Saturday 12 October 2024

Where The pergola is tarot's 4 of Wands. And where Home is the heart. To install the energy of Pergola, (the 4 wands upright) is to invoke, and evoke the energy of the 4 of wands in tarot.

This has been an incredibly mischievous year for me, energies having caused or intended to cause harm or trouble. Big internal earthqukes bringing my internal landscape to rubble while trying to unveil and show me where was hidden, the wounds that I ignored. Hidden because I was too entangled with masking them as to make them invisible to my present and to be able to continue to be a normal functioning adult, in a disfunctional functioning way, making myself look, feel and seem to be 'alright' to others. Whilst the 'The Sun' Card, burned through the summer illuminating it all for me in painful pixel pieces, I engaged in the plan of getting the pergola. This didn't really happen till July. But then It was there. Good, and strong and up. Now In October I figure this summer erection of the pergola was 'keeping afloat survival' Plan, to bring a small win during an otherwise difficult time...made difficult by my wound being seared through to its heart. I didnt know it then, but the idea of the Pergola was evoking an end-point for me, and simultaneously, erecting an emergency medical tent in a private war zone, to tend to the wounded. *** Invoking the promise of 4 of wands energy on the horizon, while creating a etheric tent of healing during the battle. MAnifesting a heart free from the wound. Where heart is the Home, free from the pain.
4 of wands card in tarot: "It suggests a time of happiness and fulfillment, often related to family, home, and harmonious relationships".

Monday 7 October 2024

Thinking and reflecting on and about the manifestations we would like to see.....Same old, same old? Or dream dreams not yet thought of?

Firstly, knowing that the energy vibrations we carry will 'spike' anything we manifest. So unhealed wounds and hidden traumas will colour the outcome. So if you feel like manifesting 'baby blues', or 'cockatiel greens', if we carry unknown mud floods in our subconscious history, we will skew the outcome colour to 'wet pigeon greys' or 'vomit soup'. Secondly manifesting our dreams from the preprogrammed regime of the societal collective consciousness, means recreating the same old same old. That is picking a dream from ' the history of times,' and pulling out an age old instruction set 'prefab' dream, much like shopping in an ancient department store, and getting the same old cardboard game board with a seventies picture on the Box. 8888 These times now are not about Choosing from what was dictated as available from before, but letting the inner spark play with all the colours that enthuse, vibrate, inspire and call out to be expressed. Healing the inner swamp individually, as is being done collectively, will allow a new rainbow of sparky choices from which to manifest. Dare to allow the god spark in you manifest ITS creation. When the inner clearing finally gives you the green light, patiently open the 'never-seen-before-choices' as this is how we create from new. Until we get to create from a better palette using the now freed up 'inner magic' hold back on decisions, because everything we see out there in the chaos we witness is only a direct reflection of what was in fact history, we are, as always, living through the consequences of our before story. And we find that we would never in a million years have created that or this mess.....but we inherited this mess, like we inherited all short comings and shortsighted actions and behaviours believing that what was set up around us was 'the way it is', without realising we perpetuated it with our perceptions and all of us repeating on the loop, put ourselves back here. There is Nothing new under the sun. Everything has been repeatedly thought up, dreamed up, screamed up, churned out, holed up, buried deep, created and recreated manifested into being again and again, ad nauseum, until we get the message and get sick of 'being sick'.8888 Abstract as it is, it is the 3d 'ad nauseum' that brings US to the front seats, to finally see the picture. Ad nauseam is a Latin term for an argument or other discussion that has continued to the point of nausea. For example, "this has been discussed ad nauseam" indicates that the topic has been discussed extensively and those involved have grown sick of it. 8888 Clearing and healing self is an act of self love, so that one can venture into a love filled world, and see the perception that Devil Card has been pisoning us with till sickness is everywhere. We are aware of the great sickness overtaking the world till we suffocate on the sickness, and cant breathe....Then we start looking for the emergency exits out of this charade of life. What we discover is that our mind is an integral part of the world's mind, and that worlds mind and its beliefs and collected percpetions vary, but nearly all of it has been tampered with and subjected to, in varying degrees, the horrors that are now on the many stages and many platforms. Its like a collective therapy session so that it all comes to light for healing. We carry the childhood vaccinations that Welcomed us to this simulation, and gave us the starting identity laid down in this 3d perception, and we took it up the challenge, and we learned the language and grew our physical skin and bones in this understanding. So we learned to keep standing under the heavy weight that we took on to be children in this world.8888 What we need to do is UNLEARN THIS World and learn to create New. Dont manifest more of the same, or a bike, or a house or a home, or less homelessness or addiction free people. The only way to turn this on its head is to learn to be completely new, where the heart is the home, and the soul is the heart of the home. The manifestations that will wing out from purest desires of being free, will be reflected in freedom to manifest dreams not yet thought of. Completely start again new, whatever your age.

