Tuesday 28 February 2017

More from Zingdad. https://zingdad.com/

Zingdad: The Ascension Papers

Zingdad, Adamu's channeler
Zingdad is a writer and musician and channel for Adamu of the Pleiades. Recently he took some time away from his other activities to write a book he calls The Ascension Papers. By way of preface, he tells us:
“I’m writing a series of books called The Ascension Papers. The first book is available in ebook format and will very soon be out in softcover too. The second book is available to read-as-I-write for free on zingdad.com. I’d like to invite anyone who is interested in there own spiritual growth or the  planetary ascension phenomenon to come and give it a read.
“By way of introduction I thought it would be apropos to for me give you a thumb-nail sketch of what “ascension” is and how it might be manifesting itself in your life.
“The Ascension Papers are written in the form of a series of discussions… question-and-answer sessions between myself and members of my spirit family with whom I have intuitive contact. And in keeping with that I am going to do the same here: in order to write this article I am going to ask my own inner-self to converse with me.
“Practically, the way this works is that I ask a question (or make a statement) and then I feel the answer as a pure-thought construct which I then ‘translate’ into English and type.
“There really is no hocus pocus involved… just me sitting with my laptop typing.  So there is no sense in which I expect readers to give extra credence to anything said because it is ‘channelled from beyond’.  These are just words… just thoughts expressed.  And how I derive this information is, I believe, very much less important than the message itself.  It is in reading what is said that you will be able to discern for yourself if it is ‘right for you’ or not.
“And so, without further ado, let me begin the conversation:”

