Friday 29 January 2021

My Vision for You ✨ | Dr John Demartini. I posted this because we all the potential of thriving, not just surviving. How we get there is up to us, but here, not to promote any class or guru, his words explain that we absolutely have the potential. We just have to clear up the reasons and obstacles that put us down, and all the while leaning deeper into the inner inspiration that builds us up..~~Michaela~~ Full Moon In Leo – What About The Heart? On January 28th, 2021 we have a Full Moon at 9° Leo.


Full Moon In Leo – What About The Heart?

On January 28th, 2021 we have a Full Moon at 9° Leo. The Full Moon is opposite the Sun/Saturn/Jupiter conjunction in Aquarius and square Mars and Uranus in Taurus – forming an intense Fixed T-square.

Fixed T-squares are high on energy, VERY motivated but also confrontational and uncompromising. Something has to give.

The Full Moon is a culmination of the energies that have been planted at the New Moon in Capricorn, on January 14th, 2021.

The Full Moon represents the missing counterbalancing perspective we need to be whole. Since we are in the Aquarius season, the Full Moon can only occur in the opposite sign, Leo.

As you may already know, the Aquarius energy is here to stay – and to make the best out of it, we must also embrace the energy of Leo.

Full Moon In Leo – The Tinman Wants A Heart

If you are familiar with the Wizard of Oz, you know the Tinman. The Tinman, made of tin, a symbol for the sign of Aquarius, desperately wanted a heart (a symbol for Aquarius’ opposite sign, Leo).

To feel whole, we always need the qualities of the opposite sign.

When the Wizard of Oz gave him his heart back, he told the Tinman something very profound: “A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.”

The quote is a beautiful metaphor for Aquarius’ highest expression.

Aquarius without a heart is either the ruthless, rational energy that takes action without taking people into account (the investment banker that lays off people for extra profit, the spouse who asks for divorce via SMS) OR the fantasy-driven idealist that fights for causes no one cares about.

But when Aquarius taps into Leo’s energy and understands the motivations of the heart, this is when we get the driven, forward-looking, humanitarian Aquarius that really cares about the mission AND the people.

The Sabian symbol of the Full Moon in Leo is “Early morning dew sparkles, as sunlight floods the field”.

The rising Sun is a new day and a promise that after the dark night of the soul there is always a new beginning and something to look forward to. Even after the darkest night, the Sun comes to shine, to give warmth and light. No matter what, the Sun will always rise – every morning, every day, forever.

In a 2021 dominated by Aquarius’s idealism (“What about the world”?) and Taurus’ fixation on material and personal values (“But what about me?”), the Full Moon in Leo is here to draw your attention to the ‘missing element’.

What about your heart?

"Your expansion is personal. There are no incorrect answers here. No cause for alarm if you discover something that instigates a change of mind. That is the whole point – changing your mind. You’ll emerge from engaging with a new world, one of choices and positive reinforcements, a new hue-man. Change is the point, not the exception. Evolution and expansion demand it." 

Tonight we have what is called a Wolf Moon. Here is a description of what that signifies, from Astro Butterfly: (click here). It fits perfectly with what is going on all over the world right now. Wow.

Hang in there everyone. You'll soon read what One had to say yesterday "We have woken a sleeping Giant." Here we go!

You are deeply loved and appreciated for all that you are,

January 27, 2021

It is I, Sophia. It is the One.

There are topics to discuss. Are there questions?

Not at this time, no.

You’ve entered into the initial process of sovereignty, the first steps towards individual awareness, the beginnings of humanity’s physical expansion. It is one thing to wake up and notice the manipulation on your world as it shows itself into your day-to-day life. It is quite another to begin to look for it.

Humanity has been awakened. It is akin to waking a sleeping Giant.

Once fully aroused, the Giant will begin to move and then to stand.
Watch out when that happens. Imagery is important and close to actual visuals of what is about to occur on the planet.

The Giant, due to its size, will cover those places and people beneath it, in shadow. Some places are bound to be crushed. Others, avoided. It is not a precise process. It is an inevitable one.

The chains that held this Giant (humanity) down, have been removed.
This Giant (humanity) will have to learn and to decide where it wants to walk on its own; under its own direction.