Tuesday 23 July 2024

July 2024 Cancerian Solar Alchemy Lisa Renee. From Lisa Renee. " Organized Religion and Scientific Atheism are both schools of thought crafted and imposed by the NAA, which result in indoctrinated humans that suffer from the control system that extremely polarizes thinking. Each side of the opposition, present an all or nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence. The agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution, so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving humanitarian causes."

......Soul disconnected people behave in a similar manner to artificial intelligence robots, as they are shaped by mass media to make decisions based on survival and selfish desires, with no authentic thoughts or emotional states of their own making. Disconnection conveniently pushes forward the basic agenda of Psychology to be very effective in furthering the Transhumanism agenda. Today, if people are unhappy and disconnected from their mind and soul, they are given a pharmaceutical drug to take control over their bio-neurological system functioning, which leads to lifelong pharmaceutical dependencies and addictions. Administering synthetic drugs to impair bio-neurological functioning of the brain further impairs and damages the Soul body, making it nearly impossible for a person to experience Soul embodiment or perceive the nature of their Soul. The Soul body is made up of a complex webbing of energetic receivers, which connect to the central nervous system and brain wiring. Inducing certain artificial stimulus into the central nervous system and the brain, will short circuit the soul body and brain receivers, effectively damaging the wiring connections that transmit electromagnetic signals. This is common in people who hear voices in their mind, after they have had some kind of extreme trauma reaction, to drugs or hospitalization. Thus, applied Psychology without understanding the real existence and nature of the Soul, easily leads to biological and social engineering experiments of mind control, by prescribing drugs and carrying out therapies that shut down the energetic receivers that exist between the brain, body and Soul. Organized Religion and Scientific Atheism are both schools of thought crafted and imposed by the NAA, which result in indoctrinated humans that suffer from the control system that extremely polarizes thinking. Each side of the opposition, present an all or nothing model that severely limits the scope of human intelligence. The agenda is to keep people arguing in circular debates with no resolution, so that we waste our energies being distracted by ineffective projects or topics that lead nowhere. Political and financial interests dominate angry egos jostling for status or position, over finding the common ground that unites us to put our collective energies into serving humanitarian causes. We must stop contributing to the deadlock, and become a positive cause in finding the common ground, by focusing on the much larger picture. Always speaking compassionately and kindly towards others is the best place to begin the dialogue.....

Saturday 29 June 2024

Oh yeah, and awash with Tarot?....Always knew there was much much more to it. The Sun Card: Joy??? NO, the sun is shining light onto the cracks in those bright summer days when you want to be home hiding lol, my version is where the Sun illuminates where you need healing....Michaela x.

Watching this guy explain tarot, and got my ah ha moment.....Look past the ah/erm stereotypes to find he shares how you can get your own great learned insights. Resonates also re the bigger, to do with lost knowledge in that bigger picture..... ......and....

