How to Hold the Spiritual Highground in the Current End Time of Tribulations
Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, June 3, 2020
We have entered the End Time of Tribulations as predicted by our spiritual predecessor Apollonius of Tyana, alias John the Revelator in his Revelations (Apocalypse). The good news is that the current riots, looting, and social unrest in the USA have already fully hollowed the idea of social distancing imposed on humanity during the current lockdown as a very effective means of incarcerating the people into the NWO. The second equally important good news is that the total destruction of the Empire of Evil has commenced and there will be no stopping. The quarantine was a strategic respite for humanity prior to the actual tribulations that will unfold this year.
This sober analysis of the current political situation leads to the only possible conclusion: Something big and decisive must happen very soon to offset the agenda of the dark cabal.
These dark ones do not care how humans destroy their society and their lives as long as they kill each other in big numbers and thus support their genocide policy while contributing with their civil unrest and destruction to the already existing impoverishment of the people. Poor people are much easier to enslave than wealthy and independent people. That is why the middle class, the backbone of a free society under the current free-market definition, has been systematically destroyed in the West since the 60’s after the Western capitalist countries stabilized their ruined economies from WW2 and could withstand the expansion of dictatorial communism coming from the East.
I have written on many occasions that the social phenomena which we now experience in the end phase of the ascension process are at best described as energetic oxymorons. Whatever the intention of a dark heinous act might be, it will always achieve the opposite result in a strict dialectic manner.
The lockdown was imposed as a precursor to enslave humanity into the NWO under a false medical pretext and instead of the fake pandemic killing millions of people as initially predicted, billions of humans were healed from their fears stored in the root chakra and in the other chakras and the light body process was initiated in many of them. Instead of preventing the planetary and human ascension, these dark imbeciles actually fostered the ascension of humanity.
The lockdown was unanimously supported by the corrupt fake mainstream media that are fully controlled by the dark ruling cabal. Now all of a sudden they are supporting the looters and the rioters, not because they care for their legitimate reasons, such as poverty, unemployment, racism, etc. but because they see a chance to oust Trump from power. In doing that they conspicuously offset their narrative of social distancing and show how ridiculous this idea was from the very beginning.
In other words, everything currently the cabal and their stooges do, write, and think is so blatantly contradictory at first glance that they simply dismantle themselves as a social authority. The energetic mechanism behind that is immediate karma, which works now very efficiently because the energies of truth coming from the Source are engulfing humanity and this planet. There is no more space for lies, deceit, and obfuscation, that is to say, we shall
experience a peak in these atrocities until their intensity and true nature become so obvious that the masses will turn away with revulsion from the Powers That Were and their rotten institutions. They will flock to us when we begin with our immediate creations, most probably first in the Healing and Study Centres in Italy.
We have just entered the phase of learning how to create real-time under the guidance of our souls. I am sure that our learning curve will be very steep and the results of our creations will begin to manifest very soon – June is the right month for that.
That being said, I want to advise you emphatically not to fall prey to the current low-frequency scenarios and timelines which the cabal is now imposing on humanity in order to mire the people and prevent the ascension. It is not our duty or obligation to take a stance against the numerous injustices that now surge high and become visible to the masses – we knew about them many years ago, but nobody wanted to listen to us. The people have to deal themselves with such injustices, cruelties, aggressions as they themselves are the carriers of these despicable traits and must experience them first hand before rejecting them forever.
We have done our light work a long time ago and we cannot take away this burden from the shoulders of the awakening masses at this time. We can only stand firm and manifest the most sublime vision of ourselves and the world we want to live in and thus raise the frequencies of humanity. We must act as beacons of light and role models for the people and must know that very soon this role will be hugely rewarded. That’s all.
(And Further> it was obvious to anyone after a week or so of they Announced Lockdown, (a vital step in the pandemic plan) that THE financial breakdown would piggyback on this. But IT was always going to happen: it could not, NOT happen. Its just that they needed to have a big validation for it, A seemingly plausible reason such as a pandemic that would uproute the world. A reason that would justify and explain away the financial crash, (Another part of the plan) so that the people would still stay loyal to those that would, could, did and would continue to harm the exploitable, by means psychologically, emotionally, psychically and ruin their small businesses, livelihoods food choices etc, in fact , whatever was left of their INDEPENDENCE. Michaela.
(And Further> it was obvious to anyone after a week or so of they Announced Lockdown, (a vital step in the pandemic plan) that THE financial breakdown would piggyback on this. But IT was always going to happen: it could not, NOT happen. Its just that they needed to have a big validation for it, A seemingly plausible reason such as a pandemic that would uproute the world. A reason that would justify and explain away the financial crash, (Another part of the plan) so that the people would still stay loyal to those that would, could, did and would continue to harm the exploitable, by means psychologically, emotionally, psychically and ruin their small businesses, livelihoods food choices etc, in fact , whatever was left of their INDEPENDENCE. Michaela.
where psychic is relating to the soul or mind.)
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