Tuesday 28 August 2018

Intense Geomagneteic Storm with the Gateway Opening

Intense Geomagneteic Storm with the Gateway Opening

  • Ascension Path with Sandra Walter <>

    27 Aug at 16:33
    This Newsletter is light-encoded to assist your journey _()_
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    Blessings Beloveds ~

    You cannot fake a Gateway opening, the evidence always presents. SUNspots appeared *out of nowhere.* Then a strong geomagnetic storm on Saturday and SUNday linking the SUN and Gaia's fields for a powerful plasma influx. A direct connection with 80 billion watts of power surging the grids through the aurora oval (the opening in Gaia's magnetosphere, a direct hit.)

    We are still in it as those energies disperse through the grid systems, and our hearts. Our focus with the Unity Meditations on SUNday was distribution of the Crystalline rainbow bridge codes, and we have full support from the higher realms with this solar-planetary influx.
    This is a tremendous amount of trackable plasma influx. In our mulitdimensional perspective, this shows us that the stargates are linked and receiving the waves of light predicted for this Infinity Gate week. Gatekeepers always link the stargates for influxes, and this one appears to be quite powerful. (Those surges come from beyond our solar system.)
    Kindwhile, focus on the new light changes, and do not judge the dismantling of the old. Call in your Master, Angelic and Galactic levels - remember this is embodiment time; awareness and reunification of ALL that we are. For some, this includes the Solar Light Beingness.
    Turn on those crystalline codes and rainbow bridges in the DNA. Light up all that is with the positive, pure photonic light of Source.
    We intend to let this Infinity Gateway unfold with as much ease and grace as possible, and allow all willing hearts to cross the crystalline bridges to full embodiment of the Divine Self. Don't dim it or control it out of fear, let it do the good work.
    Blessings and gratitude to the Gatekeepers and Gridworkers who assisted, and to all who are holding this open with the highest intent this week. Our trigger day is Wednesday, August 29, however the opening late Friday indicates this will be a transformative week.
    Notice how the energy feels lighter, more refined. After the density-purging of the eclipses, we are open for next-level embodiment. Let the light change you. Let us open the crystalline bridges within and without.

    In Love, Light and Service,

"This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within."

