Okay I certainly have some, as do we all. On personal level, my intention has been for sometime, Months if not the past year, to regain my authority and to embody my true divinity within this life experience. That is process that I wish to unfold. It is layers of letting go, "seeing" the old operation in progress and nudging, sometimes gently, sometimes with brute force, out of it. The 'programs' have been the framework of how we see ourselves, personally and with respect to our place in the world, and constitue how we operate in each scenario. This is how we default, unconsciously to an automatic pilot, a frame of reference that is no longer holding up.
This is a long but life changing process. The process we plough through, sometimes lets us skim over, skip on top, fast track through, but usually we swim through deep water, plunge in and get out of depth (for a while) unable to breath, tread water, climb mountains and often catch the splendid view. We can be walking aimlessly through fog or plateauing on some savanna, oh and don't forget the forty days and forty nights and of course the 'dark night of the soul'.
The module I am currently on is about being displaced and disconnected from HAVING a place in this world. The powers that be, the universe, (the universe that is ME) has lined up some cryptic stuff that I am trying to prise open. I can see the other side. But How do I get to it. How it is playing out, (manifesting in my life) is being subjected to a series of "out of my control" situations concerning income that does not match outgoings. That is, HIGH out going bills just to have a roof over our heads, with little coming in that does not meet those costs. ALSO, the roof over heads is not ours, and it is full of the landlady's stuff in storage. The bath is falling through the floor, the boiler is old and Hoists up fuels bills, through the ROOF. There is no home insulation or double glazed windows. Bit by bit, cracks open, door handles crack off, There is not enough storage and it is just hard work to keep the home looking and feeling nice. This is our sanctuary, only it is not ours, it is someone elses and we are caught between a rock and a hard place, as this rent is high, but other rents out there are much higher. So this scenario is calling me to look deep.
Where do I look? When I was on the bus the other day, when pulled into the bus station, the driver got out of his cab and came to the back of the bus. He was looking for the cause of something setting off an emergency alarm, and there had been a loud rattling sound. He checked the emergency exit, and went upstairs to check the emergency on the top deck. An inspector got on and helped him. The bus was delayed while they checked. Then the inspector, got off and went around to the outside to check the downstairs emergency exit door. He opened it, then shut it again properly. The alarm stopped. The bus was able to proceed. I watched this unfold calmly, then instantly I was absolutely sure, and got excited then, that I was being shown that there is a "Emergency Exit door". This was showing me that this period was a delaying space, a holding space during my process for me to see a way out, rather than 'just sit on a bus to continue as a passenger in my journey'. I can use the emergency exit door, 'a quicker way of leaving a situation that I have grown out of', all I have to do is see it. So as I watched what was going on, calmly, as I looked on, I got to SEE trully what I was looking at, an EMERGENCY EXIT. So now I know there is a second way OUT of this, it is quicker than the main way, the unquestioning " I'll just sit here till I figure it out" way. There is a fast track out of the sitaution! So I will let you know what the "emergency exit" is when I get to see it.
But I believe I already "know" so I will take the action I SEE to do, to move out of the patterns, the Manifesting situations. The manifesting patterns in my outer world are showing me that I am sitting as a passenger a bus. At present I am still not driving my own life, according to my own passions and yearnings. My actions and life unfolding are being crafted only as a result of me allowing my power to determine my focus on everyone else's needs, and my energy drains out through to society dictates, and distractions, and conforming beliefs about money and security. My energy is being diverted and distracted out to god knows where, and I am still sitting on the bus. I KNOW THIS. I have all that I need to jump out of the emergency exit and get on to my own track. I just need to remember that I have the POWER to do this.
Patterns being revealed – Quan Yin – 12/3/2015Posted on December 3, 2015![]()
We are most excited about the current amount of light that you and your planet are now holding. This intensity of light will continue from this point forward and the body will adjust in increments. While this has been a tumultuous time, much density has been and is being cleared from the collective and the personal form. All that does not serve the light is being brought to the surface within you and in the collective as a whole. Patterns of behavior and thoughts are coming to the forefront now to be addressed and released.
