Friday 20 December 2013

Art to brighten the darkest of these mid-winter days. Before Christmas we have the Solstice, midwinters day. Together they bring powerful energy that we can feel on many levels.

It seems that  children get so excited about Christmas mainly because of the hyperventilation in anticipation about the visit from Santa. My own children, then easily excitable, could barely sleep and then would frenzy out at 4.00am on Christmas morning. What really was the driving force behind that, mad, crazy dervishness that still pulls children into energetic knots??? 
I know now that the energies that occur at this time is one in which children are very able to feel, but because the nature of the energy is subtle and can seep deep into a child but it is  not addressed in mainstream culture, dialogue or tradition a child has no vocabulary to embrace or describe what they feel..................
 So the pointers and flags lead and persuade the child's energised attention to the consumerised and popular figure that drops presents down a chimney.
Adults too feel this energy, but please don't tell me it's because they are excited about getting or giving presents! The energy is sweeping through and driving hoards of happy shoppers from shop to shop and bar to bar.  The celebrations of  Christmas are real, however in general, when we think we are celebrating Christmas, we are in fact being driven by time old energy that  pours in on top of us. ..........................
But because we are unable to grasp or embrace these energies fully, our attentions get diverted into the mass hysteria of 101 ways to cook a turkey, or different outfits for different days over the party season, or non stop TV viewing ...........
Its as if we are unable to determine how to individually use this amazing energy and need traditions (that have been made popular by the affluent or celebrity classes of each age) to whitewash over the truth and simplicity of this blazing energy.
 By doing so we miss yet another opportunity to drink it in and let it swell into us and add to our energy fields.  
There is something that most of us feel in that morning of Christmas day, that we intuit is different from other days. 
 However it is not just the hangover, or  the anxiety of getting it right, or the sinking feeling about the misjudged overbuying, or the 'let's get this over with'.  Nor is it feelings of exclusion that we may empathise that is felt by the homeless, the lonely, the vulnerable and marginalised people, as yet again, the gap between the rich and the poor is both spotlighted and overshadowed by the Christmas that is celebrated in the West.
This is energy that is bestowed on each and all,  to accept and do with as we wish.
The difficult part is tuning into and getting the gift that is wrapped in that parcel. It is a energy ball that will fill the spaces within with light.....
........and it may be uncomfortable as it can show up places in our life and in ourselves, that we are unhappy about, but the gift is;
 it shows us who we are right now and the places that need healing.
It does this and more. You are invited to embrace, explore  and feel this energy, where we celebrate Christmas and discover what it is bringing you.
Much Love
 from my 'getting ready for Christmas' home to yours.


Say hello to Ego. Ways to bring balance to the ego. Also a short video about what to look forward to wth your awakening. Shared from Golden age of Gaia. Namaste.

