Thursday 24 April 2014

Workshop Art. Watercolour wash and ink illustration.

Art for my workshop on 17th April 2014.

Art Created by participants, a group of  young people, and some young at heart, older people.
This was a child and parent collaboration. It was an absolute delight to be part of this workshop.
The photos are not of great quality because I was rushing a bit in order to vacate the room I hired.

Lee-Anne's Weekly Guidance for 21 - 27 April 2014

Tuesday 22 April 2014

"Realise that by expressing a desire to awaken, the universe rallies around you to make it happen." Listen today on Inlight radio broadcast, an interview with Paxton Robey.

The following interview with Paxton Robey is like drinking a  refreshing glass of lemonade, made from life's lemons. No really,  this is real resuscitation Juice.  Make a point to listen to the interview, I sincerely suggest that you make the time if you aren't revived after this, there really is no hope for you.  Click on the link to the broadcast.

There also follows a  transcript of  his words from Sri Sathya Sai Baba, beautiful and just on time.

I am so happy to share both the radio interview and the transcript. >

Sri Sathya Sai Baba via Paxton Robey: Last Steps for the Master in Training

Posted by Graham Dewyea
Photo-PaxtonGraham: Paxton Robey is my guest tonight on The Brilliance Within on InLight Radio. Click here to listen to the show: The Brilliance Within: Stepping Into Mastery
Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Last Steps for the Master in Training, as received through Paxton Robey, July 2012 –
It has been believed by spiritual seekers for many ages that enlightenment won’t be attainable in this lifetime, regardless of which lifetime is this lifetime. Now here we are on planet Earth approaching the completion of millions of years of mastership training. We have completed 99% of our karmic learning through our chosen path which includes time spent in Earth School as well as many other classrooms.
Having been successful so far in obtaining our learned skills we are indeed useful partners with the divine in co-creating the new heaven on the new Earth. Like all of those on a similar path we have mastered many skills, all useful in their own way, and our collection of skills makes us unique in our healing gifts. We have learned to control a physical body.
We have learned to cooperate with our fellow humans. We have learned the futility of trying to hold power over other people. We learned the loneliness of trying to survive separate from our society. We have studied the effects of karma and learned the pitfalls of doing anything to another which we would not have them do unto us.
We are well on our way to remembering our oneness with all life. We are now worthy healers and teachers in service to our planet. And here we are again immersed in that magical “once in every 26,000 years” Aquarian Age energy where we do, at last, have an opportunity to complete our training in this very lifetime.
Now we wear two hats. One task we have volunteered for is the task of enticing our fellow Earth School friends and soul mates into desiring their own version of awakening. We can’t do it for them but we can be way-showers. Most of this “dangling a carrot” work we are doing is telepathic, consciousness work, holding the pattern for the new worldview and for the awakening of the divine within man.
Our second task has to do with completing our own mastership training. We are extremely aware of the hurdles we have crossed so far in our seemingly slow evolution up to this point. We have faced terrors and fears as well as experienced joys and over-comings. We know what it is like to lose our physical life in dozens of different ways. We know what it is like to have experienced the horrifying guilt associated with not being able to save our loved ones from tragedy.
We have felt we wasted time wandering down dead-end lifetimes. In short, we have been affected by all of the dramas that humanity itself experiences on a daily basis. Time and emotional extremes are some of the primary teaching tools in Earth School. These lead to a belief in separation and abandonment. Feeling lost and alone is common. How many times have we said, “I just want to go home”?
We can keep an eye out for our fellow light workers who have reached the breaking point. About 30 years ago I was facilitating a class on Sunday mornings on A Course in Miracles at a Unity Church. As is my custom, I did not plan what I would say this particular morning. I just let the words flow. After the class I said to my friend “that was the most disjointed, confusing message that has ever come out of my mouth”. It sounded to me like I had no idea what I was talking about.
The following Sunday after the class a woman came up to me and explained that she had attended the previous Sunday. She told me that on the Saturday before last Sunday she was going to kill herself. A voice in her head said “that’s okay but please go to church first”. Our church was the closest to her house. She told me that my talk had been about her. She said I had told the story of her life. She had gained enough insight into the purpose of her life that now she could go on.
