Wednesday, 29 January 2014
The Secret of Kells (AMV) | Talisman ft. Elena - Aisling's Song....I finally got to watch a film I recieved at Christmas. I managed to find youtube clips to share.
Aisling is a fairy.
translation of her song. She is singing to Pangur Ban, the cat, and there is magic going on... so beautiful.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Inspirational, two messages that tie it all up. There is some science but its all good!
The first message contains:
"Slowly this DNA field of yours will come back into calibration, but with a different Human nature template. It's one that is enhanced and ready for things beyond the old energy."
"Slowly this DNA field of yours will come back into calibration, but with a different Human nature template. It's one that is enhanced and ready for things beyond the old energy."
Michaela ( thought you would like to see this page from the Spirit Library web site.
Michaela wrote:
Lee Carroll / Kryon
Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. It is December of 2013, but it seems like only a moment ago when we faced you and thousands of old souls around the planet and told you to "hold on".
The second message contains:
"You have a very unusual opportunity in front of you, because when this changes direction it moves and releases your magnetic pull from the sun for a short time as it goes to zero point. When it goes to zero point, which is happening very quickly, that is a magical time of balance on planet Earth."
michaela ( thought you would like to see this page from the Spirit Library web site.
michaela wrote:
Steve Rother / Lightworker
I am eM and I am here because you have changed this planet. You have already shifted every single part of it and now you are starting to acclimate into a new world.
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
The Importance of Grounding. It has been an intense and rather chaotic beginning to the year of 2014! The recent full moon in Cancer/Capricorn and the run of powerful solar flares has meant that everyone has been feeling the power of the energies.
It's not often that I get complete explanations for any of those "what on earth is going on with me?" situations.
Since Friday's Moon in Cancer, I have been really miserable. I have been trying to explain it to myself as delayed anti-climax, you know after the Christmas and New Year intensities. The delay was due to having immediate commitments to get one of us, to a daily grind of pantomime rehearsals and performances, that have kept some of us in this house, on a continuous adrenalin buzz and also the rest of us having to deal with the fallout.
I'm not complaining, I say if you have a passion and love doing something, then you are indeed a very lucky person when you get those opportunities, I will do what I can to help that person in their quest for self realisation. (Hmmmm. Panto, not my thing really. But a mother tries. )
HOWEVER dragging a pre-teenage girl home, very late each night, after each performance in the chorus, of these theatrical luvvies, can start to wear thin as you deal with tiredness, stroppiness, dramas, and tears. Oh and teenage friendships, bonding, finding and experiencing themselves in each new scenario...And then getting them up for school.......
So the onslaught of not quite being allowed to have downtime after Christmas and take stock of all that had just taken place. AND allowing the final pieces of grief for my brother to fall like snow flakes onto my face. AND add to that the train load of fatigue that keeps dumping on me so that, quite literally, I cant drag myself to get back on track, or to navigate myself into creating my new life. COMBINED, was beginning to get me down.
There were other intense scenarios being played out, (but I can't report every thing here that goes on in my life) so instead of creating new things, for my new life in the new world, I am still evidently in the same old, same old place.
I want my energy to explore what it is, and what is my passion. I want to discover the thing that makes my heart sing. But I was so preoccupied with a few intensive same old, same old, programmes that I wasn't getting a glimmer of joy anywhere, I was miserable. Why. What's Up With Me?
I had got stuck in a space between, not being able to create and just getting churned up in the same old behaviour misery patterns, out of tiredness, that I really thought I had cleared.
So yes here, again, I would like to share a post that fell in front of me, after meditation for clarification about the miserable grumpiness I was in the middle of.
I share this in the hope that it may explain something for someone else out there.
Since Friday's Moon in Cancer, I have been really miserable. I have been trying to explain it to myself as delayed anti-climax, you know after the Christmas and New Year intensities. The delay was due to having immediate commitments to get one of us, to a daily grind of pantomime rehearsals and performances, that have kept some of us in this house, on a continuous adrenalin buzz and also the rest of us having to deal with the fallout.
I'm not complaining, I say if you have a passion and love doing something, then you are indeed a very lucky person when you get those opportunities, I will do what I can to help that person in their quest for self realisation. (Hmmmm. Panto, not my thing really. But a mother tries. )
HOWEVER dragging a pre-teenage girl home, very late each night, after each performance in the chorus, of these theatrical luvvies, can start to wear thin as you deal with tiredness, stroppiness, dramas, and tears. Oh and teenage friendships, bonding, finding and experiencing themselves in each new scenario...And then getting them up for school.......
So the onslaught of not quite being allowed to have downtime after Christmas and take stock of all that had just taken place. AND allowing the final pieces of grief for my brother to fall like snow flakes onto my face. AND add to that the train load of fatigue that keeps dumping on me so that, quite literally, I cant drag myself to get back on track, or to navigate myself into creating my new life. COMBINED, was beginning to get me down.
There were other intense scenarios being played out, (but I can't report every thing here that goes on in my life) so instead of creating new things, for my new life in the new world, I am still evidently in the same old, same old place.
I want my energy to explore what it is, and what is my passion. I want to discover the thing that makes my heart sing. But I was so preoccupied with a few intensive same old, same old, programmes that I wasn't getting a glimmer of joy anywhere, I was miserable. Why. What's Up With Me?
I had got stuck in a space between, not being able to create and just getting churned up in the same old behaviour misery patterns, out of tiredness, that I really thought I had cleared.
So yes here, again, I would like to share a post that fell in front of me, after meditation for clarification about the miserable grumpiness I was in the middle of.
I share this in the hope that it may explain something for someone else out there.
Celia Fenn: The Bridge… Crossing to a New Reality.
Posted by Janice Collins
The Bridge……Crossing to a New Reality. by Celia Fenn, January 20, 2014 at:
20th January 2014 : The Importance of Grounding. It has been an intense and rather chaotic beginning to the year of 2014! The recent full moon in Cancer/Capricorn and the run of powerful solar flares has meant that everyone has been feeling the power of the energies.
Added to this is the coming “online” of the new energies of nature that Archangel Michael has spoken about, the powerful elemental earth energies that are forging a new relationship between humanity and the environment. It is indeed a time of exciting and intense change.
Most of the questions that I get from people are about how to cope with these powerful energies. The answer is always twofold… awake and aware and know what is going on, and be fully grounded, which I guess is really the same thing!
So, briefly, let’s look at why the energies have been feeling so intense. Firstly…the sun. We are in a period that is called “solar maximum” when the sun is continually releasing powerful solar flares towards the earth. In metaphysical terms, this is the release of Solar Light Codes or information that is absorbed into the earth and into the body and light body of all living beings.
If your light body is fully activated to the solar level, this information is absorbed into your light body and transmitted into your physical body via the pituitary gland and the meridian system. When these light code waves are particularly strong, then it can cause turbulence in your own body system. This is because the galactic human system is designed to ground these energies or run them into the earth grids. The galactic human or new human is a bridge between the different levels and dimensions.
This only works well when the person is grounded and can allow the energy to flow through them and into the earth where it is absorbed and used by the earth. When you are not well grounded, then you get what is known as “ascension symptoms”. The intense energy cannot be grounded and it simply circulates within your energy system, activating any and all patterns that you might be holding at that level.
