Monday 31 January 2022

Marina Jacobi- Your Silica Body Frequency - S5 E4

Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots · ***** Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots · Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never ... - Rumble › embed › vqqmda Search results for: Blood clots - Rumble › search › video › q=Blood clots Worldwide Exclusive: Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with Never Before Seen Rubbery Clots · Embalmers Discover Horror: Dr. · All The Vaccines Cause Blood ... Embalmers Find Veins & Arteries Filled with “Never Before ... › Komuniti 3 days ago — Board-certified funeral director and embalmer, Richard Hirschman has made a startling discovery in the bodies of deceased people, ... Christopher Renstrom "Make Your Own Luck. Fortune is what you make of it when an exalted Mars in Capricorn forms a sextile to auspicious Jupiter in Pisces on February 4th. This planetary energy favors those who are looking to write their own ticket. Now don't expect any handouts, coattails to ride on, or windfalls blowing in your direction. Mars and Jupiter reward winners, not whiners. And when you think about it, that’s a good thing because it forces you to put your shoulder to the wheel. In fact, industry combined with faith – and a touch of bravado – will make you stand out from the crowd and given Jupiter’s association with the Powers-that-Be you’re bound to catch the attention of a backer, sponsor, or patron. This person won’t do all the work for you, but they'll show you how to get to where you want to go. " ARIES**** If you had known weeks ago what you know now then you probably would never have embarked on your current endeavor. You simply had no idea of all the obstacles that lay in store. It’s been so dispiriting that you’re ready to wash your hands of the whole thing. Thankfully Mercury out of retrograde on February 3rd has a different outcome in mind. It looks as if you really will achieve what you set out to do – and in the most unlikely and peculiar way. Let this be a lesson to you to always follow the path that lies off the beaten trail to success.**** TAURUS**** The Sun at the highest point of your solar chart shows that this is the time to push for what you want out of life. Sensational aspects involving Mars, Jupiter, and even Saturn show that you have all the help, resources, and encouragement you need to realize your aims and ambitions. But will this success be a flash in the pan? Thankfully Venus is still a slow moving planet here and her presence in Capricorn bestows stability, consistency, and longevity. After a series of wrong turns and dead-ends, it looks like you’re finally on the right path. Expect the best and you will get it.**** GEMINI**** You have a tendency to tap dance in and out of situations when feeling nervous and uncertain. If everything is going fine, then you’re there overseeing every detail. If things are going south, then you’re nowhere to be found. This habit of yours could work against you in a negotiation that reaches a sensitive turning point this week. You need to decide if you’re in for a penny or in for a pound. If it’s just a penny then cut ties while you can. If it happens to be a pound? Then you need to show that you’re committed to going the distance on February 3rd.**** CANCER**** You’ve had three weeks to make your case and it looks like you’ll make it on February 3rd. Given your druthers you would have continued fine-tuning what you had to say while avoiding every opportunity to say it yet this hashing and rehashing of an argument has also been driving you crazy, so it will come as a relief to finally speak up. This will have the effect of stopping the other party short in their tracks and that’s when you need to leave things be and let what’s said hang there in the air. They'll get back to you with an answer next week.**** LEO**** You are probably asking yourself what you’ve gotten yourself into? These sinking realizations often occur when Mercury, the planet of the mind, comes out of retrograde (February 3rd). What made perfect sense three weeks ago now looks like a decision made by an alternate personality. It’s hard to conceive of what you were thinking of at the time. Nevertheless you have made your choice and must now see an assignment, project, or enterprise through to its completion. Yes, it may go down in flames, but if it does then it's better to go out in a blaze of glory than it is hugging the shadows.**** VIRGO**** Virgos have a love/hate relationship to accomplishment. That’s because an accomplishment means that you have completed a task or finished an assignment and are now ready to graduate to something new. This causes many Virgos to freeze in their tracks. Indeed some will even go back and mess up everything that they have just done because it’s better to clean up the hell you know than to explore the heaven you don’t. Make sure you don’t make this mistake when you hear news of a better opportunity on February 4th. You should pursue it. This is your chance to shine in a totally different setting.**** LIBRA**** It looks like someone who walked away from the table in a huff will be returning to it on February 3rd. Associates will advise you to turn them away, but you were born under an air sign and air signs are always curious to see what the other person thinks. It's funny how you can be such sticklers for the rules but are rarely set in your opinions. And it will be this open-mindedness that helps you to salvage a deal, sale, or agreement. You rarely get angry, but that doesn’t mean you don’t understand it. It’s why Libras are the peacekeepers of the zodiac.**** SCORPIO**** Astrologers say you should never buy, sell, or trade when Mercury’s retrograde because nothing good will come of it. Mercury is the planet most identified with business transactions and its apparent backwards motion in the sky is bound to introduce some kind of gotcha moment that only shows up when it comes out of retrograde. Mercury comes out of retrograde on February 3rd and this is when you will discover the fly in the ointment. But don’t be surprised if this winds up working in your favor. In fact calling someone on a technicality may result in better terms than what you initially agreed upon.**** SAGITTARIUS**** The other party hasn’t left the bargaining table altogether which means that there’s still hope for a deal or sale to go through. Now you may feel like you’ve given it your best shot, that you’re the one who's done all the accommodating, and you simply don’t have the energy to try again, but in truth you have been just as immoveable as the other side. Nobody is blameless here. The point is to find a fit and that’s exactly what the Mars/Jupiter sextile on February 4th is all about. Commit to another round of negotiations and you will see real progress this time. CAPRICORN Sometimes you can get so involved in cost cutting that you don’t realize that you’re undermining your own efforts to be profitable. It’s a personal demon you’ve been wrestling with since Mercury retrograded back into your zodiac sign on January 25th. You’ve undoubtedly learned that you won’t get to where you want to go from where you are now unless you put out some serious money. Remember that money – like air and blood – needs to circulate. Repress it and you will choke off its energy. So go ahead and put down that lump sum on February 4th. You’ll make it all back – and then some!***** AQUARIUS**** On February 4th you'll face a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Do you throw up your hands in despair or do you reach out to your personal network of experts to see what they have to say? The latter, obviously. You were born under the zodiac sign of clubs, groups, and talent pools. Your greatest resource is your human resources. You’re a big believer in great minds think alike and that the more minds you have to draw on, the greater the thinking will be. Send out the call for help and you will have the solution you’re looking for when Jupiter sextiles Uranus on February 17th.**** PISCES**** It’s possible that challenging circumstances are pressing you to move in a direction you never would have gone on your own. Struggles with a superior could push you to leave a dead end job and pursue the career you've always dreamed of, a fall out with friends prevails upon you to part company with people who bring you down, or a series of setbacks forces you into the arms of someone who’s been patiently waiting for you to get a clue. Sometimes it’s only when the bottom falls out from under our best-laid plans that we wind up where we wanted to be all along. We hope these horoscopes help you align with the cosmos and prepare for opportunities and challenges to navigate the week ahead. With Love, Astrology Hub

[HOROSCOPE HIGHLIGHTS] New Moon in Aquarius w/ Christopher Renstrom. The Aquarius theme explained by the Korean story, "Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung" (explains Aquarius, resonates with me an Aquarian, ~~Michaela~~)

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung

Your 9th Dimensional Angels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "As you help each other, you also help yourselves. You help that other person, who is in need of your help, and as you do so, you integrate a part of yourself that the other person represents. Therefore, even if you start out despising someone, if you can get to the point of feeling neutral about them, and then even loving that person unconditionally, you will have given that aspect of yourself exactly what he or she needs to reintegrate, to heal, to become whole again. "

Your 9th Dimensional Angels ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have an important role to play in your ascension, just as you all have an important role to play in ours. As we help you, we help ourselves, and as you help yourselves, you help us. We have a vested interested in seeing you all succeed, and because of that, you can certainly trust what we are saying to you. We want to ascend to the tenth dimension, just as you are looking to ascend to the fifth. We see our role as guides to all of you, and we are also your ninth dimensional angels, as we seek to offer you the love, light and energy that you are seeking and that you will continue to seek, even after you have completed your shift to the fifth dimension. As you help each other, you also help yourselves. You help that other person, who is in need of your help, and as you do so, you integrate a part of yourself that the other person represents. Therefore, even if you start out despising someone, if you can get to the point of feeling neutral about them, and then even loving that person unconditionally, you will have given that aspect of yourself exactly what he or she needs to reintegrate, to heal, to become whole again. Now, we would prefer that you help others out of a feeling of compassion that you have within you, but not everyone is as empathic as those of you who experience that tremendous amount of empathy. We also recognize that helping others feels good when you do it, and therefore, that good feeling becomes the reward and the incentive to continue. Now, of course, you’re not always going to feel like helping someone else, and in those moments you might experience guilt and even shame. You create those experiences so that you will forgive yourself for not being able to be everything to everyone. And by forgiving yourself, you integrate a part of yourself, you see. All of these co-creations of coming together with others and having your experiences are about you all becoming whole again. And so, embrace every experience that comes your way because there is something in it for you. There is some growth to be experienced. There is some integration that will occur, if you allow yourself to feel everything, and then you will move on to the next experience that you will need to take you along on your ascension journey. When you are having a very hard time with one of your fellow humans, call upon us, your ninth dimensional angels, or call upon the archangels for help. We want what you want, and so we will deliver that help, and those of you who are open to receiving will receive it, and you will be able to move past the challenging experiences that you sometimes have with your fellow humans. Know that you are there to challenge each other. You are there to challenge each other to love unconditionally. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

" OUR SUN has been exceptionally active over the past two days. Solar flares on Friday (January 28) included seventeen B-class and nine C-class flares. On Saturday (January 29), there were eight B-class, twenty-two C-class, and one M-class flare. These are significant numbers! In my facebook posts yesterday, I called it a "solar Woodstock"; the energy was so amplified, it seemed that there were new bursts of activity on the solar stage every few minutes. Yesterday's M1.14-class flare was especially spectacular, since it was a long-duration event, lasting 99 minutes! If you felt an increase in nervous energy, or felt more anxious or emotional than usual, this might have been part of the cause. You may also have had particularly notable dreams last night. IN ADDITION to affecting Earth's magnetic field, solar flares impact our central nervous system and other biological systems. They activate cellular memories, sometimes bringing forth unprocessed emotions that are stored in our physical bodies. This is why solar activity can correspond with sudden waves of memories or emotions that appear "out of the blue," so to speak. If these arise, it is best to allow ourselves to feel the emotions without attaching labels or meanings, and to let the wave flood through and then subside. Scientific studies show that solar storms and geomagnetic activity affect the pineal gland, which is sensitive to magnetic fields. In her book The Illumined Heart and Mind, Margo Kirtikar, PhD, states that the French philosopher RenĂ© Descartes called the pineal gland "the center at which the soul and the body interact, and where we receive our messages from the Divine realms." She goes on to say that Greek philosopher Plato believed that the pineal gland is our connection to the realms of thought, calling it the Eye of Wisdom. Because of the activation of the higher centers and pineal gland, some people experience headaches, eye pain, sinus pressure, blurred vision, vertigo, and other similar symptoms during heightened solar activity. This may be due to the energies being cleared from the pineal gland and third eye. We have all experienced lifetimes — or even times in the current life — where we needed to close down our spiritual awareness for survival reasons. Those fears and blocks are now being cleared to allow further development of our spiritual senses. "

Sunday 30 January 2022

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 26 to February 2 ~ .Aquarius Season..

"dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way ".... "Many people wonder what they are supposed to be doing, as if there are actions that could make as big a difference on your world as processing your emotions and dealing with your own stuff. There is no action that gives more to your fellow humans than setting that beautiful example will. When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within. "

You Are the Changemakers in this Ascension Process ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been very excited to witness the way that you have all been handling yourselves through this ascension process. We are speaking specifically to those of you who are receiving this transmission, because you are the ones who are awake enough to be dealing with your traumas, your negative emotions, and your heartbreaks in an evolved and mature way. You have all seen the character in the film or television show who handles being rejected, fired, or otherwise hurt in some way by going to the bar and drinking themselves into oblivion. You have seen reflections in these stories of how a lot of people handle their sorrow and discomfort. And you all have gotten to the point now where you do not look for the nearest escape or numbing agent to try to hide from the feelings and the memories that are so hard to accept and embrace. You are the leaders of this consciousness evolution because you have decided that you want to face that darkness and those demons head on. Many people wonder what they are supposed to be doing, as if there are actions that could make as big a difference on your world as processing your emotions and dealing with your own stuff. There is no action that gives more to your fellow humans than setting that beautiful example will. When you communicate, when you meditate, when you take care of yourself and show compassion for others, you can rest assured that you are doing enough to help the entire collective, a collective that has very few examples being shown to it of the right way to deal with something that’s coming up from within. And so, you are the unsung heroes. You are the ones working behind the scenes to contribute something that is invaluable to the entire collective consciousness. You are the ones who are showing the way, and that is enough of a contribution. Anything else that you do is a bonus. Who you are, and how you be in the world, these are the things that matter. You also allow yourselves to get to the love that is at your core by dealing with that which is heavy, dark, and obscuring that love and light that exists within every single one of you. So you are shining your light, and you are agents of love, and that is the reason why you are wayshowers, lightbringers, and agents of change. This is how it’s done, and you are the ones doing it. Congratulations on your success. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Aquarius ♒ New Moon - Crystallizing New Intentions and Fated Developments

Friday 28 January 2022

Kim Iversen: Media BLACKOUT On MASSIVE Trucker "Freedom" Convoy Protesting Vax Mandates

Bringing Legal Challenge Dr Steve James introducing the Legal Challenge to Vaccine Mandates. Link to sign ~~( I have been at the marches and rallies to protest vax and mandates. My 19 year old daughter is at college studying to begin a nursing degree at university, she has just been informed that all student Nurses have to complete the course of vaccines and boosters before they begin their degree which involves training with the NHS. ~~Michaela~~) link to sign is found here.

Statement. I ask the Court to rule against vaccine mandates. I sign this statement publicly to confirm my support for legal action to challenge the lawfulness of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) (Coronavirus) (No. 2) Regulations 2022 (the “Regulations”) The Regulations will result in the loss of many tens of thousands of workers from the NHS and other health service providers. This will not only be devastating for individuals, and liable to result in severe hardship and illness or worse for many, but the provision of health services to the UK public can only be severely diminished by the loss of knowledge, skills and long experience. I call upon the Court to uphold the rights of individuals and protect their freedom by rejecting and declaring as unlawful these Regulations as being: a form of coercion* a breach of the fundamental right to privacy and bodily autonomy* an attack on the need for informed consent in respect of any medical treatment* incompatible with all training and practice of medical ethics that underpinned medical and care practice prior to March 2020* discriminatory and divisive* disproportionate and unnecessary* irrational in dismissing the importance of natural immunity* an insult to those for whom the public clapped in 2020, safe to work until 31st March 2022 but dismissed as unsafe and unwanted from 1st April 2022* ******** Dear Michaela Our next stage of the campaign No Vaccine Mandates is to help promote and support the Legal Challenge launched this week. This legal challenge requests that the Courts end the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for NHS, Social Care, and other associated health care services. This is based on the changing evidence since the regulation was passed and an insufficient risk assessment having been conducted by the government, in particular to address staff replacements following mass job losses. Please watch the short video above from Dr Steve James, one of the main claimants. We ask you to sign the Statement of Support and SHARE WIDELY. Huge public support will send a strong message to the Government. Once you have signed, you will see the button to Donate at the Crowd Justice page to help cover the legals cost of the claimants. PLEASE COPY/PASTE THE FOLLOWING POST WITH THIS GRAPHIC: I signed the Together Statement Supporting Legal Action Please sign it if you agree at We need an end the mandate @Togetherdec Stop them now! @sajidjavid @10DowningStreet @NHSEngland @NHSProviders @NHSConfed @CareQualityComm @acasorguk SHARE ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS: Twitter: @togetherdec Instagram: @togetherdeclaration Facebook TikTok Linkedin Youtube: Healthcare Playlist GETTR Gab Telegram THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT We are stronger #Together! ******** Thank You Michaela Thank you for adding your signature to the Stop the Mandate Statement of Support. The information you provided will be held and used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. It may also be shared with lawyers for the claimants in the legal challenge who may confirm to the Court your support for the proceedings. Accordingly, your name and occupation/role may be disclosed but no other personal details will be published without your further permission. If you opted to have your name displayed on our website, this will appear shortly.

Thursday 27 January 2022

******.All Signs - YOU REALLY NEED TO KNOW THIS | Special Message - February 2022 Horoscope Tarot Reading

This is accurate validation for me going by personal experiences of the last few weeks. "We notice that most of you are filtering information through your minds, and when you do that, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system about the topic in question. That means you do not allow in new information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you. Now, we are going to make this a bit more complex for you by letting you know that all realities are real, and therefore, all truths are true, and you have a future that is best suited for you and that will be most enjoyable to you. It is one of many. "

This One is for All the Truth Seekers ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in witnessing all of you come to the conclusions that you come to about life there on Earth. And so, we notice how you absorb information that comes to you. We notice that most of you are filtering information through your minds, and when you do that, you only let in that which is already a part of your current belief system about the topic in question. That means you do not allow in new information if it contradicts what you already believe to be true. When instead you run information through your body, you can feel whether it resonates with you. Now, we are going to make this a bit more complex for you by letting you know that all realities are real, and therefore, all truths are true, and you have a future that is best suited for you and that will be most enjoyable to you. It is one of many. In that future that is the best one for you, certain things are true, and certain things are not true. Therefore, you want to be led to that future reality by your feelings, and your feelings are guiding you towards the truths that serve you the most, rather than the truths that validate your pre-existing beliefs. This is why we are telling you that it serves you more to process information through your bodies than through your minds. If something doesn’t feel good to you, then pay it no more attention. You will be presented with different truths, of course, because you are being presented with different choices for what you are moving towards, which reality you will inhabit next. That is why you always have to encounter the opposite of what you want and the opposite of what you believe. It is so you can make a choice based on the resonance. If you all had to share one reality and only one reality, that would make it a lot easier on the scientists and intellectuals of planet Earth, because then there would only ever be one truth. But since that is not the case, you get to travel to the reality that you want to experience most and that suits you the most, and you do so with your focus as well as your feelings. What we are telling you in a very convoluted way is that you should focus on the reality you want to experience rather than the one you think you must experience, based on all the evidence. Sometimes you base what you believe to be true on what others believe to be true. You think that if so many people believe in this, then maybe I should look into it, rather than feeling into it and determining for yourself whether it’s a road you really want to go down and a reality you really want to experience. If there were only one reality, then that would limit Source. That would limit how much Source could experience of Itself, and that will never happen. Source will always be infinite and expanding at the same time, which is another concept that boggles the mind. But if you can feel into the truth of it, then you know that what we are telling you is true for you. And if it is true for you, then you get to choose which aspect of Source you experience next, and you get to choose the one that feels most in harmony with who you are, what you want, and what you want for everyone there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you."

Wednesday 26 January 2022

LEAVING AN OBSOLETE SYSTEM BEHIND. (Waking times.) "Creation – be creative! Do not allow the events of the world to pacify or nullify you. Do not be impotent to your own potentials just because of external uncertainties. It is precisely at such times of dissolution and renewal that creativity is most needed. Being creative does not only imply from an artistic point of view. Not everyone can be a painter or musician, etc. But genuine creativity is about being resilient and finding new ways to do things. New patterns of lifestyles; different hobbies; learning new skills; preparing yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being creative means being adaptive during moments of change. "

LEAVING AN OBSOLETE SYSTEM BEHIND*** January 25, 2022*** ************* Kingsley L. Dennis, Contributor***** Waking Times***** There is no doubt that humanity has entered a new phase along its developmental journey. We are now observing a grand restructuring of human society and its many systems: financial, technological, political, cultural, and more. I have already spoken about how this is creating great discomfort and dissonance for many people. This is inevitable, for great upheavals are rarely smooth or without disturbances and ripples. A new phase is emerging as the current phase is fragmenting; and like two stones thrown into a pond, they each create interference waves that clash. The important point here is where a person chooses to position themselves. A new way of life can be brought into being, yet it must be birthed from within the current one as it breaks up. For a time, both worlds will co-exist in the same physical space although they shall occupy a different energetic space. Where a person can position themselves is to be in the world that is emerging yet not of the world that is on the way out. Although one phase has ended, there are those groups/agencies who have vested interests in maintaining this world, and they are desperately attempting to re-model it with a new facelift – as a technocracy. There will be a stealthy attempt at a makeover, to present the ‘new future’ in terms of an artificial, synthetic future. Yet this is not an evolutionary future for humanity. The new emerging world will remain organic, natural, and in biological balance. This is the model that shall come forth – not a false future in shiny metal. We should take heed from the wise words of Buckminster Fuller: “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” We are here now to build a new model whilst existing within the current one that is fast becoming obsolete. The power that the obsolete system, and its rulers, have over us depends upon our state of being (level of frequency) – that is, others can only ‘lord it’ over us if we are existing energetically (aka, vibrating) at their level. The obsolete system wants for everyone to operate (energetic state) at its lower-level vibratory state. We simply do not go there. We have to secure and protect the most valuable thing to us – our consciousness. In being better prepared for engaging with the changing world I suggest the following five aspects: 1) Conscious awareness; 2) Connection; 3) Communication; 4) Creation; 5) Comprehension. 1.) Conscious Awareness – to be aware of what is happening in the world, including the distasteful aspects, but not to get dragged into or entangled with these events. Awareness is necessary, but only as a tool for self-knowledge – not to acquire more baggage from the world. 2.) Connection – to find and discover other people who are on the ‘same wavelength’ and who think and perceive like you. Reach out, connect with others, even if you have never previously met. Send them a message online. Share your thoughts – strengthen one another’s energy states. Never feel you are alone. There are always other people out there who think and feel the same as you do. Older social alliances will be breaking down. Old or existing friendships and bonds will be dissolving. That’s okay – find new ones. Re-align your social alliances according to your new state of perception. 3.) Communication – Share your thoughts and ideas with others. State your truths. Let others know what position you have taken. Do not be cowered into silence or anonymity. Allow others to also find you by letting them know your position and feelings. Do not be loud or go around shouting your views; or, worse still, trying to persuade others to take your position. Just be confident to state your ideas when asked and to represent and communicate your own truths when necessary. By communicating your position with the world outside of you, you shall also be strengthening the trust in yourself. 4.) Creation – be creative! Do not allow the events of the world to pacify or nullify you. Do not be impotent to your own potentials just because of external uncertainties. It is precisely at such times of dissolution and renewal that creativity is most needed. Being creative does not only imply from an artistic point of view. Not everyone can be a painter or musician, etc. But genuine creativity is about being resilient and finding new ways to do things. New patterns of lifestyles; different hobbies; learning new skills; preparing yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Being creative means being adaptive during moments of change. 5.) Comprehension – be understanding of this change and how it is affecting others. Recognize that there will be many conflicting points of view and opinions. Acknowledge that many people will not only choose not to agree with you but that they may even attack your views. Do not let this sway you from your own understanding and your faith and trust in yourself. Understand the full scope of the wider implications and allow others to have their own views so long as this does not impinge or trespass on yours. And if, later on, some people wish to come over to your way of understanding, be gracious to them and not judgmental. We are all learning at our own pace. Perhaps these five ‘C-Ways’ will assist as we each move ahead into the paths we have chosen at this time. It is not necessary to have a full picture or to know exactly how the next years will be. For now, it is enough to visualize that you are already in the world you wish to be, only that it hasn’t been built yet. You are there, energetically – later will come the physical structures. Imagine there are two boats upon the water, an old sinking one and a new one. Place yourselves on the new one and know that you are there already, even though it looks empty and without a full crew. For if you believe yourself to be remaining on the old, sinking boat you will spend too much of your energies worrying about how it is sinking and running around, desperately seeking for some unknown solutions. Yet knowing that you are already upon the new boat – the new Ark – you will feel more balanced and energized, ready for sailing when the waters become clearer. You are already where you wish yourself to be – it’s just that the new structures haven’t yet materialized. But energetically – vibrationally – you are already aligned with the new phase of the human path you have chosen. As Buckminster Fuller also said, “We are called to be architects of the future, not its victims.” The new boat has no room for victims, yet plenty of space for those with a new vision for the future.

