotions of the third Chakra being intertwined with our mental process.
Does the Yellow-Gold Chakra affect any of our Senses?
Yes, The third chakra rules our sense of sight. It rules the physical sight of our third dimensional conscious level as well as the "second" sight, or our "astral vision". It allows us to control and gain Power of our;
When we find the power within ourselves, we no longer need to struggle against others or ourselves.
How do you know your Yellow Chakra is balanced?
You have;
||Good energy levels||happy and joyful||Very Good Self-acceptance||Confident||Relaxed||
||Very Clear Thinking||secure||Artistic||Respectful||Spontaneous||uninhibited.
How to Maintain a Good Balance of Your Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra?
Yellow and Gold colours are usually a good source. Through either;
Crystal Therapy
Colour Therapy
How Can You Tell you are Lacking the Balance of the Yellow Chakra?
How to Treat Unbalanced Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra?
Treat it with Yellow.
What are the Symptoms of excessive Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra?
You have;
||Workaholic||High level of sex drive||Intellectual||Authoritative||
||Superiority Complex||Inferiority complex||Judgemental||
Could I treat the Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra Imbalances?
Is There a Governing Planet for the Yellow chakra?
Yes, the Yellow Chakra is Governed by Aries and Virgo
Aries is Ruled by Mars and Symbolises;
Virility||Action||Violence||Courage||Boldness||Bestows Dynamism||Enterprising Spirit
Virgo is ruled by Mercury and symbolisers;
Intellectual||Thought Process||Comprehension||Learning abilities||Intellectual General Activities.
Is There a Complementary Colour for the Solar Plexus/Yellow Chakra?
Violet, as it quietens the energy of this chakra. Top
(the following is taken from a chat room about IBS)
Has anyone seen the commercial geared towards women? The drug that treats IBS? They say IBS is twice as high in women that it is in men. NO wonder our society puts pressure on women and the pressure they put on themselves. I've always believed our women are undernourished sexually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
The 3rd Chakra -- it starts with us HONORING OURSELVES!
Check out below what Carolyn Myss and what traditional American Doctors write. Any relation?
Sacred Truth: Honor Oneself
Be mature and honorable in the relationship you have with yourself and accept responsibility for the person you have become.
Organs Effects
Abdomen, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine behind the solar plexus. Arthritis, gastric or duodenal ulcers, colon/intestinal problems, pancreatitis/diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia, bulemia, liver dysfunction, hepatitis, adrenal dysfunction.
Trust, fear, intimidation, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-respect, ambition, courage, ability to handle crisis, care of yourself and others, sensitivity to criticism, personal honor, fear of rejection and looking foolish, physical appearance anxieties, strength of character.
Women are no strangers to vague abdominal symptoms such as bloating, gas and bowel irregularities. For the most part, these symptoms occur monthly and are short lived. But for women with irritable bowel syndrome, known as IBS, these symptoms can be constant and interfere with everyday life.
At least twice as many women as men have IBS, a gastrointestinal condition marked by chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea and/or constipation. IBS is most often diagnosed in women in their 20s, and its symptoms can be experienced on and off throughout adulthood. Although it's not fully understood why IBS is more common in women, there are a number of biological and cultural theories. Below, Lin Chang, MD, an associate professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Medicine, discusses IBS and its impact on women.
What is IBS?
IBS is known as a functional bowel disorder because there is no particular abnormality that causes it. Instead, patients have a cluster of symptoms. The major symptom of IBS is abdominal pain or discomfort. Patients have either diarrhea or constipation, or they might alternate between diarrhea and constipation. Other common symptoms are bloating, a sensation of incomplete evacuation, urgency, particularly in patients with diarrhea, and sometimes mucus in the stool.
How common is IBS?
Worldwide, the prevalence is between 10 percent and 20 percent. What's interesting is that about two-thirds of individuals who have IBS don't see a doctor or another healthcare provider for their symptoms. I think some people don't realize that they have a condition that their doctors can help them diagnose or treat. In other situations, people may feel that doctors will think it's all in their head because there are no objective tests to diagnose these conditions.
Is there a gender difference in IBS?