Okay, so this Blog format is delayed in its update. New blog format to be worked on, finalised and entitled "New Horizons". Your friend Michaela XX

Sorry, so sorry. This format was not updated when It should have been. My life plunging in and out of situations but I too, have been remiss,I have had way tooo many tabs open in my life. But also blame it on lack of resources and had to focus my directed on my own rest and recovery; Purging and convalesence over the last 18 months...BUT even before then, this format was on its last leg. My then laptop was broken and My blog was not supported by any software I had not upgraded word...which is why all the text falls out in a heap. Even If space things out, its as if I have not. So once again I appologise to those readers who actually do perservere with it. So Never fear, I will be offereing a new format once my brain has untied itself from its holding pattern of way too many tabs being open. I will be calling it New Horizons. From my art work of the same name. Much love M xxx

Email to friend. Capybara "Pulling Up". About Three weeks ago, I awoke from a strange dream with the Clear vision of a Capybara, not having seen one before I had to look up what it is. There it was, a caybara. But I had no clear insights as to why i was seeing a capybara. The main links to Capybara is the viral connection to a song called "I Pull Up". Which makes no sense apart from the actual title, that resonated a little. Pull up!!! Keywords/guide Meanings: Trust in the nourishing and protective aspects of water and water magic, wetland wisdom and power, being able to hide despite high exposure to others, keeping parts of the self reserved, mastering your environment, clashes with snake energy, making your environment work for you, offering up gentleness instead of fear. General Description: The capybara is famous for being the world's largest rodent. They are adapted for survival in wetlands and upon grass-plains, have webbed feet, can survive under water for five minutes, and a sophisticated digestive system designed to yield the most nutrients possible from a minimal number of grass species. Capybara are even able to sleep underwater, provided they are still able to get their nostrils (set high upon the head) above the waterline. Capybara are social, and found in groups that are dominated by a male, which has a scent gland for marking out territory on the bridge of its nose. Adult capybara are prone to sunburn, and will roll in the mud to prevent this. From this the hilights were "a sophisticated digestive system designed to yield the most nutrients possible from a minimal number of grass species" Keep what you eat it clean simple and nourishing only. So, Also on Pulling Up. Email to a friend, How are you? it seems most people are coming down with coughs and sickness or fatigue. I am still resting between doing things, and practice NSDR, non sleep deep rest for my adhd symptoms. I don't normally read these links anymore, but just browsing through it today. what I am beginning to think, is that it is possible, (if what I see around me is true and from my own experience,) that in these times so many are ill, I mean both the, vaccinated and unvaccinated But maybe being 'ill' is the actual culmination of the times that we have arrived at. We are Full throttle into the Consciousness opening waves, that are Pulling us up. Like the plane in a nose dive is being pulled up by the pilot after being on automatic for too long!! We, the collective, are the collective pilot. Made for these times, the more the merrier, needing all pilots to take back the controls of the plane to Pull Up. So we are all dizzy in all the sudden Contrasts, as we wake up, with the timely Change of altitude There is a shared stress on the Individual and collective body mind soul system/s , the massive incoming changes, the proton belt and the high energy sweeping through, Solar flares to dislodge and dissolve gunk in the solar plexus are ongoing and continuous, and the increase in schumann resonance, The whole light dark balance, teeter tottering, makes us nauseous and unbalanced. And of course all the emf and gmo infiltration into our bodies, causing all the unseen threatening uncalled for counterintuitive changes to our dna doesn't help, with Its a heavy draining duddening energy, with the strongest attack on the human psyche. BUT The biggest of all, is ALL the consequential 'fallout' of sickness and spewing out of our individual and collective darkness as we humans are pushed to raise consciousness, up and out of he subconscious programming to become the super human as was planned for this time. Maybe it was always going to be an allover illness as this occurs, and Knowing that, they had all manner of antidotes to the foreseen transformation of the masses: Vaccines for upcoming 'pandemics' of illness......which quite possibly could be the natural detox of humanity through these times, and which manifested in the actuality of the 