Earth via Pamela Kribbe: The Flow of Receiving in Your Life

Posted by Janice Collins
imageEarth: The Flow of Receiving in Your Life, channeled by Pamela Kribbe, December 2013 at:
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear women and men,
I am the Earth who speaks. I greet you from my heart, a heart that beats within you. I flow through your body and am with you, and I want to support you and give you what you need. You are connected to me in and through your body and I continually send you signals as an invitation. Listen to me – I am speaking to you through your body. Take a moment now of rest and relaxation so you can feel my presence in you.
Your consciousness is Light, and you can imagine it as a kind of beam. This shaft of Light can focus in a variety of ways to allow the Light to shine forth. Your consciousness is a concentration of awareness that is neutral in itself, because there is no thought process in it, in the sense of judging or ordering. It is a more neutral, objective way of being, and you are that consciousness.
That consciousness has descended into the body that you now have, the one you live through right now. Fill your body with your consciousness, by starting with your feet. Let your attention flow through your feet, without any expectation or motive. Your feet find that attention wonderful; they bathe in your awareness. Feel Light flow along the soles of your feet, and through your toes and heels.
Feel how the Light relaxes you. Let it travel upward as you focus your attention on your ankles, your calves and knees, and up through your thighs to your hips and pelvis. And let your Light flow into the area of your abdomen. Take your time doing this, so you really feel anchored in your body. Feel the Light of your consciousness flow in gentle currents, rippling through your legs and your abdomen. Feel how your mind comes to rest, and become fully aware that you are consciousness – you are Light.
If there are thoughts, take notice of them in the same way you would notice external sounds, such as the barking of a dog outside. You are not the barking of a dog and you are not your thoughts. You are the consciousness that is aware.
Feel the open space that is your consciousness. You are that space, the space between your thoughts, between the many sensations and stimuli in your head and your body. Feel how free that consciousness is. It looks at all these sensations and playfully interacts with them.
When your Light is so casual and free, when it connects in openness with your body, the Earth part of you is nourished. This is the most healing Light that you can ever receive, the Light of your own soul, your own consciousness. This Light has healing power, so allow it to flow to a place in your body where you have stored tension, the place that you recognize as a vulnerable spot in your body. Again, without any judgment, and very objectively, allow the Light to flow to it. This is how balance is restored.
Today, I want to speak about the flow of receiving in your life. The deepest form of receiving is to accept yourself as you are. With the Light that is in you, you look at your humanity, your feelings, your emotions, your fears, or your stubbornness. You surround them with this gentle and objective Light. Only then do you create the fertile bedding that is needed to receive.
The deepest desire in a human being is to be embraced, to be seen lovingly, to be recognized, to be enclosed in the arms of an unconditional loving mother. That gives security and tranquility. In that security, in that restful repose, you begin to radiate. You are who you are, naturally, as a flower that emerges from the bud. When its bedding is fertile, the flower comes forth and begins to bloom naturally with its own radiance.
It is meant to be in this life that you begin to feel that unconditional love for yourself. This is a great challenge, because there lives in human beings an ingrained tendency to look for love outside themselves. Fear and uncertainty drive you to search beyond yourself. You try to nurture yourself by way of external energies, so as to feel satisfied, to feel embraced, and to belong.
But your path is a different one. Your deepest and most holy command is to accept yourself regardless of all external influences, to embrace yourself with that loving Light that you are. And that includes those deep and dark layers that you would rather hide away and do not want to experience. The instrument with which you can love, accept, and embrace yourself is already within you. It is the Light of which I spoke above, the awareness that you are. Feel it for a moment deep in your abdomen. It is a Light that is beyond this world, and is not bound by time and space or form. It is an eternal Light that is completely your own and unique. Feel your own Light.
You have allowed the Light of your consciousness to circulate through your legs and into the area of your pelvis and abdomen. I ask you to now take the Light higher, to the area of your solar plexus, which runs through your stomach. Allow the Light to flow through here very objectively and calmly.
The solar plexus is a very important center. A few days ago, I talked about how you are acting as an intermediary between the power of the Heavens and that of the Earth, between the flow of your soul and that of your body. Your solar plexus is literally at the center of that interaction. In a way, it is the mediator. The earthly personality that you are finds its foundation here.
I would like to tell you about that earthly personality. In one sense, the earthly personality is a kind of navigator who has to deal with many different influences, and who must integrate, in a balanced way, the inspiration from above, from the soul, with the emotional forces from the inner child. The earthly body has to take all that in, along with the external influences: people, situations, challenges.
The last time I spoke, I discussed two kinds of influence that can throw you off balance and cause disruption. One was fear and the other was control, the wanting to manipulate. If you now look at the center of the solar plexus you can imagine that this is the seat of the ego, that part of you that must mediate between all these influences and flows and take action in this world of time and space, of material form. I do not see the ego as something bad. I see it as a necessity, given that is needed in this world in order to get all the different energy flows in balance so you can express yourself here in this earthly environment. It enables you to give and to receive.
Now, there are roughly two pitfalls for the ego, which is centered in your solar plexus. The ego can either make itself too small or it can make itself too big. If it makes itself too small, it retreats energetically into your solar plexus and finds itself in a tense state of fear, anxiety, and worry. It thinks constantly that it “can’t”, that it is not good enough, that you need others, and that you are powerless. Look within yourself to see if you recognize that type of ego.
See if amidst the major influences that you encounter in life – the soul power, the emotional urgings of the inner child, the pressures from the outside world – you often have the feeling that everything is too much for you. See if your ego evokes fear and wants to hide, or if you have difficulty taking up personal space, or if you look for excuses or ways to escape this reality. Those are forms of too small an ego that is ruled by fear, or is sometimes even traumatized.
Now there is also the possibility of a too big an ego. That also makes itself felt in the area of the solar plexus. A too big ego feels somewhat bloated and forced – it wants too much. A too big ego overestimates its ability to set things to its own hand, to shape and direct the world. It thinks continually: “I need to organize this, I want to settle this, or things won’t work out without me.” It wants to keep control and in this way it limits its own possibilities. Because when the ego wants to exert too much control, it irrevocably closes off the flow of impulses from the soul.
You can say there are blinders on, or tunnel vision, when you want to control things too much from a too big an ego. Also, a big ego often has little connection with the inner child. The emotions and the emotional signals that emerge from the child are often ignored or seen as too burdensome. The ego wants to move forward to its goals. It keeps you stuck in its tunnel vision. Look inside yourself to see if you recognize this trait. See if there have been times in your life when you clung to the goals of your ego, afraid to let go.
Usually, both aspects of ego are found in most people. Sometimes it is the case that for one person there is a greater emphasis on the aspect of too small an ego, while for another it is the aspect of too big an ego that is playing tricks on them. But in both cases, you will eventually become cut off from your heart, your soul, and your emotions.
The way to get back to your center, to allowing the restoration of balance, and toward reopening the channel to the soul and the inner child, is by looking at yourself lovingly and observing, in an objective way, what you are doing. Do you feed yourself with disparaging and oppressive thoughts? Do you make yourself small? You then create a story around that idea that things cannot be otherwise and that it is okay that way.
Examine the story in detail. Look at it carefully to see how that story is ruled by fear, by an ego that does not dare to take up personal space, to trust itself and its own strength. Surround that ego with love, understanding, and gentleness.
When your ego goes too much in the other direction, when it refuses to let go and insists on determining and ruling everything, then become aware of this belief structure, but do it with a gentle and understanding gaze. Laugh about how you make a mess of things when you stubbornly and obstinately stick to a tunnel vision. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised by new possibilities. Remember that it is often a virtue not to know something, to be open to the new.
Why do I speak today about these two forms of an unbalanced ego? Because it is the key to being able to receive what life wants to give to you. You disconnect from the receiving flow by making yourself either too small or too big. By seeing these tendencies in yourself and smiling at them, you naturally come back to your center. Feel that for a moment. Envision that behind or beside you is your soul and before or beside you stands your inner child. Feel the great and wise power of your soul, who knows so much more than you can with your human mind. Trust her! Trust him!
Imagine that in your solar plexus lives a small figure, a man or a woman, a figure that represents your ego, and look at it very objectively. Does that figure reach forward and try to order everything? Or does that figure back away because it is all too much, too overwhelming, and calls up too much fear within it? Look what movement your ego is tempted to make, toward or away from. Finally, imagine that your ego is balanced and that this figure in your solar plexus is in an upright, standing position. It is connected with your soul and the Heavens from above, and with your body and the Earth from below. Feel how supportive and liberating that is for your ego, for your personality. Everything becomes freer and more fluid. It is a gentle flow of unconditional love. Allow this flow to happen, and allow it to uplift you.



