Wednesday, 30 September 2015

The rewards are imminent. New Focus is revealed. The expansiveness of Divinity working in and through all that you have known is breaking down the walls erected from eons of old power structures.

Timely Message for September 27 - Your Emergence from the Chrysalis

The Waves of Awakening Lightand - Your Emergence from the Chrysalis
Dear Ones,
You came into this life with a longing for Home. Because of this inner longing of your soul, you may have spent all your life trying to fill the missing pieces. You hold an inner knowing deep within that there was something more, something more meaningful, a deeper connection with a part of your soul.
This activity of your inner spirit is evidence of the awakening at this time. Regardless of where you are on your journey, prepare yourself for a quickening. The energy coming with the eclipse and wave of Light is immense and a true blessing, although so much has been hyped about September 27 that you may be feeling frightened.
The Wave of Divine Love that will be pouring through the hearts of all humanity with the Full Moon Eclipse is the elixir that your soul has longed for, the spark that ignites the awakening consciousness of all those on the cusp of the first wave of ascension.
This is not the Mother Ship taking you away to somewhere else, but a divine experience in your physical form that awakens the deep codes of divinity within your DNA acting as a catalyst for change, new life, and awakening of your higher consciousness.
Stage fright may be the new normal
The most significant aspect of this timing is the large numbers of people that are ready for this powerful shift in consciousness that will occur with the full moon eclipse. Recognize that the feelings in your inner being that some label as fear and anxiety are actually the imaginal cells awakening perfect Divine timing, like the butterfly emerging from the chrysalis.
It is as if stage fright, that feeling of butterflies in your stomach, suddenly became the new normal.
Nothing is assured in this wave of awakening light. There will be some who may not notice the difference in their lives immediately. There will be others who can track the changes they are experiencing within. There may be some who have a radical spiritual experience of tremendous power as the wave of Divine Love permeates their being. No matter what your experience is, the illumination of your soul will be able to jump-start your life when you create your intention to work with this energy.
As you use the energy to create your highest good and bless all of humanity, it will calm the over-emotional responses that some are experiencing. Acting from neutrality and non-attachment to outcomes is the name of the game. What God has planned for all humanity is much grander than what can be imagined on a purely human level.
But imagine it anyway. Call forth the highest possible Joy, Love, Wisdom, Success and Abundance. Fill your life with Beauty. Offer your dreams to the forces of the Universe that await your direction, then come into the still point of centered awareness within your heart and let yourself become a vessel for awakening consciousness on Earth.
This activity is what your soul has longed for, for this activity of awakening consciousness you came to Earth in this incarnation. You are here as the bridge between Heaven and Earth. Your presence provides the fertile ground for those not yet aware of the Beauty and Potential of this time.
For those who have been called the first wave of ascension, the shift you will experience in your life will allow a realization that you are indeed a part of something momentous. As you let go of preconceived ideas, the 5th Dimensional energies will bring more magical occurrences into your life.
It is a time of simplicity and gentleness for yourself and all others. The love that is awakening in the hearts of humanity during this wave of Divine Light is unprecedented and will change the consciousness of those on the planet forever.
Along with the master teachers awakening in this new age, more life will be revealed and established as your cellular structure continues to evolve. Never before has the density been so fluid and changeable. You are being blessed in all you do.
As new points of Light are established by Light Bearers all over the world, new levels of being awaken in the hearts of those anchoring new consciousness on Earth. Joining the hearts of all humanity in a circle of Divine Light is not only relevant but potent with potential for new life.
The creation of new levels of consciousness is a process of divinity working in the density of physical reality. Making inroads for new pathways of Light requires Faith in the consciousness of God working in and through all humanity. Whenever one is changed by the Light, hundreds and thousands follow suit until a revelation of mass awakening occurs.
This is the situation breaking open on September 27.
The rewards are imminent. New Focus is revealed. The expansiveness of Divinity working in and through all that you have known is breaking down the walls erected from eons of old power structures. When these walls collapse, the ripple effect across the world will be felt by all humanity. A collective sigh of relief in the heart will be experienced once one has distanced oneself from the emotional upheaval of change.
When you can make friends with change, welcoming new experiences and opportunity, ever more joyous outcomes will prevail. Opening to the Light becomes the tool for transformation. Freedom is at hand. All life awaits the human experiment that is creating divinity in physical earth bodies. As you have moved deeper into the new life in 5D on Earth, profound change has taken place within the DNA of the human form. The so-called junk aspect of the DNA has reformed into the crystalline structures originally intended for people to experience their divinity.
The more we can relax into the flow of the energy of Divine Light, the easier it becomes to know what to do. Please remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be at this holy moment. Allow yourself to be inspired and blessed and know you are profoundly guided through this process by a Love that never ends. And so it is.

