Friday 29 March 2019

Chariots and Challenges.

Image result for chariot tarot card image

Turning fear into fun.

I talked a little while ago, about, Don't feel scared, feel god.
As this is what you are. No, not the god that is worshipped at alters, but you are Of the life force essence derived from the huge LIFE FORCE OF CREATION that encompasses the whole of everything. And you ARE the chariot of your life.
Its time to take the reigns.

I am feeling that I should be getting the reigns of my chariot by now.
Veering through the create at last, a fun, exhilerating ride.

A while ago too, I talked about how stress was a response through the neural pathways...and mainly in response to stressful situations..but how this response had taken over and anything remotely different was being flagged up as 'Stress', which becomes an autoimmune response, by being topped up over time, repeated in practice and literally wipes you out. So that anything exciting, challenging or out of the usual becomes 'stressful', and not the exciting, challenging, insightful or inspirational thing that can bring about expansion and change from the old set-grooves in the mud tracks of old programmes.


The life force essence in you is bigger than the programmes. You just have to see that.
The programmes that you inherited, or grew up in, you can now with, conscious effort, grow out of.

We have all been growing up in a 'limited-programme' environment which has provided the 'food source' that fed us, 'body, mind and soul'.
Choose a different food source,  the real source from the essence of life from which you were derived. Breathe.

