As if the Ascension process, where we are carried on the wings of heightened energy as we fly through the photon band and are bombarded with energetic upgrades every day isn't enough......The storms of chaos are blowing the lid off this whole planetary thing. The storms blowing about are revealing the true grit of the situation and what humans had been reduced to and need to buckle up and move with it...I'd just like to say that things definitely need to change. I've been feeling so weird lately, anxious about stuff I cannot see, and feeling tumultuous energies bubbling around in the ethers. This always takes a lot of time to actually play out into a visible and physical manifestation on planet earth. I am sad that most of us humans are reluctant or simply unable to raise their thoughts and pull themselves up for for long enough to look over the trenches and see the war that they live in during their lifetimes. I plan to align myself with 5th dimensional reality to avert the potentials playing out in my physical 3rd dimensional arena.
Anyway on to the implosion scenario, if this is new to you, prepare yourself, and, for all of us in the midst of this, we can be prepared physically, mentally and emotionally, but always be inspired, spiritually...Michaela.
"Perhaps you recall that the EU was initially sold to the people of Europe as merely a common market. Then it was broadened to include no internal borders. And so, item by item, slowly the EU transmogrified into anti-democratic super-nation. A state with heads that were not elected and therefore not subject to the approval of its subjects."
and on USA
..".Whenever they cannot get their way, they cause chaos. They destroy that which will not comply. And then, from the chaos, they create the new order that they desire.
This is the true cause of both world wars. And the cause of almost all of the other large wars that have raged across the globe since, perhaps, the dark ages. The cause of the great depression and various other financial disasters. The cause of the 9-11 attack. The cause of the Aids pandemic. And the cause of many other, “less successful”, and failed pandemics. All of these (and so much more) have been about the Red Shields attempting to reduce to chaos that which would not comply with their will.
And this is what they wish to bring to America now. They wish to bring chaos to America such that the nation’s will is shattered, its identity destroyed and its civil institutions in utter disarray. And then they plan to gain control and to reform America in their own image. Without the constitution that they so despise. And they plan to use America’s own citizens to achieve their goal!
And, my friends, after the series of stinging defeats that the Red Shields have suffered, here, sadly, is a place where they actually seem to be having some early success.
The final trick up their sleeve is to turn you against each other in civil war. Not a race war. Not even a religious war. No, something far more insidious. A war of political ideology. They have been working to divide the nation exactly evenly down the middle numerically. A 50 – 50 split based upon political ideology. The whole idea of there being an “us” versus a “them”, where “we” are Right Thinking Americans and “they” are not. Despite the fact that “they” are your own very neighbours! Yes, perhaps “they” reside in greater concentrations in another state of your nation. But the fact remains that “they” are American citizens just like you. And you and they, both, are being wound up against each other. Every time you wish “they” could just be silenced, every time you consider “them” to be un-American, degenerate, idiotic, wrong, not deserving of their right to think, believe and behave as they do, you can almost hear the Red Shield operatives cackling in their sleeves. In that moment they win another tiny victory. And every time a demonstration turns violent and American citizens strike out at each other over ideology, then that is a battle that they have won. And, at some point, if there keep being battles, it will ignite a war. And if there is a war, an actual civil war in America, then they have outright won.
The only winners of a civil war in America will be the Red Shields."
for more read
So who are the red shields?
The Illuminati and the House of Rothschild2005 08 23
By Johnny Silver Bear |
By Johnny Silver Bear |
![]() Two-headed eagle emblem of the Byzantine Empire (Roman Empire) on a Red Shield - Today this is the Russian coat of arms. Image source click here |
The "Illuminati" was a name used by a German sect that existed in the 15th century. They practiced the occult, and professed to possess the 'light' that Lucifer had retained when he became Satan.
In an attempt to document the origins of an secret organization which has evolved into a mastodonic nightmare, successfully creating and controlling a shadow government that supercedes several national governments, and in whose hands now lay the destiny of the world, one must carefully retrace its history. The lengths to which this organization has gone to create the political machinery, and influence public sentiment to the degree necessary to propel its self-perpetuating prophecy, are, quite frankly, mind boggling. Yet the facts provide for the undeniable truth of its existence.
In 1743 a goldsmith named Amschel Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. He hung above his door a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield firm. The German word for 'red shield' is Rothschild.
