Monday 28 December 2015

Its all very different today.


by ForeverUnlimited



Dearest friends, we come with joy and best wishes  in this holiday season.
We observe some of you experiencing  sadness and a bit of confusion because you are not experiencing the season as you are used to.  For those of you who are feeling this way, rejoice in the understanding that your consciousness has  changed and thus the holidays no longer resonate in the same way.  Since last Christmas, many of you have evolved and integrated more light which in turn is effecting the way that you experience, understand, and live every aspect of daily living from the mundane to the most profound.
Somehow the  seasonal music you  loved in the past,  now sounds a bit tinny.  Frenzied promotions for bargains of all kinds are often just plain irritating and no longer hold power over you.  Some, who never noticed before, find themselves painfully aware of how commercial Christmas has become.    Everything feels different this year, but it has nothing to do with age or responsibilities.  It has to do with the fact that you have become more enlightened.
Because of your increasing attention to intuition, it is now much easier to recognize a commercial intent  behind the seasonal hype of nostalgia and fake sentiment.  You easily see that most of it has  nothing to do with the true loving essence of Christmas and everything to do with your purchasing power.  You are learning to  pull aside and look behind the curtain of "Oz".
We remind you of the true meaning of Christmas and the New Year.  This season is very powerful with meaning because it represents profound truths still unrecognized by the world in general.  As with all things, truth  manifests third dimensionally according to individual states of consciousness.  A consensus consciousness is formed from the majority belief of individual states of consciousness.

The so called "second coming" as well as the birth of Christ at Christmas is actually the personal experience of awakening that awaits every individual at some point in their evolutionary journey.  It  refers to the birth of the Christ consciousness within, and does not solely refer to the birth of Jesus/Jeshua  2000 years ago who attained the Christ consciousness in its fullest while on earth.
Gradually through  many journeys, experiences, and  lifetimes of struggle, the humble personal consciousness (the manger) is prepared for the baby ( truth) to be  born.  The Christ is  always born in humble circumstances for an ego of separation consciousness is simply not open to birth the Christ consciousness.
At first the new born Christ consciousness is weak and needs protection as it could easily be pushed away through fear or snuffed out by the opinions of others.  A world consciousness  of duality and separation is very threatened by the Light of awareness and would like it not to appear at all, often taking actions toward this.
The new born Christ consciousness  must be held silently and secretly within the heart until it grows ever stronger and more confident, eventually becoming a fully mature enlightened Christ consciousness which no longer needs protection for it now knows that it is the very substance and essence of protection and that there is  nothing needing protection from.
Thus follows a New Year (life) for the awakened individual-- the second coming has arrived.
Celebrate the season with all the love and joy of your new born higher awareness and you will be a  blessing to everyone around you.  Life is meant to be joyous, for separation is a myth-- a belief having no law to support it.   Embracing a deeper realization of Christmas and New Year, will serve to bring love and joy into everything you do, all year long.
We are the Arcturian Group                                                             12/27/15
ForeverUnlimited | December 27, 2

Tuesday 22 December 2015

..... Finally decide to find the joy in just existing...... It is not to be found outside of the self. It is within your heart and soul. Perhaps being the giver of joy to yourself, the idea of receiving joy will become more familiar." Veronica .

Establishing a New Perspective Upon Your Future
"Inner Whispers"

 A New Message From VERONICA

It's Time To Do It

     "In your culture there are moments set aside to allow for reflection.  Often it is considered holiday time, where a celebration is also included within the process.   Due to a chaotic environment, it is even more important to pause while becoming one with your higher self.  Even though your days feel full of action, the quiet moments are  the fuel that help extend a sense of contentment and resolve.  Make sure the pause is included within your daily practice.

     Remember that you are an active creator of your reality.  An internal assessment of yourself will help straighten out obstacles that tend to derail the strongest of energies.  Decide to work on repairing your self while in deep reflection.  Troubles and difficulties often can result in triumphs if one is truly honest within themselves.  Perhaps the trials and tribulations will lead to a better understanding of who you really are.  Clearly, self reflection, then appropriate action, can make a difference.

