Wednesday, 27 November 2013
Comet Ison. The speculation is gathering momentum. Is this the bright star, over the earth, that brings in the heralded change?
Spotted in 2012, and only recently been brought to wider attention, the comet named Ison, is due to be closest to the sun on 28th November and closest to the earth on Jan 12th. What does that mean for us earthlings?
There are all kinds of warnings flying about. To some, it is a religious prophecy being played out. See writings where the passage of the comet is the coming of age, of the Bible's "Revelations". To some, the Astrological interpretations are showing us the door being blasted open to the next new 'Age'. Which Age is it? To many it is warnings of the star called Wormwood, and they have linked this to the wrath of God. All predict, consequential upheavals in society and the way things are done, oh and some kind of climatic response. More melting polar ice caps if I understand correctly.
Personally I am hoping that the very least will happen is that the Bank blows a fuse, and short circuits around my bank account, loosing all information about my current status and becomes hopelessly oblivious it.
ADVICE is to stay centred and keep returning to your centredness. If you find yourself knocked down in any current drama, don't add any of your own fearful energy to the drama going on around you. Get yourself centred. Meditate to find out where your calm is, reach into the stillness that is the inner eye of the storm, the quiet hub that is your real self, your connection with God.
If you find yourself asking yourself what is really important, initiate a self audit and reach into the growing knowledge of yourself to find your own integrity. Ride it out over the next weeks and report back for normal duty, the minute you get through no-mans land.
I like the articles about the comet, that 'harken' back to the Star that accompanied the Heralding Arch Angel Gabrielle, as it was once around the Birth of Jesus 2000 years ago.
I also like this excerpt from: Astrology
2013 is the year where the heavens will literally be on fire. Not only do we have the Grand Soul Alignment happening in July, but this year brings us the biggest and brightest comet of all time – ISON.
Astronomers are predicting that ISON will be the greatest event in the sky of the past 1,000 years and will be so bright that it will outshine the Moon and we may well be able to see it in daylight! By the time we head into autumn we should be able to see it with binoculars or a telescope if we are lucky enough to have one. When we get to December however, we will all be able to see this incredible event with the naked eye and the dark nights of winter are just going to work in our favour.
ISON was only discovered last year. For students of astrology, the visit of any comet brings change and transformation and a great comet which ISON is, heralds these themes but played out on a massive scale. The Bayeux tapestry which depicts the Battle of Hastings in 1066, clearly shows a great comet in the sky. The next great comet occurred in 1577, the year when Sir Francis Drake set sail around the world. So, comets often usher in not only political changes but changes in how we view our world.
ISON appears to be travelling from the region of space occupied by a planetoid known as Sedna which is named after the Inuit sea goddess and associated with climate change and the environment. We may well see an escalation of these issues as ISON gets closer to us and these could well be the issues we have to confront collectively. On a personal soul level, ISON could be asking us to take care of our inner environment and look at where we may have soul pollution in terms of our thoughts and resulting actions, or where we need to live a more responsible life. There’s an internet meme doing the rounds at the moment that goes: ‘Dear humanity, save yourselves. I’ll be fine. Love, the Earth’. When we clean up our own thoughts and lives we live more consciously and take more responsibility for ourselves and the impact we have on our environment so this may be closer to the truth ISON has for us than we may think!
As ISON travels towards our Sun it will pass through the sign of Cancer and then into Leo, Virgo and then on into Sagittarius where it will make what is known in astrology as a ‘station’ and then turns back on itself. Keep checking back for how this incredible once in a millennium event will be impacting on your sign.
Comets are traditionally associated with disruption but often this is because something needs to change. The ancients used to say the appearance of a comet was a sign that ‘God had changed his mind’. We all need to change our attitude towards our true home – the Earth and to be aware of how our thoughts create our world and our future. ISON opens up possibilities that were not there before and gives us the ability to change.
The 12 Children of the Light: An Astrological Tale
I love this.....the following is about the gifts each Astrological sign is bestowed, but be warned most come with a mighty catch. Here's a glimpse at Aquarius.
“To you Aquarius I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But for turning man’s eyes to new possibilities I give you the gift of Freedom, that in your liberty you may continue to serve mankind whenever he needs you.”
And Aquarius stepped back in place.
Guess who? And that explains a lot of stuff for me.
Click on the link.
The 12 Children of the Light: An Astrological Tale
“To you Aquarius I give the concept of future that man might see other possibilities. You will have the pain of loneliness for I do not allow you to personalize My Love. But for turning man’s eyes to new possibilities I give you the gift of Freedom, that in your liberty you may continue to serve mankind whenever he needs you.”
And Aquarius stepped back in place.
Guess who? And that explains a lot of stuff for me.
Click on the link.
The 12 Children of the Light: An Astrological Tale
Monday, 25 November 2013
November Garden.The energy slices through the cold air like bells on Christmas morning.
The November energy is like clear liquid sun falling on Earth, whether we see it, or feel it or care, it is here. Nothing can place it's beauty in isolation, it is all beautiful, together.
I am finding information that heralds an upcoming event. It is spoken about as a continuation of the energetic download that we are immersed in. Some of the population is aware of the magic of it all, and others do not seem to have it on their radar.
I like to be open minded, and think that any changes for the better are welcome, but the changes that are implied are so much more than we can imagine.
Here is a link to Aisha North blog that is declaring such immense changes coming about in weeks.
I am wondering if the comet Ison is the vehicle that delivers the catalyst.
Here too from Spirit Library is a link to a channel about Ison.