Amschel Bauer had a son, Meyer Amschel Bauer. At a very early age Mayer showed that he possessed immense intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business and in the basic dynamics of finance. A few years after his father's death in 1755, Mayer went to work in Hannover as a clerk, in a bank, owned by the Oppenheimers. While in the employ of the Oppenheimers, he was introduced to a General von Estorff for whom he ran errands. Meyer's superior ability was quickly recognized and his advancement within the firm was swift. He was awarded a junior partnership. Von Estorff would later provide the yet-to-be formed House of Rothschild an entré into to the palace of Prince William.
His success allowed him the means to return to Frankfurt and to purchase the business his father had established in 1743. The big Red Shield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the true significance of the Red Shield (his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to Rothschild (red shield). It was at this point that the House of Rothschild came into being.
Through his experience with the Oppenheimers, Meyer Rothschild learned that loaning money to governments and kings was much more profitable than loaning to private individuals. Not only were the loans bigger, but they were secured by the nation's taxes.
In an attempt to document the origins of an secret organization which has evolved into a mastodonic nightmare, successfully creating and controlling a shadow government that supercedes several national governments, and in whose hands now lay the destiny of the world, one must carefully retrace its history. The lengths to which this organization has gone to create the political machinery, and influence public sentiment to the degree necessary to propel its self-perpetuating prophecy, are, quite frankly, mind boggling. Yet the facts provide for the undeniable truth of its existence.
In 1743 a goldsmith named Amschel Moses Bauer opened a coin shop in Frankfurt, Germany. He hung above his door a sign depicting a Roman eagle on a red shield. The shop became known as the Red Shield firm. The German word for 'red shield' is Rothschild.
Amschel Bauer had a son, Meyer Amschel Bauer. At a very early age Mayer showed that he possessed immense intellectual ability, and his father spent much of his time teaching him everything he could about the money lending business and in the basic dynamics of finance. A few years after his father's death in 1755, Mayer went to work in Hannover as a clerk, in a bank, owned by the Oppenheimers. While in the employ of the Oppenheimers, he was introduced to a General von Estorff for whom he ran errands. Meyer's superior ability was quickly recognized and his advancement within the firm was swift. He was awarded a junior partnership. Von Estorff would later provide the yet-to-be formed House of Rothschild an entré into to the palace of Prince William.
His success allowed him the means to return to Frankfurt and to purchase the business his father had established in 1743. The big Red Shield was still displayed over the door. Recognizing the true significance of the Red Shield (his father had adopted it as his emblem from the Red Flag which was the emblem of the revolutionary minded Jews in Eastern Europe), Mayer Amschel Bauer changed his name to Rothschild (red shield). It was at this point that the House of Rothschild came into being.
Through his experience with the Oppenheimers, Meyer Rothschild learned that loaning money to governments and kings was much more profitable than loaning to private individuals. Not only were the loans bigger, but they were secured by the nation's taxes.
You see, my friends, the financial system is not busy breaking. That is what they want you to believe. It was built this way. It is doing what it was created to do. And what it was created to do is to enslave you, to steal your power and to place control of the whole world in the hands of this system’s creators.
But if you don’t have a clear understanding of the mechanics of your monetary system, this will take a little explaining. And so I wish to offer you, right now, the very barest boiled down facts. You can consider what I am about to tell you to be a synopsis, but I do suggest you use the resources on the Internet to do your own research in order to gain a deeper understanding.
So here we go:
The first fact is that what you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. Money is something with real, intrinsic value. Like a gold or silver coin. That is money. The worth of the coin is right there in the coin. The value of such a coin does not change. One ounce of gold is one ounce of gold. That IS its value. Other things might change value in relation to an ounce of gold but the gold is what it is. It is possible to create paper money. This is what is called a promissory note. I could create a piece of paper which promises that I will give the bearer of that paper, say, an ounce of gold. Then that paper is a proxy for the coin. The paper is worth one ounce of gold. As long as you believe me, and as long as I don’t create more paper than I actually have gold to back it with, then that paper is also money.
What you have in your wallet and in your bank account is not money, it is fiat currency. The word “fiat”, means “decree”. An arbitrary order issued by some authority. And this is what your currency is. Your nation’s financial authority essentially issues a decree to create currency. But it really has no value other than that they say it does. Its value exists only in the fact that those to whom they give this paper believe it has value. And as long as it flows from person to person and as long as that belief exists between those people, so long it appears to have value. And then only because it is possible to exchange this nonsense fabricated fiction for things that do have actual value.
That’s the first fact. Your currency is not money, it is a fiction created by decree by your financial authorities.
The second fact is perhaps a bit more startling. Do you know who the financial authority of your nation is?