Most common is that the energy feeds into the second and third chakras, the levels of the emotional and mental and you begin to create “old patterns”. I hear many people saying “I thought I had cleared this but it came up again!”. Well, yes you had cleared it but it was reactivated by the intense energy, not because it needed to be cleared again and again and again, but because this energy is intensely creative and absolutely needs to create. So if you are not creating anything new then it will simply create the old again and again.
So, it really is up to us to start new creations and begin to ground these new creations. The energy is here to support us, but we need to step into this new reality and this new relationship with nature. When you see old patterns coming up, why not simply say no and move on, don’t give them energy, move on to something new and ground the energy in a new creation and not the same old same old. Again.
It simply is that with our history of 20th century psychology, we seem to imagine that we need to heal and process for ever. Actually, in the new reality we need to accept that if we focus into the present moment….the Now….then the past is not an issue. We don’t need to recreate it again and we simpy say no if we see it coming. We do have choices. But we have to be awake and aware of what we are creating in order to make those choices.
In this way we can step into the full power of the new galactic human template and enjoy the intense creative power of the Solar Light Codes as they are received on the earth. But we do have to make sure that the energy is not “stuck” in the emotional and mental patterns of the past and is allowed to flow into new creations and new realities.
20th January 2014 : The Importance of Grounding. It has been an intense and rather chaotic beginning to the year of 2014! The recent full moon in Cancer/Capricorn and the run of powerful solar flares has meant that everyone has been feeling the power of the energies.
Added to this is the coming “online” of the new energies of nature that Archangel Michael has spoken about, the powerful elemental earth energies that are forging a new relationship between humanity and the environment. It is indeed a time of exciting and intense change.
Most of the questions that I get from people are about how to cope with these powerful energies. The answer is always twofold… awake and aware and know what is going on, and be fully grounded, which I guess is really the same thing!
So, briefly, let’s look at why the energies have been feeling so intense. Firstly…the sun. We are in a period that is called “solar maximum” when the sun is continually releasing powerful solar flares towards the earth. In metaphysical terms, this is the release of Solar Light Codes or information that is absorbed into the earth and into the body and light body of all living beings.
If your light body is fully activated to the solar level, this information is absorbed into your light body and transmitted into your physical body via the pituitary gland and the meridian system. When these light code waves are particularly strong, then it can cause turbulence in your own body system. This is because the galactic human system is designed to ground these energies or run them into the earth grids. The galactic human or new human is a bridge between the different levels and dimensions.
This only works well when the person is grounded and can allow the energy to flow through them and into the earth where it is absorbed and used by the earth. When you are not well grounded, then you get what is known as “ascension symptoms”. The intense energy cannot be grounded and it simply circulates within your energy system, activating any and all patterns that you might be holding at that level.
Most common is that the energy feeds into the second and third chakras, the levels of the emotional and mental and you begin to create “old patterns”. I hear many people saying “I thought I had cleared this but it came up again!”. Well, yes you had cleared it but it was reactivated by the intense energy, not because it needed to be cleared again and again and again, but because this energy is intensely creative and absolutely needs to create. So if you are not creating anything new then it will simply create the old again and again.
So, it really is up to us to start new creations and begin to ground these new creations. The energy is here to support us, but we need to step into this new reality and this new relationship with nature. When you see old patterns coming up, why not simply say no and move on, don’t give them energy, move on to something new and ground the energy in a new creation and not the same old same old. Again.
It simply is that with our history of 20th century psychology, we seem to imagine that we need to heal and process for ever. Actually, in the new reality we need to accept that if we focus into the present moment….the Now….then the past is not an issue. We don’t need to recreate it again and we simpy say no if we see it coming. We do have choices. But we have to be awake and aware of what we are creating in order to make those choices.
In this way we can step into the full power of the new galactic human template and enjoy the intense creative power of the Solar Light Codes as they are received on the earth. But we do have to make sure that the energy is not “stuck” in the emotional and mental patterns of the past and is allowed to flow into new creations and new realities.
So, with all this happy “Sun Dancing” that we have been doing, we have also been doing a Moon Dance with the energies. The full moon in Cancer was particularly potent at this time of high Solar activity because it was in Cancer….a water moon. Water moons activate the flow of emotions and feelings, especially around the home and family. So, in the last few days you may have felt an intense energy around these areas. It’s creative energy and feeling energy. You may have felt weepy and ready to cry at anything! You may have felt intense loneliness or anger or any amount of feelings. Yes…celebrate that you are reconnecting with your feelings.
In the old reality we became so immersed in “mental” pop culture on TV and media that we were often unable to disntinguish what we were really feeling and what we were being urged to feel by mind control through media. Now, as we wake up, we start to own our own feelings, and these can be very intense at times. They are meant to be. It is only the numb controlled “feelings” that have no intensity. We are learning to be ok with intensity and not allowing it to become dysfunctional or aggressive. Rather, celebrate the power that flows through these feelings!
In the new reality we need to be strong and grounded. We are masters of light and solar warriors. We have to make choices all the time and we are creating at every moment! The new elemental energy of the “Spirit of the Forest” is seeking to work with us, to create and manifest on the earth level, and to bring into form new creations that will carry the imprint of divine creative intelligence and the new Light Codes.
It is an exciting, powerful and challenging time on planet earth as we head into the New and knowing that we are creating the new with every choice that we make!
Peaceful...... GUIDED MEDITATION Remove Negative Blocks Automatically Quiet The Mind Li...
GUIDED MEDITATION Remove Negative Blocks Automatically Quiet The Mind Li...
Click on this link and settle down and relax with this meditation tool.
Click on this link and settle down and relax with this meditation tool.
Friday, 17 January 2014
Using the Violet flame.
For all those who are unfamiliar with the Violet flame, it is a transmuting flame that heals all situations and relationships, past and present. St Germaine is an Ascended master who has brought the violet flame to earth for us to use. We should have confidence and trust in the Violet flame, to "torch" and heal at the core, all events, situations and relationships.
click on the word 'Embed' (below) to link to the Blogtalk radio broadcast.
There will be intros to the channel by the the radio host, followed by a meditation to bring you to space in which you can listen with your heart.
Heavenly Blessings ~ St. Germaine Discusses Energy Healing, Part Two
Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon continue the discussion with Saint Germaine on the topic of energy healing. Last week we got started on this fascinating aspect of the state of human consciousness that we'll expand on further. We've reached another level of our energy work that may require a bit of a mind-stretch to embrace, but only as far as we find it challenging to relax our perceptions about what's possible.
Saint Germaine has offered to return so we can open the lines for callers that didn't get through last week. He's also asked for listener feedback on our own work with the Violet Flame. Tune in for another fascinating discussion...
Your participation and calls are welcome!
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Listen live each Tuesday morning at 10:00am by calling in or clicking on the show link that appears at the start of the show. A recorded archive and description will be available after the show.
Saint Germaine has offered to return so we can open the lines for callers that didn't get through last week. He's also asked for listener feedback on our own work with the Violet Flame. Tune in for another fascinating discussion...
Your participation and calls are welcome!