4 Minute bitshute film. Uplifting and fresh. .....and the complete opposite, in India where thugs must get paid per jab, a short film under 2mins.. 4 minute bitshute film Uplifting and fresh. ********** and the complete opposite, in India where thugs must get paid per jab, a short film under 2mins..

Friday 21 January 2022

Sandra Walters. "Blessings Beloveds ~ After a very intense week of magnetic fluctuations and solar influxes, we are through the initial passage of 2022. Everything accelerates now with collective highest choices in heart. The predicted acceleration of narrative shifts and collective realities is physicalizing. Take a breath and feel into that heart-compass. The collapse of old realities affects emotional, mental and physical states. The much higher frequencies and acceleration of revelation, shifting magnetics and rapid change may be challenging. This new light level commands our physical form to embody more spirit, more of the NEW frequencies which shift us into new wave forms. Less dense particles, more lightbody as flowing light waves. A brand new expression is stepping forth; the Cosmic Self can flow in, supported by the thinning of the veils (magnetosphere depletion). Pure Kryst frequencies are received and transmitted through crystal. Our Crystalline structures and Crystalline DNA allow more of these new frequency waves to transform the lower levels, rather than destroy them. With these crystalline structures in place, the new light can create deep recalibration. Crystalline transformation rewrites the consciousness; the way we express in these realms. Sometimes at a pace we can handle, sometimes at a speed which can overwhelm. "........"The intensity of revelation energies can cause confusion, or inappropriate expression (thinking, feeling, speaking from wounding/clearing rather than the heart)."

Overwhelm is widespread as the acceleration intensifies. Narrative shifts can flip personal and collective trajectories in a moment. It is okay to rest, to contemplate, to simplify, to not know what is next. Surrendering to the unknown trains us for PRESENCE; freedom from linear time, and our Ascension. Even though it feels odd, even though time jumps keep throwing us off our linear calendars. Continue to recalibrate your intentions and choices. Reframe this breakdown of rigid constructs as positive change, and trust the acceleration to remove all 3D/4D constraints on how we create and express in these realms. Transformation is regulated by the Divine marriage of higher and lower levels, until frequencies like this come along and push for a realm shift. Rapid change, challenging external circumstances, and multiple distractions which force us to make a choice: unity with Source in infinite expansion, or experience destruction of the finite. We all get a healthy dose of both, until we polarize positive into the Infinite energy of Ascension. The intensity of revelation energies can cause confusion, or inappropriate expression (thinking, feeling, speaking from wounding/clearing rather than the heart). The guidance to prepare people how to deal with shifting narratives, choices and realities is strong. Divine Neutrality keeps presenting as a method for walking through these shifts with more ease and grace.

Predictions of Major Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "So you need to take back your power and stop seeing those in positions of power and authority as having all the say in what happens to you and what happens to your fellow humans. You can live in that world you want to live in sooner than later, but you are not going to get to it unless you are vibrating in harmony with it, and it’s hard to vibrate in harmony with it if you keep looking at the world that’s outside of you now and reacting and then not doing anything about your reactions. Always let what is unwanted about your experience inspire you to move vibrationally towards what is wanted, and you will get there. "

Predictions of Major Changes on Earth ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very interested in your spiritual evolution, and that is true for you as a society and you as individuals. We look at both, and we see how the individual impacts the society, and how your society impacts all of you as individuals. We know that you are a part of a larger community of spiritually awake people, and we know that within that community there are a lot of promises that are made to you about big changes that will occur in the outside world. We’ve noticed that a lot of you hang on these predictions because you are so desperate for change, and we see more and more of you getting disappointed and even fed up with all of the promises and with very few results. This has occurred enough times there in the new age and spiritual community for many of you to decide that you are not going to wait for the big changes to occur. In fact, we see the human collective consciousness growing, expanding, and evolving so much more now that people are starting to realize that they are the ones who must initiate the change. We see more and more people looking within themselves for how they can let go of some belief, some negative emotion, or some thought that they keep thinking. We see enough of you changing your vibration by going within to make that huge impact on the collective consciousness that you are a part of, and we know that you should feel encouraged by all of that. But again, if you just look outside of yourselves and wonder when the big changes will be reflected to you in the physical realm, you might get discouraged or even fed up again. Therefore, what is happening outside of you needs to become irrelevant to you in the sense that you’re not going to let it determine how you feel and at what frequency you vibrate. Yes, you cannot help but feel saddened by a situation. You cannot help but react with anger to something, but you are at the point in your spiritual evolution that you must realize that to stay in those states of being doesn’t serve you. It serves you so much more to move through them as quickly as possible so that you can get to what really matters, which is the movement of your own vibration to a higher frequency state. That’s what you can always do; that’s what you always have control of, and that will make the biggest impact on your world. You can make a much bigger impact with your positive, high vibration than anyone can with their lower, negative vibration. So you need to take back your power and stop seeing those in positions of power and authority as having all the say in what happens to you and what happens to your fellow humans. You can live in that world you want to live in sooner than later, but you are not going to get to it unless you are vibrating in harmony with it, and it’s hard to vibrate in harmony with it if you keep looking at the world that’s outside of you now and reacting and then not doing anything about your reactions. Always let what is unwanted about your experience inspire you to move vibrationally towards what is wanted, and you will get there. It’s not just our guarantee; it’s a law of the universe that you are a part of and that you can rely upon, and that we are affirming for you right now. So continue on that inward journey that you’ve been on, because those predictions keep coming up short, and know that you are making a difference there on your world, even if you’re not making the difference that you want to make through action. Even when you make the difference through raising your vibration, it’s still having the impact you want it to have, and you are having the impact that you want to have. And we want to congratulate those of you who have been doing this work for moving the needle, for bringing the level of consciousness to a higher one once again. We thank you, we honor you, and we look forward to seeing what more is ahead for all of you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

What Is Newly Available to Humanity Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "But we still see room for more surrendering, more letting go, and more tuning in to the new energies that will always be available to you when you poke your heads out of the little realities that you have felt stuck in and you allow yourselves to become more, to experience more, and to explore more of the infinite and ever-expanding Source Energy that you are, and that you continue to contribute to, with the lives that you live there on Earth. "

What Is Newly Available to Humanity Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are on the precipice of some new understandings about this universe that we are very excited about. We can feel ourselves expanding into this knowing, and it is a delicious feeling, one that we highly recommend. You can get there yourselves because everything is available to all beings, even if that understanding is different because of your dimension and your ability to grasp concepts with your physical mind. This is why we will always emphasize the feeling over the truth. The truth is a limited perspective. It’s one reality, one way of looking at the totality of creation, but a feeling is expansive and undeniable. You cannot question whether you felt something, but you can question where a thought comes from. Know that the universe is expanding all the time, and that to keep up with it, you sometimes have to surrender, and you sometimes have to admit that you don’t know everything, and that not everything is meant to be known, not intellectually. But what we are all here to do is to experience Source, and experience is something that you get more of when you let go. When you let go of limiting beliefs, you open so many doorways to so many different realities and experiences. We invite you to let go, to surrender, to seek out oneness with the universe above all else. We see so many individuals clinging to their truths and living lives of quiet desperation as a result of that clinging. We want to invite you to the expansive experience of tuning in to what’s available right now with your ability to sense, your ability to feel. Think of it as an invitation to more of you. There’s always more of you to explore, just as there will always be more of this universe and Source to explore. So please don’t think that you have it all figured out or that you know yourself completely, because that is a type of death that you will never experience. You will always experience more, you will always discover more, and you will always realize eventually that there is so much more for you to understand. You are getting there, gradually, and we see that. We notice all the little steps and all the improvements, and we certainly notice the spikes in the vibration of your overall consciousness. But we still see room for more surrendering, more letting go, and more tuning in to the new energies that will always be available to you when you poke your heads out of the little realities that you have felt stuck in and you allow yourselves to become more, to experience more, and to explore more of the infinite and ever-expanding Source Energy that you are, and that you continue to contribute to, with the lives that you live there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

"Something New Is Coming!" Galactic Federation| Reptilian Royals & Kundalini Awakening (2022)..

and link to rh bloodlines.

New Earth Insights - Ep #13: AI Agenda, Update on Germany, End game of Agendas + Q&A...

New Codes incoming from the Sun! by Jenny Schiltz | Jan 19, 2022 | Unease to tell you where you need your inner focus. " To understand what the unease is telling you, quieting your mind and ensuring that you are as clear as possible will be essential. If your mind and body, both physical and etheric are busy with all that the world would like you to pay attention to, deciphering your next steps will be much more difficult. This is where maintaining the integrity of your energetic field and connecting with nature will assist you greatly. (I questioned how this could make people feel that have not connected in with themselves or begun the process of honoring self and it was described as a fire alarm going off that you can only feel, not hear. This has the potential to be very overwhelming, understanding this will make our interactions with people easier.)"

In Meditation yesterday morning I was given a message to share with everyone from the Council of Light that I work with. Two beings shared information as there was much excitement. First council member: “Many are feeling that the earth system and humanity are lost and will not be able to right itself. There will be much information in the coming time to confirm this supposition. We would like to share with you that this is not the truth. Your earth is not dying nor are her people. Humanity and the planet will survive this transition. Yet, if the creative potential of humanity is derailed into a catastrophe, of asteroids, starvation, war, and other cataclysmic events this transition will be made much harder for all. With the intensity and frequency of the information coming at the population, discernment is difficult yet paramount to master. We have urged each of you through the years to master discernment, to master your truth. It was for precisely this time. For to move through this transition with greater ease, one must be able to see through the fabricated reality into the truth. To see through the overlay that has been created. We have urged each of you to use your heart space as a guide, as your place within to center. We have also urged you to spend time in nature to help clear the distortions within the field that create a disconnect from your highest aspect and Source. Now we are urging you to connect with nature not only for the clarity but for the connection itself. The interface that made such interaction with nature and her kingdoms difficult is no longer in place. It could not maintain itself in the vibrational rise of the planet. Many will find themselves connecting more with the previously unseen kingdoms of nature and through this interaction healing.” (It is important to make note that the interface or overlay that kept us from connecting fully with nature is no longer present because it could not stay active in the increasing vibration of the world and her people. THIS is why it is so important to keep our vibration high and to heal what brings it low. With our very vibration, we shift the world.) Second Council member then spoke: The sun will continue to be very active as you go forward in this transition. There is much activity that is not recognizable by your instruments, yet the sensitive among you will feel these energies. The information being sent no longer simply contains awakening and remembering codes it now holds codes for your next steps. Each person carries within them coding that is to be activated, “turned on” when the time is right. That time is now. You have moved into a new phase at a personal and planetary level that will bring about large shifts within the micro-level of your world. The macro-level will be affected when enough have shifted their micro. We ask that each person draw their focus within. What can you do to make your life more aligned with your truth? This is the most important question to be asked at this time. Do not wait for the world to align with you, rather align to your truth, you’re knowing, and let the world do what it will. The coding coming forth is activating the next steps of this journey, awakening it within you, yet it is through your alignment that this activation becomes action and direction. It is through action that you ground the information into something tangible. You may notice that pervasive unease and anxiety are being felt by many. This may be interpreted as incoming doom/gloom. In fact, you will find confirmation of the doom/gloom in your media. Yet, that is not the reason for the unease, unless that is the desired outcome you wish to create. The unease is your indicator that something within your personal world is out of alignment. There may be something that needs to be seen, understood or an action that needs to be taken. This will be heightened as you receive the codes that awaken you to your next steps. To understand what the unease is telling you, quieting your mind and ensuring that you are as clear as possible will be essential. If your mind and body, both physical and etheric are busy with all that the world would like you to pay attention to, deciphering your next steps will be much more difficult. This is where maintaining the integrity of your energetic field and connecting with nature will assist you greatly. (I questioned how this could make people feel that have not connected in with themselves or begun the process of honoring self and it was described as a fire alarm going off that you can only feel, not hear. This has the potential to be very overwhelming, understanding this will make our interactions with people easier.) Many of you will find yourselves energized with ideas and receiving confirmations. This is particularly for those who have felt that their journey has been in a holding pattern. Others will begin to grasp their potential and what their heart holds. Many will find themselves asking “What does my soul want?” (This can be different from what the human wants.) Upon glimpsing this truth, their task will be to move through the limitations created by a fixed world. These codes coming in from your sun will be sent in intervals so that there is time for integration between each activation. Simultaneously you will find that your sun is also exhibiting increased activity that can be categorized. You may find that there is a pattern between the two. There is much excitement and joy as reaching this phase of ascension has been an anticipated event. We want you to know that you are loved and guided. The next steps of our evolution are being activated within you. Allow them to unfold within your heart and then breathe them into existence within your physical plane. I thanked the Council members for their message. This morning I was on Facebook and saw this message from Jennifer Hoffman, that she posted yesterday, the same day I received the channeling. Here facebook page can be found at Jennifer Hoffman | Facebook Jenny Schiltz - Screenshot 25“Today we have another big energy event which is a highlight of this year, the change in the lunar nodes to Taurus/Scorpio, something that happens every 1.5 to 2 years in 19 year cycles. So go back to April 14, 2003 which is the last time we had the lunar nodes in this position and I point this out because it’s when we started on the active phases of this ascension cycle. Prior to that it had been happening in the background and then it became very public. It’s the year I was first contacted by Archangel Uriel (in October) and I started writing and channeling, as did Karen Bishop and others who were pioneers in the ascension work. We’re coming full circle on that cycle and starting a new one. It’s ascension 2.0 starting today. This is a Beautiful confirmation of what the Council was saying. We have entered a new phase of Ascension. I hope that you are well and finding you embracing more of who you are at the deepest level every day. Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world. If you share, please share the entire post with the website link so that others can subscribe and find me. Social media is shifting rapidly and profiles are often disappearing.

