Thursday 27 February 2014

Use love to bring those frustrating relationships and self-love issues to fruitition.

 InLight Radio

Heavenly Blessings ~ St. Germaine on Relationships, February 11, 2014


InLight Radio

InLight Radio

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Suzanne Maresca and Linda Dillon continue the discussion on relationships, this week with the ever-popular Saint Germaine.  The focus will be on our more challenging interactions, which can sometimes be the ones we have with our own self.  Healing this most vital relationship may be one of the last hurdles we have to navigate in order to be fully present and aware of the beauty that's already surrounding us.
Your participation and calls are welcome!
Music:  Sasha Lazard, Angeli and Snatam Kaur, Long Time Sun.
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Nova Earth
Broadcast in Spirituality



Sunday 23 February 2014

Colours. Everyone has affinity with some colour or combination of colours. An artist looks at form through the lens of colour. A child can easily relate a favorite colour. Colours bring their unique energy codes with them and we can play or work with that energy.

 When I close my eyes I can see magenta, or deep blue. Sometimes a crimson colour forms and occasionally a vivid brilliant green. When I am doing healing work, any colour can arise, that always reassures me that the healing energy is doing its own thing, and I just stand out of the way and let it flow. The colours can be muted or earthy, bright or mere hints, flecks or flashlights, all very beautiful.

With my eyes open, and not only when I am doing healing,  I can see columns of coloured light, the most notable was an intense emerald green column and a vivid royal blue column, next to each other. Occasionally I see washes of colour over a person's face, as if I am looking through a lens. Othertimes I see  flashes of colour around the persons head, in their hair. These could be written off as tricks of the light, but I am confident now that these other dimensional coloured lights are true.

Recently, in the mid of my day to day "doing stuff", I have been having 'Urges of Orange'. It has swept through my consciousness, but it is not a usual one for me. Strangely with orange, I am feeling to bring it into my physical life. I want orange in certain places in my home. It catches my eye when I walk pass anything or anyone with or of the colour.  I am pushing orange items into brake up other colours in my home. Just 'gotta' have more Orange. I want orange groves, and terracota tiles, I want burnt orange and tangerine, I need amber and ochre in my life.

 It makes sense now, that before Christmas I was compelled to buy several large orange candles, and I evened out the brashness of  that colour choice with buying earthy green candles.  I had been burning them for weeks before I actually realised  that orange  is the colour of creativity. 

Orange has been floating around in my mind quite strongly,  I am not seeing it when I close my eyes but I am drawn to the colour in its tangible forms and want to bite into the fruit of 'orange energy', not the actual fruit itself......

This week has seen me opening up to hold art workshops. My first art workshop for children went really well, it was working with watercolour washes and ink pens to create illustrations.  The children all created wonderful pieces and I began to see the idea or concept as being wrapped in a package for me to take hold of.

It began with me putting forward a proposal for the art workshop at a local museum, it was accepted enthusiastically, the event happened, was lovely and a further workshop was discussed. It was only then that a light bulb lit up, and I was able to understand the new and strong attraction to the vibration of Orange.

I am attracted to Physical Orange, the vibration of creativity, because it is helping me to bring creativity into my physical life, in a more tangible way.  Creativity of this sort is what makes my heart sing. I am drawn to the creativity of  painting, and more importantly, depicting the colour of the energy that makes up the form. I am finally allowing myself to do more of, what I like to do, I like to play with colour, and to bring that to other people.

The other colour that I remember bringing into my physical life, from a sense of needing it around me, was a pale silver blue.

I came across this beautiful channelling which actually confirmed what I had just discovered and I share it in the hope that it may shine light for others too.

Click on the word Embed to listen to In light radio.  It begins with a discussion, then a guided meditation and then the message about the rays, colours and chakras.

