I have been experiencing a calmness and feel my body has shifted a huge toxicity. My dreams have been crazy but I can't remember them. There is a null point of 'no emotion', but its better called neutrality, however it is nicer than neutrality, it is a pleasant feeling of 'being' (without all the stuff I had carried before). It is an energy of 'value' and 'purpose' but in a refined way and not one of socially derived values and purpose. It is a quiet 'sense of self' that you could maybe associate with
air that surrounds certain elders within indigenous peoples of America.
This new calmness allows me to take care of myself (know myself, hear myself, better and view myself in a way I could not before.....I am not sure what you would call this.
Also meditation has brought me back to to the indigenous people of America and I find a calmness in that linking that is strong and silent, powerful and discreet.
I was reacquainted with this ancient people, and found a beautiful reality which had originated from their teachings and with something else.... the way things were.... which I understood was the way things should be/ could be and now in this new world, we have the openings for this world to begin to emerge pure in heart ...
In meditation I linked with the 'Great Mystery', 'the Great Spirit', 'the Great void from which all things came'. . They use herbs to create smoke which then becomes 'prayer' which is taken into the Great Mystery. The scent of cedar is a balance of male and female and small pieces are burned to create smoke to carry the prayer into the great mystery, from where all things come.
What prayers are we sending in the smoke?
When we send prayers for a beautiful future of life in this world, we contribute to it happening. We then receive or take on that beauty that we wish for the world, and we radiate it out, because that is how the Great Mystery answers our prayers. We are the human part of the Great Mystery and so we WALK that answered prayer into life.
We individually walk that beauty that we want for the world out into the world, with honour and integrity.
We can choose to be the loving balance in the world.
This brings us to a calmness and beauty that may be 'new' to us, and we radiate that calmness and beauty into the world.
![When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying [...]. — Cree Native Indian…](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/ab/54/a3/ab54a3127764820b8b40cf8d4b6c64dd.jpg)
This video is By Magenta Pixie, and she has some answers to What happened in Las Vegas.
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