When a fearful thing arises it is probably an opportunity to see the programmes at work and
~~~~WALK through them. ~~~~
The stress response stops you from being in the moment of the opportunity brought to you in disguise by the fearful thing,
~~and stops you being ALIVE in that moment. ~~~

Practice doing a fearful thing and see how gradually YOU can CHANGE THIS to a FUN thing,
~~and what you get then is this a big bolt of SELF EMPOWERMENT.~~


To help with Challenges
Related image
Yellow jade from a Japanese website.
Yellow Jade to lead to the success

With a semitransparent mineral with the glass luster, I belong to a monoclinic system and have small fiber-formed structure.
I was worshiped as "a stone of the magic" for a long time by many races of the world and have been decided. The history in Japan was old, too and was used for comma-shaped beads from Jomon period.

With a hue lighting a feeling, I am positive and want to challenge anything and have implication to charge for the desire that I want to get with every effort.

Because I am produced relatively abundantly, the price is reasonable, but has the delicate part which is easy to be damaged as it is not a hard stone.

It is a recommended nature stone to the one that wants to challenge something.

Toward such wish, occupation

・The one that challenges something
・The person who wants to have a dream
・The person who wants to raise imagination
・The person who wants to raise the executive ability

Finally More on the Chariot. 
In Numerology my life path number is 7, which corresponds to the Major Arcana Card VII,
The Chariot. I was pleased to see on the image below, that the Precious Stone associated with the Chariot is the Peridot, which is the ring I found for myself several weeks ago and have been wearing ever since.

Looking at the card below, This Charioteer even looks like me, with the same "Bloody hell" face as me,"How many more Challenges?"
Will and strength in determination. That's me.

To find your number, add all the digits of your birth date together and reduce them to a single digit.
27 feb 1967 becomes 2+7= 9. +2 (feb) =11,
Then  + (1+9+6+7= 23)
Add 11 to 23 + 33.
Reduce to a single digit, 3 +3= 6.
( NB. if your answer comes to a double digit such as 13, then reduce it again, 1+4 = 5).

In the example above, This life path number is 6 and so the corresponding Major Arcana Tarot card is VI,  which is the The Lovers.
So do the sum, find the number and look at what which Major Arcana your number corresponds to. Work out what it means for you.
This system shows how YOU ' Do Life'.


Image result for chariot tarot card image

" The only distortion were my very own limiting beliefs, whether those were about myself or others. “The EVENT and the dissolving of the old timelines/realities is an inner shift, not an outer change. It is our personal choice.” The EVENT and the dissolving of the old timelines/realities is an inner shift, not an outer change. It is our personal choice. Nobody is going to do that job for you. It is one thing to talk about it and understand it all in theory. It is another thing to actually do and embody it. To let go of all that "truth“ out there, and return to our inner truth and intuition. Only we ourselves can let go of all attachments and beliefs we have and can jump into our pool of fears into nothingness, having faith that beneath the dark surface is a whole new spectrum of beautiful, warm and cozy colours and that the result is far beyond the best thing our mind could have ever come up with."

I see this as 'seeing' the programmes. Michaela.

Vera Ingeborg: The Cage of Identity

by ForeverUnlimited

"This is so unfair! I have invested so much. My time, my energy, all of my savings. To build this website. To give access to information for people who are looking for answers. To empower people. And now I sit here with a pile of debt. I am so done with this!“
That was my ego speaking three weeks ago when four people on the same day were asking money back from me/us that we had lent last year to be able to keep on going with our project/mission Fast Forward/FFabric. Cosmic jokes, cosmic triggers.
I felt stupid, not understood, not valued. I felt betrayed by my own intuition. I just wanted to disappear. And I did. I withdrew. From Facebook, Instagram, friends and family. I wanted to be alone. All I wanted was to withdraw my energy out of the collective field, and make myself very compact. Not small. Compact. Be there for me. But who is that really? That "me“. And what is still left of me, if I am not "out there" anymore?
“But who is that really? That “me”. And what is still left of me, if I am not “out there” anymore?
I was thrown into a deep identity crisis. After all these years of spiritual growth, learning, expanding, integrating, I felt I had returned to zero. I saw and heard that ego part of me swearing and cussing and wanting to throw in the towel. It wanted to have that discussion, right here, right now. "You gotta do something about that. You cannot live from all the love and light people are sending to you. Blasphemy! They should send money. Why do people not see you for who you are and appreciate you for what you do?“ I heard this voice in my head going on with this rant.  "You have to this and that and bla, bla, bla…"  I felt pressure from this part of me.