Marduk Omicron and Nebuchadnezzar (Ancient Historical context, where the worlds true information was burned in the destruction of the library in Alexandra, setting the tone for where that progress has brought us and who the main players are, Still).....Marduk Omicron and Nebuchadnezzar Marduk is from a satanic hybrid Annunaki lineage called Omicron that aligned with Necromiton Nibiruian forces in order to seize control over the Giza stargate during the Luciferian Rebellion. This faction has been primarily focused on the systematic extermination of Celtic-Druid Maji Grail lines by organizing strategic Essene massacres and then tracking, killing and assuming the identities of Founder Christos beings, such as Ezekiel. After the Atlantian flood, these NAA factions set their sights on gaining control over the main stargates in the Middle East, and this began a series of military campaigns to conquer Egyptian civilization which further led to a series of Sumer-Babylon massacres. When the Sumerian-Egypt Invasions began, these events unplugged human DNA and scrambled the fire letters and the geometric codes in the planetary instruction sets which blocked multidimensional perception of other timelines and extradimensional races. Between the tragic grid events of the Babylon Massacre and the Djoser Invasion in Saqqara, Egypt, an Artificial Tree of Life was cloned into a sub structure in which this Red Cube Egyptian Pantheon tree was used as the main grid architecture for cloning Christos Founder and Serres-Egyptian identities connected to the Christos identities on Gaia. These assorted AI based red cube cloned identities such as False Ezekiel, False Akhenaton, and False Yeshua are AI holograms used to confuse, divide and conquer humanity by putting the power, control and global wealth into the hands of their invading races of satanic and luciferian bloodlines so they rise to be the dominant ruling classes. The 7D Osiris - 6D Isis anti-hierogamic Thothian Leviathan NAA architecture was utilized in Jupiter and Saturn to generate these cloned identities based on an artificial or false rod and staff alignment in the sextant matrix and clock shield template system of the planet and the 8D Galactic Core. This is an example of artificial alien machinery that hijacked Ezekiel’s solar body and gave satanic soul-less entities like Marduk Omicron’s a way to assume Christos founder identities through AI holographic inserts and further incarnate into or attach into angelic human bodies. Instead, these cloned identities were really anti-human satanic or luciferian forces controlled by AI systems and hell bent on destroying humanity, while siphoning out all of the energy resources which further decimates the planet. This was how they accomplished the invasion of our planet and global mind control of the human race, it was through gradual infiltration from within the ruling classes with assuming false identities, by essentially wearing human bodies while pretending to be human, when instead they are alien to this planet and to our species. Returning back to Ezekiel’s timeline, with these AI cube machines supporting the alien invasion through the damaged grid system, these particular satanic NAA lineages gained immense power in ancient Mesopotamia. Through the installation of a succession of Marduk controlled Babylonian Kings in what is present day Iraq, they created an empire that settled around the Middle East for gaining control over the main 2D, 4D and 10D stargates. It is from this timeline that we have nonhuman hybrid entities connected to this Marduk Omicron bloodline incarnating as satanic controlled Middle Eastern rulers and Power Elite global players based upon their ongoing genetic modification and grooming them into blood cults. Gaining power over Stargate control and function allows for manipulation of the planetary grid network in order to exert control over the timelines without the planetary population knowing they are being controlled by anti-human invaders, which allows the entities to easily assume powerful identities for acquiring global control. This is why the global power elite satanic bloodlines absolutely adore King Nebuchadnezzar and his Babylonian timeline as their anti-Christ idol. He murdered and rampaged the Christos Essenes and sacked Jerusalem, destroying the Temple and defiling the 2D grail stargate with human blood sacrifices that were being dedicated to serve the holy presence of God." .

Not everyone is going to understand this, but the full article is here.

(LAwsuit against) Gates, Indian Government Targeted in Lawsuit Alleging AstraZeneca Vaccine Killed 23-Year-Old A lawsuit against Bill Gates, the Indian government and others, citing extensive case law, is attracting renewed scrutiny of Gates and his long-term, controversial involvement in India’s vaccine program. "The complaint alleges Maharashtra’s restrictions “are against the Central Government’s policy that, there cannot be any discrimination between vaccinated and unvaccinated people.” Other defendants in the case include the commissioner and director-general of the Maharashtra State Police, the Indian Central Bureau of Investigation and the principal secretary of the Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The complaint also brings charges against Bill Gates and Adar Poonawalla, CEO of the Serum Institute of India, the world’s largest vaccine manufacturer by number of doses produced and sold. The Serum Institute produces the Covishield vaccine, as well as over half of the world’s vaccines that are administered to babies. "

From this LOng Story here. ....."The court in Meghalaya added: “[V]accination by force or being made mandatory by adopting coercive methods, vitiates the very fundamental purpose of the welfare attached to it. It impinges on the fundamental right(s) as such, especially when it affects the right to means of livelihood which makes it possible for a person to live. “Compulsory administration of a vaccine without hampering one’s right to life and liberty based on informed choice and informed consent is one thing. However, if any compulsory vaccination drive is coercive by its very nature and spirit, it assumes a different proportion and character.” The court in Meghalaya also referenced English common law, specifically, the case of Airedale NHS Trust v. Bland (1993), a decision which held that if an unwilling adult is compelled to receive a flu vaccination through force, this action would amount to a crime and to a civil wrong. Remarking on this, the Indian court found: “[T]hus, coercive element of vaccination has, since the early phases of the initiation of vaccination as a preventive measure against several diseases, have been time and again not only discouraged but also consistently ruled against by the Courts for over more than a century.” The court in Meghalaya also referred to Article 19 of the Indian Constitution regarding the “freedom to practice any profession or carry on any occupation, trade or business,” and that vaccine-related restrictions were “palpably excessive.” The court added: “In this case, there is a clear lack of legitimacy in prohibiting freedom of carrying on any occupation, trade or business amongst a certain category or class of citizens who are otherwise entitled to do so, making the notification/order ill-conceived, arbitrary and/or a colourable exercise of power.” From an administrative point of view, the court in Meghalaya also found not only had the central Indian government not mandated vaccinations, instead holding that vaccination must remain voluntary, but there was no regulation or directive that allowed state governments to impose vaccination requirements within their own territory. Yadav case draws upon extensive Indian legal precedent, scientific studies "

Cohen said: “The Green Pass is not necessary. And it’s not a secret, but it’s not necessarily to prevent transmission. It’s also to encourage people to get vaccinated. And I don’t want to get into the political aspects of the Green Pass but this is a reality.”01/20/22 • COVID › VIEWS Israeli Vaccine Scientist: Closing Schools Biggest Mistake During Pandemic In an interview with Unherd, Professor Cyrille Cohen, head of immunology at Israel’s Bar Ilan University and member of the advisory committee for COVID vaccines for the Israeli government, admitted closing schools was one of the biggest mistakes his government made during the pandemic..

01/20/22 • COVID › VIEWS Israeli Vaccine Scientist: Closing Schools Biggest Mistake During Pandemic In an interview with Unherd, Professor Cyrille Cohen, head of immunology at Israel’s Bar Ilan University and member of the advisory committee for COVID vaccines for the Israeli government, admitted closing schools was one of the biggest mistakes his government made during the pandemic. By Jeremy Loffredo Link copied Cohen said closing schools was one of the biggest mistakes his government made during the pandemic. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free. Israel last month launched its fourth COVID booster, despite reports a fourth dose could actually harm the immune system and data showing increased doses make individuals more susceptible to contracting the virus. Several weeks into the booster campaign, Israel is witnessing a rise in Omicron cases amid reports suggesting even quadruple-vaccinated Israelis are catching the virus. In an interview with Unherd, Professor Cyrille Cohen, head of immunology at Israel’s Bar Ilan University and member of the advisory committee for COVID vaccines for the Israeli government, discussed Israel’s vaccine passport system, the shortcomings of the COVID vaccine and mistakes he said government scientists made during the pandemic. Cohen, referred to by Unherd as one of Israel’s “foremost authorities” on COVID vaccines, explained how the vaccinated and unvaccinated transmit the virus at “virtually” the same rate, and because of this, the Green Pass, Israel’s vaccine passport, isn’t relevant. Attend Defeat the Mandates Rally in Washington, DC - January 23 “I don’t think there’s a point in maintaining the Green Pass,” Cohen said. He also admitted the goal of Israel’s Green Pass policy was less to prevent infection and disease and more to coerce people into getting the vaccine. Cohen said: “The Green Pass is not necessary. And it’s not a secret, but it’s not necessarily to prevent transmission. It’s also to encourage people to get vaccinated. And I don’t want to get into the political aspects of the Green Pass but this is a reality.” Cohen said closing schools was one of the biggest mistakes his government made during the pandemic. “We should have never never touched education … this will have repercussions in the future,” he said. There’s speculation Israel keeps adding boosters without supporting data because Israel is a “laboratory” for COVID vaccines, particularly Pfizer. Pfizer has an exclusive contract (heavily redacted) with Israel, leading some to suggest there’s a financial or contractual incentive to keep adding boosters to the COVID schedule. Dr. Robert Malone, an early developer of mRNA vaccine technology, echoed this during an interview with American podcaster Joe Rogan: “These days the country’s name is actually ‘Pfizreal.’ It’s no longer Israel. Their government has a financial deal with Pfizer and they only have the Pfizer vaccine.” Last year, a Pfizer executive referred to Israel as “a sort of laboratory” for COVID vaccines. Watch the interview here:

Thursday 20 January 2022

UK Ends Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, as Prime Minister Faces Calls for Resignation UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson today ended pandemic restrictions he instituted just last month, citing a drop in COVID cases. Some suggested the move was politically motivated as calls for his resignation increased in the wake of a scandal over alleged parties in Number 10 Downing Street during the pandemic.