Life on Earth is not easy. We need all the support and understanding we can give each other. It is the drama that causes us to seek a better way, a way out of the darkness and into the light. It is the drama and the desperation which makes this such an expedient training ground. We can understand about our fellow travelers, no matter how lost they appear to be, because we are aware, as all old souls are, of how harsh Earth school can seem in its teaching techniques.
We can also release the judgments of our self and others, knowing that what we have been doing or saying was all related to healing and learning no matter how it appeared at the time; it was the divine flowing through us.
Many years ago in a discussion with my guidance, I asked the question “why would anyone choose to come to earth?” Pain and struggle are the norm here. No one in their right mind would voluntarily enroll in a school like this. My guidance said “let us show you something”. They then took me on a tour of the multiple universes, introducing me to graduates of Earth School. I was blown away.
The graduates of Earth School are so magnificent, so radiant, so joy filled, so balanced, and so complete that there is no way to describe them using words. It was immediately obvious to me that the goal justified the means. But I had much to learn about what the means really are.
Nothing on planet Earth is what it appears to be. Absolutely nothing on planet Earth is what it appears to be. When viewed with the five physical senses and analyzed with the logical mind, Earth can be hell. Fortunately there is more to the story. The “more to the story” is what we are interested in now. Comprehending the more to the story is what the last 1% of our journey to mastership is all about. In many ways the last 1% of the journey is the most difficult portion of the entire trip.
It is not difficult in terms of physical exertion or overcoming traumas or battling disease and hardship. It is difficult in terms of training the mind to accept its holiness. It is difficult in terms of coming to believe, in spite of appearances, God is good. For the mind to accept its holiness it must give up all of its grievances against the universe, including other humans. These are our culminating lessons of trust and faith. We must learn to perceive the universe as wholly loving, benign, and benevolent.
The last 1% of the journey is usually perceived as frightening and challenging. We learn in this part of the trip that nearly all of the things that we thought were real are unreal and most of what we thought was too good to be true, or at least unattainable, is the natural state of being. For example, we now learn that in spite of appearances, a benevolent loving universe would never allow harm to occur. We learn that in spite of appearances, there are no damaged goods. We learn that awakening is much less of an uphill climb and requires much less discipline and study then we have been told. We learn that awakening is simply a process of relaxing our grasp on the visible universe and remembering our true transcendent nature.
Learning to become a healer has always been a strong desire of mine. But I found it to be too heartbreaking with too much tugging at my heartstrings for me to stick with established healing techniques long enough for “practice to make perfect”. I asked my guides at one point how the Master Teachers, the great healers of all time, could have not been completely overwhelmed by the horrific conditions they saw in those who sought their help. I always thought it was my job to rescue those who were in pain. I thought rescuing was the definition of compassion.
I was informed by my guides that the Master Teachers and great healers of all time were never overwhelmed by the conditions they saw in those who came to them for help. In fact they never saw a problem in those who came to them for help. This was an incomprehensible concept to me. However, as I learned what creates the manifestation of the apparent reality in the physical realm, I came to understand that thoughts and emotions combine to out-picture the images we see as reality.
I came to learn that feeling sorry for someone, that is, having the thoughts and emotions of pity, creates another opportunity to see the need for pity. I also learned that if I thought for a moment that I was responsible for doing the healing I was off in the ego. It is always Source that heals through us. And, in fact, there is nothing to heal except perception.
As we have matured and progressed through the first 99% of our path, using the physical senses and the logical mind, we ultimately developed a strong sense of compassion, very closely related to our need to rescue. This sense of compassion became a large part of our humanitarian self-worth, and no one wants to lose his/her self worth. Now we find it useful to redefine compassion and to discover how closely we are related to those we would help. We are the same actually. Healing another and healing the self are the same thing. We have been looking in a mirror.
Is it possible that the divine has never allowed harm to be done? Is it possible that the inhumanity to man expressed by the majority of our fellow inhabitants is nothing more than an audio visual training program, with the camera focused solely on our self, which will dissolve the moment the house lights come on? Is it possible that the terrifying experiences which seemed so real in the nightmare we had in our sleep last night never occurred? Is it possible we will awaken from the dream we call reality?