     Finally decide to find the joy in just existing.  A tall order for some we realize, but certainly worth the effort.  If harmony is just out of reach, at least find the balance you desperately seek.  It is not to be found outside of the self.  It is within your heart and soul.

     Renew, Restore, Refresh.

     This should be the mantra of your essence as it continues through the timeline.  Holiday season is the opportunity to embrace the renewal.  Take it to your solar plexus.

     Hold it there.

     Be merry.

     Be happy.

     Be joyful, without a specific outside event.  Dig into your soul and find it.

     It's there.

     Now sit with the good feeling and allow it to take a seat in the physical domain of your creation.

     By deciding, you decide.

     By not deciding, you decide.

     Perhaps being the giver of joy to yourself, the idea of receiving joy will become more familiar.

     It's time to do it."

                                                   ~VERONICA to your address book. 


Saturday 19 December 2015

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 13 December 2015

New post on Forever Unlimited


by ForeverUnlimited

The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015

Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 13 December 2015 
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Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December you are integrating and balancing the powerful completion energies of the wave of Quantum Cosmic Light that was initiated in August at the 8:8:8 and descended through the Lion's Gate. This energy has been amplified and integrated over the last months, and now December will allow you to adjust and prepare for the great events coming in 2016.
The key word for this moment of "Now" is "Transformation". The Galactic Codes are bringing you into a unified Time Line where all Earth Realities are preparing for the great Transformation that will align you with the future Earth of Harmony and Peace.
We ask you to imagine yourself as Masters of Time, holding Past and Future in your Intentional Reality as you manifest in the "Now", the infinite present that is your Divine Heart. From this perspective, you are the Master of your Timeline(s), and you hold the Future and the Past in perfect balance. From your Divine Sacred Heart you are weaving the Time/Space energies into the New Earth.
That Future is Real! It is aligned with Divine Will, and it demands Transformation on Earth now!

The December Vortex Points

Beloved Family of Light, between the 12:12 and 12:19 (12th December and 19th December), you will be integrating and preparing for the powerful Galactic energies that will flow to Earth from the Galactic Center through the Southern Planetary Portal over Antarctica.
The 12:12 Portal allows for an acceleration of frequency and an influx of Golden Light to prepare the Earth and all her inhabitants for the powerful vortices of energy to come.
The 12:19, on the 19th of December, represents the perfect alignment of the Galactic Center and the Sun at 27 degrees of the constellation of Sagittarius in traditional astrology. In 13 Sign astrology, the Sun has been in Ophiucus or Asclepius, the sign of Christ the Healer, and this has been acting as an engine of power that brings the Earth into alignment with the Galactic Center and the Great Central Sun. At this moment, there is a direct "transmission" of Light Codes from the Galactic Council, transmitting the patterns and sounds of the Cosmic Heart to our Earth. These will again accelerate Evolution and Transformation. These will be received via the Southern Portal in Antarctica, and will be transmitted to Humanity via the Earth Grid Node points in New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, Argentina and Chile. Very rapidly they will be transmitted around the Earth, bringing the message of transformation!
Then. Beloved Ones, a few days later, on the night of the 21st and 22nd December, you will experience the Planetary Solstice. This represents the moment when the Earth seems to stand still on its own axis, before it begins its return journey around the sun allowing for the change of the seasons. In the South it is Summer Solstice, and has the longest day and the shortest night. It is a Celebration of Light and Creativity and Life. In the Northern lands it is the Winter Solstice, and here it is the shortest day and the longest night of the year. This represents the rebirthing of the Light as the days begin to become longer in the journey towards summer.
Solstice is always a moment when Balance is necessary, and everything that is out of Balance is felt very intensely. We ask that you focus on Inner Balance at this time, for this will assist you to bring balance to your environment. Your personal "energy signature" can be a factor in bringing balance to those around you, if your focus on Peace and Harmony is held, and is amplifies in your Heart.
On the 25th of December, there will be a Full Moon on what is, in Christian Tradition, Christmas Day, the birthday of Christ. We would call this the Birth of Christ Consciousness, which was brought to the Earth 2000 years ago by the Avatars Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. This year the Full Moon will amplify the Golden Energy of the Holy Grail as the balanced Divine Masculine and Feminine transmit their Golden Light to Planet Earth. We ask you to celebrate the descent of Light to the Earth and the potential for Higher Consciousness that was grounded and anchored on your Earth by Yeshua and Mary Magdalene.
Now, we add to this "mix" of energies, Comet Catalina that passed by your Sun in mid November and has now just passed Venus, the planet of the Feminine energies. The comet is now making its way into interstellar space. It is highly visible in your skies right now, and it also will not return again. It is a one time visitor, a messenger of Great Cosmic change, and it will carry the message of the ascension of Earth and Humanity into the farthest reaches of the Cosmos in its Journey.
Comets are always signifiers of Great Change on Earth. And, this Comet's name, Catalina, also signifies a connection with the Christ Light. The Cathars, the followers of the Magdalene a thousand years ago, were called the "Pure Ones", and the name "Cathar" means pure one. Catalina is a version of Catherine in Spanish, which derives from Cathar. It indicates that the comet brings the good news of the Return of the Divine Feminine through the Magdalene and the return of the "Pure Ones", as prophecied by the last of the Cathars. What was cut back, springs forth again, and the Golden Light and the Diamond Light are infusing Earth with a new energy of Transformation. The Grail Codes are activated and the Physical Body is ready to become the true vehicle or chalice for the Divine Light.
And, just to amplify the energy of transformation further, the Full Moon on the 25th of December will be in Cancer when the Sun is in Capricorn, which is being activated strongly by Pluto, another agent of Transformation in the Solar System. The Full Moon itself is in Cancer, bringing the full power of the Divine Feminine to shine on Earth beside the Divine Masculine of Yeshua.
Yes indeed, Beloveds, it is a time to Celebrate!