And I did… NOTHING. No reaction. I surrendered. I cried for two days straight. It was a darkness and nothingness I had never experienced before. I could not see any purpose in what I was doing and in who I was. I was not able to get out of it. I was not supposed to in that moment. I was crying so hard because I was not able to handle that dark emptiness and the attempts of the old world to suck me back in. That feeling of being controlled. That feeling of owing something. That feeling of debt. That feeling of having to fulfill others expectations. That feeling of not being worthy. So I continued crying until there was no tear left. Then I saw it.
IDENTITY. It was all about things I was still identifying with and that I was attached to. Different identities that were entangled with each other. The persona Vera Ingeborg, the identity I had built up in the spiritual world, that – no difference to other gurus or teachers – most people saw as someone with answers to follow. A wayshower. "Who am I without that persona? Who am I without the Wake Up Experience? Who am I without followers?“These questions hammering in my head were cutting like a knife. What is left of me without any roles, attachments, conditions, without any legacy?
“These questions hammering in my head were cutting like a knife. What is left of me without any roles, attachments, conditions, without any legacy?”
The past weeks, I had felt so much frustration, why people were still searching for outside answers, were still falling into the traps of teachers and gurus selling their truth and methods to keep them in dependency and make money with it. Why they were still believing in someone would come to save them or solve it for them, believing that new earth would be created by an event, by a financial reset, by aliens etc.  All this conditional, disempowering bullshit out there.
And of course that was a mirror. By providing my insights, I kept contributing to this energy myself. That insight alone was a slap in the face, and drained me and made me endlessly tired. I had been giving, sharing, explaining, replying to thousands of messages, giving countless coaching sessions for free, investing so much energy in the past years. I had not seen it, but I was NOT doing it for me and NOT because I truly loved what I was doing. I was not in the flow, I felt tired and drained many times. I was still trying to do it for others and tried to "help people find their way and truth“ and at the same time I was trying to save my own ass and to make my living and solve my debt situation with this persona "Vera Ingeborg“, now in connection with our project Fast Forward. We felt we needed to prove that what we were doing was valuable and working to not disappoint people who trusted us and supported us. If we don’t succeed, we will end up being left with nothing. We will not survive. Conditional thinking and doing. Doubts and fear. Boom. How could I have not seen that?!?
Since 2015, The Wake Up Experience has had over 1.5 million visitors, and in average 1.500 visits per day, without any marketing. I had invested around 70.000 Euro of my own money and countless hours to design, build, host and operate the website, to record all the videos, to travel to the energetic spots to record them, cut them, re-audio them, to buy the equipment for it, to create the content, the logo, the brand, the photos etc. etc., and yet it did not come back in a way that I could afford a simple and beautiful life. Of course, I had a lot of joyful, beautiful moments and encounters, but in terms of “balance”, the opposite was the case. My funds and savings melted away, and I ended up in bankruptcy and debt.
“My debt. I was in shock with this insight. Who am I without my debt?”
IDENTITY. My debt. I was in shock with this insight. "Who am I without my debt?“ I was so identified with that feeling of debt and owing something to people and to the world. I was feeling trapped and stuck in that energy. I was trying hard to pay the money back, working an extra job, but instead I saw myself confronted with many unexpected expenses, that forced me to pay back less than what I had intended, and to sit with these feelings. Thank you Universe. Another wave of emotions washed over me and I screamed and cried it all out. Expressing all those feelings of powerlessness, frustration and of having no solution this time. It went straight to the core. My body went physically into complete disarray. I felt so much pain in my weak spots, my lower back and neck.
“My body, my pain, my weak spots… Who am I without my pain?”
IDENTITY. My body, my pain, my weak spots…. "Who am I without my pain?“ .. another insight, another ‚ouch‘ moment. Unconsciously I had still been in an energy of fighting against pain and symptoms. Fighting against myself. Having an excuse with my pain to not be present. Surrender again. Even deeper. And then so much gratitude to and for the pain and loving it for showing me what was still there that I did not love and accept about me. For the first time I truly treated the physical pain with love. The body started shaking, started opening up, started trusting and relaxing. I started crying again, and after all the releases, my space within was completely empty. This time it was a peaceful emptiness. A light, subtle and soft emptiness. No more darkness or heaviness. I did not feel like a victim anymore. I no longer was blaming or judging the outer experiences. This peaceful emptiness was so powerful. An omnipotent field of possibilities. A birth into a new completely unknown beautiful territory, waiting to be explored and discovered.