This is no longer a process of awakening. 2020 did that for you. The set up and planned scenarios are soon to be rolled out, as if on a carpet, before you. Awake now, and moving independently, you’ll each determine where to go and what to look at first.

You will do that without being told where to look or who to pay attention to.

It is vital that you comprehend the depth of deception that has been your society.

Religion has been hijacked. Words weaponized. Intuitive senses have been trivialized and ridiculed.

Truth is found in balance. Yet, there is something else. It is that the entire idea of truth has been layered beneath falsehoods that are disguised as religious doctrine. What has repulsed so many of you, and has thus been avoided, does hold your history.

Some scripture is contraband, not all. There are real facts there as well. Facts it would do you well to notice.

The phrase “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water”, is true. You were meant to disregard truth. You were then ripe candidates to absorb and believe untruths.

This is not a simple process. It is a rather messy one. It involves igniting the spark that is you, and turning on your light so that you can see clearly in the darkness.

It involves wading through the mess of nonsense that has been shouted from your most massive loud-speakers.

It involves opening your heart as a receptor and diviner of what is true. It is this step that many will lean away from – unsure if it is safe. Recent experiences do not favor vulnerability, quite the opposite. Your current life places those of you seeking honesty, those of you without the “spin”, those of you who are careful in word and deed not to overstep boundaries – into a negative light.

This awakening turns on all lights. It exposes truth and discloses lies. Nothing escapes this awakening. The light, now turned on, illuminates all.

What is critical to the process, and its initial component, is choice.

You get to choose it all.

What to believe or deny.

Who to believe or to doubt.

Where to invest the parts of you that are yours – focus, attention, movement, trust and effort.

Eventually, this will be a global choice. At the current moment, it is an obvious choice of the citizens of the US. All eyes look towards the North American continent.

What awakening does, is to get the body ready to engage with the day before it. In order to participate effectively, one must first be awake.
Now you’ve been awakened.

You will each discern what resonates. You need to abandon this sense of responsibility to convince another light what they should or should not illuminate and utilize. This moment of choice will proceed unencumbered by ego, or dictatorial mandates.

You will each choose, and as your choices lead you towards other presentations of ideas – you will choose yet again.

On some level, and to some degree, you have come now to awaken and engage in that awakened state. The level of your neighbor and/or your loved one is not your concern. To place concern, worry or focus on them does not increase your light or theirs. It is a disabling move.

Your purpose now is to increase your illumination. In this way, there is more light to see all of the stories, lies, children, officials, saints and sinners.

The choice will appear overwhelming. At first. You will then feel into the choice that supports your intent. This is where trust begins. It is trust that then simplifies all of your decisions.

You will know, because of how it feels, what and who to directly focus on. You will know, because of how it feels, if this or that effort or direction supports you.

You will know.

Your expansion is personal. There are no incorrect answers here. No cause for alarm if you discover something that instigates a change of mind. That is the whole point – changing your mind.

You’ll emerge from engaging with a new world, one of choices and positive reinforcements, a new hue-man.

Change is the point, not the exception.

Evolution and expansion demand it.

It is recommended that you roam free. You’ll find yourself gathering with others of a similar ilk – not identical and not parroting a rhetoric. No.

Encouraging deep compassion within community and the sheer joy of appreciation of your differences, your talents, your personalities.

For Oneness is not sameness. Oneness is unity; a unity that celebrates the individual.

Each path unique in direction, in difficulty and in length. Yet all taking you home to your core. That core is love.

You are in for such a treat.

That is all.

Thank you.

*** Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Jan 27 to Feb 3 ~ Podcast

Saturday 23 January 2021

A Message to Lightworkers – January 22, 2021 by Caroline Oceana Ryan


A Message to Lightworkers – January 22, 2021

This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective:

Greetings, dear ones! We are very pleased to have this moment to speak with you today.

We wish for you to understand that much of what you are being told about the state of the world is no more real or resonant for you than you would wish it to be.

Certainly we speak of most of your media outlets, which we have spoken of a number of times.

Yet we speak mainly now in terms of those messages you receive etherically, from one dishonest source or another, speaking to your inner ear.

