Weekly Forecast: August 30 - September 5, 2015
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.
*NOTE*There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.
Weekly Forecast: August 30 - September 5, 20158/31 ~ Sun (ego) ~oppose~ Neptune (dissolution):
This can be a very confusing energy. You will be very sensitive to others and their needs and how they relate to your own. You may want to withdraw or not voice your opinion just to avoid conflict, feeling like it wouldn't solve anything anyway. However, do not give in to the temptation of being "slick" either, that will only bring more challenges your way. You may want to give in to another person's demands when you have a valid reason not to. Avoid playing the victim. Be honest and up-front with anyone demanding a confrontation at this time, that you would rather gather your thoughts and discuss things later (by then this energy will have passed) when you can articulate your side of things better. Be aware of deception - both on your part and/or the part of others (trying to deceive you). Your discernment is not its strongest under this influence so it is best to be still and quiet until the energy passes. Take this time to do some spiritual, inner work.
9/1 ~ Venus (love & beauty) ~conjunct~ Mars (passion): (2 of 3: 2.22.2015 & 11.2.2015)
This is our primary feminine (Venus) and masculine (Mars) energies merging in a potent way, arousing a need to cultivate powerful relationship (whether physical/sexual or relating/socializing with others). There is a strong need for approval (on one level) and affection (on another level) from others and if you are not interacting with human beings on some level, this energy can also activate your artist nature (Venus). This a perfect time to create something (project or relationship) that is seeded by a deep, authentic love.
9/5 ~ Sun (core-identity) ~trine~ Pluto (transformation):
This energy makes you want to get things done, by any means necessary and you may tend to come on a little strong - but it's all good. The work you want to do, is work that needs to be done and in doing it and facing things head-on, you will gain insights about yourself you can apply in the future. This intense and powerful energy is transformative in nature and will provoke you to think deeply about your life; what you need, desire and deserve. You may find that some aspects of your life need to be reformed or released - go for it - this energy makes reform and release easier than usual. It's a good time to make an impression or an impact on others, but be sure to keep it on the Highest level possible. Any actions or statements used to manipulate others for selfish gain WILL backfire on you in a big way. This is a positive, uplifting, transformative energy - use it as such to clear the debris and create the life you were born to live.
Copyright © 2000-2015 * Kelly M Beard * KarmicTools.com * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.
Monday, 31 August 2015
Mars and Venus on 1st September.
Saturday, 29 August 2015
Super full moon.
Super Full Moon Tips -Bridging Worlds- by Selacia Sel | Earth’ Pivotal Yearsby Phoenixfirebird |
Heading into our first of three Super Full Moons on August 29, it’s helpful now to take stock of where things are in your life. Most likely our recent up-and-down energies have stimulated more than one relationship challenge and had you questioning your status quo. Perhaps you have initiated some bold new steps, too, taking advantage of positive potentials of this month’s energy cycle.
Sometimes you may wonder how you can bridge the spiritual and physical realities – they can seem so different and at odds. The wise part of you knows, however, that your spiritual and physical lives can and do complement one another. They really go together!
Bridging Worlds – Dimensions
As a divine changemaker, you understand that you are wired to bridge the spiritual and physical, bringing the spiritual element into everyday life. It’s part of your life anyway. What I’m talking about here is having it be a conscious and integrated aspect of how you live, how you think, and how you engage with the world.
It’s common to feel that you must be one way with certain people or in specific situations and another way when separate from them. This is a linear concept that ignores your quantum and multidimensional nature. It also ignores that same nature in the other people you meet.
It’s like saying to oneself, focused only on the body or physical outcomes: “I must make this happen or get this person to agree with me” – without factoring in the spiritual element that indeed is there. As a person is doing this, he or she may forget to tap inner wisdom or to envision involvement of another person’s higher self. Those elements are in the mix and available, even if overlooked.
Throughout time, countless spiritual traditions have referenced the interaction of these dimensional elements. In today’s society, there’s much more common understanding of these dynamics. Human conditioning over hundreds of years, however, accentuates separation and disconnection from one’s spiritual self.
Knowledge you have this spiritual self is one thing – living consciously as a multidimensional being is another. As part of your path now, you are waking up to what this means in practice. The idea is that you become an active participant of the bridging process, tangibly experiencing yourself in both realms. As you do so, you see yourself and other people in brand-new ways. You open your mind to possibilities not seen before! They were there, you simply didn’t notice them.