Towards 2016 and Stabilizing your Inner and Outer Reality

Beloved Ones, as you are aware, the Earth has shifted into what we call the Fifth Dimension of Oneness Consciousness, leaving her previous anchor in the Third Dimension. This has created great confusion and chaos, simply because the "support" structures are still in flux and being established on higher frequencies.
When you were anchored in the Third Dimensions, you were supported by Time (4D) and Emotional and Mental structures that "grounded" you into life on Earth. These were familiar energies to you, even if you felt they became "prisons" of manipulation towards the end of this cycle.
Now, in the Fifth Dimensions, you are supported by Time (as Fourth Dimensional Time Masters) and by the Sixth Dimension (the Archetypal and Creative Imagination).
Many of you are lifting your consciousness so that you can be Wayshowers into higher levels of awareness, and stabilizers of the Fifth Dimensional Grids.
Because so few people are aware of how to Master Time and Time Lines, and "Time Travel", the Timelines on Earth are spinning in chaotic circles so that it appears that "old" issues are returning once again in new forms. They have nowhere to go as people are confused and do not know how to "lift" a timeline to the next level of the spiral at the appropriate time.
This can be a positive thing, Beloveds, as there are many timelines that need to closed and shut down and ended completely before the New Earth can be fully activated and manifested.
The way to support the New Earth Timelines is to be able to access the Sixth Dimension and to create the Dream of the New Earth into a powerful Story that will carry Earth forward into her future destiny! The Earth is ready! She simply awaits the stories that you, as Masters of Time, will weave in the sixth dimension of Imagination and Archetype to carry her forward.
So, Belovers, in 2016 the energy will be that of Major Transformation on all levels of society on Earth. Your Soul Missions will keep pushing you to engage the Creative Imagination, and to dream and tell stories, paint pictures, create music and dance, that will stabilize the spinning timelines and align Earth with her destiny as a Planetary Star of Diamond Light!
We wish you peace and joy in this last part of the year 2015 and we look forward to working with you further in 2016!
If you would like to learn more about these energies and what will come in 2016, please join us for a Live Broadcast on the 21st December radio show.
If you would like to learn more about the incoming Light Codes and the Diamond Light Codes and how they relate to Conscious Evolution and the Light Body, you can explore the new book by Celia Fenn called "The Diamond Codes: Light Information for the New Reality".

Thursday 17 December 2015

The real meaning of Christmas, and its not just for Christians.........and MY gift to YOU, for US as ONE together, moving through the dark to find the LIGHT.

