This time has gotten so strange for me, but the past weekend closed with it a big epiphany.
In my tea leaves I saw two mounds. If you look one way at it there are two hills, if you look the other way there are two Valleys. One was more intense than the other, as if one was more 'real' and the second was an image or reflection, or even of a differentor a parallel 'reality'. This was two scenes, i.e. two sides of the same coin. It was like one holograghic picture where the image slightly shifts to reveal an image underneath.
So, two things going on, depending on where you are looking, you will see only the one image that is foremost to you. If you shift your gaze you can see the second image, simultaneously or even overlapping.
There was also a reflection of my personal karma upload. This was acknowledged by a 'trip~~ back to a place'~~ that was the instance of when this current loaded karma actually really got going for me. The trip back to this place, was a nod to the beginning of the karma upload, and surely a nod to its acknowledgment, and fingers crossed, of it having been accomplished, whatever that means.
In parallel to this, on Saturday night, I was someplace where loneliness crowded in. I was thinking about my brother, who died at 46 years, after a really sad and lonely life. Feeling this loneliness for my brother, I sensed my own loneliness. I acknowledged that it was a deep feeling that often bombarded me. Instead of ignoring it, distracting myself from it...I decided to look more fully into it.
We, both my brother and I, continued to come back to our parents home, to the mother. For various, usually obvious reasons, and in various guises, we were drawn back to our shared home. By repeatedly returning to the mother, I eventually saw that we continued to seek the place we lived before the loneliness became the space we inhabited.
Not seeing this, or being aware of it, life went on. I looked after my brother, my parents and brought my own family too, for many years I was cooking and Looking after the various awkward needs of this 3 generations family. This last Saturday evening I could feel that strangeness of loneliness....but differently.
'Loneliness' is the space a person is born into, it is the chamber one arrives into, upon birth into a 'separation identity'. We all come From an original place of ONENESS, where all is energy, and this ONENESS is 'of unity consciousness'. Via 'birthing into this place' outside that ONENESS... we 'feel' alone. This was the first mound or valley of existence I saw in my tea leaves...The door to it is through the birth channel.
Once separated we exist in a lonely valley and it is from this 'state' of loneliness that we create our lives. Upon us and around us is our constant reactions and responses to this feeling of loneliness.
That is where we create the imbalanced reactions that Karma is automatically self correcting by calling in experiences to balance the imbalance we create from this state of 'perceived aloneness'.
It is in this 'state', indicated as being the 'fall from grace', where 'Grace' is the natural state of us in origination, and where the fall is HOW we down leveled to experience separatedness and accomodate or arrange ourself through the fall.
The 'Fall' means we have landed someplace other than the place where we are in natural 'Grace'. It is where we have landed someplace and we now experience perceived separatedness. Therefore It is lonely and there are new rules to learn. Sometimes we never quite work out what those rules are. It is lonely and sometimes the chaotic nature of thrashing around in it, causes us to create imbalance of identity...So this could be where we take on 'group identity' according these new rules, and accept the roles that are currently in perpetuation...So we Leave our true nature and grab at the rails, within this place that brings the feeling of being seperated. Lonely, l'ONEly. It is also in this place, this chamber, this level of the game that we become vulnerable to loosing connection with EVERYTHING else from our origination. We become blind to our Origination as we grab at the Grab rails which lock us into the 3rd dimensional valley of Physicality.
It is then that we are most pliable, and most apt to giving away, what power we have. The structures in place in the 3rd dimension, religious, cultural, science, collective ideas and ideals, and social and societal rules that we land into, soon become ours. Our own power of thought is negated as we strive, through this landscape of percieved loneliness (now that we are on our own), to be part of the community of life where we find ourselves.
This explains How we loose trust in ourselves, and further, the loneliness is therefore relegated to beyond and below our levels of perception. While we strive to not be alone in this 'loneliness' we look outside ourselves for external definition:
from the previous post by Denise: Humanity has been driven into focusing exclusively externally for all that they want, need and desire. Humanity has been told for thousands of years that they have to always be focused externally for everything. You want to communicate with God, then you have to go to a religious middleman who claimed he could do it for you. You want to get your body healed, then you have to go to someone who specialized in a particular body part, not even your whole body but different parts of it to have them repair or replace it. You want to know what’s going on, then you have to go to another person or people—church, state, media—and have them define reality to you. Humanity has been led away from their own empowerment and belief that they even could know, feel, do and understand for themselves by themselves because they’ve been herded into constant external focus instead of focusing internally themselves.