Zingdad: I wish to speak to my inner-self. To that which has before identified itself to me as Joy-Divine.
Joy-Divine: Hello Zingdad. I am always here. You would like an introduction to the concept of ascension?
Z: Yes, please. I’m aware that this is quite a large, multifaceted topic. Is it possible to address it quite briefly?
J-D: Certainly. Let’s begin.
Let me make the assertion that there are two main forces at play in your reality.  We can express this as “expansion” and “contraction”.  It happens everywhere and in everything.  You can see it in your person in the cyclical expansion and contraction of your breathing… in and out.  It finds expression as you enter into life as a baby, expand as an ego being and then, in old age, your ego begins to contract and you return to a spirit state via the transition called death.
You’ll see it everywhere in nature such as in the waves of your oceans.  You’ll see it in the very greatest events of your universe where your universe itself begins as a singularity (which has been called The Big Bang), it then undergoes a great expansion which accelerates outwards until a tipping point is reached and then there is a return, a contraction, back to a singularity. It is, as I say, everywhere and in everything.
My contention is that there is one true source for everything.  Everything ultimately springs forth from that source, expands, moves outwards, complexifies and grows and then, at some point, begins to re-integrate and return to Source.
That great divine cycle is echoed again and again in many places throughout all realities.
How this relates to your ascension is as follows:  As a spirit being you too come from the one true Source.  You begin there and through a process of stepping down energies, of masking yourself from other aspects of yourself, of complexifying and, literally, dis-integration… you find yourself here on planet earth living your life.  Now there are two paths you can go by.  You can continue on your travels AWAY from Source, or you can change direction and begin to return.
But ultimately, no matter how long or how far you travel in the “away” direction, there is no destination there.  It is an inevitability that AT SOME POINT you will begin your return journey.  Maybe it is in this lifetime, maybe it is next lifetime, maybe it is not for another thousand lifetimes.  Irrespective.  It is an absolute certainty that at some point you WILL begin to return.  When you begin to return then you begin your ascension path.
Now, I actually don’t like the word “ascension” as it seems to imply that you will move “upwards” and this sometimes creates a false impression.  Sometimes people expect to have some kind of once-off “lifting up out of their body” moment.  And that is not what this is about.  It is actually about the on-going process of returning and remembering.  It is about awakening to Who You Really Are.  It is about surrendering the beliefs you hold about yourself that limit you and that constrain you from your true capacity as a creator being.
But mostly, above and beyond all, it is about LOVE.  It is about you beginning to truly love yourself magnificently.  As you do so, so you will begin to heal yourself.  So you will begin to see all the things about yourself which you have negated, despised and rejected in their true light: you will see them as reasons for compassion.  And compassion is the most powerful tool for forgiveness of others, for seeing the light of God in the eyes of all others.  And this is the essential component in the beginning of the journey towards a very important recognition:
That all of us are really ONE
Or, stated another way:
That I am the other you.
Gaining this realisation is a profoundly healing thing.  It strips away the judgements that you hold in your mind that creates separation and division.  It disables hatred.  All the things which you perceive in your world to be ugly, painful and “evil” all stem from the fact that you have forgotten this most essential truth of all, that we are all really ONE experiencing itself as many.
Gaining this insight as your own personal truth is a vital component in releasing much of your own inner-pain that manifests itself as ill-health and emotional traumas, as difficult relationships and unforgiven animosities.
Along the road to ascension you will also begin to realise that you are not a victim of your circumstances.  You will first begin to realise that you are responsible for how you feel about that which occurs in your life.  And then something quite magical will begin to happen – and I don’t use the word “magical” lightly!  As you travel this path you will begin to see that these things you call “emotions”, these “feelings” you have… they are not useless impediments that get in the way of you living your life.
Oh no!  They are in fact incredibly powerful tools of creation.  I tell you now, how you feel about your reality can and does create your experience of your reality.  You just need to learn how to take ownership and control of these tools given to you!  And as you do, so you will begin to learn how to truly create.  In ways that are much more powerful than you could now begin to imagine.
As you travel the path Home, as you awaken and remember more and more about Who You Really Are, so you will discover the unique and magnificent power and gift that lies within your being.  And you will find that it is your greatest joy to give your finest gift of self to All That Is.  And the reward in return for you giving your gift is… EVERYTHING!
So it is indeed a beautiful process.  When a being has travelled away from source enough, when the tug of HOME begins to be felt in their heart, when there is a desire to really wake up, to KNOW, to give, to heal… then a wondrous journey ensues.
Z: And when we have returned to this state of Oneness?  Then do we cease to exist as individuals?
J-D: Oh no!  Not at all.  Nothing ever ceases to be.  Your experience is ever-changing but, in truth, nothing is ever destroyed.  It is only you who are inhabiting an experience of reality that is inside of time that feel things can truly end or be destroyed.  In The Ascension Papers the issues of time, sequentiality, densities and dimensions will be addressed.  Reading that will provide a better idea of how such things work.
But for the moment let me say that from a higher perspective all things are really RIGHT NOW.  And all things are eternal.  And indeed it is the same for you.  You are actually an eternal, immortal creator-being.  Now I understand that your experiences of yourself as you have headed away from Source might have lead you to believe that this is not so.  On the journey out you are complexifiying and so you are creating new experiences and compartmentalising them.  In practical terms you have experienced this as having a life which begins at birth and ends at death.  So it may very much seem to you as if things start and end.
However, as you awaken a little you will begin to realise that you have lived many lives and have survived many “deaths”.  You will probably think of these lives as separate experiences… somewhat like pearls on a string.  Then, as you awaken a little more and you will begin to see all these lives as nothing more than aspects of a greater self.  And then you will awaken to the realisation that YOU are that greater self!  And so the journey home is begun.  As I said in the beginning, it is an on-going process of awakening and remembering.  But at no point in this process do you cease to be!  At no point do you lose your sense of self or the validity of your own being.
Now I can see that a dichotomy that might spring up in your mind: how can you be your unique and individual self whilst still being One with All.  Well… this is addressed in The Ascension Papers using a rainbow as a metaphor and I don’t desire to re-hash this now.
Z: But essentially you are saying we can all be who we are and retain our sense of self and individuality whilst still knowing that we are an indivisible part of the Oneness?
J-D: Yes, indeed, that is exactly what I am saying.  You can experience yourself in both of these states at the same time.  And doing so will bring you to be able to create your experiences as you desire whilst not causing harm… pain and fear… for yourself or other-selves.