 The days are holding less and less light. We are moving towards the darkest time, the time of when we hold our breath, waiting to rejoice in the expansion of light........ because the dark has become... just... too... unbearable.

At this time of year we light more candles to ward off the feelings brought in by the dark.

Most of us on earth are getting ready for Christmas. The 'Christmas' that, we, the masses contribute to, with our energies,  is mainly one of consumerism and stress.

In its crescendo, the celebration edges on being Over-inflated, and Over-whelming, and when its Over,  it's anticlimax, leaves you with the distaste of  more disillusion and more despair that 'The BIG MEANING(??)' did not pull you back from the brink of despair........ it just left you there for another year.

That is why it's time to really look at 'What' we are supposed to be celebrating at Christmas. And believe it or not, it is not just for Christians.

Happy Christmas,

From my Facebook page.

..last night's, "Evening with the Angels", was an absolute pleasure to Host.
It was a light filled Christmas party with the soft glow of a powerful Angelic vibration.
We enjoyed angel card readings and I combined a guided visualisation/ meditation with some profound Angelic healing for all.
With breaks for Christmas chocolate, mince pies, nuts and , herbal teas and oranges.
Thanks to everyone who came.

So just now, I unpacked my Angelic Reiki cards and crystals. The card drawn for melast night  was Mother Theresa's, Activist, which was great for me as she is one of the most active of human saints, of our times.

“Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.”
― Mother Teresa


The pink symbol in the picture is the Antakarana. It is a symbol, mysteriously introduced into Tibet, centuries ago, and used to connect with the Higher Self.

Using this symbol, give yourself the present of connecting with your higher self.  This is what Christmas is really about.

Christmas is about the LIGHT entering this world. This dark 3 dimensional world.
The Christ Light is actually about US, raising Our Vibration to embody the Christ light.
SO, it is not only for this time of the darkest days in this world's yearly calendar, but it is for each and every day. For with each year that passes, more and more of us, open up to invite the Divine light to express through us.

It is a slow process as this Allowing the light into us, individually and collectively, cannot happen while we are still wrapped in the packaging of consumerism and filled with doubts and negativity.  It cannot happen while we are  blinded and deafened by the constant clamour of WAR and Hatred. It cannot happen while we agree to remain in the manipulated  imprison of fear.  We MUST surely be done with the constant delivery of  manipulated TERROR, which strikes into the heart of each country, year in and year out.

It will come to an end when we reject it, and keep rejecting it, till it no more appears on our screens and out of the world. We must reject it and EJECT it from this timeline if we are to continue to evolve and expand. Until we eject it we remain in the dark, and we stay in the DARK ages, still as a living history that can't ....quite... get out ..of...the....swamp.  The same swamp wherin lies the history of  the Crusades, the history of torture, of torture equipment, of witch hunts, of hanging and be-heading, of blood lust and poverty, of slaves and monarchic rule, of people being tied into domestic and corporate slavery, and ....and yes, look around..... still looking swampy to me.

Until we reject this swamp, created in history and still thriving today,  we remain divided and segregated from each other and the Christ light cannot fully enter.

BUT when we, as individuals, reject this Fear and turn instead to our HIGHER SELF for guidance, we raise our individual Vibration. One by one. And this in turn changes the colour of energy emanating from the collective.

By Rejecting the age old, presumption that 'normal people, crowds of individuals, are merely, and randomly, selected to be killed in a war that has no meaning, that is primarily about DELIVERING FEAR TO THE WORLD, to keep them small, overwhelmed, disempowered. and is about DELIVERING MONEY AND POWER to those who already have vast wealth made upon the backs of normal people, like you and me, driven to a slave/zombie behaviour and are kept in some kind of brain fogging trance.

By rejecting this...and turning your face to the mysterious and powerful inner SELF, 

By connecting with your Higher Self....

YOU ADD the LIGHT to the Collective consciousness. 
YOU CEASE TO add  your own Fears......YOU add your OWN light. 

Your contribution of light acts in the slow dissolution of  the fear,  and it gently nudges others into seeking their Light. 

