Friday 29 July 2016

"If you do not like some of the choices you have made in your life, ask your self, “What did I learn?” By that one question you have shifted from “making a mistake” to “creating a lesson that assisted you on your journey HOME.”

Preparing For First Contact--Chapter 17--Energetic Communications--Pleiadians through Suzanne Lie

This story begins on 5-19-16 in the Blog

By the Pleiadians—Through Suzanne Lie

Energetic Communications

Greetings. I am Sharman here again to speak with you. I am actually wearing an earth vessel within your NOW, so that I can walk among you to best feel the human energy fields. I wear different “disguises” on different days depending on what area I am visiting.

At the end of each day, I return to my cloaked Ship to “call home” to share what I have experienced. I was chosen for this mission because I spent a long lifetime as a human and learned to “read” many of the thoughts and emotions of the humans that I observed.

What I have perceived is that many of you are feeling VERY tired. I have also observed that many of you feel like you are leaving soon, but you do not realize that “soon” is a third/fourth dimensional term.

In the fifth dimension, there is only NOW, so “soon” does not exist as there is only the NOW of “no-time.” However, I have observed that many of you are experiencing a transmutation of your entire physical body.

These physical transmutations, as well as your relationship with thoughts and emotions, are going through a total “remodel.” I have observed that many of you have very full lives in which you are very busy within your third/fourth dimensional self. Then, when you relax, even though you may not be aware of it, you can release the tension of your expansion/return to your SELF into the fifth dimension. 

Yes, there is a “tension” regarding your shift. Your third dimensional form is being called on to transmute into a frequency that was only experienced before you took an earth vessel on third dimensional Earth.

 Simultaneously, your consciousness rejoices to return to your true SELF who soon, will no longer need to wear a dense, third dimensional form. Many of you ponder, “I am not sure that my body could go through the transmutation into lightbody.”

Therefore, I wish to remind you that you do not need to worry about your physical body, as it will be automatically be transmuted into it’s higher expression as you continue your journey.

“How am I doing, and where am I on my journey?” I perceived in the thoughts of many. Yes, your thoughts and emotions are very clear to my fifth dimensional perceptions, and as your consciousness fully expands into the fifth dimension, you too will consciously perceive the thoughts and emotions of others.

What I have observed is that many of you are doing quite well with your journey, as it is a journey of consciousness. Part of the reason why so many of you are so tired is because the frequency of your consciousness is MUCH higher than the frequency of your body.

However, your body cannot transmute too quickly because the 3D patterns of connection within your body elementals are too slow to contain all the higher frequency energy fields.

Therefore, you are using your higher-frequency, Multidimensional Mind, your Third Eye, and your High Heart to assist you in your process of adapting to the higher frequencies of your reality. Within your NOW, the lower third dimension is slipping from the awareness of the ascending ones.

As you continue your multidimensional journey into the fifth dimension, you will discover that you fell less fatigue. I also observed that many of you had created what I would call an “over-lay of your lightbody network.” In other words, many of you are consciously, or unconsciously, feeling your lightbody floating just beyond, yet around, your physical form.

I have noticed that more and more of you are becoming aware of this “overlay.” As you become increasingly aware of what may appear to be an “external” lightbody network around your physical form, you expand your “sense of self” to include your ever-expanding aura.

You will experience this overlay of Lightbody via a sensation just above your skin. You will only be able to perceive this overlay when you are in a higher state of consciousness. But, once you have perceived it, it becomes quite more natural to feel this overlay of light whenever you remember to center your consciousness on unconditional love.

As you feel the inter-dimensional unconditional love within your consciousness, you will begin to sense it as it “tickles,” embraces, and surrounds your earth vessel. As these sensations come online with your third dimensional perceptions, you will begin to perceive your daily life in an expanded manner.

Before your expanded perceptions came “online” in your daily life, you experienced reality as “only physical” However your expanded perceptions are VERY sensitive to inter-dimensional energy fields. These inter-dimensional energy fields seem to suddenly occur then, just as suddenly, they seem to disappear.