Comet ISON: The Arrow Effect |
In other cosmic happenings, Comet ISON is rapidly approaching its expected pass by the Sun (Nov 28). Is it affecting us energetically?
Read Article »
And from the Golden age of Gaia ......
Archangel Metatron via Anna Merkaba: Comet ISON – What to Expect
Posted by Alice C
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Monday, 18 November 2013
The energy of Connection and Validation.
The Energy workshop, The Sword and the Chalice, was inspirational for me. Sitting in the Chalice of collective energies in the group, was just what I needed.
William Bloom facilitated the taking of the energy of magic and blessings out of the realms of the priests and magicians and placing it back into our own hands. The weekend event flagged up our own navigation skills to retrieve the magic of our interaction with Energy. Intention, imagination and intuition are all equally required to do this work. By a gentle calming and grounding of the body and the inner self, we can participate and engage with the Elementals that facilitate the flow of energetic form.
I found that a book I am reading at the moment, Nature Spirits, The Remembrance, A Guide to the Elemental Kingdom, by Susan Raven, gives insights into the elementals and greatly helped me understand their presence and meaning when they were mentioned during the workshop.
Meaningful to me.
I realise now that I find myself both 'out on the fringe' in terms of physical connections with people who enjoy this type of 'energy work', whilst trying to uphold a set of mainstream roles that are constantly challenged by the influx of my own energy transformation.
I realise that the energy I brought with me to this workshop was my ' challenge' to merge my physical roles with my spiritual roles'. I did not plan to, but I brought these concrete, life, death, flesh and blood relationships and roles, that I carry in my current experience, into the workshop with me in order to salve, resolve and access them in a new revitalised, energised way.
I had been overwhelmed, and remain so, with all the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual Stuff that lands on my plate. This 'to do' list that has structured my day for such a long time, had become a "RUTualised" form of living, and I need to be able to transform my day into a more graceful, flowing and "ritualised" form. A word that came out to explain my shadow way of dealing with the RUT, was 'compulsive'. Without going into all the details and stories, I had begun to relate in an entirely compulsive and obsessive way to the factors in my life. Instead of 'resisting' things , I had started to ' compulse' (my word) about doing things and getting things done. Okay, so I am working on this.
I have included some insights from Jennifer Hoffman about recent relationship, give-take scenarios, which I find are parallel to my situation at present, they may be of interest to you. Here is a snippet....
"...It is your issues around worthiness and value that prevent you from being a receiver and to constantly give to others that creates the imbalances. And there are power issues at work here too because the person who insists on always being the giver is the one who controls the amount, timing, flow, and direction of the energy in a relationships"... Oh yes, some lovely shadow dancing going on here (my words).
The workshop was a space that both confirmed and revalidated my understanding and commitment to my expression of Energy. It also helped me define and expand on what I want to fill my personal energy Chalice with. It also fulfilled a current need for me to touch base with, and connect with the others 'out there' who feel pulled to explore and merge more fully with both the knowledge of Energy and Energy itself.
This connection with the people on the workshop, is also a connection with the tangible relationship energy, people energy, that all humans require from time to time. It is a meeting with and resonance with, matched vibrational energy. (In Aisha North's blog, it is called the Pond, where everyone has a voice, and can use it without fear of being judged).
I also learned that Energy work is what makes my heart sing. So I do tend to get a bit enthusiastic about it.
So, reconfirmed and validated back to me....My personal take on Energy.
Energy: I can know this stuff intellectually, but better still is to Embody this knowledge.
It is wise to clear up your energy, spring clean your words, thoughts, actions, be aware, be awake, be conscious.
Be aware and awake to what is all around, seen and unseen, as all are vibrating energy forms. Our own energy overlaps with, and is influenced by and affected by other energy, and in turn our own energy influences and affects "other-than self" energy fields.
On other levels we can call it the soup. The energy soup which is actively undergoing consciousness awareness, includes this awareness of how we are all interrelated, energetically speaking.
Choose what energy you connect with and be aware of sending more chaos to a person place or event that is experiencing its own energetic chaos. How can this be?
Well, if you find yourself judging or forming opinions about a person, (or anything for that matter) you are unaware of their current experience, or situation, and therefore 'create' and direct harsh or opinionated judgements, i.e thought forms about them.... it will only add chaotic energy to the chaotic energy that is perhaps already present in them or in the situations. This not helpful to them or yourself, as you link yourself in to an energy exchange of like energy. This is true of all situations and events. For example, when you are feeling horror, or outrage, or angry, about any tragedy that comes on your radar, this horror, anger or outrage, (energy forms transmitted by yourself) not only adds to the volatile, energy surrounding the event, but also links you in to it, remember we are all in the soup.
Stay out of the drama, and stay neutral. If thoughts arise, be aware and be awake to them. It is better to consciously transform your feelings to those of Love, only love heals. More anger sends more anger, and it muddies up your own field. William Bloom talks about 'managing your own energy field'.
Know Thyself, and thy energy field. Make thyself a chalice of the energy you desire by being whole. How?
All shadow stuff is part of you. So that these creepy crawlies, hidden in your psyche don't keep scaring you to death when triggered off by seemingly, random, outside situations, you should get know all your shadow stuff.
Ask yourself, when feeling put out about events, situations, or other peoples behaviours and actions, "Is this my own stuff?" Usually, if you are honest you will find that it is.
Be confident in your ability to hold integrity, honesty and congruency when doing self work. These are not easy skills for us, but in the intimacy and confidentiality of your own cupboard of skeletons, there are your torches to discover and know thyself.