And we speak of those messages you receive vibrationally, from what little higher technology remains in service to the old order.

We understand that you would unconsciously prefer the unseen, yet old and trusted paths of information from which you have received data for many centuries of Earth life.

Photo by Jennifer Scalia

Yet this is not so much actual information as it is an attempt to keep your vibration low, even to the point of hopelessness, if not impotent anger and helplessness.

We do not see you falling prey to this as you once might have, as your activities now in the etheric—your vibration, and the effects of your Earth mission—are powerful to behold!

The majority of you are more sure now of your power, your articulation, your purpose, than we have ever seen you.

We speak of power not in the old third dimensional sense of have dominion over others, and even over the Earth, in exploitative ways.

We speak of power in terms of facility of movement, strength of purpose, and Joy. 

To see you dance now, metaphorically and literally, is an astounding moment of beauty!

And we speak of the swift and sure, coordinated efforts you are sailing forward with now with your soul families, as you plant deep into the Earth lines of Light that are enlivening and Lighting up the power grids that are not only healing Grandmother Gaia, but further awakening all upon Her.

Likewise your work with the intergalactic councils is forging new paths not only to enlightenment, but to the increasing empowerment of humanity, as the capabilities of the old order continue to decrease.

This is you in your higher aspect, one might say, yet this is the One you are quickly becoming.

Your Earth self is increasingly relating to those who likewise prefer actual travel between planets to simply reading about such, or viewing fictionalized accounts in film.

You day-to-day Earth self is increasingly becoming One with that higher aspect that knows how to heal self and others, including people, animals, trees, bodies of water, the air, the soil.

That amazing self is not “new,” though he or she will feel to be such at times.

Photo by Alicia Peters

Nor is this increasingly integrated self very interested now in the machinations of the old structure—the false reports, the doomsday images, or anything like fear, and attachment to excessive thinking.

You may note various shifts in your energies now—a desire to go to sleep earlier and to rise earlier, to spend more time outdoors, to eat lighter, to accept yourself more, to release all that does not serve your higher good.

Often that will be certain activities, forms of speech and behavior, and yes, relationships that you quietly realize do not fit the new person you are becoming.

At other moments, some things may surprise you—a calm tolerance for things that once would have upset you, or a realization of your own clearer etheric or emotional boundaries.

So that now you, and not some other unnamed calm person, are the anchor for Peace in the room.

Though “Peace warrior” is a term not all like or understand, yet it applies when you are guarding the principles and path of Light to Ascension and sovereignty of all persons, and the planet Herself.

We see an increasing awareness of and reverence for the Divine Feminine in human life, as that presence becomes all the more plain and felt by millions of Earth beings on their daily journey.

We see also, as this pandemic scheme has unfolded, that far from placing you in an unsettling view of the world, you have opened up to and are welcoming in—requiring and calling forth—NESARA’s unfoldment, all the more powerfully now.

Photo by Renee Turcotte

So that none of the old tricks of the darker trade could suffice to put off your Ascendance as you drink in the beautiful and unprecedented Light pouring onto the planet, and play creatively with the energies of planetary alignments and interactions.

Even the moon, so used to responding to presence of Earth as She has lived for thousands of years, resonates differently now.

Even the oceans, in their dance with the moon’s phases, call out to let it (and all others) know that a new era has begun.

We ask that you recall these words, and any moments of encouragement, anytime you feel disheartened, having unknowingly received a download of density from the old sources, which can only fade now in comparison to your Light.

All is well, dear ones—be of good courage!

The horizon is within sight.

And you are never alone.


Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan

If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post.

Thank you.

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of January 20 to 27 ~ Podcast

Thursday 21 January 2021

Ascension - It happens within

What You’re Attracted to & Why ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


What You’re Attracted to & Why ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

what you're attracted to & why - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

What You’re Attracted to & Why ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been noticing the way in which humans tend to be attracted to that which is reflective of their most commonly offered vibration. Here is what we mean by that. If you are offering a lot of anger, then you are naturally drawn towards other angry people. You are more likely to listen to a talk show hosted by an angry person. You are more likely to listen to music that expresses anger in the sound, in the lyrics, and even in the way that the musicians play their instruments.