It is not that the energy fields are coming “in to” and “out of” your life. What is occurring is that your calibration to the higher frequencies is coming online, then offline, then online as your consciousness changes from higher fourth and fifth dimension, then back to lower fourth and third dimension.

The frequency of consciousness determines the perceptions that you can consciously register in your brain as being “real.” There are many inter-dimensional visions, sounds, and thoughts entering your consciousness within this NOW.

By “inter-dimensional messages” we mean the message that are traveling through at least two of the higher dimensional frequency bands around Earth, as well as two higher dimensional frequency bands of your consciousness before you perceive it via your physical awareness.

The frequency bands of your consciousness, from the highest to the lowest are:
Theta Wave, fifth dimensional consciousness
Delta Wave, higher fourth dimensional consciousness
Alpha Wave, fourth dimensional consciousness
Beta Wave, third dimensional consciousness

There are, in fact, many communications that you, the awakening and ascending members of humanity, are beginning to consciously experience. The awakened ones call these messages “channels,” but the un-awakened ones may call them “hallucinations.”

Most of you will first feel these energetic communications via your physical body. Your physical body is much like the encasement around a long-range radio. Most of these, higher frequency message are first directed to your High Heart.

Inter-dimensional messages are first received via your High Heart because the Three Fold Flame within the ATMA (core) of your High Heart is your own inter-dimensional center. Your ATMA is your “inter-dimensional center” because the Unconditional Love, Infinite Wisdom, and Multidimensional Power within your ATMA are all inter-dimensional qualities.

When you experience an inter-dimensional message, and you are ready to receive it, tune into your High Heart (between your physical heart and your throat) to translate that message via your own inter-dimensional “unconditional love,” “infinite wisdom,” and “multidimensional power.”

Inter-dimensional messages arise in the fifth dimension and beyond to eventually be shared with your third dimensional brain and body. These inter-dimensional communications move first into:
·      The higher states of consciousness within your Multidimensional Mind,
·      To be shared with your physical body to be grounded into the Earth,
·      Then into your High Heart to be translated.

The frequency of these inter-dimensional messages cannot be fully accepted by your conscious awareness before they are grounded. If you were aware of them before they are grounded, they might feel like as electrical buzzing.

Fortunately, every time you ground an inter-dimensional message, it re-enters your physical form, and is then routed to your High Heart so that the inter-dimensional communication can be translated into a message that you can more clearly understand.

Some will perceive the message via their clairaudience—inter-dimensional hearing. Some will perceive the message via their clairvoyance—inter-dimensional vision.
Some will perceive the message via their clairsentience—inter-dimensional feelings.   

We remind you that any thoughts of, “I am so sorry, but I do not have enough time to do that.” actually means: “I am so sorry, but that is not important enough for me to create the time to do that.”

Please remember that an inter-dimensional message comes into your awareness within the NOW of the ONE of the fifth dimension. If you push it away because you are not ready to hear it, you will not be able to recover that NOW.

However, if you say, “I am ready to receive that message into my body.” You will naturally discover a NOW in which the message, that has been stored in your High Heart, will suddenly arise within your conscious awareness.

Then, be sure to document that message within that NOW. If you are not able to do so, remember to recognize that an important inter-dimensional message awaits you in your High Heart. I remind you to remember that you choose your life by choosing exactly what you “have enough time to do.”

People often think they have no choice about what happens with their time, which puts them into a state of “victim consciousness.” I remember having that experience myself when I volunteered to take an earth vessel to better understand being human.

Therefore, I am not judging you for that behavior. But, I also remember how very sad and lonely I was when I lost contact with my own inner power. In fact, I am writing this message now to assist you to remember that YOU are a Multidimensional Being who chose to take an earth vessel within this NOW to assist with planetary ascension.

Since my return to “wearing an earth vessel,” I realize how much the energy fields of Earth have shifted. Because I returned to the NOW of my fifth dimensional reality, I have no sense of how it felt to my human friends during the “time” of my absence.

