Friday 29 June 2018

Cherokee Wolf Wisdom.

Cherokee Wolf Wisdom
On a warm summer night a few years ago, an Ojibwe elder in the backwoods of Wisconsin shared a tale to illustrate an important choice we all have to make as we walk through this world. His words have stuck with me ever since and are particularly handy in times of intensity.
Given that we’re entering a new summer, I thought that now would be a good time to share this ancient wisdom with you.
I hope this teaching serves you as well.
The Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.”
“One is Evil - It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
“The other is Good - It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.
The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”
The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”
Stay curious,

Nick Polizzi has spent his career producing and directing feature length documentaries about holistic alternatives to conventional medicine.  

Nick's current role as founder of "The Sacred Science" stems from a calling to honor, preserve, and protect the ancient knowledge and rituals of the indigenous peoples of the world.

Tapping into Your 5D Power ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. Daniel Scranton

Tapping into Your 5D Power ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
You are awakening part of your consciousness that have been dormant for quite some time, and as you awaken these aspects of yourself, you are going to notice that you have access to more of your power. You are powerful, masterful beings who have been limiting yourselves on purpose in order to create third-dimensional experiences of reality, but now all of that is changing as you move from fourth-dimensional beings to becoming the fifth-dimensional/higher self version of who you are.
The power that you are unpacking is the power to shift in a moment’s notice from one experience to another. You will not need to go through the long and arduous process of feeling your emotions and then getting to that place where you can activate the vibration of what you really want. Instead, you will be able to shift immediately.
Now, these aspects of you have done this in previous incarnations, because of course you have been fifth dimensional before. You have sixth dimensional and seventh dimensional as well. You have experienced all of the dimensions prior to descending into the first, second, and third. And now that you have more access to who you have been, you are aligning with higher-frequency energies that are all around you.
Your solar system, your planet, and your sun in particular are all working to bring you into these higher frequencies. Now on top of all of that, you have the summoning of energy you have done in all of your previous lifetimes and in every moment you have lived in this lifetime. You also have helpers like us in the higher dimensional planes who are assisting. We are helping to bring this about for you because it is time. You have done enough in the third and fourth dimensions, and you are ready for a new experience of reality.
You are ready to know yourselves as more powerful, masterful beings of love and light. The final steps to becoming who you really are involve embracing everything you have ever been. And so when you see someone out there in the world doing something abhorrent to you, just realize that they are an aspect of you as well. And when you can let go of that judgment that you hold and forgive others for their misdeeds, you can embrace your true power, the power that can only come from within you.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Light Body Process in the End Times by ADMIN posted on JANUARY 15, 2011 By Georgi Stankov, January 15, 2011, Copyright 2011

Light Body Process in the End Times

Light Body Process, LBP.

In most human beings, the two hemispheres of the brain do not function in synchronicity, although they are anatomically connected through corpus callosi. I describe this phenomenon as energetic malfunction of current incarnated human beings.
There are some other significant deficiencies in the energetic structure of human beings, e.g. the blockage of the 4th heart chakra (emotional centre), which separates the three lower body chakras (1st to 3rd chakra) from the three higher chakras (5th to 7th) as part of the energetic malfunction of humans (for further information see publication “Light Body Process in the End Times“. This topic is very painful to the ego of the incarnated entity, and for this reason it is not currently discussed by any channel.
In the course of the Light Body Process (LBP)the heart chakra opens, encompasses, and synchronizes the lower and the higher chakras. Ultimately, the entity develops a Unified Chakra, which can transform much more astral energy in the body than normally. I have dedicated a whole book on this issue, based on sound and irrefutable scientific data (“The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind“).
The only malfunction that is mentioned by channels nowadays is the reduction of the DNA of human entities to two strands by the current controllers on earth (The Anunnaki from the Orion Empire and the Reptilians) and their potential development to 12 and more strands in the course of Ascension.
However, none of the channelers have the necessary scientific background to comprehend these messages on DNA, which are channelled in a rather trivial, unscientific manner. It is not that the DNA-strands evolve to 12 and more biochemical strands that could be experimentally observed, e.g. through recombinant DNA-techniques, but that the so called junk-DNA, which contains the whole information of all incarnations of the soul and much more, is now activated at higher frequency astral levels, where the actual regulation of the DNA-encoding by the soul takes place.

