In response to this I am posting two messages from Spirit Library about stuff which must resonate with more than just this poor put-upon spirit, little old me. The above title is with reference to the "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" series of entertainment, that I never watch but know of because all the 'celebrities' and their jungle silliness of eating bugs and having jungle showers trying to get everyone back at home feeling saucy, are always in the newspapers. I am assuming that this must true for each country that makes its version of this programme. Don't misunderstand me, I haven't always been like this, I used to be young and enjoy the nation's usual pastimes like watching this kind of TV, working very hard and then drinking, lots, in bars and clubs. Shopping for clothes and perfumes and going on holiday. Then in 1997 I stopped and said to myself, God there has got to be more than this. So, driven by intensity, I stopped working hard, then started having children, hard. Hard- because in my mind it must be done right, or not at all, I am a trained scientist remember. Driven, then like on bush tracking trail, I found that having children only intensified, the "there must be something more than this" feeling, and I found myself fast tracking (cos that's what I do) down the spiritual path. Following clues that brought me round in circles......
But back to the TV, and to a programme I watched last night. No, not "I'm a celebrity get me out of here", I told you I don't watch that silliness. I just identify with the 'status'. No, not a celebrity status, (even though most people want to have celebrity status, which is another thing I want to talk about) the status I identify with is the "Get Me out of here" status. Humans are all quite mad, and the truth is I don't get it. I don't get what we do. I have grown out of these games because they are all so boring and of no consequence in the greater scheme of things.
The two messages are linked here, but before than I will share a mind tingle that came to me tonight.
I do like Christmas, but not the mass hysteria and consumerism that drives most people out to spend like mindless automatons and then kill themselves with huge credit card bills in January. I don't like the Christmas that leaves hungry people out on the streets un-thought about all year long then suddenly they are piled into halls and given Christmas meals. Implying firstly that the whole world must be swept up and along in the Capitalist Christmas fracas that it has become, and secondly, that as soon as it is over, they can go back on the streets to continue to be homeless and hungry. S'long as the Mayor of London looks good in the popularity poles.
"Why have we still got Homeless and hungry people out there?" Is the question we should be asking, and not just at Christmas. We should all be of equal value and honoured, in this day and age, but we still haven't got it right, it is still so skewed, and unbalanced, and kept in this state because the balance is still determined by the powerful. Did anyone hear the Mayor of London, Boris Johnson's speech at a dinner given in memory of Margaret Thatcher. In his own words he says that the rich are rich because they are clever, and the poor are just dum f%$*s, his words not mine, ok, ok. what he said was that they are stupid. This is a classic statement which declares the transparency of the intentions of the tiny minority of the worlds wealthiest people, owning 95% of the world's wealth. And throughout history we can see how those clever rich people, befuddled the not so clever poor people to keep the status quo.
Its time now for the change. The change is on its path to stir up the human heart in order to override the impasse that has been like concrete around it for eons. The change is about melting the seen and unseen discriminations, the obvious and the not so obvious exploitations, the hidden and the downright evil agendas that have kept the status quo in place. The way humanity has been driven to live, like cattle being ranged, is so well past it's expiry date, and we all know it.
To do this, the incoming energy has been in force and is being souped up exponentially, daily. Just goes to show, how much muck it has to clear, both in our personal energy fields and the collective human energy field. Dana Mrkich talks about us being in a juicer. Sounds about right.
So, anyway, feeling a little fragile this evening, and because I do like Christmas, I settled down to have some down time and watch a TV programme. It was about traditional Christmases through time. In a huge manor house, which had been bought and upgraded back into a events location for such celebrations. The idea of the programme was the new owner ( a television celebrity type) and her husband, had renovated the dilapidated manor house back to its impressive status, and their children would show us the types of Christmases that the rich families in the house would have enjoyed. It started with the Georgian period and continued down through the Victorian times and on through to the war years rationing. Yes, even the rich had rationing books.
As I watched I actually felt appalled that historically it is all documented that each and every Christmas tradition that is held as 'sacred' by us now, started as a show of opulence by the disgustingly rich and then filtered down through the substrata by way of the social media of the time, better known as "copying by the lesser mortals", in a way of wanting to be thought of as rich. This desperation to be of status filtered down through the middle classes then as time passed on the traditions were adopted by the lower classes. All traditions it seems were a classic case of
"social wanna be'ism" passed on to the poor who managed to get a poor mans version.
This is one way we get social engineering. The politicians engage in social engineering today. It is the basis of how they choose social policies like whether or not to charge university fees, or get young people to take out loans that put them in debts of 40,000 before they have even started working. How many people should get degrees, how many people should have their own business. Lets keep the money in global corporations that way the bankers keep getting their Bonuses. What!!! are those bankers still getting bonuses???? Yes its government policy to keep the money bouncing around just out of our reach, misleading us into thinking we have got some money, but we only have "poor mans version of money", its all virtual and credit, and they keep us plied with cocktails of Christmas traditions and media subliminal messages to spend it on.
It brings me back to the Consumerism driven state we are in today. We cannot have just a watch, it's got be a Rolex, a car has to have status, house, clothes, lifestyles. Mostly all wanna be'isms have managed to knock down the normal soul's own creative urge to be themselves. The Capitalist drive tells you that you have to have this stuff. Work hard and play hard, for this stuff. You are urged not to be yourself, you are urged not to step off this downward spiralled path and you are kept on a lead by constant messages, hidden and not so hidden. Subliminally and by osmosis we only know what we have to buy. Don't step off the path. The media and socially accepted norms tell our young people all about the lifestyle that aspires to be celebrity lifestyle (that will always be the poor mans version of the rich mans plate) and implies that any other lifestyle is unwanted, sad, and to be avoided.
They are led to wanna be a celebrity. They all want to Twerk like Miley Cyrus.
Maybe she 'll teach Boris Johnson to twerk, oh I forgot, he is one. Where's that juicer?
Here's the link.
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