Is it possible that all that is required to free ourselves from tragedy and difficulty is to release our belief in tragedy and difficulty? Could releasing our belief in tragedy and difficulty actually change the way other people physically and emotionally treat each other? Can changes in the physical domain be caused by changes in my mind? Could it be that the problem does not exist “out there”, rather only in my mind? Is all of this reality in my mind? Can we see life on Earth from God’s point of view? Would God create a reality which needed rescuing?
We absolutely must believe, for a time at least, that what we are experiencing is real if it is to have any value to us as a teaching tool. But we must also eventually come to understand that while God does allow us to experience dreams, nightmares even, in the true reality only love exists.
It is we who wrote the outline for each life, not another. It is we who, in our desire to become Masters in the most expedient manner possible, created all the challenges we have faced in order to keep our minds focused on the goal. Being forced to say “Why me God?” expedites our journey down the path. We chose wisely when we said “If I can attain mastery in one lifetime instead of taking another 100 lifetimes, then bring it on”.
Each of us can look back at the most horrendous experiences of our life and, in retrospect, see how it left us a changed, wiser, more diligent seeker of peace and love. While it is true we appropriately scripted those experiences for the insights we would gain, we now have learned that it is not necessary to experience even one more painful situation to reach the goal. It is only the understanding that we want to gain from the experience. It is not the experience itself which we need. If we can learn to obtain the understanding without the need to be backed in a corner first, then the rest of the trip is a pure joy, we are home free.
How do we gain understanding without going through challenging experiences? By using our minds! In every moment pay attention and the understanding comes. We can try to avoid pain, fear and struggle by running away from them, but it won’t work. When we sense a challenge is approaching that is the time we go into meditation and sit with our guides while they gift us the understanding.
We can do this in the moment; on the phone, in a meeting, while driving in traffic, etc., because we have prepared our self through practice in the past. And remember there is no right or wrong way to meditate/practice. Your method may be sitting cross-legged, walking in nature, swimming or singing. Just slow your mind down and your unique method will work for you. Just always pay attention to your thoughts and feelings. Tell yourself “I accept the gift of understanding.”
The last 1% of the trip is comprised of release of fear and guilt by accepting absolution from our spirit guides; that is by accepting the gift of understanding from our spirit guides. Then one day the teacher will tell the story of our lives, our incarnations, and from that perspective we will see how perfectly the play was written.
It is difficult indeed for human beings on this final 1% of the journey to release their belief that reality exists outside of their mind (hence the need to right all the wrongs) and replace it with a more loving understanding of the “Big Picture”. When we are feeling sorry for loved ones who are in pain can we see that feeling sorry for anyone is not helpful? Can we see that worry is not helpful?
Can we see that worry is believing we know that something is wrong with another’s path through life. This mistaken belief forfeits our peace and is, therefore, not helpful. Can we heal like the Master Teachers have all healed, not by identifying with the need to do away with pain and lack, but by identifying with wholeness, and recognizing that however I create reality in my mind is the way it really is? It is my choice to experience what I will.
Time is a primary teaching tool in Earth school. It takes practice over time to begin to develop that “faith as a grain of mustard seed” which can move mountains and re-create harmonious civilizations in the divine mold. The faith the Masters have is the absolute knowing that no harm is possible and there is no limit to the expressions of love which the mind can manifest. There really are only images held in mind.
We no longer wish to be mired in the depths of what we used to believe was compassion by being outraged at the evils on a real planet “out there”. We now wish to be light workers who transform the planet, even though it is only an audio-visual training program, into the image of the Garden of Eden. We have such love and true compassion for our soul mates in this school that we will allow ourselves no goal short of total mastery; conscious, loving dominion over creation.
We came to Earth at this time on a divine mission to set all people free, including ourselves, and to remind them of their innate divinity, and support them as they become those magnificent, radiant, beautiful beyond description, graduates of planet Earth.
Eventually, far down the road of time from now, as this class of billions of souls completes its group graduation from the need for tools like duality, time, limitation and mind created illusions, what we know as physical three dimensional reality and its associated timelines will fade, becoming transparent, and itself ascend to the next blissful level of the infinite realm of unending experience. This will happen because you held the vision.