Relationships Front and Center
With relationship issues front and center in recent days, you may be questioning some decisions you made and some things that were said. If so, consider the more quantum elements involved. Each person you interact with has a past, present and future – just like you do. Those timelines and the content within experiences quite often can seem like a mystery because of tunnel vision discounting the whole picture. A bridging of realities is needed – with wider understanding of what’s really going on. What does this mean?
Understanding Bridging the Spiritual with Physical
First, it means a person involved in your inner circle or daily regimen may have past experiences that led to relationship dynamics unfolding now. The past and how this person responded to it will impact future outcomes – including what’s going on with you now.
The person you recently had a disagreement with could be playing out an unresolved past pattern. That pattern may not have anything to do with you personally. However, know that if it is showing up in your life vis-à-vis this other person, it’s no accident. It means that on some level your paths are crossing for you to see something, perhaps having nothing to do with this other person.
Higher selves of participants are involved with dynamics even if the people actively engaged are clueless of this other dimension. The more consciously aware you become of this multidimensional engagement and back story of things, the more adept you can be when relationships get rocky or simply do not make sense.
Second, it means your timeline and the other person’s timeline may only intersect for a short while. This is an important thing to keep in mind. Often when a relationship gets weird or simply out of sync, there’s a tendency to view the happenstance as a permanent fixture in your life. In these situations, you can become uncomfortable – not only with the change but about how you are to respond to the change.
Example: a person you have known for years may all of a sudden begin working at your place of employment. You may like it that they are there, ruminating about all kinds of potentials that may or may not be productive. You may dislike it, too, feeling uncomfortable about this person’s presence. Keep things in perspective.
The person showing up at your workplace is not a conspiracy or a definitive positive development you must act on. Don’t make this black and white. Don’t make it about you either. There are two people involved here.
This dynamic of the person you know in other environments showing up at work represents a new part of this person’s timeline intersecting with yours. Unless you factor spirit in the mix and the big quantum picture, this person being at your work place could unnecessarily distract you and get you off course. This is a block to your progress and can be an impediment to timelines of both people.
Example: a person unexpectedly intersecting with your timeline has their own path and higher purposes for being there. If you can recognize the connection as such and realize that there must be a reason you are engaged, you can connect with divine timing and orchestration. This helps you and it helps the other person.
Both of you, doing the dance together, grow in some way and then move into where you are to be headed next. Fighting the dance, resisting the connection, or pretending there is no overall purpose, is futile and an obstacle.
Both of you, doing the dance together, grow in some way and then move into where you are to be headed next. Fighting the dance, resisting the connection, or pretending there is no overall purpose, is futile and an obstacle.
This dance is quite subtle, but it’s happening all the time! At this Super Full Moon weekend, invite an awareness of how this might apply in your own life. Ask to see the subtle workings of spirit in your physical reality. Ask to know how your timelines and happenstance miraculously intertwine with those of others. Ask for a growing appreciation of the mystical elements at play in your life.
Copyright 2015 by Selacia – author of Earth’s Pivotal Years, healer, and teacher * All Rights Reserved * www.Selacia.com * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this copyright line and the full article text.
Wednesday, 26 August 2015
What to do with it all.
I enjoy art and I work with healing energy. I am an artist so I offer therapy and expression through art for those people who wish to enter a dialogue with themselves to allow the expression of inner stuff. For some people, art can be an infinitely easier therapy than talking.
My facebook page is : Therapy and expression through Art with Michaela, look me up.
I also offer painting parties with friends, where I facilitate and provide materials, at a customers house, where they host the painting party. The idea is more fun than therapy, but it introduces the element of painting, so where it had perhaps not been a therapy variable before, a person can see it in action and maybe explore in deeper at another time, in an art session with me.
The idea is to produce abstract healing through the play with colours. It leads to a painting that conveys a flow of expression by an inner emotion.
The same is seen when we look at the colours going on around, they convey the energy of what we are looking at, it is all energy.
What we see conveys information and images into our internal reference. There is a dynamic as the visual energy and experience downloads into our system. Everything is energy.