Weekly Forecast: August 26 – September 1, 2018

8/26 ~ Pisces Full Moon:
Annual opportunity to Release any/all *Illusions/Delusions* about who you are or how you're living. Inner Truth must match Outer Reality, we are always encouraged to be congruent. In other words, my latest observations have been: those who are most in-alignment within & without, those who are living authentic lives, are moving through with a relative amount of ease & grace. Please don't confuse this with not having any challenges, loss or disappointment, just that navigating and decision-making is a lot easier when you KNOW Who You Are and What You Want ... while those who are of a particular Nature within, but living a life completely contrary to that Nature, are getting slammed energetically. It can feel like going to a lavish party, having a great time (Illusion) and then *unexpectedly* receiving the bill (Reality). We are all "paying" for our own *Illusions/Delusions*, to the degree that we each have them. Big illusion - big bill. Small delusion - small price. Either way, you're accountable so use this Full Moon to truly look at that which is being most brightly illuminated for you personally and use your intuition to guide you.
8/26 ~ Venus (your values) ~square~ Pluto (transformation):
This activation brings intensity and it challenges you to grow (out of comfort zone, into new territory) where your relationships & finances are concerned. You've probably already felt it coming (the shift in your relationship or financial situation), well, it's here now, so you can be proactive on your own behalf or you can suffer the consequences of postponing the inevitable. (You may have heard me say: Pay now or pay double later. That applies to this transit too.) The natural reaction may be to try to hold on to the job or relationship, but try not to give in to that temptation. Pluto intensifies everything and the more you resist the necessary purification & change that Pluto brings, the more painful it usually is. It is better to clarify your values & priorities and choose change, rather than have it forced (more Pluto) upon you. Either way, once the dust settles, you should be better off because things either change for the better or go away altogether making room for something new and more in-alignment with your values & priorities of 'now'.
8/27 ~ Mars Direct at 28* Capricorn:
It’s a good time to review the last couple of months – to last couple of years. What do you no longer want to be responsible for? What no longer supports the foundation you are cultivating in the here & now? How have things organically shifted in your desires, choices & actions? You may have been blocked or delayed from forward movement but now the energy will resume forward motion and start stimulating the rest of your chart, giving you a chance to integrate whatever Mars stirred up for you personally. It is customized for everyone and no one is exempt. I usually encourage folks who are highly driven and have a need to move & accomplish on a regular basis to learn Mars’ rhythm in your own life. If you give your Self permission to honor your desires, as well as the fact that they change & evolve as you do, then you are living a more authentic life automatically. Now is the time to define the terms of what you deeply desire, what you are willing to do to acquire that and what it will take to maintain it. Mars in Capricorn or Aquarius is very driven toward a specific goal of achieving a better future for one & all, which means we can use this extended stay to build strength, fortitude & consciousness about how we use our own energy to create our own lives, and thus affect & contribute to the collective life.
8/28 ~ Mercury (expression) ~square~ Jupiter (truth):    (3 of 3:  7/9 ~ 8/11 ~ 8/28)
This energy challenges you to integrate your smaller vision with the larger vision for your life. On one hand, you can see the big picture in new ways, but on the other hand, you may not be very interested in the details that bring it about. This is another good one for expanding your consciousness and thinking outside the box, but as the insights come into your conscious awareness, be mindful of the steps it will take to make your ideas a reality. This activation is also great for course-corrections where your ideas are concerned and will open you up to learning something new or bring in a crucial piece of information, just keep in mind that you will have to stabilize anything you start and probably have to review some details down the road because of something you overlooked in your enthusiasm for the new Truth revealed from within.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Copyright © 2000-2018 * Kelly M Beard * http://karmictools.wordpress.com * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.
ForeverUnlimited | August 27, 2018 at 1:40 PM | Tags: AstrologyKelly M. BeardWeekly Forecast | Categories: AstrologyUncategorized | URL: https://wp.me/p4h2c8-8H

Summer Boot Camp. Session ends....or does it?

Summer Boot Camp...Maybe it evolves into a 'sublime spiritual finishing school', I am hoping that is what is happening...

Realising that walls we 'think' are around us then are just that; 'walls' that are built from thought and beliefs.

Maybe we just get too big for the boxes we have put ourselves into, and it gets really uncomfortable, excruciating, even toxic... as we grow too big for the 'surrounds' we have created for ourselves.

To step out of the box, feel the fresh air and touch the newness of potential experience is like visiting a new place on a holiday, and saying "...yeah, I like this, I will stay here for a while.." And you stay in that experience for as long as you need/want/desire....until you, again, grow too big and desire a new experience and expansion.


Becoming Your Whole Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council Daniel Scranton

Becoming Your Whole Selves ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have awakened within you a sense of who you have been, and we have simultaneously awakened a sense that you have of where you are going. You are going to be where we are, someday, and we know that many of you would like to jump right to the ninth dimension. But we also know that you would be missing out on so much fun if you did. The joy of the journey is not only possible. It is highly likely from this point forward.
Now that you are awakened and ascending, you must realize that everything can only get better from where you are. Everything is expanding, raising its vibration, and becoming less polarized. So as you ascend from one dimension to the next, you don’t experience the same degree of polarity. You don’t experience the same intensity that you have there on Earth, in the third and fourth dimensions.
We invite you to feel for the unification of our energy. Because we know ourselves as a collective, there is no fragmentation and there is no separation. What you really want to do is to feel that within yourselves now. You don’t need to skip dimensions in order to get to the place of feeling unified. You can defragment yourselves and let go of the idea of separation between you and any other on the planet. And in so doing, you will minimize the polarity that you experience right away.
You don’t need to wait for anything to happen. You don’t need to wait for the shift to occur. You can start living as you want to live in the here and now, and you don’t have to earn anything. You just have to choose. Choose to be the whole version of yourself, the version of you that knows you are a collective and that you are one with all beings. And suddenly, the fourth dimension won’t seem like such a backwards place.
That is your journey. That is what you all came to do, and there’s no need for you to wait even a moment longer.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Monday 27 August 2018