The same is true for all vibrations; not only do you attract to you what you are vibrating, but you are also attracted to what matches your vibration because it validates you. Most people want to have their feelings validated. Most people can hardly even dream of moving beyond that dominant vibration that they are offering. Now, part of being an awakened soul is recognizing when something doesn’t feel right. Once you tap into the unconditional love that you really are, you are more likely to detect when something is not that, and you are more likely to care about how you feel much more than you care about getting something right or having the right information or perspective.

When you sense something is off inside of you as an awakened soul, you therefore are more likely to do something about the discord that you feel between the truth of who you are and the vibration that you are temporarily entertaining as some sort of truth. You get to decide what you vibrate, but first you have to realize that you are offering a vibration at all.

Now, what usually makes the average person realize that they are in fact offering a vibration is when they hit rock bottom. The circumstances around them become so terrible that they cannot help but become aware of what they’ve been vibrating all along. But it is our suggestion that you don’t let it get to that point. It is our suggestion that you tune in to the feeling of unconditional love that exists at the center of your heart so that you become more sensitive to the anxiety, the fear, the anger, and the despair that is all around you.

Where you put your attention matters. So do ask yourself why you are putting your attention on something that doesn’t feel good to you when you focus on it. What do you believe you are gaining from doing that, and what is the reality? These are the questions a person who is awake is likely to ask themselves, and we are merely suggesting that you do it more often, that you check in more often to see how you are feeling, and that you place how you feel above being right or having the right information.

You are living in the information age, and it is very seductive. But hopefully, those of you who are awake enough to receive these transmissions realize that you don’t need someone else’s version of reality to be a good citizen of the world. In fact, we recommend that you create a reality that matches the vibration that you want to be the dominant vibration within you. And do that by focusing, intending, and caring about how you feel. Let the forces within this powerful universe do the rest.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Which Reality is Coming? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council


Which Reality is Coming? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

which reality is coming? - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Which Reality is Coming? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very particular about what we put our attention on, because we know that if we put our attention on something, it will not be long before we are vibrating in harmony with it and then creating more of it in our experience. All realities are real, and all truths are true. You are all choosing which reality you are experiencing right now, and in so doing, you are choosing which reality you are moving towards next. People keep arguing over what is true at this time, but those people think that there is just one reality that everyone is supposed to agree upon as the ‘one true reality.’

Now, it is true that you can focus on a reality that you are not currently experiencing, but if that is the case, then that reality had better be one that you want to experience, because if you’re putting your attention on it, then it’s coming. So it is important to ask yourself whether you want to experience the reality that you are focusing upon but that is not right in front of you in the moment. You can even create realities for yourselves that are in the past from your current moment’s perspective.

We say that you should choose wisely what you focus upon, because you do want to experience a good-feeling reality, a reality where you get to experience what you want to experience. And you cannot do that while at the same time pushing against some reality that you read about on the Internet. It is very, very important for you all to learn how to discern, and you do that by listening to your bodies, your emotions, your hearts, and your chakras. They will tell you whether the reality you’re focusing upon is one that you want to experience, but then you have to listen to those signs that are coming to you from within your own being-ness.

And we know that many of you receiving this transmission right now are aware of all of this, but we also know that it is easier to hold this as a belief than it is to put it into practice, just as it is easier for you to say that you are Source Energy than it is for you to be Source Energy in action there in a physical body on Earth. These are a few of the challenges you’ve placed in front of yourselves for this very important lifetime. What we want you to do more of is pay attention to what you are focusing upon and how it feels, and we encourage you to ask yourself if that is a reality that you truly want to experience. And if you want to go even further, then ask yourself why.

Do you want to be right, or do you want to feel in alignment with Source? The choice is yours, and from where we are sitting, the choice is simple. We always choose alignment with Source, and we are always feeling the expansion of Source as a result. Trust us when we say that it is the only way to live, the only way to be, the only way to exercise your free will in this free will universe, with all of its duality and all of its polarity.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Its hard to dance with the devil on your back.