The exploration must be from within a Grounded self, and take place in a safe blessed space. Its best to clear the space with a blessing, by reciting a prayer that holds resonance for you or by a self created blessing or invocation to your chosen or cultural deity.
The best way is to open to, surrender to, and remain in ready connection with the BENEVOLENCE (William Bloom's, word for the Divine All that is) so that you remain grounded and safe for when the shadow stuff comes up. When you are grounded, all energy work, such as looking at the shadow stuff, is done in safety and in love, and with love. Outside of love, the shadow stuff remains scary and nightmarish, and attracts more of the same to itself.
When we are aware and conscious, we can notice incoming energy that we may not feel we want to connect with. No fear implied, but it is good to learn to close our energy boundaries around us, and to rebound anything which, for any reason is uncomfortable. When rebounded, if those energies are actually for our higher good, they will return when we have increased knowledge of ourselves, have stronger grounding in ourselves and are ready to meet with the knowledge contained within the energy trying to make connection. If those rebounded energies are not of BENEVOLENCE, then you have confidently rebounded their approach into your energy field. There is a myriad of energy out there so use discernment at all times.
Often with each insight we achieve about ourselves, there will be a validating circumstance, or synchronistic happening that confirms or conveys your insight to be on track.
I have found, that healing, releasing and integrating have been a continuing upward cycle (that sometimes feel like a downward spiral) in my own energy work, and are often punctuated with the 'scaries' as they are released. There are also phases of rejuvenation. Frustratingly there are plateaus of being stuck, down or simply of nothing much happening, be assured these are usually times of being cocooned and integrating the healing. It is going on in so many levels. I have to reassure myself that as I have set the intention I am always in a state of unfolding, and unfurling my own energy field, regardless of what it feels like or looks like from the outside.
Waking up to yourself, its much more interesting than being asleep. Sure, it can be, and often is, difficult- but, if it is the only thing a person manages to do in this life time, than its probably more than was achieved in all the other 'sleeping lifetimes' put together ( I presume we must have had some lifetimes where we were enlightened and awake, because we are drawing motive from those lifetimes to propel us toward enlightenment in this life)....
When we are confident and happy with the energy of our own field, we can begin to dance with and 'PLAY' (William Bloom's word) with the energies of all other forms.
We can draw from and connect with any energy source we feel resonant with.
Remember -discernment at all times.
We can also propel our learning and actions to increase our vibration so that we can, move up the evolution spiral, to draw on and connect with energy that is of higher frequency as and when we begin to resonate with it.
The Energy of Give and Take
a message from Jennifer Hoffman
Sunday, 10 November, 2013 (posted 12 November, 2013)
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Good news for this week, as both Mercury and Neptune move from retrograde to direct motion, and we end the week with some powerful aspects that include a Venus/Pluto conjunction and a full moon. Many things that have felt confused and uncertain since June (Neptune retro) or stuck, with pesky mishaps and things that would somehow not work (Mercry retro) since early October can be cleared up now. Mercury is covering ground that it went over since October 1 so you may feel like you are in a time warp, repeating episodes from early last month. It's just a replay opportunity to do things differently this time around, or to reconsider what happened then and see if we're still aligned with it.
Just a heads up too, we have had very powerful solar flares for the past two weeks, including some of the strongest ever measure (literally, off the charts). So if you have been feeling anxious, confused, out of sorts and off balance, that could be why. These strong solar flares send lots of radiation to the earth, which is helping us as we transition to higher frequencies but they are a little hard on us physically, so get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and pay attention to what your body may be telling you it needs.
Is all of the recent activity changing your connections and relationships? I would be surprised if you told me that it wasn't. The energy around our relationships is changing because our energy is changing, and we're becoming aware of where our energy flows out, as well as what comes back to us. As we become more attuned to our needs and aware of what we are doing with our energy, we are seeing where we give and receive and how those in- and out-flows work. The ones that are not balanced will become more frustrating and we'll start looking at where we can make changes. That's the topic of this week's message.
But that isn’t always what happens. Someone often gives more and sometimes, one person takes and gives nothing back. How do we differentiate between receiving and taking, when do we know it’s time to stop giving and how do we receive from others are all part of the new relationship dynamics now.
The flow of energy in any relationship must be balanced. That doesn’t mean that everyone gives the same amount all of the time, it means that there is a balance in the energy flow so that everyone feels that their inflows and outflows are equivalent (notice I didn’t use the word ‘equal’). No one feels taken advantage of, or that they are giving more than they should or want to, everyone participates and they feel that there is energy sharing going on.
I use the term ‘equivalent’ and not equal because in any relationship, we will give more in those areas where we are more talented or feel stronger. For example, the person who is a good cook will probably do more cooking if the other partner doesn’t cook at all. Or the one who enjoys yard work may do most of the gardening. The one who is the bigger ‘neat freak’ may do more housecleaning if the other person is not as tidy. But when we give to someone who is a ‘taker’ and not a receiver is where we run into problems.
A receiver is someone who is able to return equivalent amounts of energy to the giver so the energy flow is balanced. A taker is someone who does not return any energy to the giver for several reasons — they cannot, don’t want to, don’t believe they can, or don’t know how (it’s usually a combination of these reasons). When confronted with a taker, our first reaction is to give more and more to them until they finally give energy back to us. But that will not happen, and they will continue to take energy until we, in frustration, stop giving. Then they will find another giver. You can’t turn a taker into a receiver, that’s a choice they must make for themselves and it involves a profound transformation that can only be done by a higher power than you.