Energy Update 8/25

Metaphysics is action taken to heal, correct, or change something. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to heal, correct or change. You are ready to become modern day mystics. Those who live in the world but are not of it. (the time is NOW Michaela)

Many of you are saying; " Yes, but..." No more "buts" dear ones, the time for buts...has run out and can no longer exist for anyone who is serious about their spiritual evolution. Either you accept that you are a Divine Being embodying all the qualities of Source, or you do not. You have prepared for this through lifetimes and are ready to come into your own. NOW.
You are qualified to be finished with seeking and searching through classes, books, groups, spiritual tools, etc. but the habit of seeking has become so ingrained that even the very evolved hesitate to give it up not realizing that they will still receive information and be taught, but the higher learning will come from within rather than from without.
We are not saying there is no longer any place for classes, books, readings, crystals, beads, ceremony, etc. etc. because for many, especially beginners, these tools are the bridge that will lead them into higher truths. Nor do we say that you cannot enjoy your favorite crystal, go to church, or take some class you may be guided to but these things must now become a choice, rather than a need.
You are no longer beginners and any continued dependence on outer persons, places, or things in the belief that they are necessary to your spirituality can only serve to keep you in bondage to what is old and false--everything based in duality and separation.
Metaphysics is action taken to heal, correct, or change something. Mysticism is the realization that there is nothing to heal, correct or change. You are ready to become modern day mystics. Those who live in the world but are not of it.
This can be difficult for those who make their living through the practice and teaching of metaphysics. It is the sacred obligation of those who teach and work in the metaphysical fields to allow their students to grow beyond needing them or any particular practice.
An evolved teacher will make it clear to his students that spiritual tools only serve to activate that which is already fully present within them rather than being the source of power. The ultimate goal of any spiritual path is to grow the student beyond needing it and into the realization of...
"That which I have been seeking, I AM"
Intense energies of Light are forcing dense energies still held in cellular memory to surface physically , mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Allow these experiences which at times can be unpleasant, to move through and out which can take several days, aware that any pain or inconvenience is temporary.
Old energies stored from other lifetimes are simply impersonal beliefs accepted and claimed as reality which is important to remember if a clearing becomes uncomfortable. If you declare to yourself and believe I am this or I am that, (sick, depressed, fearful etc.) you draw these concepts back into your energy field and endow them with a reality and power they do not have and where they can once again become personally yours.

taken from

Arcturian Group Message for AUGUST 26, 2018 by Marilyn Raffaele ONENESS OF ALL

by ForeverUnlimited

Claircognizance Upgrade ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. Daniel Scranton

  • Claircognizance Upgrade ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

    “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
    We have the ability to sense the slightest movement forward in your evolution, and we have the knowing at this time that a shift has taken place within the human collective consciousness. It is a shift that brings you to a new point in your evolution, a point where you no longer need to experience external validation in order to know something. Your claircognizance has been amplified. It has been upgraded. You are activated now in your knowing.
    That is very good news for those of you who have been doubting yourselves. You have been having experiences and then doubting those experiences and looking outside of yourselves for validation or confirmation. You have been wanting to know that you are not crazy, and with this most recent upgrade, it’s going to be a lot easier for you to absolutely know without question that what you are experiencing is real and that what you know needs absolutely no validation or confirmation.
    Now, what you are going to face in the coming weeks and month and possibly even years is the challenge of breaking your habit. Just because you have a gift that has been activated and upgraded doesn’t mean you will necessarily use that gift. So that is where we come in. We come in to tell you that you do have this gift, that you can start utilizing it, start trusting your inner knowing more than you trust what someone else says.
    Your truth is true, and your senses have been heightened. Reach for that claircognizance. Reach for that inner knowing, and then ask no one for their approval.
    We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

John Smallman: In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others.