However, because I did not go through the slow adaptation that all of you brave grounded ones went through, I can more easily experience the extent of shift between my return to the Ship and the NOW of my return to Earth.

“Bravo dear humans,” I say. “I am so happy to experience the overall rise in the resonance here on planet Earth. I can also sense Gaia urging me to tell you all that She, also, greatly appreciates your assistance.

Yes, Gaia and Her planetary self are an “alive, sentient, planetary being. She also wants me to share with all of you that her fifth dimensional core is expanding more and more towards her surface area on which many of Her inhabitants live. As you open your communications up to Gaia, She WILL answer.

In closing, I wish to remind you again that in the fifth dimension YOU are the complete creator of your life. In fact, your every thought and every emotions, becomes instantly manifest.

If you do not like some of the choices you have made in your life, ask your self, “What did I learn?” By that one question you have shifted from “making a mistake” to “creating a lesson that assisted you on your journey HOME.”

If you see a tall, thin man with a hat and big sunglasses to protect my Pleaidian eyes, it just may be me. Otherwise, see you on the Ship.
end transmission
Have YOU seen him?

Thursday 28 July 2016

Earth New Year~ Lion’s Gateway & Portal: July 26th, 2016 – August 12th, 2016 by Tiffany Stiles

Earth New Year~ Lion’s Gateway & Portal: July 26th, 2016 – August 12th, 2016 by Tiffany Stiles

by ForeverUnlimited
Earth New Year~ Lion’s Gateway & Portal July 26th, 2016 – August 12th, 2016

Earth New Year~ Lion’s Gateway & Portal:
July 26th, 2016 – August 12th, 2016 by Tiffany Stiles

Today marks the planetary New Year that was celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and Mayans. It also marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal.
Powerful activations have been taking place over the past month to prepare us for now. For many this has been an extremely challenging month! All lower vibrational energies and emotions brought to the surface to transmute through the higher soul star chakra and higher heart chakra. Old timelines brought forth to heal old wounds through forgiveness of self and those who caused the wounds. Further inner child healing has occured through this phase.
Anger, fear, anxiety, judgement, projection of others, feelings of worthlessness, a feeling of giving up and hiding away, running away, feeling misunderstood and desperation, feeling alone. Many Empaths may have said to themselves, “I am always here for everyone, when I need someone, NO ONE is there for me.” You may have felt you had to deal with it all alone, and you did. As one does not realize the inner strength of oneself unless there is no choice but to do so.
More of those who are not a vibrational match to you are falling away quickly, disappearing with final contact being made. Let them go!
Up until yesterday those who have felt this way may have begun to feel lighter, a feeling of your batteries being REcharged! A new outlook, a new clarity fell upon you with an inner feeling of peace returning. An inner strength and power welling up inside again as rainbow energy poured onto the planet yesterday. Today and three days ago could feel like night and day, a 180 in thought and clarity. This shift in energy marks this New Year for the planet and the Lion’s Gate Portal opening now. Right on queue the sun delivers us another solar cosmic blast to mark this occasion!
CHANCE OF STORMS TODAY: NOAA forecasters say there is a 45% chance of G1-class geomagnetic storms on July 26th when a high speed stream of solar wind is expected to hit Earth’s magnetic field. The outskirts of a CME might deliver a glancing blow at about the same time.
POLAR STRATOSPHERIC CLOUDS: The stratosphere is a relatively clear layer of Earth’s atmosphere, almost always cloud-free. Almost always. Yesterday, researchers at Argentina’s San Martín Base spotted a bank of fantastically colored clouds floating in the stratosphere above the Antarctic Peninsula:
“There were the biggest stratospheric clouds we’ve seen so far this year,” says photographer “Marcelo,” who is working at the Base this winter. “It was a colorful spectacle to begin the day.”
The energy came through strong last night and hit us right between the eyes with headaches in the pineal gland opening and expanding the Third Eye chakra, accompanied by full body aches and bloating. If you had rashes develop over the last three weeks, these begin to clear now as your light codes recalibrate within increasing your vibrational frequency further.
As the Lion’s Gate Portal opens today karma is repaid in kind. Your good deeds shall be rewarded in rapid succession through this Gateway as well as karma needing repaid.Through this Gateway & Portal be careful what you wish for as it manifests rapidly for you. It is important to only see what you do want not what you don’t. There are endings and new beginnings culminating at once. As this new door opens for you it is a reminder to leave the past behind, be in the here and now and be ever present in each moment. Do not allow yourself to be swept up in “Breaking News” as this is merely a distraction to avert your energy and focus. Be aware, but remain focused on where you want your energy to be directed to. Where thoughts go, energy flows.
This is a magical time to manifest through your thoughts and intentions, blessings and miracles shine down for all through this Gateway and Portal.
Happy New Earth Year and The Lion’s Gateway! Remember to embrace and honor yourself as we continue through this magnificent phase lasting through August 12th!
Love, light and blessings
~ Tiffany 

