Friday 16 May 2014

A walk in May. A journey into May's energy.

I took a walk through Oxhey woods to day with a friend. it was a hot day so the shade of the woods was lovely and calming.

The art of nature, perhaps, or the nature of art....

During the walk, I had a brush with a bee, it had snuggled up to my ear. I managed to gently clasp it and remove it.

Later that evening, I had to take down a few loads of clothes that had been drying in the sun, on the washing line, during the day. It is one of the pleasures when the spring breaks into summer and its warm enough, to have washing dry in the warm sun and blown by the summer breeze. When I had taken in and folded the washing that was now dry, I then took some of my son's clothes to his room. I was placing some of his t-shirts on clothes hangers and hanging them in his wardrobe. I finally saw it,  a bee clinging to a brightly coloured t-shirt. It had been in my company for awhile, as this whole laundry job had taken some time already.  I gently clasped the bee and held it in my hand. I managed to walk through the house and release it to through the back door. (Can't think why I didn't open the bedroom window!) So that was two incidents of Bee interaction for me in one day.

I got to thinking about messages nature and universal blessings are giving me from the bees and why. The only connection I can think of is that about one month we planted seeds of purple and blue flowers in pots, with the Bees in mind, because there has been a lack of bees in past summer seasons which is disasterous for the pollination of plants in general not to mention crops.

Bees favour certain colours and the seeds bought were specific to encourage them into the garden.  It was a small effort on our part but done with reverence to the bee.

Maybe the visitations from the bees are giving a message that I am now open to receiving. Maybe its about working in community for the common good. It could be about being industrious at the this time, making full use of May's energy. Maybe the message about May's energy is all about abundance and prosperity.  I looked up some spirit animal sites, and animal guide sites to see a connection, the following seems most appropriate. The links are provided.

All of theses wisdoms are greatly received by me, with gratitude to the Bee.

Animals of the Physical Kingdom
When animals cross our path in the physical world they are bringing us a message, typically that affects our physical world. Depending on the animal, they can cross meaning between the physical and spiritual worlds. One of the best books I've ever found on this subject is "Animal Speak" by Ted Andrews.


The basic concept of deciphering animal sign starts with understanding the animal in physical form. What are it's characteristics, habits, and personalities. For instance, a rabbit represents fertility for obvious reasons. A Raven represents transition, not always transition to death; but a significant change in one's life. Ravens are also associated with the Celtic Morrigan; and can also represent the triple goddess or going through the cycles of life. Especially if you see 3 Ravens at the same time.


So learning about the animal and it's life will give you an understanding of what the animal is trying to tell you when it crosses your path.


Deciphering Physical Animal Messages
To find the meaning or message behind the animal that cross your path, you need to examine 3 basic parts of the encounter. This is best explained through scenario, so here goes:


Let's say you see a hawk circling your house one morning on your way to work. Stop for a few moments and watch it. Try to distinguish the colors and if you can, determine what kind of hawk it is, on this day you see a North American Red Shoulder Hawk.


Now consider the 3 basic parts of the encounter.(You might think about keeping a journal and describing what happened. If you don't have time now to decipher the meaning of the visitation, you'll have enough information to do it later.)
  • What are the characteristics of the animal.
  • What do the colors of the animal represent.
    For example, the hawk had red shoulders; which will distinguish it from a red tailed hawk.
  • Describe what the animal was doing. What was your gut feeling at that moment.
    For instance, was the hawk was just soaring and enjoying it's view from above, or was it searching for something. A place to land? Something to eat? Give your description in as much "feeling" and intuitive detail as possible.


Next, you should read about the scientific and physiological characteristics of the animal to help you determine what could have been doing. You can certainly go to the library and look it up in an encyclopedia. But if you can get your hands on Ted Andrew's Animal Speak, you'll have some wonderful explanations of what this bird might represent. You might even look for a Peterson's Field Guide book (ie: Peterson's Field Guide to Birds). These are wonderful books to have around the house, they can help you identify just about any animals you might encounter.


Once you've got all this together and recorded in your journal. Step back and contemplate a little on what you wrote. How does your interpretation of this event fit into your life. What aspect does the visitation shed information or light upon.