Friday 18 April 2014

The sun.

I always wondered about the connection between light and love. I knew they were one and the same but wasn't sure how. In the limited framework of human understanding, we call on what we are taught about such things, and often our questions go unanswered.  We then question if our 'questions' are too abstract because nothing seems to address them in entirety.

I always wondered about photosynthesis and what was the version going on within our human, animal bodies. How do we use those packets of light information and turn them into energy. Plants get on with it, no problem. The sunlight is streamed into the leaf and is transferred into life giving energy by the chlorophyls in the chloroplasts.  But what do we, human, animals do? How do we process this life giving energy. We know that the light receptors that line the back of the eye work by transferring this light energy, that comes in through the pupil of the eye, and, once received by the rods and cones, is channelled back through the optic nerve to the brain. Is this the only way light enters our human animal bodies? We must have other receptors lining the outside of our bodies to optimise/ harvest or channel inwards this light energy. When does the love information held within the light packets release into the bodies cells? Is light truly the same as Love? We are told that the only truth in the 'illusion' of what we call life, is Love. Is this what is feeding us alive?

On Wednesday we took some time to visit the Zoo. My daughter had never been in her life. I had not wanted to return to a Zoo, because I do not like seeing animals out of their natural way of living. For some reason, I conceded, and thought there might be a big reason for this.

The day was cold. But sunny. It was a 'Wild Light' day. Wild light was streaming through and making everyone, even the animals, sleepy or drowsy. But there was a 'peace and allowing' vibe. The animals long since adapted to their 'habitat'. The visiting humans, long since, know the drill. We visit, wonder in awe, stream around environments, accepting that 'this is the way it is'. We are the humans, they are the animals. We keep them in Zoo's. Are they sedated? I ask.

We are all in the sun. I actually enjoyed the day, as I was working on some other of my own personal stuff, which included the theme of childhood (long story, again).
All of us, all of creation are in the sun. The energy of the sun is immense and by all accounts it is getting stronger and more vibrant daily. The energy is streaming into us and through us. We are allowing that because that is what our human and animal bodies are set up to do. The energies from the sun, are the life force that is, in the moment, upgrading our existence as creatures of the earth.
I came home feeling I had been through a giant energetic wind tunnel of light that had blown away, much of the clingy dirty stuff, that I (and we all, as humans) have gathered inside us which prevents us from seeing the beauty of the day.
The animals I feel have a direct link to this information upgrade, this passage is accepted and invited by their animals souls, and they long for humans to realise this too. They are kindly waiting for us to take in the sun and get with the upgrade programme. Which of course we are.
The following is a great channel from Aisha about how the sun's energy and information is lifting us whether we are aware of it or not.

The Constant Companions via Aisha North: A Short Update on the Energies – April 15, 2014

Aisha North Manuscript of SurvivalThe Constant Companions: A Short Update on the Energies – April 15, 2014, channeled by Aisha North, April 15, 2014 at

[Note from Aisha: I wasn't expecting a new message today, but when I sat down to watch the live streaming of the lunar eclipse, this came through]