'the Christ in you' Santos Bonacci –corpus callosi.

Emotions are, however, never separated from abstract logical thinking. In fact, emotions modulate and distort the logical thinking in such a profound way, that most human beings are not even aware of it. This is the central energetic malfunction of human incarnated beings at present that has not been apprehended by all light workers so far.

The Function of Left and Right Brain in the Light Body Process

Emotions are, however, never separated from abstract logical thinking. In fact, emotions modulate and distort the logical thinking in such a profound way, that most human beings are not even aware of it. This is the central energetic malfunction of human incarnated beings at present that has not been apprehended by all light workers so far.

It is not even considered as a problem, and this ignorance is the source of most intellectual and emotional problems, most light workers have to deal with. This is another huge theme, which I will not discuss for the moment. I only want to demonstrate to the reader, how intricately interwoven all gnostic topics are. To this issue, I have dedicated many scientific books on New Human Gnosis.
Now, I shall give you some information, based on my personal and scientific research experience, which will explain, why the left brain is the gateway of the human body to high frequency energies from the 6th and higher dimensions, when the light body process truly unfolds. This information cannot be found in any other source or book on LBP:
The left brain is responsible for the illusion of linear space-time
This is the faulty logic, human brain is subdued to. It is the energetic source that creates the common plane of existence of all human beings on 3d-earth. As long as it operates, the way it does, one cannot escape this hallucinatory reality and open for the real multidimensional existence of the higher realms.

The famous “veil of forgetfulness” is created in the left brain. It is responsible for the separation of the incarnated entity from the Source and is in the core of all human malaise. Therefore, the function of the left brain must be changed profoundly in the course of the light body process. Otherwise, the incarnated entity cannot ascend. By opening the left brain portal, human consciousness leaves the illusionary linearity of 3d-space- time and opens for the multidimensionality of the higher realms.
The left brain is not only a gateway to higher Christ energies, but it is also connected for the first time with the right brain in the course of the light body process, so that both, emotionality and spirituality (no more intellectuality), are finally synchronized. The reason for this is that:
All ideas in the higher realms are a combination of spiritual purpose and emotional intensity.

