Wednesday 27 February 2019

A Message to Lightworkers - February 26, 2019. Caroline Oceana Ryan

A Message to Lightworkers -
February 26, 2019

The latest guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elementals, Faery Elders, Angels, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, friends! We are happy to have this time to speak with you.

As we wish to speak with you today about your own growth and journey.

And so we ask that you take your eyes off of what is occurring outwardly in your world for a moment.

World events that many have considered to be highly negative have occurred on the Earth for many thousands of years.

These do not necessarily define the quality of your life, or even the full quality of life experienced by those facing the brunt of these events.

And so we would ask that you release thoughts of the outer world for a moment, and grow quiet now, and move into the heartspace for a moment.

Call forward your Spirit team of Angelic guardians, spirit guides, and higher self, to speak to you in your current life journey energetically, as we speak to you via these words and our own energies, if you are open to such.
We would like you to consider that at the heart of all you do, there is a powerful desire to step into the Light at greater and greater levels.
This desire might be expressed as greater Peace of heart-mind, greater Wisdom and understanding, greater capacity to Love, or to manifest your life in higher forms.
That desire has in part been placed there by your soul and higher self, and in part, occurred as a reaction to the current condition of your inner and outer life.

So that far from being slowed or pulled off-track by your life events and circumstances, you are all the more encouraged and motivated by that which captures your attention as being “something I need to work on.”

It becomes something that pushes you to move to a higher level of vibration and understanding in that area.

We would say, that though the more challenging aspects of your daily life can be trying and difficult, you need not feed the difficult aspects of those situations by called them “problems.”

You might instead wish to call them “a knock on the door” that you are meant to answer, not only in outer physical ways, but by going inward and asking for Wisdom on that issue, asking why it has come to you, what it is connected to (such as other lives, your soul growth, or your life mission), and what you can do to lift it to a higher level.

Be aware that not every issue in your life requires a solution or a positive outcome that will be obvious and visible to you, either now or at a later moment.

You have seen how some things have occurred in your life which you considered untenable—painful situations that seemed to cry out for immediate healing or resolution, yet which over time, you came to view as moments that released you from an old belief or energy pattern that was not serving you.

You had in fact, on a higher level, set up that situation to assist you in detaching from what belonged to a younger self, or a past life self, and was not a positive presence for you.

And so we would simply ask that you would “take yourself off the hook” one might say, and stop blaming yourself or your outer life for showing up in ways that feel uncomfortable—that seem to be calling out with "Lack" or "Loss" or “I’m stuck here!”

You possess the ability to show yourself Love in every situation in your life, regardless of whether you seem to be creating the money you desire, the relationship or level of healthy you desire, or the home or work or other situations you desire . . . 

Copyright 2019, Caroline Oceana Ryan
If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.
Thank you.


Aries symbollizes the Mars / Warrior / Action energy. So Chiron in Aries helps you activate your inner Sacred Warrior!Tania Gabrielle: Chiron in Aries: The Bold Sacred Warrior by ForeverUnlimited.