P.S       About the goddess, Diana, that'll be me really.(smile)

Thursday 15 May 2014

Friday 9 May 2014

Sonia Choquette - What is intuition & How can we Develop it - PART 1. what EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW.

This came from an email from Mindvalley. There is however an amazing radio interview with Sonia That anyone who is interested in moving out of the 3d and into a new paradigm than you HAVE to listen to this interview with Vishen, founder of Mindvalley.

Because I cannot extract the radio message from the email, I have decided to post the email in its entirety.  Locate the radio interview and allow an hour to listen. I found it so profound and intuit it is the way forward for those of us that need to be reintroduced to their divine Intuition.
Click on the links and scroll down to click on the interview.

Thank you Vishen and Mindvalley for bringing this material.

Mindvalley Academy Michaela McGrath, thanks for participating in the survey yesterday. Here's your guide as promised. If you're sick and tired of living in a world of limited possibilities, you'll find this guide refres
To Me

May 8 at 10:04 AM
Michaela McGrath, thanks for participating in the survey
Here's your guide as promised. 
If you're sick and tired of living in a world
of limited possibilities, you'll find this guide refreshing. 
This will get you started on opening new possibilities -- new
ways to look and observe things -- in your life.
PLUS you'll learn about the 3-levels of intuition that when
mastered will make you unstoppable in life
Kristi Anier, 
Customer Happiness Manager,

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Mindvalley LC, 14525 South West Millikan Way #31545, Beaverton, OR , 97005

Tuesday 6 May 2014

Tree Meditation and information on Grounding from Temple of Balance, this is really nice.

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Thursday 1 May 2014

As without so within. Whats happening in the Garden. The outer arena in which your story unfolds is a reflection of whats happening within.

Throughout this time of increased energy coming in, there is a lot of upheaval in ones inner landscape. This is all well and good, but sometimes it is clarifying to observe the outer manifestations in life to 'see' what those inner upheavals are achieving.

For many months now I have known that the owner of the house we live in is under obligation to renew a crumbling fence on the right side of this garden. It has been discussed by the gardeners and Fencing people, the owner and the neighbours who are on the other side of the fence.

Last week on 23rd April 2014, I had a text to tell me that work was commence at 7.45am the next morning.  I had known that work was going to take place but had not been included in the discussion about dates, and had not been asked as the tenant, if this was OK with me. So I was a bit a miffed. But as this is an extremely edifying time, I swallowed what could be understood as "RESISTANCE", even though it wasn't a particularly good  time, It is my daughters birthday and had intended to use the Garden for her friends when they came at the weekend. However I intrinsically knew that this was in alignment with the clearing and culling of energies going on and was also to do with the defining of the dimensional boundaries, an outer manifestation of the my alignment with the incoming energies of transformation.

The gardeners and fencing people were working diligently outside my home from 24th April Thursday, Friday, Saturday ( the day of my daughters party) , Monday and  Tuesday with a few final touches on Wednesday (yesterday). This was a major job of clearing, culling, displacing, untangling, pulling, digging, and IVY clearing, followed by the erection of fencing posts and then filling of the panels between the posts.  The whole job took longer than they planned. Simultaneously my routine fell in with what I most felt guided to do. I was simply to be aware of what was happening, and be conscious of doing my own gardening in my inner landscape in meditation. I was aware that there was clearing, culling, untangling pulling and digging going on, set in motion by the now unstoppable desire to awaken.

I was also keenly aware that even though I had done much inner work already on myself, this was going to be "a big job", and for it to be completed according to 'Divine plan', some very  'enthusiastic, inner landscape gardeners' had been dispatched to me for it to be accomplished. I say this because we can be aware of working on many levels, but there are some bigger multidimensional levels in our inner landscape gardens that we may not yet, be able to acknowledge let alone reach. 

For this we can rely on our Guides, but we must Ask for the help to heal.

I knew that when it was completed there would have taken place a complete cull of unwanted fears, doubts, and clearing of beliefs in limitations, also that clear boundaries would replace the hundred years of overgrown brambles that had been 'my inner boundaries' for so long.