I will illustrate this fact with a simple example from wave theory. Take a short wave radio signal that is transmitted from a long distance. It consists of a carrier-wave that is of high frequency and a modulating lower frequency wave that transmits the actual verbal information. Both waves are superimposed and interrelated.
Likewise, emotions are lower frequency astral waves, often referred to as the 4th astral dimension, and the mental ideas and concepts being higher frequency waves are referred to as the 5th and higher dimensions. Emotions modulate Spirit, Pure Consciousness, and give the incarnated personality direct information from the soul.
It is not a coincidence that ancient Greeks used the same word “psyche” for the emotional body and the soul at the same time. They knew that the soul manifests itself mostly through feelings. Purely for that reason many channels speak at present that human beings will inhabit after Ascension simultaneously the 4th and 5th dimensions, because they cannot be separated, as they are superimposed energy levels.
The left brain is the portal to the Higher Self that is conceived as pure consciousness (“reine Vernunft”, according to Kant) or pure ideas according to Plato. All consciousness in the higher realms is expanded awareness. This fact elucidates the importance of the enlargement of the brain after Ascension (stasis) as to acquire 50 and more percent of its original potential.
This is a leitmotif of the author in all his publications, dedicated to Ascension of humanity. It is the left brain that will be largely involved in this mental expansion after Ascension.
The new General Science of the Universal Law, as presented on this website, will be then fully comprehended by most ascended entities and will become the new Science of Ascension. It will be further developed by numerous practical implementations.
Today, this greatest intellectual achievement in the written history of modern mankind cannot be fully apprehended by any “mortal” human being on earth. This situation will change radically after Ascension. This circumstance also explains, why the author is destined to become the First Ascended Master of the new Science of Ascension. 
There is always a turning point in time (= frequency) in the evolution of any civilisation in the 3d-solar universes, which can only be embodied by a single personality. Such was the role of Buddha, Jesus, and Lao Tsein the past.
Prior to Mass Ascension on December 21, 2012, the left brain can be opened only by the soul – it is an arrogant assumption to believe that human beings can make a decision on this issue. The incarnated entity can only give his consent for the initiation of the light body process and, if it is part of the soul contract, it will be triggered by the soul.
The whole process, which is extremely exhausting and tedious and is accompanied by numerous somatic symptoms, is entirely the domain of the soul. The only thing, a humble human being can do, is to bear the burden of it and develop daily strategies in order to survive somehow in an unfriendly and ignorant world with respect to such phenomena.
Precisely for this reason, the left brain is made completely open for the higher Christ energies when the light body process really commences.
Concerning myself, this process began 12 years ago. Since then, I hear these high frequency energies 24 hours a day and feel their incessant vibrations throughout my whole body. The energy flow is a column with a diameter of about 20 cm with an expanded visible quantum field of about 100 meters. Please, observe that my vision has also increased its frequency spectrum, so that I can see quantum waves.
What I hear, is not exactly the astral energies, but the atoms in the air, which are involved in the rotations of the 6th to the 14th chakra within my expanded astral field. Their rotational velocity has increased significantly in comparison to normal human beings. This high frequency sound is heard predominantly in the left ear, while the cosmic energies from the highest realms flow through the open portal of my left brain hemisphere.
There are many different qualities of cosmic energies, which I can discern by their specific tone and vibration pattern. Each specific astral wave is associated with a different set of somatic symptoms and psycho-mental experiences.
I can distinguish in the meantime more than 20 different qualities of cosmic waves that enter daily my body. Thus, I can precisely predict what kind of symptoms I will experience in the following time.
This is a very important feedback mechanism between my lower and Higher Self, which mitigates somewhat the often traumatic physical experience of the light body process, as I can prepare myself mentally and psychologically for the somatic consequences of the next nasty cosmic wave.
Real LBP has nothing to do with the fluffy, rosy stuff that most light workers distribute on this topic in the last years. It is hard work – the hardest – an incarnated human entity can ever accomplish on this toxic planet.
Yet, I have not come upon a single description of this process in any channelled or other literature. From this I deduce, that there are only very few selected individuals that are as advanced as I am on earth and have, at the same time, the neutrality and objectivity of an enlightened scholar to describe this process in an immaculate scientific manner, as I have done it in my first gnostic book “The Evolutionary Leap of Mankind“, written in 2000- 2001.
This is essentially the role of the left and right brain in the latest and most advanced stages of the individual light body process in human incarnated entities. It is quite possible that this unique experience will become much more common in the coming months prior to Mass Ascension at the end of 2012, when many star seeds will have to advance significantly in their light body process as to ascend individually and lead the masses to their greatest collective adventure in the history of human civilisation.

Love yourselves enough to grant yourselves freedom from doing things the hard way. Love yourselves enough to receive the help that is coming to you from other humans and from non-physical beings. Love yourselves enough to acknowledge that you are enough, that you are doing enough, and that you have already done enough to be on that timeline that brings you to the ascension experience with ease and joy. Daniel Scranton