John Smallman: In forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others.

by ForeverUnlimited
The way you, humanity, live on Earth is to change soon and dramatically for the better.  Awareness is finally dawning on enough of you that to live as separate individuals attending mainly to your own needs and desires does not work and cannot work.  The evidence has been there for eons, but your ego-driven selves have either been refusing to see it, or have totally denied it.  Instead the world has been a place where unbridled competition has held sway on all levels of society and in every nation and culture.  The fear of rejection and the need to belong to a group that is supportive and protective has been extremely divisive, as wars and conflicts within families or between nations throughout your recorded history clearly demonstrates.
As humans, in form, it does appear that you are separate, and for eons you have sought to belong to powerful support groups, because as individuals you seem small, insignificant, and vulnerable.  But these support groups always developed dominating hierarchies where the seemingly stronger members – practically all of whom were males – were forever competing in a hostile or aggressive manner for the role of leader.  This behavior is ego and testosterone driven and always leads to pain and suffering, often on vast scales as recent global wars have shown.
It may appear that competition in trade is good and honorable, and that, being far more rational than conflict, it has greatly reduced the possibility of further major wars.  This is not the case.
Competitive games were once an amusing way to express and release these tensions by engaging in friendly challenges of skill and strength between opposing teams.  However, these games have become very serious money making ventures, the fun has been removed, the aim has changed, and now the intent is mainly to engage in conflict to crush, dominate, and humiliate the opposing team.  Competition in trade is even more ruthless, and wars have been instigated to protect business assets.
For a long time the mainstream media has manipulated the truth to ensure that the general population supports the wishes of big business, the owners of the media, by presenting the news in a light that is favorable to it.  However, in the last two or three decades, with advent of inexpensive and instant worldwide telecommunications available to all, the mainstream media’s control and manipulation of the news has been seriously weakened and undermined.  People everywhere are learning that what they are told always has a hidden agenda supporting it, and that it cannot be taken at face value.  The phrase “follow the money” has arisen to encourage awareness of the pervasive dishonesty that was, until recently, well disguised by those claiming to inform.
Mass awareness of the lack of honesty and integrity in business, politics, and many other social, religious, educational, charitable, and cultural organizations is growing rapidly, and this is already leading to big changes in order to disclose what needs to be uncovered.  New leaders, who will operate openly and honestly, are now standing up and being promoted into positions from which they can first cleanse these organizations, and then ensure that they can be directed to engage honestly and wholeheartedly with their claimed mission statements of purpose.
These changes are enormous and phenomenal events arising in human society all across the world.  Do not be discouraged by the continuing flow of information about corruption in high places.  Instead, remember that this has been going on for eons, while information about it was deeply hidden.  It has always been there, many have suspected it, but the evidence was not available to confirm it.  Now it is all coming out because the Light of Love, that you all intend to open to and demonstrate in your daily lives, is massively effective.  Your loving intentions are changing each of you, assisting you to act from your hear centers with honesty and integrity, and are then flowing out from you in waves of loving energy that is assisting enormously in changing the world.  You all chose to incarnate at this time to take part in humanity’s awakening process by offering the energy of your powerful loving intentions to all with whom you interact in any manner at all.  It is not something you do in words or conversation, it just is your personal energy field interacting with other energy fields and uplifting, lightening, and inspiring them.
What you are doing in every moment is essential to the awakening process, because your energy fields are all intensifying in every moment and because you are all holding and renewing the intent to be only loving whatever arises for you personally in your daily lives.  Nevertheless, there will be times when a situation is emotionally very disturbing for you – after all your are still in form as unawakened humans – and you will react unlovingly.  But, even if not immediately, you will quickly realize that you reacted in a way that was unloving, in a way that was out of alignment with your true intent, and you will be upset, even angry with yourselves.
Understand that what occurred was not what you intended or would have chosen, and that it was just an emotional reaction to a powerful feeling that in that moment seemed to be you. However, you know that you are not your emotions or your feelings, it’s just that occasionally that knowing escapes you in the moment, and that is simply an aspect of being human.  So the important thing is to forgive yourselves and let go of any judgment, blame, or shame you have dumped on yourselves.
You know that what occurred was not intended, and that how you reacted was not who you are.  It is a lesson for you because it helps you to understand why others overreact in moments of fear, panic, or extreme stress.  Just seeing that strengthens you!  Yes, when you explode in anger at someone it very clearly shows you the downside of being an unawakened human.  And in seeing that, and in forgiving yourselves, you find it much easier to forgive others, while also raising your awareness of how easy it is to react inappropriately.  It shows you that you do need to be alert – especially when you are tired or in a hurry – to triggers that can shove you into reaction before you manage to pause and take a deep breath.
You are all divine beings, infinitely loved in every moment, and, as you know, God does not judge.  Therefore, follow His example, and cease judging yourselves.  Instead love and forgive yourselves as He does, and in doing so you will find that you have the strength and the desire to forgive others, and in that desire you will find a beautiful sweetness and a compassion for all others.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Sunday 26 August 2018