The problem is not only with the taker, who is limited by beliefs that there is not enough, they are not enough, they don’t have any power, and their issues around self worth, value, and worthiness. The giver often chooses a taker to give to because the giver has issues with receiving, they do not believe in the full value of what they give, and they also have worthiness issues. While they may describe the taker as a vacuum cleaner that sucks up everything, think of what a vacuum cleaner spits out, dust and dirt. Takers do not give back because they do not think they have anything to give, they’re sad, unfulfilled, and they feel inferior although they probably love all of the energy you give and they gladly take from you.
There are two steps to having relationships that are energetically balanced, with equivalent (not necessarily equal) inflows and outflows. The first is to cultivate your own ability to receive. Whether you are a giver or a taker, it is the ability to receive (instead of over giving or taking) that creates the energy imbalances in your relationships. The second step is to cultivate your self worth and deserving.
It is your issues around worthiness and value that prevent you from being a receiver and to constantly give to others that creates the imbalances. And there are power issues at work here too because the person who insists on always being the giver is the one who controls the amount, timing, flow, and direction of the energy in a relationships. Now there’s something to ponder as you consider allowing yourself to receive as well as give, choose partners who can give to you, and learn to enjoy the balance of sharing, partnership, and balanced energy in all of your relationships.
Finally, give with an open heart and without expectations, but balance your giving with a willingness to receive and you will ensure that you are fulfilled and filled full too.
Just a heads up too, we have had very powerful solar flares for the past two weeks, including some of the strongest ever measure (literally, off the charts). So if you have been feeling anxious, confused, out of sorts and off balance, that could be why. These strong solar flares send lots of radiation to the earth, which is helping us as we transition to higher frequencies but they are a little hard on us physically, so get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, and pay attention to what your body may be telling you it needs.
Is all of the recent activity changing your connections and relationships? I would be surprised if you told me that it wasn't. The energy around our relationships is changing because our energy is changing, and we're becoming aware of where our energy flows out, as well as what comes back to us. As we become more attuned to our needs and aware of what we are doing with our energy, we are seeing where we give and receive and how those in- and out-flows work. The ones that are not balanced will become more frustrating and we'll start looking at where we can make changes. That's the topic of this week's message.
The Energy of Give and Take
I notice trends in the kinds of issues that I help everyone with, my clients, facebook friends, radio show callers and others in my life. Lately one big issue has stood out is the imbalances in energy flows in relationships, which we know as giving and receiving. That is what everyone does in a relationship, they give to others and receive from them.But that isn’t always what happens. Someone often gives more and sometimes, one person takes and gives nothing back. How do we differentiate between receiving and taking, when do we know it’s time to stop giving and how do we receive from others are all part of the new relationship dynamics now.
The flow of energy in any relationship must be balanced. That doesn’t mean that everyone gives the same amount all of the time, it means that there is a balance in the energy flow so that everyone feels that their inflows and outflows are equivalent (notice I didn’t use the word ‘equal’). No one feels taken advantage of, or that they are giving more than they should or want to, everyone participates and they feel that there is energy sharing going on.
I use the term ‘equivalent’ and not equal because in any relationship, we will give more in those areas where we are more talented or feel stronger. For example, the person who is a good cook will probably do more cooking if the other partner doesn’t cook at all. Or the one who enjoys yard work may do most of the gardening. The one who is the bigger ‘neat freak’ may do more housecleaning if the other person is not as tidy. But when we give to someone who is a ‘taker’ and not a receiver is where we run into problems.
A receiver is someone who is able to return equivalent amounts of energy to the giver so the energy flow is balanced. A taker is someone who does not return any energy to the giver for several reasons — they cannot, don’t want to, don’t believe they can, or don’t know how (it’s usually a combination of these reasons). When confronted with a taker, our first reaction is to give more and more to them until they finally give energy back to us. But that will not happen, and they will continue to take energy until we, in frustration, stop giving. Then they will find another giver. You can’t turn a taker into a receiver, that’s a choice they must make for themselves and it involves a profound transformation that can only be done by a higher power than you.
The problem is not only with the taker, who is limited by beliefs that there is not enough, they are not enough, they don’t have any power, and their issues around self worth, value, and worthiness. The giver often chooses a taker to give to because the giver has issues with receiving, they do not believe in the full value of what they give, and they also have worthiness issues. While they may describe the taker as a vacuum cleaner that sucks up everything, think of what a vacuum cleaner spits out, dust and dirt. Takers do not give back because they do not think they have anything to give, they’re sad, unfulfilled, and they feel inferior although they probably love all of the energy you give and they gladly take from you.
There are two steps to having relationships that are energetically balanced, with equivalent (not necessarily equal) inflows and outflows. The first is to cultivate your own ability to receive. Whether you are a giver or a taker, it is the ability to receive (instead of over giving or taking) that creates the energy imbalances in your relationships. The second step is to cultivate your self worth and deserving.
It is your issues around worthiness and value that prevent you from being a receiver and to constantly give to others that creates the imbalances. And there are power issues at work here too because the person who insists on always being the giver is the one who controls the amount, timing, flow, and direction of the energy in a relationships. Now there’s something to ponder as you consider allowing yourself to receive as well as give, choose partners who can give to you, and learn to enjoy the balance of sharing, partnership, and balanced energy in all of your relationships.
Finally, give with an open heart and without expectations, but balance your giving with a willingness to receive and you will ensure that you are fulfilled and filled full too.