The Most Probable Timelines ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have been looking at the various timelines that are most probable the human collective, and we are very encouraged by what we see. We understand how hard it has been for most of you, and we want you to know that no matter how things might look in your life, or in the world, you are moving in the right direction.
We want to assure you that you cannot make a mistake. You cannot screw things up for yourself or for anyone else, and we want you to relax more. It is through relaxation that you open yourselves up to receive. You will find yourself on the timeline that best suits you, not by working on getting there, but on allowing yourself to flow.
Now, people use that expression often, and you might not fully understand what they mean by it. To us, ‘going with the flow’ means letting the energy take you on a journey and trusting that you are in fact moving in the right direction. It means you don’t have to fight against anyone or anything to get to where you are ultimately going.
In our last transmission, we told you that love united humanity, and now we also want to point out that love is the way to release that resentment, that anger, that angst that you sometimes hold. It is through finding the love within you and shining it more brightly that you not only enjoy your life but that you also solve any and all of the problems that come up for you.
Love yourselves enough to grant yourselves freedom from doing things the hard way. Love yourselves enough to receive the help that is coming to you from other humans and from non-physical beings. Love yourselves enough to acknowledge that you are enough, that you are doing enough, and that you have already done enough to be on that timeline that brings you to the ascension experience with ease and joy.
Now is not the time to look for busy work to keep justifying the fact that you are ascending. Now is the time to kick back and enjoy the ride, but don’t take us at our word. Trust in the universal plan that has been underway for eons and eons of your time.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Darkest Night Before the Dawn Conversation with the Arcturians PART I: When Light Strikes the Matrix

Dear Readers,

Thank you for your interest in our upcoming event! We are sharing the conversation we had with the Arcturians, and we hope you take some time to read through the details. They mention the removal of the "Power Over" matrix by a ray of light carrying a very high frequency.

We also invite you to contribute to the process of becoming the 51% majority that assists planetary awakening. Join us for our live event on Friday. We are providing you with an opportunity to step up andinto action. Learn more and register.
Please take some dedicated time to listen to this message below from the Arcturians regarding the removal of the "Power Over" matrix and importance of grounding the higher energies.
Darkest Night Before the Dawn
Conversation with
the Arcturians

PART I: When Light Strikes the Matrix

Can you say the question again so I can get back to that focus?

Oh, OK, well my first thought was that as we were trying to get this meeting going, it just fell silent for a few moments. That just allowed me to have some quiet introspection. So I was aligning to my heart guidance and just calmly breathing and sitting. It felt like it was trying to make some point about the importance of what is happening now and putting things into perspective.

At least for me, personally, it felt like it was just this recognition….and this ties into that concept of the darkest night before the dawn that you just mentioned. It’s having an awareness to put the world into perspective as we face the challenges in our lives.

But, I also wondered, are we all just going through the motions and not really most effectively flowing through these times that we call the darkest night before the dawn? What does that really mean for us, personally?

So the main question that I would like to address the Arcturians with is, “What does it mean the darkest night just before dawn?”

Actually, yes, how that manifests around us, as well as within us.

Sue/The Arcturians:
The darkest night before dawn means that it is the Now for a shift in energy fields. And it’s something that is planetary because as the Sun first hits the planet, it hits different parts of the planet at different parts of time because the planet is moving.

So this darkest night is just before dawn, and what that means is that the Light is coming. In order to be able to even perceive the light and then to accept the light, all of the darkest night/fear needs to become conscious because fear that is a secret from yourself is something that you can’t address.

And fear, which many people think of as an enemy, is actually a warning that is there for your safety or it is that you are moving into a new territory of consciousness, thoughts, emotions, and creativity.

You’re moving into territory that you have not moved into before. And so it is frightening because it is brand new. And as Gaia is moving through her darkest night and into the dawn, then humanity is also moving through their darkest night and into the dawn.

Now the darkest night means something different to probably just about every different person.

But there are groups of people and areas that represent their darkness. And what that darkness is, that’s the metaphor for change, and there is something that needs to change. And change is constant and continual.

Now this darkest night before dawn is a very deepchange. It’s a change that has been in the darkness, which means that you have not known about this change completely. You have not prepared for this change. And so it feels dark because it is new, it is different, and you don’t know where it could take you.

