Monday 31 March 2014


A short while ago I was of a certain age. And had been of that age for some time, like twenty five years.

 A series of unfolding events and cycles finally dropped me gently at the realisation that I have moved into my golden age.

Let me explain. Between my mid twenties and up till very recently, I hadn't been aware of my body change, my physical and emotional maturity and most definitely my spiritual maturity. When you are busy and distracted, focussed, stressed, planning, stratedgising and project hopping, as most of us are in the West, we miss seeing the golden hues as they play across our faces.

We look in the mirror and see only the wrinkles we have grown and not the love we have sown.

Our face is a direct report of what, where, why and when in our life. Everything is written into our skin, every battle we have overcome and every battle that has 'taken' us. Everything we have conceded and compromised and valued. It all adds a hue to our skin that is both unique and constantly changing.

The energies of what we do and how we feel are the colours that contribute to this changing hue. It is like the dynamics of a changing fingerprint. The colour that we are heading to is 'golden'.

We see that our value in the workplace is either sliding or precarious, what we don't see is that our energies have outgrown those rooms. We seek validation in external recognition. We approve of ourselves only when we meet societal development milestones and accomplishments.

 'Golden' means to let all of that go and to gently pull yourself back into who you actually are, and be comfortable with the truth of who you are.  It should feel like wearing a comfy old pullover.

Golden means to accept who you are, by now, and to know who you have become.

Golden means that the colours of this age are of the glorious sunsets, which are more dramatic and outrageous than the midday colours of youth.

Golden means that others can see the colours of what you are, long before you recognise them in yourself.

Golden means that many cycles in your life are stealing softly to completion at similar times.

This weekend I was at a wedding of younger family members. It was beautiful to be with and connect once again with these distant family members.  The following day we travelled around  Ely, Waterbeach, Cambridge and Littleport in Cambridgeshire.

The point I am making is,  that it was in the golden light of the setting sun, as we walked around the Fens of Waterbeach that I came to understand this about Our becoming Golden. The photo below shows a family picture, where I am, now, I realise, of  'the older age group'. I am, along with my two other cousins of the same generation, seen as being of the 'Older Set'.

I include this only to enlighten myself to the fact that, quite a few cycles are coming to an end for me, which are usually bookmarked, Flagged up, or recorded by such dramatic events as marriages, deaths, births, etc.  

So....often, these dramatic events, such as a wedding, are the wrapping,  and once you have immersed yourself in the Occasion, often the gifts of other, seemingly unrelated life cycles, come to rest.

AS you begin to become aware of these old cycles, that now lie in momentary completion, you are probably not aware that your new cycles have already begun.

Golden: the few 'old ones' in the photo including me.
I said to my cousin tony, We are the old ones now, We must accept that. Except, I didn't want to say Old, I just wanted to say....Golden.
And for me, the beginning of the golden cycle, introduced to me by the setting sun at Waterbeach.


Thursday 20 March 2014


Hi. Its equinox day. A whole host of energies are winging their way towards us. This is the final post for today. I need to get into some painting.

The Higher Being that I AM is waiting to fully download into the human body of me. For that to occur  a number of things have to happen. But I don't need to worry about that, it will happen whether I work with it or not. It just makes more sense to allow and accept what is happening, because to resist will be 'more' painful.

Painful? The energy: Light, Love, Higher vibration is increasing the frequencies of the molecules of our own bodies to cast out the density and unwanted weights of NOT LOVE which is Fear, forced teachings and beliefs that served only to encumber humanity. Often the pain feels like stones lodged within our skin bones and muscles. Removing them will give a physical sensation that humans associate with physical pain.

What is being offered and delivered in the ascension energy uplift is empowerment, that is, to be the full ticket of what you are. Got to drop those stones in the process.

This is not easy for us and so we have to trust our inner navigation and intuition about what is going on around and within us. The physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies all come into play here.

We have to see what's occurring both in our outer expression and in our response to the outer world, and bring in all back in to examine it and really look at it to see where and what is buried in our bodies.

Here is a message for the human part of us.

All messages and books written by VERONICA and other entities via April Crawford are delivered in first, final, and only draft.  There is never any editing except for occasional punctuation, which is done at the discretion of the facilitator (usually Allen).  Note also that VERONICA does not type in these newsletters or the books directly. So, if you find a typo or two, it is a transcription error of a volunteer, again, usually by Allen.
A New Message From VERONICA

Stop Yourself
     "Often the ability to become misaligned with your reality comes easily.  Physical is wrought with thickness that can inhibit the most advanced of souls.