01/19/22 • COVID › NEWS UK Ends Vaccine Passports, Mask Mandates, as Prime Minister Faces Calls for Resignation UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson today ended pandemic restrictions he instituted just last month, citing a drop in COVID cases. Some suggested the move was politically motivated as calls for his resignation increased in the wake of a scandal over alleged parties in Number 10 Downing Street during the pandemic. By David Charbonneau, Ph.D. 72 Link copied UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson today ended all Plan B pandemic restrictions in the UK, including working from home, vaccine passports and mask mandates for public spaces, including schools. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free. UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson today ended all Plan B pandemic restrictions in the UK, including working from home, vaccine passports and mask mandates for public spaces, including schools. In announcing the change, Johnson said: “The Cabinet concluded that because of the extraordinary booster campaign, together with the way the public has responded to the Plan B measures, we can return to Plan A in England, and allow Plan B regulations to expire.” Johnson first announced the Plan B measures on Dec. 8, 2021. The measures took effect Dec. 15, 2021, after passing a parliament vote. The ending of the restrictions means workers are due back in the office Thursday. The Department for Education also will end requirements tomorrow for facemasks in classrooms. Mandates for vaccine passports to access businesses or public places will expire next Wednesday without renewal, the prime minister announced, as will public mask mandates. BUY TODAY: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book — 'The Real Anthony Fauci' Health Secretary Sajid Javid called the relaxation of measures a “major milestone,” adding: “But it’s not the end of the road and we shouldn’t see this as the finish line because we cannot eradicate this virus and its future variants.” Javid added: “Instead we must learn to live with COVID in the same way we have to live with flu. We will be setting out our long-term plan for living with COVID-19 this spring.” The unexpected announcements came in the wake of signs the Omicron wave has peaked in the UK. Dr. Susan Hopkins, chief medical adviser to the UK Health Security Agency, told a Downing Street news conference the latest seven-day average of COVID cases was 93,200 compared with almost 225,000 on Dec. 29, 2021. Chart: Covid stats She said hospital cases were back down to below 20,000 while there were only 703 on mechanical ventilators — levels not seen since last July. Omicron is “not the same disease we were seeing a year ago” and high COVID death rates in the UK are “now history,” Sir John Bell, professor of medicine at Oxford University and leading immunologist said. Mary Holland, president of Children’s Health Defense, commented: “While we welcome the prime minister’s statement to lift draconian COVID restrictions in the UK, we believe this ‘victory through COVID defeat’ narrative raises more questions than it answers. Why now? Has the science really changed? Who is calling the shots? “Children’s Health Defense will continue to seek truthful answers and real accountability for the harmful lockdown policies of the COVID pandemic era.” Some suggested the timing of Johnson’s announcement is politically motivated as calls for his resignation increased Tuesday in the wake of “partygate,” the scandal over numerous, alleged parties in Number 10 Downing Street during the pandemic in breach of government lockdowns. The announcement also came after the prime minister received a petition on Monday, signed by more than 200,000 people, demanding an end to vaccine passports. Despite also receiving a petition signed by 160,000 healthcare workers, Johnson said vaccination requirements for healthcare workers and the mandatory testing of travelers to the UK will remain in place.******************************************************PLAN B restrictions are to be scrapped by January 26, the Prime Minister has announced. And all Covid restrictions including isolation are said set to end on March 24 as well. Here's what know about the new Plan B scrapping. Boris Johnson has announced the end of Covid-19 restrictions 1 Boris Johnson has announced the end of Covid-19 restrictionsCredit: LNP Has Plan B ended and are there any more Covid restrictions? Plan B restrictions will be torn up from next week as it appears the Omicron wave has peaked. Only work from home guidance and Covid passports for larger venues will last until January 26, when the rules expire by law. Masks are no longer required in shops and public transport, and students in schools can take masks off from tomorrow in class. The announcement marks a return to 'Plan A' but Johnson did tell the public to "think about" wearing a mask when still around new people in crowded settings. It remains a legal requirement to isolate if people test positive. The Plan B was due for its first review on January 26 and will now be scrapped at first offering, the PM announced after a bruising PMQs. The light touch guidance in England, was contrasted by legal restrictions in the other home nations as Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland all shut nightclubs after Christmas amongst their efforts to curb Omicron. What was Plan B Covid in the UK? Plan B has saw the return of measures seen in the UK's various lockdowns. This included making face coverings for most indoor venues, such as shops and cinema's, and vaccine passports mandatory in nightclubs and large-capacity venues. The UK was also advised of returning to working from home where possible. Vaccine passports were extended to include a negative lateral flow as sufficient proof of entry. Boris Johnson announced the Plan B measures on December 8, 2021, and they came into effect on Wednesday, December 15 after passing a parliament vote. He said the key response to Omicron was to buy time. CORONAVIRUS LATEST What were the Plan B Covid restrictions? The most recent round of guidance, asking Brits to work from home came into force on December 13, 2021. Working from home Under Plan B all but essential workers were asked to work remotely like they did between March 2020 and last July's Freedom Day. People are advised to take lateral flow tests (LFTs) before entering any "high-risk setting", including busy areas and some workplaces. Vaccine passports Vaccine passports were also launched for large venues like football matches and nightclubs. At the moment the definition of fully-vaccinated is two jabs rather than three, and a negative lateral flow test will also count. Face masks Mandatory face masks - the third prong of the Government's Plan B - were already in force for shops and public transport since November 30, 2021, to stem the rising tide of Omicron. Plan B was extended to all "crowded and enclosed settings" which includes large capacity venues. It included theatres, cinemas and hairdressers - but not in pubs or restaurants, or venues such as gyms where it's "not practical".

More on the different dragons as described in

#15 Money Silver Dragon The mysterious Silver Dragon holds the frequency of Prosperity. Call on this Dragon and notice the shimmering silver mist approaching you. As the mist thins, you see the wise and loving eyes, softly gazing at you. Your Silver Dragon touches you ever so gently. And your aura becomes shimmering silver, attracting good luck and prosperity. But in order to keep these Silver keys and codes in your energy, you have to demonstrate the Silver Dragon’s feminine qualities in your life – calm, tranquillity, balance, kindness, wisdom, trust, generosity and open heart… Another wonderful and wise Dragon to go is Earth and Water Dragon. Earth-And-Water Dragon Water is an element of money, and Earth helps to ground it. How to invoke Spiritual Dragons for help. Image: Depositphotos I like to meditate imagining that there is a whole net of underground streams of money, covering Earth. These underground streams come to the surface for everyone. But some people have the powerful fountains and whole pools of money in their lives. And some unfortunately receive only a tiny trickle. I meditate that this stream breaks through as a full river of money into my life and ask Earth-and-Water Dragons for help… But my absolute favourite is the incredible Metal Dragon! Metal Dragon Huge, asphalt grey, heavy, moving with specific metal clattering noise and… with the most beautiful romantic viola blue eyes. His head is so huge that you can’t see both of his eyes simultaneously. So talking to him, you look into his one bright blue eye. How to invoke Dragons for help. Image: Depositphotos I call him the Dragon of Attraction. Because of his heavy metal nature, he has an ability to turn the magnet inside on to help you to attract something into your life. Or he changes the polarity of his Magnet, and you can get rid, push away something or someone you want to go. When my friend Metal Dragon (he asked to call him Elijah) told me about his Magic of Attraction, I thought: “Let’s see it in action”. So I asked to attract the money, any amount, the same day, until midnight. It’s an underestimation to say I was surprised. My in-laws suddenly decided to go for a drive. They normally don’t do that at the moment, because they are self-isolating at home from the virus that shall not be named. They both are over 70. All the family helps them with shopping, including us, and we never take the money. So my in-laws passed us by and chucked the money over the fence in our front garden. I’m sure my Elijah downloaded telepathically a message to deliver me the money and kicked them out of their house. I believe my Elijah can be very persuasive when he wants to. Not a lot of money – 55 quid, but nevertheless Angelic number 55 is a number of positive change and growth, which is nice! I was so impressed! It only took a couple of hours – and the money flew over the fence into my garden! BUT… the Dragons always tell me that the DOOR should be open for money to come in. There could be a river of money, knocking on your door, but it is shut, and money can’t enter your life. For example, Dragons can see that your job has an earnings ceiling. No matter how hard you work, you can’t jump higher than the ceiling. And the Dragons spot an opportunity for you with different income (and more enjoyable) that is much more scalable than your current job can offer. Dragons will never suggest a job only for money. They follow your Soul’s calling. Also Dragons brought to my attention such a thing as blockages in the flow of money. And your Mindset plays a pivotal role here. Have you got the Mindset of Abundance or the Mindset of Scarcity? That’s the hardest obstacle on the way to Abundance, Prosperity and Money. The blockages can include your limiting beliefs about yourself and money, past and this life’s karma, your pre-life Scenario and Vows, taken on in your previous lives. People have been used to take Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. Maybe someone in their past life rejected wealth and took the Vow of Poverty, thinking thus they would accelerate their Spiritual Growth. That’s exactly what Buddha did in his Earth incarnation. And then they are haunted by poverty in this life, because Vows are registered at the Soul level. Or maybe a lady had taken a Vow of Chastity, becoming a Nun and promising in the sacred Ceremony to love only Jesus. In her current life she can’t understand why she is so unlucky in love. Everyone around is married or has a boyfriend. Only she is alone forever. But you can see an etheric cord between her and the Vow of Chastity she has taken in another life, but she doesn’t remember of course. I will write how to release old karma and Wows from the previous lives in another article… Let’s return to our Dragons, waiting patiently for us. So we were talking about the blockages in the flow of money. They are like dams on a river, stopping waters from getting any further. Fire And Earth Dragons Fire and Earth Dragons can help you to at least partially remove the blockages that your Soul allows them to do. Watch them working methodically through your blockages, breaking, puffing etheric fire and burning them.

Intuitively I have met and been working with the turquoise dragon to absorb trauma and extract it from the body, and felt it had changed something. I have been working with it since to absorb and remove trauma from those around me and the environment. Today I found "these gorgeous Dragons dive right in messy emotions and feelings, consume the heavy and dark energies, " from

#16 Anxiety, Depression, Low Mood Turquoise Dragons Of Archangel Haniel Call on wonderful Turquoise Dragons of Archangel Haniel. These absolutely beautiful, large and brightly coloured Dragons with elongated black eyes bring joy and happiness with them. Soft and feminine on the one hand and fierce and protective on the other, these gorgeous Dragons dive right in messy emotions and feelings, consume the heavy and dark energies, leaving the trail of their own turquoise optimistic and joyful Light. How to invoke Spiritual Dragons for help. Image: Depositphotos See the Dragon sitting in front of you and her beautiful eyes looking lovingly right into your heart. Feel the turquoise cloud of her energy gently enveloping you and working its way through you. Feel the weight lifted off your heart and every cell of your body singing with joy. Calm, peace, hope and belief that All Is Well come over you. Your Turquoise Dragon will be with you for as long as you need her. ********************************************************* from my post 6th of January ***** Today I revisited the healing as I had time to acclimate to the first healing, and allowed more healing in. The visuals I was given was of a teal/turqoise energy, later mysteriously visualising as an ancient Tibetan dragon. The turquoise energy pervaded my body and in it were myriad tiny sparkling pieces that looked like fragments of multicoloured mosaics. This swirled through my body, firstly it set up a 'light ball' in the stomach, in my solar plexus chakra, then one in my sacral area, then one in my root chakra area. Then one in my heart area and then one in my throat area. The balls of bright light turquoise energy swirled into one and filled my body....I knew that the little mosaics of crystalline light carried in the turquoise energy were picking up not only the energy of trauma spots, but also the physicality of the 'cells' that had become the caves in which the trauma spots had nestled. This is a dense energy and so it had become a calcified physical energy throb, contained within the multidimensionality of my physical being. ****** Then I thought, "OKAY so what do i do with this now?" I had the visual of looking at my inner being totally filled with this Turquoise energy. Then superimposed within me, the body of a dragon formed from the glittering turquoise energy complete with all the tiny glittering mosaic pieces that had adsorbed the unwanted trauma. I thought "Wow!" and then "What do i do with this Dragon?" ********** When we do healing, we can ask to merge with the highest and best appropriate energy, it seems that the energy merged with me for this healing of removing trauma was a Turquoise Dragon. The end of the healing was a visual, of me standing by a large and ancient lake, reflecting a low white winter sun, and watching as the Turquoise dragon, now a darkened purple in the low sun.... like a Hokusai dragon, mounted into the air and flew up toward the low white winter sun. The contents of my trauma held tight in the myriad mosaic pieces and carried to the sun. I guessed that the dragon can enter the galactic sun through the low winter sun and there discharge the contents of trauma, to be burned and recycled and purified back into energy that exists in the unmanifested yin.******