Now, there is a lot more that we can say about this subject.  There will be a lot of questions in interested reader’s minds.  Like: “if we create our own reality why did we create such a painful one in the first place?”  There are a great many such questions that are good and valid responses to the contentions I am making here.  And THIS is the essence of the invitation inherent in this little article we are writing: if you, the reader, have read this far and find yourself interested in what you have read, or if you find you have questions cropping up, or indeed if you find a feeling of “rightness” as you read… then you are invited to come and join us on our journey.
You are invited to come and read The Ascension Papers and see if this does not begin to provide you with some more answers and… particularly… some more questions.  Because, ultimately, I do not seek to provide you with every answer to every question.  Quite the opposite.  I seek to provide you with just enough possible answers that you might begin to ask some really big questions of your own… that you might, in fact, begin to create your own answers for yourself or co-create them with us.
You see, The Ascension Papers are not a set of rigid TRUTHS that you will be required to believe.  They are much more subtle than that.  They are a creation which is at once a gift and an invitation.  It is my gift to you if you wish to accept it and it is my invitation to you to engage in a grand new cycle of co-creation, if you want that.  So in them I will set before you some perspectives… truths as I see them.  You can then decide to what degree this will be valid for you.  And then you can begin to create for yourself.
And that is what I wish to say for now.  I realise that I have not dealt fully and comprehensively with the question “What is Ascension?” as that is far to big a topic to handle here.  It is a subject that we can spend aeons exploring if we wish.  As of course we will!  And it is also a subject which is intensely personal and will find different expression for different beings.  Each person will ultimately have to answer this for themselves and each answer will be unique.  But I do believe I have imparted some of the essence of it as I see it to be.  And in so doing I have also provided you, the reader, with an inkling of what is to be found in our more expanded work on this subject.  And that is what I wished to do here.
You can find The Ascension Papers at www.zingdad.com
Consider yourself invited!
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What you can get from the Feb 26th Solar Eclipse. "As such, this eclipse sorts those who truly want to change NOW, from those who like the idea of change but ‘maybe I’ll just wait and see’. Sarah Varcas.

26th February 2017: Solar Sarah Varcas: Eclipse in 9th Degree of Pisces at 2:54 p.m. GMT: Extraordinary and True

by ForeverUnlimited
 conscious evolution, conscious relationships, ego and essence, managing emotions, deep truth, personal truth, healthy ego expression, solar eclipse in Pisces, karma, Jupiter opposing Uranus and Eris, knowing the mind, courage, compassion, transformation, surrender

26th February 2017: Solar Eclipse in 9th Degree of Pisces at 2:54 p.m. GMT: Extraordinary and True
By Sarah Varcas

With four planets in Aries and five in Pisces, this eclipse speaks of over-due endings and fresh starts. A new way of being is in reach, born of wisdom gleaned from past experience and freedom from shackles that no longer bind. But these endings may not match our expectations, and if we’re waiting for the new to prove itself before letting go the old we may find ourselves frozen by fear, consumed by indecision or unhelpfully resistant to unavoidable change.
Which is why this eclipse requires an act of faith and a warrior spirit, all wrapped up in a ‘can do’ attitude which balks at the notion that the next step is too hard, too challenging or not what we’d planned. As such, it asks of us a lot but if we take a deep breath, resolve to stay the course and do what needs to be done it brings great strength and profound wisdom: direct experience of the divine as our personal source of knowledge and power. Ancestral trauma, family karma and inherited pain are all raised as issues at this eclipse. The coming six months will provide powerful opportunities to turn our wise and compassionate attention toward them, bringing to a close long-established patterns rooted within and beyond our lives.
This eclipse speaks of freedom to claim as our own: an opportunity to step into the light of our unique individuality, shaped – but not contained – by all that’s gone before. It raises issues of self and other, me and you, standing together or breaking apart to do life alone. Whilst a solar eclipse in Pisces may be seen as a time of gentle reflection, this one is anything but. And whilst the essence of Pisces is unbounded communion with All That Is, we may now feel strongly the divisions which crystallise into ‘you’ and ‘me’, no longer able to tolerate the cost of pretending they don’t exist.
If we’ve been waiting so long for change, struggling with conditions that seem forever stuck, held back by old habits, unhealthy relationships, past pain or memories too good to let go, we now encounter a window of opportunity to leap forward into the new. As such, this eclipse sorts those who truly want to change NOW, from those who like the idea of change but ‘maybe I’ll just wait and see’. With Venus, Mars, Uranus and Eris in Aries, we have a veritable powerhouse of energy to invest in starting over anew, cutting the ties which bind us to the past and seeing the world through new eyes, staying strong in hope, resolved in our intent and committed to walking a fresh path from here on in. Where doing so brings sorrow – grief over lost love, opportunities that passed us by, hope unfulfilled – the Sun, Moon, Chiron, Neptune and Mercury in Pisces soothe our pain and enable feelings to flow until the quietude that signals new life emerges in their wake.
Whilst some endings may be foisted upon us by circumstance, other peoples’ choices or good old fashioned ‘fate’, others we must initiate, deciding once and for all that the old way no longer works and change is well overdue. If we await incontrovertible proof we’re doing the right thing, we may miss this opportunity in a haze of anxiety and fear. The truth is we can never really know, for every decision lives its own life once set in motion by our thoughts, words and deeds. All we can do is follow the nudges within that speak of possibility and potential, of courage and commitment, of a path bearing many crossroads that will test our mettle, open our heart and strengthen our soul.
This is a time of choices and those made now with a bold heart and courageous spirit carry alchemical force to change our lives. It’s okay to feel fear, to experience the buzz of anxiety as we contemplate life renewed and imagine walking away from circumstances that have consumed so much of us to date. The challenge is to stand firm despite it and make the change that liberates possibility and releases potential. For in doing so, the coming six months promise profound renewal which will anchor us ever deeper into a life both extraordinary and true.
Sarah Varcas