Video: Awakening Signs

Posted by Alice C
What are the signs of our awakening into Ascension? With thanks to Mike.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Help with those emotions that need help to be released. I AM posting this because I am aware of emotive intrusions into my daily life that show me I have still got much emotional body healing to do.

Mother Mary via Natalie Glasson: Transitions of the Emotional Body

mothermary4Mother Mary: Transitions of the Emotional Body, channeled by Natalie Glasson, December 16, 2013 at
Every day upon your Earth is a powerful energy day. In the past there have been noted days where powerful surges of energy flow into the Earth and your being, powerful surges now flow with each and every day you walk upon the Earth. You have moved into a stage of your transition where you are constantly open and there is always an opportunity for powerful and transformational surges of light to flow throughout your being and reality more frequently than not.
The energy is building your energy vibration while creating purification and strengthening within your being. No longer do you need to wait for certain calendar days to boost your awakening, every day upon the Earth is a powerful awakening and ascension process for you. With such powerful and strong energy vibrations anchoring, this can cause periods of tremendous bliss and peace alongside periods of chaos with both inner and outer suffering.
It is important to realise that any form of suffering in the past was a spiritual lesson or challenge for evolvement. Many people are still using old energetic patterns of learning as this can take some time to be observed, healed and released. The energy surges also have a purpose of bringing all that is no longer needed or that is causing hindrance to the surface for you to observe, heal and release, thus allowing yourself to step deeper into the new era focused primary and completely upon love.
The new era is to love yourself, to love others and to experience the love of the Creator. Some energy surges also have a powerful influence upon your emotional body. Much focus is being placed upon the emotional body at this time as it is preparing and moving through transitions in order to be able to serve and merge with your soul more fully, this signifies that great volumes of light and energy are being poured into your emotional body and the Earth’s emotional body which can cause your emotional body to become very active in your reality, actions and reactions.
It is important to ask for the emotional body to be balanced, soothed and for its energy to be smoothed down in order for harmony to unfold into your emotional body and your entire being. You may wish to affirm,
‘With the support of my soul, guides and the Creator I ask for balance to be restored within my emotional body. Let my emotional body be soothed and calmed by the light, love and support of the Creator, merging in harmony and peacefully with my entire being. Please bring tranquillity to any over activity that is no longer necessary within my emotional body. I experience my most appropriate ascension emotional body, experiencing my emotion as beautifully flowing, peaceful and healed expressions of my being. ‘
Often the emotional body holds onto ideas of suffering and pain which you automatically draw upon as a valuable way of releasing the past, experiencing your true self but also experiencing your ego and feelings of lack or separation. Some emotional challenges, reactions and processes of release or learning can cause you to become unconscious of your reality and the truth within your being. Being unconscious of your spiritual path and the beautiful light being within your physical being can be a source of pain but can also cause pain, suffering and confusion as well as unneeded experiences.
I wish to offer insights and reminders for you to use whenever you find yourself influenced by or trapped in your emotional body and its processes. Your journey upon the Earth is a process of remembrance of the Creator and so your reality each and every day is a process of remembrance of yourself as the Creator. Tools and practices that remind you of your truth or bring your focus and attention back to being consciously aware of your truth, even if you do not understand your truth, will serve you in remaining in a space of balance, peace, love and bliss whatever is occurring within or around your being. Often when high surges of energy enter your being the body and energy bodies become extremely active, this can be projected into your reality in many ways. If there is something that needs to be healed, it can be projected into your reality for a powerful healing process and experience.
In times of suffering, pain, confusion, turmoil, chaos, fear or such like energies, bring your attention, focus and memory back to these thoughts, I will be with you, supporting and loving as you read through my words of remembrance, supporting new star bursts of light awakening from within your being.
If you are experiencing suffering or pain in this moment recognise that the light is building within your being and reality, your current experiences are allowing for major blockages or unneeded energies to be released eternally so that you may recognise yourself as a greater being of love and light.
Allow yourself to be conscious of love, love is the essence of the Creator, it is the natural healing energy for your body, being and reality and will bring everything within and around you into perfect alignment, harmony and bliss. Breathe within the vibration of love.
Your outside experiences with the world, your reality, people and even yourself are all a projection from within your being. Your beliefs, opinion and understandings of yourself and the Creator can be projected into your reality. To heal any situation whether small or large first look inside yourself for the answer. Blaming yourself or another will not bring enlightenment to any situation but simply cause more pain. Sit within your own energies and realise the source or purpose of your creation.
All energies are malleable and can be altered by you. There is nothing in the world that is permanent especially at a physical level, the divine flow of the Creator acts as a natural rhythm for change within your reality. This means that if you experience a situation or feeling which is not aligned to the truth of the Creator know that you can change it instantly if you wish to. You can change any energy and your reaction to it instantly especially with positive and expansive thoughts. Imagine what you would like to experience or how you would like to feel rather than focusing upon an energy being permanent and unmoving.
Your emotions, thoughts and body can express the highest and purest vibration of the Creator, let yourself be conscious of this awareness.
Remember that you are a strong and powerful beacon of light and love, this is your truth more than any other realisation, thought, emotion or experience that may enter your reality.
Program your mind to instantly seek for a solution to all experiences and feelings which you may perceive as not being aligned with the Creator. Encourage your mind to enter deep into your soul’s vibration seeking for an outcome and inspiration to create a solution. Often many people focused upon spiritual growth can become sensitive to the energies around them, often many situations or experiences can come to a positive solution through energy work, whether it is sending energy, accepting energy, creating an energy exchange or creating energetic foundations such as bubbles of light to maintain, support or protect energies.
Transitions occurring within you often require you to be patient and compassionate with yourself and those around you.
Often you can take yourself out of situations and feelings by imagining yourself in a space of love, surrounded by love and love building from within your being. This can be achieved energetically and instantly, you can then enter back into your reality and allow the remembrance of yourself to merge with your reality thus, raising the vibration and possible outcomes.
Understanding the transitions and situations you move through is not always essential, if you become preoccupied with discovering and understanding then you may be distracting yourself from receiving valuable insights and ways to move back into deep spaces of love.
‘I am love, I am peace, I am bliss, I am truth, I am the healed perfection of the Creator. I trust in the truth of these words and allow divine remembrance to emerge with ease from within my being.’
Emotions can entwine themselves deep into your being and energy systems, it can take loving observation of yourself with a remembrance of your truth to bring forth healing and freedom of emotions. The experiences of the past has caused emotions to be used incorrectly but now your emotional body is moving through a tremendous transformation which will allow you to use your emotions to fuel your spiritual evolution, connection with and experiencing the Creator in every present moment.
Take time to be aware of your emotions, send love, healing and support to your emotions as your emotional body moves through a powerful transitional period. Please know that I, Mother Mary, am with you, loving you eternally in truth and with divine remembrance of the Creator.
With love Mother Mary
Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channeled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you