The idea of 'painting out' the colours, i.e. the energy held within our own system, is to give it a voice of expression and so let it come forth. There is great healing in this. The energy that is ready to be seen will rise out above the others and flow to the mode of expression that it is being invited, That is the colour and movement of the paint.
Photos are all about the colour and energy, the emotion and feeling conveyed. When we take photos it is because what we see is imparting energy to us a that we desire to download and to anchor in our own energies systems. We need this uplifting energy, holiday photos are a great example, we want to bring this energy home. so we take those photos. We want to feel that energy when we leave that place.
We have a great deal of input going on through the course of our lives, we don't actually get to express it in a healing way very often.
When we are in situations or places that impart any kind of emotional tug, good or bad, that emotional energy floods our consciousness.
When we are in a place that fills us with energy, like on a holiday or taking part in a ceremony or having fun, doing something exciting, or watching a beautiful sunset we take photos. The photos are a snapshot of the energy that we wish to prolong in our energy fields.
If we then take the energy (colours) of these photos, or any image that we like, and let them move through us, and then allow expression of that energy (colours) by painting with it, it is like grounding and anchoring the energy of that colour in us.
A similar thing happens with subconsciously held energy. Energy colours that are blocking us in some way, distorting our field of energy, can be uploaded to the surface when they are no longer required by us and are only forcing us to continue with the with the emotions imparted by their presence. We upload this energy by painting it out.
Therapy and expression through art is what I am offering the world. When I am in a session it is an amazing process.
I woke up recently knowing that I had changed, one of the things is that I don't want to be forcing myself to do stuff from the old programs anymore, you know....be a certain way, being in certain place, having to work, having to do this and do that, force this, force that, etc, it is all so jarring.
My facebook page is : Therapy and expression through Art with Michaela, look me up.
I also offer painting parties with friends, where I facilitate and provide materials, at a customers house, where they host the painting party. The idea is more fun than therapy, but it introduces the element of painting, so where it had perhaps not been a therapy variable before, a person can see it in action and maybe explore in deeper at another time, in an art session with me.
The idea is to produce abstract healing through the play with colours. It leads to a painting that conveys a flow of expression by an inner emotion.
The same is seen when we look at the colours going on around, they convey the energy of what we are looking at, it is all energy.
What we see conveys information and images into our internal reference. There is a dynamic as the visual energy and experience downloads into our system. Everything is energy.
The idea of 'painting out' the colours, i.e. the energy held within our own system, is to give it a voice of expression and so let it come forth. There is great healing in this. The energy that is ready to be seen will rise out above the others and flow to the mode of expression that it is being invited, That is the colour and movement of the paint.
Photos are all about the colour and energy, the emotion and feeling conveyed. When we take photos it is because what we see is imparting energy to us a that we desire to download and to anchor in our own energies systems. We need this uplifting energy, holiday photos are a great example, we want to bring this energy home. so we take those photos. We want to feel that energy when we leave that place.
We have a great deal of input going on through the course of our lives, we don't actually get to express it in a healing way very often.
When we are in situations or places that impart any kind of emotional tug, good or bad, that emotional energy floods our consciousness.
When we are in a place that fills us with energy, like on a holiday or taking part in a ceremony or having fun, doing something exciting, or watching a beautiful sunset we take photos. The photos are a snapshot of the energy that we wish to prolong in our energy fields.
If we then take the energy (colours) of these photos, or any image that we like, and let them move through us, and then allow expression of that energy (colours) by painting with it, it is like grounding and anchoring the energy of that colour in us.
A similar thing happens with subconsciously held energy. Energy colours that are blocking us in some way, distorting our field of energy, can be uploaded to the surface when they are no longer required by us and are only forcing us to continue with the with the emotions imparted by their presence. We upload this energy by painting it out.
Therapy and expression through art is what I am offering the world. When I am in a session it is an amazing process.
I woke up recently knowing that I had changed, one of the things is that I don't want to be forcing myself to do stuff from the old programs anymore, you know....be a certain way, being in certain place, having to work, having to do this and do that, force this, force that, etc, it is all so jarring.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
One thing at a time. Choose well. Stay in the ever expanding now moment. Where our thoughts lead, our experience will follow, because we create them as such.
Skills to navigate the oncoming stormy waters.
Getting into the kayak to ride those rapids, or even better, please share your boat with others.
Where are thoughts lead, our experience will follow.
The tool that we most need in the box is to be present.