"Many will enter into this period with a sense of uncertainty as old structures unravel to make way for the new. Stand with an open mind and heart as winds of change swirl around you. Know that whatever you experience during this time is guiding you toward a greater realization of yourself as a divine being that incarnated here to carry out a higher purpose."

Prophetic Dreams May Come: Activating High-Vibrational Timelines with the Pisces Solar Eclipse by D.L. Zeta | Celestial Visions

by ForeverUnlimited

The Pisces solar eclipse has the power to bring prophetic dreams, helping us activate timelines aligned with our highest visions.  During this period portals to higher consciousness are more accessible. Those most strongly affected by the eclipse will enter levels of heightened sensitivity and psychic awareness.

Most intensely affected by this eclipse are those with significant planets and points in Pisces. Lightworkers, intuitives and others highly attuned to universal energies may reach new levels of clarity and downloads.  Profound endings and beginnings can take place at this time.  This is a turning point that we may look back upon years later and perceive as a moment from which significant new directions flowed.

This is a period when intuitive visions arrive with the power to carry you to high-vibrational timelines aligned with the new time. The Feb. 26 solar eclipse’s emphasis on spiritual development complements the Feb. 10 lunar eclipse and its mystical influence. The energies of this pair of eclipses will be felt most intensely over the next couple of weeks but will wield a strong influence throughout the next six months.

Bridging Past and Future brings Healing and Expansion

It’s possible during this time to progress on your spiritual path and experience a greater sense of oneness with all-that-is. Neptune rules Pisces, bringing a visionary component to this eclipse making it easier to envision and access timelines where past, present and future come into sharp focus.  In other words, along these timelines one is able to see how the past has been guiding us toward our spiritual purpose all long and everything that has happened to us has happened in divine perfection. Past, present and future can be viewed as one simultaneous moment when we step beyond limiting beliefs and perceptions.

Standing on this bridge between past and future we are able to perceive our present moment as divinely empowered to carry out visions we receive during this time. As you unite all moments in all time within your consciousness, aspects of your past may come forward to be seen and healed in the light of your present-moment awareness.  Healing takes place to the extent that you’re able to view all moments in your life with love and understanding.  This healing of the past releases strings binding you to past timelines, allowing you to step more fully into timelines of the new earth centered in oneness and unity.

Manifesting Visions into Reality

There are aspects of this solar eclipse that hold the potential to bring ‘good fortune and happiness.’  The fixed star Skat in Aquarius is closely connected with this eclipse.  This is a star capable of bringing a wish in that it has the power to help you manifest your dreams into reality.  When your dreams and intentions align with your gifts and talents, your spiritual purpose, and your intentions for the highest good of all, good fortune and otherworldly assistance can help activate potentials that previously seemed only a faint glimmer.

Good Fortune is linked to Spiritual Development

If you experience an increase in love, wealth and happiness during this time, hold in awareness that your willingness to walk your spiritual path and your desire to serve and assist others will determine the long-term influence of this period.  Those who enter this phase from an ego perspective may find the good fortune fading by the next solar eclipse in August.

The longevity of this time of good fortune, psychic awareness and ability to heal and release the past is intrinsically linked to your level of spiritual development.  Not everyone experiences solar eclipse energies in the same way.  Some may experience obstacles and challenges more keenly during this time and feel stressed by unhealed emotions and unrealized dreams rising to the surface.   Some may experience overwhelm as emotional wounds come to the forefront, triggering memories that have been pushed aside.

