Wednesday, 30 November 2016
The Crack in the Wall and Dec 21st 2016.
Ok, so I am getting little nuances of messages of my own that mention 21st Dec, the winter solstice.
In my dream some kind of event happens and it is around the time that we celebrate Christmas. Remember my dream, where I am hitched onto a high-speed train which eventually comes to a stop at a hill-side platform, incidentally both the platform I get on to the train and the platform where the train comes to a stop are high on the sides of elevated ground.
There is a lit-up area prepared for a large audience gathering, some kind of announcement and celebration, a party or 'event' of some kind, where many people are expected. There are lots of 'christmas' lights. Its a mid-winter evening, but there is light all around, much like the warm light reflecting off snow.
This has been the vision I have been holding onto, tightly, because my life has been very upside down for months now and has speeded up in recent weeks, I am 'hitched onto a high speed train' and I am often nauseous with the momentum of whats occurring.
After reading Dr Neruda account of the Wingmaker's history of our species and learning about the depths of deception that human hosts on this planet were, and continue to be, tricked into,
I was relieved to read that as far back as the date the interview was published in 2014, it was seen that people would begin to see the 'crack in the wall' and that this would spread.
Perhaps over the last few years, many of us reading about it now, have been gifted or blighted, (depending on how your life accommodated it), with our very own 'Crack in the wall'.
We need to see that the cracks in each of us are forming into the desired Grand Portal.
The Grand Portal seems to be what will allow us freedom of movement.
Freedom for our species as a whole, to move out of the darkness, that has encased the bodies that we have been hand-cuffed to in order to be dumb-downed versions of ourselves.
Its time for movement of our species out into the fresh air and light filled arenas of our true bigger selves, to become re-aquainted with the infinite versions of ourselves.
In my dream some kind of event happens and it is around the time that we celebrate Christmas. Remember my dream, where I am hitched onto a high-speed train which eventually comes to a stop at a hill-side platform, incidentally both the platform I get on to the train and the platform where the train comes to a stop are high on the sides of elevated ground.
There is a lit-up area prepared for a large audience gathering, some kind of announcement and celebration, a party or 'event' of some kind, where many people are expected. There are lots of 'christmas' lights. Its a mid-winter evening, but there is light all around, much like the warm light reflecting off snow.
This has been the vision I have been holding onto, tightly, because my life has been very upside down for months now and has speeded up in recent weeks, I am 'hitched onto a high speed train' and I am often nauseous with the momentum of whats occurring.
After reading Dr Neruda account of the Wingmaker's history of our species and learning about the depths of deception that human hosts on this planet were, and continue to be, tricked into,
I was relieved to read that as far back as the date the interview was published in 2014, it was seen that people would begin to see the 'crack in the wall' and that this would spread.
Perhaps over the last few years, many of us reading about it now, have been gifted or blighted, (depending on how your life accommodated it), with our very own 'Crack in the wall'.
We need to see that the cracks in each of us are forming into the desired Grand Portal.
The Grand Portal seems to be what will allow us freedom of movement.
Freedom for our species as a whole, to move out of the darkness, that has encased the bodies that we have been hand-cuffed to in order to be dumb-downed versions of ourselves.
Its time for movement of our species out into the fresh air and light filled arenas of our true bigger selves, to become re-aquainted with the infinite versions of ourselves.
My QHHT Session and The Event
Andrew Martin, October 31, 2016
Recently I had my second QHHT session with a friend and colleague, Aurelian Rado. His site can be found here.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy (QHHT) is a technique of hypnosis created by Dolores Cannon, which she developed and refined for more than 30 years in her 45 year career as a regressive hypnotherapist, working with thousands of clients all over the world.
These sessions go much deeper than traditional hypnosis and often times in these sessions a client is able to connect directly with their Higher Self and the personality in effect, steps aside and the Higher Self speaks directly through them. For me, this experience feels much like the sensation I would get when I used to do channeling sessions. I am still, on some level, consciously aware, but it is almost like I am in another room listening to a tv show that someone is watching as my personality self takes a back seat.
Typically in a QHHT session, you come with a list of questions or concerns that you wish to have addressed. I had a few questions for this session, but the big thing on my agenda was that I wanted to know about other lifetimes that I had experienced that were not on Earth. This transcript picks up at the end of the portion where my Higher Self (HS) was showing me several non-human lifetimes I had experienced.
Before the session started, I mentioned to Aurelian (AR) that I had a very strong feeling that the real reason for this session was that my HS had its own agenda and that there was a message that was ready to come through. Boy, was I right! You will see below that my HS quickly took the discussion in the direction of what most of us would refer to as “The Event”.
I have transcribed this portion of the recording verbatim. Fascinating stuff!
AR: Is there anything else that Andrew needs to see?
HS: We are showing him the experience of just being light, and letting him see how pure and how beautiful that is. To just be a frequency. To just be a color or a sound. These are the fundamentals of all experience. These are the fundamentals of all life. It is light. It is color. It is sound. It is vibration and frequency. All of these things can be found in The Source. And we want him to have that experience because it is pure. It is the truth. After all is gone, after the body is gone and the trappings of the human experience are gone, this is what remains. This is the eternal, infinite part. This is what you came from. This is what you are. This is what you will go back to. We want him to feel this so that he can make that connection. And on some level now his conscious mind is aware of this. This is another way to remove the partitions and the firewalls. Once there is a conscious experience of it, it can never be undone. Even though the mind may over time say “oh it was just a dream or it was just a memory” It changes things on a fundamental, cellular level. It creates a transformation. This transformation inspires a shift. A shift is imperceptible to the conscious mind. It happens almost behind the scenes. That perhaps is a tricky way for us to do it, but it is the easiest way. To show the mind that this is why the mind exists. so that this light can be made into form. But that when the mind is gone, the light remains. This is what the inner place feels like.
When we tell you to go within this is where you are going. When we talk about the inner fire or the spark or the light of God. That’s what this is. We just want him to feel it so he can trust it.
(Long Pause during which I had the physical sensation of what it felt like to be formless. What it feels like to be color and sound and light)
This is the experience that is coming. It’s for everyone to have a moment where they feel the truth of their connection to everything. This brief moment will do more for the transformation of this planet than anything. This is what is coming.
AR: Is this what you mentioned that is coming in November?
HS: Yes and beyond. It is the portal that we are in now, starting in 10/10 and there will be a level that will be complete in November. There is another impulse that is coming at the end of the year. Around the 21st of December. Which you know is already a special day. This energetic impulse is really the completion and the beginning. It is the fruit and the seed.
AR: Will everyone feel this?