Saturday 14 December 2013

Dust if you must, a deviation from .................... and 'telling the bees'.

In Ireland there is a saying, "you're a long time dead", which speaks for itself and is often used to justify not doing something considered a chore, or even better, to do something that would be considered frivolous or even reckless.

Another saying in Ireland is "the dust will be there long after you're gone" pointing to the ridiculous chore of trying to keep a permanently dust-free household.

 I found this poem which truly expands and enlightens the theme.


I came across an old tradition that I had not heard of before when chatting to my father , aged 83 years, this evening. As a little boy in rural Ireland, he lived with his parents and an extended family of uncles, his mothers brothers, they kept a small farm and had a bee-hive for honey and wax.  He spoke of the  custom of  telling the bees if someone in the household had died. He has memories of approaching the bees, saying to them "Uncle Tom is dead" and scampering quickly away.

I was left wondering about this and did some searching. I found that it was a well known folk lore in Bee Keeping tradition,  which amused me as my father lived across the beach from a small fishing village in a small, and then Irish-only speaking, community.

The custom is steeped in respect for the Bees and what they bring to the household and it also speaks of mysticism and the relation that we have with nature.  Sadly for many of us, where we have become disconnected with the land, we have lost the language to communicate with nature.

There must be more to this than meets the eye....


Telling the bees

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The telling of the bees is a traditional English custom, in which bees would be told of important events in their keeper's lives, such as births, marriages, or departures and returns in the household. The bees were most commonly told of deaths in their master's family. The custom was prevalent all over England, as well as in a few places in Ireland and Wales but not in Scotland.[1][2] If the custom was omitted or forgotten then it was believed a penalty would be paid, that the bees might leave their hive, stop producing honey, or die.[3]
To inform the bees of a death their hive might be hung with a black cloth, while a "doleful tune" is sung.[3] Another method of "telling the bees" would be for their master to approach the hive and knock gently upon it. The house key might also be used to knock on the hive.[1] When the master of the house had the attention of the bees they would tell the bees the name of the person that had died.[3]
Food and drink from a beekeeper's funeral would also be left by the hive for the bees, including the funeral biscuits and wine.[1] The hive would also be lifted a few inches and put down again at the same time as the coffin.[1] The hive might also be rotated to face the funeral procession, and draped with mourning cloth.[1] If a wedding occurred in the household, the hive might be decorated, and a slice of wedding cake left by their hive.[1][4][5] The decoration of hives appears to date to the early 19th century.[1]
The custom spread with European immigration to the United States in the 19th century.[4] An 1890 article in The Courier-Journal newspaper also described the practice of inviting bees to the funeral.[4]
The custom has given its name to poems by Deborah Digges, John Ennis, Eugene Field, Carol Frost and John Greenleaf Whittier.[6][7][8][9][10]