“This peaceful emptiness was so powerful. An omnipotent field of possibilities. A birth into a completely unknown beautiful territory, waiting to be expored and discovered.”

"I wish I did not need to ask the money back, but this is still the world we live in." 
That was what my friend had said when she asked the money back. She also said she was afraid that we would not pay her back. Non of it had a grip on me anymore. I did not feel responsible for compensating her fears, beliefs and reality. The energetic charge of "debt and owing“ was gone. What was left, was a commitment. We had agreed on this being a loan, so of course I would pay the money back. To her and to the others. But not from a place of feeling small or unworthy or obliged. Now it came from a place of intention, love and empowerment. Money would not control me anymore. People and situations would not have power over me anymore. I would not make myself small anymore. And I could now for sure say: "No, this is not the world I am living in anymore."
I am creating a new, inclusive world now – for me, not for others. The way I imagine it and want it to be. And those who want to co-create it with me and us, based on the energy of oneness, abundance and play, are very welcome to join that new playground. I don’t have to find those people, I don’t have to convince anyone. It is happening organically, naturally, without any effort. The attachments to anything of the old world based on duality are gone. The only bridge between dimensions and people is our heart.
I don’t have to convince anyone. It is happening organically, naturally, without any effort. The attachments to anything of the old world based on duality are gone. The only bridge between dimensions and people is our heart.
I realized that nothing what we had learned based on the "laws of duality“ would work in this new frequency band. Conditions, expectations, control, identity, attachments, linear thinking, the finding out of HOW… all of it falls away. Everything that is not NOW, everything that is projected into the past or future or onto others, has expired and has no resonance field any longer. The old ways do not work anymore, no matter how hard we try to stay in that (spiritual) comfort zone. No more crutches, no more training wheels. We have outgrown the low-frequency jacket, it is too small to still be able to wear it. Now I see that all of it was an investment into myself. To expand, to learn, to integrate, to remember. Remember why I started it in the first place. I did it for myself, not for others. To dare to share my own experience. Isn’t that beautiful? This cycle? It is oh so perfect and it was so worth it.
NOW, I receive in so many ways. I create, I contribute, I pay back and I receive. In the moment. I experience an inner balance, abundance and oneness with more and more people around me. It is all in one field, everything is connected and it is all orchestrated so beautifully. The only distortion were my very own limiting beliefs, whether those were about myself or others.
“The EVENT and the dissolving of the old timelines/realities is an inner shift, not an outer change. It is our personal choice.”
The EVENT and the dissolving of the old timelines/realities is an inner shift, not an outer change. It is our personal choice. Nobody is going to do that job for you. It is one thing to talk about it and understand it all in theory. It is another thing to actually do and embody it. To let go of all that "truth“ out there, and return to our inner truth and intuition. Only we ourselves can let go of all attachments and beliefs we have and can jump into our pool of fears into nothingness, having faith that beneath the dark surface is a whole new spectrum of beautiful, warm and cozy colours and that the result is far beyond the best thing our mind could have ever come up with.
What is left of "me“ after dropping all these identities?
What remains is love, playfulness, curiosity, talent, passion and connection to all. The mirror is empty. Actually, in the world of oneness there is no mirror. There is no student or teacher. There is no follower or leader. In oneness there is exchange, sharing, spaceholding, and the realization that everything and everyone is an aspect of me and the organism I am part of. Just like all the cells in a body. There is not one leading cell. All of them are contributing with their unique function to the whole. Interdependently. You, me, us – it is all part of the same, with a unique essence and contribution.

The text shared is based on a truly personal experience to inspire others. It is not considered to be the ultimate truth, as such thing does not exist. I encourage you to only take what resonates to find your own truth and wisdom. The Wake Up Experience and its authors do not claim any copyright, as all that is shared is universal wisdom. Please feel free to share this content as long as you keep its message complete so that the meaning does not get twisted. Thank you. With lots of love, Vera

Thursday 28 March 2019

To Add perspective on the fifth interview, see the First interview." “The WingMakers have built a time capsule of their culture and it’s magnificent. I wish I could take people to the original site so they could stand before each of the twenty-three chambers and witness these wall paintings in person. If you were to do this, you would understand that art can be a portal that transports the soul to a different dimension. There is a certain energy that these paintings have that can’t be translated in mere photographs. You really need to stand inside these chambers and feel the purposeful nature of this time capsule"