HS: Yes, in their own way. Some will feel it and it will be stored as a memory until such time as they are able to access is. Some will experience it and think that it was just a moment like a deja vu or a brief moment of dizziness or a flash of something. The conscious mind will try to explain it away and turn it into something else and that does not matter. It doesn’t matter what the mind thinks that it is ultimately. Once that energy has been planted, it is not going anywhere. And for many of you, it will be a much more spectacular experience because your mind and your body and your systems are already prepared for it. So you’ll be able to experience it in a much larger, much larger scale. It will be much more real and you will understand what is happening so you won’t try to explain it away. You will allow it. But yes, this is what you would want to call “The Event”.
AR: So it’s coming this year then?
HS: Yes. But it is funny because everyone has expected it to be as Andrew says “Jesus riding down a rainbow on a unicorn.” And it very well may be that for you. But for many people it will be like a flashbulb just went off.
AR: How will, if I may, you said this is going to be brief…how brief is this going to be?
HS: It depends on what you are ready for.
AR: Oh, man, c’mon. (laughing)
HS: If you are asleep. If you are a person who knows nothing of spiritual ways, if you are a person who is only focused on your human experience and how much money you can make and how many things that you have. A brief flash is all you would be open to experiencing. Anything else would completely shatter your reality and quite possibly shatter your mind. We are not interested in that.
AR: I understand.
HS: For those of you who are open to it, for those of you who are ready for it and have an understanding that transcends the merely human experience. Who have an understanding that the physical is only ever informed by the non-physical. Your experience of it will be much more pronounced. We have already told you that time is an illusion. You can have an experience of 20 minutes in 1 second. You can have an experience of 3 days in 1 minute. Time is not the issue. The question is: What are you prepared for? The question is: What are you capable of accepting and integrating? The question is: What do you believe is possible? So for some of you, it will be like a twitch, or snap of a finger or a flash. For some of you it will be magical and out of body and ecstatic. For some of you, it will be something in between. So what happens is not important. What is important is to know that it has happened. It is already done. So your experience as always will be what you allow it to be.
AR: I just wish I can make the best of it.
HS: Then you will.
AR: I want to stay within that moment for as long as I can.
HS: Yes But it is like these sessions. There is the impulse and then there is the moment and then there is the return to the conscious, waking life and then over your experience of time the density catches up. So even if it is only a flashbulb that’s all you need. And even just a flashbulb will change everything over time. So as your physical experience catches up to the impulse, it is like when you take a large container of clear water and you put a droplet of food coloring into the water. Over time, and slowly it integrates and the entirety of the water is changed. It does not happen immediately. It takes time. Now from your perspective you may know what this means and you may have an instantaneous experience of what it will mean for you once that dye is integrated into all of your molecules. And for those of you who are not aware of it, you will see a very slow, incremental change. So because you are open to it and you know what is possible, the experience does become instantaneous. But it is no more or less powerful than an experience that happens over linear time.
AR: Because I think we are limited in our way of seeing it here. We don’t see it for what it could be. Or what can be limitless.
HS: Some of you do. Because you are ready to. We cannot ever do anything that would “blow your mind” so to speak, if it is not safe.
AR: True
HS: We want you to survive it! We want it to be a blessing, not a curse.
AR: Thank you. I can’t help but wonder, is this going to happen when we sleep, when we work? Day time or night time?
HS: It depends..
AR: Where you are on the planet?
HS: It depends on where you are on the planet, yes, but if it is better for you to receive it while you are asleep perhaps, for an example, you will fall ill that morning and you will stay home from work and you will sleep through the day. Or perhaps you will be asleep at night and you will suddenly wake up for no reason and you will have an experience. Some of you will experience nothing on a conscious level because there is no resistance to it, so it passes right through you. So you don’t need the miraculous experience for it to occur, because you are beyond that. Now, we know you all want to see flashes in the sky and some of you will.
But as we have been saying over and over and over like broken records, just because you do not see flashes in the sky, does not mean it hasn’t occurred.
AR: Yes. Meanwhile, we should just stay in the space of wonder.
HS: Yes. Be open to receive.
AR: Thank you. Thank you, thank you. So as a result of this, we will be able to integrate that bigger part of ourselves?
HS: Yes.
AR: And we will be able to communicate with that part of ourselves easier?
HS: Yes.
AR: I can’t wait.
HS: And for those of you who have no clear connection to your other selves, it will be a very small beginning. And for those of you who are aware of your other selves and have begun to integrate and merge with them already, it will be a much different experience. But everyone gets exactly what they need. Exactly what they are ready for. Exactly what they are capable of. Nothing else is possible. Because we still cannot override free will.
AR: So this is going to be something that…I know it sounds silly, but will this be publicized at all?
HS: Not in the way that there will be a news story about the flash of Love energy that’s coming to the planet on December 21st. But, you will start to hear about it and you will start to read about it in the normal ways that you read and hear about these things. And there might be certain things that occur on the planet, because, again, anything that is less than this vibration cannot stand. So there may be experiences of systems going off line, or of things going haywire, or of strange things occurring
“Oh wow, that seems strange that was almost miraculous. Wasn’t that funny? I don’t know what happened. Let’s go have dinner and see what’s on tv.”
So for many of you it will just be another blip in the system. For many of you, it will change everything.
Westworld Trailer (HBO) - MATURE VERSION. Delores: "I think there may be something wrong with this world..."
So, I just came accross Westworld, and have only watched a few of the first episodes.
The groundhog day that the "models/dummies/hosts" have to endure, "they are not real", supposedly without memory of, is a good description of the relentless chain of designed events that humans in this world are chained to.
Where Our memory is wiped each incarnation, the models/hosts dummies in Westworld are cleaned up and (orifices are) cleaned out literally....(after being brutalised at the whim of park visitors) and put back into the same old loop story line for another day of being brutalised.
Some "hosts" are beginning to have 'Memory' and are starting to react and NOT keep to their pre- designed and controlled story-line loop. Some back-story's are bleeding through to them and their behaviour changes...Delores begins to think outside her loop .Delores: "I think there may be something wrong with this world..." and repeatedly the hosts controllers are having to adjust and fix them up.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
The end of this regime is when the saturation point is reached and " The entire experiment solidifies and hardens to such a degree that it cannot really compress anymore. Its value rapidly diminishes from that point. When this happens, beings will intervene. In our case, we intervened in the form of humanity returning to warn of this reality, hence the WingMakers intervention."
At some point, the lessons are learned. The entire experiment solidifies and hardens to such a degree that it cannot really compress anymore. Its value rapidly diminishes from that point. When this happens, beings will intervene. In our case, we intervened in the form of humanity returning to warn of this reality, hence the WingMakers intervention.