As you are all aware of now, what happens in the sky is an integral part of what is going on within your body. For your body does not constitute your limits in any way, far from it, your body constitutes the receptor that enables you to connect ever deeper to everything that is around you. At first, what you perceive will be what is transmitted to the inside of your body though the five senses, but bit by bit, you will realize that the information you can pick up in this manner is merely a small ripple on the surface of All there is.
For now, as you have all become more adept at tuning into the real message that lies behind so much of these at times deliberately misleading snippets of information that you are being served through your eyes and your ears from numerous sources acting on behalf of diverse less beneficial masters, you will understand that in order for you to get the real picture, you need to turn away from whatever is served you on a daily basis in your mass media.
So that is why we say go within, for that is where the real story is unfolding, and we do mean that in every sense of the word. For within is where you will find all the answers, all of the news and current updates you could ever wish for. But remember, most of the sources for these news lies outside the boundaries that constitutes your physical vehicle, and now, what we would like to delve a little bit further into, is how these “galactic news” enter your vehicle in the first place. There is no secret that there is a correlation between what is going on literally above your heads and what is going on within your own bodies.
For you are intrinsically linked to the energetic streams that comes flowing in towards this planet. Some of this information, in fact, quite a large proportion these days, comes from your friendly neighbour, your Sun, and even if your scientists are already monitoring her closely and trying to keep up with her seemingly capricious emissions of diverse energetic particles, they themselves have little or no knowledge of the real source of information that this brilliant celestial body really is. For the Sun acts as a portal for other, more far flung forces, and even if the Sun herself is capable of producing much of the highly charged particles coming your way, she also acts as a form of transformer, much like what we have told you that you do.
In other words, she is not only a transmitter, she is also a receiver of signals coming from another source, deep into space. In fact, it is a source that lies hidden behind the veil to use an expression you are all familiar with by now. For the sun not only represents the dimension that you are currently cohabiting within, she is also a go-between between your side of the veil and the other side, the multifaceted one, the time and space continuum that some of your scientists like to refer to as the multiverse.
Yes, for the Sun is one of those peepholes or portals that encompasses the totality of All there is, and as such, every time you gaze towards this shining orb in the sky, you are also gazing towards an opening between here and everywhere, a partition that also acts as a portal, a divider that also acts as a connector. In other words, you are constantly in contact with All of creation by way of this energetic peephole, and through this peephole comes a steady stream of information that is helping you to step closer to that door of multidimensionality yourself.
That is, it is helping your awareness to awaken to the fact that you are already truly a multidimensional being, capable of tuning into so much more information than what your human senses and indeed your human mind has led you to believe for such a long time.
And now, that aperture in the sky has been opened just that much wider, and it is letting through an ever increasing stream of these information capsules masquerading as light into the very core of your being. And every time your physical body encounters one of these numerous infinitesimally small super charged particles, it reacts in a very specific way. for your body is already set to receive these “good news” coming in at an ever increasing rate, and even if you yourself have little or no conscious interaction with all of these particles, still they play a huge role in your daily lives.
For as you are all literally walking, talking receptors for these intergalactic messengers, you are keeping up a non stop conversation with them in the form of energetic re-patterning within. You see, all of your cells are currently busy taking in and taking on all of this information in all sorts of ways, and even if you think that you are only suffering from a kind of mild flu, some erratic soreness of muscles or slightly annoying pain in your bones, you are in fact listening in on a small part of the static being created by this ongoing, super intense conversation between the individual cells in your body and all of these incoming signals to act.
For all of these intergalactic messengers carry the same message: time to get going, and they cause such a flurry of activity within you, no wonder you feel a little out of sorts now and then. Remember, your body has been designed to withstand this huge relocation of energy, for that is what this is all about, for as all of this information enters your body, it does so in the form of energetically charged particles, and these particles are then charging up your entire body, bit by bit, cell by single cell, and this in turn is what is raising your frequency.
For light equals information equals frequency, as we shared in the previous message, and so, you are all being retuned into these brand new frequencies by the interaction between your own living cells and this huge orchestra of incoming celestial music in the form of energetic discharges coming your way by the help from the Sun. So this is indeed an ongoing process, and even if some of the static it produces can at times seem to be a little bit overwhelming, we again ask you all go to within the better to discern the good news that all of these small friendly visitors bring with them.
For they bring a constant source of reassurance and affirmation from Source, and as such, you are already connected to a never ending source of beneficial energy that will sustain you every step of your way. You are still very much in the process of retuning, and even if this seems to be a never ending cycle of constant discomfort, trust us when we say that there will come a day in the not too distant future when this annoying and at time debilitating sense of static will be a thing of the past.
For the clearer the line, the better the reception will be, and so, this whole process is all about opening up all of your lines to the optimal capacity, the better to be able to savour these “broadcasts” in the best possible way. For the reception will certainly become crystal clear in every sense of the word in the very near future and with that comes a brand new way of being able to really savour the information coming your way. And then, you will also understand far better all of the real workings that lie behind these at times more than fiery displays in the sky.
For remember no thing happens by chance, and every time something extraordinary goes on in the heavens above, it all carries a message to mankind, and we do mean that in a very literal way. For these messages come in all forms, but what they have in common, is the nature of them and that nature is simply energy in the form of diverse versions of light. So again we say, look to the sky, and revel in the displays you will see there, and know that every time something out of the ordinary can be perceived with your still somewhat limited human senses, the actual impact this has on your energetic body is indeed monumental. So too this wondrous display your moon is putting on even as we give you these words.
So take heed and lift your eyes to the sky, the better to savour these incoming fireworks. But make no mistake, the fear mongers will always have their say during an event such as this, and they will try to stoke the fires of fear in any way they can. So all we can say is this, fear not any internal fires these heavily charged energetic displays may set off, they are merely signs of activation, but learn to avoid looking into those outside fires caused by those still set on setting this world’s reservoirs of fear afire by violent actions and by ill-omened words. For those fires can easily spread and they will bring down many an unprepared mind with them.
So stay centered and go within, that is the best advice we can give you, and will continue to give you. And when you do remember to go within, you will all hear the good news coming percolating through every sinew, cartilage and bone you possess. For these good news are not limited in any way, they are seeping through every single particle of your being, and so, they should be easy to detect if you allow yourself to listen for their wondrous voice.
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Thursday 10 April 2014