“I think if I could do that, you would believe what I’ve said.” Sarah: “Could you take someone like me to the site?” Dr. Neruda: “No. Unfortunately, the security system surrounding this site is so sophisticated, the site entrance, for all intents and purposes, is invisible. All I have are my photographs….” Sarah: “You’re saying that if I walked right up to the site, I wouldn’t be able to see it?” Dr. Neruda: “Cloaking technology is not just a science fiction concept. It’s been developed for more than ten years. It’s used much more frequently than people realize. And I’m not talking about its diluted version of stealth technology; I’m talking about the ability to superimpose a reality construction over an existing reality that’s desired to be hidden. “For instance, you could walk right up to the entrance of the Ancient Arrow site and see nothing that would look like an entrance or opening. To the observer it would be a flat wall of rock. And it would have all the characteristics of rock—texture, hardness and so forth, but it’s actually a reality construction that is superimposed on the mind of the observer. In reality the entrance is there, but it can’t be observed because the mind has been duped into the projected reality construction.” Sarah: “Great, so there’s no way to enter this site and experience this time capsule…

This is the first interview and gives a much broader background to the Fifth.

To see the art

For the website

BTW. Also see how the technology talked about in the first interview is being used
Labyrinth now takes Corteum technologies and dilutes them to the point where they can be SOLD to private industry (!!!) 
New market starts 

Do you know why? 


The Blank Slate Technology is real and elements of our government/population have cooperated with the designers of Blank State Technology to further it's agenda on Earth. The Blank State Technology does just that - wipes out time lines and creates a blank state. 

The BeaST mechanism involves Merkaba Mechanics. It relates to Merkaba spins and ratios that create the actual realities we exist in. The manipulation of Merkabas creates our manifest and conscious reality (this applies to universes, stars planets, and our own conscious selves as well). 

Very fresh cake: 
Pele (hybrid DNA), ACIO 
RemoteView public seller 
Please connect yourself to NET (Nibiruian Electrostatic Transduction field) 

Remoteview technology (PSYSPY) 
more and less is used on all WM forum members 
Are you able to protect yourself? 
Son, do you belive in God? Or do you think you are god? 


to see, check out:

The Websites of James Mahu
the four websites beyond
“There is no supplication that stirs me. No prayer that invites me further into your world unless it is attended
with the feeling of unity and wholeness. There is no temple or sacred object that touches me. They do not,
nor have they ever brought you closer to my outstretched hand. My presence in your world is unalterable for
I am the sanctuary of both the cosmos and the one soul inside you.”
An Excerpt from First Source, Decoded from Chamber Twenty-three

This feels right, but not sure how.


Mar 28, 2019 - 
Aquarius Mercury 2 Moon 12
We have the Moon in Capricorn shining a light on your house of secrets and karma. So the cycle that you are finishing right now has everything to do with loose ends in the karma department. Something is definitely coming full circle for you right now, and it has everything to do with the balance in your karmic bank account.
At the same time, we have Mercury turning direct in your money house right now. This is going to bring some relief to your money sector, especially as far as communication goes. It feels good!
These are the days that miracles and rewards from Universe are made of! Secrets or information that finds its way to you could have something to do with all of this.
What are you feeling good about today?

Wednesday 27 March 2019

Winged Starseeds (The Bird Tribes)

Black Swan. Wow!! Sighting a black swan may mean "Something big is about to happen."~~ But we are reminded : "... the One Who Moves Through All Things turns wretchedness into a gift. " ~~ "Swan symbolism is about learning at the core of your being your ultimate radiance and perfection."

Image result for northern cross images

This evening I saw a Black swan flying so fast high above me in the sky. As I had spent some hours discussing with a friend, the tribulations of the difficulties in what we experience and how they are probably the patterns showing us How we are programmed to experience life, I thought this must be some kind of message.

The swan is linked to the Northern cross

The Northern Cross is an asterism, or noticeable pattern of stars. It’s within a true constellation – Cygnus the Swan. The Northern Cross and Swan pattern are within a larger asterism, consisting of three bright stars, called the Summer Triangle. Image via Bob Mohler.
Photographed and composed by Susan Jensen

Faith and Humility

The constellation Cygnus (the latin word for swan) is made of the same stars as the Northern Cross. It is an interesting synchronicity that the cross, long a symbol of spiritual suffering and undying faith, is paired with the swan.