If you guessed that it was your government, then you have fallen for the deception. Your currency is created when your central reserve bank declares a loan from its Illuminati bank.
Let’s unpack that statement shall we?
There are a number of ancient bloodline families that are insanely, obscenely wealthy. Their wealth comes from banking. They have been in banking for a very, very long time. They started out being money changers. They grew wealthy by offering more promissory notes than they had gold to back it with. They also developed a system called usury, which is the basis for modern bank loans. And they slowly became wealthier than kings, popes, emperors, sultans and even whole nations. Then they became the financiers to those nations. When one country went to war with another, these bankers were called upon to finance the war. They quickly realised that financing both sides of the war was very profitable business. And then they realised that they could encourage wars with a little skulduggery, and in this way could open the taps of wealth. And so they became ever more powerful too. And all this without any risk to themselves. When the populace come with pitchforks to the palace gates, when they overthrow a despot, when guillotines end the lives of kings… the bankers live on in comfort and luxury… usually leaping in to offer “financial assistance” to the revolutionaries in terms of loans.
Do you see how it goes?
And today these ancient families live in vast secluded mansions. They continue to be the wealthiest individuals on the planet by a vast margin. But they are clever enough to hide their wealth using a complex game of shells so that they are very nearly invisible to you.
So these are the people to whom I refer when I say, “the Illuminati”. These ancient families that have been manipulating the human story from behind the scenes for the length and breadth of your recorded history. These families own top-tier banks that the central reserve banks of very nearly every nation on Earth come to for the annual loan that creates that nation's currency.
We’ll be speaking a fair bit about the American situation in today’s conversation, so let us begin right now by using the USA as our example, shall we?
The United States’ central bank is popularly called The Fed, short for the Federal Reserve Bank. And so it is that the Fed approaches an Illuminati bank. And while there are many such family banks, the Fed is contractually bonded to a particular group of Illuminati families. Let us call them the Red Shield group. And we’ll talk some more about the different groups in a little while.
The Red Shield group of banking families loans to the fed however many trillions of dollars that the nation will need to run its economy for the year. And here is the crucial bit. The vast majority of what the Fed needs for the economy is really just to service the nation’s debt that is carried over from previous years.
You heard that right. Only a small percentage of the loan is actually for currency that will float the economy. Most of the loan is just to pay back debt from previous years. At this point, the US federal debt runs to about 20 trillion dollars. Do you understand what that means? It means that your nation owes the Red Shield banking families about 20 trillion dollars. You owe it to them because they previously loaned you money and the debt has accumulated, with interest, to this level[1].
And do you know how that debt will be paid off? Next year, the Fed will loan more money than it did this year. That is why the debt ceiling must constantly be raised. Next year, the Fed will loan more money so that it can pay off this year’s debt plus the little bit extra needed for currency to flow into the national banking system.
And so, let us continue to understand the situation.
The fourth fact is that, the Illuminati bankers are not one, planet-wide organisation. It is merely for convenience that I use this word, Illuminati. There is no single organisation that conforms to that name. There are many families who each have their national and regional assets. Some of these families form alliances and group together. The Red Shields are one such alliance that control, by and large, the USA and Western Europe. There are other alliances that control other parts of the world. There is, for example, an alliance that I will call the Gold Group. I call them that because they have maintained a firm belief that it was a mistake to float the world’s financial system free from the gold standard. They always said that it would cause exactly the kinds of problems we are now seeing. The Gold team’s powerbase was originally ancient Byzantium. Now, largely, it is Russia and Russia’s satellite nations. There is also what I will call the Jade Group which, really, is one ancient family that has always considered China to be its domain. There are others, but in the interests of simplicity and clarity we will focus on these three main players in today’s briefing.
And the reason it is important for you to know this fourth fact, is that you need to understand that these teams aren’t playing against you. From their perspective, you are simply pawns on their game board. Game pieces that they use to play against one another. They vie for power, for control over the world. And you must understand that they have ancient scriptures that date back to ancient Sumerian and Babylonian times which promise them dominion over the earth and all men. These are not the same scriptures as you might ever see. These are stories dating back from when these families were the priest class that served certain extra-terrestrial masters. They were given all manner of secret teachings that gave them a massive advantage over all others. This very banking system that you now see in operation was invented as a means of dominion over others in the Orion system. It has been used very successfully by the Orion Whites as a kind of specialised form of warfare. They have taken over whole planetary systems without firing a single weapon using this system.
