Monday 27 January 2020

The original Title and tie to the land, the live birth record

On January 26th, there will be a rare astrological aspect when Eris Pluto Square occurs.

Meditation at the exact time of the Eris Pluto square on January 26th at 4:49 PM UTC

On January 26th, there will be a rare astrological aspect when Eris Pluto Square occurs. This could have a big impact on the full disclosure and process of planetary liberation for the rest of the year. The effect of Eris-Pluto Square will be felt throughout this year and in 2021.

NASA, ESA, and A. Schaller (for STScI)

In terms of Astrology, Pluto is being seen as a gatekeeper and escort into deeper levels of self-empowerment. It emphasizes the importance of looking within the self, rather than outside of self, and finding our nuclear core of the creative force. It also emphasizes the use of that force in ways that empower others and that awaken ourselves to new vistas of human potential, conscious awareness, and experience waiting to be realized.

Eris is a feminine warrior archetype that has no fear or hesitation to intervene and expose a greater hidden truth. She tends to pierce or crack open our current bubble of perception through which we view and experience the world to see beyond the finite bounds of our current perception, beyond the bounds we place upon ourselves. In other words, it helps us to unlearned what we learned incorrectly in the past.

Overall, this astrological aspect of Eris-Pluto Square could favor full disclosures. In particular, it would affect the global financial system and may bring more disclosure of the current debt-based financial system. It may lead us to look within ourselves and enable us to form a new perspective on how to deal with the current financial system.

This upcoming Eris-Pluto 270° square marks entry into the last quarter of the Eris-Pluto ~359-year synodic cycle that began in 1757 CE, and herald the time of change. It is interesting to note that Mayer Amschel (Anschel) Rothschild started his career in the banking industry in 1757 when this cycle began.

Therefore, this Eris-Pluto Square is likened to the Last Quarter Moon in a lunar cycle, a time of transition in the cycle.

To utilize the energy of this Eris-Pluto Square for the benefit of humanity, we will do the same meditation used for the Age of Aquarius Activation at the exact moment of when this astrological aspect begins on January 26th at 4:49 PM UTC.

This table shows the time of the meditation for selected time zones:

Time zone
Sunday January 26
06:49 am
08:49 am
Los Angeles
09:49 am
10:49 am
11:49 am
New York
01:49 pm
Rio de Janeiro
04:49 pm
04:49 pm
05:49 pm
06:49 pm
07:49 pm
11:49 pm
Monday January 27
12:49 am
01:49 am
03:49 am
05:49 am

Here is the link to the Facebook event for this meditation:

Here is the guided audio Youtube playlist short link (Age of Aquarius Meditation):

Here are the instructions of this meditation (Suggested time of this meditation is 20 minutes)

1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to co-create the trigger that will start the Age of Aquarius.

3. Visualize a pillar of brilliant white Light emanating from the Cosmic Central Sun, then being distributed to Central Suns of all galaxies in this universe. Then visualize this light entering through the Galactic Central Sun, then going through our Galaxy, then entering our Solar System and going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through all beings on planet Earth and also through your body to the center of the Earth.

4. Visualize this Light transmuting all remaining darkness on Earth, healing all inequalities, erasing all poverty and bringing abundance to all humanity. Visualize a new grand cosmic cycle of the Age of Aquarius beginning, bringing pure Light, Love and Happiness to all beings on Earth.

Victory of the Light!
22 Mar 2019Dr. Bairavee Balasubramaniam PhD

How will we create a Human Family in ways that actually heal the past, rather than sweeping ancient injustices under an already-crammed carpet?
I wrote a much longer piece on this – examining the ways that people are turned away from each other and taught to lay blame at those around them, rather than the larger structures that shape their world in invisible, yet undeniable ways. I might save that for a later piece.
So ultimately – what do you do?
I realize that all of this stuff sounds super serious and dire. And it is not my intention to get you panicking or looking for underground bunkers. But you´re here for a reason. Your soul chose to incarnate on this physical-Earth at this vital time in its evolution.
Losing your shit and burying your head in the sand will not do a thing. Claiming that ´politics´ or being cognizant of human suffering isn´t your thing because you´re just that evolved … is … well … not an ideal choice.
It might be a palliative or self-soothing fantasy, but you´re still going to have to come back to these themes and challenges. And the bubble burst ain´t going to be a pretty one. (Hello 2020-2021)
At the same time – Being aware of the world and its challenges does not mean you need to feed into the karma-drama-gloom-and-doom. Shit´s going down, and it´s time to get real about your role in cleaning it up.
So let´s talk about what can actually help:
Developing a daily discipline, routine or structure.
I know it sounds boring. But it´s the kind of stability which the South Node-Pluto alignment allows you to create – and in Powerful ways.
Look at the larger meaning of your life, or whatever purpose you feel aligned towards. Let it be something that truly means something to you – and the way you navigate (or challenge, or both) the power structures on this planet.