There would also be movement of energies in multidimensional pathways that at present I have yet to know exist.  

So there it is. A New Fence. The process was long and laborious, and needed skilled workmen.
The simultaneous inner process was long and laborious, and too required the skilled workers specific to that realm. I had started the process with the intention of awakening. But it had been a choice made,  long before I was CONCIOUS enough to know that I had chosen  to awaken. In other words a bigger part, a deeper part of me was guiding me to this choice to make it CONSCIOUSLY, in this lifetime. At this time with the Massive help of the "influx of Light" gardeners.

On that level, the inner landscape has changed. The outgrowth of lifetimes of unskilled creation, overgrown weeds, light cant get through to new shoots all need overhaul and culling.  Overgrown and chaotic, established but dated trees, bushes, plantlife, corresponding to the various chaotic beliefs, roles, limitations lived in and through, instinctually but not cultivated. Needing this cultivation. Lots are to be removed, including all the wants and  attachments to, and within, the illusion that has held humanity in it's repeting cycle for eons.

Our own life cycles are coming up for completion, and desperately need a guided culling, to stop us from jumping back into another repetition. Cull the belief that keeps an individual cycling on and on in the old ways, the old paradigm, the old world of fear and domination by fear and beliefs of limitation and lack, and separation from God.

 Ego has to be cut back, wounded ego, to be removed completely. All "lists" of shoulds,  of things to do, achieve to be, roles to fulfil; all must be cut back because they don't come from your Soul....they are all from what you have been  told to do, be, achieve etc.  All forms of  Domination by the rules and lies that secreted themselves and wormed their way into the garden of your life, it is the Ivy of your garden.

Ivy, the 'dreaded plant' that caused so much damage to other plants and bushes in the garden, but can look so pretty, antiquated, nostalgic and vintage, can be seen here as the bindweed that ties us all down to the place we are trying to escape from, the old paradigm of living from and in FEAR.

The work in the garden safely moves one out of the Old, and into the new. The new fence describes the distance or the definition or the boundary, that you have overcome to be in a NEW SPACE. A new and awakened space.

This kind of cull can leave you feeling like a dramatically pruned stick left in the ground, naked without the costumes of roles that were needed before, and  without all the drudgery of the old. Naked as a newborn.

 But the roots are deep and new life comes soon.

A 'Heads Up' from Aisha North on the incoming energies.