We allow ourselves to be herded through so-called development stages within the society we have landed into. To think for yourself is difficult because there is no outside support for this, the outer reinforcement is to 'remain outside your self' and part of a collective conglomerate. For Survival.
Whilst this may be a large factor in pushing the masses through collective experience and to be valued as an experience in many ways, including the various collective meanders through evolution and karma...it does nothing really to take on the original unspoken and unacknowledged 'loneliness' of being human.
So, we become part of something bigger than our little selves, and no longer 'alone': A family, a society, a religion, a workforce, a tribe. Easily manipulable, we take on those external puposes, which lead to the unfolding personal and colective karma borne from actions, decisions and choices therein, which were effected by the external directives of humanity. We lost our knowledge that we are deeper than this.
All these external facets that we are involved in, are ways to avoid the inner truth because we have no idea how to connect with the inner truth...And to find the inner truth, we have to go inside...and that means being alone, a uncomfortable and ghostly reminder of that 'uncomfortable landing pad' of seemingly arriving into a separate state to that of being in ONENESS. It is also a 'state' that we now have no recollection of.
Was this the intention, the divine plane? Was this what was meant to happen. Perhaps yes, to some degree, but I think there are always many levels to 'see' or 'perceive' what is happening.
It evolved as it did. I think we were meant to evolve using this platform of inhabiting such an experience, but the reactions or responses to 'being separate' from our original state of oneness, led to the widening Karma spiral scenario which has acted to bury us for so long. Where karma is the natural consequence playing out in relation to the cause.
So, coming into contact with this idea of loneliness, on Saturday night, I understood that perhaps my karma made sense, as that it relentlessly drives me back to me. The presence of Karma is manifestation of Natural law that each of us is bound into.
While being in this valley of 'aloneness', I became aware of the Truth of loneliness, that it is the mirror of Oneness, it is merely one side of the coin. A two-way door.
We have the coin, and we have both sides of it, 'loneliness' and 'Oneness'...
Where loneliness is merely al'ONEness. From this drop down into loneliness..,the fall from grace...we also have the dynamic passage to Oneness. Once we see Loneliness, as the landing pad, a feeling description of the chamber we arrived into, then we see that it is also the passage back to Oneness the other side of the door (and no, not physically going back into a birth channel).
While in the space of 'loneliness' it is about choosing to put your hand on the glass door and pushing through, and back into the feeling of ONENESS. There is a passage way between the two.
Being in the profound 'lonely' place means you have passaged back to the early original experience of landing....and that means you can access the ONENESS as it was once the door/portal/gate through which you came from Oneness to the landing pad of percieved 'aloneness'.
This means going inside and finding it.
A word of warning. In this journey you meet with all the self's 'descriptions', responses and reactions to being along which have built up like brick walls, they are the consequences of feeling alone and isolated, i.e. bad decisions, choices, thoughts, and emotions. They are all swirling around and through you. All these are emananting from the 'landing pad experience' of suddenly feeling separate from All That Is (a state you you had no prior knowledge of) and which give rise to the unacknowledged beliefs like 'I am alone. I am not good enough. I can't do this' Etc. Etc.
These swirling entities of thoughts should be understood as being RESPONSES TO the TAKING ON of EXTERNAL DIRECTION OF WHAT YOU SHOULD BE. It is all a function of IMPOSTER SYNDROME.....
.....and all the while there is an inner door showing you the Oneness from which you are ONE WITH, and from which YOU WERE NEVER TRULLY SEPERATE FROM...
..........IT JUST FELT THAT WAY because that was HOW your body/mind was programmed to FEEL in order to get the Game going. What you did with all this.... was up to YOU.
HOW you moved through this, was up to you.
HOW we moved through this feeling is a description of HOW we accepted the flow of purpose and motivation into this human life, and, Karma is the 'counterpart' to these accrued feelings and reactions which are reponses to this 'FEELING', Karma is the 'rebalance' and is always auto-cueing and sign-posting us back onto the ORIGINAL track.
~~~ But it was always up to us where we went with these feelings, and what we did with them. Including our acceptance of POWER over us...and so giving our power away. We just didn't know it because we jumped like scalded cats, too far away from the ONEness/loneliness chamber, that we landed in....because all we could feel was the loneliness.... and we couldn't bear the stark contrast of 'loneliness' ~~~Then we built up huge constructions of thoughts and beliefs, a matrix to keep us above and beyond it.
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