Music: Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun
Listen live each Tuesday morning at 10:00am by calling in or clicking on the show link that appears at the start of the show. A recorded archive and description will be available after the show.
Broadcast in Spirituality
Tuesday, 14 January 2014
Managing your creations.
Everything in our life is from a place of our own creation. Mostly when we feel overwhelmed by "issues" that we create, firstly we don't realise that we are, in fact, the originators of them, and secondly, they were and continue to be, created through the "colour or type" of energy we hold at that time.
It helps to remember that nothing created is without merit, meaning or purpose. So that everything that presents itself as a "problem", "issue", "recurring nightmare" or cyclical relationship type is just a mirror back to us showing us the colour or type of energy that we hold. If that "colour or type" of event in our lives is getting us down, than we work hard to lighten or heighten the energy we hold, and examine the thoughts and beliefs that lay the foundations to what we create.
It is not easy at this stage to examine "consciously" and to objectively pick through each thought to discern our colour, mainly because the colour of our thoughts has formed the lens through which we view the world.
However this could be the only way to stop our individual story from repeating its message, perhaps the message is not what we like, but it is a message that we are sending out from ourselves to ourselves and one which mirrors outwardly, the inner situation.
This following message from Veronica, channelled by April Crawford suggests that we lean into the bothersome "creation" to see what it can tell us about ourselves.
A New Message From VERONICA
The Seeds of Growth
"Earthly experiences often may feel limiting. What has been created by you in the physical environment can become distorted. This can leave the most advanced soull wondering what went wrong. It can, however, be extremely difficult to find what actually went right in the creation, instead of lamenting the negative.
Look deep within yourself to locate the true intent, while appreciating the seeds of growth that have been planted there. Redirect your focus upon the growth of the seeds so that you may nurture the lesson being presented.
Do not let the barrage of negative feelings that surround the lesson confuse your thoughts. Examine truthfully and attempt to bring balance to the energy. You may find the thread that will lead you to the beauty. Of course one must allow themselves to look closely enough.
Lifting the distortion is not easy. One must be willing to be bold and persistent. Decide to be balanced and clear while participating in any lesson.
Clarity will follow when one looks at the whole picture. Keep focused in your soul to achieve the best results.
The Earth Plane can be difficult, however, you are an eternal being. The magnificence of your energy can achieve anything. Transfer that energy to this experience. It just might work!"
Monday, 13 January 2014
Another channelled message to share. Obviously, use discernment as to whether you resonate with the contents of this message.
Have you been feeling a bit crabby these past days and weeks.........
I am loving these messages from Aisha North. Click on the link to venture to her blog.
I am loving these messages from Aisha North. Click on the link to venture to her blog.
New post on aisha north |
Sunday, 12 January 2014
Old days, new days. Now. Soon to be then. Time. It has been a very surreal year.
Today, 12th Jan 2014, is the first anniversary of my brother Peter's death. One year ago I had been reeling from the sadness of watching him as he declined in agony until he died . My life had for those weeks been transported into a very special, strange, surreal painting of sadness that had existed only in the now. Every single now moment hurt in its own pain. The year that followed was a blur of being, as I was asked to relieve and heal great sadness in my heart, not only for my brother but in the way of ancestral healing and my own multidimensional wounds.
The way to do this was stepping out of the world for some part each day, and to turn inward toward my inner journey of soul release. I only got to the graveside maybe three times this year. The last time was spent time playing with a woodland theme. This was first time in eons that I felt like "playing"....I got a solar lights Owl, and Two small birds. I covered the grave with stones, pebbles and shells taken from our home town in Ireland, collected over the years. I bordered the grave with off cut branches taken from my favourite Copper tree. It was a way to create and play. to find a surreal piece of joy in something that was so sad.
Today I went to spend time with my brother and revisit my woodland theme, I can actually see him laughing at my creation. And it actually makes me smile when I see it.
Christmas 2013, this is the first Christmas after his death. It was strange.
I miss him being around.
But as ever there is always something going on, stuff to do, people to arrange, things to get done and cats to feed.
I am the same person, but I have changed. I am strong.
Much stronger than ever before...but with a softer edge.
My role as mother is still there, just as mad as ever.
I am Healer and artist and all the other things such as shopper, cook, cleaner, cat carer, Parent watcher, partner, friend, writer. All things are aspects in the bigger picture of ME.
I just want to share with all who have had difficult challenges this year and who are still feeling a bit numb, and hurt, or fragile and vulnerable. YOU too will emerge, to find a space to play.
Just love this channelled message. As with all channellings, you are asked to use discernment. If anything does not resonate with you, than it is wise to place that on hold until either it does, or a clearer picture unfolds, bringing clarity to something that otherwise does not make sense.
Archangel Michael: Swept Away in a Tsunami of Love – Part 2/2
Posted by Steve Beckow
(Continued from Part 1.)
None of this disappears, dear friends. It is not a title or a job description that you are given for a brief period of time. It was a piece of information, insight into the clarity and the purpose, the makeup, the essence of who you are. And in that, might I say to each and every one of you, whether you realize it, whether you always consistently see it or not, you are magnificent.
The channel, Linda, has skipped something that I would like to add to this conversation about channeling and what it means. It is not only our opportunity, our joyous opportunity, to speak and to communicate with you, it is also a gift to us. It is a gift, a joy, a pleasure to be able to reach you in this way, during this time of transition, where perhaps you do not always hear us with your auditory or telepathic receptors as clearly as we would like you to. Because our desire, dear heart, is to communicate with you, clearly, concisely, and to touch your heart, to open your heart and to allow you to know, not in a general way but in a very deeply personal way, how much you are loved, how deeply you are valued.
And through this medium, through these conversations that we have, both here on this platform and yes, on the blog platform, we are able to do that. And we are also able, telepathically, spiritually, and yes, through my dear friend, cohort, and fellow partner, Steve, to be able to address what is in your hearts and what is in the forefront of your mind.
What is the tsunami of love? It is the outpouring of the essence of love from the Source, from the Creator, the Unified One that has been the creative force for the creation of many, many universes. Now you know, again, particularly over the past couple of years, that you have been actively and consciously receiving increases in your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more light, higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the blue — but in fact it does come out of the blue! But let me explain.
You have been prepared through the original 11/11, 12/12 and all the repetitions of that, through the increases that we have given you, that your star brothers and sisters have given you, the diligent work, whether you know it or not that your own circle of guides and masters have been giving you. You were given the blue diamond of the Mother, her very essence, but it was like a drop in the Pacific Ocean. But you were given this to ignite your healing, individually and of the collective, long ago, a decade ago.
Now you have been given, and you are continuing in the receiving of, the Mother’s gift of clarity, and even more importantly, shall we say, the twin, purity, which carries with it wisdom and truth. You know this. But these are all, yes, pre-requisites.
They expand you, they allow you to feel in different ways, experience in different ways, and enter into the truth of the human experience as it was intended for the collective. And many of you are experiencing this. And for this we say alleluia.
We have shared our hearts; we share our hearts every night. And when you speak, whether you are speaking to me or to Gabrielle or the Mother, understand, we hear you and we answer; one of us always answers. But let me get back to the point — we have spoken of a series of events.