Saturday, 9 November 2013
Help! this November energy is getting difficult.
Its only 10th November 2013, but I'm starting to unravel in all this energy, I feel bit by bit that my insides are coming out, and my outsides are disintegrating and flying off like space dust.....
I don't want to hold on to the old scene of getting on with what needs doing, I want to just let it all fly and let the energy disintegrate me.
Great visuals.... but my outside world is still full of:
shopping needs doing, food needs cooking, bills need paying, birthdays need arranging, stuff needs washing, things need clearing, people need caring, cat needs feeding, Christmas shopping needs getting, home needs doing, etc. Et etc.
Buses still rolling on, trains, planes and automobiles all still getting people to places, cities still working like humming machines, kids have got to be in school, rent has to be paid....People in offices, hospitals, banks and bars. Bars and supermarkets, shops and tower blocks, street upon street, road upon road... full of people, cafes, restaurants, libraries, building sites, people.
People still being, people. The world goes on. The planet spins around the sun. The light continues, the energies flow, in through the crown, out through the intention of each buzzing live being.
What is happening to each person living out their own play on their own platform, sharing a theatre with millions but each doing their own performance? The stage lights have now been vastly intensified with qualities, vibrations and frequencies that are frazzling our old "stage characters" to the point of extinction. The old stage characters should really have taken a bow and got off the stage by now, but we are still here, saying the same old lines, doing the same old of performance and taking, yet another bow.. We are not sure how or why the show has changed, and how or why, now it requires a deeper, a multidimensional role to be on stage.
The show now requires a more challenging integrity and calls for our ability to channel something deeper of our inner self.
We are required to dig into our inner space, and let that, deeper character, take the spotlight place on stage. We should be leaving aside the old character role, and returning the costume that goes with it, back into Wardrobe.
That we are not fully doing this, is why the intensifying energy may be hurting some of us.
Some lucky old actors are in the 'green room' with cocktails, waiting for the rest of us to catch on.
Here are two channels, posted on Golden Age of Gaia, that I feel offer insight and inspiration.
I don't want to hold on to the old scene of getting on with what needs doing, I want to just let it all fly and let the energy disintegrate me.
Great visuals.... but my outside world is still full of:
shopping needs doing, food needs cooking, bills need paying, birthdays need arranging, stuff needs washing, things need clearing, people need caring, cat needs feeding, Christmas shopping needs getting, home needs doing, etc. Et etc.
Buses still rolling on, trains, planes and automobiles all still getting people to places, cities still working like humming machines, kids have got to be in school, rent has to be paid....People in offices, hospitals, banks and bars. Bars and supermarkets, shops and tower blocks, street upon street, road upon road... full of people, cafes, restaurants, libraries, building sites, people.
People still being, people. The world goes on. The planet spins around the sun. The light continues, the energies flow, in through the crown, out through the intention of each buzzing live being.
What is happening to each person living out their own play on their own platform, sharing a theatre with millions but each doing their own performance? The stage lights have now been vastly intensified with qualities, vibrations and frequencies that are frazzling our old "stage characters" to the point of extinction. The old stage characters should really have taken a bow and got off the stage by now, but we are still here, saying the same old lines, doing the same old of performance and taking, yet another bow.. We are not sure how or why the show has changed, and how or why, now it requires a deeper, a multidimensional role to be on stage.
The show now requires a more challenging integrity and calls for our ability to channel something deeper of our inner self.
We are required to dig into our inner space, and let that, deeper character, take the spotlight place on stage. We should be leaving aside the old character role, and returning the costume that goes with it, back into Wardrobe.
That we are not fully doing this, is why the intensifying energy may be hurting some of us.
Some lucky old actors are in the 'green room' with cocktails, waiting for the rest of us to catch on.
Here are two channels, posted on Golden Age of Gaia, that I feel offer insight and inspiration.
Pleiades High Council via Anna Merkaba: Nov 1-16 – Cell Resonance and Restructuring
Posted by Alice C
Pleiades High Council: Nov 1-16 – Cell Resonance and Restructuring, channeled by Anna Merkaba, November 4, 2013 at

Saint Germain via Méline Lafont: The Collective Choice and Energy Update – A Shift within a Shift, within a Shift
Posted by Alice C


Saint Germain: The Collective Choice and Energy Update – A Shift within a Shift, within a Shift, channeled by Méline Lafont, November 8, 2013 at
Number synchronicity fans may be interested in this, snipped from my blog overview as I completed this post.
Number synchronicity fans may be interested in this, snipped from my blog overview as I completed this post.
Wednesday, 6 November 2013
The sword and the Chalice workshop. I am looking forward to this upcoming workshop with william Bloom.
The universe is made of energy. So are we. We influence it and it influences us. The purpose of this weekend is to demystify and clarify precisely how this process happens, so that we can work safely and creatively with these subtle dynamics — to...
Monday, 4 November 2013
Astrologically, a gift of insight from Sarah Varcas. She writes so beautifully and gifts us with insights that can really help, especially at this potent time.
......"at this time we may well feel like an explosion waiting to happen, a lifetime of frustration concentrated into this tiny body of flesh, blood and bone."
I know it is a lot, but reading the following will help in navigating through all the tumultuous suppressed thoughts and feelings that maybe bubbling around in your depths at the moments.
I suspect that if you are like me, and if anything like how I was feeling last night, is raising like deep inner icebergs in the night to crash into your outer-life's ship, then reading this will be like rescue life- boats with spot lights. They won't stop the icebergs from raising but it is always good to have the spot lights on in the dark of a huge life-ship/ iceberg collision.