" I would hold off on any particular self-diagnosis if possible until this next “wave” has passed, around 9/29-30."

Power Portal Report for 9/23-28, 2015

Cosmic Weather – Fall (Spring) Equinox, 
Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and Energy update
Hello friends. There is so much going on at the moment I have extended the usual Full Moon report to include the Physical Avatar report and other pertinent information.
Fall (Spring) Equinox, 9/23
Equinox gateway periods are always significant points of power on the planet as the magnetic field of the earth is impacted by the placement of the Sun in its alignment with the equator. This is why ritual and meditation have been significantly observed at these points by many different cultures around the globe. The Equinox kicks off this portal of energy nicely to set the stage for what is to follow with the upcoming Full Moon/Eclipse.
Dear ones, based on your question we see that the upcoming period of the Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse bring a vibrational opportunity that could be described as a “quickening” of sorts. Though these energies are already present in your realm, we see the period of the most significance will be 9/23-28, with an integration period to follow 9/29-30.
Some of the possible uses for these energies can manifest in the following ways:
1) The shift and healing of physical and emotional issues, especially of a chronic or long-term nature as these energies will be impactful though all of your energetic bodies and also at a cellular level.
2) The dropping of energies most commonly in the form of beliefs, especially those that are no longer useful or in support of you being your most authentic divine self.
3) The realization and shift around any “roles” you have taken on as part of your soul mission that are no longer necessary. More veils will be dropped so to speak, as you step into greater levels of alignment and realization.
In combination with some of the other astro-cosmic energies present at the time (i.e. Mercury Retrograde) it will be helpful to remain open and flexible. Energies, concepts and situations will be moving through quickly.
We would especially like to invite those who identify as Empathic and/or highly sensitive to remain in their own circle (of energy) so to speak, and remain grounded and centered. This is one of the periods where the astral realms will be “busy,” and this could prove distracting or unbalancing to you. Be at peace dear ones. These periods in your world are wisely designed, as the energies that have configured are highly intelligent and purposeful. In periods of change and evolution there may be some discomfort that arises for some beings in which resistance can increase its intensity. Please do know that you are not without spiritual assistance at all times. You are dearly loved. Shanti. – The Keepers, 9.19.15
Physical Avatar Report for 9/23-28, 2015
NOTE: The Physical Avatar is an aspect of the collective in the akashic level that is related to health and well-being especially experienced by Empaths, light workers and sensitives. I started these particular reports in 2010 with the Akashic Wisdom Keepers as a form of guidance and service.
Some of the physical effects are: headache, “brain fog,” either an increase or decrease of physical pain issues, fatigue, greater thirst and appetite or possible decreased appetite. Organ “twitching” or slight discomfort, especially in the Liver and Gallbladder areas which are detoxing.”Cold” symptoms that never quite materialize, especially involving sinus issues, slight cough and/or sore throat. Dream activity is also on the increase including lucid dreaming and possible OBEs (out of body experiences.)
I am being told in this upgrade that it is essential to stay extra hydrated as this is related to the way the energies are impacting the system. One of the signs of dehydration is headache, especially for people who don’t normally get them. I was also told that it is important to not withhold proper nutrients the body, especially of protein which is also needed to synergize the incoming energies on a physical level.
Emotionally we may be mood swinging from releasing/crying to moments of great clarity, peace and joy. Thought this may mimic more problematic emotional issues such as BPD, unless you have a history of emotional disorders it is probably not cause for concern. I would hold off on any particular self-diagnosis if possible until this next “wave” has passed, around 9/29-30.
Dreamtime and Reality Shifting
Expect a “colorful” dreamlife in the coming week, where the metaphors are flowing freely. This is not uncommon in upgrade periods as energies that are no longer useful or needed make their way out. I would recommend keeping a journal closely as some of the symbols may be so deep they are not obviously apparent upon first glance. We may be sleeping very deeply or sleeping so lightly it feels like a more relaxed meditation. In that case, we may not feel entirely rested when we awaken. This is not uncommon in periods of strong portal energies.
Full Harvest/Blood Moon in Aries and Lunar Eclipse
Higher Ground and Pure Desires
As per every year this Full Moon highlights the Aries (me) vs. Sun in Libra (we) dynamic. The shadow side of Aries energies can be aggression, hostility and fighting for the sake of fighting. The light side however can be very high as it embodies the I AM presence along with desire in its pure form, courage and spiritual bravery. The overall theme of these portal energies are: transformation, healing and releasing all that no longer serves our higher purpose and calling.
I can light the night up with my soul on fire. I can make the sun shine from pure desire. – Steve Winwood
During a Full Lunar Eclipse we have a powerful energetic point in time; since the moon it is related to emotions, yin energy and inwardness. The moon sign of Aries is Yang, martial and dynamic. This creates an interesting juxtaposition spiritually and also an interesting energetic opening as we are presented with the creative, harmonic still point between opposites.
The Sabian Symbol for 5 Aries is: A Triangle with Wings
This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of “levitation” is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization. At this point the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors. – Dane Rudhyar
What a beautiful and appropriate symbol for these energies: The polar opposites making up the two sides of the triangle (Libra/Aries) give rise to a magical “third” based on the quintessence of both.
I was thinking about the 2016 yearly forecast which I will start writing in December and how intense the past two years really have been, which is fitting for “7” and “8” Universal Years. The “8” energies being about magnification and manifestation, sometimes in very unexpected ways. I can already tell no matter what will be happening next year astrologically and cosmically, many of us will need some integration time. 2016 is a “9” year which will be about the harvest, completion, goodness and Grace.
Though we pass through this gateway every year around this time, the energies always take a different form depending on what is traveling with them. This year this is especially the case. Another note to add is that Pluto (Capricorn) will also be stationing DIRECT 9/24-25. This will also help to lighten the load of Plutonic intensity and inwardness. For many, the spiritual cleanse and detox has definitely done its job and we’re ready to emerge into our new creations. Do keep in mind however, at any planetary station the main planetary energetic message may come in more loud and clear as it passes through.
Happy Equinox and Full Moon Eclipsing friends and remember to keep it Cosmic!
NOTE: The Full Moon in Aries is 9/27/15 at 7:51 pm PDT/10:51 EDT. The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 7:47 PDT and 10:47 PDT. Please check an ephemeris source for other times globally.