For some these are patterns that are deeply rooted in all layers of the being and are not easily recognized. It is this reason that the energy seeks to highlight this pattern by making it more obvious and exaggerated. While uncomfortable it is necessary for the individual and the collective to experience a resurgence of all behaviors, thoughts, and emotions that are not in alignment. It is in this way that they become recognizable and undeniable. From the point of seeing a pattern one can then make a conscious choice to do different. The repeating of the patterns is how one’s power is given away. These beliefs, thoughts and actions must be changed in order to reach your full potential.
While you may feel that you are caught in a loop of undesired emotions, thoughts and behaviors, understand that each moment you choose to react differently you are then rewriting the programs that are running and in some cases you are creating new ones. This must happen in order for your original template to be restored to allow for your highest aspect to be completely embodied. In each moment, you have a choice on how you respond to what you are being shown. For some this is a theme that has been present throughout your entire life and has presented itself in all areas of your life. Are you able to see where this pattern has impacted you and how it has hindered your development? This is showing you where you have given your personal power away. Some may recognize the repeated response ingrained deep within, yet feel that they are unable to make the change. Understand that the effects of the pattern will only continue to intensify as the light on your planet and within you does the same. We ask that upon recognizing that which is not in alignment that you examine where it has impacted every area of your life, this will allow you to see where you can make different choices, rewriting the programming within.
While your soul has learned much from this experience, it is time to move beyond. Now is the time that each of you needs to step into your power, into your divinity, remembering who you are. Each of you that embodies a heart centered existence helps to transform all around you. It is through your heart that you will see the change that you so wish to see.
We are excited and encouraged by the great changes taking place.
Quan Yin
Personal Conversation with Quan Yin:
Me: My biggest pattern is self-sabotage in the form of not taking care of my physical body, though not eating right and not exercising and with that comes the really negative self talk.
Quan Yin: All patterns are a form of self-sabotage. It is through your actions or inaction that you give your power away.
Me: So if I decide to eat poorly, neglect the physical body, gain weight etc. continuing a lifelong pattern, is that in my highest good?
Quan Yin: Yes
Me: Wait. If I exercise, treat my body well, eat well and control the inner dialog is that in my highest good?
Quan Yin: Yes…. You seem surprised. If you need to experience the repercussions of neglecting your body, of not embodying your highest self in these moments, then there is still growth and experience that your soul is needing. However, it is your choice and at any moment you can choose a new path, new actions.
Me: So it’s a question of can I love myself enough to stop sabotaging my health and well-being.
Quan Yin: Yes. Are you ready to embody all that you are? To love yourself completely?
Me: Yes, though I feel it’s like climbing a mountain.
Quan Yin: All mountains are climbed one step at a time.
I share this dialog with you because I know that each of you have your own forms of self-sabotage and there is no shame in this. It’s what we choose as our challenge to overcome as we return to self. These patterns can take so many forms. Some may cripple themselves with doubt, some may sabotage their opportunities by not acting on them, and some put themselves last in all ways: relationships, employment, parenthood etc. Others may repeat the pattern of not seeing their worth or attracting to themselves people who damage their sense of self. My point is that WE ALL have something we are working through. It is not easy to rewrite a pattern that has existed for so long in all our layers. So we need to be gentle with ourselves, celebrate the victories and not beat ourselves up for the missteps. This is a marathon, not a sprint and we do this one step at a time by being brutally honest with ourselves and owning all of our stuff. Bring it out into the light.
Much love and blessings to you all. Thank you to all who share these messages, it means the world.
To book a Spirit Guide reading or Ascension Guidance session with Jenny Schiltz, please go to jschiltz.appointy.com
Acoustic Health interview with Lauren Galey: Psychic Awakenings: Communicating with Higher Realms http://www.acoustichealth.com/HCs7jenny.htm
Gift certificates for readings are available. Email spiritreadings444@gmail.com for details.
**As with all information we receive regarding the ascension process, discernment is necessary. If you read or hear something and it does not resonate, simply let it go and find what makes your soul say YES! **
Image credited to: http://www.anamcarawellness.com/
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