Write down your key priorities.
Make sure you make time for:
  • Breath-work / Meditation
  • Spiritual Purification
  • Physical Maintenance
  • Emotional Self-Care
  • Maintaining Family Bonds
  • Inner Psychological Exploration
  • Journalling
  • Your 9-5-what-pays-the-bills-job (if applicable)
  • Learning something New
  • Understanding what´s happening in the world
  • Doing something purely for fun
  • Creating something new and exciting
  • Meeting friends
  • Supporting people and causes that truly support you
  • Altruistic Work / Community Engagement
  • Sleep
  • Proper Hydration
  • Proper Nutrition (Probiotics for the win!)

Arcturian Group Message for JANUARY 26, 2020 by Marilyn Raffaele | Oneness of All

New post on Forever Unlimited

Arcturian Group Message for JANUARY 26, 2020 by Marilyn Raffaele | Oneness of All

by ForeverUnlimited
78971583 3104442742903814 4865250369208320000 n
Dear Readers, welcome to our message of  and guidance. Much is soon to manifest that will cause many to question personal beliefs and those of the world in general. Allow your spiritual journey to unfold without limitations that consist of nothing more than concepts and beliefs based on the experiences of others for every person's inner journey is individual and authentic.
Allow, by truly accepting that you are not the person you believed yourself to be, but are a Divine Being, an expression of Source Consciousness who formed for yourself a physical body in order to work and live in the denser energies of earth--a three dimensional interpretation of the real body, one of energy and Light.
You are more than ready to identify with the reality of who and what you are--Self sustained, Self maintained Divine Consciousness. Within "Self-sustained and Self-maintained" exists every Divine Reality, everything ever believed to be lacking-- abundance, harmony, wholeness, safety, security, peace, completeness, intelligence, companionship--ad infinitum--just awaiting conscious recognition. This is the secret of life, the holy grail, hidden in plain sight where most never think to look--within.
Divine qualities have always been and can only be fully present within every individual simply because Divine Consciousness is all that exists, manifesting ITself in infinite forms. Beliefs of duality and separation have created a collective consciousness that believes itself separate from other people, animals, plants and all living things as well as from God. The ups and downs, good and bad experiences of daily living are simply duality in expression for there is no unexpressed consciousness.
This is the work--"What am I holding as truth in my consciousness?"
The three dimensional experience is like someone having a large bank account that they are unaware of and so live in poverty and need. However, each day more people are waking up to realize that much they have always accepted as true regarding every facet of daily life is simply not true. It is at this point that food, entertainment, activities, and desires, begin to lose their appeal and he/she begins his/her journey toward their as of yet unknown "bank account".
Never attempt to reclaim the past dear ones, for once the lesson of some experience is complete, it is no longer needed. As you shift into ever higher states of awareness, you are no longer in alignment with much of your past.
Some attempt to re-create the past, clinging to nostalgia for the "good old days" in the belief that these times were better but which in reality held the same dense and negative issues the world is witnessing today. In general, the unawakened majority of earlier times surrendered their personal power to others, thus allowing the same dense and negative issues of today to be ignored, denied, or covered up.
Struggling to achieve, or attain some long held goal simply because you once set it for yourself can be wasted effort. The chosen lesson may very well have been about the journey itself and not in achieving the goal. This does not mean that guidance from within toward some goal never happens, but rather means that if its attainment is fraught with continual roadblocks and negativity, the goal may be based in concepts rather than inner guidance.
Goals are usually based in some concept of success or happiness that must be attained in order to feel fulfilled or worthy of acceptance, love, respect etc. Many, once realizing that they have not and will not attain some personal goal, experience a sense of failure. Others who have actually attained some goal are discovering that it did not bring them the fulfillment they expected.
The evolutionary journey is about growing through experiences until one reaches the point of being able to access learning from within. Once an individual is willing to honestly examine their belief system, they begin to understand that successes and failures are tools that allow one to recognize and re-examine their beliefs regarding success, value, and worthiness.
Many committed suicide during the great depression, especially those who lost a great deal of money. They did not understand that the same Infinite Source that manifested it in the first place could do it again. They believed that their money came from themselves and was thus limited. These dear ones in their next life will be more aware of the deeper truths of abundance by virtue of having been helped and taught between lives about their experiences. This is how the evolutionary process works.