IBS is more common among women than men. The ratio of men and women who seek healthcare is somewhere between 1 to 4 or 1 to 3. But in the community itself, that ratio is maybe 1 to 2 at the most.
What are some reasons for the gender difference?
There are many different reasons why there might be a gender difference. I think that they include how women and men perceive themselves in society and whether they are willing to complain of GI symptoms like gas or diarrhea and constipation. There are probably a lot of biologic mechanisms that may have to do with estrogen, the female sex hormone, that affect the gut. So there is a whole host of biologic and psychosocial differences between men and women that may play a role in IBS.
What are the main factors that contribute to the development of IBS?
The mechanisms, or processes, underlying IBS aren't completely understood, but in general, there are three important inter-related factors that underlie IBS mechanisms. One factor is altered gut motility, or gut motor function. It will either be too fast, so a stool passes too quickly, or it will be too slow, so a stool passes slowly. People can also have increased secretions. The second factor is enhanced gut sensitivity, where the patients will have a heightened sensitivity to contents in the gut, such as stool or gas. So they'll feel bloated, or feel pain or discomfort. The third factor is communication between the brain and the gut. If there is any dysregulation of brain/gut interactions, you will have changes in bowel function.
One of the important neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, that helps with brain/gut interactions is serotonin. Serotonin is produced in the brain and the gut and mediates gut sensation and gut motility. So changes in serotonin can lead to changes in gut motility and sensation and cause IBS symptoms.
Can you explain the relationship between stress and IBS?
Chronic stress plays a predominant role in IBS. It's associated with the onset and exacerbation of symptoms. Usually, these are stressors that have been going on for probably at least six months, rather than just day-to-day type of stressors. Long-term stressors include a history of verbal, physical or particularly sexual abuse, divorce, moving to a different place to live, changing your job. Such chronic stressors may lead to changes in gut motility and gut sensitivity.
Do men and women handle stress differently?
I think men and women handle stress differently, and that definitely plays a role in IBS. These gender differences have to do with a concept called biobehavioral stress that is based on evolution. Men typically have a fight or flight response, while women respond to stress in a more nurturing way. Women internalize the stress because their role in evolution is to protect their offspring, and not necessarily to get up and fight. Their internalized response leads to enhanced pain sensitivity, while men may respond with enhanced gut motility and an increased heart rate.
How does IBS affect people's quality of life?
Typically, people with IBS will have to miss work or school. They won't be able to go to their usual social activities because they have pain, or they have to run to the bathroom because they have diarrhea, or they feel bloated or uncomfortable. In addition, other aspects of their life can be affected, such as sleep and sexual function, specifically pain with intercourse. IBS also has an impact on emotional and psychological aspects of life.
How is IBS treated?
There is a whole host of treatments for IBS. They range from pharmacologic therapy with medications to non-pharmacologic treatments, such hypnosis, behavioral training or relaxation therapy. There are some new medications that can treat multiple symptoms of IBS, but typically we try to target the most bothersome symptom and then treat that symptom.
What are treatments for constipation?
For the treatment of IBS with constipation, patients typically take some type of laxative. There are many different types of laxatives that a patient could take, either over-the-counter or prescribed, for their constipation, but it doesn't really help their pain. Fiber may also help ease of stool passage, but it doesn't really help any other symptoms.
People with constipation may benefit from medication that works specifically on certain serotonin receptors in the gut. By acting on those receptors, it stimulates gut function and moves stool along the colon much more rapidly. It also causes increased secretion of chloride; fluids make the stool less hard. It also acts on nerves that are involved in transmission of pain.
What are the medical therapies that are available for abdominal pain and diarrhea?
Many patients with IBS and diarrhea, will take anti-diarrheal medications, which you can get over-the-counter. There is also a medication that acts on different serotonin receptor subtypes than the one for constipation. It slows transit of stools in the colon. It was withdrawn from the market, but has been re-approved for release under restricted use.
How can behavioral changes improve the symptoms of IBS?
The relationship between diet and IBS is somewhat complex: It's not so much that there are certain foods that cause IBS symptoms, but some people may have their individual triggers. If patients have an intolerance to dairy products, which is seen often in patients with IBS, they should try to avoid those products. Sometimes fatty foods, caffeine and alcohol can stimulate IBS symptoms. Taking some time to relax and doing timed breathing or relaxation exercises during the day can be very useful. Exercise and drinking plenty of fluids are other simple lifestyle modifications that can minimize IBS symptoms.