We need just to breathe and be present in the now. It takes practice but if we shift into the past there is a contortion of feelings, doings, situations that cannot be changed. When we shift into the future, due to our nature there can only be uncertainty and unknowing which can cause fear.
If we practice to stay in the ever expanding now moment, and breathe unconditional love into it, all tools become available. If we fill that now moment with positivity and express unconditional love onto all urges of fear that creep up on us.......
.....then eventually our ever expanding now moment expands into the future now moment, that we had already filled with unconditional love, only a few ever expanding now moments ago.
Getting into the kayak to ride those rapids, or even better, please share your boat with others.
Where are thoughts lead, our experience will follow.
The tool that we most need in the box is to be present.
We need just to breathe and be present in the now. It takes practice but if we shift into the past there is a contortion of feelings, doings, situations that cannot be changed. When we shift into the future, due to our nature there can only be uncertainty and unknowing which can cause fear.
If we practice to stay in the ever expanding now moment, and breathe unconditional love into it, all tools become available. If we fill that now moment with positivity and express unconditional love onto all urges of fear that creep up on us.......
.....then eventually our ever expanding now moment expands into the future now moment, that we had already filled with unconditional love, only a few ever expanding now moments ago.
Where was I on the 8-8-8. In my place of origin. Squeezing through the eye of a needle.
The lead up to the 8-8-8, was like a big squeeze, where you are squashed through a very jarring and rugged ravine. This may have been for a few days or a few weeks. Then there would have been a time where you woke up differently, something had changed but you cannot say, where, when how, or even what the change was. You just feel different and the world that you experience is in a different light.
Ireland August 2015.
I was in Ireland for the time leading up to the 8-8-8. This is the land of my parents. This is my ancestral home and the current lineage that I hold in my bones. Origin of the strongest programs that I was holding in my bio-energy field. The two weeks leading up to me going to Ireland were quite difficult for many varied reasons and I felt squashed and squeezed into breathlessness, this eased after a while and eventually my time in Ireland seemed to flow differently. I literally woke up one morning knowing I was changed. I couldn't explain how, when, what or why, I just knew it. The day of 8-8-8. I was leaving to return to England. We were driving through Waterford and Wexford to the ferry sailing, then a very long drive from Wales to London. It was on the ferry that I knew the change had actually shifted me somehow. We drove from Wales in the early hours past midnight, to arrive back in London as the day was beginning. Then followed two or three more days of being off the grid. I was floating and unfixed to earth during this time. I know now it was about 'coming off the grid' that I was tied to by my Irish Programs.
Eventually I landed, back into the same coordinates I had left a few short/long weeks earlier, home for me in London. It felt like landing in a gritty energy energy and I had to choose, and shall continue to choose, consciously, to elevate my thoughts out of any lower vibration reaction.
It was like learning to ride a bike after a few years. I knew It was all about choosing to stay in this elevated consciousness after getting the leg up by the energetic pushes that have bashing into this planet for quite some time now.
For me, 'The Ascension Process' is like having the 'bejasus' smacked out of you, for quite a few years, just so that each time there is an energetic push' there is more and more released from you. You are called to release any and all attachments to stuff you no longer need; reactions and responses dictated by the old programs that lay deep in your bones, skin and blood, the programs that tie you onto the grid. It is about releasing an identity formed on the basis of belief in the old programs.
For me it has been like being smacked and pounded with a large plank of wood, until you let go of sense and reason, the two things that hold you bound to the outdated grid on earth.
This outdated grid is ultimately being unwoven, dismantled and broken down so that we, the inhabitants of earth, can resume 'what and who' we are in truth and light, and so that we can untie ourselves from the binds to 'who and what' WE ARE NOT. So letting go of the binds is a tricky business because it has for many many generations, given us an identity and purpose, happy or unhappy, but both in falsity. Some of us humans, and other beings, linked to other worlds but live as humans, have managed to maintain a vision or sight that kept them from being tied to the grid, and it is those who kept the light burning during the intervening centuries. They kept the light burning so that we all could eventually take off the black glasses of the blind, and then untie the slavery bindings to the falsity.
The Identity and Purpose, that we related to was only described to us by the binding (slavery) to grid. It was a very rum deal for most of the worlds population, but we were powerless to look beyond the grid. So we kept these identities going, perpetuating the status-quo. For Far Too Long.