New post on aisha north

The manuscript of survival – part 413

by Aisha North
Mankind has for a very long time harboured great hopes for the future, and even if this hope may seem to be extinguished in a great majority of your fellow men, nothing could be further from the truth. For in each and every single soul on this planet lies that same dormant seed that you have managed to bring into life, and so, within each and every single soul on this planet lies the same possibility to evoke that dream into life. For you are made of the same stuff as the stars as we have told you over and over again, and so, within your very core lies all of the building blocks you will ever need to make that dream come into fruition. And even if you may think yourself outnumbered in such a way, your dreams have few chances to make it all the way to become reality, it is in fact the opposite that is true. For even if so much of what you see around you seems to be pointing towards a scenario of wars and famine, death and destruction, either by mankind's own weapons or by mankind's ignorance and greed, this is merely a small piece of what is truly surrounding you.
For what you see, is just the surface, and this surface bears so many old scars in addition to all of the recent fractures and lesions, but underneath that surface lies all of the true value that this entire planet holds. For underneath all of these inflicted battle wounds beats a steady and strong heart, filled with love and understanding, ready to be filled with even more light than it has been capable of receiving already. And we are not only referring to every single individual on this planet, we are also referring to everything else that exists here, and indeed, your very own home amongst the stars, your Mother Earth. For this is no longer a place made for dramas being played out in all of their simple mindedness driven from fear, this is in actual fact a place made for the resurrection of the light, the resurrection of the love that lies there waiting to be rediscovered.
For this is what you all brought with you from the very first time you came to be here on these shores, this inner gem, this crystalline form of living light that is contained within your physical frame. But mankind has tried very hard to forget this inner source of light, and it has been trained to forget this inner source of light by beings that held it as their higher truth that their best interests weighed heavier than mankind's. And so, that inner core of light has been obscured by layer upon layer of soot and grime as you have collectively been pushed further and further into the shadows. But the truth could not be suppressed, nor extinguished, and that is why all of you stand here today, washed clean of so much of all of these obscuring sediments of fear, ready and willing to let that inner light blast out in full force as you once again stand poised to receive another huge blast of cleansing light. Light that will enable any few remaining grains of dirt to be washed away from the shining surface of that inner you, the resplendent one, the one that has finally allowed itself to be acknowledged, and as such, has allowed itself to fully come out into the light in order to make that inner light fully visible to all.
Again, we speak in convoluted terms, but what we are saying is simply this: fear not that mankind has passed a corner that will take them further down into those old dungeons of despair you only know too well from before, for this is not what is taking place now. For even if the so-called leaders of the world seem to be rattling their sabers in a way that has not been done since the last time you lived through a stage entitled the cold war, you are not about to return to the sins of your fathers. You are in actual fact abut to return to the light of your fathers, those forbears of yours that came here in the infancy of your Earth, when man was only but a figment of imagination, and all of the rest was the same. For even if those still clinging on to the old once again are raising their voices in fury and in fear, they will not be able to override the vast amount of loving light that is already washing on to your shores, and even if they try all they can, they cannot drown this light no matter how much fear they can manage to drum up both by their actions and by their words. For their powers are feeble, and they can only resort to their age-old weapons, weapons that by now are becoming more and more obsolete as more and more people start to look into their heart and find that glimmer of hope that has always been there.
Yes, you will still see many exhibiting the symptoms of still ignoring this call from within, and you will also see many, many signals of the same if you continue to search through that cesspit of so-called information that you are being served each and every second by your media. But if you look elsewhere, if you look into yourself, and if you look into the heart of anyone you might come across, we are more than certain that you will see the real truth there. For therein lies that same glittering crystal of light that lies within all, and even inside the ones so filled with fear that it seems to leave room for nothing else is there more than enough space to contain this small container of light, the light that will seem to explode outwards in a huge burst of love as soon as that inner light is allowed to fully connect with all the other light currently existing on this planet.
For make no mistake, even if the shadows are clearly visible all around you, they are in fact so because the light quotient has literally skyrocketed during this last short period of time, and as such, the distance from the outside light and into that inner seed of light has never been shorter, no matter what the noises of discontent will try to say. For this distance has shrinked in such a way, it will not take much of an effort to make it disappear altogether, and again, this is all because of you.
For you are the ones that started on this journey when the distance to that inner light was as long and arduous and as convoluted as it could possibly be, but you managed to traverse it, through the densest of forests, through the highest of passes, through the driest of deserts and over the iciest of plains, and you made it - all the way in. And as you entered that inner sanctum of yours, you also negated that old verdict that mankind would never be able to tear itself away from that inner prison they had created. And as you entered, the thick prison walls around all of your fellow men started to crumble, bit by bit, one grain at the time at first, but as you managed to start to ignite that flame within your heart, these old prison walls became thinner and thinner in everyone else also. For you have reached the source of your hope, and you have found sustenance there, and this in turn has enabled you to open up more and more to these incoming energies in a way that has helped to fuel not only your flight, but everyone else's too. And as you have struggled and toiled to free yourself from all of the old inhibitions, for every binding thread you have severed, you have done so for all of mankind, and for this, we cannot thank you enough. For your struggle has not been just for you, it has been for All, and as such, this solitary journey you have traveled towards your own inner light has brought every single soul on this planet closer to theirs, and now, the distance between them and their light is no more than a heartbeat away. Granted, on the outside it looks as if there are more than enough armoured steel still separating the two than any missile of light could ever hope to penetrate, but again, that is very much a part of the old illusion.
So again we say that you are all pioneers, but as you have ventured where no man has gone before, you have in fact brought all of mankind's hopes and dreams with you, and as you have succeeded in bringing yourself ever closer to the light, you have also succeeded in bringing all of those hopes and dreams ever closer to becoming reality. And now, you are about to bring it all just that much closer. For there is still much work to do, but you have to remember that even if this at times seems to be a lonely and unrewarding journey through the wilderness, it is in actual fact a huge wave of humanity pushing ever closer into tomorrow as you walk side by side, further and further into the light. So even if you feel exhausted and ignored by those around you, and that all of your hard work seems to fall on barren soil, it is not.
For as you go about your daily life, you keep on bringing in ever more light, not only into your being, but into this whole world, and now, this light will start to push on even more buttons in those around you, making that separation between the incoming light and that inner, still dormant light less and less. And we would not be surprised if you can already see the results from this sequence of ignition lighting up the light in some unexpected places and in hearts in all levels of society. For remember, even if someone has been chosen to hold an office that entails having power over other people's lives, it does not mean that theirs is a heart permanently closed to the light. Far from it, and in this, we are expecting many of you to start to see the truth in the very near future.
Aisha North | April 27, 2014 at 16:56 | Categories: Channelings | URL:
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Aisha North posted: "As many of you have already noticed, the energetic activities over the last few days have been nothing if not on the heavy side, and this will indeed continue for quite a while yet. We hear the groans of discomfort already, but let us hasten to add that y"