But the dawn is the part of you. That Light, the Light inside you, meaning anyone who would listen to this message. That Light inside of you is giving you the OK, that it is alright now, you are strong enough to face this bit of darkness.

You are evolved enough to move into that which had been the darkness in the past, but it was only darkness because you have not yet shone your Light upon it.

Those people that are unable to perceive the planet as a living being are going to have to be the people that will change. 

Eventually, and this is something that other people have spoken about, that eventually there will be like a ray of Light that will come, and the ray of Light is a frequency that is too high for the matrix, but it’s not too high of a frequency for the planet. 

But those that live on the matrix and seek power overand don’t care about the planet and live in greed and avarice and don’t care about others, they are not grounded. They are living on the matrix.

And this Light will hit the matrix. It will break the matrix, and then those that inhabit the matrix will be taken off with the matrix.

Thursday 28 June 2018

Solstice Energy – 21-Jun-2018 by Kara Schallock | Soulstice Rising

Solstice Energy – 21-Jun-2018 by Kara Schallock | Soulstice Rising

by ForeverUnlimited

We have been in a major period of receiving high dimensional Light. This Light shines on childhood patterns, which have had a way of creating separation. However, there has been a clearing, which also may have had the effect of letting go of certain family members as well as the patterns set up then. Old emotions and beliefs of abandonment, invisibility, feeling unloved, as well as energies of anger, frustration, judgment and hate also are shown to you so they may be released and transformed to Love. These energies may also overflow into other areas of life, yet they began in childhood (as well as in other lifetimes). When released and transformed you may experience more Peace, more Joy and more Freedom, as if a weight has been lifted from you. All of this helps pave the way to the Solstice.

Also know if you have been feeling a sense of separation, depression, sadness and/or lethargy as well as wanting off the planet, it is the continuous wave of Light that helps see these clearly. Shame and unworthiness may surface as well. Whatever you experience can be seen in a variety of ways for as you are multidimensional, so is everything else. Whatever and however you are, will or have experienced what I have shared or other issues not written here, it is all for your transforming to be more Love.

Remind yourself that you are not alone in this, even while it may feel like it at times. Whatever you are experiencing is for your highest evolution, which requires a great healing/wholing within you. You may feel as though you're stuck or even retreating at times; you are never doing these things. If you find yourself blaming circumstances or others for what you are experiencing, release it; you have chosen all you are experiencing. Be open to all of it; accept what you feel. Do not try and move beyond anything, for that is a clever way your separate ego holds onto it. You may experience discomfort until you honor it, release it and transform it to Love. If you experience pain anywhere in your body, it may very well mean that that is where you hold onto the past. Be sure to rest, reflect and be compassionate with yourself. Take care of you; love you. Breathe and stay balanced.

The energy is shifting and expanding. We are vibrating at ever-higher levels as we merge with our Souls. This is not necessarily comfortable, as it calls for a great change in how we perceive ourselves, others and the world. As we shift, our Love and Light is greater and so we shine brighter and inspire others. Accept and allow. As we come into alignment with who we truly are, we also make everything easier, as we are flowing rather than resisting.

We are also in another phase of our bodies changing. Our food choices may shift yet again. As our cells and DNA change, we may eat less and choose different foods and drink; follow what the body wants; it guides us perfectly. We may find ourselves eating less; this is because our main diet is Light. Notice that what you once loved, you may not want anymore. Our vibration is shifting higher. How we eat not only affects us; it affects the planet as well, for there is no spearation between us and Gaia. The shifts in eating and drinking help to strengthen and energize us.

Not only are you connected to everyone and everything (Oneness), Oneness also means that whatever you think, feel and do, others feel it too; just as you feel what others are doing or not doing. It doesn't take being in a person's physical space, for energy knows no distance. If you have loving thoughts, those thoughts touch all. If you have judgmental thoughts, those radiate out as well. You need not send whatever energy you choose, for just being that thought or feeling or action touches all. Energy is vibration. What you think, say, feel or do creates a particular vibration. What vibration are you creating? If you complain or gossip, that energy flows out and attaches itself to whomever you are complaining or gossiping about. If you have loving thoughts and feelings, you create a vibration of Love.