Now, let me use an analogy, and an analogy that the child within you can grasp, embrace and get excited about. If the carnival, the fair, was coming to town, there would be a series of events. There would be the clearing of the park or the land, and then there would be that magical night when all the vehicles — the trucks, the tents, the workers — would arrive and begin construction. And then there would be opening day.
Well, what you have been waiting for, basically, is opening day. But from our perspective, the clearing of the land, the preparation, the arrival of the equipment, the delights of which you are about to enjoy, have need to be delivered.
And how have they been delivered to you? In a series of events. And many of them are what you think of as intangible, such as the gifts of the Mother. But what I ask of you this day is to consider with me how those intangible events, such as the gift of clarity, how they have been and are being translated into tangible gifts, openings, understandings, relationships, creations, better work within your life.
So often you say to me, “Michael, please give me a sign.” And then what do we do? We assist the Mother and we amplify her gift of clarity. And you say, “Well, that isn’t exactly the kind of sign I wanted. I want something that I can see and touch and taste.”
But dear heart, those transformations into what you think of as tangible, touchable, tasteable human experiences or circumstances are taking place. It is a very big carnival. It is a very big fair. And part of our job, as well as the job that your star brothers and sisters have volunteered for and been fully involved in for hundreds of years, is to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
So, do not think that the day of the tsunami is not at hand. And will it sweep you away with love? Will that sense of the creative force of all be overwhelming? Yes. Will it be sweet? Yes. Will it anchor firmly and permanently within your being? Yes.
Now, dear Steve, I know you have a million questions for me.
SB: Well, you know, Lord, I suspect that I’m getting a download because I’m almost awash with bliss here. It’s very hard to do a radio program when you feel as blissful as I do. You almost forget what it is you’re doing. If this is a foretaste of the tsunami of love, it’s wonderful.
AAM: And this has been my goal this day, to give you a wash, all of you, to feel our love.
SB: Uh-hunh. Very nice. Well, let me get out of the way a question that I feel obliged to ask you. And I hope we can manage the matter successfully and happily.
There’s a question that has drawn a certain amount of lightworker attention recently, and there’s an aspect of it that concerns me, which is why I raise it with you.
We’ve had reports from Jesus that he was crucified, and reports from Matthew Ward, who recently revealed he was St. Matthew, that Jesus was not crucified. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for having two versions, but the versions that we have before us so far are mutually irreconcilable.
And so, initially, I’d like to know what the explanation of this is. What are we dealing with here? But I’d also like to know, it puzzles me that the Company of Heaven would allow there to be two different versions circulated, because surely that would confuse lightworkers.
So, if you can comment on this situation and help us to understand it, I’d very much appreciate it.
AAM: First of all, I have need to say that I have no intention, as the channel knows, of declaring that one is right or one is wrong.
SB: Yes, I understand.
AAM: Because regardless of whether you are talking about Jesus or Matthew it reflects back to the channels, both who have been diligent in their service and their lightwork.
SB: I agree.
AAM: And we would never wish to cast aspersions on either one of them. But let us also say this — and you may have a small chuckle: Matthew and Jesus, Yeshua, often disagreed.
SB: [laugh] That is a chuckle.
AAM: And sometimes still do! You have an expression on Earth where you say to somebody, “You are killing me!” And the other person will say, “That didn’t hurt.” Well, it is not in that vein. But let us suggest that the view of Matthew is one that you, yourself hold dear.
SB: Oh, yes?
AAM: And that is that there is no such thing as death.
SB: Yes.
AAM: So there is always a continuity of the being, of the spirit, of the essence. But I would also suggest that Yeshua, Jesus-Sananda, in the fullness of himself, and in the emanation that you know as Yeshua, is very clear about what has transpired to him, to his family, to his community, and not.
Let us be very clear about this. The death, what you have thought about as a crucifixion of Yeshua, was not really the highlight of that life. Many were being persecuted, and crucifixion, not so brutally, but certainly crucifixion was a regular occurrence under the auspices of the Romans. It was very brutal and barbaric, but it was not the point of the life of Yeshua, because he did not in any way think that the death or the passing was an issue.
Now, was he sorry, as a man, as a father, as a husband? Yes, but he also knew there is no such thing as death. Did he continue on to do other things? Of course he did, but not in that form.
But let us talk about this. Each of you is given this disparity so that you can discern. It isn’t a test that we give you. It is simply a difference in perspective. So what speaks to your heart, dear one? What helps you with your journey? That is the question.
SB: Uh-hunh. Well, thank you for that.
Now, understand, also, that pretty much everyone upon the planet is going to be feeling the same way. So it is also a day where there is elimination, absolute disposal of many of your previous concerns, judgments or fear.
So let me be very practical in this. For many of you, my sweet angels, you would wake up or you would be getting ready for work, and you would say, “I am just so full of love that it makes the importance and the potential of being able to drive to work safely impossible.” And then you would try and do it because you would be concerned about letting someone down, not being responsible, being in trouble, being docked a day’s pay. Put all that aside and allow the energy to do its transformative work.
We are speaking of an outpouring from the Mother. There is nothing more important, not in this or any other life.
SB: In previous times, if we felt afraid, that could block love. But at this time, this love seems to be dissolving fear. Is that correct?
AAM: That is absolutely correct, and that is why we are using the term of tsunami, and even the term of storm, of sailing, of moving from the North Atlantic to the placid crystal cove. So, yes, it is pushing it out so that you look at it and you may think, “I used to be afraid. I should be afraid. I am not afraid,” because that is the residual illusion of the old third, and it is being swept away.
SB: Wow.
AAM: That fear has never been part of who you truly are. So the Mother’s love is pushing it, dissolving it, not simply leaving it on a distant shore, but completely eliminating it.
SB: Now, when you say expansion, we have our own everyday understandings of expansion. But what I’ve noticed as I expand is that new potentialities come into play, potentialities I wasn’t aware of. So, as we’re expanding in the tsunami of love, will there also be these new potentialities coming into play, things that we never even suspected were there?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: Could you talk about that a bit please?
AAM: It is as if you have been looking at a very narrow piece, and all of a sudden your field of vision and your field of what is the potential to experience, to create, to co-create, what is open and available to you is broadened one thousand, two thousand, twelve thousand-fold.
SB: It’s a rather unique kind of experience, because initially one doesn’t know if one’s imagining this or if this is really true. Is this a new faculty that I have, or a new area that’s opening to me? So there is this moment at which one kind of hesitates and says, “Gee, I don’t know what to think right now.”
AAM: And that is all right. All you have need to do, all we would ask you to do — and do not think, for one moment, my beloved ones, that we will not be in full attendance, because that would not be so — so, when you have that moment, then do not feel that you need to push forward. But also know there is a plan!
SB: Yes.
AAM: You have first and foremost been given the gift of clarity. So the clarity is already anchored and anchoring more deeply within you every moment. So that fuzziness that you are referring to would not be at the same level as it might have been previously. But if you experience these moments of, “My goodness, I think I could do this, and this is how,” and you experience a download of how everything would occur, right down to the finest detail, just breathe, sit with us, allow it to anchor into your bones and then go forward. Confusion is a part of fear.