Tuesday 18 January 2022

WORLDWIDE RALLY FOR FREEDOM - SAT 22 JAN ACROSS UK....Dear Michaela WORLDWIDE FREEDOM RALLY SATURDAY 22 JANUARY 1PM - VARIOUS CITIES On Saturday World Wide Rally for Freedom is happening across the UK at 1pm & also globally. Make sure to join our Telegram Channel for updates. We will be there in London and will have placards available on the day. ORDER YOUR PLACARDS TODAY We now have a WEBSITE LINK to buy our No Vaccine Mandates placards (see graphic at top of this email), to be delivered to you ahead of the protest this Saturday. They are available in packs of 10 or 20 so it would be great if those from other cities can buy some to distribute on the day. People are often happy to donate some money for one on the day, so you can cover your costs. We hope you enjoyed footage from the @toegetherdec Twitter feed yesterday and our visit to Downing Street to deliver the petitions and a letter to the Prime Minister. We were featured widely in the Press, on the BBC, Sky, Channel 4 & ITV News. We will continue to share links and drive this message to end ALL restrictions on 26 January. PLEASE POST THE FOLLOWING TODAY: On Sat 22 Jan World Wide Rally for Freedom is happening across UK at 1pm & globally It's vital now that we keep pushing to end all restrictions on 26 January & to insist Vaccine Mandates end @sajidjavid @10DowningStreet @Togetherdec @ReutersUK #WorldWideDemo #StandTogether PLEASE FOLLOW AND SHARE ON MULTIPLE PLATFORMS: Twitter: @togetherdec Instagram: @togetherdeclaration Facebook TikTok Linkedin Youtube: Healthcare Playlist GETTR Gab Telegram THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT We are stronger Together Link to buy placards and sign the declaration.****

Dear Michaela We have just delivered the Together Declaration with 201K signatories to Downing Street and a separate petition with 160,000 signatories opposing Vaccine Mandates, initiated by Together member Ryan Karter. Well done everyone - our voices are getting through! We will keep insisting on seeing an end to Vaccine Passports everywhere along with Plan B and all restrictions including masks and distancing. They should all be stopped on 26 January, along with impending Vaccine Mandates. Please use THIS PHOTO or THIS PHOTO along with this post to go up as soon as you get this email. To Post on all Socials when you receive this along with a photo or video attached: “Today we delivered 360,000 signatures to @10DowningStreet with a letter to @BorisJohnson calling for an end to Vaccine Passports, Mandate and all restrictions by 26 Jan We want our old Normal back fully @reutersuk It's crucial @sajidjavid stops the mandate too @Togetherdec” We will be continuing with important Calls To Action including emails to your Local MP, NHS Trust CEOs, Trade Unions, Universities and Local Councils stating why the Vaccine Mandate must stop. You will also be able to join one of our many local groups across the UK to help leaflet on this crucial issue. We stop this #together THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT We are stronger Together Logo Facebook Twitter LinkedIn 61 Bridge Street Kington, HR5 3DJ, United Kingdom

Dear Michaela We have just delivered the Together Declaration with 201K signatories to Downing Street and a separate petition with 160,000 signatories opposing Vaccine Mandates, initiated by Together member Ryan Karter. Well done everyone - our voices are getting through! We will keep insisting on seeing an end to Vaccine Passports everywhere along with Plan B and all restrictions including masks and distancing. They should all be stopped on 26 January, along with impending Vaccine Mandates. Please use THIS PHOTO or THIS PHOTO along with this post to go up as soon as you get this email. To Post on all Socials when you receive this along with a photo or video attached: (PLEASE CHECK HANDLES FOR INSTA AND FB - THEY ARE SLIGHTLY DIFFERENT) “Today we delivered 360,000 signatures to @10DowningStreet with a letter to @BorisJohnson calling for an end to Vaccine Passports, Mandate and all restrictions by 26 Jan We want our old Normal back fully @reutersuk It's crucial @sajidjavid stops the mandate too @Togetherdec” We will be continuing with important Calls To Action including emails to your Local MP, NHS Trust CEOs, Trade Unions, Universities and Local Councils stating why the Vaccine Mandate must stop. You will also be able to join one of our many local groups across the UK to help leaflet on this crucial issue. We stop this #together THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUING SUPPORT We are stronger Together ** Logo*** Facebook*** Twitter*** LinkedIn*** 61 Bridge Street Kington, HR5 3DJ, United Kingdom

18th January 2022 – 17th July 2023: North Node in Taurus Sarah Varcas "Astrologically, the moon’s north node acts as a progress-marker and reveals the secret ingredient to obtaining fulfillment and satisfaction. It shows us how to more deeply occupy our humanity and manifest a future more fully aligned with the evolutionary arc of awakening. But it also demands we sacrifice the security of familiarity for a challenging but ultimately more effective and satisfying way. "......." So what now, as it shifts from the airy, mind-oriented world of the twins, into the earthy, pragmatic and sensual world of Taurus, the bull? The Great Divide With the conclusion of the node’s journey through the sign of the twins, humanity is splitting into two streams, two very different paradigms. The twins are going their separate ways! And that’s okay. We don’t have to drag everyone with us. Our task is simply to live our truth. Secure our peace. Occupy our heart. It will show us the way and bring to us those with whom we can walk it. People will come and go. Old connections will fall away and new ones arise. Our new world is taking shape. Community is building, connections are being forged." message from Sarah Varcas****** Tuesday, 11 January, 2022****** Cast Normal to the Gutter****** Astrologically, the moon’s north node acts as a progress-marker and reveals the secret ingredient to obtaining fulfillment and satisfaction. It shows us how to more deeply occupy our humanity and manifest a future more fully aligned with the evolutionary arc of awakening. But it also demands we sacrifice the security of familiarity for a challenging but ultimately more effective and satisfying way. The north node has been in Gemini since May 2020, during which time the Geminian realm of information, communication, thought, ideas and relationality has been very much in the forefront. Our world has changed beyond measure in this time, and much has been revealed for those with eyes to see and hearts bold enough to know. It has been a time of cerebral debate, of ideas and theories, beliefs, facts and deceptions, all swirling around us demanding attention. It has been overwhelming and enlightening, confusing and clarifying. Many have awoken to bitter truths about our world, those with whom we share it and others who have shaped it for many a long year. But in the bitterness has been found great hope, immense potential, visions of a different way and countless new possibilities. Indeed, many have entered an entirely new paradigm while the north node journeyed through Gemini. So what now, as it shifts from the airy, mind-oriented world of the twins, into the earthy, pragmatic and sensual world of Taurus, the bull? The Great Divide With the conclusion of the node’s journey through the sign of the twins, humanity is splitting into two streams, two very different paradigms. The twins are going their separate ways! And that’s okay. We don’t have to drag everyone with us. Our task is simply to live our truth. Secure our peace. Occupy our heart. It will show us the way and bring to us those with whom we can walk it. People will come and go. Old connections will fall away and new ones arise. Our new world is taking shape. Community is building, connections are being forged. We are finding our soul friends and family, even as those with whom we’ve walked this far drift in other directions. It’s all okay. Truly. It is what it is. We are who we are. This is a time of revelation. Of living our truth so fully that it revitalises our every cell. This is the time we finally discover that we cannot be anything but who we are, whatever the consequences! Mercury is retrograde in Aquarius as the north node enters Taurus. The coming year and a half will see yet more revelations and the mind (Mercury) of humanity (Aquarius) will be further broken open to the blinding truth of how the old world came to be. But this awakening to truth is largely an inner journey now. It cannot be precipitated by external input anymore. The past eighteen months of the North Node in Gemini was a time of debate and discussion, the sharing of ideas and opinions, facts and fallacies. The node’s shift into Taurus brings this time to a close. We either see, or we don’t see. And only intimacy with our deepest inner knowing can shift us from one position to the other. Behold a change in tactics! During the north node’s journey through Gemini it was vital to develop mental resilience amidst the onslaught of contradictory information, propaganda, truth and lies, mental manipulation and the global weaponisation of anxiety and fear. As the node travels through Taurus, societal structures, systems and material resources will be manipulated to maintain the on-going trauma-based psychological warfare against humanity. But we must stand strong in the face of such cynical manipulation. Refuse to be cowed by the intensifying iron grip of tyranny and the growing unrest fostered by those who act in the shadows whilst claiming, in the spotlight, to care for our safety. As the node enters Taurus, Uranus stations direct right in the middle of the same sign, having been retrograde since August 2021. A transiting planet is always capable of its greatest impact at this point in a sign. For this reason, disruption of food supplies – ruled, in part, by Taurus – has never been more likely than it is during the north node’s journey through the sign of the bull. The same goes for significant and widespread financial disruption, coinciding with the USA’s lengthy Pluto Return which begins in February 2022. Our relationship to money, wealth and the inherent value of ‘things’ is about to be changed forever more. In light of this, the Taurus North Node affirms it is time to lay the physical foundations of the new world as the old one crumbles to dust. It is time to act. To walk your talk or lose your way! Those who know what’s coming can remain ahead of the curve to a certain extent, but, with unpredictable and iconoclastic Uranus at large, everyone will be taken by surprise in some way or other! We can’t prepare for every eventuality, but we can be ready and willing to act when necessary. We are heading into more profoundly challenging times. No doubt about that. But they will be different to what we’ve known these past two years. At times there may even be greater fear in the collective energy field as we face an assault upon the basics of our survival – food, money, material security in all its forms. Ultimately we must all face our fear and see through it. Recognise its insidious nature, how it sets one against another. How it shrinks our life, our relationships, our wisdom and our awareness. But those who stand firm in the face of fear, who hold the line, set boundaries, take responsibility for their own well-being and support others to do the same – they will be made stronger by it. They will rise triumphant from the dust of the destruction of the old ways, to see a new dawn. We can rise and we will. This is the message of the Taurus North Node. Heart-based awareness and cellular knowing The North Node in Taurus requires patience, commitment, step-by-step progress and a refusal to look back in regret. It plunges us into a process of spiritual maturation encountered through our relationship with the mundane and material realms. Every decision made now will have enduring consequences, so choose well and with wise reflection. The wisdom of Taurus is felt within the body, not processed through mental deliberations. It is that sense of peace experienced in every cell on making the right decision for us, no matter how much it may go against the prevailing grain. When the north node is in Taurus we must settle into a heart-based awareness that enables us to discern the right choice, especially when none of the choices look particularly appealing! As such, we may have to make some difficult decisions in the coming months, with significant consequences for our future. But all will ultimately be well if those choices are made from a place of inner, cellular knowing. When we make the choice that brings our body and heart to a state of peace, we have the done the right thing in that moment. To live well during a Taurus North Node we need to connect with the earth beneath our feet and the natural world all around us. Nature is our teacher. Always. There is nothing we cannot know through intimacy with this beautiful world. The complications of the human mind, that confuses knowledge with wisdom and intelligence with insight, can be set aside once we return to our innate and natural knowing of what enhances our equilibrium and what disrupts it. Choose only that which brings you peace. Not the peace of ‘well at least people still like me even though I’m not living my truth’. Not the peace of ‘better the devil you know’. This is the peace that truly surpasses all understanding, born of a deep and enduring alignment with the evolutionary arc that forever leans into truth. No matter how challenging to ego that truth may be. Don’t let fear have the final word! There will be much fearmongering in the coming months. This is the shadow of the Taurus North Node, typified by its south node now in Scorpio. With this nodal pairing we must climb out of any emotional swamp, onto the dry land of innate, embodied wisdom. Discern carefully, between those who simply want you to be as scared as they are and those sharing insightful information which contributes to your own empowerment. Give the former a wide berth! This world has been drenched in fear these past two years. We don’t need more, no matter what’s happening! If fear arises, refuse to embellish it with constant worry, apocalyptic imaginings, indulging in avoidant behaviours or generally letting it be the arbiter of all that you do! Instead, know it as just one shade on a multicoloured palette, of which many others will serve you better: curiosity, innovative thinking, faith, present-moment awareness, self-confidence, creativity. We are facing an opportunity unprecedented in our time, to remake the world anew. To collapse into the twilight zone of anxiety and fear is to discard the chance of a lifetime to be part of something truly incredible. So, what’s the difference between preparing for what’s to come out of powerless fear and preparing for what’s to come out of faithful wisdom? Fear says ‘we must prepare for all eventualities’ and lies awake running through endless scenarios of what could go wrong and how we can (or can’t) avoid it. No preparation is enough, for there’s always some vulnerability we’ve not yet addressed. Wisdom says ‘Let’s get the basics in place – food, water, fuel. Make local connections with others doing the same. Learn how to look after your own physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health. Simplify your needs and your life. Be grateful for all that you have, including every breath. Stay calm. And above all, do what brings you joy at every possible opportunity! You cannot know everything – neither good nor bad. Things will happen that you couldn’t possibly foresee. That’s just life. Live it!’. At all times, intend to remain centred, grounded, connected to the wisdom of the earth who supports all life. For those who have faith and peace also enjoy a cell-based embodied knowing of what to do, how to do it and when. When the north node is in Taurus we can feel – in our very bones – the future, as it hurtles towards us. We can be ahead of the curve, alert and awake whilst calm and content. Steadily digesting everything that comes our way, reading the energy of the moment like a sailor reads the wind and knows how to use it to get to where she needs to go. Cast ‘normal’ to the gutter Taurus is the earthiest of the earth signs and therefore the most connected with our physical body. No surprise, then, that the issue of bodily autonomy is uppermost right now as coerced or mandated participation in an experimental medical procedure is increasingly made a condition for living a ‘normal’ life. Whilst mobilising resistance to such tyranny is vital, perhaps it is also time to recognise that ‘normal’ is way over-rated! Uranus in Taurus reminds us that glorifying normal and over-looking the bars it has placed around us, is a big part of how we got into this mess in the first place! In the coming eighteen months, cast the notion of ‘normal’ to the gutter. It was all a lie anyway. There’s nothing normal about working a job you hate until you drop, simply to put food on the table. There’s nothing normal about a world where the vast majority of wealth is in the hands of a minute minority of people while millions starve. There’s nothing normal about placing the responsibility for your own health and well-being into the hands of so-called ‘experts’ with all their biases, blind spots and financial interests. Uranus in Taurus calls out these and many more circumstances we’ve been conditioned to accept. It places our life and well-being back into our own hands and offers the freedom to choose a different path, a new way, a sovereign life. While the north node travels through Taurus with Uranus, we can all draw upon its pragmatism to build, step by magnificent step, the foundations of a new and better world. One so radically distinct from all we’ve known before that the end product can barely be imagined from where we stand right now. Seeing through the shadowlands The north node is conjunct Sedna as it enters Taurus, and the Sun conjunct Pluto. Sedna blesses the node with her enduring ‘no’ to tyranny and betrayal. She refuses to forget how we got to where we are today and affirms there will be consequences for all according to their actions at this time. Both Sedna and Pluto reveal the collective shadow, born of every fragment of denial in our own lives, every sacrifice of our sovereignty to an external ‘saviour’, every turning away from the more challenging aspects of who and what we are. This formidable duo insist that everything must be seen as the north node journeys through Taurus. And then seen through, into the infinite peace beyond. Use the resilience of Scorpio to stand firm in the face of emotional storms, combined with the unrelenting steadfastness of Taurus to remain grounded no matter what. Seek security through wisdom and certainty through preparedness. Then spice it all up with that Uranian spirit of ‘ready for anything and excited about change when that anything arises!’. To walk by faith, not by sight, through the shadowlands, is to honour the fertile mystery of all that lies ahead, even as we wonder and worry about tomorrow. We can and will get through this time together. We will prevail, even if everything crumbles around us. Wisdom will out in the end, and love – the bold and beautiful quality of an awakened heart – will arise to claim the day. Sarah Varcas The following periods of time during the north node’s journey through Taurus are of particular note: 1st April to 18th June 2022 24th July to 22nd August 2022 25th September to 9th December 2022 7th March to 8th May 2023 25th May to 8th June 2023 For more information about each of these time periods click here******