Many information sources have much to say about this, but if anything arises from knowing this knowledge now, that brings your consciousness down ,where possible, it must be let go.
Things like holding opinions, judgments, hatred, victim status, greed, fear, frenzied survival instincts are all low vibration consciousness and they act like fly paper, to keep you stuck to the low vibration grid in all its swampiness, and also it allows all other low vibration goo to stick to you too. Which is indeed part of the plot to keep you from raising your consciouness.
When you stick your head out of the swamp, and breath the fresh air, it can take a long time to pull your whole self up and out, as you will sink back down into the grid, from time to time. But by recognising this and not beating yourself up about it, learning who you are, out of the grid mentality and identity, will eventually yield the results. It is all internal work. Do the work to know thyself.
The best way I can get my head around the all these, energetic bashings, and squeezings, is to remember the saying about the 'eye of the needle'. Where the eye of the needle is like the exit out of the grid and the entrance into truth, heaven, higher consciouness or whatever trully lies 'out side the grid' in terms of us taking on and standing in our inner, true power as divine aspects of God. Its about leaving behind the small, crumbly little species that we are trying to no longer be.
So the eye of the needle is where no rich man, i.e. loaded with baggage, actually means the degree to which he/she is attached to the trappings (i.e. the wealth or poverty, power or powerlessness, hate, poison grandiose ego or fallen and fearful ego) which are basically great big fat bags rammed with the emotional attachments to stuff which actually is not him/her. These fat bags are just an illusionary identity and are just aspects of the grid, which is false. No man can get through the eye of the needle carrying these bags. A camel would have more luck.
As I see it, we each have to successfully squeeze through a long line of eye's in needles, to get rid of false attachments to stuff that is not really our stuff, they are just props from a pantomime, that has been keeping us busy for a very long time. Its time to get off this flimsy stage furnished with untruths and populated with things to keep us so busy and distracted that we cant see we are not those roles anymore.
The 8-8-8 is one of the many energetic gateways that gives us a hand up and out of the swamp.
Oh yeah, one more thing, get your Gold suit on.
Visualise that you are in the centre of your very own spherical bio-energy field, and that it contains all the energy of your creation, every thought, emotion, electro-chemical and every energetic particle transmission that you create, The idea is to clean this up, get rid of the toxicity created by fear etc. Fill this daily with unconditional love; intuit and intend that because you have asked for and intend for it to be done, it is being done. Keep the unconditional love flowing through as much as an ocean would need to be cleaned from an oil spill. Keep going with it. Stuff may come up that is uncomfortable but keep going because it is only coming up to seen and released.
Even if you don't know what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is, keep the intention strong and clear, use a tone in the voice to call it through. Eventually you will feel the unconditional love, and eventually your energy field will be at the vibration of unconditional love. Then you have lightened yourself from the baggage that pulls you down.
So As the work commences to clear the energy field, act further to seal the energy field in gold light. practice this at every moment. This again is a visualisation, You Intend and intuit that The gold light seals the healing of your energy field and prevents low vibration stuff coming through into your energy field and interfering with you raising your vibration.
Ireland August 2015.
I was in Ireland for the time leading up to the 8-8-8. This is the land of my parents. This is my ancestral home and the current lineage that I hold in my bones. Origin of the strongest programs that I was holding in my bio-energy field. The two weeks leading up to me going to Ireland were quite difficult for many varied reasons and I felt squashed and squeezed into breathlessness, this eased after a while and eventually my time in Ireland seemed to flow differently. I literally woke up one morning knowing I was changed. I couldn't explain how, when, what or why, I just knew it. The day of 8-8-8. I was leaving to return to England. We were driving through Waterford and Wexford to the ferry sailing, then a very long drive from Wales to London. It was on the ferry that I knew the change had actually shifted me somehow. We drove from Wales in the early hours past midnight, to arrive back in London as the day was beginning. Then followed two or three more days of being off the grid. I was floating and unfixed to earth during this time. I know now it was about 'coming off the grid' that I was tied to by my Irish Programs.
Eventually I landed, back into the same coordinates I had left a few short/long weeks earlier, home for me in London. It felt like landing in a gritty energy energy and I had to choose, and shall continue to choose, consciously, to elevate my thoughts out of any lower vibration reaction.