They own all the media houses – which is why you are not told any of this. The mainstream media, as it is often called, is the wholly owned propaganda wing of the banking families. And through it, they try (and mostly succeed) to control all sides of every debate.
They own all the largest manufacturing enterprises, which is why these businesses no longer serve you by creating jobs and by stimulating the economy. They serve their masters' interests only.
They own the pharmaceutical houses that create the medicines that doctors are taught to prescribe. Which is why a plant that was brought to Earth along with the arrival of humanity that is a pharmacopoeia, in and of itself, remains classified as both “medically valueless and dangerously addictive”, when it is neither. It is a medicine that is uniquely matched to the human physiology. And not only is this grand gift to humanity banned, but you are jailed just for holding some in your possession. I share this information just by way of example of the destructive grip the Illuminati wield via the pharmaceutical houses. I could offer you an endless roll of equally iniquitous examples.
What do you think would happen, for example, if you were to discover a cancer cure tomorrow? The answer is that even if you gave it to others for free, you would likely be jailed. And the greater your cure’s efficacy, the more likely it would be that you would be jailed. And, by way of another example, this is also why so-called alternative health practitioners are being side-lined and silenced. Recently there have been a growing number of the more successful alternative practitioners who have died under suspicious circumstances. What is going on is that they are being assassinated for the good work that they are doing. Precisely because their good work proves that some highly lucrative pharmaceutical products are semi-effective and over-priced at best. Outright toxic at worst. It’s all quite shocking really.
Then these ancient families also own agro-industrial corporations, which is why you, collectively, become more malnourished each year. It is why you are not permitted to know what is in the products you buy in the store when accurate labelling would be easy enough to implement. And this is why the GM crops proliferate despite increasing awareness of their potential dangers.
And the banksters own the arms industries that produce weapons of war which very often end up being used on both sides of a conflict, making them the only clear winner… and which is why you have never actually had world peace.
I could go on and on. The point is that they own pretty much everything.
The point I wish to make is a rather simple one. The Illuminati banking families know that their financial system is utterly unstable. They know that it is going to implode. They know that it cannot continue and that it will destroy every nation on Earth in the end. They don’t care because the Orion White plan according to which they are operating is for them to own every single thing upon the planet that can possibly be bought or traded before the final implosion. And THAT, my friends, is their goal. Total world dominance by financial control.
And it’s a goal that they have been achieving. A goal that they have had an unshakeable belief that they would achieve. Unshakeable, that is, until the recent Brexit vote. As discussed in a previous conversation, that was a massive psychological and strategic loss for the Red Shields. There have been minor losses for them before now. But each of those minor losses were reversible. This one is not.
Without getting too embroiled in the detail, you should know that the Red Shields main headquarters is in an area known as “the square mile” in London. Confusingly, this is a city within London officially called the City of London. But this detail is not important right now. What is important is that this is the Red Shields’ centre of control. From there they rule an empire that stretches over vast swathes of the planet. They have gained dominion over much of Europe and a variety of other nations around the world, including the USA, of course.
So perhaps you can see why the people of Britain voting to exit the EU and refusing to do as expected is more than just an embarrassment. It is a real challenge to the smooth execution of their plans. And it emboldens their opposition. And by opposition I mean not only the forces of the Light but the other Illuminati factions too.
As a result of the egregiously destructive way in which the Red Shields have played their hand collapsing governments and destroying nations, they have driven their opposing teams into each other’s arms. An unexpected alliance between the Gold and Jade teams is right now being forged. You’ll notice Russia and China are suddenly playing nicely together. You’ll notice them, for example, doing war drills together and supporting each other politically. These are the kinds of obvious signs of what is going on behind the scenes at the top-most level of the ancient families. But these things are less important than the financial game. Alternative world finance systems are being built together by the Gold and Jade teams[2]. Other smaller families are being sold on their importance and are joining this alternative banking system. The Red Shields’ dominance is being seriously challenged in this, the most important area. And when the time is right, the plan is to segue the world's finances back to a resource-based system. This would once again make gold the fundamental monetary unit. Other precious metals would be valued in terms of gold. And all money would then be valued in terms of a direct relationship with these metals. This would bring stability and order back to the financial world. And, more importantly, it would also destroy the Red Shields’ completely disproportionate power base. So, obviously, the Red Shields are resisting these moves at every turn. But they are not up against some little third world nation now. This is not a battle they can win militarily without also risking utter self-annihilation.