Many will enter into this period with a sense of uncertainty as old structures unravel to make way for the new.  Stand with an open mind and heart as winds of change swirl around you. Know that whatever you experience during this time is guiding you toward a greater realization of yourself as a divine being that incarnated here to carry out a higher purpose.

Choosing Higher Potentials over Past Traumas

As many new possibilities come before you, take this time to release what no longer serves you and open to formulate new visions for the future.  Old ways of being, old beliefs and habits may come before you now, providing you the opportunity to choose higher potentials over past traumas and patterns you have outgrown.  Those who choose to step into new potentials and possibilities will receive a boost of energy from this solar eclipse that will help them sail through needed changes over the next six months.

This is a good eclipse for relationships and for meeting new people who will become influential in your life.  You may experience an influx of friends from other times entering your life – some of whom you may have soul contracts.

Some may feel drawn more strongly to occult information during this time. This may include astrology which offers a blueprint of your soul's intentions for this lifetime as well as a map of challenges and opportunities we are likely to encounter over time. Uranus will be in the mix with this eclipse which may bring a sense of energy and enthusiasm.  It may also unleash sudden and unexpected events that allow you to heal unresolved emotions.  Uranus’ influence has the power to trigger a major shift in consciousness, paving the way for sudden timeline shifts.

Moderation, discipline, focus, awareness, respect, patience and humility are traits that will help you navigate this period.  Spend time meditating, journaling, working with dreams, eating light, and walking in nature.  Write out intentions.  Sit with all that comes before you and see all that happens in the light of love, appreciation and forgiveness.

©2010-2017 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved www.celestialvision.org These messages are intended to be shared. You are welcome to share and distribute this message with others as you feel guided to do so. Please be sure to include the author & source website link.

Posted on Sunday, February 26, 2017 at 07:13PM by Registered CommenterCelestial Vision CommentsPost a Comment

More speculation on the cash situation. from Capital and Conflict 27 February 2017 . Eerie calm NICK O'CONNOR. (Not condoning because I don't use it, but maybe people could do with a therapeutic joint after this, just saying. Michaela)

Capital and Conflict
27 February 2017

Eerie calm


Dear Reader

What connects an outlawed market that’s legal once again… the biggest moral conundrum the tech world faces… and a big development for post-Brexit northern England?

They’re all a part of today’s Capital & Conflict, of course!

But back to the markets. What might cause them to instinctively question the Trump rally? Remember, you need “story” to justify lower prices and a powerful and clear catalyst to lend urgency to it.

What could that be? According to David Stockman (who was budget director under the Ronald Reagan administration), there’s a story and a trigger everyone’s missing: the US debt ceiling, and 15 March:

I think what people are missing is this date, March 15th 2017. 

That’s the day that this debt ceiling holiday that Obama and Boehner put together right before the last election in October of 2015. That holiday expires. The debt ceiling will freeze in at $20 trillion. It will then be law. It will be a hard stop. 

The Treasury will have roughly $200 billion in cash. We are burning cash at a $75 billion a month rate. By summer, they will be out of cash. Then we will be in the mother of all debt ceiling crises. Everything will grind to a halt. I think we will have a government shutdown. 

There will not be Obama Care repeal and replace. There will be no tax cut. There will be no infrastructure stimulus. There will be just one giant fiscal bloodbath over a debt ceiling that has to be increased and no one wants to vote for.
Right now the markets seem content to ignore this. But for how much longer? And what could lend enough urgency to the story to reverse momentum in the markets? More on that another day!

Does The Donald get high?

If you’re an Exponential Investor reader, you’ll notice that the rest of this week has a heavy bias towards cannabis. Why? Because right now the market for commercial marijuana is developing rapidly, which is creating major opportunities for investors, traders and speculators.

Later in the week Eoin Treacy will be presenting the one pot stock to buy now. It’s a high risk speculation. But if it comes off, the payoff could be extreme.

Increasing numbers of US states have been voting to legalise cannabis for commercial/recreational use. Colorado and Washington were the trailblazers on that front. But the big one came last year (on the same day as Trump’s election, ironically) when California voted to legalise it.

Legalisation doesn’t take effect until the start of next year. But when it does, it’ll be an enormous market with enormous potential. As I wrote last week it is comparable with the end of prohibition creating a legal market for alcohol. Imagine owning a brewery or distillery then!