It was like learning to ride a bike after a few years. I knew It was all about choosing to stay in this elevated consciousness after getting the leg up by the energetic pushes that have bashing into this planet for quite some time now.
For me, 'The Ascension Process' is like having the 'bejasus' smacked out of you, for quite a few years, just so that each time there is an energetic push' there is more and more released from you. You are called to release any and all attachments to stuff you no longer need; reactions and responses dictated by the old programs that lay deep in your bones, skin and blood, the programs that tie you onto the grid. It is about releasing an identity formed on the basis of belief in the old programs.
For me it has been like being smacked and pounded with a large plank of wood, until you let go of sense and reason, the two things that hold you bound to the outdated grid on earth.
This outdated grid is ultimately being unwoven, dismantled and broken down so that we, the inhabitants of earth, can resume 'what and who' we are in truth and light, and so that we can untie ourselves from the binds to 'who and what' WE ARE NOT. So letting go of the binds is a tricky business because it has for many many generations, given us an identity and purpose, happy or unhappy, but both in falsity. Some of us humans, and other beings, linked to other worlds but live as humans, have managed to maintain a vision or sight that kept them from being tied to the grid, and it is those who kept the light burning during the intervening centuries. They kept the light burning so that we all could eventually take off the black glasses of the blind, and then untie the slavery bindings to the falsity.
The Identity and Purpose, that we related to was only described to us by the binding (slavery) to grid. It was a very rum deal for most of the worlds population, but we were powerless to look beyond the grid. So we kept these identities going, perpetuating the status-quo. For Far Too Long.
Many information sources have much to say about this, but if anything arises from knowing this knowledge now, that brings your consciousness down ,where possible, it must be let go.
Things like holding opinions, judgments, hatred, victim status, greed, fear, frenzied survival instincts are all low vibration consciousness and they act like fly paper, to keep you stuck to the low vibration grid in all its swampiness, and also it allows all other low vibration goo to stick to you too. Which is indeed part of the plot to keep you from raising your consciouness.
When you stick your head out of the swamp, and breath the fresh air, it can take a long time to pull your whole self up and out, as you will sink back down into the grid, from time to time. But by recognising this and not beating yourself up about it, learning who you are, out of the grid mentality and identity, will eventually yield the results. It is all internal work. Do the work to know thyself.
The best way I can get my head around the all these, energetic bashings, and squeezings, is to remember the saying about the 'eye of the needle'. Where the eye of the needle is like the exit out of the grid and the entrance into truth, heaven, higher consciouness or whatever trully lies 'out side the grid' in terms of us taking on and standing in our inner, true power as divine aspects of God. Its about leaving behind the small, crumbly little species that we are trying to no longer be.
So the eye of the needle is where no rich man, i.e. loaded with baggage, actually means the degree to which he/she is attached to the trappings (i.e. the wealth or poverty, power or powerlessness, hate, poison grandiose ego or fallen and fearful ego) which are basically great big fat bags rammed with the emotional attachments to stuff which actually is not him/her. These fat bags are just an illusionary identity and are just aspects of the grid, which is false. No man can get through the eye of the needle carrying these bags. A camel would have more luck.
As I see it, we each have to successfully squeeze through a long line of eye's in needles, to get rid of false attachments to stuff that is not really our stuff, they are just props from a pantomime, that has been keeping us busy for a very long time. Its time to get off this flimsy stage furnished with untruths and populated with things to keep us so busy and distracted that we cant see we are not those roles anymore.
The 8-8-8 is one of the many energetic gateways that gives us a hand up and out of the swamp.
Oh yeah, one more thing, get your Gold suit on.
Visualise that you are in the centre of your very own spherical bio-energy field, and that it contains all the energy of your creation, every thought, emotion, electro-chemical and every energetic particle transmission that you create, The idea is to clean this up, get rid of the toxicity created by fear etc. Fill this daily with unconditional love; intuit and intend that because you have asked for and intend for it to be done, it is being done. Keep the unconditional love flowing through as much as an ocean would need to be cleaned from an oil spill. Keep going with it. Stuff may come up that is uncomfortable but keep going because it is only coming up to seen and released.
Even if you don't know what UNCONDITIONAL LOVE is, keep the intention strong and clear, use a tone in the voice to call it through. Eventually you will feel the unconditional love, and eventually your energy field will be at the vibration of unconditional love. Then you have lightened yourself from the baggage that pulls you down.