SB: Um-hmm. There are some people who will recall, for instance, Jesus saying to the man who wanted to bury his father, “Let the dead bury the dead. Come with me. This is your only opportunity.” They might think, “Well, gee, if I hesitate now, if I rest in confusion or if I back away, I’ve missed it. I’ve lost my chance.” Is this the case?
AAM: No. Now, let us explain. If we were having this conversation, in your time, oh, a year and a half ago, then there was a chance that perhaps that would have occurred. Do not forget that humanity made the collective decision [to ascend together], which strengthened our partnership. That is what the game changer was.
There have been several [game-changers], but that was pivotal. You said you wished to do this as a collective, and so the Mother is not so narrow as to say, “We will only give you a five-minute window of opportunity. Make up your mind.” So some will feel the full force of the tsunami. Some may feel it but feel like they are a cork bobbing on the ocean.
What you have need to do is continue to breathe, to anchor, to trust and simply allow this to merge with you. We do not remove the opportunity or the opening.
Are there some upon your planet, upon sweet Gaia, who will still say no? Yes. There are. Will they say no in that wash of love?
Dear heart, we are the fortunate ones, and we know that. Because we experience, know, live, connect, unify with that love of the Mother constantly. It is a never-ending flow. It is what sustains us. Do we have what you think of as unique natures? Yes, we do. But we are completely unified in that love. So when I speak to you of this I am also speaking to you of something that we have constant experience of.
Now, it would be a rare human being, or hybrid, that would ever say no to this. Is it possible? Yes. Because the Mother will not suspend, in this situation, free will.
So what occurs in that situation — well, you are simply swept up in a tsunami of love back home. You surrender your body.
Is it guaranteed? Yes. That everyone will receive? Yes. Will some choose to say, “Oh, no, thank you”? Yes. But that decision, that choice also has the ramification — and we’re not talking five minutes here — but it has the ramification of consequently not being able to live on Nova Earth, renewed Gaia, because it is in a vibration of this higher realm of love. So if you do not want that within or without, it is not that we are going to alter the universal law.
If the choice is to reject, to say, “No, I don’t want this,” which to us is inconceivable, then it is not that they don’t receive it. It is simply that it sweeps them out of their body back home.
SB: Hmm. Okay. Well, in the midst of this tsunami of love, a very real and practical event probably will happen, and that is probably the Reval. So, here we are, swept off our feet in love and in some circumstances that actually need handling. How does being in a tsunami of love affect the need to make practical decisions?
AAM: It does not incapacitate you indefinitely. For some of you, it may be hours or minutes or days, but you emerge from the waters, the waters of life, the waters of love, transformed.
So it is a form of cleansing, but restoration, recovery, rejuvenation. So you emerge from those waters better prepared, more acutely aware, more able to multitask, more competent to see the bigger picture of your actions, the ramifications of your actions, the clarity of what is really required.
So it is helpful. So you find yourself in a position where in fact it is as if you have had the best night’s sleep ever, and you can jump out of bed ready to go.
SB: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?
AAM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed, it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may be brief.
But even if you are in the tsunami for a lengthy period of time, dear heart, you will be able to navigate. What you are concerned about is, “Do I lose my capacity to operate? Do I lose my sensibility?” And the answer is no. It is increased.
SB: Okay. But the actual tsunami itself, will that go on over a week’s time, or two weeks’ time? Or a shorter time?
AAM: The initial outpouring will be brief. But we have used the analogy of a tsunami in a purposeful way, because you know that a tsunami approaches, withdraws, approaches, withdraws.
So it is not a destruction. It is a creation. It is a destruction of the old, yes, a clearing and a washing away.
The initial tsunami will be brief. We will say, hmm, about a 24-hour period in your reality. Then there will be another wave, and then — and you will adjust — and then, another wave.
Will you all be in angelic form? No. But will you be in the form that, like us, you are anchored in that constancy of the love? Yes. So there won’t be a need for a continuation of the tsunami because you will have already absorbed it.
SB: That’s very interesting. Now, externally in the world after this event, what can we anticipate? Will things happen right away, or will there be gradual examples of more love and peace?
AAM: In fact, we anticipate — and we know that the human beings have the capacity to constantly surprise us, but from where we stand, in this eternal now as you would call it — we suspect and anticipate that peace will reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles and be in the love. We are talking widespread laying down of arms.
SB: Wow.
AAM: Including those who would make such orders. Because, all of a sudden, you have realized what you are doing. And it doesn’t come that it is a harsh judgment of yourself, or an anathema, it is simply, “I can’t do that!” It is an incapacity to continue violence.
SB: Is the ability to benefit from the tsunami of love restricted by — and I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this —but by extent of intelligence, or by means, or by any external factor or previously considered disability, or any of these factors? Would any of these factors prevent a person from fully participating in the tsunami of love?
AAM: Absolutely none. Say one is disabled mentally, or emotionally disabled, or of a lesser intelligence — and we are using your terms — then, in fact, it is more welcomed. Because these beings, these souls, know how they have been trapped.
So if there is any, what you are calling a barrier to acceptance, it is those who come from a very high place of self-importance and ego. It is the ones who think that they are already gods, but when they experience the truth of the God-love, of the Creator-love, there will be a moment not of sorrow, but certainly of acknowledgment and shaking their head, thinking, “Oh, I really didn’t know very much, did I?” And then a gentle sponging… think of the sponge, of simply drinking in as much as you possibly can.
SB: Let me ask you another even more difficult question. In the case of a person who’s deeply affected by cancer, very deeply affected by cancer, and they’re open to all of this that’s happening, what would be the impact of the tsunami of love on that person?
AAM: There it depends on the individual. But they will have the opportunity to be healed, because that is what love does, it re-creates. It is recovery. It is rejuvenation, or they will be swept away home in a blissful state. And that would be the individual choice.
SB: Now, just to confirm again, I think you said earlier in the show that this is happening soon, not weeks and not months in the future, but soon. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: So how should we prepare for this?
AAM: You are preparing. My sweet listeners, yes, that I reach out to and call family, you have been diligent in your preparations. Oh, could they improve? Yes. There is always room for more! Even with us, there is always room for more. You have pointed that out to us time and time again, that we could be clearer, we could be more proficient, we could be faster in delivering.
So there is always room for more. But understand, you are preparing, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously. Our guidance and our deep request to each and every one of you, each in your own way, is please, do your work.
Now, what do I mean by that? You are reading information. You are listening to this show. You are doing your meditations. You are doing whatever clearing is necessary. You are working with the violet flame, the blue flame, the pink flame, the golden flames. You are working with the energies that are available to you. You are following your own sacred practice, and you are surrendering.
When an idea comes to you, an inspiration — and it can be as simple as, “I need to make time today for me. I need to clear my schedule. I need to have two, three hours to simply meditate and talk to my guides, to just be filled with their love.” “I need to eat green today.” “I haven’t had enough red in my life.” When you are receiving these, this is your work. This is your real work. This is your preparation. So do not ignore it. Do not say, “Oh, maybe I can do that on the weekend.” There is an immediacy to what we are speaking of this day.
The Mother and all of us have said to thee, the time of waiting is over. Now, what does this mean? It means that on our side that many of the hitches, glitches, delays and frustrations that you, and we, have experienced, albeit in very different ways, are over.