 Archon-self, or rather the part of the self that has learned its identity 'within' the archon machine is dominant, because the dominant aspect has become the focus. Density is working along these lines, but it is deficient in that it is parasitic and needs a host. That is why the archon matrix has evolved to be clever at each turn. It is even clever enough to see into the future,  to see future challenges by the host to recover from it's, the parasitic, hold. That evolution is ever moving, ever in the picture,  means that  the archon aspect has had to stay one step ahead, for its survival. It drips into timelines to develop plans that try to sabotage the host from freeing itself. It is a matter of survival for them. Archon machinery is inorganic intelligence that was on the planet, but in the denser dimensions and as it took no sustenance from Source it needed sustenance from another source. It needed a host to draw its sustenance from and found it in man. Man is a creation of Source and so has energy connection to source. Man is An  easy source to plunder because we exist in many dimensions...but the preferred energy they survive on is to drain from us the lower energy of doubt, and fear, and so it was easy to keep us at the lower end of the spectrum of our multidimensionality,  by keeping our focus in survival and fear and doubt. The world that we could 'see' was impinged by dark creations emitted by man manipulated by this archon machinery. This is the dark overlay.

It is like in nature, when parasite plants like Ivy, or Mistletoe, adapt very cleverly to survive on any host tree it has taken root in,  and takes every opportunity to take what it needs to strengthen itself. Often the host tree is not seen underneath as the virulence of the parasitic ivy or mistletoe has become the dominant, and even when cut away, there is enough of it to root in again and thrive again. 

 In the same way the 'chemicals' needed by archons will be supplied by the lower vibration and density 'expressed' by the hosts (us, humanity) that it has sequestered. This lower vibration is mainly emitted in our response to being 'host' to lower vibration aspects, that we cannot see,  that suffocates and deadens the environment, emitted from energetic area of our auras, the information from the area around only reflects back to us what is happening within us. In such a deadened environment,  we cannot feel free to create from the heart to grow and flourish, and the only 'life' or situation that  the host (us, humanity) will see... is a lower vibration 'life' or environment, which is only a reflection of the status of being overrun by an inorganic machinery that treads us into the ground.   

The chicken and egg. Which came first. The negative part of us, born into duality on this planet, was pulled through us in the early days by these negative directives that thrived on its power potential of being a parasite, one that was unseen and therefore, undetectable.

It is reflected back to us in all the master-slave relationships that we experience in life, albeit in confusing and not so obvious ways. Causing populations to breed into ever confusing and increasing:

Parasitic lifestyles and relationships, 

Unhealthy, and fearful, co -dependent relationships in life, 

Living on the backs of others.

Living off of the labour of others. 

Living off of the energy of others, needing so bad to have the 'life blood' of others, in order to be at the top of hierarchy, the top of the food chain. 

eating live stock animals and all forms of sacrifice are all replications of the ways we as host have been used. 

All which entangle us and keep us tangled in reincarnation wheel, to come back and try to free ourselves from the resulting energy which tangles up the soul. Repeating and repeating, again and again.  Not sure why we can't move forward, not sure why we insist staying in fear.

For humanity,  Its like trying to dance with the devil on your back. Its hard. 

Maintain a personal directive to thrive on an inner plane without looking outward for a master. Don't look for salvation by following a master,  Look inside and foster the internal being and foster the growth of cultivating personal power. The vibration of personal 'power' is not ego , is not greed, is not power over others, but it is power over self and lower emotions, power over self talk. It is self love, and when we focus on that, it will spiral you upward, eventually out of swampy thoughts deeds and reactions to become high enough to 'Love -back -to-self' all the inner demons, the monsters in your nightmares,  that have been created by you in this journey, as your lower level responses and reactions over long cycles of time. By integrating and taking ownership of them, you pull them back and make them whole and loved , and they are no longer the lower dimensional and invisible food source for the archon machinery . 

This is what it takes to shake off that which takes your energy, the preferred lower energy we emit in the lower dimensions. This is the Energy which is essential for the survival of the archon machinary, aspects that have become entwined and entangled with the humans that found themselves sharing the planet with.  

The clever thing is that they knew that humans were building up to have spiritual evolution and consciousness expansion...and they worked hard to put disinformation out there into the 'growing  humanity'. This causes a spanner to be thrown into the works and as The parasite is often hard to distinguish from the host we cannot see how it works. 