So As the work commences to clear the energy field, act further to seal the energy field in gold light. practice this at every moment. This again is a visualisation, You Intend and intuit that The gold light seals the healing of your energy field and prevents low vibration stuff coming through into your energy field and interfering with you raising your vibration.
Release the old programs and jump into the new vibratory system.
New post on Forever Unlimited | ![]() |
Sunday, 23 August 2015
Post 8-8-8. "You are not who you were last week."
The 8th August 2015, (8-8-8) was a phenomenal shift. Posted on Spirit Library, a brilliant account of by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan.
Thoughts from your Hostess of Light August 2015
a message from Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Monday, 17 August, 2015
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Holy Moly Mother of Goddess, what can an earth girl say? I have been around the cosmic block a few times and I have never experienced a shift like this past 8-8-8. the very foundation of light was shifted never to go back to what it once was. A great bubble of expansion in a holding pattern was issued to Earth, as was reflected in the actions of the sun. Giant sunspots formed just to be held and not released at this time. The human body is very vulnerable right now as every little thing begins to hurt. This is the body’s way of asking you to love what is painful for it is a physical manifestation of what is calcified within your thinking, it seeks release. The very DNA patterning of earth has shifted in accordance with a celestial declaration, and nuances of ancient messages on starlight make themselves seen and known.
What lives deep within the people of earth has more value than all the gold and diamonds in the universe. One soul who finally sees them selves as a holy vessel is priceless. One soul who remembers their divine identity is worth risking everything for. People have felt so beat down and beat up by life lately.
They have felt cheated and taken advantage of when they are good hearted giving people. It is at times like this that is hard to live in integrity in honor and old fashioned goodness. But that is exactly what one must do, for all that is unfairly taken from you will be accounted for in the heavenly inventory.
Life has more than enough to give. She wants to share and comfort you in your times of need. This generosity, this gift from life may not be in the design that you have requested. You have outgrown the energy of the past place /job/situation and now you are being asked to move in a fertile place by the universe whom knows your full potential to bloom. Every thing that happens to you comes as a gift no matter how it is wrapped. It is your belief in this statement that will redirect the manifestation into something more beautiful than you originally thought.
It is time to let go of everything that no longer serves the bigger picture that you are becoming. Many of you still cling to ‘what was’, going through the trash of your day and of your life – digging up, exhuming, and examining ‘what could have been’, ‘what would have been’, “if only” you had taken a different path, made a different choice. I assure you this emotional regret is an illusion. Stop digging through the very trash of your life, amplifying the ‘regrets’ of the past. You are being pushed and pulled into a very tight-fitting energy–that actually squeezes your humanness into new directions that are not comfortable. These are the forgotten corridors in your heart, your dreams.
The energies are making you squirm, irritable, and emotional. You are being re-sculpted into something more enhanced than you ever thought possible. The new energies sweep into every part of you. They bring forth connections with people, places, and things that you thought were lost forever.
They bring you new opportunities as well as regrets. Everything that you have placed to the side of your plate is –NOW asking to be ingested, addressed, and then eliminated.
All of you are being birthed into a higher consciousness, this is the first glimmer of all the light to come. These encodings are your prime property. They are the treasures that you so seek – the treasures that you innately know are yours. As humans you look for these treasures externally as money, inheritances, lottery winnings.. these innate treasures are the true love that you so seek –treasures are your heart’s desire. The electrons of your physical body have increased their spin the very particles of your body have walked through expansion and every cell, every sub-atomic particle, every hair of you has changed and now holds a elevated light.
what you once deemed important has changed. Your abilities, your divine encodings are being augmented. Thoughts will be projected, desires, and truths will be issued without a physical word coming from you. You will find more a deeper connection with nature, and the earth. The people that once pushed your buttons, and painted you into emotional corners will find that you no longer re-act the way you once did. Now when they paint you into a corner you just enjoy the corner for a minute. You will be far more concerned with expanding your divine energy than acting and re-acting to anyone or anything. You are not who you were last week.
Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 - www.thequantumawakening.com thequantumawakening@hughes.net
Wednesday, 5 August 2015
Internal shifts are occurring whereby we lurch about inside ourselves and then fall out like someone who has not been trained in parachute landing skills. Then we are expected to complete and ground the transformation in what ever way we feel able to and regardless wherever we happen to be.