Thank you Sarah.
I know it is a lot, but reading the following will help in navigating through all the tumultuous suppressed thoughts and feelings that maybe bubbling around in your depths at the moments.
I suspect that if you are like me, and if anything like how I was feeling last night, is raising like deep inner icebergs in the night to crash into your outer-life's ship, then reading this will be like rescue life- boats with spot lights. They won't stop the icebergs from raising but it is always good to have the spot lights on in the dark of a huge life-ship/ iceberg collision.
Thank you Sarah.
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Friday, 1 November 2013
Halloween. The day of the dead. Lady death. Return of the Goddess (part three)
The Day of the Dead in Mexico is a beautiful celebration of the dancing partners life and death. Colourful and quixotic, it is a scary carnival that calls to us all.
It is in honour of the dead and the fact that all life succumbs to its end of cycle. Altars are made to honour the dead and Lady Death is revered for her presence in our own lives.
If death is perceived as Female, then the acknowledgement of her presence and power is also the function of fear. Fear of the 'female power' in death.
This I feel is the nature of the Distortion that I wrote about in Part two. The fear of Death is to wrongly feel the need to overpower others. Whether it is a man-made distortion, with its basis in fear and ignorance, or, the distortion was an intervention with non human origins (off planet enemies, or dark angels) it was used to disempower both genders, creating both slave masters and slaves of mankind.
A human slave master is too, enslaved by the bonds in which they tie their slaves.
To be alive is to know that we are in this dance of life and death. To acknowledge the aspect of death in the dance, and to truly embody it, empowers us. Much of what has happened concerning the disconnection from the feminine may have something to do with the fear of Death. If the female energy is the yielding, the silence, the moon, the opposite of action, death to life, the yin to the yang, than it may explain why humans have sought to remove it from their consciousness. The fear of death cuts us off then from the fullness of life, so that we are only half participating. Perhaps this explains the slavery, and disempowerment of the female nature (that specifically falls into the domain of women) and of all natures and qualities that are associated with the feminine.
Yin is aligned to female nature, the negative electron force, the earth and moon. It umbrellas the qualities of passivity, receptivity, intuition, fluidity, softness and yielding. Yang is masculine in nature and encompasses heaven and the sun. The qualities of action, creation, intellect, stability hardness and aggression are attributed to Yang.
These energies as manifested by the earths occupants, perhaps explains the denigration of the female nature as a response by the male nature in its yearning to be the only power, that of being 'alive' and in so doing, it negates the fullness of being in the dance.
The arrogance and dominance of the yang, as acted out by humans, may have evolved into the perceived desirable "Life above death, at all costs". This acts as a cutting off from the balancing power of the 'death partner', that, when we do not embrace as Ours, keeps us in total fear of the ultimate- "death". This ultimate fear does not surface often, it is shown mainly in fear based acts, thoughts and patterns of behaviour.
Being so afraid, and keeping it hidden and displaced, means that death becomes a shadow. It sinks into something that creeps along in the undergrowth, waiting to trip you, and attack you, pulling you down, suffocating your breathe and drag you down into earth, into living hell.
On the subject of the Day of the Dead, these links offer features on Lady Death, both very interesting.
Halloween is, in the west, our version of becoming open to the scaries, that we think dwell in our imaginations only. Getting down with the gruesome: a party of Werewolves, Frankensteins, demons and devils, witches and ghosts, mummies and a whole cast of semi related dead stuff. It is our Day of the Dead. But sadly this has no substance or serves no cultural purpose, other than feeding the disease of consumer-it is, by buying sweets and fancy dress costumes.
Halloween however is more than this. It is the time when the veil become thin, we can access the Energy of "death".
However, as we have created these, the 'dead and death' into "hells of nightmares", they are Our BIG "NO GO AREAS".
They are avoided, and we construct life scenarios devoid of the blatantly obvious. The big white elephant in the room.
Death and the dead are simply separated and dissected from Life. This then must include the other "deeper elements of the divine Feminine" which continue to remain a mystery.
The dissection and separation of these element of death in our life culture seems to be as proficient as if taken out by a surgeon and his knife. It kind of reminds me of basic genetic engineering that secondary school children are taught at school, whereby the enzyme Ligase is used to cut a piece of DNA out of a longer thread of genetic material. Then the cut out piece containing the required gene coding is transferred into a host cell. It seems like there is a relation between the DNA segments being removed, and then mass production of the resulting harvest, or altered cells, and us having half of entirety cut out. The piece cut out being, our knowledge of the feminine aspect of death, a full half of the entirety of the life/death dance.
Is there a connection? Is the fact that we are still only currently functioning on a small percent of Known genetic material, and the rest appears to "dormant" or junk, related to the fact that we are operating at half mast, with our recognition of the divine feminine within us, a full half of our entirety, not even at a nursey (kindergarten)level of understanding. I digress, again.
The Feminine Energy is a multifaceted power that is like a tapestry of interwoven fabrics, of different colours and threads. We have become deaf and blind to its more empowering aspects, and it is those empowering aspects that lay waiting for us to re-engage with. It has to be as simple as that.
The return of the Goddess, Deva, Kali, Venus, the divine feminine, the holy Spirit, Shatki, Lady Death, the mother energy, Mother earth and all the female energies that we have knowledge of, are all aspects of the energy of Feminine Power, not power over others, but the power of life and the power of death, in the life/death dance. We need to empower ourselves and each generation, with some knowledge over the fear of death, and the knowledge that within us is the balance of both feminine and masculine energy which when combined brings us power in life and in death.