Ascension process: the hall of mirrors. The dark night of the soul.

Three things come to me today.

Firstly, it is coming to the end of the first year of this blog. The reason I am posting my writing, or posting other peoples articles (that I have found to be helpful on this journey), is mainly to just record this journey. It is 'my journal' with other stuff 'stapled' in, so to speak.

This first year of my blog, may be the only year. I don't plan,  it just happens. I post when something raises itself to be spoken about, or something grabs my attention that someone else has put forward and I feel to share it because  it is complementing how I am feeling at this time.

This last year from April 13 to April 14, has been particularly engrossing. Not in a good way. But this is the Ascension process, a process that is unique for each individual. It wasn't, and isn't, ever going to be easy for anyone. My brother died January 2013. Following on from that, I had to rediscover the buried grief I had from when he became ill, nearly 30 years before. He was 17 years old and I was 18 years old. The illness he succumbed to pushed the light out of his eyes.  I was dealing with this avalanche of sadness quite well, up until March of 2013.  At this time a series of other issues and life questions came up.  Then in April I underwent a procedure under anaesthetic myself. This, funnily enough, was able to render me listless, loosing vital energy and was like falling under a truck in slow motion (actually, I found out recently that affects of general anaesthetic can stay in the body for up to a year). It was all outer manifestation, of inner stuff pushing through for release. It was like....not being able to get up, and just lying in the sludge as other trucks roll over. Ok, I know that is quite a strong visual, but it was a culmination of spiritual, emotional and mental diversions which had been overriding all other aspects of my life. I realise that it was another in a long line of stages in the process. And so I began my blog trying to make sense of it all.

A year later, March 2014, and I think I am getting on top of this Ascension Process. And, I am, I suppose. But It is intensifying. There are times when all is well and I can relax. There are times when I can multidimensional back-flip, here and there. There are times when my "real" life is making sense. However there are times,  more recently, when I descend back under that truck getting rolled over. This is April 2014. Nearly a year after I started my blog. I realise that this blog Is "out there", perhaps not in a majorly public way, to record this process and for this record to be added into the collective consciousness.

The second thing I want to say today, is that you call the ascension process into your arena, whatever your arena is.  It can be extremely difficult  going through these episodes when there is a partner, children, a career or anything else, and,  all life events and dramas are stage settings and dressing for the arena. All relationships and aspects of your arena serve your ascension process.  All your relationships are affected by where you are on the process.

I am finding that difficult, as children can and do feel into the parents' energy, and either benefit from, add to, or can become confused or swamped by it, as the parent becomes confused or swamped.  It is difficult, in my experience, to try to stay grounded in an increasingly swampy arena. This arena, of course, is partially their arena too, by virtue of you being their parent and you bringing your colour to their arena (we try to be conscious parents don't we!).

Currently I am being triggered by aspects (or vasana's), which are also being reflected back to me by my children and aspects of their lives, it is like a hall of mirrors: there isn't much laughing in this fairground side show.