Monday, 28 September 2015

This is extremely important for you to know as the ascension process needs now the absolute clarity of your minds, more than ever, in order to shape it with your ideas in the proper way. The clearer your ideas are as to how this matrix will collapse in order to fuel the ascension process, the more powerful their creationary effect will be.

The Bursting of the Bond-Stock Market-Dollar-Etc. Bubbles as a Domino Effect

Georgi Stankov, September 9, 2015
The current Orion financial Ponzi scheme is based entirely on debt that creates numerous bubbles. A bubble is a specific manifestation of a hyper-inflation in the marketplace based on worthless money printed out of thin air. Hyperinflation always ends up with a national default when all major bubbles burst. I have discussed in my previous articles that all four major bubbles of the Orion matrix based entirely on financial debt have burst last month:
– the US bond bubble
– the stock market bubble
– the US dollar (currency) bubble
– the real estate bubble.
In addition, we have a fifth derivative bubble that is so huge – 1.5 quadrillion USD or more than 20 times bigger than the world GDP – that has been generated entirely by the 20 biggest US and EU banks. The bursting of this bubble is sufficient to wipe out the whole Orion economic Ponzi scheme. This bubble also burst last month and the repercussions will be felt very soon.
On top of these five giant bubbles, we have the national debt of all Western economies that exceeds more than 200 % of the national GDP in the average. Some countries as Japan and the UK have roughly a 300% debt ratio to GDP.
Parallel to the national debt bubble, the Western type of neo-liberal economic Ponzi scheme exhibits several more gargantuan debt bubbles:
– The private households debt bubble
– The corporate debt bubble
– The municipal debt bubble etc.
According to precise calculations of mainstream financial experts, the total amount of the last three bubbles exceeds more than $ 200 trillion (15 times the US GDP) alone in the USA.
All these debt bubbles are closely interrelated and interdependent as they were all created by debt money (funny money) printed out of thin air by the three major central banks, FED, EBC and BJ. This printing of debt money out of thin air was propagated in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis by the US banksters, in cahoots with the ruling cabal, under the euphemistic term “quantitative easing” (QE). This was the perversion of neo-liberal Keynesianism under the pretext of stimulating the western economies that entered the Greatest Depression of all times in 2008. In fact all the money printed were spent to bail out the bankrupted “to-big-to-fail banks” at the expense of the tax payers who experienced the biggest and longest austerity policy of profound impoverishment and the annihilation of the middle class as the backbone of the liberal society. The ultimate aim was the establishment of the NWO in the End Time.
From this short listing of the major debt bubbles of the current Orion monetary Ponzi scheme it becomes evident that the fiat “toilet paper” monies used in the Western economies have absolutely no value and are mere paper “IOUs” – “I Owe You”-debt declarations without any value.
Now let me ask you a very simple question, to which a very simple answer can be given.
If all current financial and economic bubbles were created by a gargantuan debt, by a hyper-inflation based on printing worthless paper money out of thin air, what is the energetic mechanism that will eliminate this extreme disequilibrium between real value economy and secondary financial debt system?”
The answer is: By unwinding the huge debt.
But as all money in circulation is entirely debt money, IOUs, any unwinding of the global debt is actually destruction (elimination) of money. The result is hyper-inflation, the collective acknowledgement of the worthlessness of the money in circulation as I showed you for former Yugoslavia in the 90s, Turkey in the 80s and many other countries, in particular the famous German hyper-inflation during the Great Depression when the people had to carry a full basket of paper money to buy a single egg on the market.
Hyper-inflation is the sum term for the bursting of all current bubbles, which the printing of money out of thin air by the central banks and the creation of a gargantuan debt by the governments have generated in the last several decades. The bursting of all bubbles eliminates all debt money, which is the only fuel of the current western economy in the Greatest Depression of all times that began in 2008, as can be seen by thesteadily growing percentage of people that are not in the labour force in the west. This is the real unemployment rate of any economy and the most reliable indicator for a real Depression. In the USA, the number of people, capable of working but out of the labour force, has reached a historic peak. Out of roughly 320 million US citizens 94 million are not working in September 2015:
From 62 million out of work US citizens in 1990, this number has steadily risen to 94 million in 2015 or a 50% real unemployment growth over a quarter of a century. When one considers that every second job in the US is low-paid, unqualified job that barely generates enough income for survival, as the consumption slump in the USA in the last two years clearly shows, then the actual number of US citizens out of work and without any decent income will skyrocket to about 130 – 150 million in an estimated US population of 320 million, where roughly 100 million are either children below 18 or retired seniors above 65 and do not participate in the working force.
The labour force participation rate in the USA has also steadily declined since 2000 and is now as low as in the 70s when the interest rates were two-digit and the US economy was in a deep recession. This fact proves beyond any doubt that the US economy is now in the Greatest Depression of all times and so do all other western economies.