  1. ^ Jump up to: a b c d e f g Steve Roud (6 April 2006). The Penguin Guide to the Superstitions of Britain and Ireland. Penguin Books Limited. p. 128. ISBN 978-0-14-194162-2. 
  2. Jump up ^ Shakespeare's Greenwood. Ardent Media. p. 159. GGKEY:72QTHK377PC. 
  3. ^ Jump up to: a b c Samuel Adams Drake (1 January 2001). New England Legends and Folk Lore. Digital Scanning Inc. ISBN 978-1-58218-443-2. 
  4. ^ Jump up to: a b c Tammy Horn (21 April 2006). Bees in America: How the Honey Bee Shaped a Nation. University Press of Kentucky. p. 137. ISBN 978-0-8131-7206-4. 
  5. Jump up ^ Michael O'Malley (4 November 2010). The Wisdom of Bees: What the Hive Can Teach Business about Leadership, Efficiency, and Growth. Penguin Books Limited. p. 148. ISBN 978-0-670-91949-9. 
  6. Jump up ^ John Greenleaf Whittier (1975). The Letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. Harvard University Press. p. 318. ISBN 978-0-674-52830-7. 
  7. Jump up ^ Carol Frost (30 May 2006). The Queen's Desertion: Poems. Northwestern University Press. p. 10. ISBN 978-0-8101-5176-5. 
  8. Jump up ^ Eugene Field (March 2008). The Poems of Eugene Field. Wildside Press LLC. p. 340. ISBN 978-1-4344-6312-8. 
  9. Jump up ^ Deborah Digges (2 April 2009). Trapeze. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. p. 5. ISBN 978-0-307-54821-4. 
  10. Jump up ^ "John Ennis". Poetry International - John Ennis. Poetry International. Retrieved 13 October 2013.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Interesting: BE CALM and WAKE UP...............this article gives more strength to the growing alert that we are being shoved into a state of fear by an 'elite' over-group whose strategies lie in 'creating devasting' scenarios that are linked to black ops. THEIR grand plan is the obvious outcome of an unquestioned military law. That in place, it is then obvious that the little freedom a person has will soon be gone.

Even more interesting is the link contained within this article which is thoroughly absorbing and must be read in its entirety.   The point made, toward the end of the article in the link, goes on to discuss that if everyone wakes up and becomes conscious, then the plans of the elite group will fail.

 IT should also be said that the shift toward... 'the waking up and becoming conscious' is essential for humanity to raise above this atrocious plot against us, and is majorly underway.



'SO CALLED RANDOMLY OCCURRING MASSACRES' allow fear to overcome us, would be to comply with the plot against us.

In other words, we should not  allow our individual energy fields to become contaminated with the toxicity of fear, that distorts our own power and diminishes our ability to empower ourselves.


NYPD Investigation into Kenya’s Westgate Mall Attack Reveals Truth Behind the Massacre