Frequently someone who is extremely talented at art, science, or some other talent will completely lose interest in it, to the dismay of those around them. This happens because they have attained this particular goal and it is complete. Every person continues to seek fulfillment on and through all levels awareness throughout lifetimes until finally they are ready for true fulfillment and the experiences of conscious oneness with Source.
Every dream and desire no matter what it is or how ordinary, mundane, or even negative it may seem to others (relationships, money, education, power etc.) is in reality the inner pull that every individual has to once again experience their innate ONEness with Source. The Divine is always and can only ever be Itself within every individual which is felt as desire for what one believes will bring happiness.
Every human feels this Divine presence but does not understand what it is. This deep yearning for Oneness is interpreted by three dimensional consciousness as the perpetual seeking for fulfillment in the outer scene--goals and desires that one believes will bring wholeness according to the state of consciousness of the individual. Even a murderer believes his goals are valid and will make things better for him/her.
Every person chooses their earth experiences pre-birth according to what they believe will help them spiritually grow beyond their old belief system. The homeless person, may very well be a very evolved soul who pre-birth recognized the need for a deeper understanding of issues that surround lack and limitation.
The transsexual person that so many label immoral, wrong, or disgusting is a person who has lived many lifetimes as one gender, and recognized the need to learn and experience the energies of the other gender in order to bring their masculine/feminine into balance. However, once on earth, they forgot this and began to identify with their dominant energy. Because they are unaware that they are consciousness rather than just a physical body they believe that somehow they are in the wrong body, become confused, despondent, and spend their lives attempting to once again be the energy they more closely resonate with.
None of these issues are right or wrong. They simply represent the learning process of every individual. Judging, criticizing, or humiliating others with regard to the experiences of their journey, are the actions of an un-awakened consciousness.
As more come to understand the reality of consciousness versus physical, judgement and criticism lessens and is replaced by more receptivity to giving and receiving assistance in the form of practical advice, guidance, and acceptance for those struggling with some issue on any level. As individuals come to know who they really are, they can be shown how to release and clear old energies holding them in bondage.
Know that judgement and criticism can only take place if this energy is already present. It is usually held unknowingly in cellular memory about self and then projected outwardly onto another. As a person is able to love and forgive themselves, they find that the judgement and criticism they have held for others begins to simply fade away.
Some are very young souls that have not been on earth enough times to accumulate wisdom or personal power. They live in fear believing themselves vulnerable to every three dimensional concept they learn about. They need the structure of rules and laws in order not to harm others or themselves.
Others have been on earth many times, but need more three dimensional experiences in order to grow beyond their need for them. These are people who are kindly but who usually hold rigid concepts about what they have been taught and as of yet are ignorant of deeper truth.
Then there are the "old souls", those who have lived hundreds of lifetimes on earth during which they have experienced almost every good or bad that could be experienced. They have lived as all skin colors, in all societies, and as each gender many times resulting in a state of consciousness that is wise and compassionate toward all people and life forms.
They are you. You who understand and seek to always live from your highest level of awareness are the "old souls", the way-showers. You have the ability to carry light for those who wander through the dark maze of third dimensional creation seeking a path out of it. Let your Light shine dear ones, you have earned the right to shine. No more "I am not worthy. I am not there yet. I need more time." These are third dimensional games dear ones, and you have moved beyond the need for games at any level. You are ready.
Shine your attained Light silently and secretly wherever you are in each now moment be it simply petting a lonely dog or speaking a kind word to a stranger. See, hear, taste, touch, and smell the reality of everything for no one thing is more "holy" or spiritual than another. Recognize all experiences, the good and the bad, to be sign posts directing you to more deeply understand that what you may still be holding in consciousness as power.
Allow the awareness you have earned through lifetimes of dedication and hard work to come into fruition as your everyday world. See through your awakened eyes and allow your every word to flow out on an energy of unconditional love even if those words occasionally need to be firm.
Allow...not in the sense of giving up, but in the sense of trusting that there is something greater taking place beyond what human appearances testify to. Allowing is natural for a consciousness able to rest in the reality of I AM.
It is knowing without question that IT will and can only function as ITself manifesting ITs ever present harmony even in the midst of pain, chaos, and suffering. IT is who you are, now claim it, live it, be it.
We are the Arcturian Group 1/26/20