That’s Eoin’s goal now: own the supply chain of the cannabis industry as it legalises. But is it truly “legal”? Increasing numbers of states are legalising it. But it’s illegal on a federal level. Given the states are mostly in charge of enforcing drug operations, it’s unlikely you’d see the federal government step in. "In terms of marijuana and legalisation, I think that should be a state issue, state-by-state," Donald Trump said in Nevada in October 2015.

But who knows exactly what he’ll do. Perhaps he’s now vehemently anti-cannabis. Perhaps he’s all for it. Figuring out actual policy from amidst the ramblings is difficult. There have been rumblings that the federal government will attempt to be stricter in its application of the law. I doubt that’s anything but political posturing for now. But it does create the risk of a turbulent and volatile time for pot stocks.

You should know that going in. It’s a risky play. But some risks are worth taking. This could be one of them. Look out for more from Eoin later in the week.


Also, who is the unidentified investor mentioned below, bet it is a big pharma from USA who will buy it up (and then possibly run it into the ground and close it down... Again, just saying, Michaela.


Shares in British medical cannabis giant GW Pharmaceuticals have jumped by 22% amid rumours that the company could be the subject of an imminent takeover bid.
According to reports, the Nasdaq-listed company has recently hired investment bankers at Morgan Stanley to ‘explore its options’ after being approached by an unidentified investor. These rumours have sparked a rush to buy shares in the business, despite the fact that according to a GW spokesperson, Morgan Stanley have been advising GW for many years.
Of course any prospective takeover bid would not exactly be a massive shock. Despite overall volatility, GW’s shares have been trending upwards thanks in large part to both the success of their first drug – Sativex – and promising trial results from their second – Epidiolex.
Sativex is already approved for the treatment of multiple sclerosis and cancer-related pain in many markets around the world, and is currently undergoing trials in the US with a view to achieving approval there – something which would expose it to the largest pharmaceutical drug market in the world. This approval is thought to be little more than a formality, as presumably is the approval of GW’s second major drug, Epidiolex.
Epidiolex is currently in late stage trials for two separate indications, and if and when it is approved, analysts predict sales of £1.4 billion per year in the US and Europe. It’s not difficult to see why there might be interest in purchasing the company at this time, just before its value skyrockets even further.
Not everyone is entirely convinced that all this excitement is justified just yet, however. Alan Brochstein, a founding partner at New Cannabis Ventures and Founder of 420 Investor, told benzinga.com that the timing of the supposed buyout interest “seems a bit premature.” His reasoning is quite simply that GW have not yet shared the full data from its Phase 3 clinical trials of Epidiolex, adding that he “…would expect potential acquisition interest to increase after the company files its NDA for Epidiolex in 4-10 months.”
Despite Brochstein’s understandable caution, it does seem as though GW could be on the brink of huge commercial success. As a result, the idea that one of the partners who distribute their drugs – Bayer, for example, or Novartis, both much larger companies – would decide that a buyout would be in their best interests does seem to ring true. However, GW are not short of cash, so could well decide to carry on going it alone, for now at least.

Whatever they decide, their success will continue to be a thorn in the side of the British government, who continue to insist that cannabis does not possess any medical or therapeutic properties. Every time GW’s stock rises, and the calls for cannabis to be rescheduled ring out loud and clear, their position becomes more and more untenable.
https://www.gwpharm.com/  GW is the global leader in developing cannabinoid-based medicines. Our lead product candidate, Epidiolex® (cannabidiol)  is in development to treat rare and catastrophic forms of childhood-onset epilepsy, potentially offering relief to patients for conditions that previously had few treatment options.

Monday 27 February 2017

Urgent Message to Trump and Old Humanity – Abolish the Fed or Die by GEORGI STANKOV posted on FEBRUARY 25, 2017

What is the catalyst to kick start planetary liberation from the chaos?


There is no doubt that all the machinations of the cabal banksters in the last 100 – 200 years were aimed at establishing a total financial dictatorship on this planet at the End Time. The goal was to prevent the planetary ascension and that of many old and ripe souls who have incarnated at this auspicious time to experience individual ascension and move to a new level of incarnation experiences in higher 4D and 5D worlds as this is now scheduled for spring equinox after Gaia made the crucial Intergalactic shift to the new Golden Galaxy on February 14th. The reason why the dark side wanted to prevent our ascension is that they need us as energetic fodder after these dark archons and their human minions have severed their connection to the source at the ego-mind and at the soul fragment level and need badly these vital energies in order to survive.
Everything else that is happening in finance, economics and politics is subjugated to this end. This is the most difficult part to understand for most people, including all the agnostic critical experts who “seek the calf under the bull”, to quote a German saying and are incapable of grasping the bigger transcendental picture. 