Your Gift to humanity is to do this, to contribute light to Humanity's collective Consciousness.

Humanity's Collective consciousness is the living breathing organism which informs what happens on this Planet.

Do you remember, the symbol of the SON ?  That the WORLD is  waiting for the return of the SON?

Well, WE are the 'SON'.  We are the SON of Life, that we are waiting to return. 

It is by letting go of, "WHAT WE ARE NOT" and embracing what we trully ARE, that we LET this light into us..... We remember and  awaken to this, and the LIGHT returns to the WORLD as WE,  the "SON" returns. 

Below I have included the  powerful guided visualisation from my event, " An evening With The Angels". It can be read as a meditation and it will aid your expansion. try to get into a meditative zone and create the ambiance of meditation as you read it.

By reading it and 'allowing the value and power of the words to sink in' you are in fact downloading a form of rememberance and connection to who you really.

But her first,  is a link to an article on the Antakarana.

Antahkarana - A Powerful Healing Symbol That Is Easily Used

Think of it as being part of our spiritual anatomy, connecting the physical body with our higher selves. This makes it an effective way for the two auras of the self to communicate and maybe that is why it is so effective as a sacred meditation and healing tool.

Many say the symbol originated in Tibet, although no records exist, but its powerful effects have created its own validity.

For healing purposes, Tibetans created candlelit rooms within which they placed a large oval bowl filled with several inches of water, representing the waters of life. In the center of the water, the Antahkarana symbol , usually made of silver, is placed. One wall is of polished copper polished creating a healing mirror; another wall is adorned with paintings depicting other healing symbols. The healer meditates on the symbol using his or her concentration to unite the energies of the symbol with that of the person requiring healing. 

The Antahkarana symbol creates an energy that has a direct effect on the human aura, directly reaching chakra points in various ways. This depends as much on the size of the symbol as on the pattern created by the symbol. Visual images of powerful symbols are of course nothing new. It is an age-old practice that pops up in many different cultures. Yantra meditation for instance uses visual images to reach the consciousness. The Antahkarana is a very ancient healing and meditation symbol that has been used in China and Tibet for thousands of years. Today, it is a widely known symbol which those who use it claim has a consciousness of its own. The symbol is so powerful it can work independently of outside energy.
 Taken from.

And now from Me, my gift to you. With Love Michaela.
Guided meditation to Angel healing.

With closed eyes, and sitting (or lying) comfortably, take deep breath into the abdomen, and exhale, repeat several times. Then allow breath to come to its usual comfortable rhythm.  Scan the body for any discomfort or stress, any physical straining  and adjust position. 

Release and lengthen the neck and feel as all contractions throughout the back muscles and bones are opened,  and tensions move out of the body.

Check to soften the eyes, mouth, into smiling eyes, smiling mouth.
Check to soften the heart, and stomach into gently inwardly smiling heart and soft smiling stomach.

Feel that you and your body is supported in the chair. Feel the the seat fully supporting you, REST and SINK into that support. 

Feel that your feet are fully flat on the ground, and are supported by the ground. REST and SINK into that support.

Bring your attention now to your pelvis, sitting in the chair and fully supported. VISUALISE  that your pelvis becomes filled with white light.  Visualise that your pelvic bone is now made of white light.   

VISUALISE that you extend this white light down through your long bones in your thighs,   extending this white light 

down through the knees,

down though the calves

down through the ankles,

down through and out of the soles of the feet,

Visualise this now as  CORDS OF white light extending from your feet,  down through the Earth, DEEP deep down.  DEEP Down through the Earth, Keep going, DEEPER,......... 

Eventually the cords from your feet reach the CORE of the EARTH. There is a giant Crystal at its centre. 

Visualise your cords meeting this Crystal and then extending further and further to wrap several times  around the crystal at the core of the earth. 

YOU FEEL as The energy of the Crystal, merges into the cords.

YOU FEEL Then, as  the Energy from the Crystal at the core of the Earth, ignites in LOVE and moves up through the cords, to you.

