Thursday 30 March 2017

Nothing is as good as it seems in 3d. Here's a little story about the conditional benefits of money that we are tied into.

I have always been aware that money dealings are largely difficult for most of us. I will not bore you with all the shenanigans of my personal experience because everyone has plenty of their own....But I will share the latest that are on my table currently.

When my father died it fell to me to deal with his estate. I am not big on money situations but I have had to learn quickly about the conditional 'benefit' of money.

My father's estate is a normal semi detached house (that hasn't seen modernisation because that cost's money out of their capabilities) and joint accounts with his wife, my mum.

It has to go to probate.

The government have to go through this man's papers to decide how much they are going to take from his death estate in taxes.

My dad was not a wheeler dealer, he worked all his life and paid all due taxes. He and my mum bought their home through great sacrifice, there was never much spare cash when we were young because as we all know, buying a home for most people requires that they take on a huge debt and pay it off over time. In this house/property buying deal is a catch, in the end, the house (usually) is 'worth' more and also, depending where you live, will yield more tax to government when that person dies.

So who is responsible for the high costs of house buying, that pushes most people out of being able to do so, and enslaves most who do with mortgages that insist that both parents work long hours in order to pay?  I had my parents house valued for the purposes of probate, and the real estate guy, put it at such an unreal value that it pushed it into a value range that would probably require some kind of inheritance tax payable to the government.

So even though my parents paid taxes all their life in this country, on death, the tax beast is still waiting to harvest even more from them. And we are all tied up in this sticky tape trying to follow the procedures.

We are not talking great wealth here, just the accounts of simple people.

Also,  a life insurance policy that my dad paid into for 20 years to provide a "guaranteed" sum of  £12000, my mum has MS and so my dad wanted to provide a decent sum for her should he go first.
In short the payment was only a third of the "guaranteed" sum.

I complained and looked through the masses of paperwork that supported the life of this life insurance policy.  I suggested that the policy did not uphold my fathers reason for taking it on, in that it did NOT pay out the "guaranteed" sum of £12000, and so my complaint was that the policy sold to my father, was a policy, promising a sum, which it could never maintain , at the agreed premiums, for its entire duration , and with plenty of  annual  REVIEW's...(BTW,  payments for reviews were taken from his pot paid into by his premiums, and so exhausted his pot of payments very quickly)   

.....had either been mis-sold to him, or,  the whole policy, complete with reviews had been grossly mismanaged.  

The complaint has been upheld, but they, the 'money people' have their own way of doing the math, and without going into detail, are coming out with a very convoluted way of addressing this imbalance. Which means a small payment in recompense. In other words, they admit something but tie it all up in red sticky tape.

My fathers death, has initiated a sort of  "slot machines" clockwork procedure of money drawers in and money drawers out.. recovering taxes and repayment  of over payments, etc ...of  all his affairs. Where tax and all payments to all sources requires that YOU over pay, so that money is in their money drawers, until the time you die, than some money drawers open, reluctantly but as a function of the 'money' machine, to repay to you, the over-payments that have been demanded from YOU.

It is part of the game that I now am expected to make the effort to prise open the money drawer that he paid into for 20 years in order to claim payment of the (now we know ...CONDITIONAL) ...PROMISE of the Guaranteed amount  he had BOUGHT INTO that was his Life insurance policy.

All insurance is like this. All Money procedures are like this. They are set up to be like this.

They are set up by the tentacles of doom, or anti-life 'energies' that brought usury into our lives.

Usuary is medieval. but it is still running.

  1. the action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest.

    "the medieval prohibition on usury"

    synonyms:extortionate moneylending, payday lending; More
    • archaic
      interest at unreasonably high rates.

This, and the procedure of Taxation, is what keeps the people tending the 3d shackles of enslavement. This was not put in place to provide freedom for the people, or to provide a service for the people.