Rays with Archangel Gabrielle, 2/18/2014
InLight Radio

InLight Radio

Call in to speak with the host
(323) 784-9697
The 12 Divine or Heavenly Rays are crucial in embracing our spiritual foundation the essence of who we are. In understanding the ray(s) upon which we travel, we gather information about our sacred self and our mission and purpose, not only for this lifetime but throughout all timelines. Each Ray has its own unique color and qualities, special attributes that you elected as you emerged from the heart of the Mother.

Come and join us for an interesting and exciting discussion of the Divine Rays. Learn how the rays relate to your chakras, your star brothers and sisters and the Divine Hierarchy.

Your participation and calls are welcome!
Nova Earth
Broadcast in Spirituality

Friday 21 February 2014

Hope, clearing the illusion of limitation and the art of abundance.

The Arcturian Group Message via Marilyn Raffaele: February 16, 2014

Posted by Andrew Eardley
Arcturians - February 16, 2014The Arcturian Group Message channelled by Marilyn Raffaele: February 16, 2014 at
The message we bring at this time is one of hope. So many of you are frustrated and struggle with issues of daily living. It is imperative that you understand, Dear Ones, that these difficulties represent graduations and not failures. Certain energies accumulated from lifetime to lifetime are stored within the cellular memory of your physical bodies and also within the emotional and mental bodies.
Every individual stores and carries until cleared, their personal energies of inheritance, vows, promises, and all powerful life experiences (some good and some very bad) along with a cellular remembrance of the individuals involved in these experiences. (1)
You are now spiritually strong enough to release any energies that serve only to hold you in what is old and finished, and this also includes the resolution of any karmic situations needing to be finished. These energies were stored and carried through lifetimes because you were not yet evolved enough to acknowledge and resolve them in ways that would enable you to clear them.
There are layers to those pockets of energy that resulted from intense life experiences (physical, emotional, or mental) which have been held deep within because you chose not to re-live or even think about some of these experiences again.
It often happens that the serious student believes that through his hard inner work an issue has been dealt with and finished. This is usually something that has plagued him throughout his lifetime; a particular person, or fear, or addiction, or emotional reaction – and then, lo and behold, there it is again saying; “Hello, I’m back”.
Never believe that this indicates failure or that the work was not done correctly, for the reappearance of an issue needing to be cleared simply means that you have now reached a deeper level of it. When this happens, re-examine any concepts that you may have been previously unaware of and again move into truth.
As each new layer presents itself, it will open you to new levels of awareness regarding your own state of consciousness. Ask: “What am I believing that is making me feel this way?”
Try not to give power for good or bad to any issues, people, or experiences you may be struggling with for these things have only the power you give them which is why they were stored within you in the first place. The old and finished three dimensional energies of duality and separation can not be carried with you into the higher frequencies of Light and will act as blocks until removed.
For this particular lifetime, because of the importance of the shift going on, evolved souls incarnated bringing a complete list of any issues they needed to clear. Many chose – pre-birth – to be born into family situations that would activate whatever they needed to move beyond.
Example: Many raised in abusive family situations specifically chose these families (pre-birth) in order to activate a long-held consciousness of low self-esteem. This way they could once and for all release this concept of low self-esteem and grow in the realization of who and what they really are. Frequently also, there is a karmic situation that needs to be completed.
With regard to karmic relationships – if you find yourself in a situation where you recognize that an ever-present discord must be karmic but the other individual is not interested in any resolution, you can release and complete it yourself.
  1. Recognize the person’s Divine Nature even if they are not the least bit interested themselves.
  2. Remove energetic cords still attaching you to that person through your intent and visualization.
  3. Send them Light and Love whenever you think of them.
  4. Do NOT engage…this will perpetuate that which you are trying to clear.
In earlier lifetimes, souls incarnated with a short list, choosing perhaps one issue to deal with and move beyond. Often the struggles of simply staying alive prevented any progress and a goal may have been in place for several lifetimes.
Because of the powerful energy shift now taking place on Earth, incarnating souls realized that they would need to address any issues holding them in frequencies that were old and finished, and this is why so many seem to be having very difficult life experiences.
You are evolved enough to do what you came to do or you would not have chosen to do it. Never believe that you are a failure even if third-dimensional concepts say you are. No indeed, pat yourselves on the back, Dear Ones, for you are powerful and evolved Beings of Light now able to see through appearances and hold to the Truth while doing what you need to do. Never forget, all lessons were pre-planned by you as you realized what was needed in your experience in order to grow and evolve.
Arcturian Group now wishes to speak to abundance. Abundance is an issue that confuses many, as you suffer from the appearances of lack and limitation. Within Oneness exists All-That-Is – all the qualities of a Divine omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Source are within you also. This is the point of this journey all have been on through hundreds of lifetimes – to finally evolve into a state of consciousness that realizes this truth.
Source knows nothing of lack or limitation, IT is Self-sustained and Self-maintained – infinitely. The idea of lack is a concept born of the belief in duality (pairs of opposites) and separation. Everything embodied within Divine consciousness is held in place by Divine Law. If lack or limitation were within Divine consciousness, they would be forever unchangeable. Realizing this is the first step to changing the outer appearances.
Each time you pay a bill, take a second to realize that since Source is complete and lacks nothing, this check or money simply represents a material manifestation of this. When you believe abundance to be limited and personal so that everything spent depletes you, you are declaring money to be yours – finite, and limited (duality and separation).
Realize that abundance is flowing through you, not from you. This may seem silly as you look at your empty wallet, but the practice of these truths is the only way to move into a deeper understanding of the infinite abundance which is already yours by virtue of your Oneness with Source.
Start the flow moving – give away unused clothes or items, donate time, drop a coin in the bottle even if it is a penny – get the flow of Love (service or goods) and Gratitude (payment) moving. Always there must be the flow.
You are creators, Dear Ones, and you are creating with every thought and word (eg., I don’t have…) that flows out from your state of consciousness. Just as the journey is about learning Oneness, it is also about learning just what is embodied within that Oneness. Start applying truth to every financial transaction you make, blessing each payment by knowing that it flows from an Infinite and unlimited Source.
Take whatever human footsteps may be necessary in your particular situation, but let your first step always be a remembrance of the truth of your Infinite Source. Choose not to wholeheartedly embrace the constant barrage of three-dimensional news about lack and limitation.
You are at a turning point, one in which you must decide who your master is to be and whom you will serve – Truth or the three-dimensional concepts being presented to you from all sides by an unawakened world? Be very honest with yourselves, Dear Ones, for you are now at a point of either moving forward, or staying in the old. The choice is – as always – yours.
We are the Arcturian Group