 I read this following article from the site, "Golden Age Of Gaia", which has helped me today. I share it gladly. It speaks of where I feel I am at this moment, and  maybe it will clarify for others, too.

Vasana is not a term I use, but it is used in the following article. I think it means the underlying 'be-lie-fs', (i.e. the beliefs of the 3rd dimensional illusion, where such beliefs are generally illusions of separation) that gives rise to wounds that accumulate around that belief, such as "I am unloved and unlovable". These vasanas can be triggered by anything, which even vaguely reinforces that belief. It isn't easy to know when your vasana's are being tickled. However, the clue is, if you feel like sh*t, than it's one of your many vasanas at work. Oh, yes I forgot to mention that they are buried so deep they are difficult to identify.

Vasanas are showing you, all your untreated 'be-lie-fs'. All such 'be-lie-fs' are illusions that are now lying on the operating table waiting to be identified and operated on. And there is no anaesthetic.

If this isn't you right now, that's fantastic! However if you are on the Ascension process, sooner or later, it will be.

Thirdly, it seems one has to die to be reborn into enlightenment. Physically we can stay in our bodies but everything that is of the old be-lie-fs has to die. To die they must come into our awareness to be addressed and seen for what they are, illusions. This is very hard because it feels like death to us. It is the death of everything in us, and around us, that we knew to be true. It is the death of us in the limitations of our 3D lives to make way for expansion.

Enjoy the article anyways.

Last-Minute Clearing

Posted by Steve Beckow
Dark Night 22There may be some people who, as the Tsunami of Love gradually increases, are saying to themselves, well, I don’t feel loving, myself. If anything I’m having unpleasant feelings and a really rough go of it.
Yes, that’s very much to be expected for some people – myself included. I know that what’s arising in me has to do with incomplete events going back ten, twenty and thirty years ago.
The Tsunami may be bringing up everything that’s incomplete so let’s look at that factor in how we may feel
On March 27, 2014, Sue Lie’s Arcturians compared the last-minute clearing we’re doing to the “dark night of the soul” that St. John of the Cross described.
It’s actually a little different from what St. John was looking at. He was describing a state of darkness to the outside world, the senses, and the knowing capacity that occurred during the final stages of seeking “perfection,” (1) as he called it. Yes, we’re seeking the same state in Ascension, but we in no way have to pass through the rigor of aspirants in St. John’s day.
The Arcturians used the term to refer to a cleansing process we may be going through as a result of the high Tsunami vibrations raising our vasanas (reaction patterns) and false beliefs to the surface, to be let go of prior to Ascension.
“In order to complete the process of Ascension you must go through the dark night of the soul. …
“The dark night of the soul is the final cleansing that must occur before you can live within the NOW of Ascension. This dark night of the soul is when you go through your daily life being fully aware of what you are doing wrong, aware of your fear, aware of your anger, aware of your pain.” (2)
“You must see yourself,” they say. “You must be aware of what you are thinking, what you are saying, what you are doing and WHY. Why are you thinking that? Why are you saying that? Why are you doing that?” (3) Well, that certainly is happening for me.
This dark night of the soul, they tell us, “is quite uncomfortable but very informational.”  What are we being informed about? We’re seeing that:
“There is no one else you can blame.  It was no one’s fault. No one and nothing did it to you.
“You created your reality. Through creating your reality, you first needed to bring to the surface the parts of you that could not participate in the creation of the reality of planetary Ascension.” (4)
When I was waking this morning, I was wondering why I felt … well, anything but loving … and then I saw that the feelings I was experiencing were related to events a long time ago.  At first I felt dismayed, and then I realized that this was exactly what the Tsunami in its early phases is designed to do.
You remember that I asked Archangel Michael if, after the Tsunami, we’d be entirely free of vasanas, and he responded: “You can think of it as moving you to Vasana Lite.” (5) Only Ascension, which corresponds to a state of enlightenment known as sahaja samadhi, a permanent heart opening, will remove our vasanas entirely.
So don’t expect that, even after the Tsunami, your vasanas will be entirely gone.  And don’t be shocked if your partner still has some remaining. They’ll be lighter but some may still be there.
Mary through Pamela Kribbe last August voiced another interesting perspective on this part of the Ascension process. She said that “at some point, the soul discovers that [the] things [resorted to in the past] do not work, and then the soul goes through a deep inner crisis.”
“As it is maturing, it discovers deep emotions of loneliness, separation, and fear, and there is a growing awareness that nothing outside itself can fill the void. This stage of a soul’s journey can be called ‘the dark night of the soul.’ The soul can not lose itself any more in anything external, and yet it does not know how to nurture itself, how to go within.” (6)
This is an exact description of what I saw when I looked at what was happening for me and how I felt upon seeing it.  I knew that my regular ways of managing myself  – distraction mostly – would no longer work. But I did not know how to nurture myself in the experience I was in.
We’re ascending by the same route by which we descended. In our descent, we created for ourselves the illusion of separation and with it the experience of loneliness and despair. And now as we ascend, we’re experiencing the same feelings of isolation and loneliness and may be wondering how this could be.
Werner Erhard explained that in creating a record (a vasana) or in completing it, we go through the same experience, the same feelings. Earlier we created them in response to our record and later we re-experience them to finally let go of our record. But the feelings are the same.
So if you’re feeling lonely or despondent, well, hey, you may be right on track.
This loneliness and despair are coming up to be removed. We’re making our exit from the illusion of separation and at times it may very well feel like a dark night of the soul.
We’re breaking out of the prison of illusion we’ve built for ourselves, the illusory sense of separation from God which caused our felt “isolation” from the higher realms in the first place.
So if you’re feeling desolate and wondering why this late in the game you’d feel that way, perhaps remember that we’re experiencing the fruits of the illusion again, to be experienced for the very last time and let go of.