How we access 'this return' and embodying its power is entirely up to us.
It is there as it always has been, we can just step into it as we go about the business of being alive.
Use and refine your qualities of intuition and trust, and relinquish the hold you have on fear ('fear' is not holding onto you), let go of the reigns, let go and let God.
I am just putting it OUT THERE into the collective consciousness, if it resonates with you, fine, if not, that's fine too.
My daughter, loves the Halloween scene. She created a Scary skeleton/Victorian doll costume. It reminded me of the 'Day of the Dead' celebrations in Mexico.
She fully embraces the "dark" and she is fully involved with her life. At her Halloween sleepover last night, she and friends discussed, life and death, in full confidence and without caring if they had facts right, they allowed their thoughts and words to flow intuitively. A real feminine energy. They are all 11 years old. Perhaps The Goddess is returning after all.
The Goddess returns (part two). The female aspect of God.
XY sex-determination system
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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The XY sex-determination system is the sex-determination system found in humans, most other mammals, some insects (Drosophila), and some plants (Ginkgo). In this system, the sex of an individual is determined by a pair of sex chromosomes (gonosomes). Females have two of the same kind of sex chromosome (XX), and are called the homogametic sex. Males have two distinct sex chromosomes (XY), and are called the heterogametic sex.
A more interesting article, that shows how truly close male and females chromosomes actually are, can be found here: ychromosome.html
PS. When I write about the masculine energy and female energy, I am not saying Men, and Women, per se, it is just that, Experience of being a woman is predominantly within the realms of the feminine energy, and experience of being a man is predominantly within the realms of a masculine, testosterone fuelled energy. Remember we have, in past lives experience of being both.
So 'Y' are we incarnated to be different?
To provide a duality within the one, perhaps?
To reflect a microcosm of the blend of the macrocosm, the 'feminine and masculine' aspects or energies of God, the All That is?
Or simply to provide enough variation to enhance the plan to create infinite diverse creations?
They are all saying the same thing.
So why was the female aspect of God, booted out of our consciousness, leaving us with a single sexed Power over all?
To "live in duality and separation from 'divine self', that God part of our self, and therefore from God," ,or "Not", that is the question.
Why did we choose this? Why did we choose to be born into human bondage? Interesting questions. Why would we choose to forget we are divine aspects of God, only to go through many human lives in order to remember?
Which story of creation are you hooked into? The Adam and Eve, plus snake story is quite a blockbuster creation story. Its amazing that Hollywood hasn't made it. The female Eve, the baddy, here, takes a bite of forbidden and is enabled to see the amazing things that she couldn't before and then the male, Adam, succumbs to her bidding, to take a bite also. Then, the god of that story, exiles them, out of the garden of Eden and down, (the fall from grace) onto the cold but beautiful earth. Where it seems the female then had to endure, punishment forever.
What if this version of the creation story, created by man, was the 'only' sense that could be made of how mankind came to be. It also covers many themes, the powerful group, knowing that in order to maintain control of the inhabitants of earth, could only succeed by promoting a programme that systematically disabled the 'Power' of each individual should they learn of the true male/female blending within them, that was a reflection of the All That is. Once disabled by successfully killing any honour or respect or alignment that an individual has to his or her own divine feminine aspect, by specifically degrading "all aspects considered of feminine energy", then that individual can become easily led, canon fodder, slave meat, and today, constant consumers of stuff that we are brain washed into needing. Same old story, difference clothes.
So who were the "Powers" at the time and why did they Need to maintain control over mankind by imposing these awful programmes of slavery. And Why Did God Let Them?
Lets revisit the story of Adam and Eve.
The 'Wise old God' of that story, really was allowing its own Godhead to experience and grow, by taking on the natures of opposites, that in this story, manifests as the human forms of Adam and Eve. Really it is much more than that, it is all myriad aspects of the divine Feminine energy and its dual opposite but complementary, divine masculine energy, which need to exist together. They complement and enlighten eachother, one cannot exist without the other for long without becoming distorted.
But God knew that. God, wanted to experience the duality, and ultimate the imbalance which would occur, as we Humans (with God experiencing through us), were left to our own devices.
Just imagine, the growth that comes from such imbalance, The fertiliser for growth, was something that God was open to and we being the fingers of Gods hands, would not fail to bring that about.
So what was that something, that, the masculine energy, or male nature was so inclined to move out of balance for and go into distortion. What was it that it felt it needed, and could only obtain specifically by denying the female nature. Was it dominance over life itself?
A distortion came into being, was it 'man made' or was it initiated by outside influences (Satan, Lucifer, the devil, Or, an Alien agenda, which saw man as easily led and highly suggestible and so were able to influence and overpower humanity into the distortion. These theories are all easy to access).
Without distortion, struggles of polarity and duality should really flow through with acceptance. However we perceive it to have originated, a distortion or imbalance came about and we experienced it as humanity on earth.
How did that distortion come about?
Do we need to understand this in order to form rebalance?
Is the distortion in retreat, or is it being concluded into completion as we speak?
Are we presently in the process of moving back, oscillating in a return to balance?
What, then, is the factor to kick start that resumption of balance?
How can we return to balance and continue in the upward spiral of evolution?
Maybe we need the natural kick back of the Feminine energy aspect known as Kali. The goddess of destruction. Maybe individually we need to experience our Kali Energy. Maybe this explains the undercurrents of the anger or disruptive energies that females have to experience to destroy the imbalance that it has endured.