There is also some interesting stuff, written on the brain-gut pathway, Taken from the article above, I believe this is worth exploring more. Stress unbalances the amount of serotonin able to be absorbed by the brain, a common indication of depression. Depression is treated with medication that increases serotonin uptake by the brain.
'One of the important neurotransmitters, or brain chemicals, that helps with brain/gut interactions is serotonin. Serotonin is produced in the brain and the gut and mediates gut sensation and gut motility. So changes in serotonin can lead to changes in gut motility and sensation and cause IBS symptoms.
The neurological pathways in the gut are described as being the body's second brain.
Communicating with the Cells and Organs of Your Own Body (Macrocosmic/Microcosmic Unification)
Embracing the Unity between the microcosmic and macrocosmic universes within your paradigm.
Channelled & spoken by Magenta Pixie
Video edited by Catzmagick Productions
Images c/o Stock.Xchng
Graphics c/o motionbackgroundsforfree
Music c/o Kevin Macleod
Its on 18th October, and I am looking forward to it.
I haven't been "in" a gong bath before but I already my body is resonating within the wash of the vibrations from the music of the gong.
I used to go regularly to receive Shiatsu, this was many years ago, one time someone was practicing, badly, on a badly tuned piano, in the room of the house next door.
To say that discordant notes jarred my nerve endings is an understatement.
The awful sound's vibrations were like grenades going off in my "open" energy system.
I never went back to that place for fear that the shiatsu therapist, who was very good, was not responsible for the jarring sounds screaming through next doors room..........................
So in total contrast, I envisage, the vibrations of the gong wash will be as cleansing and healing on my "open" energy system as the untuned piano was jarring to it all those years ago.
"We are often asked, "Why?". Why would one choose to become a physical being in a reality that is so chaotic?
The answers are all varied, but the most predominant one is to be of service.
This is often followed by intention to overcome the challenges and to create a better vibration in the linear, causing the vibrant energy that is within all to burst upon the moment with great aplomb.
There is nothing more fulfilling than to release the full vibration of your energy upon the reality your are participating within.
There have been examples given by those who did just that... release and unfurl their total essence into the reality.
We believe your history books are full of accounts of those doing just that.
Why not for a moment consider releasing your deepest purest energy upon your reality?
Many will say, "Well, I've never had the chance!"
We say the very second you breathe there is opportunity to bring your soulful energy forward. It is important to not let past experience interfere with the present.
If you have been ignored, abused, forgotten, or misunderstood, there is always opportunity to conquer the feeling it gave you. Use it as fuel to propel you into a place of creating.
Physical reality can give density to the most purest of essence. Let others feel your intensity You are here to leave an imprint of energy.
posted 3 January, 2011, 5529 views, no comments - login or register to comment
Lee Carroll is an American channeller, speaker and author. Originally an audio engineer, Carroll claims that he began to channel communication with an entity from a higher dimension called Kryon in 1989. He describes Kryon as an angelic loving entity from the Source (or "Central Sun") who has been with the Earth "since the beginning" and belonging to the same "Family" of Archangel Michael.
You may be finding chaos in your inner world, your personal experience and in the world you find yourself. This has been my experience. I won't go into detail about mine because I imagine everyone is 'enjoying' their own scaries. This following message is the most validating and reassuring that I have come across recently and would like to share it with you, especially if you feel that the energies have rugby tackled you to the ground, again.....
If you do not know what I am talking about in this respect, that means that you have done all your clearing and are resting nicely on a billowy cloud someplace nice, OR, it is all still to come. Either way, much love, Namaste. Michaela.
ps. Oh yeah, I returned for some more acupuncture treatment, and have had some Chinese herb seeds inserted into my outer ears, to work on the meridans affecting ease of mind. I don't hold stress well, ok, well in fact I do...too well, I carry it, like Herucles, for years before it occurs to me that my health is starting to buckle under the weight of all this carrying. Now is the time for healing and unloading the last remnants from the years and years worth of stress. so its all coming back up into my awareness for release ( its like watching ghost films on loop).
