Sunday 12 March 2017

The mind's constant chatter: fast running and not always helpful.

Every time you create a gap in the stream of mind, the light of consciousness grows stronger.

There is a constant avalanche of mind chatter. Its is not always helpful. Its hard to filter the chatter because in its form, the ego is a computer programmed version of the earth bound personality of  the human self, and it has evolved within each and every environment, it has ever found itself, in response to those environments.  It is a self serving and self teaching application.

So the ego is not to blame, It has learned its role well. It acts as a small demi-god, to the human carrying it within. We rely on it to pull out necessary data, for survival in each terrain we find ourselves. It has accrued a lot of data, over each life time and so it gushes forth with 'stuff', to provide us with what it thinks we should be aware of in response to....pretty much everything.

The trouble is that so much  light information is bombarding the human as we reach into higher frequency living, that the ego, an earth bound construction of the human mind is at a loss. The new range incoming  information is not really understood at ego bound level, and so the ego strives to recreate and strengthen its own meaning within it, whilst not really getting it. The ego does have its place in the human as a marker for past beliefs and librarian for learned behaviours, but it doesn't know where it is going or whats happening in this new terrain. So it can only make sense of this new terrain in relation to the stored data that actually has no bearing on it.

So the ego will act in an erratic ways in order to strive for the control of the human, and it wants to bring about equilibrium for its human. So ego wants a 'safe' place for it's human, and using all its past data, it seeks to stay in control. Its a tough job and the mind is the arena where all the ego derived machinations play out. It wants you to repeat the same old unconscious behaviours that have always 'worked' for you, or kept you in the 'comfort' zone you were used to. It doesn't want you to start being a conscious human because that means it is harder and requires more effort, from ALL of your human parts, including the ego, to maintain your new found 'being conscious'. Decisions we make when we are conscious differ from the unconscious decisions in that we have to reach into higher places in order to make them. Higher places then the ego can get to, that is.

If we can find a way to soothe the ego to take a break and place it quietly in the corner, we can tune into the higher consciousness. That way we can stream in new consciousness in peace and upgrade and evolve our mind's ability to function in this 'new, light-information terrain', that we find ourselves now.


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