ENERGY UPDATE �� 1/25/20 (description box)

Saturday 25 January 2020

Special Teaching with Eckhart Tolle (Binaural Audio) Deepening the Dimen...


by Arthur Firstenberg
In 2019, at least eight companies and governments are competing to send up fleets of from 150 to 42,000 satellites each.
SpaceX, based in the United States, has plans for 42,000 satellites, is already launching 60 at a time, twice a month, and is developing a larger rocket that can launch 120 at a time. As soon as 420 satellites are in orbit, it plans to turn them on. That could be as early as February 2020.
OneWeb, based in the United Kingdom, has plans for 5,260 satellites and intends to launch 30 at a time every three to four weeks beginning in January 2020. As soon as 300 satellites are in orbit, in late 2020, it plans to turn them on.
Telesat, based in Canada, has plans for 512 satellites, and intends to begin service in 2021.
Amazon has plans for 3,236 satellites and intends to begin service as soon as 578 are in orbit.
Lynk has plans for “several thousand” satellites and intends to begin service in 2023.
Facebook has plans for thousands of satellites but has not disclosed its plans to the public.
Roscosmos, the Russian Space Agency, has plans for 640 satellites, to be deployed between 2022 and 2026.
Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., a Chinese state-owned company, has plans for 156 satellites, to be in place by 2022.
In addition to these satellite plans, Loon, a subsidiary of Google, has a contract to provide Internet to remote areas of the Amazon rainforest in Peru from stratospheric balloons.
Most will be located in the ionosphere, which is the lower part of the Earth’s magnetosphere. SpaceX’s satellites will orbit as low as 340 kilometers (210 miles) in altitude. 
They are for 5G, the Internet of Things, and to provide high speed Internet to every square inch of the Earth. Because data travels faster in space than in fiber, all cell towers will transmit their signals to satellites, to be routed through space to their destinations.
The satellites will also be used to populate all remote areas on Earth with cell towers. Every satellite customer will purchase a small “user terminal” they they will mount on their house or their car, where it will function as a small cell or mobile base station for use by the public. SpaceX has already applied to the Federal Communications Commission for permission to sell 1,000,000 user terminals in the United States, and OneWeb has applied for 1,900,000.
The only exception is Lynk, whose satellites will be able to connect directly to cell phones, and will turn every cell phone on Earth into a satellite phone. “The artificial divide between satellites and terrestrial systems is about to end,” says Lynk. 
Yes. They will use phased arrays, beam-forming technologies, and millimeter waves with frequencies from 10 GHz to 80 GHz, just like 5G antennas on earth.
The Earth’s electromagnetic envelope—the magnetosphere—will be massively polluted. Millions of pulsed, modulated digital signals covering 80 GHz of spectrum will be emitted day and night into the magnetosphere by tens of thousands of satellites, each emitting multiple laser-like beams directed at the surface of the Earth. This will have several kinds of effects: (a) the direct radiation arriving at the ground; (b) pollution of the global electrical circuit; and (c) alteration of the magnetosphere itself.
Direct radiationIn 2001, Ukrainian scientists warned against the use of millimeter waves by low-orbit communication satellites using phased array antennas. “Observed higher resonance frequencies of a living cell coincide with [these] frequencies,” they wrote. “The power densities and duration of radiation created by these satellites will significantly exceed (by ten or more orders of magnitude—such irradiation is possible over the course of a whole lifetime) the energetic doses inducing change in living cells… Negative consequences of this may be changes in cell structures and physiological processes, genetic changes, and alteration of psychophysiological conditions and behavior.”[1]