Elimination of debt money leads to sudden financial and economic infarct, to shutdown of banks and all other financial institutions, such as stock exchanges or currency exchanges (e.g. Forex), closure of most stores and a meltdown of the social order and all civilisation values and behaviour rules. This is what we should expect end of this summer and during this fall. This scenario has happened numerous times in other countries in recent history and is nothing unusual. It is only that this kind of disruptive event is not known in North America, but even the UK was under coupon regime for many years after the end of WW2, although it won the war and at a time when the “Wirtschaftswunder” (economic miracle) was in full sway in defeated Germany.
This is extremely important for you to know as the ascension process needs now the absolute clarity of your minds, more than ever, in order to shape it with your ideas in the proper way. The clearer your ideas are as to how this matrix will collapse in order to fuel the ascension process, the more powerful their creationary effect will be. You are the incumbent Logos Gods of Gaia and the creators of the ascension. Please recollect that all energy is preserved and that there is no waste of energy in All-That-Is according to the Universal Law and the partial first law of thermodynamics, which is an application thereof. All holographic forms of low dense energies that are dissolved now render the fuel for our ascension.
Money is a virtual mirror image of the nature of energy as has been discussed at length on this website. In the current dysfunctional Orion economy, money has indeed taken over all the attributes of energy in the lower 3D density and this is how the ruling cabal try to sever the incarnated entities from the source and prevent the ascension. The Orion money system is the greatest blockage of humanity on its way to ascension as also discussed by Brad recently.
Now, all blockages are patterns of very condensed energy. All the bubbles of the Orion Ponzi scheme are huge chunks of condensed human energy as long as the economy operates according to the rigged rules of the current Orion monetary system that has created these bubbles in the first place. All the actual activities of humans as producing systems in the economy flow into these bubbles and feed them with energy in form of money. This is how the ruling elite preserves its power over the masses.
The primordial idea of the current Orion Ponzi scheme is to prevent the ascension by separating the human entities from the source. The dialectical aspect of this pecuniary separation from the source is the enslavement of humanity under the NWO. The establishment of the NWO is not the ultimate goal of the ruling cabal, but the inevitable outcome when the incarnated entities are severed from the source and the Whole by a false imitation of energy in form of money to which they succumb. This should be well understood.
Now, the following connection of ideas and concepts is very important for you to comprehend the energetic dynamics behind the current collapse of the Orion monetary system and our simultaneous ascension. The bursting of all financial and economic bubbles created by artificial debt is equivalent to the elimination of all dark energies by us as the light warriors of the first and the last hour by employing the famous turnstile mechanism. Just as we eliminate huge chunks of dense, sluggish, low-frequency energies with the turnstile mechanism which is a metaphor for the phase transition of low-frequency energies into high frequency energies under the Universal law of preservation of energy, so will the bursting of all bubbles lead to the elimination of all debt money which is the epitome of all dark energies and it substitution with the energies of the light. As soon as the current Orion Ponzi scheme collapses, and with it the whole matrix, money will be substituted with a neutral, simple numerical system which will perfectly reflect the nature of the source energies.
This whole phase transition from money-driven society into money-free society could have happened very quickly and in a painless manner if humans were not driven by greed and identify luck, happiness and abundance entirely with the possession of money. The best solution is a global jubilee of all debt and substitution of the Orion monetary system with a new neutral digital system of payments and transactions as proposed by myself from the very beginning. One only needs to comprehend the nature of money as a mirror image of energy and reduce it to its true function as a SI system of measurement of human achievements, until also this form of intermediary measurement will be abolished and the new humanity will begin to create immediately from the fulcrum of their HS.
Unfortunately as most human beings stick to money, they cannot detach from this Orion/Reptilian concept of human enslavement and will continue clinging to it till their total depravity and destruction. This is the key quality of the current End Time when the collapse of the Orion matrix will be accomplished this fall. The hardships do not arise from external intervention of the HR, or God’s punishment of the bad, but by the stubbornness of the people to open to new enlightened ideas.
For you as the demiurges of this collapse of the matrix, the dialectical aspect of which is the ascension of Gaia and part of humanity, it is imperative to interpret this collapse of the Orion financial system entirely under the neutral aspect of energy transformation and transmutation and liberate yourselves from all faulty earthly ethical, moral, religious, New Age and other value systems that are deficient interpretations of the nature of All-That Is and will not survive the ascension process, which is a phase transition to higher frequency levels of awareness in the first place.