It is put in place by a punitive establishment to perpetuate the manipulation of infringement to an individual's  liberty. They do this convincing the people that they have a perceived liberty. But we agree to participate because it has been made almost impossible to live by alternative means

  1. 1.
    the action of breaking the terms of a law, agreement, etc.; violation.

    "copyright infringement"

    synonyms:contraventionviolationtransgressionbreach, breaking, non-observancenon-complianceneglectdereliction, failure to observe; More
  2. 2.
    the action of limiting or undermining something.

    "the infringement of the right to privacy"

The Ant-life Energy that drives the "money makers",  have transgressed and violated our actual freedom, tying us up in sticky tape that inevitably ends up taking our breath away.

By stating that we can see this transgression means that it is now up for REVIEW.

Also, I suppose what I see is that if all we want from abundance is more money than we just get embroiled even further into the matrix. There IS a better way in this life, as it comes to us we will know.


What we understand about the word 'Abundance' is deeply a personal thing. While we are still in 3d thinking our ideas of abundance will be limited to those aspects of life that we think of in terms of '3d thinking'. Ideas of abundance from 3d are like... I should have a good, well paid job... I should have a nice home... I should have things to make me comfortable... I should be able to take a holiday when I need one (me) ... We make statements like "I don't want much, I don't want to be greedy, I just need security to pay my rent and bills" or "I just need a break from this stress", or "A place to live that I can afford", or "Some money to do this ..or that with.." All of which are as a result of the theme .."I don't have." The theme of lack which is threaded through this matrix and which we have been brain-washed into accepting as our personal truths so that we become compliant with the status quo.... all very short of the mark. When we let go of 'abundance from 3d thinking' we open the doors to a bigger world of 'unknown' ABUNDANCE that we could not register from a 3d perspective. When we drop dreaming of interventions of 'help' within our 3d perspective, and see the programs that we are logged into, we should be able to reach into the world outside those 3d limitations and finally... actually get to see that Abundance was already here, its just most of us are too shackled by our own limitations, doubts, fears and programs, and are subject to manipulations into wanting things that are not really of the true world of Abundance. Abundance is when we are fully supported to be abundant in all that 'we are' and 'love to do', and in all that we see around us in our experience of life. It is in knowing that abundance is and always has been the gift that provides the beauty in a ' beautiful' life, a life that we enrich with our presence, and our lives are enriched by the presence of others. This joyful enrichment adds to our expansion. In short, I think we have to be Re-educated in the spiritual truth of ourselves in order to step fully into the truth of abundance. Michaela.