According to the Supreme Court, the Congress can not transfer its power to other organization like the Fed. Notwithstanding this legislation, the Fed is the only organisation that emits dollars in the USA. Each time a politician tried to reverse this situation and to empower the congress with the emission of dollars he was either killed or eliminated from power.
The most prominent victim was John F. KennedyOn June 4, 1963, a virtually unknown Presidential decree, Executive Order 11110, was signed by J.F. Kennedy with the authority to basically strip the Federal Bank of its power to loan money to the United States Federal Government at interest. With the stroke of a pen, President Kennedy declared that the privately owned Federal Reserve Bank would soon be out of business. On November 22, 1963 he was assassinated by the dark cabal in Dallas.
The Christian Law Fellowship has exhaustively researched this matter through the Federal Register and Library of Congress. They have safely concluded that this Executive Order has never been repealed, amended, or superceded by any subsequent Executive Order. In simple terms, it is still valid and can be implemented any moment by the Trump government that will begin to operate independently of the banksters cabal and finance his ambitious program of economic revival  of the USA on its own. However, to my estimation it is unlikely that Trump will make this bold decision, especially after he has surrounded himself with numerous Wall Street banksters as financial advisers. They are the proverbial Trojan horse in the WH or the “fifth column” in Trump’s administration, which he promised to tear down in his speech at the CIA headquarters on Jan 21st alluding to their destructive role since he came to power.
Indeed, Donald Trump does not need a new executive order that would stir a lot of resistance in the democratic camp and the deep government but to simply activate this still valid executive order, while referring to the legacy of the legendary J.F. Kennedy. This smart act will silence his democratic opponents and effectively eliminate the Fed without the need of auditing it in tedious legal procedures through the Congress.......

to read the full article go here:       http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2017/02/urgent-message-to-trump-and-old-humanity-abolish-the-fed-or-die/

A conversation with his HS, from May 2016. What Will Happen When the Dark US Cabal Tries to Kill Donald Trump? – A Message From My Higher Self Schinzhi Rumi, May 8, 2016

The following is taken From:What Will Happen When the Dark US Cabal Tries to Kill Donald Trump? – A Message From My Higher Self
Schinzhi Rumi, May 8, 2016.
(But this part is most relevant now because what ever is happening, and eventually happens or not, it is this part that humanity most needs to focus on right now. Michaela)

There is no need to reform any existing dysfunctional system in this dysfunctional world system from the vantage point of a human personality existing in a three-dimensional space-time continuum aware of its true multidimensional nature. Such a personality does not identify itself with any nation, any religion, any ethnic group, any man-made identification feature, not even with its apparently own, stand-alone personality.
Such a personality considers such features as possibilities to experience itself and to differentiate itself as human life form in a three-dimensional time-space continuum. Such a personality is no longer bound by man-made systems, even if the human body wherein such a personality resides exists in a three-dimensional time-space continuum. The farther the consciousness of a human personality unfolds, the more strongly and more permanently the soul’s inherent knowing about its true multidimensional nature reaches and penetrates the surface of the human personality’s consciousness. As a result, the cognitive limits imposed on and accepted by this personality dissolve. Such a personality is freer than another personality which has not been able to lift these limits or whose soul has not willfully lifted these limits for the purpose of experiencing itself as human life form in a three-dimensional space-time-continuum.
Is there anything that needs to be added in this regard?
Answer: It should be added that, principally, each and every soul incarnated in human form on this Earth in this time-space continuum has the possibility to remember its true soul nature in the course of this ongoing ascension process and to act as human expression of soul truthfulness in this world and to change this world system. Even though it is not about changing the existing world system, but about each and every human personality remembering its true soul nature and, therefore, its apparent return to the Source of All-That-Is.
Statement: A human personality is, so to say, the surface function of a soul incarnated in human form which enables this soul to experience itself as human personality in a three-dimensional space-time-continuum.
From:What Will Happen When the Dark US Cabal Tries to Kill Donald Trump? – A Message From My Higher Self
Schinzhi Rumi, May 8, 2016

"The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves where the flame of God’s Love burns constantly. Reality is within you awaiting your recognition and acceptance of It. You will all go within and find what you have been seeking outside yourselves for eons. Seeking outside is time-consuming and depressing for you because there is nothing there save illusion after illusion claiming to show you the path to Reality." from :The way Home is through quiet time spent at the holy altar within yourselves. 02/25/2017 by John Smallman.

