Thursday, 23 January 2025

Awake, or awakening? Unravelling and alone? No one in sight to talk to within in a crowded room? I don't know who this content creator is.... "Forbidden Texts".... (using AI ?? probably) but they have done a great job of both narrating and summarising a journey I started many years many ago. So, To be helpful, and if it resonates I am sharing it with you> Michaela. " The Strange Reason Spiritually Awake People Suffer More Than Normal People" Copy and paste ___

The Strange Reason Spiritually Awake People Suffer More Than Normal People______ _______and 7 Life-Changing Signs You’ve Survived the Dark Night of the Soul (Spiritual Awakening)_________ _____ Both By Forbidden Texts__________________________ I totally resonate with this content. I learned over time, as you get further in your journey, you tend let go of the previous stage and the things and influences from the previous stage that seemed to have helped you in some way, that resonated, but as you go further you learn that you can tease out new 'gold nuggets' of insights from various places. The journey is YOU, it is quantum and grows itself as you go along...But you go it alone as NO ONE is where you are. You Are Your OWN Business, It is the busy-ness with your own unfolding and unravelling from what is time to leave behind. But you, your quantum you, the 'unknown to you' YOU, has called yourself onto the path of unravelling to become the REAL YOU.....Leaving the identification with doll life behind______ I refer you to A post of mine from afew years: back Thursday, 14 May 2020------ "Unravelling to see whats beyond the betrayal: The answer is building up self approval and trust in ourselves as Source light individuals on Earth". _______________ There was also a post in 2015 about the art workshop I had created and was offering back then, it was called 'Unravelling'. I still do a version of it....From Wednesday, 27 May 2015------ "Unravelling. Art workshops for June." I did not know at that time, HOW DEEP it goes and how it continues, OUCH. Michaela.

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