Greetings everyone! I hope you are all doing phenomenally well! Today I would like to share with you Part 1 of 3 of “How to tune into Abundance manifesting anything that you want into your reality”.
Some of you may have seen this information before, but many of you have not as you continuously are asking me “How do I become abundant?”. The answer is rather simple and today I would like to share with you PART 1 of the “How to Guide”.
I would like to start with a channeling that I have received from AA Metatron a while back which is called Expectation vs. Intention.
“It is through INTENTION rather than EXPECTATION that you create the reality of your BEing. It is through the power of your mind, the power of your thinking process that you are able to fully coherently and cognitively co-create a new platform, a new reality of informational encodings. It is through YOUR endeavors that you incorporate the pure frequencies of the new world. It is through finding the BALANCE within, and it is through your patience with self, through your determination to strip naked before your very own self, getting to point ZERO that you shall be able to set yourself free. Free from restrains and outdated programming. Free from all that you believe you should be, for what you believe completely and fully forms your cognitive experience, the experience of the NOW moment in time.
And so, it is imperative that you INTEND instead of EXPECT for various outcomes to manifest. For expectation is nothing more than admittance of self-limitation. For when you EXPECT a certain outcome, you expect it from the perspective of DIFINED objectives based solely on the five senses that you are equipped with, whereas INTENTION utilizes ALL senses at your disposal, by attracting various frequencies to swirl in specific formations in order to deliver that which you wish to experience, whilst setting no boundaries and no set agendas or expectations, allowing one to fully and cognitively exit “the box” and explore the world unbeknownst to you prior.
It is through your INTENTION that you are able to leave the past, fully and completely release yourself from outdated modules of thinking, and align yourself with a new path. A path leading to freedom from mathematical formulas that no longer work in your new world. A path where the beat of your heart, and the signature of your soul are the deciding factors in your creative birth of a new sphere of influence.
And so, remember to INTEND that which you wish to manifest in your world. Let go of all expectations, free yourself from the binding laws of outdated objectives. And walk confidently onto your path, ALLOWING it to lead you through the murky waters of the past, turning obstacles into grand opportunities for growth and morph that which no longer works into that which does.
Remember that there is no lack in the universe, and all that you wish to experience, all that you wish to partake of is yours for the taking. Know that it is your birth given right to experience full abundance, health, benevolence, light and love. For you are true creator of your known world. You are equipped with all that you need in order to manifest a new heaven on earth. Know that it is so, for it is!”
EXPECTATION (Negative connotation in the human psyche) = NON ACTION
To intend is to CREATE and grasp the outcome which is intended for YOU – BY YOU!
Stay tuned for my next newsletter where I will  share with you Part II of a very important guide on how to attract abundance into your life.
~Anna Merkaba – Distant Energy Healer- Channeler – Lightworker.
To book a Healing Session with Annaand for more channeled messages to help you on your journey to self discovery visit : Sacred Ascension – Key of Life – DISCOVER YOUR TRUE SELF THROUGH THE VIBRATIONAL MESSAGES FROM BEHIND THE VEIL
Please note: The author of this website and its assigns are not responsible in any way shape or form for any actions taken by individuals reading these posts. The information provided herein is for information purposes only and does not constitute as any medical advice, whatsoever. Therefore the author and publisher of this site assume NO responsibility for any individuals’ interpretation or use of the information provided herein.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

All serious students of truth must now begin to move into trust, deep trust. "If Oneness is true, then it is TRUE--period." If you have accepted the truth that you are Divine Consciousness in expression then you must also accept the fact that your body exists within consciousness, consciousness is not inside of a body. Trust is the resting in this awareness, knowing that everything you need is already present within this consciousness that is you. Remaining in what is old and comfortable after becoming aware of truth out of fear of change or rejection from others can only serve to hold you in place and delay further expansion.


