Monday 24 April 2017

We have time for Cultivating 'self-love', while we wait for: The New Wave. The Creator Writings transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

The New Wave

Does it feel as if you are not moving or have slowed to a crawl?  The work you are doing on yourself and others feels as if it is not progressing, everything seems as if it is frozen in time.  Fear not, my dear one!  All the changes you have been through from the beginning of the year until now has put a strain on your whole self…this is your resting time.  Allow it!  Soon enough (very soon), there will be another huge leap of growth and learning.  Take your time, take your rest and resist the urge to push…the ‘new wave’ will be here all in good time. ~ Creator

The Creator Writings

transcribed by Jennifer Farley, ThetaHealing Instructor/Practitioner

OK, so we have time now, before the next big wave, to sit with the self and cultivate the part of the self that KNOWS and enjoys 'self -love'. We may not know intellectually what self love is and we may not know what parts of self respond to self love. So I am exploring that.

The whole of self is a creation of inter-working systems that depend on each other, the levels that each system works at, will define how the other systems function.
For example:
If we find that we constantly need a level of self protection, then we should expect that the level of  'fear ' in the system is high too. This will play out on the biological systems which control our Protecting/fear hormones. Indeed this was necessary looking back at our collective history of survival.

 But now to raise the levels at which we can BE one with the extraordinary truth of ourselves, we have to trust that we are already, conduits of love. 

As Magenta Pixie said in one of her channleling, we are "pure love, having a human experience"......

The level of our self love, gives us the lens we look through and indicates the type of experiences coming to us and also how we respond to them. I am sure the pineal gland is related to this because the pineal gland is the physical location of the energy band that allows us connection to source and our deepest connection with our true selves as aspects of All that is.

Most of us have a tarnished idea of self love that will just need a good wipe with a reflective cloth to see it properly and then we can manoeuvre ourselves into a place where we can truly flow in love and allow the flow of love into our lives. 

We just need to cultivate it. This manoeuvre  require skills and care. How we do that will unfold with the intention. The old ways of  NOT 'Self Love'  will show up in ways that conflict or confuse our lives at present, purely to be dispersed and dissolved.........
as we voluntarily and consciously choose to let go of their hold in our energetic systems. Simultaneously, in the process, 'Self -Love' will be revealed to be as natural and simple as living will eventually become.


noun: maneuver
  1. 1.
    a movement or series of moves requiring skill and care.

    "snowboarders performed daring manoeuvres on precipitous slopes"
    "a tricky parking manoeuvre"
  2. 2.
    a large-scale military exercise of troops, warships, and other forces.

    "the Russian vessel was on manoeuvres"
    synonyms:training exercises, exercises, war games, operations
    "large-scale military manoeuvres"
verb: maneuver
  1. 1.
    move skilfully or carefully.

    "the lorry was unable to manoeuvre comfortably in the narrow street"
    "I manoeuvred the car into a parking space"
  2. 2.
    carefully guide or manipulate (someone or something) in order to achieve an end.

    "they were manoeuvring him into betraying his friend"
    synonyms:intrigueplotschemeplan, lay plans, conspire, pull strings; More

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