According to the WingMakers, there are people who are incarnated now who would be the equivalent of outliers. Are you familiar with this term?”
Sarah: “No.”
Dr. Neruda: “The term is typically used in statistics. Think of it like an anomaly. A person has what is called a transient malfunction to their interface, but in this malfunction, they are able to see through the crack. It might only last a second or two, but they glimpse what is behind the walls. And again, I’m not talking about the astral plane—that’s just a more rarified plane of the hologram of deception.
“People with these transient malfunctions often end up being diagnosed autistic or, in extreme cases, are considered schizophrenic, but because the malfunction is transient, they slowly merge back into the human hologram and lack the contextual meaning of what they saw anyway. They learn to forget. The program draws them back in.
“But before they forget, before they return to normal beliefs, before they are drugged or quarantined, they share their experience to the unconscious mind. And this begins to express itself through culture. It’ll come out in movies, books, theater, art, poetry, and many of these expressions will help to feed the unconscious mind and open it up to the possibility that the scale of our prison encompasses even the light, even science, even angels… even god.”
Sarah: “Do we wear a target on ourselves when this gets released? I mean will Anu decide to take us down if this goes out?”
Dr. Neruda: “Believe me I’ve probed on that issue. There’s risk involved. How much, I don’t know. The WingMakers explain that the creators of this plan have resigned themselves to the intervention, but that their equivalents here on earth are not as excited by those prospects. It’ll work its way out, but it’ll take some time.”
Sarah: “What happens between now and The Grand Portal… when the wall gets pushed down?”
Dr. Neruda: “All I can tell you is that the Triad of Power will continue to consolidate. The money system will continue to spiral away from the many into the hands of the few. This was part of the original programming—”
Sarah: “Relating to the return of Anu?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. Anu would step in and solve the world’s problems and be anointed. Anu would use the centralization of the money system to integrate technology into biologic systems so they would be able to have infinite existence in bubble one—earth. That way, Anu reasoned, he could be god in this world forever.
“But as I said, this plan was not perfect in the sense of its infinitude. Anu underestimated the beings in bubble three and beyond.”
Sarah: “Has it ever been tried before?”
Dr. Neruda: “What?”
Sarah: “This crack in the wall, and then pushing the wall down?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. Not in our world. This is the first coordinated effort to liberate humanity.”
Sarah: “But what about Jesus or Buddha?”
Dr. Neruda: “According to the WingMakers, each of the avatars who came to this planet did so as invited guests. Humans were explained as ‘lost beings’. It’s literally how we are defined in the planes of existence outside our planet. Remember what I had said about the higher dimensional beings that would visit earth and become manifested?”
and later about the breath:
Dr. Neruda: “It’s very simple. You breathe in through your nose for about 2-4 seconds or whatever’s comfortable for you. Once you’ve filled your lungs, you pause or hold your breath for the same amount of time you breathed in. While you’re in the pause—holding your breath—feel it like a suspension of time, and fill that space with the feeling of I AM.”
Sarah: “Okay, sorry to interrupt, but tell me again, what is the I AM feeling? How do you define it?
Dr. Neruda: “It’s the sovereign aspect of consciousness. It’s not the personality that defines your human experience, or you typically associate with as yourself. It is the infinite consciousness of you. It is also one. I is one. It is one thing: infinite life. It is not the mind, nor the heart, nor the body, nor the feelings and emotions of the personality. It is singular in its depth and silence.”
Sarah: “Okay, go on…”
Dr. Neruda: “After you hold the breath in your lungs, and anchor it with the I AM feeling, you exhale through your mouth, again for the same period of time, and then you pause again—your lungs are empty, and as you pause, you hold the feeling of WE ARE. Then you repeat this cycle until you feel you’re done.
Sarah: “Can you explain the WE ARE feeling, too?”
Dr. Neruda: “This is the sense of connection to all. The sense that you are connected and that the I AM feeling you held a moment ago, is being shared with all. I use the outbreath pause to place any of the heart virtues that I’m working on at the time. For example, I might be working on the virtue of compassion in my personal life, and I can hold that feeling in that outbreath pause and imagine it is being shared with all.”
Sarah: “I think I understand what you’re saying, and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but how can this possibly compete with a globalist agenda of world takeover?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a fair question. But look at the reality.
“There are many who’ve protested this enslavement. Throughout history there’ve been people that have come to this realization through various means, and they alerted people to this deception. They may call it a conspiracy without really understanding the depth of this deception or its ultimate plan, but in whatever way they know of this and at whatever level, they all experience fear. The fear is that we’re powerless to stop them.
“The capstone of the elite have been planning this for more than eleven thousand years, before human 2.0 even existed the plot was devised. They have powerful inter-dimensional beings that know humanity on an intimate level, because they literally created the human being, and they can program humanity with such granularity as to define our life paths down to our day-to-day choices.
“How can one possibly defeat such an antagonist? They have the money, they have the politicians in their pockets, they have the defense and protection, they have the powerful relationships everywhere in the world and they have the most powerful technology in terms of surveillance and weapons. Their innermost circle is impenetrable.
“We can be wide awake and aware of what’s happening, but awareness doesn’t suddenly—in itself—change the chessboard. They taunt us to protest. Wave your signs, publish your websites, fling your fists to the sky, investigate all you want, it won’t change a thing. They will tell us to our faces that their power is inexhaustible. This is how they think.
“They want us to feel this futility and have this overriding sense that the endgame is unavoidable. They want us to believe that we are powerless. Remember, they are securing the world and its populations for the return of Anu. That is their program, and while only the capstone of the elite understands this plan, it is enough, because the downstream operatives are loyal, programmed entities.
“All one needs to do is to watch Madeline Albright in that 60 Minutes interview and you will understand how they have been programmed to think—”
Sarah: “I don’t think I saw that, what did she do?”
Dr. Neruda: “About a year and half ago, Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes asked the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Madeleine Albright, if the death of a half-million children was worth the price to essentially punish Saddam Hussein. Albright responded that it was. You see, this is the enemy that holds power. If they can justify killing children, they can do anything.
“The WingMakers have written that it isn’t the protests that will change this enemy. If we shout at them and practice resistance with our guns in the street, they will only squash us. In order to bring their objective to a halt, we need to push down the wall, and we can do this by being practitioners of the Sovereign Integral process or anything similar.
“If human beings become self-aware, de-programmed entities, who understand specifically how we have been enslaved and for what reason, we can collectively push down the wall that separates us from our true selves. This creates a chain reaction that affects everyone, including the capstone of the elite. The wall falls for them, too.