The Lions gate 26th July - 12th August. Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 22 July 2016

The Lion’s Gate 2016 and the “Master” Cycle that Commences: The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth ~ Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn

by ForeverUnlimited

The Lion's Gate 2016 and the "Master" Cycle that Commences:
The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth

Beloved Family of Light, when you began this year of 2016, we did say to you, with much love, that 2016 would be a challenging year, and that you would need to embody your Mastery in a powerful way.  As the Lion’s Gate of 2016 approaches, you now prepare yourself for a New Beginning and to initiate your first major cycle of creation as an embodied Master and Alchemist.
What does this mean?  It means that you will take what is of low frequency and you will transform it and turn it into Golden Light!  Even though you may be surrounded by people who are filled with fear and anger and other low frequency emotions and who are making choices based on these emotions, you will make your choices from Love and Compassion and you will be the Diamond Light that shines clearly and magnificently.
Beloved Ones, now is not the time to give up or to step back.  Now is the time to fully embrace who you are, who you have become, and to step forward into the Emerald Light as a fully embodied Master, a Creator and Alchemist of Light.  In this time of chaos and challenge as the old falls away and the new is still to manifest, it is you who are here to hold the energy of the New, to be the New Earth, and to embody the Power and Empowerment of the New Earth Soul.

The Lion’s Gate and the Planetary New Year : A New Cycle of Time and Creation

On the 26th of July, you will enter into the Planetary New Year.  This is the Time celebrated by the Ancient Egyptians and the Mayans, as the moment when the Planet begins a New Spiral of Galactic evolution in alignment with the Great Central Sun and the Divine Cosmic Heart.  It marks the opening of the Lion’s Gate Star Portal, which allows for a powerful influx of Light Codes that will shape the form of experience in the coming year.  These Light Codes will lift you into another level of evolution and experience if you allow this process, but if you are not aligned or you are in a low frequency of anxiety and fear, you will simply continue to create at this same level again.
Beloved Ones, be open to this grand influx of powerful Light and Blessings that is coming to you as this Star Portal begins to open on the 26th  July, and culminates on the 8th of August on the 8/8, and then closes on the 12th of August.  Here is a “window” of Light and Opportunity for each one of you to step up and into a new level and phase of your personal evolution on Earth..
There will be many distractions in the outer world.  Many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention and will ask you to align your energy with theirs.  Beloved Ones, it is enough to be aware of what is happening, but to focus your energy and attention rather on your inner processes and on the need to initiate a New Cycle of personal Creation that will express a higher level of your Soul and your Soul Essence on the Earth.
Decide for yourself who you are and what you will create in your life and on the Earth, and then focus on that.  Do not be drawn by the energies of anything that is not in alignment with what you wish to create.