Tania Gabrielle: Chiron in Aries: The Bold Sacred Warrior

by ForeverUnlimited
Last week Chiron moved into Aries – and that’s big news!
Aries is the first sign, so Chiron’s brand new journey through the 12 signs of the zodiac begins now.
  • It takes Chiron 51 years to move through the zodiac.
  • Chiron will stay in Aries through 2027.
The last time Chiron spent time in Aries was from 1968-1977.
By the time of its discovery on November 1, 1977, Chiron had already entered Taurusand left the sign of Aries behind.
Thus, THIS transit of Chiron in Aries is the first time in human history that we are AWARE of Chiron’s existence and impact!
Chiron has an irregular orbit – staying in some signs for as little as 1.5 years and others up to nine years.
  • The signs that Chiron spends the longest amount of time in are Pisces (the final sign) and Aries (the first sign).
  • Chiron is the LINK between the unconscious (Pisces) and the conscious (Aries) – the Unseen and the Seen.
Being fully conscious of what was formerly hidden gives you the clarity to set you free.
Chiron is a Soul-centered planet, describing how events, decisions, lessons and activities you experience and create lead to healing.
Essentially Chiron helps you to be your own teacher and guide, and in turn be a guide and teacher to others.
And non matter which sign Chiron was in when you were born… Chiron’s move into Aries impacts everyone!
Since Chiron rarely changes signs, when it does, there’s a palpable energy shift.
  • The last time Chiron changed signs was in 2010 when it moved into PISCES.
Look back at 2010.
What was happening in your life?
In the last 9 years…
  • Chiron in Pisces opened up your spiritual nature, guiding you to understand UNSEEN matters as much (or more) than the SEEN.
  • Chiron in Pisces helped you to discover your subconscious patterns and how they impact your thinking and beliefs.
At this time during the onset of Chiron’s new journey through the twelve signs of the Zodiac you are acknowledging what awakened in you - how you put a lot more TRUST in your INTUITION, and how inspiration and HEALING have become a natural part of your life in a much bigger way.
These are tools you’re using to help you see how Chiron in Aries will UNFOLD in your life through 2027.
If you’re experiencing noticeable shifts or new directions in your life, that’s a clue as to what this Chiron/Aries energy has in store for you.
  • Who you are at a UNIQUE LEVEL, your INDIVIDUALITY
  • EXPLORE your special gifts in a NEW WAY
While Chiron in Pisces was a gentle energy - patient, dreamy and more slow-moving, reflective…
…Chiron in ARIES is pro-active and quick-moving and being very EFFICIENT. Bring issues to a resolution quickly in order for Healing to happen faster.
Chiron also governs LOVE and Compassion, so you’ll invite love into all parts of your life in a CONSCIOUS, more VISIBLE way!
  • Chiron helps you integrate, assimilate and release the past to set you free.
  • Chiron is the SOUL HEALER.
In the next 8 years you’ll be fully accepting yourself at Soul-Level.
Aries symbollizes the Mars / Warrior / Action energy. So Chiron in Aries helps you activate your inner Sacred Warrior!
Being passionately engaged and on fire - being BOLD is going to be encouraged and much more accepted!
Thus - Healing happens on a totally new landscape of COURAGE and ACTION.
As Chiron begins its passionate, fresh and optimistic journey through Aries for the next eight years - take this opportunity to tune into your positive Jupiter birth blessings to help you accelerate the positive momentum!
  • You were born with Jupiter in a specific house and specific sign in your astrology birth chart.
  • Your NATAL Jupiter placement reveals your natural wealth manifestation gifts.
  • In fact, you have 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones.
Each Jupiter zone reveals precisely how you are DESIGNED to attract abundance and experience supreme Soul-level fulfillment.
Discover your 3 Jupiter Wealth Zones in your personal Jupiter Wealth Code here.
Blessings and Love,
Tania Gabrielle
PS. So many opportunities to step into YOUR inner Sacred Warrior! Go deepen your commitment to joyful excellence by activating the divine gifts in your Jupiter Wealth Code.

World of Theta.

Would you like to know what it feels like to,
surrender to the fact that in life we sometimes have to let go and allow for what is new to enter the open spaces created by our losses,

that you have the highest perspective on how to, you deserve to, you are safe doing so, that you allow yourself to, and you do live your daily life with this with grace and ease now?
Say yes, and allow the energy to change within you.
with Love and Light

Tuesday 26 February 2019

Shifting to a Light Body ∞The 9D Arcturian Council. Daniel Scranton. (Jet lag combined with future shock??? Michaela )

So this best describes what is happening.
I have been totally out of whack since a day or two before the 19th Feb. Which feels like months ago.The days that followed, I have been so groggy and unable to do very much. I went to my kundalini yoga class on Friday and we did 'angel wings' kriya. The grogginess lifted a bit, but I was still quite 'out of it.' Quite blissful but awkward. Later on Saturday 23rd feeling back on earth and having lots to do, I got busy again till late evening. But then on Sunday 24th Feb, I woke up in pain and couldn't walk for a while. A sudden and huge pain had swelled up in my hip. Still feeling it, but it is reducing each day since. Been feeling so out of it, so weird, so groggy, similar to exhaustion with jet lag... that I knew something was going on.
Maybe the feeling is akin to having moved so rapidly that it is Jet lag, or 'future shock' rather than 'culture shock' which is when you visit a different culture in a different geography and feel really ungrounded as all your previous frames of reference have no bearing in the culture/geography you are visiting.

Image result for angel wings kiry kundalini

angel wings kriya.


