Monday 29 November 2021

The Great Attractor 1. Sagittarius Solar Eclipse Energies - December 2021 - Intuitive Astrology....: The Sagittarius Solar Eclipse at 12 degrees on December 4 is an amplification of new light downloads coming on to the planet as this eclipse is conjunct the Great Attractor. There is support for freedom from karmic energies and unravelling what has expired for you, as you are now free from previous cycles that have officially closed. A renewal of faith and a sense that hope is not lost is rising. The connection to the Great Attractor is both removing and transmuting what you have healed, as well as bringing in new ways of magnetizing what is a better fit for your frequency now. Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius are connecting to future potentials that your future self is already experiencing. A timeline shift and time warp is underway! Much more to share in this episode.

The Great Attractor 2. NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your guide to planetary energies ​November 29 to December 5, 2021 By Pam Younghans ***** OUR MILKY WAY GALAXY is hurtling through space at the incredible speed of 600 kilometers (373 miles) per second. Along with other galaxies in our sector of the universe, we are being inexorably drawn in the direction of a mysterious galactic anomaly called the Great Attractor (GA). Scientists cannot tell us exactly what the GA is, partly because it is behind the "Zone of Avoidance," an area of space where is so much gas and dust that we cannot see through it. But they do know that the GA has an enormous gravitational field, which apparently is able to bend light and warp time and space. As perceived from Earth, the GA is located at about 14° Sagittarius. This Friday's Total Solar Eclipse, which occurs at 12°21´ Sagittarius, will in some ways channel the GA's enigmatic energies. AS WE ENTER the portal opened by this week's Total Solar Eclipse, the unfolding of events greatly accelerates, reflecting the incredible speed at which we are being drawn toward the Great Attractor. This quickening will continue at least through the rest of eclipse season, which culminates at the New Moon on January 2. Since the GA also seems to be able to warp time and space, we can think of this Solar Eclipse as being a catalyst for significant shifts that seem to catapult us to a new point that is much farther down the timeline. By the time we complete this eclipse season, we may feel like we are in a much different reality than the one we're currently moving through. BASED ON WHAT WE KNOW about the Great Attractor, that new and different reality will be defined by a heightened state of consciousness. This may or may not be comfortable, depending on our ability to be openminded and our willingness to see all perspectives as valuable. Astrologer Philip Sedgwick, a respected expert on galactic anomalies and their esoteric meanings, writes: "A narrow view or opinionated nature does not fit with the Great Attractor. The GA insists that multiple points be understood in all the available far-reaching realms of energy emanation. The Great Attractor reminds us all that knowledge must evolve in order for us to be aligned in any moment with full consciousness." *****

Your Sixth Sense ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton.

Your Sixth Sense ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. ***** “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are fascinated by your ability to sense when something is not quite right, and we’re also impressed by your ability to feel into when something is perfectly suited for you. We are talking of course about your intuition or sixth sense. People often ask us how to get themselves to the point where they are more in tune with their intuition. They want to know how to get themselves to actually follow that inner guidance, that sixth sense. The answer is easy. You just have to do it. The first step is of course to acknowledge that you have a sixth sense. The second is to reach within for it. The third is to interpret what you have received. The fourth, and this is the tricky one for a lot of you, is to follow through with whatever your intuition is guiding you towards or away from. And then, the fifth would have to be that you acknowledge that what you were getting from within you was the best advice, the best guidance. People often wonder where that sixth sense comes from. It comes from a lot of places. It comes from your guides, who have been with you since the day you were born. It comes from your higher self. It comes from the universe. It comes from your higher mind. All of these elements working together bring you that intuitive hit. You just have to close your eyes, get quiet, and feel around for it. If you try really hard to hear something, and your team has decided it would be better for you to feel it, then you might hear nothing and think that they’ve abandoned you, because that’s what your fellow humans have done from time to time. But you can count on your team to deliver you that message, and you can count on your sixth sense to pick it up, even if it’s in the lyrics of a song, or on a billboard, or a magazine. You are still the one creating your reality, so you put that message there with the help of your team, and one of your guides may nudge you to look at the cover of the magazine, while you’re standing in the checkout line at the grocery store. You might hear a lyric in a song, and it might seem like that line in that song wasn’t there before. And who knows? Maybe it wasn’t. You have to pay attention to the signs. Be present. Be aware, because your sixth sense is always trying to get your attention. And if you get nothing, if you get no sign whatsoever, then just trust your gut. Just ask yourself if you really feel like this is appropriate for you, not whether it’s right or wrong. Don’t ask yourself whether it’s going to be the best possible outcome. You’re on a journey, and on that journey you will take steps that are appropriate or not so appropriate, given the final destination that you are headed towards, which is of course the fifth dimension. Listen to that guidance you are getting from within you and all around you, and you will have the most joyous and easy journey possible. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

December Energies: What Will Happen on 12.21.21? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton " You’re meant to be diverse in your perspectives, in your thoughts, and in your behaviors. You’re all meant to be operating at a slightly different vibration, and in fact you always will be, so do not expect everyone to agree on any topic, and you will be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. And you will know that the reality that you experience and that you create for yourself can bring you into harmony with those who are close enough to your vibration to have a pleasant experience. "

December Energies: What Will Happen on 12.21.21? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always pleased to connect with you, because we love you so much and because we can feel your openness to us and to our energies. We like to provide you with the energies that will help you the most, energies that will serve the greatest and highest good of all. We are always sending you energies to promote spiritual growth, not necessarily to help you win the lottery. And so, when you receive energies that help you to realize that you have everything that you need inside of you, you can bet that they were coming from us or some other, high frequency, higher-dimensional group of beings. The upcoming December 2021 energies will be about promoting this knowing and this feeling within each and every human being. As you know from receiving our messages, we are big believers in each and every person looking within, rather than constantly looking outside of themselves for validation of their beliefs, for everything that they want in the physical to come to them, for love from another person. These are all wonderful things, but each individual must first realize that they are infinite beings of love and abundance, they have direct access to all types of information, and that they are in fact Source Energy creating the experience they are having in the moment. We would much rather see humans walking around with that knowing than waiting for someone outside of them to affirm for them that e.t.s are real, that they have been lied to for quite some time, and that they are getting a huge check in the mail to make up for all of the misdeeds that have gone on throughout history. And so, the December energies are about stabilizing you and your thoughts and beliefs, stabilizing you at your very core, helping you to recognize the truth of who you are as infinite and eternal beings of light and love, and all of that will result in each person there on Earth having that opportunity to absolutely know without a doubt that everything is contained within them and that they are the force that creates the universe as it is today. If you don’t like the track you are currently on, it is important for you to know that by going within and shifting your thoughts, feelings, your vibration, you can jump to another track or timeline. It’s important for you to put more faith in yourselves than in someone else’s prediction about what’s going to happen on December 21st or what 2022 is going to be about. You have enough of those predictions now and enough knowledge and information within yourself to create the experiences you want to have at all pivotal moments on your calendar and in human history. You don’t all have to agree on one version of reality in order to coexist peacefully either. You’re meant to be diverse in your perspectives, in your thoughts, and in your behaviors. You’re all meant to be operating at a slightly different vibration, and in fact you always will be, so do not expect everyone to agree on any topic, and you will be able to breathe a huge sigh of relief. And you will know that the reality that you experience and that you create for yourself can bring you into harmony with those who are close enough to your vibration to have a pleasant experience. And that’s really something that we would love to see you all experiencing on December 21st, on January 1st, and for the rest of your time there on Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday 26 November 2021

Aquarius "Your Heart Will Race!" November 29th - December 5th

2022 Aquarius reading. Minnow Pond Tarot. Aquarius "Unexpected!" 2022 Tarot Love Predictions

Becoming Aware of the Mental-Emotional Conditioning of the Mind | Eckhart Tolle Teachings.

Wild Card Opportunities: " Opportune Catalysts of These 6 Weeks. Of all the energy events of 2021 to date, this 6 weeks offers the most opportune catalysts to change your life. This means opportunities you don't typically have ....(are now available? MM)) to shift your status quo. It means opportunities that arise when you go within and listen to your heart about what you need to let go of to make space for the new in 2022. And it means opportunities that will show up as a wild card--with such amazing potential you could not even imagine them right now! "

6 Weeks of Catalysts to Change Your Life - Navigating Eclipse Season ***** **** Selacia a message from Selacia Wednesday, 17 November, 2021 *** The energy of the next 6 weeks will bring a palpable momentum of change and opportunity. In fact, the energies between now and the end of December are so powerful, they will register within you at a deep level. Full Moons--especially with an eclipse--are always a catalyst for personal and collective change. What gets set in motion during an eclipse has a ripple effect for weeks, sometimes months to come. The same happens with New Moons accompanied by an eclipse. November-December Eclipse Cycle Our second eclipse cycle of 2021 begins with the November 19 Full Moon lunar eclipse followed by the December 4 New Moon solar eclipse. These eclipses are occurring during the US Pluto return and other powerful energy catalysts that are transforming the very world under our feet. Since change is usually slow and has push-back, there's a human tendency to think nothing is changing or not fast enough. The reality is that a quantum level of change is underway. I invite you to trust this - and to use this time to focus on your own personal changes. Opportune Catalysts of These 6 Weeks Of all the energy events of 2021 to date, this 6 weeks offers the most opportune catalysts to change your life. This means opportunities you don't typically have to shift your status quo. It means opportunities that arise when you go within and listen to your heart about what you need to let go of to make space for the new in 2022. And it means opportunities that will show up as a wild card--with such amazing potential you could not even imagine them right now! Fluid and Changeable Part of the uncertainty of these moments is how fluid and changeable everything is. Our ego-self rebels against such circumstances, for it abhors not knowing and needing to change things that have become our status quo. There's a wise part of us, however, that is driven by a desire for self-growth, self-actualization, and expanding our ability to be of service in the world. Learn more about what these dynamics mean for you personally by taking time to become still and inquiring within. It is when you sit quietly and let go of expectations and demands that the highest level of wisdom will come to you. Link Between the 2 Eclipses Come join us for the 2 eclipse meditations. The 2 global events are linked this year: the November 20 meditation will address current-time themes and issues in your life. As you receive the energy and insights, you will be better prepared to respond to uncertainty and the roller coaster emotions of this eclipse season. What you address now will prepare you for a whole new level of openings and opportunities next month. At our December 4 meditation, you will be ready for an anchoring of the new energies you then hold within your field, and for a deeper level of insights and clearing. This combination will help you end 2021 on a high note and be prepared for an entire new set of opportunities in 2022. Copyright 2021 by Selacia - a globally known writer, DNA intuitive healer, spiritual teacher, and the creator of The Divine Changemakers * All Rights Reserved * * Feel free to share these articles with your friends and post to your blog or website as long as you include this entire copyright notice, with link back to website, and the full article text.

Thursday 25 November 2021

Aquarius "One Of Those Moments You Dont Want To Miss Out On!" November 22nd to 28th...

How wealth grabs make the normal people feel that there is nothing they can do, some are just 'rich' and some are 'poor' and the majority flit between working 3 jobs to pay bills, in all cases they teach their children to accept this eventuality as valid. This is the planned agenda and one which these inequality cards have been overplayed for centuries....It acts by reducing a person to a £$ value, and personal compliance to it means an injection of a virus that dismantles the psyche into one of submission, low esteem, low self worth and acceptance that power is in the money, and in those that have it. Historically land-grabs, and wealth-grabs and wars make up the intellectual reading and curriculum of beliefs, that structure the concretised understanding that We, individually (or having the misfortune to be born into the current disadvantaged or victimised race) cannot compete with that kind of power, and so the observable pattern is to kow tow in order to stay alive. The spells that have kept this INTRUSION into our personal freedoms in place.....are slowly being unbound and its up to us to drive our vehicle, (or steer our chariots) into one of empowerment. This we do by freeing ourselves from the 'bond of the spell' that determines what you believe. Make steps that start with, I CAN do this, and enter the place within... that recalls and dissolves: all miscreated beliefs and all accepted programming that there is only enough wealth for 1%. These wealth grabbers are not people to look up to, but they are FLAGS that show us the depth to which, historically, we have accepted and complied with the imbalance of inequality. It is not easy to reverse this, but by asking your guides "Show me how to dissolve this old belief and what i can do to begin to live in balance with equality of abundance" Remember that with "All That is".. There is NO LIMITATION: ALL is possible and ALL is potential, and it is only a distorted low vibe 'FEAR belief' that says otherwise. What do you believe????? Find a way to clear this fear and..start soon ~~Michaela~~

Progress America Tell Congress: We urge you to pass new taxes on billionaires! SIGN THE PETITION! At the beginning of the pandemic, Elon Musk was worth $25 billion. Now he's worth nearly $300 billion -- but is waging a Twitter war with Bernie Sanders to avoid higher taxes. After Bernie tweeted "We must demand that the extremely wealthy pay their fair share. Period," Musk spent the weekend responding by attacking Sanders for his age and for his refusal to respond to Musk's baiting tweets. This came just after Musk targeted Democratic Senator Ron Wyden for his support of a billionaires' tax, which Sanders, most Congressional Democrats, and huge majorities of the American people strongly support. Musk is lashing out on twitter in a desperate attempt to stop Congress from taxing the rich. As negotiations on the Build Back Better package comes down to the wire, now is an urgent time to tell Congress to ignore Elon Musk and tax the billionaires. Sign the petition: Demand Congress pass a wealth tax! Elon Musk's net worth has fluctuated in recent weeks as Tesla's stock has slid. But he's still worth ten times as much as he was at the start of the pandemic. Lately he and Jeff Bezos have been trading positions as the world's richest man, and both of them are strongly opposed to a billionaire's tax. Both Musk and Bezos know that a billionaire's tax is popular -- and could pass Congress at any moment. Just a few weeks ago, Elizabeth Warren got Kyrsten Sinema to agree to a plan to tax billionaires as part of the Build Back Better agenda, only for Joe Manchin and Nancy Pelosi to block it, for the time being. But as negotiations continue to finalize the Build Back Better plan, a billionaire's tax is still on the table. Even if it doesn't make it into this particular bill, it remains a wildly popular idea that could well make it into a budget plan in the near future. Which is why Elon Musk is so worried. With a wealth tax we can take on the unprecedented power of the billionaires and help solve more problems down on planet Earth. We can't let Elon Musk or any other billionaire dictate public policy like this. It's time Congress heard from you, and not just from a billionaire with too much time on his hands. Sign the petition: Demand Congress pass a wealth tax! Thanks, Team Progress

So what do we do with all this. "If the UK or Irish government or any of the devolved administrations try to impose another lockdown, I predict there will be mass non-compliance. It is very likely that much of the population of these islands will conclude that if several lockdowns, mask mandates and ‘game changing’ vaccines have not eradicated transmission, why comply with another lockdown, possible financial ruin and separation from loved ones? What would be the purpose? As someone once said (it wasn’t actually Einstein): ‘Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.’"

The above quote is taken from**** My thoughts are that we are in the times when we have to learn how to transend. There is diversity in the populations in which some will trancend some won't, and some don't even know that they can, or the majority that to trancend is even an option. To get into the reality that you 'want' you have to go there, in mindset, strength, determination, and knowing that where you look, is where you are steering your vehicle for this life. Don't be distracted by having your thoughts and focus bludgened by bullies and low vibe predators that only seek to entrap you in a low vibe virtual reality. Look up and watch the birds free in the sky, and where you practice to see from a mountain top, and you get practice with your peripheral vision, rather than look down on the ground at the insects scuttling around. We are not scuttlers, we are free men and women and we grace the world with our high vibe interaction. That is what we are here for...not another ground hog day dictated by low vibe...but only we can make that declaration to ourselves, which will be heard by the world and the cosmic web we are supposed to be interacting with. We are supposed to be partaking in a grace filled dance with the relationship with life and the relationship with self, and as units of the 'All that is'. Only we can make the distinction and observe how we individually are moving through this time. Trancend the dross by beaming into the place of 'All that is', which is within the universe we all hold internally. I had been getting dreams showing how it was like lifting the self out of the swamp, you get so far and get sucked back in again. In the old days you couldnt actually 'see' the swamp so deeply overlayed in our psyche. But we have had enough cognitive dissonance that nearly everyone must begin to finally see the swamp that has embedded them. The way out is Up. Follow intuition and guidance and trust that you are making the progress your unique path planned for you.~~Michaela~~

Apparently they have not quite finished. Excellent discussion on gates Plan B: 'utterings of smallpox'...(how to mention something to trigger new fears. I have heard the chinese whispers saying that there is a plan to deliver the next plague on an already fear- induced audience. ~~Michaela~~)

Friday 19 November 2021

A Process for Receiving Higher-Dimensional Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

A Process for Receiving Higher-Dimensional Energies ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been exploring different ways to grant humanity access to the higher-dimensional energies, and we have noticed that through meditation, relaxation, and following your bliss, you can tap in to these energies quite easily. We also notice that drinking lots of water, resting and grounding yourself are also very effective techniques. What we want to share with you now is another method, another tactic to employ so that you can receive all that is being given from ourselves and many other higher-dimensional beings. We are talking about putting yourselves in a state where you are completely present, and yet, at the same time acknowledging how much you have already been and how much you will be in the future. It is seemingly a paradox to do this, and it’s confusing enough to your mind to open yourself up even more to the truth of who you are. You’ve been a higher-dimensional being many times. You will be a higher-dimensional being once again. You are in the process of becoming the higher-dimensional being known as your higher self. And yet, if you focus too much on where you have been or where you are going without including the act of being completely present, you miss out on that opening that is being created as you acknowledge who you already are. Where you are now is significant because you have already become fourth-dimensional beings in this lifetime and because you are awake. Now, you still have that final hump to get over and you will, but here is where you are now. And being very present in the moment while holding that acknowledgement of who you’ve been and who you are becoming will open you up entirely to the truth of who you really are. As Source, you don’t think of yourself as separate, or even individuated. You are all that is, and as all that is, of course, you have access to all the higher-frequency energies. They aren’t even considered higher-frequency energies as your Source Self. This exercise will help you to attain new levels of consciousness. You can feel those higher-frequency energies rippling through your physical bodies, and that joyous feeling will be its own reward, but there will be more to come. As you embrace inclusiveness and you activate unity consciousness in yourselves, the world is not just your oyster. You become one with the world, everyone, and everything. Every vibration becomes a part of you, and you can access whatever you want whenever you want. Practice this little meditation for a few minutes every day. See how long you can hold that knowing and that presence simultaneously, and we promise you, life will start to get a lot easier. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Is There a Spiritual War Going On Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "We want you to understand that the only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside the consciousness of each being and that when you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside of you. When you raise your level of consciousness, then you don’t see words, actions, and beliefs in others that represent a lower-vibrational consciousness. You are not spiritual warriors in a biblical sense, where you are supposed to defeat those who are, by your definition, the evil-doers of planet Earth and the galaxy at large. That is the level of consciousness that starts wars on your planets throughout this galaxy of ours, and there have been too many wars in the history of our galaxy. "

Is There a Spiritual War Going On Right Now? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are awakening within you new avenues for your growth and your evolution every time that we connect with all of you. We are always looking for those entry points, those gaps in your consciousness to slip something into that will enhance your level of awareness of self. We will continuously point you back to yourselves, rather than giving you intel on what’s going on out there, or what’s going to happen. We would so much rather give you the instruction manual on how to create what you want out there and how to choose a timeline, and so that is what we do. And helping you to become more aware of what’s going on inside of you, helping you to awaken to the truth of who you really are, is what we are all about. We want you to nourish yourselves with good-feeling energies. We advise you to focus on what feels good to you and what you want to create, rather than focusing on what you are afraid of or what might happen that you do not want to happen. We want you to understand that the only spiritual war that’s going on right now is taking place inside the consciousness of each being and that when you achieve inner peace, you achieve peace outside of you. When you raise your level of consciousness, then you don’t see words, actions, and beliefs in others that represent a lower-vibrational consciousness. You are not spiritual warriors in a biblical sense, where you are supposed to defeat those who are, by your definition, the evil-doers of planet Earth and the galaxy at large. That is the level of consciousness that starts wars on your planets throughout this galaxy of ours, and there have been too many wars in the history of our galaxy. It’s time to put an end to the warrior mentality and to be the ones who seek peace, who vibrate peace, who emanate peace, and it all starts with you and your awareness. You might think thoughts so consistently and believe something with all of your heart, and as such, you are completely unaware that you are walking around holding resentment, angst, and seeking to do battle with someone, even if it’s verbally, because you hold so steadfastly to your beliefs. When you give up the fight, you find that there was never anything to fight in the first place, because it is at that moment that you become aware that you are The Source of it all. You are The Creator, and there’s nothing that you cannot create, but you’ve got to start with your vibration. Your vibration is your primary creation. It’s active all the time, whether you feel it or not, and if we can convince you to pay more attention to your vibration through these transmissions, then we will have fulfilled our purpose for connecting with you in the first place. You can get all the other stories elsewhere, but the only story we are interested in is the one you are creating with your vibration and whether you want to make some changes to that story. We will continue to give you the tools to do so, which are the keys to the kingdom, and the kingdom of Heaven is within you. It’s not just out there in the fifth dimension, which is not a place, but a state of being. And you control your state of being with your awareness, which means you can hold fifth-dimensional consciousness for a little while every day, and you can hold it for a little longer and a little longer, and you can create your own pocket of it, your own slice of Heaven, right there, right now, on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

“Quality Over Quantity” LUNAR ECLIPSE at 27°14′ TAURUS: Friday, Nov 19, 08:58 UTC. " HEALING The Scorpio Sun will help transform our unconscious Taurean inertia and pla­cidity, urging us to direct our conscious will toward discovering more profound pleasures than those of mere materialistic or hedonistic nature. Penetrating to the very core of our psyche, Scorpio seeks to release potent regenerative energies, capable of transforming wounded mat­ter into functionality in the material world again. Whilst this happens every year around this lunation, the next couple of years will be particularly intense around this theme since the Moon’s Nodes will transit the Scorpio/Taurus axis. "......"Let us now, at this Taurus lunation, ground our optimism, become open to reaching out to new experiences without overextending ourselves or making empty pro­mises, staying mindful of our own limitations and respecting those of others, yet nevertheless losing faith in the future and in the ingenuity of human nature to come together and create harmony and peace as per nature’s laws. In letting go of the excesses, we attract true wealth – spiritually, emotionally, intellect­ually and materially – as we become cosmically attuned to attract and share onwards from our own, inner wealth. "

“Quality Over Quantity” LUNAR ECLIPSE at 27°14′ TAURUS: Friday, Nov 19, 08:58 UTC November 19, 2021 ASTROLOGY OF NOW, ******* Lunar eclipses are not your ordinary Full Moons. Their cycle extends beyond their month, influencing the tone and feel of much of our year, especially if it forms significant aspects to our natal chart. Its accompanying Solar eclipse leaves a distinct impact along themes described more succinctly by the relationship to the Moon’s Nodal Axis. The Lunar Eclipse in Taurus is famous for enhancing psychic intuition and spiritual insight. Sacred places, the soil, the psycho-sexual body and the Earth herself are heightened in magnetic effects. This kind of sensitivity can be either healing or disturbing. In one sense, this lunation highlights where we are inclined to be overly preoccupied with satisfying material and physical desires, indulging ourselves in the pleasures of the senses. Over the recent months, as the intensity of this eclipse builds, we will have seen where we developed con­siderable inertia, allowing the build-up of tension to become unbearable until it has begun to erupt in a powerful and often de­structive manner. Brooding in self-pity, wallowing in low self-esteem or negativity about our interpersonal inadequacies could result in unsatisfying relationships and even degrading sexual behaviours, which leaves us feeling soul-starved and even more at the mercy of our desires. Finding easy ways to fulfil or sublimate frustrated sexual energies can become channelled into strange compulsions, addictions, or perverted into perfunctory ways to manipulate others into conforming to our will. During this period, it would be an understatement to say that we are prone to monstrous interper­sonal conflicts because of our inability to resolve obsessive desires. With JUPITER as the t-squared focal planet of this epic lunation, emotional excesses and impractical views thwart progress in the affairs influenced by the lunar eclipse and Jupiter, calling for emotional restraint and sound judgment. Jupiter in Aquarius lends a blind optimism and often over-the-top moral push in his pursuit to integrate humanitarian, progressive, reformist sociopolitical elements into our lives. However, a sociologically determined belief system that is cause-oriented towards a ‘better society’ assumes too much. In reaction, it generates a radical, revolutionary, utopian, impractical, pseudo-liberal state of mind, which rather inclines many to exercise poor judg­ment and impracticality concerning future matters. Too often, when we espouse our beliefs into big ‘hopes for the future’, we also tend to overlook immediate realities. We may talk up our utopian visions or woke ideologies, exaggerate our noblest intentions, we may even travel incessantly, not merely for business or enjoyment, but to avoid dealing with the dire existential issues now plaguing humanity and surmounting in our daily life. We focus instead on grandiose schemes and dreams that are unlikely to be accomplished since we’re effectively glossing over or ignoring the real matters at hand. These pie-in-the-sky projections come undone as the fabric of today’s society starts to tear at the seams trying to keep up with Jupiter’s inflations. Among social lessons, this eclipse shows where we may personally be somewhat overconfident and overbearing, inclined to overextend and overcommit ourselves, be­lieving so entirely in our capacity to achieve the im­possible that we haplessly or arrogantly impinge upon the prerogatives and rights of all those around us. Of course, the effects of any eclipse are usually months, even years in the making, and its post-residuals are long-lasting, leaving a permanent impact on our lives and our societies. This lunar eclipse is the longest of the century (its peak will last 3 hours, 28 minutes). Falling just a few degrees shy of being a total eclipse, at just over 6 hours in duration, this is the longest partial lunar eclipse in 580 years. This fact, in itself, is a symbolic marker of the importance of some of its themes in relative terms. Physically, an excessive approach to anything in life results in weight gain and liver disorders. Psychologi­cally, a lack of moderation leads to becoming carried away with experiences, activities and re­lationships. If you’re noticing that you’re becoming self-indulgent, lazy and extra­vagant, choosing quantity over quality, glutting yourself on more and more pleasurable experiences until you become bloated, then do not be surprised if something comes along to burst your overinflated bubble. One can only translate these to the corporate or political world. Likewise, if we expect too much from others, demanding that they fulfil our ongoing needs and voracious appetites, being more of a taker than a giver, often acting in compulsive, indulgent or patronising ways, seeking to boost our ego or acclaim to power or wealth, then expect to see more pricks in your balloon. Being a self-proclaimed preachy know-it-all, professing to have the answer to every question, while philosophically or ‘legally’ extricating yourself from every predicament, you may dogmatically and self-righteously have placed yourself under the most pernicious consequences this eclipse has to dish out to all its cosmic hypocrites. A cosmic bubble is about to be burst here. HEALING The Scorpio Sun will help transform our unconscious Taurean inertia and pla­cidity, urging us to direct our conscious will toward discovering more profound pleasures than those of mere materialistic or hedonistic nature. Penetrating to the very core of our psyche, Scorpio seeks to release potent regenerative energies, capable of transforming wounded mat­ter into functionality in the material world again. Whilst this happens every year around this lunation, the next couple of years will be particularly intense around this theme since the Moon’s Nodes will transit the Scorpio/Taurus axis. In the initial eclipse of its kind, we must look to work with the lessons of the current transits. Once we have learned to express the excesses of Jupiter in Aquarius more harmoniously, our confidence to be more socially coherent will spring from an ability to see ourselves in the context of others more truthfully, without pomp and hubris. We will find the balance necessary to overcome mat­erial attachments and learn to control insatiable appetites. Here, we get in touch with our inner teacher or guide and apply the insights and lessons we gain from our recent foolishness of overreaching or overindulgence back into every area of our lives. The power of the Scorpio Sun enables us to satisfy, conquer, or sublimate our excessive desires. As it’s light becomes obscured from the Moon’s surface for a few hours, the celestial power outage leaves us with an intense sense of loss, one which we may already recognise. Its penetrating insight allows us to experience ourselves as more than just a greedy physical body and confront energies and laws that transcend the material plane. Many of the things which our Taurean self has unconsciously accumulated could be eliminated and regenerated by Scorpio, who forces us to refine and remake our entire value system so that we can appreciate what is essential in our lives and rid ourselves of the baggage that char­acterises a life of overindulgence and ease at the expense of the poverty or disease of others. Our Scorpionic sense of privacy, too, must be balanced with our Taurean sense of self-preservation and self-sufficiency, ensuring that we do not divulge information that leaves us feeling overly vulnerable or at the mercy of another’s power. If the Jupiterian element has encroached itself into our private lives by its overarching laws or practices of institutional invasiveness, limiting our capacity to define ourselves – this over-reach must become curbed. The soul requires a certain degree of inner freedom to commit itself to a purpose in which it fully (wholeheartedly) believes, without manipulation, temptation or coercion from outside influence. Hence, deep down, if you see yourself refusing to follow any path which appears in front of you blindly, it is because you intend to carefully examine each possibility, acting only on those which accord with your own inner voice. Understand that growth does not necessarily mean endless prolif­eration and development, for sometimes, like an uncontrollable cancer, it can also malignantly devour all cells within reach. Both Taurus and Scorpio are strong-willed, deter­mined and resourceful signs; linked together, they can lead to phenomenal accomplishment. The eclipse t-square to Jupiter must be employed to deem that the quality of our involvement in each experience matters more than the number of our experiences. The Scorpio Sun can help us use our Taurean resources, and the re­sources others have and willingly share for mutual benefit. Only by clearing away excesses described by this square can one advance the interests which will, in effect, test our integrity, moral standards and sense of decency. Our perceptiveness and ability to deal with conflict (to confront the darker side of human nature and harness its energy for higher purposes) will strengthen the force of our regenerating influence. Here is an opportunity to take a balanced, healthy approach to life. If we are positive and opti­mistic, it is not because we are oblivious or insensitive to the suffering of others, but because we have experienced the pain within ourselves and in those around us. This potent eclipse offers us all a phenomenal awareness that even the most painful circumstances can lead us to deeper understand­ing and constructive action. Let us now, at this Taurus lunation, ground our optimism, become open to reaching out to new experiences without overextending ourselves or making empty pro­mises, staying mindful of our own limitations and respecting those of others, yet nevertheless losing faith in the future and in the ingenuity of human nature to come together and create harmony and peace as per nature’s laws. In letting go of the excesses, we attract true wealth – spiritually, emotionally, intellect­ually and materially – as we become cosmically attuned to attract and share onwards from our own, inner wealth. Blessings, and have an amazing lunar eclipse xx

Tuesday 16 November 2021

Kryon Explains Why Its So Special to See 11-11 and Other Repeating Numbers

But for now...Winter is coming – How to Approach the Solstice By Pedram Shojai (Liking this as the sun stays low in skies and have no inclination to tear around town, honour the cycles ~~Michaela~~)

Winter is coming – How to Approach the Solstice By Pedram Shojai November 15, 2021 Winter is coming. The days are shorter. The frost is setting in. Time is slowing. Or is it? For eons, the coming of winter heralded a slowdown. After all, the crops had been harvested, and there was no farming left to do. Fruits were dried, nuts were stored, and meats were smoked…all in anticipation of the cold hard months where we would hunker down and survive. We’d gather wood for fuel so we could stay warm and we’d huddle together and lock down for the season. Time would dilate and we’d find ourselves wrapped in stories, fantasies, songs, and some much needed sleep. Naps and more naps would help pass the time as we had little else to do but to wait out the cold dark season. Sounds kinda good now doesn’t it? Today we have industrialized food production and can get fresh produce whenever. We burn coal to create electricity so it’s not really dark at night. We pump natural gas or propane into our furnaces and keep the house warm. We pass the time on Netflix and watch countless docudramas in a never ending string of moving light shows that keep our brains stimulated. And then there are the holidays. So many gifts and so little time. So much crap plastic to buy for the kids and the grandkids and the cousins. So many gift baskets and chocolates. Wine. So much wine. Or spirits? Sure why not. Let’s get drunk to pass the time. It can get exhausting if you’re not mindful. The holidays and the incessant need for the consumer driven economy to keep us spending have made this era a frenzied time. The lack of awareness around how we actually need cold, dark, and quiet to psychologically reset has driven us to madness. Year after year we forget to put energy and rest into life’s “piggybank” and we trudge on into failed new year’s resolutions and a busy January. From there, we continue to tumble. Let’s think of a stream of water. Sometimes it’s still and other times the water moves fast and tumbles. We live in the white water all the time. That’s our culture- our new way of life and it’s spitting out anxious, depressed humans who are getting chronic diseases and autoimmunity. We need the still water to reset. In fact, the water slows to a freeze in the winter. Not for us. When’s the last time you actually stopped time? When’s the last time you honored your fatigue and let yourself sleep in some more to recover? When’s the last time you took time for yourself? If not now then when? Going into the Winter Solstice, let’s take a minute to breathe. Water slows to “ice” right now. Nature has a rhythm and you’re part of it…at least you came from it. You have permission to chill. You have the right to recover. You need the rest. Stop running around in circles. In Taoism (in most ancient traditions), we understand that the Winter Solstice is the time when the Yin Energy (slow, dark, passive, restorative) is at its highest expression and that the Yang Energy (fast, bright, active, expressive) is at its lowest. From December 21st on, the Yang energy increases everyday while the Yin begins to diminish until they are equal in expression on the Spring Equinox and flip in on the Summer Solstice where Yang is at the maximum and Yin at the minimum. Again they find balance in the Vernal Equinox as the cycle continues to roll…as it has for millions of years through our evolutionary arc. Our ancestors grew up with this reality and over the past 200 years, we’ve dramatically departed from it with the advent of technology and modern living. I’m not saying you need to burn it down and move to a cave here. That’s not tenable for most. What I am saying is that a little bit of reverence for the seasons goes a long way. I’ve watched patients and students do this for over 20 years and the results are often miraculous. Where’s the hitch? Permission. Can you give yourself permission to relax? Is dad looking over your shoulder still? Are you in such a bad place financially that you can’t humor the idea of slowing down? Are you so run down and beat up that it takes multiple coffees to keep you running all day? Leaving you twitchy in the evenings… That’s deficit spending. Just like the government you’re creating “credit” to survive- borrowing from tomorrow to get through today. Well when it comes to your body, you can’t simply “print money” to make things keep rolling forward. There’s a price to pay. We see it in the form of insulin resistance, heart disease, autoimmunity, and cancer. We see it in nervous breakdowns, terrible decisions, and drug addictions. Look around you. Is the world balanced? So what now? Run around with your hair on fire like everyone else? We see where that’s gotten us. Our leaders can’t even agree to cut emissions enough to stave off our extinction. Nope. They’re lost and they’re mad. It’s time to end the madness and that starts with you. You are the hero you’ve been waiting for. Don’t feel it? Of course not. You’re exhausted. Take this next couple months to rest up, lick your wounds, and get some quiet time as much as you can. Slow your roll, make less plans, watch less TV and start to take care of yourself. For some, that may look like more sleep. I’d argue that most of us need that. For others, it’s time to journal and weed out the toxic thoughts and associations to memories that have been haunting you. Perhaps it’s time for more gratitude. Perhaps you need to make amends with people in your life? You know what you need to do. Not all of it but you know where to start. Stop running from yourself. The world needs you. Your family needs you. You need you. Take some time and relax into your healing journey this season. The insanity stops here…with you. Slow the white water to a still stream and come to a freeze. Allow your adrenals to recover. Allow your brain to detoxify and flush while you sleep. Allow the red light of a fire soothe your brain and nervous system. Allow some soups to feed your soul and heal your gut lining. Allow some time for song and conversation around meaningful things once the TV is off. Allow yourself to heal. If not now then when?

What the Fifth Dimension Will Be Like for You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton " ....your job is to work within the self, where you have all the power, and within the now, where you can offer a vibration that is different from the one you were offering in the previous moment. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. As far as your relationships with extra-terrestrials go, you will figure all of that out in the moment. Again, vibration will dictate everything, and so those who are ready for more contact will have it. Those who want more contact will get it; those who want to travel will be able to, regardless of where they want to go. Don’t try to sort it all out now, and think that you have to have it all figured out before it can happen, because you don’t and because you can’t. "

What the Fifth Dimension Will Be Like for You ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very excited to see what you will do with the energies that have been upon you and how you will use them to co-create better systems there on your world. Many of you who are awake know that the systems you have in place are not working for everyone, or even most people, and you want to be a part of creating the new systems that will be in place as you shift your consciousness. We do want you to understand that as fifth-dimensional beings, you won’t need these systems. You won’t need an educational system, because everyone will be able to access whatever they want, whenever they want, regardless of their age, and without a computer or Internet connection. You will simply download whatever it is you desire to download directly into your higher minds. You won’t need an economic system because you will be instant manifestors. So there won’t be a need for an exchange of any kind. Don’t try to figure this out right now with your minds because your minds are limited, and they will come up with limitations. You won’t need governments, because you will be able to govern yourselves. You won’t need borders, and so why would you need a government? There will be peace; there will be no war. There will be no trade agreements; everything will flow according to vibration. Everything will be happening as though synchronicity was the rule of the day, and it will be, and you will be astonished by how much you don’t need as fifth-dimensional beings. Therefore, we would advise you to focus more on being fifth-dimensional beings, on grounding in fifth-dimensional energies, and on clearing what you need to clear from your chakras in order to ascend, rather than focusing on and complaining about your broken systems and who needs to do what about them. That’s not your job; your job is to work within the self, where you have all the power, and within the now, where you can offer a vibration that is different from the one you were offering in the previous moment. It doesn’t have to be more complicated than that. As far as your relationships with extra-terrestrials go, you will figure all of that out in the moment. Again, vibration will dictate everything, and so those who are ready for more contact will have it. Those who want more contact will get it; those who want to travel will be able to, regardless of where they want to go. Don’t try to sort it all out now, and think that you have to have it all figured out before it can happen, because you don’t and because you can’t. What you can do is look after yourselves and those around you who need whatever gifts you currently have to offer. You can help raise the level of consciousness there on the planet, and you don’t have to worry about what others are doing or not doing. You don’t have to assume that anyone else is creating in your reality, because they aren’t. And you can live a more empowered life as you continue to move forward, step by step, to the fifth dimension. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday 14 November 2021

11/11 Gateway, November 11th 2021

"I'm Sorry." I got this message today from tarot prophet, " We're not perfect people. We tend to make mistakes—sometimes small and seemingly insignificant, sometimes major and devastating. In our struggle to be better, we forget that it's okay to make mistakes because we're not defined by them. " I like that......This is also about forgivenes of self. If we say sorry to others, while we wait for forgiveness from them, we also need to forgive ourselves: to free up and dissolve that momentary energy of guilt and shame. Once we recognise that our actions or non actions, have caused a vibration clot, one we perhaps didn't intend but it was a lash out of reactionary or egoic self protection.... we get the 'snap shot', then and there, of the internal energy friction that has been propelled to the surface for expression by reaction. Once we see that we get to work on the clot, the sadness the intimidation, the challenge to our wound, and by forgiveness and compassion for the self and nursing that wound, maybe by starting with self pity, if reach into it searching for healing, we find the antidote is self love. Forgiveness of self is the pathway to resolve the inner conflict, and, saying I am sorry to the other begins the pathway of compassion to the other. All routes rounding up 'self love', and 'love' for the other, completes the healing circle of forgiveness and reinvigorates, by building up the self -love-muscle for true inner strength . H'oponopono explains the healing one needs by expression of "I love you.Forgive me. I am sorry. Thank you" and this works to unravel the internal energy knots and dissolve the body clots formed by guilt and shame and self chastisement for making mistakes etc. ~~Michaela~~

" You are co-creating all of this with Source, and Source is growing along with you and because of you, and is grateful for you and your willingness to go out there at the edge of creation "

What if the World Were to Completely Change? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are continuously inviting all of you to join us in a higher frequency, because we know that is ultimately what you want, even if you think you want something else. You think you want things to change there on Earth, and what if they did? What if everything changed, but no one that was in a human body was willing to change themselves? You would have the same problems eventually. That is why changing you at your very core is the only way to change the outer reality and to make those changes long lasting and to have them be the changes you actually want as a soul. An ego doesn’t like challenges, because an ego just wants to know that everything will be okay, that it will be safe, comfortable, taken care of, and so on. But a soul craves those challenges, because a soul knows that its journey is to grow and evolve, to expand and become more of Source Energy on an experiential level. You can know that you are a Source Energy Being, but to experience that knowing through something that you do, or think, or say, or even better feel, is an entirely different experience. When you help someone else because you recognize that they are you, that is a Source Energy experience. When you love someone else, in spite of the fact that they have done nothing to deserve that love, that is a Source Energy experience. When you listen to someone, even though you know that they are complaining and perpetuating the same reality, and then you say something kind to them, something supportive, that is a Source Energy experience. When you feel oneness with all, when you are in that state of unity consciousness, that is a Source Energy experience. And when everything and everyone outside of you is suddenly different because someone or some group swooped in and made all the changes for you, then you don’t get to have the experiences we have just outlined, and many, many more. You want those experiences; you came for those experiences. You came for the movement, and it’s not movement from point A to point B that you came for. It is the movement of your soul from one level of consciousness to another, from operating more as an ego to operating as a higher self. That’s what you wanted, and that’s what you will get. That’s what you are getting, and you will continue to get. And if you knew how good you would feel if you had the experience of what we are talking about in your body right now, then you wouldn’t want all the changes outside of you to happen first. Because while those changes would set your mind at ease temporarily, again, you would just create new challenges, new problems, new obstacles. So bless your world as it is today; give thanks for every experience you get to have, because they are all giving you opportunities to feel something you have never felt before. You don’t have to be grateful because God likes a grateful subject. God is not a king, and you are not the peasants. You are co-creating all of this with Source, and Source is growing along with you and because of you, and is grateful for you and your willingness to go out there at the edge of creation. And we want you to know that you can also receive help. You can ask for help, you can receive help, and you are receiving help. And in the asking, you are actually creating what you are asking for, so it is all good. We want you to remember how powerful you are and to feel that power moving through you, because that is one of the best experiences that you have lined up for yourselves there on planet Earth. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Saturday 13 November 2021

Taurus ♉ Lunar Eclipse - Breaking Free From Karma and Honoring Your Truth "A dynamic Taurus Lunar Eclipse at 27 degrees occurs on November 19, 2021 that opens up themes around life changes, liberation, freedom, new pathways, and higher energy trajectories that are calling to you now. Coming back to your own needs and heart priorities are highlighted, as there is support for consciously determining what you want next while assessing your current circumstances and obligations. The Sun and Moon are receiving support from transformative Pluto in Capricorn, giving you power and strength for the changes you are ready to make. "

Venus in Capricorn is the ruler of this eclipse, and she is making a trine to Uranus in Taurus and sextile Mars in Scorpio, which highlights change, new goals, moving ahead, and putting yourself in alignment with your long-term life desires.

A Message to Lightworkers - November 12, 2021 " We wish you to understand that keeping true democratic freedom—and in the case of your current moment on Earth’s timeline, establishing it for the first time in thousands of years—requires that you first hold its precepts deep within. Otherwise, it cannot hold. A mere shifting of outer forms will not suffice. And that guarding those precepts requires that you go into the full strength of your Ascended selves, in which you are in nonresistance of the process required to anchor your new world. That process requires that you remain at Peace, without judgment of the present moment, and call upon the power of the highest law, which is Unity and Divine Love in all circumstances, come what may. "

A Message to Lightworkers - November 12, 2021 This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you again today. At this moment, you stand just inside the 11-11 Portal of Light, which your galaxy is experiencing at this time. It is part of the great wave of Light traveling through this Universe, affecting all in its path. You are aware that your vibrational resonance, your field of awareness, and your spiritual capabilities, such as being able to read energy, and to shape it into outer events and conditions, are all developing at what some call quantum Lightspeed. You may feel at times that the pace is too fast, that the requirements are too steep, as you deal with involving dreams at night, feelings of tiredness, headaches or dizziness, heart palpitations, and other symptoms most medical practitioners cannot explain. We will say, that your forward movement is like a fast-moving whirl of energy that sweeps through your physical, mental, and emotional energy bodies now, as a small tornado would. And yes, this most assuredly has far-reaching effects on your outer life. Yet notice the degree to which you are increasingly seeing that there is no “outer life”! Notice how you are grasping so powerfully now that all is in a constant state of flux—fluctuating vibrational resonances—yet somehow, rather than feeling weakened by that fact, you are emboldened by it. More assuredly, some days the weight of your fast-moving shifts and evolvement will feel to be heavy and burdensome. You may wish for the days when, though a dark shadow covered the land, at least life was a bit more predictable. Though you labored hard for little in return, at least you could count on certain things—a particular job or income, loved ones who were well, freedom of movement. Now the loss or uncertainty of those things seem to be part of a landscape that appears to be growing darker, not Lighter. We see all this, and we offer all of you our loving support at each moment, as we desire that you hold your increasing empowerment at a higher level, and more readily, than you hold any perceived losses or hardships. We do not say that what you are experiencing is purely your imagination—that the current upheaval is a “new normal” or that “life will return to normal” once this or that happens. That is not what your vibration has come to Earth to achieve. You did not come to bring ongoing tolerance of an intolerable situation. You came to assist in the energetic evolution and revolution of the ages, and you are doing that very thing. And are you accomplishing that by wrecking buildings of your governments, declaring that you are establishing the new order, and are willing to fight any armed resistance that tries to stand in your way? No. These are the old ways of doing things, and you have come in to withstand the dust and wreckage of the old structure as it falls, not to engage in the kind of resistance that mires one in the depths of the old structure. It is so that for thousands of years, intergalactic criminals have controlled your world, and these must be apprehended—a process which began years go, and is still in motion. And it is so that certain symbols, brands, logos that bow to the dark realms and therefore consecrate buildings, institutions, and belief systems to the dark aspect of this Universe must be removed from public buildings and spaces, and new symbols of a freed planet put in their place. And it is so that the lies, coverups, false histories, and corruption of all kinds must be uprooted and ended in your Earth cultures, for all time. Yet it is not so that this is a time of increased struggle and resistance, whether within or without. We do not ask you to go into active resistance to what you see happening around you, though you are holding fast to the Universal principles you came in to defend. Most assuredly, you do not have to celebrate the hardships or the losses. Added to personal hardships is the disappointment you may feel at seeing persons in the public eye whom you have long respected, who must now toe the line and support a dark agenda, for the sake of preserving their and their loved ones’ lives. Your task, though clear, will feel complex many days. And that is, to hold fast to those Universal principles that the Divine has given you and which you love more than anything—the Love of Peace, of Tranquility, of Equality and Universal Justice. The fruits of these being the Abundance, fulfillment, Beauty, and Joy you desire all living beings to experience, not only in the higher realms, but for all their days on Earth. In the midst of that, we encourage you to do what will feel to be impossible. Yet we say this only because you yourselves have marked out this path before arriving upon the Earth this time. And that is, that we encourage you to remain in nonresistance in your heart-space. We encourage you to neither hate nor fear those who appear to be removing what few liberties you have been permitted inside their unjust system for thousands of years. We ask that you neither hate nor fear those who support the dark side's false rulers, as many of those persons carry the same desires for freedom in their hearts as you do in yours, but simply see a different path toward it than you see. That nonresistance will lead you to feel there is a Divine Plan at work in these moments, even when you see no outer evidence of such. We encourage you at all times, in all ways, to understand that you were born inside Illusion. Physical form is simply a dense gathering of that constantly flowing and re-forming stream of Light that is the atoms and molecules of pure energy. And that now you face an even deeper illusion, telling you that the situation you see around you is all there is. And yet, dear ones, you know this cannot be so! Go into your heart-space and declare Peace there every day, reaching for inspiring images of the most positive forms of Freedom, Justice, Abundance, Equality, and Sovereignty that you can image within yourself—an expression of free will at its highest level. Yours has been a civilization long held back from the effects of the natural Universal forward flow of evolvement and Ascension into Light. Yet that stoppage can no longer hold. Know that the hour is yours, if you will take it! Remember Benjamin Franklin’s words to the woman who inquired of him, in 1787, as he and the delegates were leaving the Constitutional Convention in Independence Hall in Philadelphia: “Well, Mr Franklin, what manner of government have you bequeathed us?" And Franklin replied, "A Republic, madam, if you can keep it." We wish you to understand that keeping true democratic freedom—and in the case of your current moment on Earth’s timeline, establishing it for the first time in thousands of years—requires that you first hold its precepts deep within. Otherwise, it cannot hold. A mere shifting of outer forms will not suffice. And that guarding those precepts requires that you go into the full strength of your Ascended selves, in which you are in nonresistance of the process required to anchor your new world. That process requires that you remain at Peace, without judgment of the present moment, and call upon the power of the highest law, which is Unity and Divine Love in all circumstances, come what may. NESARA Law can be enacted the moment the majority of Earth’s people call out for and require that their liberty to be fully established and then upheld as the permanent law of the land. And that moment speeds toward you as realize your readiness to no longer fight what has no true power over you. Far from being a mere dream, dear ones, that is under your control; that is well within your reach. Far from being your time of loss and defeat, this is your moment to finally break free. Quoting the poet Amanda Gorman, ". . . for there is always Light, if only we are brave enough to see it / If only we are brave enough to be it."* And so it is! Namaste, friends! We are with you, always. *From "The Hill We Climb" by Amanda Gorman, 2021. Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at Thank you.