“It’s using the consciousness of the life essence to reveal the human 2.0 consciousness as an invented reality. It’s weaning from the hologram of deception to the reality that all life exists infinitely as equals in oneness.”
Sarah: “Okay… but how do we know that will be successful against them?”
Dr. Neruda: “We don’t… other than what I said before, that the WingMakers are humans who have time traveled in order to share this Sovereign Integral framework. I realize this sounds like science fiction meets David and Goliath. I can appreciate that, but I’m explaining what I know as directly and honestly as I can describe it. If anyone reads this interview, assuming it’s released sometime in the future, then you can decide for yourself if what I say stands up to your scrutiny.
“I would just caution some to consider the possibility that should you dismiss it, your reaction could be a programmed response. It is your consciousness framework that is sensing and responding. Consider this before you dismiss this information as fiction.”
Sarah: “But how would a person know this? I find myself doubting this disclosure. I don’t find it very plausible. As a journalist I’m trained to be suspicious of sources, and as much information as you’ve shared with me, I find myself wondering how this is possible and I haven’t heard about it.”
Dr. Neruda: “The hierarchy practices deception by controlling the buttons on the machine of absolute power. This machine is—”
Sarah: “But you yourself said the Internet was not something that they wanted to get out.”
Dr. Neruda: “True, but whatever technology is released, they will find a way to use it to their advantage. It doesn’t matter what the technology is, they will find a way to subvert it, modify it and use it for their agenda. These are extremely bright beings that are obsessed with the centralization of power and control so that Anu can insert himself without resistance.”
Sarah: “What if enough people woke up and rebelled? Couldn’t we start a revolution and overthrow these crazy criminals?”
Dr. Neruda: “They are not crazy; they are deceptive intelligences who have lost all sense of connection to their true selves. In many ways, they are the ones who are lost, and because they are so lost, they have led the unsuspecting to their haze of obedience. We have followed them. That’s our responsibility. The material is here, in this interview, to wake up. But it’s one thing to wake up, and it’s another thing to know what to do about it.
“You mention a revolution, according to the WingMakers it would be a waste of life. They are not going to relinquish what they have worked so hard and long to produce. This will only change when the wall is pushed down. The wall is the human 2.0 consciousness framework that is programmed within every human being. The wall needs to be pushed down, and the way this occurs is not through protest, storming the gates, or shaking our collective fists in their face. It must be done through individual self-realization, and this, because of our programming, requires us to follow a process that enables us to become self-realized of our life essence.
“If we remain in separation, we can’t solve the problem of separation. If we remain in deception, we can’t reveal anything of our true nature. So we need to see all as one and equal in this hologram of deception, and that includes the capstone of the elite, as much as the poor and hungry.”
Sarah: “I don’t see how people will be able to do that. Maybe I’m a pessimist, I don’t know, but will enough people really be able to do this?”
Dr. Neruda: “At the heart of this whole situation is a single reality, and that reality, as hard as it may be to touch, is that we are infinite beings. Everything that is of spacetime is within the hologram of deception. Everything.
“Which reality do you believe is more powerful and lasting?”
Sarah: “Whatever is infinite…”
Dr. Neruda: “Don’t believe the programming that you are powerless. The Sovereign Integral process demonstrates that you are not merely a programmed life existence.”
to read the full interview:
At some point, the lessons are learned. The entire experiment solidifies and hardens to such a degree that it cannot really compress anymore. Its value rapidly diminishes from that point. When this happens, beings will intervene. In our case, we intervened in the form of humanity returning to warn of this reality, hence the WingMakers intervention.
According to the WingMakers, there are people who are incarnated now who would be the equivalent of outliers. Are you familiar with this term?”
Sarah: “No.”
Dr. Neruda: “The term is typically used in statistics. Think of it like an anomaly. A person has what is called a transient malfunction to their interface, but in this malfunction, they are able to see through the crack. It might only last a second or two, but they glimpse what is behind the walls. And again, I’m not talking about the astral plane—that’s just a more rarified plane of the hologram of deception.
“People with these transient malfunctions often end up being diagnosed autistic or, in extreme cases, are considered schizophrenic, but because the malfunction is transient, they slowly merge back into the human hologram and lack the contextual meaning of what they saw anyway. They learn to forget. The program draws them back in.
“But before they forget, before they return to normal beliefs, before they are drugged or quarantined, they share their experience to the unconscious mind. And this begins to express itself through culture. It’ll come out in movies, books, theater, art, poetry, and many of these expressions will help to feed the unconscious mind and open it up to the possibility that the scale of our prison encompasses even the light, even science, even angels… even god.”
Sarah: “Do we wear a target on ourselves when this gets released? I mean will Anu decide to take us down if this goes out?”
Dr. Neruda: “Believe me I’ve probed on that issue. There’s risk involved. How much, I don’t know. The WingMakers explain that the creators of this plan have resigned themselves to the intervention, but that their equivalents here on earth are not as excited by those prospects. It’ll work its way out, but it’ll take some time.”
Sarah: “What happens between now and The Grand Portal… when the wall gets pushed down?”
Dr. Neruda: “All I can tell you is that the Triad of Power will continue to consolidate. The money system will continue to spiral away from the many into the hands of the few. This was part of the original programming—”
Sarah: “Relating to the return of Anu?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes. Anu would step in and solve the world’s problems and be anointed. Anu would use the centralization of the money system to integrate technology into biologic systems so they would be able to have infinite existence in bubble one—earth. That way, Anu reasoned, he could be god in this world forever.
“But as I said, this plan was not perfect in the sense of its infinitude. Anu underestimated the beings in bubble three and beyond.”
Sarah: “Has it ever been tried before?”
Dr. Neruda: “What?”
Sarah: “This crack in the wall, and then pushing the wall down?”
Dr. Neruda: “No. Not in our world. This is the first coordinated effort to liberate humanity.”
Sarah: “But what about Jesus or Buddha?”
Dr. Neruda: “According to the WingMakers, each of the avatars who came to this planet did so as invited guests. Humans were explained as ‘lost beings’. It’s literally how we are defined in the planes of existence outside our planet. Remember what I had said about the higher dimensional beings that would visit earth and become manifested?”
and later about the breath:
Dr. Neruda: “It’s very simple. You breathe in through your nose for about 2-4 seconds or whatever’s comfortable for you. Once you’ve filled your lungs, you pause or hold your breath for the same amount of time you breathed in. While you’re in the pause—holding your breath—feel it like a suspension of time, and fill that space with the feeling of I AM.”
Sarah: “Okay, sorry to interrupt, but tell me again, what is the I AM feeling? How do you define it?