     Stop yourself when faced with the chaos.  Every tool you need to move forward smoothly is within you.  Instead of allowing negativity to run your life, decide to run negativity out of your life.

     No matter how difficult it all looks, there is always opportunity for redemption.
     It begins with awareness.  

     Always attempt to push past the immediate dramatics to the infinite creative universe.  Sometimes the intenseness of the moment blinds your thoughts to accessing all the probabilities.  Every enactment does have infinite probabilities. 

     By making yourself open to the consideration of their existence, you offer yourself alternatives to the existing dramatics.

     Appreciate all the lessons in life, however, it is not necessary to repeat them over and over.  Be aware of their creation, achieve the goal, then conclude the moment.

     Every day, truly look about you for all the good experiences that are waiting to take the place of the negative ones.

     Keep your focus while making your own choices.  Victim-hood serves no one, only itself.  Rise above it and keep your eyes open on the journey.

     Be aware.

     Chose the positive.

     It is within your soulful abilities."


The Pleiadians via Méline Lafont: Equinox Portal and Conscious Contact

The Pleiadians via Méline Lafont: Equinox Portal and Conscious Contact

Lord Maitreya via Natalie Glasson: Supporting Souls in the Era of Love

Lord Maitreya via Natalie Glasson: Supporting Souls in the Era of Love

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: The More You Give The More You Receive

Angelic Guides via Taryn Crimi: The More You Give The More You Receive

Wednesday 19 March 2014

Ireland. I always get to thinking about Ireland this time of year. The spring is leaning into summer and I am urged to pluck that visit home, out from the future, and pull it back into my now.

Its that time of the seasons where I miss being in Ireland. We just had St Patrick's day which isn't such a big deal for me personally, but we are coming into the potent March Equinox, and the energies are raw and rugged, reminding me of the sea as it crashes to shore.

I was in London yesterday and reading this paper on the train,( link to the article I found below) I was immediately cast adrift, in longing to be there.

There is mention of the place we return to each year toward the end. Ardmore.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

We have finally landed in Spring.... Our purpose is to see and "bring inside us" the beauty held in this moment.

On Saturday, I attended the workshop on Sight, with Peter Grunwald. He talks about the Eyebody concept, which is extremely interesting.  The physiology or biology of the eye shows us that we do not actually see with the eye itself, sight is a function of the brain.   Light waves travel through the eye to the visual cortex in the brain where we actually do the seeing. The eye is an externalised extension of the brain, whose job is, to allow waves through the pupil and for the light waves to then travel through various aspects of the organ until it is delivered to the brain where the information that is contained within the light waves is unravelled and interpreted.
Without going into too much detail about the workshop here, we were introduced to the Bigger Picture of Eye, Sight and how (physically and as a function of the brain ) we "choose" to accept and interpret the information carried in the light waves by the lens (i.e how it is interpreted by any one of our three brains sytems.
Yes, three : reptilian, limbic and neo cortex; and our responses to what we see, can, and are, directed by the state of under-focussing or over-focussing or being present.
(  I personally, read that as being influenced by one or other of the brains at any given time, reptilian -under-focussing, limbic- over-focussing or Neo cortex - being present.)
Our ability to be present to what we see, is down to our ability to be present. Our sight can begin to be retrained by aligning the three brains at the neo cortex.
I am aware that I am probably not explaining this very well so I will just say that it has helped me to understand that the sense of  sight, is combined with how we are evolving both in our biology and in us becoming truer senses of ourselves.  It is  all to do with how :
we see ourselves, our world and our place in it.

On Sunday We experienced the most wonderful spring day here in England.  Here, I am bringing the outside blossom into my room. I am aware that the blossom will not last for long either on the trees or on the branches that I have brought into the room. It was just that I wanted the beauty to be inside, with me, transforming my space, bring the energy of beauty inside me. I just wanted to see it, and somehow internalise it. Record it.