by ForeverUnlimited
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Dear ones, we come in love and with messages of truth for you in these times of turmoil and uncertainly. There is an energy of universal mourning within the spiritual community as they observe and see no apparent signs of the world enlightenment they had expected.
Understand that much of what was anticipated for these times has been based in three dimensional concepts which can only reflect what is already known. Spiritual reality does not dance to third dimensional dreams, but never doubt that it is nevertheless intensely present and flowing in profusion at this time. Trust and allow the process both within and without, never believing that a world of ever increasing Divine Light would or even could regress to less than what has already been attained.
No dear ones, those outer appearances breaking the hearts of so many is not the new reality, but represents the exposure and death throes of the duality and separation energy that has accumulated over thousands of years.
New and higher frequencies are profoundly frightening to the un-awakened who are also experiencing them, but are only capable of interpreting them from their level of consciousness. Thus many of these dear ones are lashing out in the only ways they understand in an attempt to achieve or hold on to their concepts of good, doing it through dominance and violence, rules and regulations.
Never forget--One with God is a majority.
Everyone has the choice of moving to new levels of awareness through the acceptance or rejection of truth. Every person has free will and is free to remain in what is known, but know that if you are reading these messages you have at some point either consciously or unconsciously made the choice to evolve.
Try not to lose heart dear ones. Never forget that images made from the illusions of duality and separation can never exist permanently and will dissolve when the energy that formed them is no longer present. In the lower resonating energies of the third dimension, most humans forgot that they were expressions of God and thus creators, and so ignorantly formed the world as you know it--one of good and bad (duality) and us versus them (separation).
Know that if you are drawn to the deeper teachings of truth, you chose to be on earth at this powerful time in order to complete any remaining lessons and clear old cellular memory in order to be a part in the ascension process of Gaia and humans taking place. In spite of the many painful life experiences that were necessary for lessons and clearing, most of you have accomplished or are in the process of accomplishing everything you came to do.
However, it is at this point that many still live with one foot in both worlds. There comes a time in every spiritual journey where the choice must be made as to which world you wish to live in. "Do I really believe and accept that I am the expression of Source and all that IT is, or am I holding to the belief that truth sounds wonderful but is too impractical to be taken seriously." As always, the free will choice is yours.
All serious students of truth must now begin to move into trust, deep trust. "If Oneness is true, then it is TRUE--period." If you have accepted the truth that you are Divine Consciousness in expression then you must also accept the fact that your body exists within consciousness, consciousness is not inside of a body. Trust is the resting in this awareness, knowing that everything you need is already present within this consciousness that is you.
Remaining in what is old and comfortable after becoming aware of truth out of fear of change or rejection from others can only serve to hold you in place and delay further expansion.
Go within often throughout the day, taking frequent mental breaks to simply rest in an awareness of Oneness. Those around you will not notice. Let go of any remaining sense of pressure to spiritually do, do, do, and instead move into a silent resting in I AM. "The experiences, truths, knowledge, awareness, spirituality that I am trying to draw to myself is already present, because it is who I AM."
Never compare your personal spiritual experiences or the lack thereof with those you may read or hear about. Comparisons or believing that you have failed because you do not have the same experiences as someone else or those that some book said you should have, will always leave you believing yourself to be a spiritual failure.
Every spiritual evolutionary journey is individual, based in past life experiences and spiritual readiness which is determined by the Higher Self. Many of the spiritual experiences you read about are in actuality illusory creations brought about through the energies of overstimulated religiosity in the mind of an individual holding intense but false beliefs of what constitutes spirituality. Never forget, you are creators perfectly forming your world from the substance of your consciousness.
Spiritual experiences and psychic abilities manifest without effort for some because they carry them in their cellular memory--techniques and abilities attained in past lifetimes spent in ashrams, mystery schools, and other schools of spiritual learning and discipline.
There are valid and tremendous spiritual experiences awaiting everyone as their energy refines and they are able to access the frequencies of the higher dimensions. You will intuitively know when something is simply mind formed or a real spiritual experience. Never try to create spiritual experiences. The manipulation of energy has gotten many into situations they had not expected. Allow these things to unfold through your Higher Self when and as you are ready.
Silence is where the Divine You lies awaiting your recognition, dear ones. You no longer need seek it through rites and rituals, just in Silence. Go within often, resting in the Divine Silence of your own Divinity, letting go of any remaining beliefs that you must work and struggle to find it.
Throughout lifetimes you have been on the journey of remembering. In the beginning you took baby steps, slowly advancing through lifetimes into the adult steps of discovering who and what you were. Be patient with those only able to walk with baby steps, for everyone must journey at their own pace and may be new to life on earth. You have already done the work and so are now ready to live with your hearts open and your hands out ready to grasp the hands of those seriously seeking more.
We know that we have given much of this information in other messages, but many serious and evolved students are still believing that they must continue to do some rite or ritual in order to become a part of the ascension process. This does not mean you won't be guided to some book or class that can help you understand something, or that you must throw away all your crystals, but it does mean realizing that the bottom line is-- You are the ascension process --and any teachings telling you that you are less than that are based in separation.
You have arrived but have not believed it. Spiritual teachings that emphasize a need for students to do this and that, or resist and struggle in order to become spiritual were needed long ago when the world was very dense and un-awakened. They can be tools for beginners who are just starting to awaken but not for you who have completed that beginning phase of your evolutionary path.
You are soon to see changes on earth, some frightening and some not, because the Light energies from this side and yours are clearing and dissolving so much of the lower resonating energy, the substance from which third dimensional creations are formed.
Try not to add more energy to what you see and hear within the old belief system, for fear and worry only add energy to the substance of the things you dislike. Keep yourselves separate from the fracas of a world that as of yet does not know who it is. You are the way showers serving the confused, angry, and frustrated through example and sometimes words.
Resting in Divinity is not a doing nothing. It is a living awareness of the reality of being even in the midst of activity. Allow the three dimensional nonsense to play itself out in the realization that anything formed from the energies of false concepts and beliefs, have no law to hold them in place.
Room is being made for the birth of a new and higher world consciousness, one of unconditional love that freely flows between all kingdoms of life on earth--the crystal/mineral, plant, animal, devic, elemental, nature spirit, and human kingdoms all in and of the One. A universal consciousness without judgment with regard to color, sexual orientation, gender,race, etc. -- a consciousness that recognizes the ONE expressing Itself in infinite form and variety. This is evolution.
Be that which you know you are. Live, move, and have your being in the truth of your Oneness for it is the fruition of what you have sought lifetime after lifetime. Fully embrace your Chirsthood, holding it dear and protected. You have arrived.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/26/17

Monday 27 March 2017

Eckhart Tolle. Present moment reminder.

Take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the moment.

We each have a energy kingdom of our affairs, thoughts and deeds, we just need to manage that kingdom.


We can see that shadow gets darker, but its only because the light gets stronger and is our appointment with ourselves, we meet at Noon, with the sun at its highest point, and we can see our darkest shadows.

Today is another day forward that the tight grip of the tentacles of doom, that is ....the magic of the illusion  of tricks and lies, inserted into the day to day existence on this planet,  have been loosened. 

We loosened it first by noticing that what has been happening over years of our 'recorded' history was inhuman and was not as is it should be.

More and more of us together, we continue to loosen ourselves from the tentacles daily.

We can no longer be the blood thirsty war mongers and the mass chemical consumers which drive the actions that devastate the places in which we live.

We know this, en masse, but it was always the same, we felt that it was all so much bigger than we, too big to overcome, and that it was happening, and continued to happened, as naturally as the four seasons which cycle through our lives. So believed that 'It' must be inevitable and therefore was a part of being alive on earth.

The darkness that spews forth out of our history books, continued to spew into our lives....
 out of 'our' political agendas,
and out of how 'we' manage our social engineering,
and how we see others as the enemy,
and how we see that the world serves as our battlefield for conflict and shared misery,

and now we see that we were being manipulated to preserve these ways of spewing, because we could not stop and say,  "There is something with wrong with all this."

We have begun to loosen the grip and turn to our own shadows to see where we have added to and contributed to the misery. We begin to see that we have been egged on to fight, like children in school yards, being goaded by others who delight in our fights.

We are beginning to see those unseen manipulators, that laughed at how easy we were to manipulate into believing their agenda of lies and deception, and how easy it was to implant the machinery of fear into us that distorted our very beingness.

Its over now.... because we begin to see how our own shadow was made oh so much larger by the constant manipulations. The growing shadows converged and became an insurmountable collective miasma that drowned any light from coming through. So none could get through.  We were swamped into an anti-life that then just automated itself, because it became much bigger than we could see.

Its over now because we can pull back our energy from it and deprive it of the oxygen it needed to grow and consume us. We were its food, we provided the fear energy that it eats.

The whole thing was something that was agreed upon to see how far, in separation from Oneness that humans could come, live through, and then bounce back into ONENESS in the effort of expansion.

The dark intervention, the agents of the tentacles of doom, were happy to do the work to pull us apart from our souls, because they too had become separated from their souls and had no life energy sustaining them.

Its over. We have moved through this era as far as we could come......and now we stop, and claim back our souls.

Its over. Feel the sun as we see freedom on the horizon.

Let us live in freedom and create a NEW and Different NOW for our history.


Art from:

The False Narrative (The Light Behind the Scenes).

No more to the False Narrative. We can see now. We see more and more each day.

Analysis of the recent transmission "Angels on Earth, Your Time Has Come (Illuminati's Last Stand) March Equinox 2017". View video here

Tuesday 21 March 2017

"I have so much to share with you in this update. So many points to touch upon in order to reach my final point. And that final point is an invitation to you to remember who you really are so that you might step into your divine creative power. So that you might do as you intended before you were born into this present incarnation of yours and so that you might participate in the creation of a golden new age of humanity." Click on the link to get to Zingdad's :The Starseed Contract and planetary ascension.

I woke up and out of  the dream state a few mornings ago with the 'loud and clear' image of a large document with white type face text on black background. It was written in informal, i.e modern English. The title was in words that pertained to an agreement, and it all reminded me of  looking at an official document that  appeared like a black and white negative or had been stored as an old fashioned microfilm, in which you needed an old fashioned microfiche scanner to be able to retrieve it.

I could read the document title clearly but on waking it all blurred and I had to translate quickly before it left me completely.  I knew it was about an agreement. The morning I woke with this black paged document, with white type face, I knew it was telling me something about that which I had agreed. I could not figure out what important thing I had agreed to do but I woke feeling highly activated and energised. It stayed with me a few days without making much sense and then I received the email newletter from Zingdad (link to the newsletter below).

A few days before this, I had the excruciating pain in my head, as if a bolt  had been shot into it.
(see previous blog

The pain stayed a few days, and I still feel twinges now. But I do know it is a very important 'Pain in the neck' for me. To see how things were synchronising I meditated about it again. Long story short, the pain my neck was the release of the trauma that was perhaps my first "Shattering*." It was a spear thrown at me from above and it did a lot of damage, obviously I don't want to go into detail but I can explain that a few years I have done some regression work and  I was lucky enough to have had some multidimensional massages to release some deeply held traumas. One was, funnily enough this spear incident, another was the complete chopping off of my head.

The spear down through my head must have been the mother of all "separation traumas" for me,  because the pain coming back now, and only days before the equinox means its time to truly know my business.

My meditation was calling for me to trust. Trust is a big theme in this latest blast of synchronicities.

Then I came to Zingdad's newsletter. He mentions the stages of remembering, and he talks about the "shattering*" and it all totally fitted. This explained the separation process, but more than that the complete agony and fragmentation that it would cause. It would require TRUST  for a person to retrieve himself or herself, back and up through the layers of density, that they had agreed to descend into and participate in.

The email page I was reading was black and the typeface was white.

The newsletter was reminding us that some of us made agreements......I was reminded. And then I started to remember what I might have been in agreement with ....


Dear michaela b
I would guess that many of my readers are Starseeds. Perhaps some of you don't even know this about yourselves. And perhaps some of you think that you could be, but don't know exactly what this means for you?
Whatever the case, I found this latest Adamu update to be incredibly helpful. Finally it all begins to make sense! In his inimitable style, Adamu lays it all out: what Starseeds are, where they come from, how they got here, WHY they are here and what happens to them next.
This is The Starseed Contract. And Adamu deals with it in a way that really brings comprehension to the whole situation.

This latest update from Adamu is available here:
  ... or click the button below to read all of Adamu's updates in sequence...
Adamu's Section of my website
I also have a new article available in my blog that many of you will, I am sure, find both interesting and useful.  It deals with the subject of "Triggering... and what to do about it!"
The psychological effect of “being triggered” by an external event is something that one hears about a great deal these days. It has become a mainstream concept, often mentioned in the press and in online articles.
The concept, in case you are not familiar with it, is quite simple: someone does something or says something that causes, in the triggered individual, a negative emotional response that is so powerful as to be debilitating.
If you have never experienced yourself being triggered, a useful way to understand it is to imagine yourself being offended to such a degree that you feel emotionally unable to cope. Typically, when we speak of triggering, this also implies the individual having a loud, very visible melt-down.
This is “triggering”.
And since this is something that is now in the common parlance, I feel that it is important to gain some understanding of what is really going on here and how one can begin to respond to triggering – your own and someone else's.
And that's it from me for now...
Until next time,
With much love,

Links to his ebook.

to get your free copy.  