to read more:

Sunday, 27 September 2015


New post on Forever Unlimited


by ForeverUnlimited
Wings around the world  - group meditation sunday september 27
Wings around the world  - group meditation sunday september 27

Saturday, 26 September 2015

Archangel Michael: September 28/15 First Wave Ascension Connected To Cos...

The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X". September 28, 2015.

Warning this is most probably a false flag.

Update on this, please refer to a later dated post entitled. to bring this to the light.

Monday, 5 October 2015

Archons and Angels, and the BIG Deception. Cats among the pigeons both sides of the same coin. Big U-TURN. Enjoy.

Archons and Archangels

New post on Forever Unlimited

The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. “Wave X”. September 28, 2015.

by ForeverUnlimited

(First wave, Sept. 2015, 2nd wave, Spring 2016, 3rd wave by Summer 2016...)
"...In simpler terms, your DNA is being flooded with Light and Love. You are being activated. On September 28th, 2.3 billion beautiful souls will awaken to the 5th dimensional reality. They will experience New Earth in mind, body, soul, through their oracle devices, through their senses, through their hyper-sensory perceptions. They will know it, they will speak it, they will breathe it they will be 5th Dimensional New Earth. This will not be subtle, my children, this will be extremely drastic. 2.3 billion souls "all at the same moment" will open into the amazing paradigm of New Earth. This experience will last approximately 18 hours. Then it will subside. There will be a coming wave of integration, of processing, as it usually is when we receive the Light Code access and the gifts that we bestow upon you. Then within a few months, granted, give of take the level of activation and elevation, to each soul seed, those individuals will open into a dual reality of New Earth and Old Earth perpetuating at the same time. They will bleed through, they will merge, and they will be the new wave of Superhumans who have opened into their truth and helped shift the Mass Consciousness 100%, cellular DNA, into New Earth, forevermore.
This 1st wave of humans and amazing souls that open into 5th dimension will elevate all of Mass Consciousness, so that the 2nd wave in Spring 2016, can open into their experiential divine frequency alignment of 5th Dimensional New Earth.
This acceleration of even more beings, will then propel all of Mass Consciousness to hit a critical mass, elevating the densest of souls into 5th dimensional New Earth by Summer 2016.
We want to be very clear here, this has never happened before in your current timeline, This is massive, even to our standards. We are here with you, we are helping you. In most ways, this shall be perceived to those who awaken in the first wave on September 28th as a Divine, glorious bliss-filled happenstance.
Your lives, to those who are the Pioneers, will be forever changed. Your experience will be unforgettable, and it will move you to the core of your being, to the deepest Soul Level, you will connect with your truth, you will have massive waves of understanding, and re-calibrating, reactivating your Super Human Adam-Eve Kadmon Light Body. Your Kundalonic vibrations will rise up...your Chakras will come on line..."
The Galactic Federation. Event Horizon. "Wave X". September 28, 2015. World Peace Projects

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The Equinox kicks off this portal of energy nicely to set the stage for what is to follow with the upcoming Full Moon/Eclipse.

New post on Forever Unlimited

Irma Kaye Sawyer: Power Portal Report for 9/23-28, 2015: Cosmic Weather – Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and energy update