As the week continues I am aware that there is a big connection going on,  one of those "Aha" moments happening for me.  It is to do with :
seeing more clearly,
the beauty in nature,
bringing the light in,
bringing the love in,
seeing the beauty and internalising it,
information held in packages of light coming in,
the recent and ongoing waves of light energy bathing the planet,
the intensity of light bombarding us,
our ability to "see" it,
the beauty held within the light.
Light is vehicle of the information,
the information needs to be delivered into us.
We are internalising light, beauty and it's information.
Light Beauty and its information is all one and the same and it is the nourishment that feeds our soul.
Mother Earth3
Today, I found this. The following piece allowed me to make the final connection.
 It is taken from a beautiful channelling, posted by Alice C. and found in full on this link below.
"Many soul groups wished to experience the beauty and truth of the Creator and so multiple experiments took place to anchor aspects of their soul group onto the Earth. Even now as you exist upon the Earth one of your purposes and contracts with Mother Earth is to recognise her beauty and truth, therefore acknowledging it within yourself and the Creator. Mother Earth demonstrates her beauty and truth daily to you but you can enter into her energetic space to truly experience the beauty and truth she emanates from the Creator.
This will create a tremendous shift within your being because with recognition of the beauty and truth of the Creator, every part of your being awakens to the Creator. You see more clearly you are living upon and within pure vibrations of the Creator which bring glory and divine birth of light in magnitude to the Creator aspect and expression of your being. You may wish to connect with Mother Earth to integrate more fully with the beauty and truth of the Creator.

Click here for the full message.

Goddess Tamara via Natalie Glasson: Mother Earth’s Quest

Posted by Alice C
Mother Earth3Goddess Tamara: Mother Earth’s Quest, channeled by Natalie Glasson, March 5, 2014 at

Celestial shower.

I wanted a download to ease the lurching physical experiences and the fatigue that were causing me to ask why?  I have moved through some extreme shifts in the past week where at points, I felt so present, so " in understanding of my multidimensional" self,  then deliriously zoned out.  The downside is when the fatigue returns and the resuming of  "business as normal" roles when I really can't, becomes too much. It is then I flip into Why? 

This was in my inbox today and I just lay down and let the words and the transmission wash over, through me and around me, It is like having a celestial shower.  After this shower I continued to pulse with the energy until I was finally able to move. This is Beautiful. I am guided to share this.  If you are so moved to and guided to listen, lie or sit as in meditation or relaxation, allow as long a time as you may feel unable to move after,  and let the words move you.


God via Karen Doonan: Message – March 9, 2014

Posted by Alice C
central_spiritual_sunGod: Message – March 9, 2014, channeled by Karen Doonan, March 9, 2014 at
Note from Karen: I have at this time taken through a message from God, the energy that came through insisting I use the term “GOD” and the audio channeling explaining why this is so.
I would ask that you allow this message to flow through you, around you and within you. As many of you are now aware the energies are moving rapidly and swiftly, this is to allow the birthing of the New Earth in Truth.
The audio channeling is available to download from here.


Friday 7 March 2014

Workshop: Seeing naturally without glasses with Peter Grunwald. I am booked in for Saturday so I shall let you know how it all goes...

Here is the event talk.
Would you like to reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses; eyestrain; back or neck pain and postural tension and lack of mental focus?

In this experiential and highly informative workshop, you will learn that it’s not the eyes that see, but the brain. Peter teaches that brain function can change, therefore eyesight and vision are flexible and can follow the changes of the brain. The Eyebody Method co-ordinates physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of seeing, Peter believes gl...asses or surgery address the symptoms, not the causes of visual dysfunction.

Today, you will learn how to begin to replace these with: visual and mental clarity; strain free reading and computer use; improved posture, coordination and wellbeing; awakened creativity, imagination and intuition; and increased attention and presence.

Peter Grunwald is the founder of the Eyebody Method. He wore glasses for 27 years for myopia and astigmatism from the age of three. After training in the Alexander Technique and the Bates Method, it took only 18 months until he was totally free of them. He lives in New Zealand and has been presenting worldwide for the past 19 years.
See more
Above is the link to website.
My eyesight was always 20/20.  It was only when I reached my mid forties, it declined. I still have good long sight, but reading is a problem.
Its funny but I can paint without glasses and the end result is always good. It is as if I work blind to reveal an impressionistic result. 
I still have to retrieve my glasses when I am trying to answer my mobile, or to read anything, or even to type my blog. 
The lenses I wear really magnify stuff. When I put them on and look at some one standing next to me I nearly jump with extreme magnification of their face close to mine.
I am interested in how this workshop can retrain my brain to see better. Michaela.