Posted by Stephen Cook
Westgate SiegeStephen: OK. a few things to mention upfront here. At the time of posting, this particular story only seems to have appeared in Australian News Limited papers, which is somewhat weird: it had worldwide coverage when it occurred. Secondly, this is not the full truth – for it does not reveal the motive behind this so-called massacre nor that this was likely a false flag. Which is why they are saying it was the Kenyan authorities’ who were at fault – but my guess is this whole event was ‘stage managed’ by a much more powerful and secret group.
Thirdly, it makes no mention of the link between the owners of this mall and the people who held the lease on the World Trade Center Towers (see this story we posted back in September -
But one thing is does show is how untrue what the world was originally told was… and it opens people’s minds up to questioning what they hear from the authorities and the mainstream media. What always amazed me about this incident was how much photography and footage from inside this shopping centre – supposedly in ‘lock-down’ because of this ‘massive’ siege – made it into newspapers and onto TV screens all around the world…
From – December 11, 2013
KENYA’S shopping mall massacre shook the world. Yet all it took was four terrorists with guns. Now, investigators say they all escaped.
It’s a story of chaos, confusion – and corruption.
The New York Police Department has conducted its own in-depth analysis of the September attack which killed more than 60 at the Westgate Shopping Mall in Nairobi. It was an exercise designed to familiarise the often-targeted city’s law enforcers with what to expect.
Their discoveries have debunked much of what Kenyan authorities claim, and painted a frightening picture of the power of a few angry men with guns.
And they doubt the terrorists died in the collapsing building.
“As a cop, I’m very sceptical of claims until I see proof,” Lt. Detective Commander Kevin Yorke, who oversaw the report, said. He added that there is “a lot of doubt in my mind it is true.”
Detective Yorke said it was only now a real picture was emerging from ‘the fog of war’.
But the most startling component of the report is the dangerous incompetence shown by Kenya’s military and police reaction.
Here’s what the NYPD found.
Tiny attack force
Kenyan authorities have repeatedly claimed that up to 15 heavily armed attackers from the al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabaab terror group were involved in the operation which overwhelmed the African nation’s police and defence forces for three days. Some were supposed to be foreign nationals.
New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly told media yesterday his investigators did not know “with certainty” how many people were involved, “but we believe there were only four shooters.”
Their reconstruction of the attack suggests the four men acted in teams of two, coordinating their movements via mobile phone.
Lightly armed
They were supposed to have been wielding heavy machineguns and explosives. But the NYPD says a review of video footage and ballistics evidence shows they were carrying only “light” weapons such as AK-47 rifles and grenades.
Three grenades were used upon their entrance to the mall, after which the terrorists used single-shots to target fleeing shoppers.
While carrying hundreds of rounds of ammunition in magazines strapped to their bodies, the NYPD says the attackers were not wearing any form of body armour or carrying handguns.
There were no heavy explosions. Smoke screens had not been created by setting mattresses and other materials on fire.
Instead, the NYPD says all of the heavy damage to the shopping mall’s structure had been caused by antitank missiles being fired into the building by Kenyan military.
‘Friendly fire’
Initially, Kenyan authorities believed they were responding to an armed holdup. A tactical response team did not arrive at the Mall until some 90 minutes after the initial attack.
From this point, confusion reigned.
Police – wearing no identification or markings – entered the complex, fully armed.
They were quickly fired upon by Kenyan soldiers who had also been summoned to the scene. Among the dead was the police tactical response team’s commander.
It was this incident that may have produced the stories of “heavily armed, body-armour-wearing” terrorists.
No hostages
The presence of hostages was always used as an excuse for the slow military response to the shopping-mall raid. Now, the NYPD says it doubts there were any.
Instead, the report says the terrorists sought to kill as many as they could.
Only those who were able to recite Muslim prayers – and in once instance name the Prophet Mohammed’s mother – were allowed to go free.
The idea that there may have been hostages is thought to have arisen because by so many shoppers were “playing dead” and hiding.
White Widow ‘distraction’.
A NYPD review of witness accounts and CCTV footage indicates no women were involved, the report says.
Media speculation – apparently encouraged by statements from Kenyan officials – named British citizen and al-Shabaab terrorist Samantha Lewthwaite as one of the attack team storming the shopping complex.
Early escape
The gunbattle to clear the mall lasted three days. But there is no evidence the terrorists were there beyond the first 12 hours.
NYPD investigations indicate at least one of the attackers was wounded in the leg. But the fighters systematically destroyed CCTV cameras in order to cover their movements.
And their actual attack only lasted six hours. After this, the NYPD report says the terrorists hid in a storeroom. Here, they prayed and tended to their wounded comrade.
There is no evidence any attacker remained in the mall after 12:15am on September 22, the NYPD says.
Despite this, the siege lasted another two days.
During this time CCTV footage captured members of the Kenyan military looting the high-end shopping complex under the cover of the crisis.

Friday 6 December 2013

An Hour With An Angel - the Divine Mother on Purity 12/05 by InLight Radio | Spirituality Podcasts. WoW!!!!!!

So Very Highly...... recommended. Get ready to surrender out of here.....

find out who the Divine Mother is.

"Our guest is the Divine Mother. What can I say about how incredible an honor it is to speak with her?  Longtime readers need no introduction to her but new readers may.
When God resides in “his” (God is not a “he” or a “she”) formless, transcendental Self, we call him (and so does the Mother, by the way) the “Father.” As the Father, God is still and silent and the Source of all that is.
When God enters the created world of form, the world of the dream, the world of the illusion, and creates, preserves and transforms, we call “her” the Mother. As the Mother, God is active and sonic. He creates through her, speaking in a purely metaphorical way."

An Hour With An Angel - the Divine Mother on Purity 12/05 by InLight Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

Take that limitation, and send it home. Heavenly Blessings ~ Raj on Attraction and Repulsion 11/12 by InLight Radio | Spirituality Podcasts.

Heavenly Blessings ~ Raj on Attraction and Repulsion 11/12 by InLight Radio | Spirituality Podcasts

If you are having difficulty understanding the Universal Laws of Attraction and Repulsion then this is a "must-listen to".  Using the law of repulsion, send all your limitations back home, back to Source to balance the law of attraction.

Also understand the difference between the old 3rd dimensional reality, all that fear and yukky stuff, and the new 3rd dimension.

Repulsion of limitations created in the energy of the old 3rd dimension will be balanced by your desire to attract love.

I have just listened to a meditation and channelling, that I just have to share on this post. If you are wondering what to do for the next hour, spend it here, listening to this. It is so very worth it, I cannot tell you how much.

The first part is a preamble between the channel and the host of the programme. Then there is a wonderful guided meditation. The channel allows Sanat Kumara then to give such a wonderful talk. Listen even to the caller's questions, this may answer some of your own.

Listen out for the reference to not only the third eye but the fourth eye, between the brows and the fifth eye at the hair line, to see with the Mothers eye. Amazingly wonderful stuff !!!!

Click on the link here

Heavenly Blessings ~ Raj on Attraction and Repulsion 11/12 by InLight Radio | Spirituality Podcasts


Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon return this week to discuss with Sanat Kumara the Universal Law of Attraction and Repulsion, eleventh in our series. The Council of Love explains that alignment with the Law of Attraction is becoming... more

6th December 2013. Light in the dark, during and after the storm....The world is waking up.

The world is waking up, photos taken early morning of 5th December 2013.