Full Moon in Pisces: Weaving Spirit Into the Material World. With this Full Moon in Pisces, taking place early on Sunday, August 26th, we are exploring a tremendously powerful astrological configuration — one that has the capacity to support each of us in the process of our spiritual evolution by building bridges from the nebulous realms of dream and vision into the grounded reality of our lives.

Full Moon in Pisces: Weaving Spirit Into the Material World
Full Moon in Pisces: Weaving Spirit Into the Material World

By Leslie Benson & Henry Seltzer

With this Full Moon in Pisces, taking place early on Sunday, August 26th, we are exploring a tremendously powerful astrological configuration — one that has the capacity to support each of us in the process of our spiritual evolution by building bridges from the nebulous realms of dream and vision into the grounded reality of our lives.  The Moon comes to full at 4:56 am PST, and as with every Full Moon, occupies the exact opposite zodiacal position from the Sun, which just recently entered into the refined, mutable earth sign of Virgo. The Sun is also making a very near exact grand trine with Saturn in Capricorn and Uranus in Taurus.  The trine between Saturn and Uranus is very powerful in and of itself, and speaks to the ongoing polarization of conservative versus progressive values in these fractious times. Bring in such a potent activation from the position of the Sun and Moon and we have an earth-moving mighty whopper of a Full Moon configuration on our hands!
Grand trines such as this in the element of Earth invite us to activate in focusing on what we’re manifesting in the here and now, on the very practical and tangible aspects of our realities.  Yet with the Full Moon and Sun on the Pisces-Virgo axis, we’re also being asked to take into consideration the spiritual realm and our energetic awareness of the unseen as it weaves into the manifest world.  As quantum physics tells us, everything is energy, and when we can attune our awareness to that principle, the mundane, material world feels not mundane at all, but rather a miraculous playground of consciousness flowing, moving, and patterning...

Read more about the Pisces Full Moon »

Why Is Krishna Blue | Lord Krishna | Radhe Krishna | Blue God | Gyan-The...

So, with the greatest of respect to all people of all religions. I am not aiming to insult or be derogatory to Hinduism, but I am now going to relate a weird for me vision that I had today. On waking this morning from a strange dream, I saw a flash of  an image of the  blue baby Lord Krshna.

As I can't quite fathom that out yet, I am playing with idea that we are all such Baby Gods.
The blue baby is an avatar for God source to inhabit and the plan is that we all become such avatars.

Image result for blue lord shiva baby images

So the dream I was waking from was quite bizarre, ridiculous even.

I was with a large group of adults, all seemingly friends,  two of whom I actually know and am close with in my life today. We were all visiting each other houses, 'invited' to a series of parties each hosted by a person or couple in the group. But here's the weird thing about the dream. We all looked like adults, but acted like small children. So the dream was full of big demonstrations of various adult life issues, all being  played out within the different parties, at the different houses, but in very childlike ways. So it looked like big babies 'playing' grown up roles, but in clumsy, naughty child like ways, and often things were damaged and histrionics were played out. The participants, including me and the onlooker having the dream (me also) could see and experience the energy that was 'acted out' and included stuff like bullying, intimidation and sexual bullying, and of course loud raucous playing, screaming in delight, tearing through the houses, as a group of young kids at a party.

But the dream showed that in reality nothing was really 'wrong' with this, it was just big adult babies. Playing games.