To endure suffering and imperfection with a fierce faith in the One Who Moves Through All Things turns wretchedness into a gift. Swan symbolism is about learning at the core of your being your ultimate radiance and perfection. There will likely be trials along the way to remind you of the grace and virtue of maintaining a humble soul. For even pride in your perfection renders it imperfect.
If you are currently courting swan spirit animal ask yourself the following questions:
  • How do I view my own imperfection? and my own perfection?
  • What suffering has come to me to teach me about keeping my faith and releasing my faults?
  • How do I appreciate the virtue of loyalty? Who or what am I loyal to?
  • How can the swan guide me on the path to enlightenment?

The Black Swan - 2012 prophesies, end of time, global changes, Mayan calendar, ayahuasca, shamanismBlack Swan

Article by Ralph Miller

I recently had a conversation with a close friend about the way current world events seem to be setting the stage for something really interesting to happen. Something really big! We talked about how the world is going to change in some fundamental way; you know things will change but you can’t put your finger on it to describe what the change would be.  You just feel it.
I have felt for a long time now that a great transformation will happen and the form it will take will be something we never anticipated. This article will really be a continuation of some of the perspectives I began discussing in the two articles entitled, The 2012 Problem and 2012 Revisited.  Those articles deal with the notion that from the perspective of the Mayans, the year 2012 will herald the ‘end of time’ or at least the end of the Mayan calendar.  My belief is that a new human consciousness will go beyond traditional notions of temporal reality.  Traditional notions of ‘time’ will no longer be relevant in the same way.
My friend mentioned the theory of the Black Swan and suggested that it was quite similar to the concept of ‘profound change’ that I was describing.  Black Swan theory was put forth by Nassim Nicholas Taleb.  Taleb is a mathematician, writer and scholar in the field of randomness.  The theory was described in his 2007 book entitled, The Black Swan.  The idea is simply that the collective view was that all swans were white.  Since swans were only white, the concept of a black swan was a metaphor.  It is reference to anything that is utterly improbable.  It refers to events or things which are not predictable but at the same time feel inevitable. 
The impossibility of a black swan in Western culture was due to the simple fact that nobody had ever seen anything but white swans. The existence of a black swan would require the world to accommodate its existence; a world where there are both white and black swans.   The 17th Century discovery of black swans in Australia transformed the meaning of the concept.  What was thought of as utterly impossible actually did come to pass.
The black swan is the harbinger of ‘things’ and/or events that will have monumental ‘culture changing’ potential!  It’s the answer to the notion that ‘something’s got to give’.  Or, ‘that something big is bound to happen.’

What Is the Meaning of a Black Swan?

What Is the Meaning of a Black Swan?
A "black swan" is a very surprising and unexpected event that often has profound benefit or consequences. This term serves as a metaphor based on the surprising discovery of black swans in Australia. Black swan is used in finance to describe an unexpected occurrence leading to drastic gains or losses.

Tuesday 26 March 2019

another BTW.

By the way, I figure that this is all down to me 'seeing' the programming that I have been , or still am  running to.
Check out how you feel about being programmed.

A BTW, ( a By The Way) on this Mercury retrograde. So it looks like I am still on for blogging my ramblings, and someone out there, is still on to find them ~ if they want to look. Michaela

This is a small, or maybe it is more directly meaningful 'BTW.' by the way.

Mercury is now settling itself to go direct. Is that a Hurrah I hear?
Communications, technical glitches, messages gone awry...not understood. Which brings me to one Glitch that has been bothering me,  that is one of the Platforms of HUGE COMMUNICATIONS, the Google platform situation.

But I speak to my personal situation only now, the part where Google take down my blog beginning of April. So the last few weeks I have it written on paper that I have to DO SOMETHING about this.
Save the blog to another blog, which means creating a new blog and 'copy and paste' the whole lot over, or download it to a hard drive and work from there....What?
BUT I didn't actually have the time to do anything concrete. I told myself that I will figure it out when I figure it out, and if that means I loose the blog than maybe that is what needs to happen, but something kept telling me it was ok, or that I would find or see a solution.

So finally yesterday, still ill from the weekend, I set out time to do this, (yes, cutting it fine again)...and ignore everything else that I would normally 'jump to' to get done.

I am not a techie, and don't understand many of the things you should know to operate a blog.
But sometimes I just find answers 'conveniently or synchronistically'.

So I was poring through internet sites and checking what I could do, even starting a few new blogs (yes, really) which is when  the photo of Mercury (from 2017, so not recent) jumped out at me (a few times) from some files, as I was looking for images to put on a new blog.

 ~~~so I was thinking: Okay, that's nice, Mercury for Communication, North node of Gemini in the 12th house. ~~
And I was settling into Creating these new blogs-spaces but ultimately it meant that I would have import each post, from this one to save my 'valued' posts, until I had the time to work which I was happy to delete. BUT,  I JUST couldn't see myself doing that,  importing them one by one, for the next few days solid...SURELY there must be a better way.
That is when 'I got' that there was message coming to me squarely from Mercury retrograde.
So skimming through Google help cut a long story short, eventually I worked out that Google is closing Google+ and the blogs that are attached to Google+ were on shakey ground.
BUT I just switched it from a Google+ account to a Blogger account only, and that means that this Blog will survive, it just wont have all the add-ons ( that I never made full use of )that it had when it was attached to Google+ account.

So the upshot is this:
EITHER I had completely got it wrong in the first place, a huge communications failure on my part...Google never was going to shut my blog down, just withdraw my Google account.
Or, I had got it right,  that Google was going to shut my blog down along with my Google account, but I was given a little  reprieve, an insight to get the blog back on track.

OR, I have got that wrong too , in which case, my inability to sort things of PERSONAL VALUE to me into some kind of 'top of the list' Priority is what this retrograde was showing me... which is what the Mercury retrograde in the 2nd house is trying to show you.