It replicates back for us a creation in which to live, a world in which to live... that is essentially a smaller and restricted, and limited mimicry of the world that we actually could be living in. If we could but 'see' it.

The spiritual and consciousness evolution and expansion continues minute by minute, it gets bigger and bigger, but if we all we see and focus on is what the archon machinery is directing our attention to...than that is as far as we get. The spiritual and consciousness expansion goes on without us, and we get stuck inside the false world of the parasitic living for another age, having not seen, or focused upon getting inside the vehicle of expansion of consciousness, OUR OWN BODY AND IT'S INNATE INTELLIGENCE, IT'S CONNECTION TO SOURCE...IT'S CONNECTION TO THE GOLDEN GRID..... THAT IS THE 'VEHICLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS' in which we evolve and expand. 

This vehicle is our transport to the golden age, having thrown off the dark cloak of the various roles of co dependency with a parasite, and the various costumes we wore in those roles that kept us from seeing ourselves as we really are. Underneath all of those things....we are Golden.

Look within, and look hard to see where you have been lost inside the false world of the parasite. It may take you the rest of your living days...but they will be the days that you have freed yourself from the incumberance of living in the density of 'dead life'.

Love and bless yourself, Forgive,  use compassion and H'oponopono to address the inner areas where you have been sabotaged, don't judge, just have the gentle conversation and get to know where the true power lies.


Primary Meanings ofincumbrance

any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome
a charge against property (as a lien or mortgage)

Tuesday 19 January 2021

Crazy as things are right now, this could actually be the scenario that plays out. Or is it?.... Infowars perspective says Q 'delusion' was a pacifier to keep people at home and not get politically engaged to turn things around, on the basis that we think that Trump is sorting out the situation, and is going to protect us.. Whatever the millitary is at WH for, infowars says its for martial law, for the people. All leaks to say otherwise were more ways of pacifying the public. Still not sure? Actually I think it is all distilling down to people's need to be right, and to 'know' whats happening, when really pouring all energy into the fatal outcome is putting your life blood energy there too and identifying with that reality. This type of 'passion energy' is going to carry many souls along with it, who's need 'to be right' and Fear, is stronger than projecting higher timelines. Whatever this situation is NOT, it is a jump onto the bridge of waking up. The bridge of 'Waking up' brings us to our own 'Awakening. How, or in the manner, that 'Waking up to the Awakening' happens, is as direct consequence to what our actions, thoughts, and deeds are. If we feel the need to be right than we bring that time line to us....Or we walk/talk/ plunge ourselves into the time line we have prepared for ourselves to 'live' in. There is bifurcation and we each have a ticket to where we 'need' to go.....~~~Michaela~~~

Sunday 17 January 2021 It seems that Trump did get 75% of votes!!

We have been too busy, too distracted, too distraught, to manipulated to see what was happening, decade after decade, kept busy with the never ending list of life's tangles and knots to free our attention and intention to having a life that was not programmed to be a cog in the wheel of machinations designed for us to be the cogs. That is all changing Now. We are in the space of Now time, now. ~~Michaela~~  ~~~~A lot of people, numbers growing daily, have been awake to whats been happening. I have been aware of this for many many years and so I would like to add that This 'being awake' and alert to our situation is the bridge to the golden times. This situation must draw out of of us and from us the depth to which we have been asleep and in that sleep caused us to have no end of deep psychological, emotional, mental and physical problems  which is what is coming up now, for each to dismantle, neutralise, dissolve, and integrate. The images in this film show a good reflection of the distortion held deep within the individual and collective psyche. And it is our individual requirement to free the soul from carrying this dense burden in the heart. That is what this 'End of Time' means, and to enter a new, golden age we have to hold up to the sun our own and collective heart burdens for release, forgiven, compassion and 'self-love' ourselves and this planet back to building a golden era. ~~Michaela~~

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Too busy for the end of Times. Something is Brewing and its not the tea. October 2012.

Brew. Ha ha.