'as expected'.... hysterical and rampant maladies that occur during these time... So they knew all would be affected by the upturn in energies and people would be vulnerable within the time frame that we think of as "caterpillar to butterfly transformation", which en masse was always going to be a scary ride, and never going to comfortable, and without the required knowledge of this happening and skill sets required, people were/are so vulnerable, and, given no appropriate support or convalescence for their healing transformation. This was about killing off people during their upcoming transformation. Transformation was Not about to be allowed on the negative agenda and so the bigs Guns were ready: WAR, suped up super bugs and bio weapons, chemtrails etc etc, dismal education, and sky high bills forcing people to either 'work or worry'. They are Herded into Fight Flight Freeze or Fawn reactions. Also I had another dream last night, this was more vague, was more like a memory, of London, being filled with londoners that are no more, The type of London people, sturdy through the war, were the older ones, now do not exist, its as if that band of merry men left the forest. The plan is for there to be No One left to remember, to compare the disasters of social engineering. The cull that leaves only the new shoots that have no memory of a previous order or knowledge, History hidden, before the latest infiltration of controls and dumbing down settles us into settling with what we have been given. This is the latest version of the 'mud flats reset' in the making. The London of the war days was made up of people hardened to resistance and would help each other. Now it is broken into many different pieces where trying to find community and support is impossible. People are replaced and displaced, and no resistance or unity is found, which renders the people's London lost to the agenda, as was always the plan. Only the the Gated Rich own London no one else can truly find their peace or home there. Each country has its version of displacement, replacement with social and economic ravages. Most countries have experienced their own disgraced racial segregation, economic, religious and war refugees deployment, incoming and outgoing. War is the biggest head -fuck of all, humanity has endured its heartbreak for so long, that it has cut and spliced through our DNA. Its time for breakdown and breakthrough. The dream referenced also the days of robin hood, a different reference to people not consenting, knowing they were being manipulated...where those who became outliers lived in the forest because they no longer wanted to live with their overlords taxation ...waiting for their Robin Hood to lead them. Comparing to NOW, where the people are fragmented and being 'trained and handled' to succumb to 15 minute cities, 15 minute thinking, dumbed down and having all resistance whittled away by all the nonsense around us, including elections that have no meaning, " who are you going vote for, Who do you give your consent to?" There is no vote here worth anything. Thinking they are free to choose, but not knowing that the only choices available are carefully programmed and cultivated by a screened reality, perceptions are directed by Careful and clandestine 'Top Down' social media manipulations. None of this 'screened reality' has any substance, but if/when the manipulations imposed on the people are weaponised to make them believe in a certain negatively desired reality... then that is what happens, the people believe the reality screened to them, and that is the reality they succumb to. All this during these days, is a major distraction from the wave of consciousness that few are going to understand or are conscious to. AND the sick are made sicker by those in power, with all their underhanded machinations to reduce the masses down to pig feed, but the so called 'powerful' are just as sick, It's all become one big sick culture. As the planned agenda desired. We HAVE to Pull Up. Love M xxx ----- Forwarded message ----- From: A Midwestern Doctor from The Forgotten Side of Medicine Subject: Is Joe Biden's Brain Vaccine Injured? Forwarded this email Is Joe Biden's Brain Vaccine Injured? How the Democrats became consumed by their own product A MIDWESTERN DOCTOR JUN 29 Throughout my life, I have had the experience of being able to clearly see something, and have everyone around me, including a lot of “experts,” insist that what I’m seeing does not exist, and then a few years later have my observation become generally accepted as true. This for example describes my experience with the COVID vaccines, as within a month of them being on the market, I had seen so many significant or severe injuries (and deaths) it was clear to me the shots were much more toxic than a typical pharmaceutical. Nonetheless, regardless of what I said, most of my colleagues (except those who were injured by the vaccines) would not listen to me, and it’s only now that mainstream