December has merged in so quickly, its hard to catch your breath. Outward distractions have to bang louder on your door to get your attention as you find yourself wanting to stay in your inner silence and sanctum. If you can, picture a soft candle flame that is still and unwavering, sheltered in the peaceful calm of your inner sanctum. Hold this image to return to whenever you feel the need for peace.

Yesterday, the 5th, I felt the urge to put up the Christmas lights, when I turned the lights on, the places that are usually dark in the evenings were filled with soft small glows, stringing across the walls throughout  the halls and downstairs rooms. I was so preoccupied with this and the warmth of these little lights that it was only at the last minute, I remembered I had to be somewhere at a specific time.

When I left the house, at 3.30pm it was already getting dark. I walked out into a cold rainy storm.

I had a long walk to get where I was going, about 30 minutes. My umbrella was blown inside out,  traffic along the roads blurred into their own headlamps glare. It was difficult walking through the wind, as the rain belted down. Physically it was like pushing through canyons of high speed hand dryers, the kind that blow your skin into ripples.  Trudging through all this and then had to push myself uphill as the road met a steep incline, I silently asked for help.

 Suddenly, I found or somehow remembered, a still candle flame in my inner sanctum, it was unwavering and untouched by the storm I was walking through.

It was lighting my way.


This morning It was incredibly dark when I woke up. It was eerily dark, in great contrast to the photos taken yesterday morning at the same time, as shown above. There was something different today, there was a silence and darkness. For a long while I wondered if the sun wasn't going to show itself to day.

Of course in this hemisphere the days are decreasing in length and the amount of sunlight we have reduces. But it seemed to signify something, like a pause before the day comes in. The morning after the storm.

The news showed the world the storms that battered Britain last night.  These storms have left parts of the country flooded and people have had to find rescue and sanctuary in church halls or school halls, with each other.

I like to think that each person contributed a small light, even if that light, on a conscious level, was just the sheer relief of being safe and not being alone in the storm...... On different levels it is the sharing of the quality of  'Hope' and the actual soul light that a person has, that is being shared to illuminate the sanctuary of the hall space.  

This sharing of light in a sanctuary, as the storm rages outside, is a community aspect of  'the candle in the inner sanctum', contributed to by many.


Late last night we had news that Nelson Mandela had died.  One of the brightest lights of our times has left the building. He was the candle flame that was held, unwavering in humanities inner sanctum, that lit the way for anyone who chose to find the love within humanity. The inner sanctum of love always lies amidst the raging storms that have described the human story on earth for such a long. We all  must wake up now and find our own access to this love.

I first posted this image of Nelson Mandela on Monday 24th June 2013, i.e.  24/ 06/13, now it is  06/12/13. I am not a numerology expert but I wonder if there is a mystical value to these dates.... It feels like there was some kind of celestial countdown to the energy release on his death. .....Just playing with the thought.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

In case you think I am making it up. Boris Johnson's speech.

Economic equality will never be possible because some people are too stupid to get ahead, Boris Johnson said on Wednesday night.
Natural differences between human beings will always mean that some will succeed and others will fail, the Mayor of London said in a speech.
Despite calling for more to be done to help talented people from poor backgrounds to advance — including state-funded places at private schools — Mr Johnson said some people would always find it easier to get ahead than others. “Whatever you may think of the value of IQ tests, it is surely relevant to a conversation about equality that as many as 16 per cent of our species have an IQ below 85, while about 2 per cent have an IQ above 130,” he said.
Addressing the Centre for Policy Studies in London, Mr Johnson suggested that economic inequality was useful because it encouraged people to work harder.

He said: “I don’t believe that economic equality is possible; indeed, some measure of inequality is essential for the spirit of envy and keeping up with the Joneses and so on that it is a valuable spur to economic activity.”

Boris Johnson suggested that the gap between rich and poor has now grown too wide and more must be done to ensure that talented people from less wealthy backgrounds can “rise to the top”
He added that free markets involved competition between “human beings who are far from equal in raw ability”.
Mr Johnson also repeated warnings against persecuting the rich, saying that wealth and success should be celebrated. He also recounted how after making that argument in a recent Telegraph column, he said he was subject to “frenzied and hate-filled” criticism.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Twelve. Chakras: There are twelve of them. There are currently Twelve astrological signs and twelve dimensions.

It seems that we are moving into our bigger selves. We are feeling the extra portions of our multidimensionality.

Its funny, but recently a thought came to me as I recalled some past choices and experiences. The thought was that those paths that I did not choose,  that I had perceived (at the time, for whatever reason) as being barely accessible, actually went on ahead, anyway. I mean, a part of me went on to experience that choice. Its like  roots and shoots of different possibilities all growing out from the oneness of my tree. Each was 'real live' happening somewhere. Its back to Quantumness again. My "present NOW" experience is only showcasing the history of choices that I can recall from 'this' framework. 
It should be possible to gather together and align all possible selves that originate from the one of the self. When this thought weighed in, I did laugh because the pains and regrets from not making those choices are then released as one considers that all options have indeed been covered and a person can draw from the results of those choices in the belief that a part of you actually did live it and by aligning with the part that did.
Of course the enlightenment of this realisation swiftly evaporates until it can be truly embodied. 
Then I came to read this from Steve Rother, posted in Spirit Library, which I like.
Steve Rother
The Choice - Choice in a Multidimensional World
Today I get to tell you about something new, but before I do I want to take you Home for just a moment. I sit here, the place that you call Home. You know, humans think that heaven is up above the clouds and it is a funny thing for us because heaven is really everywhere
Read Article »

And finally the Twelve Chakras.