You send a deep feeling of LOVING GRATITUDE to this energy as you feel a a tender pull on your feet and you you are immediately CONNECTED to,  in LOVING RECOGNITION>

THIS IS the mother Earth energy connecting to you, in LOVING RECOGNITION, as you are part of her, and she is part of you. YOU ARE COMBINED ENERGY> IN FULL CONNECTION.

YOU HAVE YOUR PLACE in this world....., connection with its deepest placement and connection, YOU ARE ONE WITH EARTH.....


THIS IS THE REASON you are on the EARTH, to establish your full connection and placement within your EARTH BODY,  TO EMBODY  your multidimensional DIVINITY as you walk the EARTH, in connection and SHARING that divinity with the EARTH as SHE connects with you. 

We are systems of dynamic energy, fuelling and loving eachother, as we each learn we are EXPRESSIONS of DIVINITY and share that energetic DIVINITY with each other..and Most IMPORTANTLY with the EARTH. 

This loving recognition ENERGY,....'connection to EARTH' energy now fills you. It travels up through your feet, through your legs into your pelvis, and grounds you with YOUR CONNECTION TO EARTH.  It  anchors your place in this body on the EARTH.

This beautiful MOTHER ENERGY, fills your body as it moves up your spine ......and out into your arms,....... neck and .....skull.

Enjoy for a few moments ......this sense of belonging in the MOTHERs LOVE, 
Enjoy this deep, deep connection of BEING a Part of the EARTH.

Watch as your body is filled and empowered with this energy....Watch as your body fills and then overflows gently with this MOTHERS LOVE.  Watch as it tumbles out gently into the space immediately about your body......This is your energy Field..


Send your attention now to your Heart centre, .......Visualise  a spark of light growing there. 

Visualise that this spark of light grows into a ball of gold light.....

See as this ball of light, extends into a cord of light that reaches up through the upper body, activating the higher chakras as it moves through and up to crown forming a cord or column of gold from your heart ......

The cord or column, reaches out from your crown chakra and up into the dimensions outside our senses. Its extends higher and higher,/......deeper and deeper away from the density of our 3rd dimensional world.  It extends into higher, and deeper space and existence. It connects in a moment with Divine Source. The originator of all that is. 

Immediately you feel the connection of HOME, of all that you are, is one with ALL THAT IS> .....
This is a beautiful and profound  'loving recognition energy'. and fills you with a deep sense of BEING< and belonging.
This is the FATHER energy.

THIS IS Your personal connection to SOURCE......

It  is always there, always connectable, This is the CREATOR ENERGY, and you are ' OF' and ' ONE with' the CREATOR energy...
This energy  always is the spark of the divine........deep in is original spark, it is eternal and OF GOD.....
Watch and see that as you seek connection with ignites a sprinkle and tumble of energy that cascades back down into and onto you, ...........

it flows back through your Crown chakra and fills your physical body.....
it flows out into your personal space.  

You see as enfolded in a column of dynamic and moving light and energy....

See that you are at the centre of a column of light that sweeps up from your 'divine spark' in your heart centre, up and into the heavens connecting with  DIVINE SOURCE........
You see that the column of energy surrounding sweeps down from your centre deep into the Earth...
You see that the column of light, is a merging of Source, you and the Earth......
You are central to.......and essential to .....
the column of light bringing ' divine light'  from Divine Source down through the increasing in density dimensions, down to the nurturing MOTHER love energy of  EARTH.

Watch as your body is filled and empowered with this Merging energy....Watch as your body fills and then overflows gently with this PURE ENERGY OF CREATION. ..... Watch as it tumbles out gently into the space immediately about your body......This is your energy Field....

Now take your attention to your.......... individual energy field. You are SON energy.

It is a huge bubble of energy around you..... It is your energy.....
.It is the collection of energy information about you and from you...It is your thought energy.... your belief energy....
.it is a collection of electrical and chemical energy coming from your own biology.....

It contains past....present....and future energetic potentials.....
Its how you relate to the world around around you....
it is your energetic imprint onto THIS WORLD, this EARTH< 

and it also contains connections to your multidimensional selves.....and your HIGHER SELF.....
it is the place that is your embryonic space .....

It is the place in which healing occurs before it manifests in your Physical Body...