doctors (or left-wing individuals) are beginning to accept that the vaccines were a mistake. Similarly, throughout Biden’s presidency, it’s been very clear to me that Biden has progressively increasing cognitive impairment, yet with most of the left-wing individuals I am close to, every piece of evidence I’ve presented to substantiate this allegation is either written off as a right-wing propaganda I am being hypnotized by or met with a bizarre excuse to account for Biden’s behavior. Likewise, many of my friends have had similar experiences when discussing this issue within their circle (e.g., to family members). Yesterday, Biden shocked the world by having a debate performance which made it clear even to ardent Democrats that he was suffering from cognitive impairment. I, in turn, watched the entire left-wing media implicitly or overtly state that Biden was cognitively impaired and that there was panic throughout the Democrat party of him running in November, as it was both clear Biden could not win and that many other Democrats would also lose because many of their voters would not want to show up to vote for Biden and hence would not vote for the rest of the ticket. This in turn suggests two distinct possibilities: The first is that this debate was used to swap Biden out of the nomination after the primaries were completed (so an insider the public would never vote for could be appointed to the presidency). The second is that most of the Democratic party (and much of the mass media) genuinely believed Biden cognitive issues were a “right wing conspiracy” and their responses last night were that of a state of genuine shock. In this article, I am going to focus on the second possibility as I feel it also ties into the broader issue of vaccine injuries that has swept the Democrat party. The Vaccine Mass Formation Whenever you observe groups, you will often observe people defaulting to mimicking the behaviors of the group so that they can fit in and be accepted. In time, this often evolves to there being a very characteristic linguistic style and set of behaviors that emerges—which in many cases seems to be prioritized over the actual substance of what the group is about (e.g., I meet many people who claim to align with “the science” who copy the same phrases and chains of logic prominent scientists like Anthony Fauci use but simultaneously don’t understand any of the scientific points they are discussing). Many examples of this mimicry occur. For example, I know numerous men who came out of the closest and then rapidly adopted an identical lispy and flamboyant style of speech, while in the New Age field, I’ve noticed the underlying thread they all share in common is a very distinctive style of speech which emphasizes a profound jubilation over a variety of inconsequential things they encounter. What’s remarkable about this mimicry is that you can often provide non-sensical examples of it that are fully embraced by the group (e.g., I periodically send my New Age friends random nonsense created by a New Age language generator which matches the cadence of the New Age field and frequently receive accolades from my friends). Likewise, in academia, it’s been repeatedly shown that if one produces incoherent nonsense that is written in the postmodernist style, it will often make it to publication (and likewise I’ve had a lot of fun over the years with essays from a nonsensical postmodernist language generator many take as being legitimate scholarly writings). In turn, I’ve noticed that in some groups, this repetition or desire to belong to the group will magnify, and before long reinforce itself into cult like behaviors that seem completely insane to an outside observer—a process which is particularly likely to happen if a nefarious individual deliberately manipulates the group to create this behavior (e.g., a shrewd marketing team, a talented dictator, or a sociopathic cult leader). Note: while modern marketing has become remarkably effective at inducing this hypnosis (especially since marketers have the ability to broadcast the hypnotic message throughout the mass media so everyone feels pressured to conform to it), the most powerful manipulation (which is still not possible to standardize) occurs from individuals who figured out how to spiritually manipulate others. In turn, since I’ve seen those people do horrible stuff throughout my lifetime, I previously wrote an article explaining how to recognize spiritual manipulation and not be susceptible to it or the dangerous spiritual practices which accompany it. Recently, Matthias Desmet brought the world’s attention to the mass formation hypothesis, which is essentially what happens when the concept I just described (individuals wanting to belong to a group and copying its non-verbal behaviors) becomes magnified to the point they do completely irrational things, hallucinate things at odds with reality (e.g., seeing a face on the moon), and become willing to engage in