Monday 17 January 2022

Schools Shouldn’t Mandate ‘Most Dangerous Vaccines in Human History’......"In what sounds like good news, the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) confirmed 17 states — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah — have enacted laws or issued executive orders that ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates for students. However, most of the bans are limited to certain circumstances, with some applying only to higher education and some only to vaccines authorized under emergency use — meaning the ban would not apply to COVID vaccines that in the future gain full FDA approval for children. "

01/13/22 • COVID › VIEWS Schools Shouldn’t Mandate ‘Most Dangerous Vaccines in Human History’ As schools weigh COVID vaccine mandates for children as young as 5 years old, former Pfizer exec warns injections “are toxic by design” and it seems obvious “criminal acts are being committed.”***** By Children's Health Defense Team****** 41Children's Health Defense Team****** Members of two committees advising the FDA and CDC endorsed experimental COVID vaccines for children as young as 5 years old. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free. In late October and early November, the self-serving members of two committees advising the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) without a second thought endorsed experimental COVID vaccines for children as young as 5 years old. Ignoring the 99.995% COVID survival rate for those age 17 and under, the 31 pharma-servile “experts” also appeared unconcerned by reams of damning data about COVID-vaccine-related disabilities and fatalities already occurring in the 12–17 age group — unnecessary tragedies being acknowledged that very instant in a panel discussion convened by U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.). Predictably, adverse event data and urgent frontline healthcare provider testimony began pouring in almost immediately after the FDA-CDC go-ahead, with 5- to 11-year-olds experiencing the same kinds of “terrifying” vaccine reactions as adolescents — including blood clots, strokes and other brain and heart problems previously almost unheard-of in young people. In the lead-up to the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization of experimental COVID jabs for younger children, state politicians and municipal school districts also started to grease the skids to mandate COVID injections for in-person school attendance. To date, the number of states and school systems announcing or adopting coercive plans, either for K-12 students or students ages 12 or 16 and up, is still small. However, the symbolic weight of the “early adopters” is significant. BUY TODAY: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book — 'The Real Anthony Fauci' These include states like California and Louisiana (and soon New York); major cities like Washington, D.C. (and probably New York City); and large school districts such as those in Oakland, California, and Los Angeles. In addition, the New York City and Washington, D.C. school districts, and some or all districts in California, Hawaii and Maryland, require students involved in sports and other extracurricular activities to get jabbed. In what sounds like good news, the National Academy for State Health Policy (NASHP) confirmed 17 states — Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas and Utah — have enacted laws or issued executive orders that ban COVID-19 vaccine mandates for students. However, most of the bans are limited to certain circumstances, with some applying only to higher education and some only to vaccines authorized under emergency use — meaning the ban would not apply to COVID vaccines that in the future gain full FDA approval for children. Most dangerous ever For decades, vaccines have been wreaking havoc on children’s health. For instance, consider the following: The 400 adverse events listed in the package inserts of licensed childhood vaccines The epidemic of chronic health problems in American children — including 1 in 16 boys with autism in California, the state with the highest autism rate in the nation The precipitous decline in sudden infant deaths that coincided with the disruption of “routine” vaccination during the 2020 lockdowns. The superior health of far less heavily vaccinated Japanese children. So, when observers familiar with COVID injection data pronounce them “the most dangerous vaccines in human history,” that is saying something. Dr. Joseph Mercola warned the COVID jabs are setting up children for “potentially lifelong health problems,” including serious heart problems resulting from myocarditis. As he wrote in early January: “[T]he recent push to inject children with a genetic experiment may be one of the worst public health offenses perpetrated on a population of people who are unable to speak for themselves, do not have a legal voice and depend on adults to protect them.” California ‘leads’ California spent the past half-dozen years systematically eliminating personal-belief vaccine exemptions and gutting medical exemptions. Not content with those assaults on health freedom, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced in early October — apparently reading the minds, weeks in advance, of the FDA and CDC committee members who subsequently rubber-stamped the COVID shots for 5- to 11-year-olds — that his state would impose a K-12 mandate in both public and private schools, making California the first state to mandate COVID-19 vaccines for in-person school attendance. The mandate hinges on the vaccines “receiving full licensure from the FDA for children,” which the state expects in July 2022. Seeking to normalize his COVID mandate, Newsom compared it to the existing school requirements for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccination. However, in light of the strong, statistically significant relationship between MMR vaccines and autism — and given California’s status as the state with the highest autism prevalence — Newsom’s comparison is scarcely reassuring. Subscribe to The Defender - It’s Free! Name* First Name.. Last Name.. Email* Email.. Louisiana ignores In mid-December, Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards added COVID vaccines to the list of required school shots, overturning a bipartisan vote against such a mandate by the state’s House Health and Welfare Committee. The push for the mandate originated with the Louisiana Department of Health. The House Health Committee then voted 13-2 to reject the department’s recommendation, stating that COVID vaccination “should be the parents’ decision,” a common-sense view shared by legislators and parents around the nation. However, the governor vetoed the committee vote — and the wishes of citizens who packed the committee meeting to protest mandates — dismissively characterizing their objections as “overheated rhetoric.” Louisiana’s governor and health officials also ignored remarks delivered at the health committee hearing by experienced Louisiana nurse Collette Martin, R.N. Martin provided testimony about serious adverse reactions in children and their widespread underreporting. She told the committee: “We are not just seeing severe acute reactions with this vaccine, but we have zero idea what any long-term reactions are. Cancers, autoimmune [disorders], infertility. We just don’t know.” Louisiana’s mandate, which goes into effect in fall 2022, currently applies only to students ages 16 and up, “but could expand as the vaccines get the highest level of approval” from the FDA. School districts (try to) impose In early January, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki asserted that decisions on school vaccine mandates “are up to local school districts.” However, the U.S. Department of Education has been working with school districts, Psaki said, “to provide resources, connect school officials with testing providers, and set up vaccine clinics….” Last September, Maryland’s health secretary disingenuously made similar comments, telling the press that the state prefers “not to be intentionally overbearing” or “interventionist” and instead encourages school systems “to take the lead in their individual jurisdictions.” In California, school board members in several large school districts showed, as early as September, they were willing to “take the lead” in imposing mandates for in-person instruction. The plans of school boards in Los Angeles (the nation’s second-largest school district), Oakland and San Diego have been undermined, however, by the large number of unvaccinated students and other apparently unforeseen pitfalls. The Los Angeles school district, for example, pushed back its initial Jan. 10 deadline to the fall of 2022, because tens of thousands of uninjected students would have “overwhelmed the district’s independent study program.” L.A. students ages 12 and up are supposed to upload proof of vaccination into a “Daily Pass” system. The L.A. district already requires students to undergo weekly testing (regardless of vaccination status) and subjects them to other measures such as “daily health checks,” masking and contact tracing and isolation of cases. Three out of ten students failed to show up on the first day of school following winter break, “having tested positive for the coronavirus.” Oakland’s school district will not enforce its mandate until Jan. 31, a month later than originally planned. When the school board voted (5-1-1) in favor of mandating COVID shots for in-person instruction for students 12 and up, it apparently did not bargain on nearly two-fifths of students in that age group (38%) remaining unvaccinated. Casting the lone “no” vote, Oakland school board member Mike Hutchinson stated, “I don’t think we should be rolling out at midnight on a not very publicized meeting, talking about mandatory vaccinations when there’s nothing wrong with taking our due time to deliberate to make sure that we get it right.” In December, however, Hutchinson indicated he would be comfortable deferring to the state-level mandate. In late December in San Diego, a judge struck down the school district’s COVID vaccine mandate for students 16 and older, arguing the state legislature has not given individual school districts the authority to mandate vaccines for school attendance. Not timid An Oakland pediatrician who egged on her city’s school board to vote in favor of COVID mandates argued last fall, “This is not the time for timidity.” However, as evidence accumulates about the injections’ outsized risks for children, it seems increasingly clear that a number of so-called public servants do not have a problem with timidity, having shown themselves perfectly willing to harm — and kill — children. For former Pfizer executive Dr. Mike Yeadon, who has argued for months that the COVID injections “are toxic by design” and “were always going to harm people,” it seems obvious “criminal acts are being committed.” Now is the time to push back against criminality and coercion — including COVID vaccine mandates and “vaccine passports” — in whatever ways we can. Our children’s lives, and our own lives, depend on it.