Dr. Neruda: “It’s the sovereign aspect of consciousness. It’s not the personality that defines your human experience, or you typically associate with as yourself. It is the infinite consciousness of you. It is also one. I is one. It is one thing: infinite life. It is not the mind, nor the heart, nor the body, nor the feelings and emotions of the personality. It is singular in its depth and silence.”
Sarah: “Okay, go on…”
Dr. Neruda: “After you hold the breath in your lungs, and anchor it with the I AM feeling, you exhale through your mouth, again for the same period of time, and then you pause again—your lungs are empty, and as you pause, you hold the feeling of WE ARE. Then you repeat this cycle until you feel you’re done.
Sarah: “Can you explain the WE ARE feeling, too?”
Dr. Neruda: “This is the sense of connection to all. The sense that you are connected and that the I AM feeling you held a moment ago, is being shared with all. I use the outbreath pause to place any of the heart virtues that I’m working on at the time. For example, I might be working on the virtue of compassion in my personal life, and I can hold that feeling in that outbreath pause and imagine it is being shared with all.”
Sarah: “I think I understand what you’re saying, and I don’t want you to take this the wrong way, but how can this possibly compete with a globalist agenda of world takeover?”
Dr. Neruda: “It’s a fair question. But look at the reality.
“There are many who’ve protested this enslavement. Throughout history there’ve been people that have come to this realization through various means, and they alerted people to this deception. They may call it a conspiracy without really understanding the depth of this deception or its ultimate plan, but in whatever way they know of this and at whatever level, they all experience fear. The fear is that we’re powerless to stop them.
“The capstone of the elite have been planning this for more than eleven thousand years, before human 2.0 even existed the plot was devised. They have powerful inter-dimensional beings that know humanity on an intimate level, because they literally created the human being, and they can program humanity with such granularity as to define our life paths down to our day-to-day choices.
“How can one possibly defeat such an antagonist? They have the money, they have the politicians in their pockets, they have the defense and protection, they have the powerful relationships everywhere in the world and they have the most powerful technology in terms of surveillance and weapons. Their innermost circle is impenetrable.
“We can be wide awake and aware of what’s happening, but awareness doesn’t suddenly—in itself—change the chessboard. They taunt us to protest. Wave your signs, publish your websites, fling your fists to the sky, investigate all you want, it won’t change a thing. They will tell us to our faces that their power is inexhaustible. This is how they think.
“They want us to feel this futility and have this overriding sense that the endgame is unavoidable. They want us to believe that we are powerless. Remember, they are securing the world and its populations for the return of Anu. That is their program, and while only the capstone of the elite understands this plan, it is enough, because the downstream operatives are loyal, programmed entities.
“All one needs to do is to watch Madeline Albright in that 60 Minutes interview and you will understand how they have been programmed to think—”
Sarah: “I don’t think I saw that, what did she do?”
Dr. Neruda: “About a year and half ago, Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes asked the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Madeleine Albright, if the death of a half-million children was worth the price to essentially punish Saddam Hussein. Albright responded that it was. You see, this is the enemy that holds power. If they can justify killing children, they can do anything.
“The WingMakers have written that it isn’t the protests that will change this enemy. If we shout at them and practice resistance with our guns in the street, they will only squash us. In order to bring their objective to a halt, we need to push down the wall, and we can do this by being practitioners of the Sovereign Integral process or anything similar.
“If human beings become self-aware, de-programmed entities, who understand specifically how we have been enslaved and for what reason, we can collectively push down the wall that separates us from our true selves. This creates a chain reaction that affects everyone, including the capstone of the elite. The wall falls for them, too.
“It’s using the consciousness of the life essence to reveal the human 2.0 consciousness as an invented reality. It’s weaning from the hologram of deception to the reality that all life exists infinitely as equals in oneness.”
Sarah: “Okay… but how do we know that will be successful against them?”
Dr. Neruda: “We don’t… other than what I said before, that the WingMakers are humans who have time traveled in order to share this Sovereign Integral framework. I realize this sounds like science fiction meets David and Goliath. I can appreciate that, but I’m explaining what I know as directly and honestly as I can describe it. If anyone reads this interview, assuming it’s released sometime in the future, then you can decide for yourself if what I say stands up to your scrutiny.
“I would just caution some to consider the possibility that should you dismiss it, your reaction could be a programmed response. It is your consciousness framework that is sensing and responding. Consider this before you dismiss this information as fiction.”
Sarah: “But how would a person know this? I find myself doubting this disclosure. I don’t find it very plausible. As a journalist I’m trained to be suspicious of sources, and as much information as you’ve shared with me, I find myself wondering how this is possible and I haven’t heard about it.”
Dr. Neruda: “The hierarchy practices deception by controlling the buttons on the machine of absolute power. This machine is—”
Sarah: “But you yourself said the Internet was not something that they wanted to get out.”
Dr. Neruda: “True, but whatever technology is released, they will find a way to use it to their advantage. It doesn’t matter what the technology is, they will find a way to subvert it, modify it and use it for their agenda. These are extremely bright beings that are obsessed with the centralization of power and control so that Anu can insert himself without resistance.”
Sarah: “What if enough people woke up and rebelled? Couldn’t we start a revolution and overthrow these crazy criminals?”
Dr. Neruda: “They are not crazy; they are deceptive intelligences who have lost all sense of connection to their true selves. In many ways, they are the ones who are lost, and because they are so lost, they have led the unsuspecting to their haze of obedience. We have followed them. That’s our responsibility. The material is here, in this interview, to wake up. But it’s one thing to wake up, and it’s another thing to know what to do about it.
“You mention a revolution, according to the WingMakers it would be a waste of life. They are not going to relinquish what they have worked so hard and long to produce. This will only change when the wall is pushed down. The wall is the human 2.0 consciousness framework that is programmed within every human being. The wall needs to be pushed down, and the way this occurs is not through protest, storming the gates, or shaking our collective fists in their face. It must be done through individual self-realization, and this, because of our programming, requires us to follow a process that enables us to become self-realized of our life essence.
“If we remain in separation, we can’t solve the problem of separation. If we remain in deception, we can’t reveal anything of our true nature. So we need to see all as one and equal in this hologram of deception, and that includes the capstone of the elite, as much as the poor and hungry.”
Sarah: “I don’t see how people will be able to do that. Maybe I’m a pessimist, I don’t know, but will enough people really be able to do this?”
Dr. Neruda: “At the heart of this whole situation is a single reality, and that reality, as hard as it may be to touch, is that we are infinite beings. Everything that is of spacetime is within the hologram of deception. Everything.
“Which reality do you believe is more powerful and lasting?”