One of the main purposes of Isis was to wrest control of Syria from the Gold team. Perhaps you recall that in 2013 President Obama wanted to go to war against Syria? He was ordered to do this, of course, and so presented to the nation his so-called Red Line. He told the world that the Syrian regime had used poison gas against its own people and that this was sufficient cause for war. The problem was that the American nation simply told him “no”. This was one of those surprising moments that are so wonderful to watch from the outside. When the people of the world simply claim their power, the Illuminati get put in their place. The difference between that event and what happened with the Brexit vote is that the Red Shields quite easily recovered from that set-back. They simply changed tack and got their own way anyway. In this case, they simply used a proxy, as previously outlined. Isis was, until then, a small rag-tag outfit operating in Iraq. Now they were repurposed. They were upgraded and equipped. Given fleets of vehicles and container loads of arms. Given support and finances for a massive recruitment drive. And then they were pointed at Syria. And with this Isis began to do the Red Shields’ “dirty work” that the US military was disallowed from doing. Conveniently Isis began to wage war on Syrian government forces. The same forces Obama was instructed to target. And then a little while later, when it seemed suitable, the American people were encouraged to see Isis as the enemy and US military forces were sent to attack them. And so a fake war began. The Red Shields pretended to be at war with themselves. US soldiers on the one side were fooled into attacking decoy Isis targets on the other side. Have you ever wondered how it was that the might of the US military could not seem to stop or even slow an insurgent force of semi-trained recruits with far inferior weaponry? It’s because this was a carefully orchestrated fake! The US military was carefully hobnailed with false information and all kinds of limitations and curtailments!
Yes, people still got hurt and killed. It was important that the illusion be maintained and neither the Isis fighters nor the American soldiers were let in on the deception. So a certain number of genuine combat operations had to happen. But it did not serve the Red Shields’ interests to allow either of these forces to sustain great losses, so this was kept to a reasonable minimum. All the while Isis was allowed to expand its activities against the Syrian people and their government forces. All the while new Isis recruits were encouraged to believe that their successes against the might of the US war machine was proof that their God was on their side.
And all of this was a smoke-screen. The actual point of Isis was to allow the Red Shields to gain control of Syria, which had been an asset of one of the non-aligned families that had been wooed by the Gold Team. A secondary benefit, from the Red Shield perspective, was that this allowed them to precipitate the European migrant crisis. Information was disseminated, first in Syria, and then more broadly, that there was a free-for-all. That borders were now open and migrants would be freely received in Europe. People from war-torn and poverty-stricken areas were told that houses, cars, jobs and lives of comfort with generous social security nets awaited them in Europe. They only had to get themselves there and all their troubles would be over. And the Red Shields’ political puppets in Europe played along, enthusiastically opening borders in a way that has no precedent in the history of your planet.
And THAT is why the migrant crisis that now plagues Europe began.
Please understand that I do not apportion blame to the migrants. Many of them truly are war refugees. And those who are not almost universally do come from very poor economic conditions. Whatever else one might say about them, they are pawns who have been abused in a disastrously unkind game to destabilize the nations of Europe. Even those who decided to head to Europe with the specific and intentional purpose of committing acts of terror and hatred, even they are just pawns. They are the ones going to extreme effort, putting themselves through significant hardship only to risk their lives, and quite likely kill themselves, to enact that hatred.
Have you asked yourself who it was that told all these migrants to flood toward Europe en masse? Do you honestly think this was a purely instinctive response to the chaos at home?
My friends, let us not be naive. This was carefully planned, constructed and created. And, yes, it was the Red Shields that did this.
The Red Shield’s strategy is to fill Europe with these migrants and then to spark incidents that will cause outrage between the migrants and the residents. It’s not hard to do. The cultural, socio-economic and religious divides between the two peoples offers rich opportunity for exactly that. Add a little heat and a little friction and you very quickly have an explosion. The plan was to use this to cause a civil war to rage across Europe. A classic element of the Illuminati play book is to create a disaster and then offer their own solution to that disaster. In this case they plan to offer a neat solution. It will seem so obvious. The “only obvious answer” will be to create a European Defence Force. A single army composed of the armies of the European nations that will report to the EU politburo. And this army’s first task will be to quell the violence, enforce the peace and to bring stability. And with that, the old European borders will finally become a matter of history and formality. The Red Shields will have finally gained control of Europe. One nation. One currency. One supreme government that is neither elected nor responsible to the people of Europe. With one military to enforce their will.
It was a masterful plan. Evil, certainly, but brilliant.
