Monday 7 August 2017

It's eclipse season!

Kari Samuels

If your life has been a whirlwind, Michaela

You are not alone.
It's eclipse season! This is a supercharged month of psychic and spiritual activity. You are sure to be experiencing some major transformations in your life.
We kick off this major celestial celebration with a Lunar Eclipse on Monday, August 7th, as we lead up to the Total Solar Eclipse on August 21st.
It's going to be an action-packed two weeks.

Imagine all the lights going out at once...

And when the lights came back on, all the furniture in your house was rearranged. That is what a lunar eclipse can feel like.
Full Moons always represent culminations and endings. This is exponentially more powerful during a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, as we are experiencing on Monday.
Our eclipsed Moon will be in the revolutionary sign of Aquarius, in harmonious trine to the expansive sign of Jupiter. You are ending a deep rooted pattern in your life that has limited you in some way.

The truth will set you free

The Moon is associated with your emotions and intuition. Aquarius is the sign of freedom and uniqueness, and eclipses reveal deeply buried truths.
You are waking up to the truth of who you are!
The energies of this eclipse are helping you let go of old identities where you feel you need to fit in so you can prosper.
During the light of this Full Moon, let go of your fears about being unique. Celebrate your individuality, and the rare qualities that only you have. The Universe is supporting you in this process, every step of the way.

Make a wish! It's 11:11!

Adding more manifesting mojo to this magical month, our Lunar Eclipse will take place exactly at 11:11am PST.
11:11 is a sacred geometry. It represents a gateway into the next phase of your soul's evolution. It is also a conduit between Spirit and Matter. You can more easily receive information during this illuminated portal. Pay attention to the signs. You're being guided to live the life your soul intended. It's up to you to have the courage to be yourself.
Enjoy the energies! 

Lunar love, 
~ Kari

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