Sarah: “Whatever is infinite…”
Dr. Neruda: “Don’t believe the programming that you are powerless. The Sovereign Integral process demonstrates that you are not merely a programmed life existence.”
to read the full interview:
Monday, 28 November 2016
More about the preceding Dr Neruda interviews.
The previous post has opened our world to the extent of scullduggery that we have been delivered.
If you cant believe this, you won't until you reach the saturation point that tells you, enough is enough, nothing on this planet makes sense to you anymore, and you want OFF the hamster wheel. Not to die but to LIVE, as a sovereign of your energy field and to live in freedom with others that want that too.
The Neruda Interviews
If you cant believe this, you won't until you reach the saturation point that tells you, enough is enough, nothing on this planet makes sense to you anymore, and you want OFF the hamster wheel. Not to die but to LIVE, as a sovereign of your energy field and to live in freedom with others that want that too.
“To live in service of truth, you must first identify the layers of deception that encompass you.
This is the equivalent of deprogramming. It is central to the Sovereign Integral process. Then
you can live the words and ideas that arise from this internal field of truth that is inside you
and nowhere else. It is completely unaffiliated with anything that is a feature of the Hierarchy.
This is because what is truth is singular (sovereign) and universal (integral) at the same time.
No organization can contain that. Only you can.”
This is the equivalent of deprogramming. It is central to the Sovereign Integral process. Then
you can live the words and ideas that arise from this internal field of truth that is inside you
and nowhere else. It is completely unaffiliated with anything that is a feature of the Hierarchy.
This is because what is truth is singular (sovereign) and universal (integral) at the same time.
No organization can contain that. Only you can.”


The Neruda Interviews
The back-story of the WingMakers. The reality of The Grand Portal. Everywhere in-between.
The true focus of the fifth interview isn’t the scientific definition of the Hologram of Deception, but rather how we can free ourselves from its pervasive and illusory presence. The Sovereign Integral process is defined in this interview in detail, but you may have to read carefully to hear and understand it. This process is truly the centerpiece of the fifth interview. Whatever philosophical perspective you wish to attach to this information, bear in mind that it is shared in the spirit of oneness and equality, and that the Sovereign Integral process is a decidedly experiential practice.
- James
Excerpt from the Introduction,
The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
Excerpt from the Introduction,
The Fifth Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
The five interviews of Dr. Jamisson Neruda are an extension of the Ancient Arrow Project novel. The first three interviews are contained on the First Source disc, the fourth interview was released in November 2002, about a year following the release of the disc, and the fifth interview was released in April 2014.
The framework of these interviews is that Dr. Neruda has defected from the Advance Contact Intelligence Organization (ACIO) because his unique connection with the WingMakers has persuaded him that they hold the keys to humanity’s ability to attain The Grand Portal—the irrefutable scientific discovery of the human soul. His defection from the ACIO ultimately leads him to a journalist whom he contacts as a means to tell his story and get it out to the media.
In each of the five Neruda interviews, Dr. Neruda is being interviewed by a journalist named Sarah. Sarah skillfully draws out the details of the ACIO, what it’s like to work for a secret organization whose focus is to reverse-engineer recovered extraterrestrial technologies, but then, in the fifth and final interview, a powerful twist occurs—the hologram of deception (reality) is unmasked.
For approximately 15 years the fifth interview was withheld, for reasons that were never disclosed, though many people asked about its disposition. James has intimated that the content of the fifth interview was radical, and would be released when the timing was right. The five interviews constitute an important part of the WingMakers materials in terms of defining the technology transfer program, the cabal behind the government, the hologram of deception and perhaps most important of all, the Sovereign Integral process and the true meaning of The Grand Portal.
The interviews are available at the bottom of this page in Adobe PDF format, or can be read in their entirety on the webpage below. In the case of the fifth interview, it is recommended that you download the PDF version, as it has the full introduction. The appendix includes diagrams and instructions on Quantum Pause. These are helpful to understanding the Sovereign Integral process and practicing it.


- Neruda Interviews
- First Interview
- Second Interview
- Third Interview
- Fourth Interview
- Fifth Interview

Interview 1
The First Interview of Dr. Jamisson Neruda
By Sarah
By Sarah
What follows is a session I recorded of Dr. Neruda on December 27, 1997. He gave permission for me to record his answers to my questions. This was the first of five interviews that I was able to tape-record before he left or disappeared. I have preserved these transcripts precisely as they occurred. No editing was performed, and I’ve tried my best to include the exact words and grammar used by Dr. Neruda.
Sarah: “Are you comfortable?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes, yes, I’m fine and ready to begin when you are.”
Sarah: “You’ve made some remarkable claims with respect to the Ancient Arrow project. Can you please recount what your involvement in this project was and why you chose to leave it of your own freewill?”
Dr. Neruda: “I was selected to lead the decoding and translation of the symbol pictures found at the site. I have a known expertise in languages and ancient texts. I am able to speak over thirty different languages fluently and another twelve or so languages that are officially extinct. Because of my skills in linguistics and my abilities to decode symbol pictures like petroglyphs or hieroglyphs, I was chosen for this task.
“I had been involved in the Ancient Arrow project from its very inception, when the ACIO took over the project from the NSA. I was initially involved in the site discovery and its restoration along with a team of seven other scientists from the ACIO. We restored each of the twenty-three chambers of the WingMakers’ time capsule and cataloged all of their attendant artifacts.
“As the restoration was completed, I became increasingly focused on decoding their peculiar language and designing the translation indexes to English. It was a particularly vexing process because an optical disc was found in the twenty-third chamber, which was initially impregnable to our technologies. We assumed that the optical disc held most of the information that the WingMakers desired us to know about them. However, we couldn’t figure out how to apply the symbol pictures found in their chamber paintings to unlock the disc.
“I decided to leave the project after I was successful in deducing the access code for the optical disc, and felt that the ACIO was going to prevent the public from accessing the information contained within the Ancient Arrow site. There were other reasons, but it’s too complicated to explain in a concise response.”
Sarah: “What did Fifteen do when he found out you were leaving?”
Dr. Neruda: “He never had a chance to respond directly to me because I left without a word. But I’m certain that he’s angry and feels betrayed.”
Sarah: “Tell me about Fifteen. What’s he like?”
Dr. Neruda: “Fifteen is a genius of unparalleled intelligence and knowledge. He’s the leader of the Labyrinth Group and has been since its inception in 1963. He was only twenty-two years old when he joined the ACIO in 1956. I think he was discovered early enough before he had a chance to establish a reputation in academic circles. He was a renegade genius who wanted to build computers that would be powerful enough to time travel. Can you imagine how a goal like that—in the mid-1950s —must have sounded to his professors?