The 5th Dimensional Chakras

When you were born into this life, you had access to your seven physical chakras. These are the Root Chakra, Sacral Chakra, Solar Plexus Chakra, Heart Chakra, Throat Chakra, Brow Chakra and the Crown Chakra. In 2006, you had the opportunity to start opening up to these next three 4th dimensional chakras: Soul Star Chakra, High Heart Chakra and the Zeal Point Chakra.
Every soul adds these one at a time at their own pace according to how much light they are allowing into their soul each day. These 4th dimensional chakras are spiritual chakras; they don’t have anything to do with the physical body. Each chakra has to be stable, balanced and being used by the person in order for the next higher chakra to open.
In 2007, the 5th dimensional chakras were accessible. Most people started feeling this energy in 2010. These chakras open when the person no longer receives direction from the ego. The light inside the soul guides the consciousness instead. These chakras are the pathway for your consciousness to help you remember who you really are as God. They are purely spiritual and work with you on a soul level.
The 5th Dimension is a physical place, like the 3rd Dimension so for you to be able to access the energy without even walking on that world is truly a remarkable feat! These chakras are the Christ Chakra, Hand Chakras, Foot Chakras, Earth Star Chakra and the 12th Chakra. When the last 4th dimensional chakra (Zeal Point Chakra) is stabilized, the Christ Chakra, Hand Chakras, Foot Chakras and the Earth Star Chakra will all open for a few minutes and then close again.
The Earth Star Chakra opens at the same time because at this level, you will no longer be grounding into Mother Earth. The Earth Star Chakra takes her place. And as you use more of the Christ Chakra’s high energy, you will get extra chakras under the Earth Star to stabilize you. (See list below) If you were already a 3rd dimensional healer, you may have your Hand Chakras open already. For everyone else, healer or not, you will open the Hand Chakras when you open the Christ Chakra. With this opening, everyone will be able to heal others at this level.
The process of opening these 5th dimensional chakras takes a while so that your soul can get used to this very different, high vibrational light energy. You will be stepping into it and stepping back out to allow your body/soul to adjust to that frequency of light. You may find yourself in that higher energy for an hour and then out of that energy for the next 8 hours or longer. Eventually, you will be walking in this energy 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.
The 5th dimensional chakras open upon your intention. You can use prayer / affirmations but it is mostly how you are living your daily life. It is not something that will automatically happen since there it is not important for these chakras to open here on a 3rddimensional world. If you are trying to live your life from your higher consciousness and not your ego then your soul will respond and welcome the 5th dimensional chakras to start opening.
Many people don’t realize that there are two ascensions going on now. We have a personal soul ascension that is possible and the Collective Ascension that will definitely happen. The Collective Ascension is the one where we walk together into the 5th dimensional world in one moment. Remember, it is not necessary for souls to be 5th dimensional at the time of this Ascension to be able to ascend.
There will be a measurement in that moment before Ascension and every soul with a certain light frequency will ascend. The measurement of their soul means that it is not according to who they have been in this one life. That is why you don’t have to be concerned about family or friends not ascending. How much light they have collected in their soul from all of their lifetimes is how they are measured.
There will only be approx. 10% on Earth at the time of the Ascension who will already have personally ascended and living in that 5th dimensional energy. These people are the ones that are assisting in creating the New World and also the pathway for everyone else to get there.
Some of the signs of being 5th dimensional is not feeling like you fit in anywhere. It’s different than just being a Lightworker around non-Lightworkers. It is no longer fitting in with the Lightworkers! This is a feeling of waking up like you are in the wrong place / world. Also, looking at things from a broader perspective and not understanding why people don’t see things as clearly as you can.
The greatest benefit is shown by a feeling a deep rooted peace; even when circumstances are chaotic all around you. The peace never goes away. It is supporting you in everything you do. This doesn’t mean you won’t get upset or mad ever again. Of course you will! You have a human body in which the ego is linked so you will always have access to those lower emotions. With this higher vibrational energy flowing through you, you can make conscious clear choices of how to act and respond and chances are you won’t want to use those lower emotions.
The 3rd and 4th dimensional chakras have colors associated with them but the 5thdimensional chakras do not. The frequency they resonate with is not anything that we can see while on this Earth.
Here is a list of the Chakras in order of how they open:
~ Root Chakra
~ Sacral Chakra
~ Solar Plexus Chakra
~ Heart Chakra
~ Throat Chakra
~ Brow Chakra
~ Crown Chakra
~ Soul Star Chakra (starting of the 4th Dimension energy)~ High Heart Chakra
~ Zeal Point Chakra
~ Christ Chakra (starting of the 5th Dimension energy)~ Hand Chakras (except for Healers who opened them in the 3rd Dimension)~ Feet Chakras
~ Earth Star Chakra
~ 3 Chakras under the Earth Star Chakra
~ 12th Chakra (I haven’t been given a name for this yet)~ 4th Chakra under the Earth Star
~ There will be more chakras added under the Earth Star chakra to balance the 12th Chakra
~ And you will have the opportunity to continue to add higher chakras / with lower chakras to balance you until we collectively ascend.
I love,