Time Cycles and the New Cycle

Beloved Ones, in your Earth space of the Fifth Dimension in transition, you have experienced two creative cycles of 8 to 9 years, and you are beginning another now.
From 1999 to 2008 you created together as the first wave of awakened souls on Earth, together with the Indigo and Crystal children.  This period included the 9/11 event and the economic collapse of 2008.  Both events were aimed at distracting attention from the creation of the New, and keeping people on Earth focused on the same old creations of fear and lack that allows them to be manipulated and controlled.  Then, from 2008 to the end of 2016, you have been in the second cycle, where there has been a continuation of low frequency fear based “events” that are aimed at keeping humanity at a low frequency and preventing them from progressing to freedom and empowerment.
Beloved Ones, if you are awake and aware, you will see how these events always occur at times when a great shift is possible, so that fear and anxiety will prevent many from shifting as they are trapped in their own fears.  Do not let this happen to you!  Now, as you begin the process for the creation of the 2016/7 to 2026 cycle, focus on Higher Consciousness, Higher Wisdom, and what you desire to create for yourself and for the Earth as you assist in the manifestation process for the New Earth.

The Master that You Are and the Power that Flows through as the Seventh Dimension opens

You have everything that you need within you.  Over the past two cycles of evolution and growth, you have activated the Personal Power and Creativity that you need.  You have activated your Light Body and the 13 Chakra Energy system that you need to allow you to receive and integrate the incoming Light Codes.  You have opened your Hearts to receive the Golden Light of the Christ Consciousness with its Love and Compassion at the center of your existence.
Then, you have received the Diamond Codes that allowed you to reconnect with your Galactic heritage, and the Emerald Codes that allowed you to reconnect with Nature and the Green Heart of the Earth.
More recently, you have begun the rewiring of your energy meridians that allows you to reconnect with the powerful flows of creative and intuitive energy of the Right Brain and to balance these and integrate them with the Left Brain’s ability to organize and create narratives.
Beloved Ones, this powerful energy that is flowing into the Planet right now is a torrent of blessings and creative abundance, but unless it is received in balance and integrated into your Light Body system, it has the potential to destabilize your energy field.  This Energy flow must then be received by the Pineal Gland Gateway, and then transmitted by the Right Brain and the Left Brain and then into to the Heart.  From there it must be grounded into the Earth through Manifestation and connection with the Earth Star and the Earth Heart centers.
Those who are not grounding this energy will feel this energy running “wild” in their system, and they will become aggressive, fearful, explosive and angry.  Those who have no connection with their Soul and Higher Self will feel lost, confused, anxious and unable to find their place in the world.
The whole purpose of your evolution in thee last two cycles has been to reconnect Spirit and Body, Heaven and Earth, so that your Body and Soul are One.
It is your Soul that will provide the center of your Being and your Life right now.  You are the Master, your Soul connects to your Heart Center in Love and Peace.  You manifest from Soul and Spirit into Matter, following the laws of Divine Creative Power and Balance.  You create a Garden of Peace and Creativity within your Heart and Soul that manifests around you.
Beloved Ones, do not seek for Peace and Harmony in the outside world, or in others, right now.  You are the ones who are here to demonstrate Mastery and to open the Gateway of the Seventh Dimension.  Those around you in the world are still struggling to understand the Fifth Dimensions, and the Magic of the Sixth Dimension, so they cannot at this moment be in that place of expansion where you stand now ready to move forward.
The Seventh Dimension is the frequency of the Master and is the focus and end point of the Ascension process.  For you, Beloved Ones, it means to be here on the Earth, in the midst of the turmoil and chaos, and to be in that place of Inner Stillness and Peace.  It means to be connected to the powerful Flow of Divine Creative Intelligence and to be able to direct this Flow into Magical Manifestation through Intention and Focus.  It means to live without fear, without expectations and attachments, but simply in the Flow of Love, Creativity and Divine Manifestation.
To live as a “Master” does not mean to be “perfect”.  It means to be who you are as a Soul in a Body, and to express your Soul in alignment with Spirit, in everything that you experience and manifest on Earth.
Beloved Ones, as these Gateways are opening, you are all most welcome to step across the threshold and claim your place in the Higher Dimensions of Light as they open to Earth.  These intense Frequencies of brilliant light and Luminosity will illuminate all that you do at this time.
And, as you do this, you will know and trust that you will always be safe and cared for.  Your Soul will protect you and Spirit will guide you, as you weave and create with the Divine Creative Intelligence as an Embodied Master of Light.