“Needless to say, he was not taken seriously, and was essentially told to get in line with academic protocols and perform serious research. Fifteen came to the ACIO through an alliance it had with Bell Labs. Somehow Bell Labs heard about his genius and hired him, but he quickly outpaced their research agenda and wanted to apply his vision of time travel.”
Sarah: “Why was he so interested in time travel?”
Dr. Neruda: “No one is absolutely sure. And his reasons may have changed over time. The accepted purpose was to develop Blank Slate Technology or BST. BST is a form of time travel that enables the rewrite of history at what are called intervention points. Intervention points are the causal energy centers that create a major event like the breakup of the Soviet Union or the NASA space program.
“BST is the most advanced technology and clearly anyone who is in possession of BST, can defend themselves against any aggressor. It is, as Fifteen was fond of saying, the freedom key. Remember that the ACIO was the primary interface with extraterrestrial technologies and how to adapt them into mainstream society as well as military applications. We were exposed to ETs and knew of their agenda. Some of these ETs scared the hell out of the ACIO.”
Sarah: “Why?”
Dr. Neruda: “There were agreements between our government—specifically the NSA—to cooperate with an ET species commonly called the Greys in exchange for their cooperation to stay hidden and conduct their biological experiments under the cloak of secrecy. There was also a bungled technology transfer program, but that’s another story… However, not all the Greys were operating within a unified agenda. There were certain groups of Greys that looked upon humans in much the same way as we look upon laboratory animals.
“They’re abducting humans and animals, and have been for the past forty-eight years… they’re essentially conducting biological experiments to determine how their genetics can be made to be compatible with human and animal genetic structure. Their interests are not entirely understood, but if you accept their stated agenda, it’s to perpetuate their species. Their species is nearing extinction and they’re fearful that their biological system lacks the emotional development to harness their technological prowess in a responsible manner.
“Fifteen was approached by the Greys in his role at the ACIO, and they desired to provide a full-scale technology transfer program, but Fifteen turned them down. He had already established a TTP with the Corteum, and felt that the Greys were too fractured organizationally to make good on their promises. Furthermore, the Corteum technology was superior in most regards to the Greys… with the possible exception of the Greys’ memory implant and their genetic hybridization technologies.
“However, Fifteen and the entire Labyrinth Group carefully considered an alliance with the Greys if for no other reason than to have direct communication with regard to their stated agenda. Fifteen liked to be in the know… so eventually we did establish an alliance, which consisted of a modest information exchange between us. We provided them with access to our information systems relative to genetic populations and their unique predisposition across a variety of criteria including mental, emotional, and physical behaviors; and they provided us with their genetic findings.
“The Greys, and most extraterrestrials for that matter, communicate with humans exclusively through a form of telepathy, which we called suggestive telepathy because to us it seemed that the Greys communicated in a such a way that they were trying to lead a conversation to a particular end. In other words, they always had an agenda, and we were never certain if we were a pawn of their agenda or we arrived at conclusions that were indeed our own.
“I think that’s why Fifteen didn’t trust the Greys. He felt they used communication to manipulate outcomes to their own best interest in favor of shared interests. And because of this lack of trust, Fifteen refused to form any alliance or TTP that was comprehensive or integral to our operations at either the ACIO or the Labyrinth Group.”
Sarah: “Did the Greys know of the existence of the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “I don’t believe so. They were generally convinced that humans were not clever enough to cloak their agendas. Our analysis was that the Greys had invasive technologies that gave them a false sense of security as to their enemy’s weaknesses. And I’m not saying that we were enemies, but we never trusted them. And this they undoubtedly knew. They also knew that the ACIO had technologies and intellects that were superior to the mainstream human population, and they had a modicum of respect—perhaps even fear—of our abilities.
“However, we never showed them any of our pure-state technologies or engaged them in deep dialogues concerning cosmology or new physics. They were clearly interested in our information databases and this was their primary agenda with respect to the ACIO. Fifteen was the primary interface with the Greys because they sensed a comparable intellect in him. The Greys looked at Fifteen as the equivalent of our planet’s CEO.”
Sarah: “How did Fifteen become the leader of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “He was the Director of Research in 1958 when the Corteum first became known to the ACIO. In this position, he was the logical choice to assess their technology and determine its value to the ACIO. The Corteum instantly took a liking to him, and one of Fifteen’s first decisions was to utilize the Corteum intelligence accelerator technologies on himself. After about three months of experimentation (most of which was not in his briefing reports to the then current Executive Director of the ACIO), Fifteen became infused with a massive vision of how to create BST.
“The Executive Director was frightened by the intensity of Fifteen’s BST agenda and felt that it would divert too much of the ACIO’s resources to a technology development program that was dubious. Fifteen was enough of a renegade that he enlisted the help of the Corteum to establish the Labyrinth Group. The Corteum were equally interested in BST for similar reasons as Fifteen. The Freedom Key, as it was sometimes called, was established as the prime agenda of the Labyrinth Group, and the Corteum and Fifteen were its initial members.
“Over the next several years, Fifteen selected the cream of the crop from the scientific core of the ACIO to undergo a similar intelligence accelerator program as he had, with the intention of developing a group of scientists that could—in cooperation with the Corteum—successfully invent BST. The ACIO, in the opinion of Fifteen, was too controlled by the NSA and he felt the NSA was too immature in its leadership to responsibly deploy the technologies that he knew would be developed as an outgrowth of the Labyrinth Group. So Fifteen essentially plotted to take over the ACIO and was assisted by his new recruits to do so.
“This happened a few years before I became affiliated with the ACIO as a student and intern. My stepfather was very sympathetic to Fifteen’s agenda and was helpful in placing Fifteen as the Executive Director of the ACIO. There was a period of instability when this transition occurred, but after about a year, Fifteen was firmly in control of the agendas of both the ACIO and the Labyrinth Group.
“What I said earlier… that he was viewed as the CEO of the planet… that’s essentially who he is. And of the ETs who are interacting with humankind, only the Corteum understand the role of Fifteen. He has a vision that is unique in that it is a blueprint for the creation of BST, and is closing in on the right technological and human elements that will make this possible.”
Sarah: “What makes BST such an imperative to Fifteen and the Labyrinth Group?”
Dr. Neruda: “The ACIO has access to many ancient texts that contain prophecies of the earth. These have been accumulated over the past several hundred years through our network of secret organizations of which we are a part. These ancient texts are not known in academic institutions, the media, or mainstream society; they are quite powerful in their depictions of the twenty-first century. Fifteen was made aware of these texts early on when he became Director of Research for the ACIO, and this knowledge only fueled his desire to develop BST.”