I am currently reading it, and totally recommend it.


The Wave (Critical Mass for Positive Polarised Charge) March Equinox 2017. The Sea of Bliss.

March Equinox 2017: The New Beginning & the "Empty Space" Archangel Mich...

Your 2017 Spring Equinox Wealth Forecast (March 20, 2017) Astrological perspective that synchronises.

Service-to-Self/Service-to-Others Revolutions, Rogues and Freedom Seekers

Angels on Earth, Your Time Has Come (Illuminati's Last Stand) March Equi...

Monday 20 March 2017

Present moment reminder from Eckhart Tolle

Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now.

Your life situation exists in time. Your life is now.

From this present moment reminder I get this:

Actually when you meditate upon it all, there is only now. Everything else is an energetic emotional  imprint that is tacked onto layers in the ever expanding now moment.  When we focus on them, our attention is distracted away from the flowers that are growing in the now. To create in healthy ways, we need to be in the now.  We only create more of the same when we create from our perspectives of standing in the past or standing in the future. Thoughts of past or future will not be solid ground, as they are either whimsical or fearful and the creations from them will therefore be the same.  In the same way creating from what we did in the past, remembering how things were in the old ways or with reference to whats acceptable or tolerated within the restrictions of the old ways, will too only bring more of the same.

Until we clear out our old war bunkers, we will still feel the need to scurry back to them. As we create by default we will continue to create from the fears confined to the old war bunker mentality. So, Stop. Stop mind chatter. Be in stillness to  Arch yourself up and out of old spaces and  see the view from the mountain. See the buds that push up out of the cleansing snow, and turn to face the sun.

When we always do what we always do, we always get what we always got.Lets get something new.


Friday 17 March 2017

"Let go of constantly seeking for truth because when you do that, you align with the belief that you are separate from it and will always be seeking."

The Arcturian Group Message for MARCH 12, 2017 by Marilyn Raffaele | ONENESS OF ALL

by ForeverUnlimited
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Dear readers, once again we greet you in love and respect as we witness personal and global struggles. We honor your courage as you continue to unfold into an ever deepening consciousness of oneness much like a bud opens to the fullness of the flower.
You have become the wayshowers, awake and ready to fulfill your chosen reasons for being here at this time.
We see many of you working to resolve day to day issues as well as to spiritually evolve while still using tools that no longer work simply because you have evolved beyond them. They are familiar to you and still work for those who resonate with them, but most of you have evolved beyond them--you are no longer that state of consciousness.
Every truth that unfolds in awareness must be held secretly and sacredly in the heart and then lived in order for it to fully flower as your state of consciousness. To continue seeking outwardly after you know what you are seeking lies within, will hold you in the past, in beliefs of separation.
You may still be guided to some book, class, or activity important to your understanding, that the book, class, or activity must be seen for what it is, a tool needed at the time but not a lifeline to hold on to forever. Truth is infinite and unfolds forever in new and deepening ways, but truth cannot enter into a mind that is already full. There must be the letting go of what is already known in order for the new to come in.
As wayshowers it is your responsibility to act, speak, and live your state of consciousness. For example, a wayshower (without conscious thought) often demonstrates problem resolution through the love and respect reflected in his life, words, and actions. This in turn will be observed by some who have always believed that resolution is only possible through force, law, or violence. A seed of truth has been planted in their consciousness.
Many spiritually prepared individuals are now observing, seeking answers, and new methods of problem solving. They will see and seek you out because of their readiness. They feel your energy and are drawn to it. Spiritual invisibility is about to change or already has for many of you because you have become Light workers.
Do not panic, for being a Lightworker does not mean you will never again have a personal life or be able to do the things you love. It simply means that you endow every action, interaction, and activity with Light simply because it is your state of consciousness. You still do the every day ordinary things, but now with deeper awareness.
We wish to speak of alignment. The energy yourself align with, you manifest. Alignment means becoming one with the energy of some person, idea, belief system etc., allowing it to be yours--temporarily or permanently. Many of you may be finding that you are having more accidents, little mishaps, and irritating experiences. This is because planetary and personal energy has become very intense, resulting in the instantaneous manifestation of whatever you are in alignment with.
It is important from now on to align only with your highest truth. When you remain aligned with three dimensional concepts and beliefs, no matter how irrelevant they may seem, it is what you will quickly manifest because there is no unexpressed consciousness. Likewise, where there is alignment with truth (harmony, completeness, love etc.), forms that reflect this manifest.
Begin to use ordinary experiences as reminders--"What belief am I in alignment with that has manifested as...? Am I aligned with current and popular concepts of duality and separation or am I in alignment with truth?" The days of thinking about, studying, and discussing truth while continuing to live out from the old belief system, are finished for any serious student of truth.
What people, places, ideas, beliefs, etc. am I choosing to align with? Everything is energy. You have all experienced being with certain people who leave you feeling drained. This happens when you interact with someone from a place of sympathy instead of compassion, which brings you into alignment with their lower resonating energy and allows them to draw energy from you.
Never doubt that there is an element that feeds on the negative energies of war, violence, and cruelty. When you understand this, you will not so easily be pulled into the dense and long hidden energies that are now rising to the surface of world awareness in order to be seen for the nothingness that they really are, and once and for all be cleared .
You are powerful because you are made of the very substance of the Divine. When you are in alignment with this fact, you will begin to see it manifest in every aspect of your lives. This does not mean that everything suddenly becomes rosy and there are no more problems. In fact, your conscious realization of completeness may very well manifest as something you have long feared to look at but which desperately needs to be cleared.
Let go of constantly seeking for truth because when you do that, you align with the belief that you are separate from it and will always be seeking. You have spiritually evolved beyond believing that some guru, or spiritual teacher has more or is more than you. They are often simply a step ahead of you in their journey. Trust your intuition, for not all teachers are enlightened.
Everyone embodies the fullness of the Divine consciousness, because nothing else exists. It is only the false beliefs of duality and separation accepted into consciousness that form experiences of being less than what each really is. Enlightenment is nothing more than a journey of experiences through many lifetimes that end in finally realizing "That which I have been seeking, I AM".
"I am that I am." Let this sacred and powerful truth be your mantra in every situation. It will help you to remember that everything you have sought lifetime after lifetime has always been fully present within. That which I have been seeking, I already am-- ONE Omnipresent, Omniscient, and Omnipotent Reality.
Sacred knowledge carries with it obligation and responsibility and must never be used for selfish purposes as it has been in the past and even yet today. Great karmic burden follows those who misuse truth. However, understand that the creations of the "dark arts" are illusory and need never be feared because they are not in alignment with reality--unconditional love and oneness.
Every spiritual idea of Divine Consciousness is embodied within every soul--abundance, joy, peace, wholeness, harmony, completeness etc. etc. The realization (not simply intellectual knowledge) of this is then translated by mind into forms that are understandable and personal to the individual. Example; A conscious realization of abundance as being an omnipresent quality of Source will manifest in the forms needed by an individual, forms he can relate to. In the world, the Divine quality of Omnipresence is manifesting as ever evolving forms of transportation.
Live, move, and have your being in truth dear ones, for you are ready and are no longer students. There comes a time when the tools of seeking that once served you well, must be let go. In the human scene, if a school student refused to graduate, choosing instead to remain a perpetual student even though there was nothing new to learn, everyone would question his sanity. The same goes for the spiritual school. At a certain point every person must graduate from outer/intellectual paths to the inner where everything new awaits.
Alignment with truth manifests as qualities of reality. Alignment with any thing other than truth can only manifest as and perpetuate illusion.
We are the Arcturian Group 3/12/17