Tuesday 18 February 2014

After the storms. Playing by the river.

My ART painted at the National gallery. All art expresses life, in all it's forms, and, all Life is a form of art, both the beautiful and the ugly. Where possible, find play in life in order to enhance the ART you wish to form.

It is half term for the schools in England This week.

Today I took myself and my daughter along to the National Gallery for a workshop on oil painting, a medium that I play with only sometimes, but it can scare some people. Up until today, I wasn't overly confident that I knew what I was doing with it, so it seemed attending a workshop for children was the answer. It was, the answer is to play with it. 

Here is my Masterpiece, it was actually painted in the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, London. Of course the painting is tiny really, but today it has helped soothe out huge blocks about painting with this medium, and I laugh because it was all about child's play.

My favourite little corner of London has to be Trafalgar Square, with St Martins Church, and the National Portrait Gallery. Then walking up Charing Cross Road, to the famous, Foyles bookstore, with many small independent second hand book stores along the way. Most important is Cass, THE Art shop, where I pick up paints and materials.

Finally, there is a little Italian Bistro, called Bella Italia, on the corner of Charing Cross Road and Irving Street, opposite the Garrick theatre. We stopped in this evening and had some soup and pasta.  My daughter loves the child's menu hot doughnuts, served warm in a chocolate and a toffee sauce, (sorry no photos of them ;)

So, if you ever get to visit, you'll know where to go.

Thursday 6 February 2014

"It is my wish to transform all negative energies, perspectives, blockages, limitations, barriers, suffering and self-sabotage into to high vibrational positive vibrations and experiences of love and light." I love this, so I am sharing the message in full...