(1) St. John of the Cross’s description of the dark night of the soul appears in Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez, trans. Complete Works of St. John of the Cross. Washington: Institute of Carmelite Studies, 1973, 73-5. The state of perfection is where we’re headed.
(2) “Message from the Arcturians: Walking The NOW,” channelled by Suzanne Lie. March 27, 2014, at
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) “Archangel Michael: Go with the Ebb and Flow of Love,”  April 5, 2014, at
(6) “Mary: Circles of Light,” channelled by Pamela Kribbe, August 7, 2013 at  Mira the Pleiadian, speaking not about personal issues but social reform, made a relevant, related comment yesterday:  “The Light is shining upon the dark far more than ever before. This dredges up areas of focus that speak to each of you. Some of you want to magically change the old self-serving ways with the sweep of a magic wand. In the future you will be able to do things like this. Right now what needs to change the most is being highlighted.”  (“A Channeling from Mira from the the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner April 4, 2014, at

Monday 7 April 2014

The energy for transformation is here, in fact, ELVIS* is in the Building! We should be putting on our energetic seatbelts.


The energies are here to steer us so let us put up our sails and let it flow.

I have been experiencing severe, and roller- coaster-like, energetic bludgeoning.

Some days are good but some days are chaotic. I found that these Postings from Aisha most ably explain and reassure that the body can and will cope with the energetic upgrades, but it is our business to tune into the process.

Theses processes are not of the kind that we can mentally process, but they are happening to us and its best to stay with them and ride them in the ways our bodies tell us. 

Avoid the fear triggers that will make you feel like you are being toppled out of your roller coaster at the highest point of the ride, and so plummet to a gory fall. Avoid that by staying grounded and centred and allow, by accepting the flow of internal auditing and by imagining you are a tree being blown by a particularly strong wind. You may loose smaller branches.


Thank you Aisha for your wonderful Channelling.


New post on aisha north            


The manuscript of survival – part 409

by Aisha North

New post on aisha north

The manuscript of survival – part 408

by Aisha North

Elvis* is, Of course, "Lives".  We are getting our lives back, to live them as the wonderful creations that they are.  The greatness of our Lives are back in THE BUILDING. The Building is, In and on the Architecture, we call Earth.

But there is a vast amount of blowing the cobwebs away to be done in order to reach and connect with the truly majestic diamonds of true ourselves. This is the tricky bit, this where these vast energetic blasts are coming in.

By the way (or BTW text speak), it is a pun on the awe filled words announced when the great singer Elvis was due to go on stage in any massive venue. It would also be announced when "Elvis has left the building".