New post on aisha north

A short update on the energies

by Aisha North
As many of you have already noticed, the energetic activities over the last few days have been nothing if not on the heavy side, and this will indeed continue for quite a while yet. We hear the groans of discomfort already, but let us hasten to add that you will feel a lightening in your bodies as these energetic injections continue. For you are opening yourselves more and more to these emissaries of the light, and as such, it will be as if your body automatically manages to adjust and rearrange itself in such a way, this prolonged period of heightened exposure will become more than bearable. We know that for many, this will fail to reassure for you will feel as if at a breaking point already, but again we say, know that all is well, and you will all find a way to breathe into those constricted parts of your being to lessen the pressure somewhat.
We speak in simple terms, but we also want to remind you that even if this process may seem to be overly taxing at times, it is also one that you will have no problem in handling as long as you manage to stay out of fear. For fear is the single most restricting parameter there is, so too in this, and even if this will not be news to any of you, it once again bears repeating. For fear will take a choking hold on everyone if you let it, and it will restrict your means in every way, and we do mean that very literally. For fear will block your ability to simply be, and it will certainly stop you in your tracks in that all important task of allowing these incoming particles to aid you in your expansion, and so, the more constriction, the higher the pressure, and this again will in all probability serve to increase the amount of fear within your mind. And so, what can only be described as beneficial can and will be experienced in a very challenging way, the more you try to hold back and lock yourself down. And no, this is not criticism in any way or form, merely a simple statement of the fact that your inherent mechanisms of fight and flight will at one time or another be triggered by this seeming landslide of light, and so, what comes to your aid can be perceived as the opposite, so the natural reaction will be to try to slam shut the doors to you heart in order to protect your innermost core. Again this is only a natural reaction, but it is also a reaction that for you have become obsolete and will only serve to impair you, and that is why we will keep reminding you to stay on the alert the better to counteract these old and primitive gut reactions that may occur during this period of enlightenment.
Remember, you have been build of strong stuff, and originally you were prepared to expand and evolve in all directions, but during the dark ages, you were in actual fact retrofitted with all sorts of inhibiting mechanisms, and for many of you, traces of these old shackles still linger somewhere in your system. It is not for nothing they have been labeled as survival mechanisms, for your mind has been taught that in order for you to survive, keeping a low profile in every sense of the word was all important. And now, as you have started a brand new existence as carriers of light, you certainly stick out in all sorts of ways. And so, anything coming in that will enhance your ability to shine, will also serve to trigger any of the old mechanisms still within you, and so, you will hear lots of clamouring within, and the signal to duck and cover and to clam up as best as you can, can come from many directions at once.
Again, these are indeed obsolete signals, more than ready for the scrapheap, but they are still in many cases very eager to show their prowess, and as such, a show of resistance will be put up, varying from a mild degree to an almost crippling one, where it will seem that your whole body will be rebelling against these interlopers of light that we have already introduced you to. So once again the advice will be the same old one that we will continue to remind you of, namely to try to step within, past that barrier of hue and cry, of danger signs ablaze and of alarm bells going off. For there, you will all find that tranquil deep well of knowingness, the pond of unending light, where nothing can pull you into fear no matter how hard your body or your mind will try to entice you into falling flat on your face. For you are so much more than your body, and you are infinitely more than your mind, and even if both of them are doing what they can to help you to notice them at the moment, know that your mind is the one that will try to keep to you back, while your body is the one that is actually trying to get you going. For your body is more than willing to acquiesce to these new sensations of expansion, but it is the mind that is setting off the signals of distress, and so, the body can only do so much to override them. But you can help your body, by allowing yourself to find that tranquil place, and when you are there, you can strike up a conversation with your body that will enable you both to literally just be within any and all energetic storm passing through.
Remember, you and your physical body are not enemies, you are true allies, and you are indeed what we have told you many times before, a match made in heaven. And together the two of you will also help the mind get past its old limitations, and set you free to go and explore far beyond the old borders of humanity. And yes we do mean that in every sense of the word, as you are indeed here to explore freely, not just to stay confined within the old limitations of fear, nor within the physical limitations that this process of expansion seems to bring with it. Remember, this process in itself can seem to be overwhelmingly exhausting at times, and so, the focus will be very much on the symptoms it ignites and not on the results in themselves. And that is why we are here to remind you that you are not here to suffer, even if that seems to be the case for many of you at the moment. These are merely temporary setbacks, but they are never the less caused by events that are being put into action in order to lift you out of the old world and fully into the new.