by ForeverUnlimited

Power Portal Report for 9/23-28, 2015

Cosmic Weather – Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse and energy update
Hello friends. There is so much going on at the moment I have extended the usual Full Moon report to include the Physical Avatar report and other pertinent information.
Fall (Spring) Equinox, 9/23
Equinox gateway periods are always significant points of power on the planet as the magnetic field of the earth is impacted by the placement of the Sun in its alignment with the equator. This is why ritual and meditation have been significantly observed at these points by many different cultures around the globe. The Equinox kicks off this portal of energy nicely to set the stage for what is to follow with the upcoming Full Moon/Eclipse.
Dear ones, based on your question we see that the upcoming period of the Fall (Spring) Equinox, Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse bring a vibrational opportunity that could be described as a “quickening” of sorts. Though these energies are already present in your realm, we see the period of the most significance will be 9/23-28, with an integration period to follow 9/29-30.
Some of the possible uses for these energies can manifest in the following ways:
1) The shift and healing of physical and emotional issues, especially of a chronic or long-term nature as these energies will be impactful though all of your energetic bodies and also at a cellular level.
2) The dropping of energies most commonly in the form of beliefs, especially those that are no longer useful or in support of you being your most authentic divine self.
3) The realization and shift around any “roles” you have taken on as part of your soul mission that are no longer necessary. More veils will be dropped so to speak, as you step into greater levels of alignment and realization.
In combination with some of the other astro-cosmic energies present at the time (i.e. Mercury Retrograde) it will be helpful to remain open and flexible. Energies, concepts and situations will be moving through quickly.
We would especially like to invite those who identify as Empathic and/or highly sensitive to remain in their own circle (of energy) so to speak, and remain grounded and centered. This is one of the periods where the astral realms will be “busy,” and this could prove distracting or unbalancing to you. Be at peace dear ones. These periods in your world are wisely designed, as the energies that have configured are highly intelligent and purposeful. In periods of change and evolution there may be some discomfort that arises for some beings in which resistance can increase its intensity. Please do know that you are not without spiritual assistance at all times. You are dearly loved. Shanti. – The Keepers, 9.19.15
Physical Avatar Report for 9/23-28, 2015
NOTE: The Physical Avatar is an aspect of the collective in the akashic level that is related to health and well-being especially experienced by Empaths, light workers and sensitives. I started these particular reports in 2010 with the Akashic Wisdom Keepers as a form of guidance and service.
Some of the physical effects are: headache, “brain fog,” either an increase or decrease of physical pain issues, fatigue, greater thirst and appetite or possible decreased appetite. Organ “twitching” or slight discomfort, especially in the Liver and Gallbladder areas which are detoxing.”Cold” symptoms that never quite materialize, especially involving sinus issues, slight cough and/or sore throat. Dream activity is also on the increase including lucid dreaming and possible OBEs (out of body experiences.)
I am being told in this upgrade that it is essential to stay extra hydrated as this is related to the way the energies are impacting the system. One of the signs of dehydration is headache, especially for people who don’t normally get them. I was also told that it is important to not withhold proper nutrients the body, especially of protein which is also needed to synergize the incoming energies on a physical level.
Emotionally we may be mood swinging from releasing/crying to moments of great clarity, peace and joy. Thought this may mimic more problematic emotional issues such as BPD, unless you have a history of emotional disorders it is probably not cause for concern. I would hold off on any particular self-diagnosis if possible until this next “wave” has passed, around 9/29-30.