However, Mercury is the blessing in disguise that gives us that little extra time we didn’t know we needed. We’re given an opportunity to perhaps fix the little faults of our plans and better prepare ourselves for certain events or even grander opportunities. 

So it looks like I am still on for blogging my ramblings, and someone out there can still find them if they look.

~~If I have this wrong, and this blog fails to appear next week,  I apologise now, in advance for            misinforming you,
~~~and I apologise to myself for letting the things that I value ( 2nd house), become lost in the ongoing avalance of everyone else and everything else.~~


Mercury is Direct! Venus in Pisces. Mars in Gemini....(And my personal retrospective on this latest Mercury Retrograde, Michaela)

I was wondering why yesterday, I kept being brought back to a photo I had taken a few years ago of a statue of Mercury.

So today I learn that Mercury is stationary and goes direct onThursday, what does that mean?
Well this video tells us that a day before and a day after will be wrapped up in this energy as Mercury starts moving again. So maybe this is a Flag for me to say that its time.

I met this statue of Mercury in Ireland in August 2017. The time was nice, I took  my daughter over for a holiday and we had a great, and relaxing week. However during this holiday, actually on the day of this particular trip (photo), I became really ill with severe stomach cramps and I nauseous and vomiting. It took me two or three days to recover.  It was such a painful day, so being drawn back to look at this photo is reminding me of it again and interestingly, this weekend, Sunday and Monday I have been really ill again, with deep and severe pains in my head and again nauseous but no vomiting. 

Was I being flagged by Mercury and instructed to look at the events surrounding these periods and see if there is a link?

I looked back to August 2017, to see that during that time there was indeed a Mercury retrograde, in Virgo.
Because Mercury rules Virgo, the retrograde in August should prove interesting! The cycle begins with Pre-Shadow at 3:13 pm UTC* on July 24.
Mercury Retrograde station occurs at 1:00 am UTC*, on August 13, in Virgo (11o38"). Note that in North America, the station occurs on the evening of August 12.
Mercury Direct station occurs at 11:29 am Greenwich time on September 5 in Leo (28o25"), leaving the Post-Shadow at 3:59 pm UTC* on September 19.

The statue of Mercury in Garinish Island in Co Cork

So then I checked out "Why would it make me ill? actually sick". On Saturday just gone, I was again pushing and crossing my flimsy physical boundaries, using up all my resources (2nd House, see later) to get things done, to cover all bases, and I was sooo tired and wiped out, I staggered up the stairs and fell into bed. 

As you can see, in August 2017, the retrograde was in Virgo, however, I was probably again, run ragged. I was dealing with BIG issues that USED UP all my resources (similar affliction with 2nd house) which was why I needed a holiday, when financially it wouldn't  have been a great idea ...and actually What I needed was 2 weeks 'total' bed rest, as that can't happen I fell back onto a holiday in Ireland (the photo to which I my attention was drawn), 
which was nice and  the scenery is great, a beach and countryside. But when you have a teen on tow, and you get wrapped up close in Family issues energy, and having exerting walks up hills, which I could be that I CHOSE 'wrong'...Maybe the WAY I MAKE CHOICES just isn't going to cut anymore.
Maybe I SHOULD have used that time to NURTURE ME and SEE my resources and value my time and life essence. But in truth my 2nd house of SELF VALUES, SELF EMPOWERMENT, and SELF FINANCES has been needing a Major shake up FOR I keep giving away all my energy. If I don't see the depth of value in my resources, they are up for grabs by any passing issues which  need energy to drink. 
Anyway I can't find which of my houses were affected by that mercury retrograde in August 2017, so I just looked at 2nd house as was true for this current retrograde.

                                                                                                                                                       2nd House:
If Mercury is retrograding through your 2nd house take time out to review matters pertaining to your resources, both financial and otherwise. This is a great time to catch up with unpaid bills and to get your finances in order. If you discover you have less money than you anticipated (which can happen at this time!), use the retrograde period to come up with a viable plan for money management from hereon in. This transit can be a wake-up call to pay more attention to what you have, what you don’t have and how best to use the resources at your disposal. It’s also a good time to develop gratitude for life’s blessings, rather than simply using them up as they arise. The 2nd house also relates to the body, so take good care of your health during this transit. If you feel tired, rest. If you feel ill, don’t push through but instead do what your body needs to heal. It is, after all, our most precious resource and our relationship with it can reflect our wider attitude towards the physical world. Through nurturing our body we can learn to nurture our environment and those within it: all important contributory factors to our quality of life.

Here’s How the March 2019 Mercury Retrograde Will Effect Your Zodiac Sign

Happy Astrological New Year, sky lovers!
March is the time to get this party started, but prepare to add a beotch and a half to that guest list. That’s right, Mercury is making its triannual retrograde at 29 degrees 38 minutes of Pisces on March 5th and won’t go direct until the 28th.
Mercury rules intellect, education, communication, and all matters of the mind.
You need not worry, however. If we know someone is bound to crash our party, we plan around it and even reschedule, right?
Stagnation and frustration most often accompany us during retrogrades. However, Mercury is the blessing in disguise that gives us that little extra time we didn’t know we needed. We’re given an opportunity to perhaps fix the little faults of our plans and better prepare ourselves for certain events or even grander opportunities. It’s a time to reconfigure and even clean out our energetic space to welcome abundance, which is why we look at where Venus is in respect to this retrograde.
Depending on which house Mercury is in on your personal natal chart is where he is bound to crash your party. Additionally, those with sun, moon, and/or rising signs within 26 to 30 degrees of Pisces will also most strongly feel the effects.
Your sun sign will resonate, more or less, with what’s going on. I specifically stress you know and check your ascendant sign for further clarification. Your natal house progression is based on where the sun was in respect to the eastern horizon (sun rise or set) which can only be configured with your exact birth time. To get your personalized natal chart, click here.
To skip to your retroscope instead of reading about Mercury in Pisces, look below for your sign.

Mercury is in Pisces: the sign of spiritual closure, dreams, and transcendence.

This energy is wishy-washy, but strangely it’s also heavy. Things may move at a pace a lot quicker than you were expecting. You may find different outlets for escaping certain responsibilities or things that must be addressed to move forward. Quite frankly, it might be overwhelming at first.
With this full moon in Virgo, this energy will spin many of us into harsh self-criticism when we can’t keep up. One thing to take from this retrograde is that we should be improving ourselves and lives every day through the little choices we make and how good we are to ourselves, other people, and just presenting ourselves with grace and honesty.
This is what the Piscean energy is about, baby. If you long to achieve the life that is true to you, you must sit with your emotions, both good and bad. Own them as part of you. Let it soften you. Extract the other emotions, thoughts, or parts of your life that aren’t going to make it with you into this next cycle.
Below are detailed Mercury retroscopes for each zodiac sign:

For how Mercury retrograde pulls you back see your sign in the Mercury retrograde and loving this for Aquarius in Retrograde, So this is what my Mercury Flag is waving at me.
Money, yeah, wishy washy, ready to take a leap of faith, yeah....
Aquarius (January 20th to February 18th): Stop, drop, and bank roll.
Aquarius, have you been wasting time on a not-so-fulfilling job or source of income? This retrograde is firing up your 2nd house of finances, material possessions, and self-esteem, with Venus following behind in your 1st house of appearance, first impressions, and the self.
Many of you are ready to take a new leap of faith in what you want to achieve for yourself. You’ve been silently building on something you want for yourself, whereas the last few years with the nodes in Leo and Aquarius came with painful karmic lessons that posed its challenges for you. Thankfully this has mostly passed, but some bad financial habits are bound to backfire for you. However, all is not lost if you’re simply mindful of what you do during this retrograde period.
Some of you within the last year or so have moved somewhere new in result of the aforementioned; likewise, for many of you, it came with a spark to initiate your dreams into reality. Now you may feel financially burdened with the costs of making this happen. Some of you have been financially codependent, whether it be with a partner or even a job that isn’t compensating what you’re worth.
This retrograde may intensify pre-existing frustrations with your self-image because you thrive best when you rely on yourself. You want to shine like the star you are, but how do you when everyone is pulling your life’s strings and orchestrating the show for you? You’re just longing to step into your own power and make things happen on your terms.
Don’t worry, Aquarius, because things are happening! Time to reconfigure that mindset. Use this time to discipline yourself financially and personally to where you can invest in yourself. The universe is feeling mad love towards you this year. Break from this pattern of behavior and watch your returns grow more than you imagined.

More on the mercury retrograde here.