The thing is we are here to experience the outside of us until we no longer need identify with that 'outside'. When the inside of us says "there is nothing in the outside that reflects me back to me" then it is time to get to a place that does so. In fact I'd guess that having a need for you to be reflected back to you, is becoming antiquated too. When I walk down the street It is as if I am from a different land and different culture. No one I pass or speak to, nod to or exchange energetic particles with, (as we all do you know in dynamic energy interaction between beings) reflects back to me, myself .

Think about it, whether in a village or in a town, wherever in the world, when peoples are out and about, steeped in their cultural practices, doing and being, dressing, speaking and acting in similar ways and having shared values and orientations within the current space of their incarnation, they reflect back to eachother those shared values. These reflections are statements, we belong to the same club, we have shared energy identification. Whatever positives and negatives are  inherent in those societies, will be be shared by each person by virtue of accepting the norms of the values of that culture.

An outsider or visitor to that society will automatically not be immersed in the depths of that culture. They will not be reflected back to themselves, except as an outsider. An outsider will have to be strong, as indeed most travellers are, to not need the interchange of being reflected back to himself or herself by the members of the culture or society that he or she is visiting.

The reflections that one desires are: of being accepted, of being part of a group and not alone, of having ones values recognised and valued by others, of having the self identified and accepted by others. The statements passing between people who share these identities are confirming and validating the values and identity choices held by them. They are outside validations that what they are doing, saying and thinking, are shared with the communities and so they are the 'correct' ones to have in that community.

When an outsider comes in, they bring in different values and are usually not seen, or interacted with in this manner of sharing and reflecting back to eachother that their values are correct.

In fact an outsider does not fit, and brings with him or her an energy that acts to produce a variety of energetic disruptions within the peoples of the visited culture,  that may be seen as hostile or even insurgent, but more likely a less definable energy that questions or challenges the values held by that community.

Often as Outsiders in our own homeland, without having to travel to a far off land, we are not interacting in that 'Being Reflected Back'  dynamic that was essential at one level for participation in this game. We are not being reflected back to us by the folks around us, we are no longer being part of the group because we cease to accept the cultural norms and values as ones on which we base our identity.

We cannot simply travel from town to town, or country or country, in order to find the cultural reflection that matches our inner identification.

Well we can, of course do that. But better to work on the inside and increase the strength and magnitude of the inner identification and fortitude to know thyself and not fear when there is noone around that matches what you reflect out to others from your own inner being. Its Better to be hated for what you are, than loved for what you are not. Because those doing the hating are not holding your vibrational match anyway and its your business to grow up, and away from the childhood identifications, of finding your place in the outward identity seeking shared culture that does not allow for you to be finding the space, tranquility, grace and divinity that comes as we explore our own inner personal connections with ourselves. Go against the grain, waken to yourself, finding bewilderment and joy, as you realise there so much more to you, in fact its time to stop looking at everyone else to decide what matters to you. Its time to hold inner conviction to yourself, in order to release yourself from having your life controlled by the outside.


(It was a strange time recently that I went back to work in the outside world. I needed a distraction and also some validation. Long story short- it was a blast back to me, big time, that I don't need that kind of validation anymore as it will never be a vibrational match for what I am and for what I am becoming - out of and away from the cultural norms of the people around me. Mostly we give our power away to the pulls of , and demands from the society we live in. If we are not bowing down to those norms and values, then wtf are we doing???? Well it seems, the answer would be we are doing worthwhile excavation into the self.  From this job I enetered back into the 3rd Dimensional world of work. I learned that I am still good at what I do, its just that I want to be doing it at higher levels and I want to be alive and with other people who want to be alive as opposed to this anti-life that is so called living. I got to see again, one more time (and not again!!!!) the low level energy thought forms delivered to us humans such as : I must have a job and earn money because I have no power, this energy dynamic is made purely to keep us in fear.

I find to my satisfaction that I do not fit in here. Michaela)

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.”― AndrĂ© Gide