And this is busy back-firing upon them. First there is the Brexit vote. A disaster from their perspective. And then the people of Europe are simply not playing ball as they were supposed to do. Too many of them are becoming less tolerant and more nationalistic. They are beginning to insist upon the return of national borders. Certain nations are refusing to take refugees at all. There is greater ideological fragmentation of Europe now than any time in the last few decades. And, as new elections are held, it becomes ever more apparent that this entire gambit has been an absolute disaster for the Red Shields.
And the bad news does not end for them. The Gold Team have, in the meantime, begun to take the Syrian situation in hand. Instead of allowing the fake war against Isis to continue, they have prosecuted a real war against them. And suddenly Isis does not appear to be the indomitable foe you were lead to believe. When Russian forces attack, Isis collapses. And so the war in Syria is being won by the Gold Team and, as things now stand, no regime change will happen. And to compound this loss, at this time it seems as if Turkey, a key Red Shield asset that has been Isis’ direct support line, is making noises indicating a desire to defect to the Gold Team!
My friends, there are no guarantees about what will happen in your near future. But the more prepared you are, the less traumatic you will find it. And if you can move yourself out of fear about what may come, you might be able to see the wonderful opportunity that life is about to present you with. You see, chaos is life’s way of allowing for change. And the greater the chaos, the greater the possible change. The Red Shields have been very hard at work implementing their dream for a new world order in which there is one world united under their rule. The key word there, “order”, is the means by which they disallow change. The means by which they remain in total control of every step of proceedings. Well… when their order falls into chaos then, suddenly, marvellous change becomes possible. Then suddenly you are freed to create a vast range of possible outcomes for yourself and your world.
And this opens a new topic for conversation. One I wish to address with you next. Today I have spoken about the situation in the most worldly of terms. When I next speak to you I will speak from a very much more spiritual perspective. I will explain to you how this reset is really a wonderful opportunity for you to create what your soul most desires for your world and for your reality. And then I will tell you, in specific detail, what you will then be able to do to bring that reality into fruition.
My friends, some parts of today’s conversation might have been a bit difficult for you to hear. But please believe me when I say, with every ounce of conviction of my being: What is happening is a necessary and good change. But it will not come about without some modicum of hardship. But with just a little preparation you will pass through that time of hardship with the minimum disruption. And that time of hardship is actually the most magnificent opportunity in all of time. This truly is not something to fear. It is something to be prepared for, something to understand, something to work with and something from which you might reap the most unimaginably wonderful rewards if you are but willing.
I have so much more to say about this… and this is where I will resume this conversation next time we meet.
Until then, I leave you with a reminder to remain connected to your own divine guidance which you find in your own heart. Be strong, be courageous and be true. But mostly, be love.
I am Adamu of the Monadic Entity of the Pleiadian civilisation and I have been coming to you, as always, through Zingdad.
And finally more on the origins, pastimes and present day status of the redshields, from
Before naming names though, first of all we need to clearly identify the overall target. That is a sub-set of the so-called Jewish population that is described in the Book of Ruth in the Old Testament or Torah. These are people who worship Satan (Baal, Molech etc.) and practice both human sacrifice and cannibalism. They have thousands of years’ experience in infiltrating societies and taking secret control of the top levels of power through murder, blackmail, bribery and propaganda. The nightmare of their rule is finally ending.
However, make no mistake, these people are extremely dangerous, very smart and now literally fighting for their lives. The reason is they know that when the American people find out these thugs have been torturing and killing their children on an industrial scale, the people will demand justice be served, That’s why the battle taking place now inside the Washington DC power structure is so vicious.
This Satanic faction created ISIS in order to convince Westerners to hate Islam enough to support a military invasion of Iran. The plan was to steal that nation’s oil, consolidate their control of the Middle East, and set up a world government with its headquarters in Jerusalem, the capital of their planned greater Babylon. This faction includes both Satan worshipping Jews and their brainwashed Christian Zionist servants. If this seems far-fetched, then ask yourself why 4000 world leaders from 130 countries are gathering in front of an Arch of Baal to discuss creating a world government?
The group that is fighting against them wants world peace, democracy, meritocracy, respect for law and human rights and friendly relations between all nations. They also want to free the world from the murderous rule of the Satan worshipping Khazarian mafia.
The head of the Satan worshipping faction in the US is, according to certain royal family members is Lewis M. Eisenberg, Donald Trump’s selection for US Ambassador to Italy. No doubt while in Italy, Eisenberg was planning to conspire with other senior Satanists (according to CIA and NSA sources) such as the Agnelli Brothers, Victor Emmanuel, Leo Zagami and others against Pope Francis.
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