Dreamtime and Reality Shifting
Expect a “colorful” dreamlife in the coming week, where the metaphors are flowing freely. �� This is not uncommon in upgrade periods as energies that are no longer useful or needed make their way out. I would recommend keeping a journal closely as some of the symbols may be so deep they are not obviously apparent upon first glance. We may be sleeping very deeply or sleeping so lightly it feels like a more relaxed meditation. In that case, we may not feel entirely rested when we awaken. This is not uncommon in periods of strong portal energies.
Full Harvest/Blood Moon in Aries and Lunar Eclipse – Higher Ground and Pure Desires
As per every year this Full Moon highlights the Aries (me) vs. Sun in Libra (we) dynamic. The shadow side of Aries energies can be aggression, hostility and fighting for the sake of fighting. The light side however can be very high as it embodies the I AM presence along with desire in its pure form, courage and spiritual bravery. The overall theme of these portal energies are: transformation, healing and releasing all that no longer serves our higher purpose and calling.
I can light the night up with my soul on fire. I can make the sun shine from pure desire. – Steve Winwood
During a Full Lunar Eclipse we have a powerful energetic point in time; since the moon it is related to emotions, yin energy and inwardness. The moon sign of Aries is Yang, martial and dynamic. This creates an interesting juxtaposition spiritually and also an interesting energetic opening as we are presented with the creative, harmonic still point between opposites.
The Sabian Symbol for 5 Aries is: A Triangle with Wings.
This is the symbol of the desire to reach a higher level of existence, of pure aspiration or devotion, of bhakti. What has emerged in the first phase of the process of differentiation is becoming aware of the possibility of further up-reachings. The principle of “levitation” is seen as one of the two essential factors in evolution. The emergent being glorifies and deifies it, but it is still only an ideal. At this stage, nevertheless, the whole being experiences a childlike longing for its eventual realization. At this point the last and synthesizing stage of the first five-fold unit in the cyclic process is reached. A NEW DIMENSION of being is envisioned mobilizing creative endeavors. – Dane Rudhyar
What a beautiful and appropriate symbol for these energies: The polar opposites making up the two sides of the triangle (Libra/Aries) give rise to a magical “third” based on the quintessence of both.
I was thinking about the 2016 yearly forecast which I will start writing in December and how intense the past two years really have been, which is fitting for “7” and “8” Universal Years. The “8” energies being about magnification and manifestation, sometimes in very unexpected ways. I can already tell no matter what will be happening next year astrologically and cosmically, many of us will need some integration time. 2016 is a “9” year which will be about the harvest, completion, goodness and Grace.
Though we pass through this gateway every year around this time, the energies always take a different form depending on what is traveling with them. This year this is especially the case. Another note to add is that Pluto (Capricorn) will also be stationing DIRECT 9/24-25. This will also help to lighten the load of Plutonic intensity and inwardness. For many, the spiritual cleanse and detox has definitely done its job and we’re ready to emerge into our new creations. Do keep in mind however, at any planetary station the main planetary energetic message may come in more loud and clear as it passes through.
Happy Equinox and Full Moon Eclipsing friends and remember to keep it Cosmic!
NOTE: The Full Moon in Aries is 9/27/15 at 7:51 pm PDT/10:51 EDT. The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 7:47 PDT and 10:47 PDT. Please check an ephemeris source for other times globally.
Image by Ellen Vaman.
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ForeverUnlimited | September 24, 2015 at 1:53 AM | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: