Saturday 31 December 2022

wild cards. happy new year.

Hiya and happy new year. Hope you have a lovely evening and best wishes for 2023. XXX love M, My thoughts on the year end....and as we welcome in the new year, its a bit of a hot sticky 'visceral tissue' mess. BUT The new year is bright as the lights come back on. For now, but ending shortly, as the hot sticky mess continues, the systems that think they are in charge .... ('in charge' because we, misinformed humanity, have been forced to comply and unknowingly collude with them having power over us) ....have had a hand in all the sickness going on right now. Practically everyone has had a sad/bad/sick/lonely Christmas...whether because of illness or some malady of life where people do not realise that they are being asked to choose a way forward, one which asks of us to be of 'self sustaining sovereignty' or one which asks that we remain in allegiance to a sick society where you are fed pharmaceuticals.So antibiotics is the big thing now as so many people are getting ill. So this is rampant now but it is only the outcome of all the pressure piled on and the inability of people to think for themselves, so people continue to trust the very institutions that make them sick. Pumped into the air or pumped into homes, pumped into food and pumped into psychological rooms in peoples minds, is the inflammatory debris, particles, drugs, and information/disinformation that hold them in sickness waiting rooms. There is a very real cause of illness being rained down on people. Simultaneously we have a counteractive force going on, a massive energy pendulum swing, a download of light energy which is forcing a purging effect on the poisoned populations, which can make us feel sick it is very actively a time of feeling an onslaught of both good and bad, the trick is to get balance, breathe, steady the self, self care, and choose to pull in the new higher frequency thoughts, plans, dreams, daydreams that see a higher life value, that continues to expand. Choosing to let go of all negative pull-down psychology intrusions, which include previously held internal old beliefs and views of life, out of which we ARE now to expand and grow. Often purging involves the letting go of memories, real or imagined hurts, traumas, life expectations and demands, past life stuff, family and ancestral patterns/beliefs/emotional trauma which remain as repeating patterns into descendants, generation after generation.....Which have formed and informed our physical/mental/emotional DNA responses, which THEREFORE act to contain the 'format' of the physical reality experienced...and which result in emotions that have pooled in the physical body, and are held in visceral tissue of the body, as physical entities and we have no idea of their presence blocking and clogging up our body/mind systems. The body aches as it is being supported to detach these unwanted 'energy bindings' that have constructed our inner reality and therefore our personal experienced realities. The choice is do we let it go.... or fight to hold on to it, purely because that is what we are used to, and that is what we know.....EVEN THOUGH most of what we thought was real, our reality constructs, were constructed for us by 'operations' that held down our consciousness in swamps that ensured we continued to create/repeat more of the same low vibration reality. By virtue of the fact that, as humans, we are like wind up toys, automatically creating and recreating the external reality, through being Impressioned Upon, and having our perceptions manipulated as to what is 'real'.... humans en masse, create realities 'en masse', by defaulting back to what was done/experienced and felt before. Everything is energy. 'Realities experienced' are the results of the energy that creates them. For a lot of us, Self correction and 'en masses course correction' means to have the all the misinformed realities/limitations and 'low vibration expectations' removed from the complex of the 'self', and as a consequence, from the wider body of the humanity.... and that means the body of the self....and the body of 'en masse' humanity... will ache (ACHE) and purge for the time we are going through this. These are shaky times...when our bodies and minds are being shaken, to let go of tightly held 'personal beliefs' that were consequences of being entrapped in small sarcophagus's of fear. But the downside is that the hypnotised puppet govtmnts, IN ORDER to preserve their wealth and status, will always act to veer the masses back into their individual 'straight jackets' with their continuous supply of pharmaceutical drugs and vac's TO GET BETTER from the 'Randomly occurring sickness' that prevails....and so prevent the spiritual event of enlightenment that comes with the purging...and now we have the antibiotic antidote being held up as the new govtment appointed saviour. Big Pharma is the saviour...that wants to keep people plodding down the same dead end path. The wild cards. But I see lights going on all over the place, as different intentionally 'unintentional' consequences occur.... because, whenever humans climb out of their boxes, they can be Random, Brilliant, and 'create strange' or create 'endearing', they can create 'life enhancing' or when they dip deep into the unknown fountain of creation they can pull out something amazing, all of which is aligned with their own 'wild card' individuality..... Therefore the universe waits, as it shines some helpful light on us in our embryonic cocoons (or choice of sacophagus) expectantly to see what random 'reality creations' humanity can bring about in this step by step process, that exponentially produces hundreds of small pockets of '100th monkey outcomes' that are destined to become deep pockets of wealth and charm and charisma. Heres, and cheers, to the wild cards in 2023, and 'intention' that we have enough wild cards to transform the pharma situation into something brighter. Let the upswing bring about profound changes . Love M xxx