truly horrific behavior (e.g., genocide against another race or sacrificing their children to the state). Desmet’s hypothesis became popular as it provided a potential explanation for why our leaders chose to enact a series of horrific COVID-19 policies, and continued to double-down on them regardless of how much evidence emerged showing the policies were a terrible idea. Conversely, it attracted a lot of animosity as many interpreted it as removing the responsibility from those who were clearly at fault for inflicting all of these horrors upon us (which I believe to be a misinterpretation of what Desmet argued). In turn with the COVID vaccines, like many, I noticed there was a hypnotic fixation on them which led to the believers wanting to vaccinate as many people as possible (regardless of the human rights violations that required) and no amount of evidence being sufficient to convince them the vaccines weren’t a good idea. One of the things I believe was the strongest proof for this was the fact that as the Democrat leadership continued to promote vaccination mandates, they also repeatedly vaccinated themselves despite numerous severe vaccine injuries occurring within their party. Note: I also observed this with many medical professionals who continued to zealously promote vaccination despite being confronted with injuries in their patients. Senate Vaccine Injuries Many large surveys have found that a continually increasing portion of the country believes the vaccines causing widespread social harms (e.g., a recent poll found a third of Americans believe the vaccines are killing people) and that a large number of people were harmed by them (e.g., one poll found 7% of Americans believe they suffered a major side effect from the vaccines and 34% believe they suffered a minor one). Because of this, in theory, if a large sample of vaccinated individuals could be identified, there should have been a number of significant injuries in them. As it so happened, the US Senate provided that sample, as we saw numerous unusual and severe diseases emerge in the Democrats there at a far higher rate than had ever happened in the past, and more importantly, those diseases were things strongly linked to the COVID vaccines. Furthermore, those injuries only occurred in Senators who had zealously promoted the vaccines. Note: it is likely far more injuries than those I listed here occurred within the Senate as due to the political implications of acknowledging a vaccine injury, I would not expect the Senators to publicize them. Those I have listed are simply the ones which were too overt to cover up. John Fetterman: John Fetterman, a freshman Pennsylvania Democratic Senator (then aged 52) on May 17, 2022, less than a month after strongly endorsing the vaccine, suffered an ischemic stroke two days before the state primary for his Senate seat. Despite significant signs of cognitive impairment since his stroke, Fetterman somehow won the primary and then the general election. Since becoming elected, Fetterman has had prolonged periods of absence from the U.S. Senate due to needing specialized medical care: Fetterman was hospitalized for syncope (lightheadedness) for two days beginning on February 10, 2023. Two days after his release he was hospitalized again, for a severe case of major depression. For about two months, Fetterman lived and worked at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center. As part of his daily schedule at the hospital, his chief of staff arrived at 10 a.m. on weekdays with newspaper clips, statements for Fetterman to approve, and legislation to review. During his hospitalization, Fetterman co-sponsored a bipartisan rail safety bill, introduced after the derailment of a chemical-carrying train in East Palestine, Ohio, close to the border with Pennsylvania; the regulation aimed to strengthen freight-rail safety regulations to prevent future derailments. On April 17, 2023, Fetterman returned to the Senate to chair the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry subcommittee on food and nutrition, specialty crops, organics and research. The Washington Post said that Fetterman's "voice stumbled at times while reading from prepared notes" during the subcommittee hearing, but "he appeared in good spirits" and communicated a message about the importance of fighting hunger. Since that time, Fetterman has had a variety of unusual incidents suggestive of cognitive impairment (e.g., earlier this month he was speeding and crashed into someone). Ben Luján Ben Ray Luján is a freshman New Mexico Democratic Senator who repeatedly promoted the COVID-19 vaccines. On January 27, 2022, Luján (then 49) was hospitalized in Santa Fe after feeling fatigued and dizzy. He was found to have had a hemorrhagic stroke from a torn vertebral artery affecting his cerebellum and was transferred to the University of New Mexico Hospital for treatment, which included a decompressive craniectomy. A statement from his office said that "he is expected to make a full recovery". Luján returned to work at the Senate on March 3 and stated by April 21 that he was 90% recovered. Chris Van Hollen Chris Van Hollen is a freshmen Maryland Democrat Senator who repeatedly promoted the COVID vaccines and tackling COVID-19 “disinformation.” On May 15, 2022, while giving a speech, he experienced a hemorrhagic stroke in the back of his head. After a hospitalization, he returned to the Senate. At the time of this injury, he was 64. Note: while ischemic strokes are more common, we have seen cases of major blood vessels rupturing after COVID vaccinations (e.g., one of our vaccinated colleagues almost died from a ruptured aorta). We believe this is due to the the COVID vaccine damaging the lining of the blood vessels, as on autopsies, significant damage to the blood vessels is often observed (and likewise in our colleague’s case, the tissue changes observed in his aorta during the emergency repair were highly unusual). Furthermore, this damage appears to increase with time, which likely explains the roughly one year delay between vaccination and rupture in both the Senators and our colleague. As there are 50 Democrats in the Senate, these 3 incidents represent a 6% rate of strokes occurring within roughly a year of vaccination (as the vaccines became available in early 2021). As you can see, that is much higher than the 0.083%-0.146% rate you would expect to see for these strokes but congruent with the observed vaccine injury rate. Conversely, the only other Senator I know of who had a stroke while in office was Republican Mark Kirk, who in 2012, at the age of 54, a year after assuming office, had a stroke which required a year of rehabilitation. Dianne Feinstein Dianne Feinstein was another aggressive promoter of COVID vaccination (e.g., she introduced a rediculous bill to require vaccination or a negative COVID test to fly on domestic airlines). In March of 2023, Feinstein was diagnosed with shingles and hospitalized. While her office initially insisted she would be fine, it was later revealed her shingles had progressed to Ramsey Hunt Syndrome (paralysis of the face) and encephalitis (brain inflammation). As as a result, it took 10 weeks for her to return to the Senate, at which point she was clearly disabled, and her office was gradually forced to admit Feinstein had experienced some disability. Once there, it was evident she was both physically and cognitively impaired, but she nonetheless refused to resign. A few months later, in July she ceded her power of attorney to her daughter, then in August she was hospitalized after falling in her home, and finally at the end of September she died of “natural causes,” making her one of the only Senators (and the first female one) to die while in office. Note: her death was immediately followed by California governor Newsom appointing a replacement for her in the Senate. What is noteworthy about her experience was how rare her conditions were. Specifically, Ramsay Hunt syndrome is estimated to affect 1 in 20,000 people per year (with it typically being seen in immunocompromised individuals), while shingles encephalitis is typically seen in 1 out of every 33,000-50,000 cases of shingles (with it again being more frequently seen in immunocompromised individuals). Note: for individuals over 65, between 3.9 to 11.8 per 1000 experience shingles each year (which means around 1 in 500,000 develop shingles encephalitis), while less than 100 Americans die each year from it. Conversely, from the start, shingles was one of the most common injuries linked to COVID vaccination and likewise, its more severe complications have been strongly linked to vaccination (due to the immunosuppressive effects of the vaccine). The following table is from the most comprehensive article I was able to find on the subject: Note: Justin Bieber also recently attracted widespread public attention after he developed Ramsay Hunt Syndrome, a condition which was extraordinarily rare for his age (he had approximately a 27/1,000,000 chance of developing this condition). As you might expect, in the same way the COVID vaccines continually failed to work (which is why they kept on requiring more and more boosters) these injuries had no effect on the Democrats zeal for the vaccines. One of the saddest cases happened when Representative Castin’s 17 year old vaccinated daughter (who aggressively promoting the COVID vaccines) died suddenly and unexpectedly in her sleep from a sudden cardiac arrhythmia on June 12, 2022. In addition to this being a cause of death linked to the vaccines (sudden cardiac death almost never happens in children), a reader calculated that (prior to the vaccines), a US Representative would be expected to have a child under 18 die once every 200 years). However, while Casten repeatedly publicly expressed his grief over his daughter’s death, that did not shake his faith in the vaccines. For example, this is something he said a year after she died: