Thursday 21 January 2016

There is no separation, there is only a dream of separation.January 16, 2016 by John Smallman

John Smallman: There is no separation, there is only a dream of separation

by ForeverUnlimited
Here in the spiritual realms we watch in awe as so many of you continue to hold the intent to be loving in every moment despite the chaos, conflict, and confusion you see across the world and that some of you are also experiencing in your personal lives. You are living in very difficult times, times that you willingly and enthusiastically chose to live in because of your intense desire to assist in humanity’s awakening.
You are highly honored for what you chose to do and are doing, and, of course, you are, in every moment of your eternal existence, lovingly held in complete security in the infinitely powerful arms of God. Please continue to maintain your loving intent. Within the limited awareness illusory environment in which you are doing your work you can really have no idea of the enormous power of the Tsunami of Love, the energy field that you are each personally creating and intensifying in every moment of your lives. It is what you have been doing since you incarnated in this lifetime, even as small children, and that you are continuing to do with your constantly held intent for humanity to awaken. Humanity is awakening, and because of your loving efforts the moment for attainment of that goal is close . . . far closer than you can possibly imagine.
Many of you may well be saying to yourselves as you read this “Yes, how many more times am I going to hear this? I’ll believe it when it happens!”
Well, it is your personal intention, the personal intention of each and every one of you that is bringing it about. You are all members of a massive worldwide team of Light bearers and Light workers who have been striving diligently for a number of decades now, and your efforts are about to pay off. Trust your intuition, your inner knowing, where you absolutely do know that you are delivering the goods you came on Earth to deliver. You cannot fail because what you are doing is God’s Will and yours linked together in perfect harmony.
As you wait to awaken, understand that you are not waiting but are very actively involved in humanity’s awakening process. Due to humanity’s generally severely limited awareness of the spiritual realms, your apparent inability to make direct contact with those who are “off-world,” your spiritual guides or mentors, does cause you to have doubts which can be very strong. Just remind yourselves that doubts about the reality of God, and about the non-earthly realms are yet another aspect of the illusion, an aspect that mainstream science, medicine, and the media would encourage you to accept as valid because there is no scientific proof for the existence of the spiritual realms. Nor of course is there any scientific proof for their non-existence! Science can be very dogmatic and very wrong!
Let me remind you once more that everyone on Earth is on Earth by their own choice and at the place of their own choosing! God created you all in Love, and Love sets everyone free. No one is forced to be where they find themselves – where they find themselves is where they chose to be. That can be a painful fact to accept when the environment in which they find themselves is filled with pain and suffering, and, as a human, it is normal to seek out someone else to blame for the misfortunes that befall one. Just remember that whatever arises in your immediate environment always has a lesson for you, and that lesson is always to love, to accept, and to forgive.
To be on Earth at this point in humanity’s spiritual evolution – and humanity is most definitely in the process of evolving spiritually – is a most loving, generous, and compassionate gift that each one of you offered freely and enthusiastically because you knew how effective your presence here would be. Being One with God you recognize that there is no separation, that there is only a dream of separation, that all who are dreaming it find very painful, and you have chosen to assist in dissolving that dream so that all can once again delight in the joy that being fully conscious and fully awake in the Presence of God nourishes and sustains.
The truly compassionate loving kindness and generosity that you demonstrated by choosing to be on Earth at this time is a major aspect of God’s infinite creative imperative. God is Love, Creation is Love, each one of you is Love. You have just very temporarily forgotten or lost sight of that divine Truth. Nevertheless, you made the choice to be here to help your brothers and sisters in these difficult times, and when you awaken, as you will, you will be amazed at what you have achieved.
Reality, God, Heaven is your eternal Home. You have never left It – there is nowhere else! However it does seem to you that you are in some other place, a place where betrayal, pain, suffering, conflict, bitterness, and hatred are endemic; and in that utterly illusory place they are. That is why you must and will awaken. You were created in Joy out of Joy because Joy is Love, is God, is Reality, and to awaken is just to be once more aware of who you truly are and experience that Joy eternally.
As many have told you many times, the illusion is illusory and very temporary. Illusions, dreams, nightmares do not last, cannot last, because they are unreal. Your awakening is but the realization of this, and many now refer regularly to “the illusion of life on Earth” as they accept that a loving God – and, as you know so well, God is Love – could not and would not create an environment in which there was pain and suffering. If he did so, he would be insane and therefore he could not be God! Obviously, therefore, God is REAL! The illusion is not and you will awaken from it.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
ForeverUnlimited | January 

Monday 4 January 2016

John Smallman: In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness.

New post on Forever Unlimited

John Smallman: In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness.

by ForeverUnlimited
Do not be alarmed as a number of unexpected events unfold quite early in 2016. Much has been going on at deeper levels of the human collective as you prepare yourselves collectively and individually for your awakening, and the effects of those preparations will start to become apparent in various areas of human endeavor. There will be much to intrigue and delight you in 2016 in spite of the ongoing disagreements and conflicts occurring across the world, which the mainstream media tends to use to further develop their fear-driven agendas which would encourage you to believe that things will only get worse!
To awaken is to become free. Free of all the emotional and psychological baggage that drains your energy fields and undermines your enthusiasm for life, leaving you depressed and unmotivated as you struggle with your daily round of worldly commitments. Commitments that seem only to increase in number no matter how many you resolve and leave behind. The illusory world, in which humans appear to interact as separate individuals, with each one seemingly in an almost constant battle for survival while seeking desperately for love and acceptance, is a very demanding and exhausting environment. But every one of you chose to be here at this time to undergo and grow from the lessons that you set upon your path before you incarnated, and to assist humanity in general to awaken.
You do each have an essential purpose on Earth in every moment, but uncovering that purpose and allowing it to emerge and change your lives is not that easy, although it is simple. Simple? Yes, it is simply to be Love in action!
However, the world in which you experience life as humans seems so real and dangerous that to just live seems to demand almost all of your personal energy and resources, leaving little time or motivation for your essential spiritual task. When you feel threatened and fearful you erect defenses and conceal yourselves behind masks that disguise your true identity. You have been doing this for so long that you have forgotten that your true identity is as one with each other and with God. Instead you fear one another, even in the most intimate of relationships, because betrayal of trust has become endemic.
The only way out of this quagmire of fear is to let it go and allow Love to direct you in every moment. But, because your unreal and threatening environment appears so real to you, that seems to be an insane course of action, one that is bound to end in disaster. Over the eons wise ones have come among you frequently to demonstrate this way of living, and while for the most part acknowledging the wisdom of the lessons they have taught and demonstrated, you have convinced yourselves that they are somehow “special,” and that what they did and how they lived is impossible for “normal” people.
Now, with the power of the Tsunami of Love flowing freely across the planet, more and more of you are feeling its effects and are reassessing your lives and the way you are living them. You are recognizing that life is intended to be a far more uplifting and satisfying experience than a purely materialistic life style can ever provide, and so you are turning inwards to engage with meditative and contemplative practices. These practices are enabling you to find within you a sense of peace and resilience that confirms for you that your true nature is indeed spiritual, while giving you the strength to remove your masks and operate daily from that place of inner strength by engaging with Love instead of with fear.
You are, as most of you well know, spiritual beings of great power and creativity having a temporary limited experience as humans within the illusory world that you built when you made the decision to be separate and to accumulate the strange but utterly unreal knowledge that life separated from your Source would allow you to investigate. You knew that separation was impossible because there is only All That Is which is Oneness, extant in an infinite creative field where Love is the power that makes all that is possible possible.
By entering the illusion, the unreal and temporary environment that you had constructed for some temporary and seemingly promising diversions from your natural state of limitless creative ability, you lost sight of and then totally forgot Who You were. That was Your intention, it was to be part of the game, but God, understanding how lost, frightened, and confused You would become, instantly provided the means for you to retrieve Your memory, awaken from the dream, and return to Your divine Home, even though You had never left.
Yes, what You constructed in order to play with the sense of separation was and is very convincing once You engage with it and seemingly find Yourself within it. Split into innumerable myriad individual entities each of whom felt alone, abandoned, insignificant, and of little if any value in the apparently vast universe in which you found yourselves, fear arose. Fear is utterly unreal, and therefore You had never experienced it. But, within the illusion, it arose because You were now apparently a tiny and insignificant individual desperately attempting to survive in a very hostile environment in which others, just like you, were dealing with the same issues in myriad different ways. The experience was, and remains, overwhelming.
In order to survive you chose to limit your awareness so that the illusion’s vastness and your insignificance would be hidden from you. This limited the amount of fear or terror that you might experience. However, in the last few centuries, your scientists have begun to realize how vast the illusion is, and that shocking realization has led you to seek an escape from your seemingly complete insignificance in the larger scheme of things.
Throughout the ages of the illusion there has always been what has come to be called The Perennial Philosophy, after a recent book of the same name, whereby it is seen that all the world’s major religions have always offered the same basic spiritual message, a message of unconditional Love. However, as these religions became established and mainstream the message became corrupted because the first followers of these loving beings – the founders of these religions – on whose beliefs and ways of life these various religions claimed to be based, almost invariably sought to attain personal power and influence through their connection to the holy one. Consequently most religious organizations, instead of showing Love in action, built power bases from which their leaders could draw enormous material benefits while subjugating the masses of separated souls, who were desperately seeking salvation, by convincing them to surrender their sovereignty and instead support the hierarchy that then used that support for its own nefarious purposes.
Now awareness of this corruption has become so widespread that the elite bloodlines who have enjoyed, engaged in, and used these corrupt practices for eons, can no longer control humanity. Humanity has, as we have remarked before, made the collective decision to awaken into their true heritage as unseparated divine beings at one with God. And that decision is irreversible. You will awaken, because it is your and God’s Will that you do so, and because you are already awakening.
Your main, indeed your only task is to be loving in every moment. You know that Love is always the answer, regardless of any question that might be asked, because with Love there are no “ifs” “ands” or “buts.” So, Walk Your Talk! That is how the world changes, by people, just like you, walking their talk. It does not change through rhetoric, discussion, or argument, let alone through war and conflict, it changes one person at a time, and now is the time when all persons are changing together.
The will to change exists, because it is the divine Will. So does the intention, because you have all had enough pain, suffering, and war. Therefore be sure to go within daily and hold God’s Light on high by intending to be a conduit or channel through which the divine field of Love, the Tsunami of Love flows freely and abundantly in every moment to all on the planet. The results will astound you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

For an Alternative situation report.

New post on Forever Unlimited

Cobra: Situation Update | The Portal

by ForeverUnlimited
Sunday, January 3, 2016

Cobra: Situation Update | The Portal

Align your focus to the solution. "Love conquers all." Albert Einstein

A Letter from Albert Einstein to His Daughter:
In the late 1980s, Lieserl, the daughter of the famous genius, donated 1,400 letters, written by Einstein, to the Hebrew University, with orders not to publish their contents until two decades after his death. This is one of them, for Lieserl Einstein.
"When I proposed the theory of relativity, very few understood me, and what I will reveal now to transmit to mankind will also collide with the misunderstanding and prejudice in the world.
I ask you to guard the letters as long as necessary, years, decades, until society is advanced enough to accept what I will explain below.
There is an extremely powerful force that, so far, science has not found a formal explanation to. It is a force that includes and governs all others, and is even behind any phenomenon operating in the universe and has not yet been identified by us. This universal force is LOVE.
When scientists looked for a unified theory of the universe they forgot the most powerful unseen force. Love is Light, that enlightens those who give and receive it. Love is gravity, because it makes some people feel attracted to others. Love is power, because it multiplies the best we have, and allows humanity not to be extinguished in their blind selfishness. Love unfolds and reveals. For love we live and die. Love is God and God is Love.
This force explains everything and gives meaning to life. This is the variable that we have ignored for too long, maybe because we are afraid of love because it is the only energy in the universe that man has not learned to drive at will.
To give visibility to love, I made a simple substitution in my most famous equation. If instead of E = mc2, we accept that the energy to heal the world can be obtained through love multiplied by the speed of light squared, we arrive at the conclusion that love is the most powerful force there is, because it has no limits.
After the failure of humanity in the use and control of the other forces of the universe that have turned against us, it is urgent that we nourish ourselves with another kind of energy…
If we want our species to survive, if we are to find meaning in life, if we want to save the world and every sentient being that inhabits it, love is the one and only answer.
Perhaps we are not yet ready to make a bomb of love, a device powerful enough to entirely destroy the hate, selfishness and greed that devastate the planet.
However, each individual carries within them a small but powerful generator of love whose energy is waiting to be released.
When we learn to give and receive this universal energy, dear Lieserl, we will have affirmed that love conquers all, is able to transcend everything and anything, because love is the quintessence of life.
I deeply regret not having been able to express what is in my heart, which has quietly beaten for you all my life. Maybe it's too late to apologize, but as time is relative, I need to tell you that I love you and thanks to you I have reached the ultimate answer! ".
Your father, Albert Einstein