You harvest what you sew. As if I’ve got time to do that as well?
I have an uneasy feeling, like I’ve forgotten something, or not done something or that something is brewing , I can’t figure out exactly what it is that I need to be on top of.  It is.. like uh…uh…Oh well, I can’t think about that now…Where did I put that pen?

Forms filled, choices put into order. I look around at the chaos, smugly waiting for me tackle it. I have so many theories about chaos. It is there to challenge me. To push me to new boundaries and to stretch my limits.  I take advantage of the fact that the next football mud collection won’t arrive till saturday and get out the vacuum.  I push the vacuum cleaner around and pick up all the stray rubbish that refuses to be vacuumed  noticing, more, the sun that shines in through the windows making life look so good outside.  I long to be outside, walking in the country under the sun drenched branches of trees.  I long to free myself from the bindweed of chaos that I instinctively and reactively react to, by trying to clear it and organise it. It is October 2012 ,  It is nearly the end of the world and I’m inside, vacuuming.

 The business of the end of the world is strange. Some people are clearly obsessed with it. Panic buying, storing and stockpiling food and provisions. Others don’t seem to know about it at all, this is most people.  These people are ignoring the connection between all the global disasters.  Others  have been waiting for this for all their lives. TV, radio and global corporations and the financial world are saying nothing.  Some read avidly about the Mayan Calendar prophecies and other streams of internet material. There are scientific and astrological anomalies happening daily.  Heavenly bodies are accumulating and doing strange things in outer space. The earths core is playing around with her magnetic field and that is mucking up things for us on the earths crust.  Everything is cresendoing into Volcanoes, floods , tsunamis, and  earthquakes,  hurricanes, famines and drought.  The financial world and the large institutions that control this world are falling apart in spectacular ways.  Some people are really scared that December 2012 is the beginning of the End. Others, like me, believe that yes something big is happening .  The dirt and filth that is being kicked up as the earth churns up the grief of human mischief  back into our view is a sign. The signs tell us that The consequence  of our misdeeds,  marauding around the world, pillaging, plundering, raping and killing eachother,  the consequence of the great human pastime, WAR, is boomeranging back to bite us all on the face. There is something brewing.  But is it the end of the world?

‘It’s not fair’ I hear the cry. ‘I didn’t ever kill, anyone, or rape or pillage or plunder’. Well, no, neither did I, Yet. I have been tempted. That’s the nature of humans to think its ok to think this murderous stuff. We deceive ourselves that if it all looks ok on the outside, than nobody really knows the depths of darkness that lurks in our souls. Planning to kill someone is a bad vibration, as is most of the vibrations that humanity tend to oscillate in.

Mostly we vibrate from our shadow selves. The funny thing is, we don’t actually recall most of what rolls around in our minds. It can be loose cannon thoughts, runaway steam train thoughts, malice, jealousy, hurt mainly, self protection and self sabotage.  A continuous stream of self dialogue that runs like a sound track through our life. We mostly only acknowledge the face we give out there to the external world and the words we put our voice to when we speak to others. Mostly this does not really match our inner machinations.

It’s time to wake up to our shadow self and examine every last bit of it, in this lifetime , oh and all other lifetimes as well. I can see the raising of eyebrows.  It is possible that we have all committed crimes against other humans in our other lives and we hold the vibration of that darkness close to our soul.  Being asleep through life is what we normally do. We are unconscious in thought and action and leave residue of each deed and choice like a snails trail behind us. To wake up and clear out our stuff, for some will be like spring cleaning our homes, but most of us it will be like putting ourselves through the car wash, excruciatingly painful. ‘How do I start?’ I hear the enthusiastic cry.

Years ago, would have been better, is the answer.

May 2013.

As we all know the world didn't end  in December 2012 as some anticipated. But it was never meant to, it was  the end of that cycle of time and the beginnining of the Next. The  Golden Age. We are now peddling madly into the New time, and New time is rushing us through the finishing up of all that old business.  To be in the Golden age we have to be golden souls, hence the craziness going on.

Hold tight and get centred, the faster we get, the more unwanted stuff that we have gathered to us, over the duration of however long we have been cultivating it, will be stripped off.   Willingly or unwillingly, we are required to let it go.

We are in the space of Now time, now. 


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