We are well aware that our words can offer little except for some comfort here and there, and so, what we can do, is simply to keep reminding you that the only solution to getting through this intense period with the least amount of discomfort, is to find a way to find your true center, to find that oasis of calm that is there in all of you, no matter how much confusion, anxiety or noise you seem to be swimming in at the moment. And even if our words seem to be repetitive beyond acceptance to some, that is still the case. For you are the only one who can help yourself through this, by allowing these streams of consciousness flow into your consciousness through your physical body, and the only way to do that, is to stop trying so hard to understand what is going on, and to just feel into it. This may sound like a feeble explanation, but again your human mind will try to make this extremely complicated, and so, the chatter from your mind will literally stand in the way and increase the pressure. For the less you try to understand and the more you manage to simply be, the easier you will find that calm place of knowingness, the place that will help you to understand that you already know what is going on.
For this is not something new and therefore something to fear, this is simply all about returning to the full version of you, the you that have no limits and therefore have no need to fear anything. And when you fully embrace this, all of the old barriers will melt away and the release of tension in your body will be palpable. So again we say try to truly get to terms with the fact that all is well, and that this intensely transformative process is one of reconnection not one of destruction, and so, you need not do anything at all. All you have to do, is to sit back and allow yourself to be lifted out of the shadows and into the light, and to let your heart rejoice from all of the light it can finally drink in again after such a long time in the desert of despair. It sounds so easy, but it is anything but, and we also know that you can all attest to this in one way or the other. For even if there is no thing that the heart craves more than to do just this, there is still a lot of resistance within that complex and convoluted human mind, and even if your intelligence is more than capable of knowing the difference, there is a long step from knowing to allowing, and that is where you all stand now.
For what seems so simple as an idea, can be made extremely complicated if your mind can have its way, and so, the journey from potential to manifestation can be a long and hard one. But that is why you all came to be here in the first place, for you knew that this was the task, and you knew that you were the ones capable of taking it on. For you are not the ones that will dream of making this happen, you are the ones that are making it come about even as we speak. And even if this process can seem endless to you, you are in fact racing ahead, and you are completing that gap between the idea and the manifestation of it every single second.
So again we say, know that even if you do feel despondent and out of breath at the moment, you are all making great progress, and even if you think that the doors to your heart have been sealed permanently shut by your mind, you cannot be more wrong. For your mind is finally learning the truth and that truth is that it can put down its arms, for there are no more wars to fight now. All it has to do, is to let you take over. For the time has come to let the mind take a well deserved rest from the old duties of keeping you going, for the mind is no longer needed as the master and commander now that the heart stands poised to take over the helm.
So even if the mind can be more stubborn than a mule, there is no need to curse it. For it has only done what it knows best, and all it has done, has been to protect you under the old laws. But those old laws of limitation are no longer valid, and so, you can thank your mind for the love it has had for you, but you can also tell it to step back, let go and let be. For now, you are the master of your domain, in every sense of the word, and your heart is the new command center for any action that needs to be taken in the time ahead, and so, the sooner you managed to truly take this in, the faster this process of turning over the reins will be completed. For this is not something that comes from the outside, this is something that can only come from within. For the doors to your heart cannot be forced, they can only be opened from the inside, and now, we can see so many cracks starting to appear in so many hearts. So do not berate yourself if you still feel as clammed up as mussel under attack, you are not closed off, you are just ever so slowly opening up. And as soon as you manage to trust yourself even more, those doors will fly off the hinges in a shower of love and light for never to become shut ever again.
Aisha North | April 25, 2014 at 13:45 | Categories: Channelings | URL:
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Aisha North posted: "The quickening has started in earnest now, and that steady stream of visitors we mentioned in our last missive will certainly be announcing their arrival now. You see, this is an incoming tide of such proportions that if you could see it from our vantage "