 Akina of the Pleiades via Natalie Glasson: Spiritual Metamorphosis

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The PleiadesAkina of the Pleiades: Spiritual Metamorphosis, channeled by Natalie Glasson, January 30, 2014 at
Greetings to you souls presently of the Earth civilisation, I wish to introduce myself, I am Akina of the Pleiades. I have been asked to share my wisdom and consciousness with you while connecting you on a deeper level with the Pleiadian energy vibration and truth. It is my purpose to make you aware of an opportunity of transformation dawning for the Earth from the stars and especially the Pleiadian at this time. First allow me to introduce myself.
I, Akina, am a soul who has predominantly existed within the Pleiadian civilisation; I cannot remember any other connections or existences that were not associated with the Pleiadian energy before my current reality. I therefore believe I am a Pleiadian. I am currently acting in a position of communication with other star systems and planets. It is my purpose to scan the universe as if scanning the sky for shifts in energy calculating and accessing how these shifts will influence the universe and all who inhabit the universe.
My skills are observation and awareness, as I decipher the alterations in the universe’s energy and how this could assist and aid ascension. In truth I am aware I am observing the Creator and the transmissions that come forth from the Creator, but these transmissions can take many forms, structures and influences as they move through the many dimensions and levels of the Creator’s universe.
With my discoveries, it is my purpose to connect with those who are receptive, sharing the information so they may benefit from the energetic shifts, thus preparing the universe to receive the vibrations of the Creator when they unfold from the source and core energy.
As a civilisation, we the Pleiadians are mastering the balance between technology and the spiritual intuition, using both to gain a stronger understanding of the Creator and the way in which our reality works. We do not say that this is an appropriate way to live but balance of any form is necessary and our technology is born from spiritual expansion and awareness, so has a higher purpose within our civilisation. It is important I share this information with you as your civilisation is and is wishing to move into a state of balance between the importance of technology and the spiritual beingness of intuition.
If you feel as if technology has a high priority within your reality then I ask you to set down your technology if only for a moment and connect into your heart and soul through your breathing. With focus upon your breathing and the love within you, there is an opportunity for you to recognise and realise the power and strength of the divine presence within you, including your sacred abilities.
Much of your technology has a purpose which may allow you to move through your reality with greater ease, but most of what you achieve with your technology you can achieve independently with your inner abilities. With the practice of taking time to connect inwardly you can ask yourself and soul to activate and manifest abilities from within your being that would equal the technology you use, remaining aligned with your divine purpose and the will of the Creator. It is an interesting practice because often you will place more trust and faith in the technology and less in your own abilities and insight.
This perspective needs to be transformed in order for you to withdraw your power from the technology around you empowering yourself and you could say the technology within you. With time, awareness, observation and empowerment, you may realise you do not need some forms of technology any longer. For example, you may not need a phone because you may have developed telepathic transmission or travelling through energetic dimensions.
I encourage you to take time to observe the use and purpose of the technology around you, exploring how you can develop the same skills within you or even just recognising and believing it is possible. The recognition or the simple contemplation of this idea can empower you on many levels of your being.
The energetic shift I wish to speak of with you today is more local to me and is a transmission of light flowing from the Pleiadian core centre essence. The light which has been activated due to a shift in the higher dimensions of the Creator’s universe has influenced and activated a Metamorphosis Light to transmit from our core.
This energy has emanated in the past and created a powerful experience of transformation within many where many aspects and levels of their being transformed completely, developing into the next stage of their existence and spiritual awareness. Already it is transforming our reality and civilisation within the Pleiades but as aware beings of light you have the opportunity if you so choose to connect into this transmission of light benefiting from its helpful and powerful vibration of altering, changing and transforming energies.