Shifting to a Light Body ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

Shifting to a Light Body ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are experiencing a wonderful amount of movement forward at this time, and you are handling the changes you’ve been experiencing within you very well. It is a beautiful time to be in a physical body, as you get to experience the best part of shifting your consciousness. As you shift, you become a light-bodied being, and this is a rather extreme change in the way that you will know yourselves physically.
It is exciting to say the least, but there’s also a familiarity that you have with the current physical vehicle, and there is something very comfortable in the familiar. So the transition will always entail a bit of letting go of what you have known, and the more attached you are to your physicality, the harder the transition will be. The more you can see yourselves as consciousness that is having a physical experience, the easier the transition will be.
You can love your physical bodies just as they are, and also not be attached to them, just as you could walk into a luxurious home and fall completely in love with it. And then you could go next door to another luxurious home and fall equally in love with that one. You would not feel any attachment to the first home that you explored in this scenario.
And we know that some of you who are receiving this transmission are thinking, ‘I am ready to go, and I have no attachment whatsoever to this physical form.’ And that is all well and good, but until you experience a physical transformation, you cannot know exactly how attached you are.
This is why meditation is so important, and this is why we’re always telling you to go within. To know yourselves as more than just your physical form is going to make the shift to the fifth dimension so much more pleasant and enjoyable, and that is the experience we know you all want.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Connecting With Deceased Loved Ones

"Our sun is a portal- for these rays/projections. The rays coming through the Sun are causing the "magnetic" sun or "Divine Feminine" cycle." Aluna Ash- 9D: Energy Update- Incoming Shifts/Stellar Plasma Through Sun.

New post on Forever Unlimited

Aluna Ash- 9D: Energy Update- Incoming Shifts/Stellar Plasma Through Sun

by ForeverUnlimited

Energy Update- Incoming Shifts/Stellar Plasma Through Sun

Streamed live 5 hours ago
I already mentioned this last week or the week before but we have another Plasma wave coming in through the Sun- active and will peak at different times depending on where you live as far as hemispheres and how you experience the energy individually so how you tune into the sun and the planets in the collective Consciousness because there will be a spike in the Schumann resonance with this. This can create winds and changes in weather, and the usual energy shifts emotionally mentally physically and spiritually. You may also feel increases in sexual energy.
I forgot to mention, the codes/frequencies that come through these rays are what are connected to synchronicity and number manipulation by the ones (once) in control of the entertainment, collective perception and money systems. Example: 13D, sirius b ray-52, 52 used often in numerology manipulation using synchronicities which are the fabric of the holographic reality through ray projection. (The projections are just layers of light.) This is one of many base numbers used most often. Time is cylical so events flow through number/frequency- cause and affect, based off the time dimensional frequency and projection. Its the mind creates the duality/division. Not the natural reality. The division here on this planet is due to our mental projection individually and as a collective consciousness.
And it's not even really about a particular situation or experience but all of our experiences that is creating in unfolding of pure potential to create a completely new paradigm, as Lisa Harrison would call it "deconstructing the construct" which I think is the most perfect reference for what this is and what we're doing
Each experience is based of perception/projection- some may feel the cosmic rays, some may not. Some may see them, some may not.
Either way, the importance is focused on staying in the excitement of creating and having that my opinion. Everything I speak on is my own perception so may not resonate!!
Our sun is a portal- for these rays/projections. The rays coming through the Sun are causing the "magnetic" sun or "Divine Feminine" cycle.
We are by Divine design- shifts right now are spiritual then physical and vice versa.

getting free. (from 2017).

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Get free from the slippery pole to find your way out and into the fresh air of Abundance.

Image result for image of the reptilian brainImage result for image of the reptilian brain

Image result for image of the reptilian brain fear centre

Ok, I am playing with putting two and two together to get an answer to the abundance riddle.

Why is there so much talk about abundance and manifesting your wishes, in the middle of such strife and chaos as we scale up the mountain of Ascension.

We are learning that there is more, so much MORE to us Humans than meets the eye. We are learning that we create as we go along, without knowing, we create small and often ridiculous outcomes that only act to perpetuate the mud tracks we have been trying to get out of.

We are learning that we CREATE the new world with every NEW thought wish dream that does not have its origin or attachment to the OLD world. That this is how we create ASCENSION.

And that folks is why it seems to take so long....most of us are still unknowingly attached to the old...Old story, old creation, slap bang back into the mouth of limitation and fear.

So why is that?

Well as I watched the David Icke youtube I posted yesterday, and added that to what I put out in the gut-brain axis in relation to Lisa Renee's newsletter, I have put two and two together ....

The back story.
In order for the infinite creator beings of abundance and manifestion  that we are, to  experience total seperation (and so be in an illusion that primarily brings us isolation from our connection and fractal individuations of source creation)......either

  • by choice cos it was a wild and exciting notion to expand EXPANSIVELY and feed back that expansion to SOURCE.
  • to willingly take part in an experiment, for whatever reason, OR
  • or were tricked into slavery ( and so begin a descent into further and continuing separation) in order to be a energy supply for other species)

(take your pick from which belief you resonate with.....or... add your own version..)

...humans had to be BELIEVE that they were NOT what they were.