I suspect, now that I tag in the vision I had of  the blue baby krshna, that we are the babies that are learning through our work here on Earth and that we are still in the baby stages of becoming the godheads, through which Source can inhabit and we become the avatars we are destined to be. Until then and while we learn, we just create 'histrionics' that hurt and wound eachother, but actually none of it is really real, it is all just acting and playing, but we forgot, from behind the veil, that it is just us playing and now the veil is slowly dissolving.

If the lesser gods, or deity's (babysitters -some good and some bad) of the day are still looking down, histrionics is all they'd see.

I'll add more to this if it comes. Michaela.
Please note here, I am sure I must be channelling my higher self, because I often use words that I would never use in everyday life. Michaela.

plural noun: histrionics
  1. 1.
    melodramatic behaviour designed to attract attention.

    "by now, Anna was accustomed to her mother's histrionics"

    synonyms:dramaticsdramatheatricstheatricality, tantrums; More
  2. 2.
    an actor.

Magnesium and the sycamore seed.

Image result for silver sycamore seed pendant

I came across magnesium as a magic mineral a few years ago and was prompted to get some transdermal magnesium spray earlier this year when I was getting ghost pains down the left side of my back, for no obvious reasons. I think they may be 'bleed through' ghost pains related to a condition I suffered with last summer, in 2017, reminding me it easy to fall back into adrenal burn out.

My adrenaline stress had been at a continuous high level (for several years), when I started getting 'fibromyalgia' like pains tearing through my body and making me very sick. The 'fibromyalgia' symptoms slowly subsided as I was forced to address the issue of stress.  It was then that I realised I was living through a severe bout of adrenal burn out, and so I had to analyse my life,  and eventually deconstructed my life to be less stressful.

After that summer of 2017, suffering severe stress related symptoms, I started a facebook page where I researched alternatives to being stressed and changing that dynamic. It was about cocooning yourself from outer and inner actions, thoughts and beliefs that cause your mind/body and brain-gut  systems to go down a biological response pathway that leaves you sick.
The facebook page was called "Stress club, The first rule of stress club: There are no rules.

During that time, I withdrew from everything (well as many as I could) that was a drain, even socialising, which for many people is a grim determination to be available for any type of social event, regardless of its worth and enhancement. I changed my diet, changed my beliefs, listened to my body and watched as the upcoming PUSH for Christmas, was building in momentum for more and more consumerism and corporate bullshit that hits you every time. By December of that year I had used this page as a journal and record, 'curating' the information I knew about stress and the body and decided I had shared enough with anyone who was interested, and withdrew totally from facebook.

Today I treat my ghost back pains with a transdermal magnesium spray and it seems to shift them quickly.

What we need to know about Adrenal burn out can be read at this link, and  the full article is well worth understanding.

Fatigue versus adrenal burnout.  Adrenal burnout syndrome differs from simple fatigue in that burnout is not relieved by getting a few good nights sleep, as is the case with fatigue.
            This is the case because adrenal exhaustion is not just a sleep deficit, although that may be an aspect of the syndrome.  Burnout is a deeper derangement of the body’s energy-producing system, of which fatigue is one symptom.

Cortisol reversal.  Some doctors also diagnose an interesting adrenal problem called cortisolreversal.  In this situation, cortisol levels are low in the morning when they should be higher.  Then, later in the day, they increase and are too high in the evening and at night.  We consider this to be anautonomic nervous system imbalance that may be related to a phenomenon called sympathetic dominance.

These are some of the major terms used today to describe adrenal problems.  However, If one uses nutritional balancing science for correction, it is not necessary to test for and distinguish among these conditions, in my experience.  The reason is that a properly designed nutritional balancing program will correct all of them.  For this reason, in this article the words adrenal insufficiency, adrenal fatigue, adrenal weakness or adrenal burnout syndrome may be used interchangeably.

In March of this year I reblogged some video posts on the vagus nerve and the sympathatic and parasympathetic pathways.