NorthPoint Journal Your weekly guide to planetary influences for January 17 to 23, 2022 by Pam Younghans. "THE INCOMING ENERGIES have been intense this past week. Just in the last two days, we've had an M2-class solar flare, a minor geomagnetic storm, and solar wind speeds consistently above 600 km/sec, which is in the "Moderately Elevated" range. All of these factors contribute to consciousness expansion, but they can also cause fatigue, sleep disturbances, and other unexplained physical, emotional, and mental symptoms. While we can't predict solar flares or solar wind with accuracy, we can rely on the rhythms and cycles of the planets in our solar system. For instance, we know that the Sun and Moon will be on opposite sides of the zodiac on Monday of this week, and that a Full Moon will occur. As astrologers who watch the interactions of the planets, we also know that it will be significant event because the Full Moon is in strong aspect to Pluto, Eris, and Neptune."....."In essence, our calling over the next 18 months is to focus on "finding ground": to rise above crisis and drama by staying grounded and calm; to let go of being overly preoccupied with what others are doing by maintaining good personal boundaries; to move beyond annoyance and resentment by cultivating patience and forgiveness; and to simplify our lives by knowing what we truly value and dedicating ourselves to appreciating the everyday gifts of life. "

Sunday 16 January 2022

"Monday’s Cancer Full Moon, taking place in the afternoon of January 17th, PT, evening or late evening for points east, past midnight for Central Europe, represents a culmination of the recent quite difficult New Moon from the 2nd, on New Year’s Day weekend. That month-opening New Moon chart was cautionary, with the Saturn-Uranus ongoing square alignment very much emphasized, indicating tension on an individual level and a widening gulf between right wing and left wing political perspectives, as well as prominent Pluto indicating societal and personal transformation on a grand scale. We might expect the closing two weeks of this lunation to be equally fraught and indeed this is evidently the case. "**** Passionate Mars and transformational Pluto are both still emphasized in this Full Moon, with the Sun conjunct Pluto and the Moon opposed. Venus remains in retrograde motion, signaling an ongoing revision of values and relationship dynamics, and is now joined in that retrogradation by Mercury, beginning to move backward through the neighboring sign of Aquarius, and aspecting both Saturn and Uranus as it stations. This is therefore a particularly difficult upcoming two weeks, with as well a strong retrograde period that we are now engaged in, adding another introspective layer of complexity to what was already a wild and potentially surprising January month. In reviewing this very dynamic Full Moon configuration, it is interesting to note that it is stationing Mercury that brings the ongoing square alignment of Saturn and Uranus, somewhat separating by this juncture, back together. The implication there is that we will find ourselves utilizing deep introspection to attempt to discern where we fall in the spectrum of either really making an absolute change from existing limitations, or else exercising more caution and refusing a total departure, adhering to at least some part of the same old same old. That choice of course is entirely individual, depending very much on where you are in the arc of your own unique development and where your intuition tells you that you currently need to head. It is also important that, in this Full Moon, Mars lies sesquiquadrate Uranus within ½ degree – while Eris trines Mars. This is quite a lot of Mars, symbolizing verve, get up and go, plus the very real possibility of sudden upset or surprising events. Watch out for accidents. Also hidden rage could bubble to the surface; words uttered in anger might have unintended consequences. The good news, I feel, regarding this entire thirty-day cycle and punctuated by this rather powerful and potentially difficult Full Moon, is the strong connection to new Nature planets in this current configuration. The Sun and Moon in opposition make a T-square to the position of Haumea, mother of Pele, representing Nature for better or for worse. This energy is often sweet, although another possibility, perhaps, is the earth itself rising up in anger at what is being done to Her. The astrological Haumea is an interesting and potentially quite positive planetary archetype, representing profound connection to Nature, and to natural law, or internal moral compass, a well-developed sense of right action and right relationship. We oftentimes know what the right thing to do is, and yet we might fail to act. The strong presence of this new KBO planet encourages us not to fail. At the recent New Moon, there was a close trine from Jupiter to Haumea as well, which is another relatively optimistic signal. The connection to these new Nature planets also includes potent Makemake, also present in this Full Moon, being opposed by Chiron, and trined by Mercury in retrograde. And this includes an unusual bi-quintile aspect pattern, involving Jupiter at 4 Pisces and the Moon at 27 Cancer, bi-quintile to each other, and bi-quintile and, with the Moon, quintile to Makemake. This creates the neat geometric image of threee points of an embedded five-pointed star within the Full Moon configuration, and makes for good vibes along the dimension of the environmental activism that Makemake is known for. This is of course sorely needed in current times and this interesting presence of Makemake in the Full Moon could indicate that this thoughtful and self-reflective timing of the Mercury Retrograde might actually bring greater emphasis on trying to slow down the huge emissions of greenhouse gasses by the industrialized nations that are poisoning the planet. We can only hope that this turns out to be so. What does it mean in general – that these particular outer KBO planets have come to be named and recognized in this new century? Perhaps that we are coming to a better understanding of the human condition in the process of working out the intense transitions of Western society in these fractious times. We might as a culture be recognizing the spiritual implications of all that we are going through. It is a fact that interest in astrology is very definitely on the rise in these recent years, in large part for what it can tell us about ourselves and what we are all about as we live out our lives on this beautiful planet. Let us not, as a society, at this critical juncture, fail to act. It is somewhere near the end of the recent climate change satire “Don’t Look Up” that the central character, played by Leonardo DiCaprio , mutters: “We had it all.”

Saturday 15 January 2022

"Admit you are in a limited human body with limited conscious perspective, and hand over to the presence of Divine Love all that troubles you. "......"The sentient Light codes flowing to Earth now are in constant energetic dialogue with your body, mind, spirit, and energy systems. As a result, you are in a stage of cleansing and renewal that entails releasing much that you cannot take with you into the fifth dimension. " ***** A Message to Lightworkers - January 13, 2022 This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, Archangels, and other Divine Beings known as the Collective: Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today. We are aware that many of you are feeling uneasy regarding how the world is going at present. You may be feeling uncertain about your work, and therefore your financial income, remaining strong while an economic slowdown occurs in the wider world. You may be feeling uncertainty regarding your own or your loved ones’ health and well-being. And most of you are wondering when NESARA will finally happen. You are looking for signs that it will unfold soon, and wondering at times, as you look out at the world, whether humanity hasn’t been a bit abandoned by those of a higher vibration. And we will say, you could never be abandoned—and so, do not abandon yourselves! We speak often on the issue of realizing your own amazing ability to stretch out a hand, metaphorically speaking, and create from your own intention, projecting your desire into the Universe and calling in the highest form of what you wish to create. You have this same astounding ability to touch another on a heart level in some beautiful way each of you greatly needs. And to likewise encourage yourself each day. There will indeed be days when you see the systems around you fading and dissolving, and feel isolated or alone as a result. You are all, in addition to being the architects of the New Earth, the wrecking crew of the old one. Remember that, and value the chance to be here as the old structures fall and crumble to dust. Value the chance to rest and be quiet at times, and to quiet the mind from its relentless questioning and demands for answers. Value the in-between times, when you wish things were different—calmer, more sensible—as this too is a form of moving forward. In those moments, put down the heavy burden of working hard to birth new forms of Earth life. Admit you are in a limited human body with limited conscious perspective, and hand over to the presence of Divine Love all that troubles you. It may seem to be an odd contradiction, that we spend so much time assuring you of your innate strength—that you are powerful etheric beings in physical form, who have come in to rebirth your planet, and to help rebirth humanity. Yet we wish also to say, that you are all of you in ”detox” mode at present. The sentient Light codes flowing to Earth now are in constant energetic dialogue with your body, mind, spirit, and energy systems. As a result, you are in a stage of cleansing and renewal that entails releasing much that you cannot take with you into the fifth dimension. This is similar to when someone decides that “I will no longer gamble” or “I will no longer eat sugar or most grains,” or “I will release the need to watch television each night,” and so on. The body, and brain’s the neural pathways, so well-worn and accustomed to those activities, can react with shock at the loss of them. They will feel the missing element, and mourn its dismissal. A bit of a resistance then comes up, because the human mind and body love routine, and feel safest living inside that. There are also biochemical reactions that habits offer—not only reactions to food, drink, and other substances, but to habitual outer movements. Yet as a new space is cleared—as an old habit or addiction is released, to make way for something far better—that openness holds a stunning beauty, despite discomfort and unsureness. The realization of new possibilities can occur, even as the body, ego-mind, and personality work hard to adjust. This is where you are now, in many respects, dear ones! It is important to allow this moment in your life and on your planet, even though you wish it would hurry up and be finished. That is understandable, and yet—transitions must occur. To cross the ravine, you must first walk the bridge from one side to the other. There is a reason why, when people are rock climbing or crossing a very high bridge, someone will offer, “Don’t look down!” If you knew the immensity of the task you are even now fulfilling, you would be astounded by it, and perhaps wonder if you could ever complete it. Yes, you are at a dizzying height, and may well feel physically dizzy and exhausted some days, as body, mind, and spirit reach new heights, and throw off the density of old vibrations. Yet you are moving through the needed steps to completion, in beautiful ways. Speak with this new higher Light flowing in now. Let it know you would like a Lighter heart, and a mind and body that are able to more quickly adapt to these new energetics, in calm and graceful ways. Yes, this is possible. You need not feel stuck in transition or detox mode any longer than necessary. You can begin even now to move forward to a calmer place. Many of you use Emotional Freedom Technique (known as Tapping) to move from a stuck place in your daily habits or your thoughts and emotions. This very helpful tool is a way to enact energy work on your own inner life, in empowering ways. And so as you tap, you might begin by affirming three times that “Even though I have no idea where this Earth is headed—where I am headed at the moment!—I still deeply Love, accept, and honor myself.” Then you will move on, not to denying your emotions and mental stresses, but to embracing the. Let them speak up, as you would allow a distressed child speak of their fears, as you tap through the meridian points on the face and upper body: “I feel very unsure . . . This is difficult . . . so much is unwritten . . . I welcome the New Earth . . . but this is a new situation . . . very unsure . . . I don’t know how to handle these stresses some days . . . afraid for my loved ones . . . not sure about myself some days . . . it's very unsettling . . . “ and so on. In the next round, or a few rounds after that, once you have released your emotional response fully, you might feel a bit more positive. And so you might say, while tapping through the points: “I know that all I need to do, is stay in the present moment . . . keep returning to my breath . . . talk to my Spirit team each day . . . know I AM loved, and lovingly guided . . . knowing all is well . . . “ It may take you a few rounds to get to where you move naturally to feeling positive enough about life that you can begin affirming the positive. Do not push—allow yourself to get out as much upset or confusion, or feelings of abandonment or uncertainty, as needed. There are no "losing" moments here. The point is to be honest with yourself about your own vulnerability—to allow yourself to feel it fully, and to only move on when you are ready. Remember that some part of you, even within your Earth body, is full of courage at all times, or you would not be here now. Call on that aspect, and let it come forward. You have asked that this be your time, dear ones—humanity’s time to stand up and count itself as independent from the powerfully corrupt. Your complete willingness to allow the vulnerability and uncertainty you feel at times, while feeling empowered and in Joy at other times, gives you more strength, not less. This New Human you are fast becoming does not stop caring or honoring themselves or others when faced with opposing views or circumstances. Allow this time of questions and impatience, knowing you are able to move up in vibration whenever you choose, or as soon as you are able. You are a part of this great stream of conscious living Light that is pouring onto the planet now. You are part of the great Creator presence that has directed its flow through your galaxy and Universe, and Who could never stop loving you. The reality of that is constantly with you, no matter what may occur around you. Be of good cheer, dear ones! All is Well, and All Shall Be Most Well! Namaste! We are with you, always. Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post: Thank you.