So you are not waiting on the Company of Heaven. But it also means, sweet angel, that the waiting on your side is over. So we are encouraging you, we are begging you, jump into action, not from a place of neediness, but from a place of joy, of celebration of this expansion that you are experiencing.

In this second part of An Hour with an Angel for Jan. 9, 2014, Archangel Michael discusses the tsunami of love and the recent disconnect between Matthew and Jesus. Thanks to Ellen for a rapid turnaround.
Archangel Michael: Greetings, I am Michael…
SB: Greetings, Lord.
AAM: Archangel of peace, warrior of love, and yes, welcome to you, welcome to each and every one of you. Welcome, my beloved friends, my dear family, and might I say my fellow light warriors, my fellow lightworkers, my fellow love-holders, because this is who you are. Yes, you are wayshowers. You are pillars. You are gatekeepers.None of this disappears, dear friends. It is not a title or a job description that you are given for a brief period of time. It was a piece of information, insight into the clarity and the purpose, the makeup, the essence of who you are. And in that, might I say to each and every one of you, whether you realize it, whether you always consistently see it or not, you are magnificent.
The channel, Linda, has skipped something that I would like to add to this conversation about channeling and what it means. It is not only our opportunity, our joyous opportunity, to speak and to communicate with you, it is also a gift to us. It is a gift, a joy, a pleasure to be able to reach you in this way, during this time of transition, where perhaps you do not always hear us with your auditory or telepathic receptors as clearly as we would like you to. Because our desire, dear heart, is to communicate with you, clearly, concisely, and to touch your heart, to open your heart and to allow you to know, not in a general way but in a very deeply personal way, how much you are loved, how deeply you are valued.
And through this medium, through these conversations that we have, both here on this platform and yes, on the blog platform, we are able to do that. And we are also able, telepathically, spiritually, and yes, through my dear friend, cohort, and fellow partner, Steve, to be able to address what is in your hearts and what is in the forefront of your mind.
We do not ignore your mental and emotional body or your needs and desires, particularly your desires to co-create Nova Earth, cities of light, cities of love, peace on Earth. This is where we meet in our goals and service, our mission to the Mother.
So, we welcome the channeling as much as you do. It is a shared joy.
Soon — and yes, I know how many of you dislike this word ‘soon’, but in this situation I cannot say next Tuesday or February, but very soon — let us say in a timely, very timely manner, you will be swept away in the tsunami of the Mother’s love, in the tsunami of awakening.
Now, you have been, my brothers and sisters, in the process of awakening for years, and very intensely over the past two years, but yes, of course there is more to come. And what lies ahead, even what is in the guise of momentary chaos is sheer delight. It is what your heart, your soul, your mind and your body have yearned for, and what many of you, literally some of you by your nails or the skin of your teeth, have been hanging on for.What is the tsunami of love? It is the outpouring of the essence of love from the Source, from the Creator, the Unified One that has been the creative force for the creation of many, many universes. Now you know, again, particularly over the past couple of years, that you have been actively and consciously receiving increases in your vibratory frequency, in your ability to hold and maintain more light, higher frequency, more love. And this is not simply a tsunami or an outpouring that is occurring, well, out of the blue — but in fact it does come out of the blue! But let me explain.
You have been prepared through the original 11/11, 12/12 and all the repetitions of that, through the increases that we have given you, that your star brothers and sisters have given you, the diligent work, whether you know it or not that your own circle of guides and masters have been giving you. You were given the blue diamond of the Mother, her very essence, but it was like a drop in the Pacific Ocean. But you were given this to ignite your healing, individually and of the collective, long ago, a decade ago.
Now you have been given, and you are continuing in the receiving of, the Mother’s gift of clarity, and even more importantly, shall we say, the twin, purity, which carries with it wisdom and truth. You know this. But these are all, yes, pre-requisites.
They expand you, they allow you to feel in different ways, experience in different ways, and enter into the truth of the human experience as it was intended for the collective. And many of you are experiencing this. And for this we say alleluia.
Has it reached the fullness of what is required? No. But it is sufficient that this outpouring of love onto the planet will not disassemble or overwhelm you to an extent that you could not maintain or stay in your body, because, of course, the entire purpose of this glorious Ascension is that it is being done while maintaining the physical vessel, which is something that is brand new.
Do you know, my family, how rare something new is throughout the multiverse? It is rare and it is precious. And therefore it is being very carefully monitored. I wished to say orchestrated, but that would give you the impression that it is us simply doing to, and that is not the nature of this unfoldment.We have shared our hearts; we share our hearts every night. And when you speak, whether you are speaking to me or to Gabrielle or the Mother, understand, we hear you and we answer; one of us always answers. But let me get back to the point — we have spoken of a series of events.
Now, let me use an analogy, and an analogy that the child within you can grasp, embrace and get excited about. If the carnival, the fair, was coming to town, there would be a series of events. There would be the clearing of the park or the land, and then there would be that magical night when all the vehicles — the trucks, the tents, the workers — would arrive and begin construction. And then there would be opening day.
Well, what you have been waiting for, basically, is opening day. But from our perspective, the clearing of the land, the preparation, the arrival of the equipment, the delights of which you are about to enjoy, have need to be delivered.
And how have they been delivered to you? In a series of events. And many of them are what you think of as intangible, such as the gifts of the Mother. But what I ask of you this day is to consider with me how those intangible events, such as the gift of clarity, how they have been and are being translated into tangible gifts, openings, understandings, relationships, creations, better work within your life.
So often you say to me, “Michael, please give me a sign.” And then what do we do? We assist the Mother and we amplify her gift of clarity. And you say, “Well, that isn’t exactly the kind of sign I wanted. I want something that I can see and touch and taste.”
But dear heart, those transformations into what you think of as tangible, touchable, tasteable human experiences or circumstances are taking place. It is a very big carnival. It is a very big fair. And part of our job, as well as the job that your star brothers and sisters have volunteered for and been fully involved in for hundreds of years, is to make sure that nothing goes wrong.
So, do not think that the day of the tsunami is not at hand. And will it sweep you away with love? Will that sense of the creative force of all be overwhelming? Yes. Will it be sweet? Yes. Will it anchor firmly and permanently within your being? Yes.
Now, dear Steve, I know you have a million questions for me.
SB: Well, you know, Lord, I suspect that I’m getting a download because I’m almost awash with bliss here. It’s very hard to do a radio program when you feel as blissful as I do. You almost forget what it is you’re doing. If this is a foretaste of the tsunami of love, it’s wonderful.
AAM: And this has been my goal this day, to give you a wash, all of you, to feel our love.
SB: Uh-hunh. Very nice. Well, let me get out of the way a question that I feel obliged to ask you. And I hope we can manage the matter successfully and happily.
There’s a question that has drawn a certain amount of lightworker attention recently, and there’s an aspect of it that concerns me, which is why I raise it with you.
We’ve had reports from Jesus that he was crucified, and reports from Matthew Ward, who recently revealed he was St. Matthew, that Jesus was not crucified. I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for having two versions, but the versions that we have before us so far are mutually irreconcilable.