Effects on the magnetosphereThe Earth’s magnetosphere already bears the imprint of 50 and 60 Hz and their harmonics from power lines. This phenomenon, known as power-line harmonic radiation (PLHR), has been extensively studied.[2],[3] When power line radiation reaches the magnetosphere, it is amplified thousands of times and interacts with the Van Allen belts, draining them of electrons, which rain down over the earth, modifying the electrical properties of the atmosphere. Not only may this increase the frequency of thunderstorms,[4] but it may shift the values of the Schumann resonances to which all living things are attuned.[5] “Continued expansion of the electrical power system threatens the viability of all life on earth,” wrote Dr. Robert O. Becker in 1985.[6] Tens of thousands of satellites, located in the lower magnetosphere, will be an even greater threat to all life.
Effects on the global electrical circuitA current of electricity flows at all times through the ionosphere, down to the Earth in fair weather, through the Earth, and back up to the ionosphere in thunderstorms. This global circuit, studied today by atmospheric physicists, was first described in the fourth century B.C. in the Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine: “The pure Yang forms the heaven, and the turbid Yin forms the earth. The Qi of the earth ascends and turns into clouds, while the Qi of the heaven descends and turns into rain.” At National Central University in Taiwan, and at Shangai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Fujian Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and elsewhere in China, scientists are confirming that the substance called Qi that flows from sky to Earth and circulates through our meridians, giving us life and health, is electricity.[7]
The ionosphere is charged to an average of 300,000 volts at all times and it provides the power for the global electrical circuit that flows through every one of us. Power line radiation is very weak by the time it travels from the surface of the Earth to the ionosphere. In contrast, the thousands of planned 5G satellites will be located in the ionosphere and will work the full power of their radiation upon it. You cannot contaminate the global electrical circuit with millions of full-power, pulsed, modulated electronic signals without destroying all of life.
When the 66 satellites of the Iridium Corporation began providing cell phone service on September 23, 1998, people all over the Earth reported headaches, dizziness, nausea, insomnia, nosebleeds, heart palpitations, asthma attacks, and ringing in the ears that began that morning. Birds were not out flying. Hawks were not out hunting. Thousands of homing pigeons lost their way.[8]
Widespread illness was repeated when Globalstar, with just 48 satellites, began providing cell phone service on February 28, 2000, and again when Iridium, which had gone bankrupt, resumed service on March 30, 2001, and again when Iridium added data and Internet to its phone service on June 5, 2001. The March 30, 2001 event apparently caused widespread losses of race horse foals in many countries.[9]
Even the first fleet of satellites ever launched—the 28 U.S. military satellites of the Initial Defense Communication Satellites Program—were associated with disease on Earth. They began operation on June 13, 1968. The “Hong Kong” flu pandemic began in July 1968 and lasted until March 1970.[10]
[1] NK Kositsky, AI Nizhelska, and GV Ponesha, “Influence of High-frequency Electromagnetic Radiation at Non-thermal Intensities on the Human Body (A review of work by Russian and Ukrainian researchers), No Place To Hide vol. 3, no. 1 – Supplement (2001).
[2] JP Luette, CG Park, and RA Helliwell, “The Control of the Magnetosphere by Power Line Radiation,” Journal of Geophysical Research 84: 2657-60 (1979).
[3] K Bullough, “Power Line Harmonic Radiation: Sources and Environmental Effects,” in H Volland, ed., Handbook of Atmospheric Electrodynamics (Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press 1995), chapter 10.
[4] K Bullough, ARL Tatnal, and M Denby, “Man-made E.L.F./V.L.F. Emissions and the Radiation Belts,” Nature 260: 401-3 (1976).
[5] PS Cannon and MJ Rycroft, “Schumann Resonance Frequency Variations during Sudden Ionospheric Disturbances,” Journal of Asmospheric and Terrestrial Physics 44(2): 201-6 (1982).
[6] RO Becker and G Selden, The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the Foundation of Life, New York: Morrow 1985.
[7] For further reading, see A Firstenberg, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, Santa Fe, NM: AGB Press 2017.
[10] For further reading about the association of influenza with electricity, see The Invisible Rainbow, op. cit., chapters 7 and 8.