The Magical Gateway Opens

So, Beloved Family of Light, at this powerful New Year and Lion’s Gate, there will also be a powerful opening to the Seventh Dimension of Ascended Mastership available to you if you so desire to move forward in this way.
You will know that you are ready.  You will feel that you have mastered the Fifth Dimension of Oneness and released the hold of Duality and the Shadow on your Life.  You will be ready to embrace the Love, Creativity and Magic of the Sixth Dimension and to flow with the powerful Light Codes and currents without Fear.  You will be ready to balance yourself between Heaven and Earth, and to step forward as a Master of these Energies on Earth.
You will be ready, when the Gateways open, to express your Soul fully on the Material Plane as a New Human of the New Earth.
If you would like to learn more about the Planetary New Year, the Lion's Gate and the Opening of the Gateway of the Seventh Dimension, you are invited to join Celia Fenn in an online Webinar Course Gateway to a Magical New Beginning : Planetary New Year and the Lion's Gate 2016 Webinar Series

Wednesday 27 July 2016

a message from Metatron by

Metatron, Quan Yin – The Sacred Key – Purity Magnifier

Now having said this here is the channeling that I have received from AA Metatron and the 33rd Dimension…
The memory banks of the past, the intricately designed waves of ascension, the timelines of the chosen momentum, the liberating energies of love are swiftly moving through all points of BEing.
Dearly Beloved children of the universe,
Through the incarnation of your present momentum, through the incarnation within your present vehicles of time and space, you have transversed eons.
Liberation of your hearts and souls is approaching. Liberation of your hearts from the malevolent influences of the past, the malevolent influences of the thinking patterns that you have ingrained within your very subatomic principles of being are unraveling before you, unraveling and releasing all that no longer belongs on your path to freedom and entitlement of BEing.
The outdated thinking patterns of those who have come before you are disappearing from the blueprint that you have all accepted during the latest invocation. The new blueprint that has indeed been downloaded and delivered into your hearts have begun to activate the codices necessary to rewire your physical vessels of time and space onto a new energetic frequency, onto anew frequency on which your vehicles shall continue to operate in the weeks and months to come.
Those of you who have indeed accepted the new blueprints into their hearts shall find yourselves experiencing the changes and realignments within your bodies, within your minds, throughout the day and during dreamtime as you are being fully rewired and assisted in releasing the old and welcoming in the true essence of that which you are.
Your vehicles are being rewired and recalibrated to be able to function on a new frequency which you have chosen to experience. A new frequency which shall allow you to absorb more light into your vessels, light that you shall then be able to carry within your bodies and share said light with those who have not yet accepted the new blueprint into their hearts. With said light, you shall then be able to activate the dormant memory of that which they are, and stimulate their desire to grow and return to the purity of BEing, the purity of BEing in balance with all that is.
And so, and thus, the new blueprints shall allow those of you chosen to experience higher frequencies to anchor new informational encodings, translating them into innovations that shall continue to balance, clear, cleanse and fortify all whom your way shall come, enlightening them with informational encodings necessary to assist said souls in releasing themselves from the prison of that which they have recreated for themselves. So that all can find unity with that which they truly are and begin their journeys home, to their very own higher selves.
The moment of tremendous change and potential for human collective shift in consciousness has arrived, and the window of opportunity to transverse time and space collectively in order to arrive on a platform which shall allow all to release their karmic debts by finally understanding the lessons laying therein, learn from said lessons, finally release said karma, and consciously walk into a new phase of their soul’s eternal journey. And so and thus, the time for karmic release, karmic debt and karmic debris clearance has arrived and all whom wish to utilize the new energies shall be able to do so with vigor and might. For all are being supported in this new momentum. For all are welcomed into the new reality where all that one wishes to experience shall be delivered to them instantaneously.
Be mindful of that which you wish to experience for all is occurring with lighting quantum speed and shall propel you onto a framework that your thoughts are generating for you every moment. Know that the next few months of your earthly time shall prove very fruitful for you now. Know that you are being recalibrated, rewired, rebirthed, so that you can fully function freely on the new platform and gain the necessary access to information that you are to then manifest for all of humanity. For all seven billion souls residing therein. Remember, that you are the co-creators of this now moment, and so monitor your thoughts diligently as you adhere to the new principles of being. Know that you are supported, loved and applauded and revered by all that is. Know that we walking with you hand in hand and foot in foot. Know that it is so. For it is.  
That is all that we have for you now. WE love you. WE are with you. Goodbye for now.