Other people are changing to balance this in their lives.
Three years ago when my health started to decline, I experienced symptoms of fatigue, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation, brain fog and lack of energy.  It was then that I was first introduced to the term adrenal fatigue.  Stress was causing my adrenals to be overloaded and fatigue which was slowing my digestion, increasing the release of stress hormones, and keeping my body in a “fight” response, never allowing my body to rest or relax.  I was supplementing my fatigue with endless amounts of coffee and stimulants, but still couldn’t stay awake or focused throughout the day.  As part of my holistic journey to treat my symptoms and help my body heal itself naturally, I was introduced to magnesium as an important component to adrenal fatigue recovery.
Magnesium is a vital nutrient needed for optimal body function and is needed to create energy within the body as well as calm the mind and help balance hormones.  Although I was experiencing chronic fatigue as part of my adrenal fatigue, I was also constantly in a state of stress; I couldn’t quiet my mind long enough to actually feel tired or relaxed and I was constantly anxious, even if I was just sitting on my couch watching television.  It was these symptoms that led me to start taking magnesium supplements, specifically Natural Vitality Natural Calm.  In order for my body to find balance and work efficiently, I needed to de-stress, rest, relax and increase my magnesium levels so that my adrenals could properly function.
I recently found and bought this small pocket sized book which reminded me of my own adrenal burnout and most of what is recommended in it are the approaches I used. Also interestingly, the author uses a sycamore seed as a symbol to healing from this. At the time, back in 2017, I was experiencing major symptoms, I came across and bought a beautiful silver sycamore seed pendant which I wore during that time.

Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue

Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue
ISBN: 978-0956034465
Published by Starflower Press
Published Jun 2011
70 pages

Written by Veronika Sophia Robinson

Sometimes life doesn’t go the way you planned. Sometimes, we can get knocked sideways. This happened to me, and Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal Fatigue is my holistic journey to healing my adrenals after they crashed. I wrote it because the mainstream advice was ridiculously limiting on many levels and I didn’t want other people to believe there was only one path to healing.

Order Natural Approaches to Healing Adrenal 

More on Magnesium to help treat adrenal burnout and other conditions. 

1 Forgotten Mineral (that you NEED)

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    • it helps you digest protein and metabolize fat
    • it creates and transports energy
    • it keeps joints fluid and mobile
    • it helps balance blood sugar and curb sugar cravings
    • it reduces offensive body odors
    • it combats stress
    • it ensures a deeper, more satisfying sleep
    Which is why ancient Greeks and Romans routinely soaked in mineral baths full of it to help restore their bodies after a hard day's work.

    It's also why Traditional Chinese Medicine considers it the "lamp of life"... And get this: magnesium can help prevent heart concerns because it's a natural blood thinner.

    And according to renowned alternative health investigator, Ian Clark, your doctor knows this... even though he may not have told you.

    Now why do you suppose that is?

    The life saving power of magnesium is proven day after day in emergency rooms, where it's a critical nutrient in various forms on the crash-cart: 

    • If someone's in need of serious heart support, they use intravenous magnesium to quickly regulate proper heart rhythm... 
    • If someone's constipated or needs to prepare for colonoscopy, they give them milk of magnesia... or a bottle of liquid magnesium citrate, which empties their bowels... 
    • If pregnant women come in with pre-term labor, high blood pressure, or seizures, they give them continuous high doses of intravenous magnesium to normalize the situation... 
    Emergency rooms and intensive care units would be lost without these nutritional medicines. So...

    Is your doctor trying to hide something from you?

    It's just that the fat-cats running the pharmaceutical industry use their muscle to throw us off course with disinformation.

    They can't stand the fact that many men and women who take magnesium have been successful in reducing or even eliminating their intake of medications. So they trump up misleading claims about magnesium toxicity, drug interactions and diarrhetic side effects.

    Magnesium is a natural mineral

    Which means it can't be patented. So they can't make money off of it. As a matter of consequence they refuse to fund any kind of study designed to do anything except cast magnesium in a bad light.

    So... there are a lot of lies and half-truths to sift through.

    This is a prime reason why it's taken Ian so long to uncover the truth for himself about magnesium and its safe and natural restorative powers.