And so, initially, I’d like to know what the explanation of this is. What are we dealing with here? But I’d also like to know, it puzzles me that the Company of Heaven would allow there to be two different versions circulated, because surely that would confuse lightworkers.
So, if you can comment on this situation and help us to understand it, I’d very much appreciate it.
AAM: First of all, I have need to say that I have no intention, as the channel knows, of declaring that one is right or one is wrong.
SB: Yes, I understand.
AAM: Because regardless of whether you are talking about Jesus or Matthew it reflects back to the channels, both who have been diligent in their service and their lightwork.
SB: I agree.
AAM: And we would never wish to cast aspersions on either one of them. But let us also say this — and you may have a small chuckle: Matthew and Jesus, Yeshua, often disagreed.
SB: [laugh] That is a chuckle.
AAM: And sometimes still do! You have an expression on Earth where you say to somebody, “You are killing me!” And the other person will say, “That didn’t hurt.” Well, it is not in that vein. But let us suggest that the view of Matthew is one that you, yourself hold dear.
SB: Oh, yes?
AAM: And that is that there is no such thing as death.
SB: Yes.
AAM: So there is always a continuity of the being, of the spirit, of the essence. But I would also suggest that Yeshua, Jesus-Sananda, in the fullness of himself, and in the emanation that you know as Yeshua, is very clear about what has transpired to him, to his family, to his community, and not.
Let us be very clear about this. The death, what you have thought about as a crucifixion of Yeshua, was not really the highlight of that life. Many were being persecuted, and crucifixion, not so brutally, but certainly crucifixion was a regular occurrence under the auspices of the Romans. It was very brutal and barbaric, but it was not the point of the life of Yeshua, because he did not in any way think that the death or the passing was an issue.
Now, was he sorry, as a man, as a father, as a husband? Yes, but he also knew there is no such thing as death. Did he continue on to do other things? Of course he did, but not in that form.
But let us talk about this. Each of you is given this disparity so that you can discern. It isn’t a test that we give you. It is simply a difference in perspective. So what speaks to your heart, dear one? What helps you with your journey? That is the question.
SB: Uh-hunh. Well, thank you for that.
So you’re saying that the tsunami of love is beginning and we’re about to step into a circumstance that possibly could be discombobulating for people. How should we maneuver, how should we navigate this wonderful event that we’re about to walk into and participate in?
AAM: Go with it. You have various things at your county fair, do you not, or other forms of amusement where you will begin a process of going down a chute or a roller coaster ride? You don’t jump off halfway. You don’t stop the water slide halfway.
Once it begins, dear heart, you have need to simply breathe deeply, extend your heart, know that you are not in danger, that this is what you have worked, prayed and prepared for, and allow the expansion, the lightness, to come.
That expression that you have, “the lightness of being,” that is what you will experience. But do not fight it. Simply allow it. So if it means that you are so overwhelmed, blissed out, that you cannot go to work that day, then stay home. If you feel that you cannot put one foot in front of another because you are in what you may feel is an altered state, then do so.Now, understand, also, that pretty much everyone upon the planet is going to be feeling the same way. So it is also a day where there is elimination, absolute disposal of many of your previous concerns, judgments or fear.
So let me be very practical in this. For many of you, my sweet angels, you would wake up or you would be getting ready for work, and you would say, “I am just so full of love that it makes the importance and the potential of being able to drive to work safely impossible.” And then you would try and do it because you would be concerned about letting someone down, not being responsible, being in trouble, being docked a day’s pay. Put all that aside and allow the energy to do its transformative work.
We are speaking of an outpouring from the Mother. There is nothing more important, not in this or any other life.
SB: In previous times, if we felt afraid, that could block love. But at this time, this love seems to be dissolving fear. Is that correct?
AAM: That is absolutely correct, and that is why we are using the term of tsunami, and even the term of storm, of sailing, of moving from the North Atlantic to the placid crystal cove. So, yes, it is pushing it out so that you look at it and you may think, “I used to be afraid. I should be afraid. I am not afraid,” because that is the residual illusion of the old third, and it is being swept away.
SB: Wow.
AAM: That fear has never been part of who you truly are. So the Mother’s love is pushing it, dissolving it, not simply leaving it on a distant shore, but completely eliminating it.
SB: Now, when you say expansion, we have our own everyday understandings of expansion. But what I’ve noticed as I expand is that new potentialities come into play, potentialities I wasn’t aware of. So, as we’re expanding in the tsunami of love, will there also be these new potentialities coming into play, things that we never even suspected were there?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: Could you talk about that a bit please?
AAM: It is as if you have been looking at a very narrow piece, and all of a sudden your field of vision and your field of what is the potential to experience, to create, to co-create, what is open and available to you is broadened one thousand, two thousand, twelve thousand-fold.
SB: It’s a rather unique kind of experience, because initially one doesn’t know if one’s imagining this or if this is really true. Is this a new faculty that I have, or a new area that’s opening to me? So there is this moment at which one kind of hesitates and says, “Gee, I don’t know what to think right now.”
AAM: And that is all right. All you have need to do, all we would ask you to do — and do not think, for one moment, my beloved ones, that we will not be in full attendance, because that would not be so — so, when you have that moment, then do not feel that you need to push forward. But also know there is a plan!
SB: Yes.
AAM: You have first and foremost been given the gift of clarity. So the clarity is already anchored and anchoring more deeply within you every moment. So that fuzziness that you are referring to would not be at the same level as it might have been previously. But if you experience these moments of, “My goodness, I think I could do this, and this is how,” and you experience a download of how everything would occur, right down to the finest detail, just breathe, sit with us, allow it to anchor into your bones and then go forward. Confusion is a part of fear.
SB: Um-hmm. There are some people who will recall, for instance, Jesus saying to the man who wanted to bury his father, “Let the dead bury the dead. Come with me. This is your only opportunity.” They might think, “Well, gee, if I hesitate now, if I rest in confusion or if I back away, I’ve missed it. I’ve lost my chance.” Is this the case?
AAM: No. Now, let us explain. If we were having this conversation, in your time, oh, a year and a half ago, then there was a chance that perhaps that would have occurred. Do not forget that humanity made the collective decision [to ascend together], which strengthened our partnership. That is what the game changer was.
There have been several [game-changers], but that was pivotal. You said you wished to do this as a collective, and so the Mother is not so narrow as to say, “We will only give you a five-minute window of opportunity. Make up your mind.” So some will feel the full force of the tsunami. Some may feel it but feel like they are a cork bobbing on the ocean.
What you have need to do is continue to breathe, to anchor, to trust and simply allow this to merge with you. We do not remove the opportunity or the opening.
Are there some upon your planet, upon sweet Gaia, who will still say no? Yes. There are. Will they say no in that wash of love?
Dear heart, we are the fortunate ones, and we know that. Because we experience, know, live, connect, unify with that love of the Mother constantly. It is a never-ending flow. It is what sustains us. Do we have what you think of as unique natures? Yes, we do. But we are completely unified in that love. So when I speak to you of this I am also speaking to you of something that we have constant experience of.
Now, it would be a rare human being, or hybrid, that would ever say no to this. Is it possible? Yes. Because the Mother will not suspend, in this situation, free will.