When your actions are congruent with your thoughts and feelings, you manifest. And as always, what you attract is connected to who you are within. If you are not congruent, you will not manifest. This could explain why many are not manifesting currently. We each have the Power to change anything in our lives. First we release, then what we release transforms, then we can put our focus on what it is we wish to shift. It's quite simple. If you want more Love, be more Love. If you want more Abundance, be Abundance. This means to act as if...take that trip if guided, replace the old clothes with new ones if guided. Money is only energy; besides, Abundance is not only money; it includes all aspects of life. Realize too that we are all in different stages of Ascension. We are all on a “continuum of Light.” Therefore, to compare ourselves to another is meaningless. Being on a continuum also means that we constantly shift non-linearly. There is no such thing as A to B to C. You may experience great ebb and flow, depending on what helps you evolve. Regardless, be congruent in body, mind and Heart.

The Solstice occurs on June 21 at around 4 a.m. (MST). As we are in the Solstice energy, there is a great power surge, which we have been preparing for. This Solstice energy increases the pace. You may experience more things to release as well as the Power of Love. One is not separate from the other. You may release and feel Love at the same time, for we are multi-dimensional beings. There is a push to be who you are and to share your gifts; however and whatever they are. It is a push to see Love in everything. You may notice where you don't have much Love in certain areas. Amp the Love up.

Also, there is more merging of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine (Be-Do-Be-Do). There are electro-magnetic charges, which affect both ourselves and Gaia. The electro-magnetic energies sumbolize the union of both the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The union of both helps us be more balanced in our being and doing. The Divine Masculine supports the Divine Feminine and propels us to take action on our inspirations and aspirations.

The timing of the Solstice is not limited to a certain date, as there is no actual time in the higher dimensions; there is only Flow. Be in Allowance with however the energies flow within you. What has been hidden from you will certainly reveal themselves to you so that you may choose to release what has been hidden or not. Much is revealed personally and globally. Just don't get distracted by what is occurring globally. Focus on self, for in doing that, you help the Earth. You may see and understand how life is changing one step at a time. The Power of the Solstice continues to help you be more conscious and aware and certainly many more will be awakening. Don't be attached to how this looks though; everyone has their own way of waking up.

During this non-time of the Solstice, you may experience some physical changes as well, including sleeplessness, headaches, louder ear ringing and in different tones. It is a time of assessing where exactly you are and what you focus on will definitely be manifest in your personal world...more than before and as you maintain congruency in body, mind and heart. There is and will continue to be much flux as you ebb and flow. Do not be concerned if it feels you ebb for a bit; you will flow again, as everything shifts. Focus on how you want to feel. If you do not like what you see, change your perspective. Integrate into your daily life how you want to perceive and feel. For instance, if you want more Patience, be patient. If you want to be more Compassionate and tolerant, be these.

Know too that by accepting exactly who and where you are is the key to moving forward. Hoping and wishing things were different is not not way forward. Embrace yourself as is while you, at the same time, focus on how you want to feel in the future. Of course, what you focus on in the moment is what you create in the step at a time.

Note: I am so very grateful for those who donate as they are guided to. I especially am grateful for those who are donating on a consistent monthly basis. They include Adrianna H; Choong G; Joy on your Shoulders; Quantum Solutions; Jan T; Shannon J.A; Janyse F. and Julie R. Thank you, I am lovingly grateful for you.

Again, here is my Facebook page: https:/

~ ~ ~

If so guided, your continued tithes are graciously and gratefully accepted. And thank you to those of you who consistently tithe to support this body of work. Tithing is giving from the Heart; creating a consciousness of Prosperity. I am blessed and grateful for each of you!

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