The colour of money. Part 3. The only way out of the lack one finds oneself in... The following is an excerpt taken from a post shared on 21st February, which in itself calls for congratulations.

" Source knows nothing of lack or limitation, IT is Self-sustained and Self-maintained – infinitely. The idea of lack is a concept born of the belief in duality (pairs of opposites) and separation. Everything embodied within Divine consciousness is held in place by Divine Law. If lack or limitation were within Divine consciousness, they would be forever unchangeable. Realizing this is the first step to changing the outer appearances.
Each time you pay a bill, take a second to realize that since Source is complete and lacks nothing, this check or money simply represents a material manifestation of this. When you believe abundance to be limited and personal so that everything spent depletes you, you are declaring money to be yours – finite, and limited (duality and separation).
Realize that abundance is flowing through you, not from you. This may seem silly as you look at your empty wallet, but the practice of these truths is the only way to move into a deeper understanding of the infinite abundance which is already yours by virtue of your Oneness with Source.
Start the flow moving – give away unused clothes or items, donate time, drop a coin in the bottle even if it is a penny – get the flow of Love (service or goods) and Gratitude (payment) moving. Always there must be the flow.
You are creators, Dear Ones, and you are creating with every thought and word (eg., I don’t have…) that flows out from your state of consciousness. Just as the journey is about learning Oneness, it is also about learning just what is embodied within that Oneness. Start applying truth to every financial transaction you make, blessing each payment by knowing that it flows from an Infinite and unlimited Source.
Okay so the above message  is just what I needed at this time.  The colour of money, then from this stand point is oh, so much more than paying a bill.
Money is such a vital energy to our world, and it has taken the place of the true love energy, The place of the 'God source'.

Why is that and how do we come to understand what to do with it now?  How did we let it rule our space in our world in this way?
So what is it really? hmmm.
Is it that Money, could be seen as  the hologram value that, when accrued or debited, is the public manifestation of our self worth.

If so, it means that it is  the flawed outcome or evolutionary manifestation of our Combined lack of self love, self esteem and self worth.
Its original value, much higher, much lighter and of an energy vibration closer in frequency to love, was when currency played no role. So I am going back to the pre, pre, pre dawn of the civilisations that we have knowledge of in our history books, back to a time where life itself had value.
Back in the beginnings of time, when the "separation from God" (planned or unplanned) occurred,  it wasn't too long before the value of life began dropping.  Our recorded history show that,  when left to ourselves, it wasn't long before  human beings were happy to sacrifice others for fulfilment of their (acquired) roles of being the 'Most Powerful', and saw self value and power in grabbing gold and  precious stones from the land. The stakes for power were played out in the  grabbing of land from other tribes and having people as slaves, etc,etc.  This was probably when the Value of life, became set in this way, so that human life forms could measure and be measured against each other. Drastically, it had been taken out of its original natural flow and law.

The value of life was given a currency, and from that the 'B side' or the flip side of the coin, what we have now, emerged to take form. It had taken a downward spin from its evolutional path.
Everything in existence has a form in all the dimensions. This energy, in our 3dimensional land, had become abused, and this abuse is historical and systemic. This energy has devolved from what it could be, purely because it has taken on the harmonics of those who use it and like a reverse alchemy, turned gold into clay.  It was the human specie's original role to be protectors of life on earth and therefore protectors of the value of life on earth.

From the above excerpt, I find it beautifully soothing to return to a place where Source is the benefactor.  I like the idea of taking off the trench coat and getting out of the ' trenches of lack'.
 I am happy to lie in a meadow and let abundance stream through me from source. I am happy to allow the 'B side' of money energy on the turntable  flip back over to the original energy of Value of life, and value for life.
 This renewed value of money is played out by sincere gratitude for services, resources and materials that enhance life and allow us to combine and to let flow, our natural skills and talents, enabled by abundance,  through our world.

If we open our space to allow the  Divine flow through us, and if we stop bracing ourselves and holding our breath each time a Money situation arises, and maybe if we breathe the "Divine will and lifeforce" (from which all energy comes,) through us,  then maybe we can restore  money energy to its place as being the energy of gratitude for service.

Money is a currency that was created by man and now needs to be transmuted to purity and perfection as do all our creations with our intention.

It's colour is an individual reflection of where, who, and why our belief systems have evolved to.

Its as simple and as complicated as that.