New post on aisha north

A short update on the energies

by Aisha North
The quickening has started in earnest now, and that steady stream of visitors we mentioned in our last missive will certainly be announcing their arrival now. You see, this is an incoming tide of such proportions that if you could see it from our vantage point, you would indeed be mesmerized by the magnificence of it. For this is no simple alignment in the sky, this is in actual fact a huge and overwhelming shift coming your way, as you will all in turn be facing a whole host of benevolent interloper from the outer fields. And when we say interloper, we do mean it in the best possible way as these seemingly insignificant sparks of light will turn into a huge bonfire of flaming love wherever they land. For they will not be stopped by any army of negation, no matter how hard you try to think otherwise, for they will all make a beeline for your heart. And even if some of you still may be harbouring thoughts of your own shortcomings, they are nothing but mere figments of your imagination. And so, what you still will think of as a hindrance to your own progress is no more real than the rest of the illusion you see around you.
You see, your mind is still up to conjuring the world it thinks you are still a part of, and so, it will continue to project the same movie, that same endless roll of negative images you have been immersed in, seemingly forever. For your mind only knows what it has been taught to do, and so, it will do all it can to "keep up the good work". And so, the endless litany of negativity that so many are subjected to will continue, but again, this is all made up within you to make you feel at home. For the human being has been reprogrammed to resist change at any cost, and so, whenever a change such as this one looms on the horizon, the energetic reverberance from it can be felt beforehand, and the internal alarm bells will go off. For whenever the light is approaching, it is as if it is pushing up a front ahead of it, the pressure will increase, and just like any super sensitive animals can feel the first stirrings of an earthquake long before any humans can, so too will your inner being respond to these advance signals from the incoming "lightquake". And so, the alarms will be set off, the fight or flight instincts will be activated, and you will all in some ways feel the hormonal panic train start to pull out from the station, pulling you along with it at an ever increasing speed. In other words, the incoming energies will always be presaged by a rush of anxiety in many of you, and so, the mind will add even more fuel to the fire by starting to conjure up worst case scenarios, something it is very adept at doing.
So again we say, go within, and when we say within, we mean that inner core, deep under the layer of anxiety that the more shallow parts of you are currently swimming in, and find that deep pool of tranquil water where you can float peacefully, getting ready to soak up these incoming particles of light that will help to set that inner flame ablaze in a very new way. For that inner flame is not to be feared, far from it, for that inner flame will only set the old dross alight, it will not wreak havoc on anything that is rising to the higher truth. So that flame may be bright enough to make your eyes close momentarily because of the power it contains, but you will soon get adjusted to this new brightness, and it will not be long before you can drink it in fully and savour the wonderful taste it brings with it.
So remember this in the days ahead if you feel your mind and your body rebelling because of these new embers of bright light coming into your being. They are not interlopers such as you are used to think of them, they are simply wedging themselves between the real you and the world of illusion, widening the gap between the two of you to such a degree, it will at times feel like you are straddling a chasm. So yes, this may be unsettling at times, but that is because your mind will still be trying to keep up the good work by trying to grasp on to the last straws that remains of the old, but as the grasp will be ever slipping, the feeling of free falling may once more be topmost on your mind. Just remember, you are not falling down, you are actually being elevated so high and so fast, it is not for nothing one can use the phrase of dizzying heights. And just as for mountain climbers, a rapid change in elevation will always bring with it a time for physical readjustments and yes, a time for physical reactions. But again, even if they at times may be bewildering and leave you at a loss to explain what, who or where you are at any given time, we can tell you that you will always be exactly where you are meant to be. So try to remind yourselves that in this, it is always the best to simply allow whatever it is that comes along to happen, and not to get stuck in trying to control this premiere flight in any way. For these winds of love may carry you far and away from any known destination, but that does not mean you will get lost. Far from it, this will simply mean that you are about to discover so much more of the why, who and where of it all.
Aisha North | April 23, 2014 at 12:53 | Categories: Channelings | URL:
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Aisha North posted: "For now, it is as if you are holding your breaths, suspended in a stillness of heaven and Earth, anticipation running high, the nerve endings tingling ever so slightly as they sense the incoming tides of benevolent beams approaching. For you are once agai"