Humans, or whatever they may have been called before,.. had to believe that they were different, isolated, small, abandoned, and had to have blinkers put on them to FEEL< SEE>BE isolated from source, and a world was conjured up for this to all happen in.


...the hologram that was placed over the world, was to put a hood over our heads in hostage style, and humans were to live with that hood pulled over our heads until we were smart enough to take it off....


....we had to be immersed in that illusion by being contained in a matter,(flesh) unit that worked in that hologram to pull the strings/give an impetus/ momentum/ motivation/ meaning within that illusion. Thats where the mind biology comes in.

The problem is that the 'mind-biology' we,
.......(even though we are infinitely much bigger than we think,).....
  think we are....
 is actually derived from the primitive reptilian brain.

So our mind biology was conjured from a mixing of genes, to keep us in this place, and internally hoodwinked, until the time came to SEE through it.

So think to the brain stem. Our brain has a reptilian centre, a limbic middle and outer neocortex. There are three main central themes that we can associate with this reptilian centre brain that are characteristics of reptiles that we can watch on a TV documentary (and you check back to David Ickes youtube).
1. The reptile is in constant fear of predators. So it always has to keep itself unseen and therefore small and safe. Survival
2. The reptile is in constant fear of not having food. Lack and competition for resources.
3.The reptile gets warmth from the environment, as it has no inner heat system itself. It therefore will cease to exist if it cannot get its warmth/life blood/from its environment.

So not only are immersed in a predatory/parasitic environment (LisaRenee), we have deep within us, in our DNA,  slippery feelings/memories/information that declare in cell language, our place in this  predator prey closed system.

Our behaviour will default to perpetuate this understanding of our place in this environment. We have FEAR of Death, as we cease to exist..

A bad life, with suffering and pain, hunger is better than none at all. Small understanding, living small and needy lives.

We believe there is ALWAYS a danger of NO food/NO resources. Our reptilian information is feeding our DNA to produce genes and proteins for responses for survival , stress... We are petuating the NEEDs limits and restrictions, of NOT HAVING/ that is not a good foundation to build abundance understanding.

The reptilian part of us, knows that it cannot sustain itself, it takes its energy from the environment. In the NAA, the reptilian agenda is about taking energy from its livestock as it cannot sustain itself, for the fact it is so distanced/cut off from THE SOURCE of life energy. The energy it consumes has be resonant with itself, low and negative and polluted, there fore it fuels the negative environment for its livestock ( food in cages, humans) so that they emit they required low level energy of fear/lack/struggle for survival, predatory and parasitic behaviour, to keep their own fear of ceasing to exist at bay.

It is not encouraged for the food in cages to raise their vibration because that means the FOOD source they rely on to exist, will diminish and they will die. See how humans cage animals in fear and torture for their own livestock, with a constant fear that food will run out.  See how also the vibrations of food derived from animals in torment is actually a very vibration, which in turn feeds into our low vibration systems. See how the FEARs and TORMENTS are encouraged to perpetuate the status quo and the food chain.

I see the above three elements of our reptilian brain,
(i.e. fear of our true nature being revealed/fear of predators/fear that food source will run out/belief that we cannot/do not have the connection to source energy)
      as being like coats of paint on the first braincolours of vibration that are running through the centre, so deep that we cannot see it. 

UNTIL we do see it and understand.

Until then we will keep slipping back the slippery pole as we strive to shin back up to where our spiritual instincts want us to be.

Recently I had a symbollic dream/vision that i was within a red womb like place.

I was aware that there was a shell around me, (a bit like the small sea animals that live in shells). There was a large opening that I could see through. At first I thought it was a symbol of my inner self within my inner Cancerian shell( Cancer is my ascendant sign and therefore the deliver of challenges for me to ascend). Then the shell receded and the vast red interior, womb like tissues opened up and a large tongue like shute enfolded from it and I fell down it, and out of it onto the grass far below.

I had a realisation that I had been inside a beast. That we are all living in a beast, at least  symbollically......and I had been either been expelled or fallen through or released myself, as I no Longer was  'able/fit/or of the right resonance  to stay in the beast.

Then a large being stooped down to pick me up from the place I had fallen and I was in his/her hand. Then I knew that this large being was me. My bigger part was waiting for me to get free from the beast and come back. In his/her hand I looked up and connected.

The reason I share this is because I feel better, I see that what keeps us tied to a pole is something as simple as primitive drives that are NOT actually us anymore. These drives had a function which depending on what you believe, it may be questionable that these functions were manipulated, but regardless we would have to work really hard to free ourselves from the FEARs entwined within them.

The secret is to:

Know thyself, Know who you are, look within,  see how you tick...and see what is keeping you tied to the pole. If you want freedom from fear then it is knowing this...