Now VISUALISE this ENERGY FIELD as you fill it with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.......Allow it flow and build up inside you.

Fill your energy field with SELF LOVE......For healing and balance......Visualise this self love ....this UNCONDITIONAL LOVE as a Beautiful..IRRIDESCENT, sparkling MAGENTA LIGHT,...

This magenta light softly caresses each and every particle and atom...........

each wave form and movement, each thought, dream, word, memory, utterance.........everything in your energy field.......

everything is filled and washed with Magenta light.....everything is bathed and soothed,......held and supported in this Magenta Light, This unconditional love... 


Watch as it merges with the 'LOVING RECOGNITION ENERGY'  from the EARTH. 
... Watch as the energy combines into a light energy that no only nourishes you, but also fuels and informs the Earths' energy.

Now seal this bubble of your energy field with a GOLD LIGHT seal. This filters and manages the energy within the energy field.

This 'gold light seal'  .....acts so that  ......ALL,  that is not of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, neither comes into your energy field NOR leaves your energy field to go into the collective consciousness which overlays the EARTH, and conditions its actions on the EARTH.

We wish to manage our energy fields so that we each heal, integrate our own energy and so only give out to the collective consciousness, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, for the love and healing of all of us on the EARTH, and of the EARTH itself as we are one...

We have now raised the frequency of our own personal vibration......

Now state the intention of connecting with your own healing ANGELS. 

STATE that you wish to communicate with Angelic BEINGS of 100% light and of the highest frequency vibration. 

STATE that you wish for Angelic HEALING for your highest good at this time,  and for the highest good of all.

Visualise that you are in a place of great beauty and tranquility, by a waterfall, and are waiting with love and gratitude to receive communication and healing. 

Ask your angel to come behind you, and then to merge with your energy field. 

Allow whatever happens to happen......

 Angelic Healing is about trusting that whatever energy transfer needing to take place, does take place.

and it is  Often in ways that we don't understand, or in ways that we can't sense taking place....

..................Hold the intention and space to receive what you need............

You, as the SON energy,  are connecting with the ANGELIC REALMS to assist you in the NOW moment so that you can begin to assume your role to bring divine expression to this world......

YOUR Issues, pains, dilemmas and trials are all ways of purifying and refining  human  existence..........
 into that of a divine expression.....
We ask for help to come through......and understand our true nature as divine beings.

It takes time but it is all in natural flow...we trust it is so.



When you feel ready to withdraw  from the ANGELIC healing...ask the angelic being/s  to step back from your energy field and move behind you till you are fully ready to disconnect. 

GENTLY see movement  of the angelic being out of  your energy field. 

GIVE genuine and loving GRATITUDE to the angel. 



You are welcome to share this Guided mediation,  but do so in its full entirety, without omission, as it has purpose, and its purpose is protected, it comes from and  remains in the ethers, but downloaded by me, to share with you.

If you do wish to share it, Please include a link to this post.


Oh, one more note at this "time". Just as I finished this note above, on the meditation I noticed the time. and captured the image.

The time is 12:34. The study of synchonicity and numerology,  and the value of numerical messages, places validity and downloads impact to a message. I know that there is a sacred and mysterious (to us) message contained in certain numbers and number sequences.  I think the number sequence, '12:34' tells of progression, 

Ps.I just had a quick peak and found this from

Number 1 encourages you to step forward and start something new, different and life-changing.  Number 2 sets you on your course with balance, faith and ability, and number 3 sees expansion of concepts and life-themes, and expressing and communicating from your authentic self.  Number 4 encourages stability working steadily towards goals.  Angel Number 1234 can be seen as a number of progression and/or steps along a journey or life path.

and from

1234, 234, 345 - If you are repeatedly seeing ascending number sequences such as 1234, this is a sign from your Spirit Guides that these are progressive thoughts. You will see this sign when thinking about an area of your life that you are concerned about and want to change, or when thinking about a particular subject. Seeing this number sequence immediately after these thoughts is a sign that your thoughts are progressive; your life will progress by following these thoughts and you will have your Spirit Guides support in its pursuit.

Just had another one.

Happy Christmas. 

Sunday 6 December 2015

Theta Healing

Message body