Moving into a Radical Shift
a message from Brenda Hoffman
Tuesday, 28 July, 2015 (posted 29 July, 2015)
4689 views, 32 comments - login or register to comment
Dear Ones,
The next few days may be fraught with angst and pondering. Not because such is necessary, but that you are discovering new pieces that do not align with what you expect of yourself.
Some of you will discover you do not have the energy or interest to discuss your shifts in attitude, beliefs and perceptions with others. Which is to be expected during such a dramatic change in your being.
Until now, even though you shifted here and there, you maintained your known 3D being.
Your previous shifts have largely been about discovering others who did not mesh with your being. Even so, you maintained your 3D beings’ integrity. Perhaps you preferred a few different foods, activities or interactions, but overall you remained the you that you have known since entering earth in this lifetime.
Such will not necessarily be the case after the next few days. For you are beginning to splinter off from your known 3D totality.
Such a statement likely makes your stomach turn, your blood run cold or any other phrase that indicates such a change will be for the worse. This advance notice is to allow you to glory in the new you you will create the next few days.
Splintering is little different from what was true for you during puberty. You perhaps evolved from a close or somewhat close relationship with your earth family to a need to interact with others of like age and interests. A growth stage your parents anticipated and you relished.
The difference is your shift of the next few days will happen all at once, instead of in stages for several years. Shifting from childhood to young adulthood with all the potential ramifications within your being from different foods to different friends to different reactions. You, in essence, will be flying through your new you teen years in a matter of hours. Meaning you will most likely appear petty, pouty and petulant to even yourself as you rapidly move through your processes. And then you will not.
Perhaps your concern is that such a flagrant disregard for all you have accepted and expected in 3D will create chaos and a loss of what you have created to date. Such is not true – for all who wish to be or are of the light will be moving through the same process. The difference is that those of you already of the light will now understand what is happening and those merely wishing to be of the light will be terrified that they are somehow wrong or need medication.
This is a short-lived event. For the time is now for you to become new you – requiring you and all wishing to participate to expedite your shifts. Even those of the light in past times such as Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed had greater preparation periods. For you are condensing that which once took years into days. And that which once took days into minutes.
So it is you will be a different person in days. Not a being so different you must live alone, but instead a mature young adult. Since this will be a condensed shift, the next few days will most likely surprise you as much as anyone.
Do you remember puberty when you were happy one moment and sad the next? Or childlike one moment and adult-like the next? So it will be for you the next few days. Do not place parameters around this shift or try to limit your emotional swings to “fit in” with what you expect of yourself in 3D.
You are evolving at warp speed which will be most dramatically displayed the next few days – most importantly to yourself. You are not losing your mind or your body. You are merely maturing both at a speed you are not accustomed to. Future beings will know such is happening and why. But as has been true since you started this wondrous journey to new you, you are New Earth scout masters.
Your initial reaction will most likely be of fear, even shame. Such will not be true in the future. For all will note the phase much as you now note the ‘terrible twos’ or teen years.
Allow yourself to play with this new you. And allow the same for others. It is a short-lived event that you will one day laugh about.
You are maturing and shifting more rapidly everyday. Those pieces that once took decades for you will be achieved within months for future generations. And those pieces that you achieved in months or days will be completed in minutes by future generations.
You are the first and therefore, less rapid group. Future groups will easily explore what you courageous souls completed with fear and wonderment. You are indeed New Earth scout masters fully as brave as any historical figure you can conjure up in your mind. For you are exploring your inner world and sharing the information you gather as did those who you speak of with awe from ancients who traveled the globe in wooden boats to those who created loving communities despite the hardships such required.
You are a brave lot. Know that you are completing as much for future generations as any explorer, wise person or god you now speak of in hushed tones. And you are allowing/encouraging others to know of your wisdom via the Internet, healing sessions, seminars, personal interactions and so many other means of communication that you created for this very purpose.
You are your own guru – and the scout master of the generations and beings who wish to follow. Pat yourself on your back, your leg and any other place that conveys to you how wonderful you are. So be it. Amen.
Copyright © 2009-2015, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc., but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link: http://www.LifeTapestryCreations.com
This message was originally posted here
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