The Metamorphosis Light is often transmitted as a deep pink violet light, which can penetrate all forms and manifestations of energy especially solid vibrations. You could imagine it as a powerful cleanser and purifier while also holding the ability of drastically altering, changing and transforming energies moving them into the next stage of their cycle. This can only be achieved with the acceptance and divine will of the Creator as well as the specific intentions of the individual accessing and working with the Metamorphosis Light.
The light can assist you in activating or kick starting processes within your being such as regeneration, rejuvenation, altering negativity into positivity, releasing old energetic patterns or setting yourself free from limitations. A strong intention and focus must be placed upon that which you wish the Metamorphosis Light to penetrate and that which you wish it to alter into. The Metamorphosis Light can only be used for energies within your being, such as thoughts, emotions, perspectives, creations, blockages, upgrades or activations.
It is my wish to guide you in a general experience of the Metamorphosis Light for your experience and later exploration.
Allow yourself to sit peacefully and to gain a meditative state through your breathing.
Say out loud, ‘I call upon my guides and angels to be present, supporting and protecting me now. I call upon the special support and protection of Archangel Michael and the assistance of Archangel Metatron to oversee this process. It is my wish to invite the divine will of the Creator as a stream of light to flow into and through my entire being ensuring that all I achieve is aligned with the divine will of the Creator.’
(Allow time for these energies to settle around you, connecting into your energies more fully.)
‘Akina of the Pleiades, I call upon your energies to be present with me as I state my intentions and focus. It is my wish to activate the natural regeneration energy of my being and physical body through dissolving the belief of ageing, withering and decaying of my body. Let my physical body experience vitality and constant life force energy experiencing health, vitality and strength.
It is my wish to transform all negative energies, perspectives, blockages, limitations, barriers, suffering and self-sabotage into to high vibrational positive vibrations and experiences of love and light.
It is my intention and affirmation to experience a complete transformation within my entire energetic and physical body systems to become aligned with the Creator more fully, experiencing Creator love, Creator consciousness and Creator light with awareness within my current manifestation. I detach from any attachments of wishing to control the transformation as I know I am overseen by the divine will of the Creator.
In this moment I surrender allowing myself to be carried forth to the next stage of my spiritual awakening, remembrance and ascension, completing a cycle and entering into greater enlightenment and illumination. I know that this process and the manifestations of the process will be easy, perfect and divinely appropriate.
With my intention and focus stated I now invoke the Metamorphosis Light to emit from the core of the Pleiades penetrating my entire being with appropriate vibrations and intensity. Gently work with me to bring forth the most appropriate Metamorphosis Light to achieve an uplifting Metamorphosis experience within my being and ascension process. Thank you.’
(Take time to imagine the light beaming down upon you as you inhale it deep into every aspect of your being until it is circulating and weaving throughout your entire being, holding the focus of pure and divine transformation, activation and metamorphosis within your being as you move to be as one with the Creator.)
In every moment of your reality you are akin to an emerging butterfly, there are so many stages to your ascension, each stage is beautiful and magnificent but can also be created through your intentions and acceptance of the splendour of altering, shifting, changing and transforming. Do not be afraid to embrace new stages and states of your reality and ascension because all are equally beautiful. Take joy in the process of observing the transformations occurring within, even in time of darkness or disconnection, all are beautiful stages of acknowledging yourself and the Creator, in unique forms.
There are always stunning energies emanating from the stars, take time to acknowledge this in meditation, asking to connect into the positive, high vibrational and appropriate frequencies, bathing in their beauty as they anchor into your being and instigate a transformation.
In peace always,
Please share and post with others including the following details: ‘Channeled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,‘. Thank you
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