Kali, the destructive feminine energy who blows through like a tsunami, a hurricane, a 'Natural' Act of God, to obliterate all that dishonours the integrity of the female and all its aspects.
This energy is something the female has trussed up inside her, and usually resists its flow outwards, so that it becomes internalised and self destructive. This anger, then becomes self mutilating and acquiesces to the barrage of anti- female empowerment. Maybe finally it is set free, unleashed from where we internalised, this power that the masculine nature, was in fear of.
Maybe this was the fail-safe mechanism that was put in place to ensure that we did not over stay our time in the Imbalance, for too long, just long enough to find growth.
How do we resume the balance by welcoming back the Goddess nature?
To be continued.
A more interesting article, that shows how truly close male and females chromosomes actually are, can be found here:
PS. When I write about the masculine energy and female energy, I am not saying Men, and Women, per se, it is just that, Experience of being a woman is predominantly within the realms of the feminine energy, and experience of being a man is predominantly within the realms of a masculine, testosterone fuelled energy. Remember we have, in past lives experience of being both.
So 'Y' are we incarnated to be different?
To provide a duality within the one, perhaps?
To reflect a microcosm of the blend of the macrocosm, the 'feminine and masculine' aspects or energies of God, the All That is?
Or simply to provide enough variation to enhance the plan to create infinite diverse creations?
They are all saying the same thing.
So why was the female aspect of God, booted out of our consciousness, leaving us with a single sexed Power over all?
To "live in duality and separation from 'divine self', that God part of our self, and therefore from God," ,or "Not", that is the question.
Why did we choose this? Why did we choose to be born into human bondage? Interesting questions. Why would we choose to forget we are divine aspects of God, only to go through many human lives in order to remember?
Which story of creation are you hooked into? The Adam and Eve, plus snake story is quite a blockbuster creation story. Its amazing that Hollywood hasn't made it. The female Eve, the baddy, here, takes a bite of forbidden and is enabled to see the amazing things that she couldn't before and then the male, Adam, succumbs to her bidding, to take a bite also. Then, the god of that story, exiles them, out of the garden of Eden and down, (the fall from grace) onto the cold but beautiful earth. Where it seems the female then had to endure, punishment forever.
What if this version of the creation story, created by man, was the 'only' sense that could be made of how mankind came to be. It also covers many themes, the powerful group, knowing that in order to maintain control of the inhabitants of earth, could only succeed by promoting a programme that systematically disabled the 'Power' of each individual should they learn of the true male/female blending within them, that was a reflection of the All That is. Once disabled by successfully killing any honour or respect or alignment that an individual has to his or her own divine feminine aspect, by specifically degrading "all aspects considered of feminine energy", then that individual can become easily led, canon fodder, slave meat, and today, constant consumers of stuff that we are brain washed into needing. Same old story, difference clothes.
So who were the "Powers" at the time and why did they Need to maintain control over mankind by imposing these awful programmes of slavery. And Why Did God Let Them?
Lets revisit the story of Adam and Eve.
The 'Wise old God' of that story, really was allowing its own Godhead to experience and grow, by taking on the natures of opposites, that in this story, manifests as the human forms of Adam and Eve. Really it is much more than that, it is all myriad aspects of the divine Feminine energy and its dual opposite but complementary, divine masculine energy, which need to exist together. They complement and enlighten eachother, one cannot exist without the other for long without becoming distorted.
But God knew that. God, wanted to experience the duality, and ultimate the imbalance which would occur, as we Humans (with God experiencing through us), were left to our own devices.
Just imagine, the growth that comes from such imbalance, The fertiliser for growth, was something that God was open to and we being the fingers of Gods hands, would not fail to bring that about.
So what was that something, that, the masculine energy, or male nature was so inclined to move out of balance for and go into distortion. What was it that it felt it needed, and could only obtain specifically by denying the female nature. Was it dominance over life itself?
A distortion came into being, was it 'man made' or was it initiated by outside influences (Satan, Lucifer, the devil, Or, an Alien agenda, which saw man as easily led and highly suggestible and so were able to influence and overpower humanity into the distortion. These theories are all easy to access).
Without distortion, struggles of polarity and duality should really flow through with acceptance. However we perceive it to have originated, a distortion or imbalance came about and we experienced it as humanity on earth.
How did that distortion come about?
Do we need to understand this in order to form rebalance?
Is the distortion in retreat, or is it being concluded into completion as we speak?
Are we presently in the process of moving back, oscillating in a return to balance?
What, then, is the factor to kick start that resumption of balance?
How can we return to balance and continue in the upward spiral of evolution?
Maybe we need the natural kick back of the Feminine energy aspect known as Kali. The goddess of destruction. Maybe individually we need to experience our Kali Energy. Maybe this explains the undercurrents of the anger or disruptive energies that females have to experience to destroy the imbalance that it has endured.
Kali, the destructive feminine energy who blows through like a tsunami, a hurricane, a 'Natural' Act of God, to obliterate all that dishonours the integrity of the female and all its aspects.
This energy is something the female has trussed up inside her, and usually resists its flow outwards, so that it becomes internalised and self destructive. This anger, then becomes self mutilating and acquiesces to the barrage of anti- female empowerment. Maybe finally it is set free, unleashed from where we internalised, this power that the masculine nature, was in fear of.
Maybe this was the fail-safe mechanism that was put in place to ensure that we did not over stay our time in the Imbalance, for too long, just long enough to find growth.
How do we resume the balance by welcoming back the Goddess nature?
To be continued.
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