We carry these outdated drives/instincts around with us in our daily lives, always looking for the predators/always carrying the fears/ lacks and slavery mode/ no money/ keeping small .....

These inner demons/devils/are the inner reflections of the belief systems installed within the reptilian brain, as we scuttle around within the hostage-hood world created by the bigger predators.

 Remember the BIGGEST predators at the top of this illusion hostage-hood world, the originators of this themed party are of an entirely composition to us, they are of different nature and they are not 'of matter'...they come from a different dimensional density which means they cannot actually live in a state of matter, they can only act by triggering your own inner reptilian brain.*

Some of us are so finely tuned in it that the known history of the human is just filled with horror upon horror. So that is how they do it.

For some months previously,  I had been watching my mind -body response to stress situations.
I had been posting my face book page "Stress Club, there is only one rule, There are no rules".
Bit by bit, slowly slowly I watched the machinations of it all.
How can a person reach up out of a situation when there they default back down the slippery pole, without knowing why?

When you WATCH,
...with 'growing' SELF LOVE, the 'Observer' or the non judgmental BIG BROTHER to yourself,
you start to see HOW you tick.
Eventually you can unpick the old stitches and see the wounds and heal them.

I felt fresh and free, as I saw that it is with watching and knowing that you can be free. Love the self.
Do everything with love. Love every part of you. Hating yourself fuels the fear,  fear will only keep you back down.

When you see that...

....the real inner 'demon' that allows you to be perpetuated back into places where you long to be freed from, is just something inside that will shrivel up and become obsolete as it is no longer of any use, as with the human appendix.

...then you will fall out of the SYMBOLIC mouth of the beast that has kept you within itself,
that  you have worked your self to be in resonance with it.

Stop being of 'ITS' energy, 'SEE' your primitive fear factors are just a function of a primitive mind-biology that is NO LONGER SUPPORTED.  It just has to be seen for what it is.....then it ceases to be the hidden control stick and Eventually, you will fall free.

Which brings me back to the abundance riddle.

When you are free from the inner primitive fear drives, that Hold you tight to a slippery pole, within the environment of 'beast', you finally come out into the fresh air of abundance.

*there are many writers and sources that explain how this works.

below more back story on the 'separation from source'
 "Please understand that this universe was created with dramatically stepped-down and diluted primal Life Force Substance"


You have heard that for a very long time there was a membrane of Light, which created a quarantine around the Earth, this solar system and even your galaxy. This restriction has now been dissolved so that you may receive galactic, universal and Omniversal information. We now tell you that there was also a filter placed around this universe. This universe, in which we all are playing an integral part, is one of the most recent universes to be created from the Essence of the Supreme Creator, and therefore, it is a universe that is situated at the farthest edge of Creation. We too have been limited in our knowledge of the workings of the Omniverse, as well as the amount of higher frequency vibrational energy that we have had access to. You see, the first universes that were created were the most powerful and the closest to perfection, for they surrounded the Great Central Sun of the Supreme Creator, and they contained the pure Essence of Creation.
As more and more universes, galaxies and star systems were created, ever-expanding and pushing Creation further and further out into the Great Void (and further away from the Supreme Creator), each refraction into density meant each new creation had less of the perfection of the All That Is. You must realize that we are ALL much stepped down energetic Fragments, but we are still an integral Facet of the magnificence of the Supreme Creator. And if we were sent forth with the command to create in the Creator’s name, for it was the Creator’s desire to experience more of Itself, why would the Creator tell us what we were to create? We were given a blessed Divine gift as cocreators, and so were each of you. You are a co-creator god in your own right, and that is not sacrilegious; it is a universal truth. You must understand that is why you are here on Earth; that is who you are. Do not let anyone tell you any different. Remember, you are also responsible for your own creations through the laws of cause and effect – you must experience that which you create.
Please understand that this universe was created with dramatically stepped-down and diluted primal Life Force Substance. Some are calling this universe a fallen universe, but we do not choose to call it that. This is a universe which was created specifically so that we could experience duality and polarity. The spectrum of Light and shadow was designed with the Still Point of Creator Light at its center, and the pendulum of duality was to swing only so far into the positive/negative, masculine/feminine, the Light/shadow, the yin/yang energy. You must understand that some of the co-creator gods created less than perfection as they too learned to use their Creator-given rights. Over the aeons of time the pendulum has swung further and further into the shadowland of duality, but it has always been balanced with the same amount of higher frequency, Divine Light substance. The duality/polarity of the Earth is now in the process of returning to Center, into its proper, designed spectrum of Light and shadow.