If you need any personal assistance via a healing session, you can reach out to me at to set up a distant healing session with me. I also invite you to visit my blog for more information to help you on your journey.

Yogic Breathing, techniques to lower blood pressure, stress levels and depression in moments. From The HEARTY SOUL.
This article was republished with permission from
Image Source:
Here’s a section from the extended interview I did with Dr. Weil where he talks about the power of breathing:
Ever since I’ve been researching the link between the mind and body when it comes to illness I’ve been using mindful breathing exercises throughout my day. I find the practice of taking a few slow, focused, non-judgmental breaths is really useful in taking the sting out of my daily stress, and while I’ve written a fair bit about research looking at meditation, I wanted to see if there’s any clinical research showing the health benefits of conscious breathing specifically.
In recent years scientists have found that yogic breathing significantly helped people with bronchial asthma, breathing slowly helped reduce blood pressure in people with hypertension and a form of yogic breathing taught to Afghanistan and Iraq veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder resulted in a reduction in symptoms, anxiety, and respiration rate.
In yet another reminder of the intricate link between our mind and body, I was stunned to come across research looking at the role of breathing on our emotions which found that four key emotional states – joy, anger, fear, and sadness – could be identified by distinct breathing patterns. The scientists took their discovery even further and were able to make people feel these emotions by simply teaching them to breathe in particular patterns.
But when it comes to the link between breathing and health, the most compelling of all the research I’ve come across this week is being done by scientists at UCLA who recently studied 
45 people under a lot of stress as the caregivers for people with Alzheimer’s and dementia.
They taught one group of people a 12-minute yogic practice, which involves focused breathing and chanting and instructed them to practice every day for eight weeks. A second group was asked to relax in a quiet place with their eyes closed while listening to instrumental music for 12 minutes.

Not only did the results show that doing the yogic exercises significantly lowered levels of depressive symptoms and greater improvement in mental health and cognitive functioning, but they also had slower cellular aging and important genes involved in inflammation in the body were switched off.
In case you’ve missed the significance of the study, let me spell it out. These researchers have shown that a 12-minute breathing and chanting exercise performed daily for 8 weeks resulted in positive health genetic engineering and a slowing down of the aging process.
I realize that not everyone is going to be interested in getting started on yogic breathing and chanting (in case you are, they used Kirtan Kriya Meditation techniques), especially people like my skeptical accountant father, but if you’re convinced by what you’ve read about breathing, then here is a simple exercise I like to use that can get you started.
  1. Place your thumb on your right nostril and cover it
  2. Inhale slowly through the left nostril
  3. Place your middle finger on your left nostril and cover it, release the thumb
  4. Exhale through the right nostril
  5. Inhale slowly through the right nostril
  6. Place your thumb on the right nostril again, release the middle finger
  7. Exhale through the left nostril
  8. Repeat for a few minutes
If you’d love to learn more about the mind-body connection and the power it has over your health, watch The Connection on FMTV today!
This article was republished with permission from foodmatters.