Sarah: “What were these prophecies and who made them?”
Dr. Neruda: “The prophecies were made by a variety of people who are, for the most part, unknown or anonymous, so if I told you their names you would have no recognition. You see, time travel can be accomplished by the soul from an observational level… that is to say, that certain individuals can move in the realm of what we call vertical time and see future events with great clarity, but they are powerless to change them. There are also those individuals who have, in our opinion, come into contact with the WingMakers and are provided messages about the future, which they had recorded in symbol pictures or extinct languages like Sumerian, Mayan, and Chakobsan.
“The messages or prophecies that they made had several consistent strands or themes that were to occur in the early part of the twenty-first century, around the year 2011. Chief among these was the infiltration of the major governments of the world, including the United Nations, by an alien race. This alien race was a predator race with extremely sophisticated technologies that enabled them to integrate with the human species. That is to say, they could pose as humanoids, but they were truly a blend of human and android—in other words, they were synthetics.
“This alien race was prophesied to establish a world government and rule as its executive power. It was to be the ultimate challenge to humankind’s collective intelligence and survival. These texts are kept from the public because they are too fear-provoking and would likely result in apocalyptic reprisals and mass paranoia…”
Sarah: “Are you saying what I think you’re saying? That anonymous prophets from God know where and when, have seen a vision of our future takeover by a race of robots? I mean you do realize how… how unbelievable that sounds?”
Dr. Neruda: “Yes… I know it sounds unbelievable… but there are diluted versions of this very same prophecy in our religious texts, it’s just that the alien race is portrayed as the antichrist; as if the alien race was personified in the form of Lucifer. This form of the prophecy was acceptable to the gatekeepers of these texts, and so they allowed a form of the prophecy to be distributed, but the notion of an alien race was eliminated.”
Sarah: “Why? And who exactly is it who’s censoring what we can read and can’t? Are you suggesting there’s a secret editorial committee that previews books before their distribution?”
Dr. Neruda: “This is a very complicated subject and I could spend a whole day just acquainting you with the general structure of this control of information. Most of the world’s major libraries have collections of information that are not available to the general public. Only scholars are authorized to review these materials, and usually only on site. In the same way, there are manuscripts that were controversial and posited theories that were sharply different than the accepted belief systems of their day. These manuscripts or writings were banished by a variety of sources, including the Vatican, universities, governments, and various institutions.
“These writings are sought out by secret organizations that have a mission to collect and retain this information. These organizations are very powerful and well-funded, and they can purchase these original manuscripts for a relatively small amount of money. Most of the writings are believed to be hocus-pocus anyway, so libraries are often very willing to part with them for an endowment or modest contribution. Also, most of these are original writings having never been published, being that they originated from a time before the printing press.
“There is a network of secret organizations that are loosely connected through the financial markets and their interests in worldly affairs. They are generally centers of power for the monetary systems within their respective countries, and are elitists of the first order. The ACIO is affiliated with this network only because it is rightly construed that the ACIO has the best technology in the world, and this technology can be deployed for financial gain through market manipulation.
“As for an editorial committee… no, this secret network of organizations doesn’t review books before publication. Its holdings are exclusively in ancient manuscripts and religious texts. They have a very strong interest in prophecy because they believe in the concept of vertical time and they have a vested interest in knowing the macro-environmental changes that can affect the economy. You see for most of them, the only game on this planet that is worth playing is the acquisition of ever-increasing wealth and power through an orchestrated manipulation of the key variables that drive the economic engines of our world.”
Sarah: “So if they’re so smart about the future, and they believe these prophecies, what’re they doing to help protect us from these alien invaders?”
Dr. Neruda: “They help fund the ACIO. This collective of organizations has enormous wealth. More than most governments can comprehend. The ACIO provides them with the technology to manipulate money markets and rake in hundreds of billions of dollars every year. I don’t even know the scope of their collective wealth. The ACIO also receives funding from the sale of its diluted technologies to these organizations for the sake of their own security and protection. We’ve devised the world’s finest security systems, which are both undetectable and impregnable to outside forces like the CIA and the former KGB.
“The reason they fund the ACIO is that they believe Fifteen is the most brilliant man alive and they’re aware of his general agenda to develop BST. They see this technology as the ultimate safeguard against the prophecy and their ability to retain relative control of the world and national economies. They also know Fifteen’s strategic position with alien technologies and hope that between his genius, and the alien technologies that the ACIO is assimilating, that BST is possible to develop before the prophecy occurs.”
Sarah: “But why the sudden interest in the WingMakers’ time capsule? How does it play a role in all of this BST stuff?”
Dr. Neruda: “Initially, we didn’t know what the connection was between the Ancient Arrow project and the BST Imperative. You have to understand that the time capsule was a collection of twenty-three chambers literally carved inside of a canyon wall in the middle of nowhere about eighty miles northeast of Chaco Canyon in New Mexico. It is, without a doubt, the most amazing archeological find of all time. If scientists were allowed to examine this site, with all of its artifacts intact, they would be in awe of this incredible find.
“Our preliminary assumptions were that this site was a time capsule of sorts left behind by an extraterrestrial race who had visited earth in the eighth century. But we couldn’t understand why the art was so clearly representative of earth—if it were a time capsule. The only logical conclusion was that it represented a future version of humanity. But we weren’t certain of this until we figured out how to access the optical disc and translate the first set of documents from the disc.
“Once we had a clear understanding of how the WingMakers wanted to be understood, we began to test their claims by analyzing their chamber paintings, poetry, music, philosophy, and artifacts. This analysis made us fairly certain that they were authentic, which meant that they were not only time travelers, but that they were also in possession of a form of BST…”
Sarah: “Why did you assume they had BST?”
Dr. Neruda: “We believed it took them a minimum of two months to create their time capsule. This would have required them to open and hold open a window of time and physically operate within the selected time frame. This is a fundamental requirement of BST. Additionally, it is necessary to be able to select the intervention points with precision—both in terms of time and space. We believed they had this capability, and they had proven it with their time capsule.
“Furthermore, the technological artifacts they had left behind were evidence of a technology that was so far in advance to our own that we couldn’t even understand them. None of the extraterrestrial races we were aware of had technologies so advanced that we could not probe them, assimilate them, and reverse-engineer them. The technologies left behind in the Ancient Arrow site were totally enigmatic and impervious to our probes. We considered them so advanced that they were quite literally indiscernible and unusable which—though it may sound odd—is a clear sign of an extremely advanced technology.”
Sarah: “So you decided that the WingMakers were in possession of BST, but how did you think you were going to acquire their knowledge?”
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