New post on aisha north

A short update on the energies

by Aisha North
For now, it is as if you are holding your breaths, suspended in a stillness of heaven and Earth, anticipation running high, the nerve endings tingling ever so slightly as they sense the incoming tides of benevolent beams approaching. For you are once again awaiting the imminent arrival of emissaries from beyond your skies, emissaries that will uplift you all in manners you have yet to witness. And so we say, go within your heart, the better to witness what will develop. For what you are awaiting, is something that will touch you deeply, and it will do so no matter where you are. For it will be a limitless and borderless event, and it will be one that will be taking place far from the prying eyes of anyone less inclined to welcome these shining beams of brilliant light. For this will once again be a thing of the heart, a whispered conversation between you and All there is, a communication devoid of words, but filled with meaning of the highest intent.
So again we say listen well to what you heart is telling you, for it is your heart who will be the welcoming host, and it will be your heart who will be bringing you these good tidings as they arrive. One by one at first, but as the days go by, this trickle will increase to a steady stream of pilgrims from afar, arriving at you door, carrying with them greetings from home. For this benevolent host of far-travelled harbingers of the light knows where they will be welcomed and so, they will flock to those wide open hearts awaiting their arrival, and they will come in a multitude, but there will be no shortage of room for them. For the heart is an endless, boundless place, where love has no limits and where the light will always feel at home and find a place to settle. And this time, you will all find your hearts expanding beyond what you could have expected, for this time, you are more than ready to take on the part of the welcoming host, the one that will know that the time has come to do just that, and not to turn the light away any more.
You have needed much time to prepare for this, for you have spent many a lifetime considering yourselves unfit to play host to the messengers of light. You have looked upon yourselves as tarnished and tainted, impure and restricted in all manners, but now, you have finally found that what you have considered as blemishes are simply signs of lessons learned and of wisdom acquired. And so, you have finally opened your heart to yourself, and by doing that, you have made more than enough room for this incoming light to find a place to settle. And there are no limits to this light, nor is there to your capacity to harbour it any longer.
So get ready to receive, and know that every single visitor will be staying a long, long time. In fact, they will be with you forever, but unlike any other house guests, they will never seem to outstay their welcome. For what they bring with them, is peace of the mind, as they will all help you to put your mind at ease so that your heart can step in and finally regain its rightful place at the helm, a place it was forced to abandon a long, long time ago. But now, the heart will set the course, and it will do so for the brightest of futures, and it will do so because you are the one who will finally allow it to do so fully.
Aisha North | April 21, 2014 at 11:32 | Categories: Channelings | URL:
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