So what occurs in that situation — well, you are simply swept up in a tsunami of love back home. You surrender your body.
Is it guaranteed? Yes. That everyone will receive? Yes. Will some choose to say, “Oh, no, thank you”? Yes. But that decision, that choice also has the ramification — and we’re not talking five minutes here — but it has the ramification of consequently not being able to live on Nova Earth, renewed Gaia, because it is in a vibration of this higher realm of love. So if you do not want that within or without, it is not that we are going to alter the universal law.
If the choice is to reject, to say, “No, I don’t want this,” which to us is inconceivable, then it is not that they don’t receive it. It is simply that it sweeps them out of their body back home.
SB: Hmm. Okay. Well, in the midst of this tsunami of love, a very real and practical event probably will happen, and that is probably the Reval. So, here we are, swept off our feet in love and in some circumstances that actually need handling. How does being in a tsunami of love affect the need to make practical decisions?
AAM: It does not incapacitate you indefinitely. For some of you, it may be hours or minutes or days, but you emerge from the waters, the waters of life, the waters of love, transformed.
So it is a form of cleansing, but restoration, recovery, rejuvenation. So you emerge from those waters better prepared, more acutely aware, more able to multitask, more competent to see the bigger picture of your actions, the ramifications of your actions, the clarity of what is really required.
So it is helpful. So you find yourself in a position where in fact it is as if you have had the best night’s sleep ever, and you can jump out of bed ready to go.
SB: Okay. But now, given what you’ve just said, it seems to be implied that while the tsunami of love, as I have been considering it so far, is going to happen over time, this actual immersion in the waters, then emergence from the waters, will be an event of some short duration. Is that correct?
AAM: Once the tsunami starts, it is not designed, it is not the Mother’s plan to incapacitate you. Now, will there be that moment, of “Ah! Oh!” bliss? Yes. And for some, depending on their makeup, it may be rapid, or it may be brief.
But even if you are in the tsunami for a lengthy period of time, dear heart, you will be able to navigate. What you are concerned about is, “Do I lose my capacity to operate? Do I lose my sensibility?” And the answer is no. It is increased.
SB: Okay. But the actual tsunami itself, will that go on over a week’s time, or two weeks’ time? Or a shorter time?
AAM: The initial outpouring will be brief. But we have used the analogy of a tsunami in a purposeful way, because you know that a tsunami approaches, withdraws, approaches, withdraws.
So it is not a destruction. It is a creation. It is a destruction of the old, yes, a clearing and a washing away.
The initial tsunami will be brief. We will say, hmm, about a 24-hour period in your reality. Then there will be another wave, and then — and you will adjust — and then, another wave.
Will you all be in angelic form? No. But will you be in the form that, like us, you are anchored in that constancy of the love? Yes. So there won’t be a need for a continuation of the tsunami because you will have already absorbed it.
SB: That’s very interesting. Now, externally in the world after this event, what can we anticipate? Will things happen right away, or will there be gradual examples of more love and peace?
AAM: In fact, we anticipate — and we know that the human beings have the capacity to constantly surprise us, but from where we stand, in this eternal now as you would call it — we suspect and anticipate that peace will reign rather rapidly, that people cannot continue to hold up their guns, their swords, their drones, their missiles and be in the love. We are talking widespread laying down of arms.
SB: Wow.
AAM: Including those who would make such orders. Because, all of a sudden, you have realized what you are doing. And it doesn’t come that it is a harsh judgment of yourself, or an anathema, it is simply, “I can’t do that!” It is an incapacity to continue violence.
SB: Is the ability to benefit from the tsunami of love restricted by — and I hope I’m not offending anyone by saying this —but by extent of intelligence, or by means, or by any external factor or previously considered disability, or any of these factors? Would any of these factors prevent a person from fully participating in the tsunami of love?
AAM: Absolutely none. Say one is disabled mentally, or emotionally disabled, or of a lesser intelligence — and we are using your terms — then, in fact, it is more welcomed. Because these beings, these souls, know how they have been trapped.
So if there is any, what you are calling a barrier to acceptance, it is those who come from a very high place of self-importance and ego. It is the ones who think that they are already gods, but when they experience the truth of the God-love, of the Creator-love, there will be a moment not of sorrow, but certainly of acknowledgment and shaking their head, thinking, “Oh, I really didn’t know very much, did I?” And then a gentle sponging… think of the sponge, of simply drinking in as much as you possibly can.
SB: Let me ask you another even more difficult question. In the case of a person who’s deeply affected by cancer, very deeply affected by cancer, and they’re open to all of this that’s happening, what would be the impact of the tsunami of love on that person?
AAM: There it depends on the individual. But they will have the opportunity to be healed, because that is what love does, it re-creates. It is recovery. It is rejuvenation, or they will be swept away home in a blissful state. And that would be the individual choice.
SB: Now, just to confirm again, I think you said earlier in the show that this is happening soon, not weeks and not months in the future, but soon. Is that correct?
AAM: That is correct.
SB: So how should we prepare for this?
AAM: You are preparing. My sweet listeners, yes, that I reach out to and call family, you have been diligent in your preparations. Oh, could they improve? Yes. There is always room for more! Even with us, there is always room for more. You have pointed that out to us time and time again, that we could be clearer, we could be more proficient, we could be faster in delivering.
So there is always room for more. But understand, you are preparing, consciously, unconsciously, subconsciously. Our guidance and our deep request to each and every one of you, each in your own way, is please, do your work.
Now, what do I mean by that? You are reading information. You are listening to this show. You are doing your meditations. You are doing whatever clearing is necessary. You are working with the violet flame, the blue flame, the pink flame, the golden flames. You are working with the energies that are available to you. You are following your own sacred practice, and you are surrendering.
When an idea comes to you, an inspiration — and it can be as simple as, “I need to make time today for me. I need to clear my schedule. I need to have two, three hours to simply meditate and talk to my guides, to just be filled with their love.” “I need to eat green today.” “I haven’t had enough red in my life.” When you are receiving these, this is your work. This is your real work. This is your preparation. So do not ignore it. Do not say, “Oh, maybe I can do that on the weekend.” There is an immediacy to what we are speaking of this day.
The Mother and all of us have said to thee, the time of waiting is over. Now, what does this mean? It means that on our side that many of the hitches, glitches, delays and frustrations that you, and we, have experienced, albeit in very different ways, are over.
So you are not waiting on the Company of Heaven. But it also means, sweet angel, that the waiting on your side is over. So we are encouraging you, we are begging you, jump into action, not from a place of neediness, but from a place of joy, of celebration of this expansion that you are experiencing.
So when you would say, prior to now, “Oh, I will try to get to it next week, or maybe on the weekend. Or maybe if I call a friend we can arrange some time this month to get together and meditate,” no. Do it now.
SB: All right. And I suppose this will be my last question, Lord, but is this part of the Olympic sprint to Ascension?
AAM: It most certainly is. So, grab your torch and run.
SB: Wow, and this is not a relay either, is it? This is every person in the race.
AAM: That is correct. It is a collective race. And we are running and flying and lifting you up. Come with us.
And go with my love. Farewell.
SB: Thank you, Lord. Farewell.
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