Posted by Alice C Angelic Guides: Managing The Powerful Energy of The Equinox, channeled through Taryn Crimi, October 1, 2013 at http://angelicguides.wordpress.com
Today we would like to focus your attention upon the very intense energies which have been streaming into your planet. As many of you know you have just recently had the Fall/Spring equinox. Many of you are still having a difficult time managing these intense energies and it is our intention today to share with you our perspective so that you may make better use of these powerful energies.
How are you feeling during this great time of change? Though we do not prefer the word symptom, suffice it to say that many are suffering from the powerful after effects of this energy. Like every equinox, the energy is meant to help you release what is no longer serving you. It is meant to help you find balance and regain the harmony within, though it may feel like anything except harmony at this time.
You may find comfort in knowing that you are not the only one that seems to be a bit on edge this past week or so. Some very common symptoms among many of you are, a feeling of extreme fatigue, difficulty in managing your emotions, short-tempered, mental fogginess, a feeling of an extreme lack of time, forgetfulness and achiness though out your body. Certainly we are not saying that everyone feels all of these symptoms, however as we have observed many of you, we noticed that many seem to be experiencing some if not all of the symptoms listed above.
Let us share with you our perspective on why you feel this way, and what you can do to recover from these intense energies. It is important to remember that every equinox brings with it very powerful energies. Though it feels as though this energy is chaotic, bringing with it many loose ends, unfinished affairs, and unpredictable experiences, we assure you, things are not always what they seem to be.
You are moving into energy that is in support of completion. All that seems to be unfinished will begin to unfold in divine timing. September is most often associated with bringing forward the beliefs, fears and dreams that you hold most closely to you. It allows you to see them manifest into your physical reality. Although many find this energy to be quite challenging we can assure you that all will begin to fall into place in the coming weeks.
As you look around there are many all over the world who see only disorder and chaos, but know that nothing new can grow in a garden that is choked by weeds. The weeds must be uprooted; they must be removed before you can plant your seeds for the harvest. This is exactly why so many of you are experiencing these various symptoms.
We ask that you remember this, it is the times that you find to be most difficult that your light is needed most. By grounding these energies and allowing them to help you purge what is no longer needed you are then able to become a pillar of peace, rather than flying debris. Do you understand our analogy? In helping balance yourself, you essentially are helping those around you to effectively ground and balance this energy.
In these times of upheaval it is best that you spend some time within nature. Sit peacefully in front of a lake or river, watch as the stars shine above, put your feet in tall grass, go for a walk in the woods, sit outside and watch the wind blow through the leaves or quietly listen as the rain falls upon your roof. Nature is always incredibly helpful when you are feeling emotional unstable, foggy, exhausted or unsettled. Nature is very grounding, it has the ability to help you to release what no longer serves you, and it has wonderful calming effects for your soul.
Allow your self to reflect upon the changes in which you wish to manifest; the experiences which you wish to create. Focus your attention on what you will replace all that is being released with. This energy is once again allowing you to take another step up in vibration if you desire to utilize it for its full potential. Of course the choice is always yours.
Listen to your inner guidance for reassurance that all is unfolding exactly as it should be. Know that all is not in chaos; it is simply being removed so you can replace it with something much better. Do not get pulled back down into the energy of fear and despair, you have all the tools you need to thrive in these tumultuous times. For every light worker, know that there are hundreds of others working on the other side of the veil right alongside of you to help you ground and release.
You will soon feel revitalized again, but until then we ask that you simply allow. Try not to judge as these heated emotions and feelings of mental fogginess arise, allow them to surface and flow through you. We assure you, you are not doing anything wrong. You have worked very hard to increase your consciousness to this level. Again we remind you, progress is not always made in a straight, forward motion; set backs are just as necessary for your growth. It allows you to steer the ship away from where you no longer wish to go.
This energy is allowing that which was hidden to now be in plain view. What do you wish to keep and what do you wish to change? You cannot change what you do not know; and this is why we say things are not always what they seem to be.
We hope that we have served you in some way and that we have brought some peace and reassurance to you in these great times of change.