Friday 12 November 2021

Kryon Healing Wednesday Episode 057 - BRUCE LIPTON - ENGLISH

5th November – 10th December 2021: Eclipse Season. "So don’t be fooled by the ‘official’ narrative as this year comes to a close, for there’s another far more important story yet to be widely told: the story of those who refuse to submit their mind, body or soul. Those who are building their networks and connections, gathering strength, standing firm, speaking out. Millions of people all over the world have been marching for freedom this year. And how many more will step forward next year? The groundswell of people choosing liberty over fear cannot and will not be curtailed. It is a force of nature, beyond the will of any single individual: life itself coalescing into a mighty expression of all that it can be."

a message from Sarah Varcas Wednesday, 10 November, 2021 Hold That Unwavering Gaze! 9th November: Partial Lunar Eclipse in the 28th degree of Taurus 4th December: Total Solar Eclipse in the 13th degree Sagittarius All dates are UT This second and final eclipse season of 2021 began on 5th November and features a lunar eclipse in the 28th degree of Taurus on 19th November followed by a solar eclipse in the 13th degree of Sagittarius on 4th December (which is also a supermoon), before ending on 10th December 2021. Two weeks later we encounter the final exact square between Saturn and Uranus on 24th December, bringing yet another extraordinary year to a close. But right now, before you do anything else, take a deep breath. Draw your spine straight. Look directly ahead with an unwavering gaze. Feel yourself rooted deep within the earth, plugged into a circuit that receives energy from all directions: above and below, from every side. Feel this energy flowing into you, through you, all around you. Embrace the part you play in that energy circuit. Feel how crucial you are to that energetic flow. Feel it recharging you as you weave it into your own unique vibration shared, in return, with the wider energetic field. Remember this feeling – the strength and vibrancy. Return to it often, throughout your day. more

The 5D Crystalline Energy Grid ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

The 5D Crystalline Energy Grid ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been noticing the ways in which you all have been accessing the power of the crystalline grid of energy that runs across the entire surface of your planet. Now, of course, there are certain grid points, and there are grid lines that are powerful enough to affect you even if you are not directly on that point or that line or the intersection of two lines. And this is how it affects the entirety of the surface of your planet. Therefore, it does not matter where you live or where you are standing at any time. You have the ability to tap in to the strength and power of this fifth-dimensional grid. You have been co-creating it, in fact. You who are awakened have been contributing to it and receiving from it, and we love to witness this. We also see it as yet another point in the physical through which we can add our love and light, our downloads and upgrades. We love working with this grid and through this grid to support you. We are answering your prayers and finding different delivery methods to do so. Of course, when you ask for something like more abundance, you might then go looking in your bank account for that abundance. And if you don’t see it right away, or even after several years, you might give up hope. However, we want you to start to see that you can access the energy of what it is you have been asking for through this crystalline, fifth-dimensional grid. And when you can feel something flowing through you, then the universe will match that in the physical realm. You will have a representation of the energy that you’ve tapped in to, that has been flowing through you. And so, we recommend that you feel for this energetic grid that is beneath you, that is right there, running along the surface of your planet. Reach for it, feel for it, and receive from it. We are not the only ones contributing to this grid. Those of you who are awake, and some who are asleep, are contributing. You might as well receive from it, because you are contributing to it, and you might as well receive the answers to your prayers because they are yours and yours alone to claim. You are the ones who are holding space, along with many others who are unseen, for humanity to complete this shift in consciousness, and to do so easily and joyously, and in the next decade. We are one of the groups supporting this, and we want you to know how much power there is right beneath your feet and how easy it is to access this power, this energy, this answer to your prayers. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of November 10 to 17

Thursday 11 November 2021

11 is the master number. It is the number of mastery. ~~Feeling all fuzzy and wafting in and out of the physical, getting lost down lanes of a moment and then coming back to the moment again. I'd say we are at a vulnerable stage as we adjust to the energies so intention is key and it helps to make defining thoughts that we can affirm. So finding words to call that in, I like the word 'effortless' rather than struggle to do this: this is quantum journalling. Belief and intention are key. . ~~Michaela~~

Intention. EFFORTLESS Bliss Belissimo Blossoming into mastery. Effortless solutions to debt programming, effortless solutions to aligning with mastery, effortless alignment with synchronicities and miracles. Intend to be an Effortless being that grounds in the energy of mastery within self. Effortless dissolving of challenges that arrived to us at birth and from which we now effortlessly release as masters as we grow in the nurture of our quantum cradle. Let yourself reaquaint with the energies of mastery as we step consciously into the procession of entering quantum space, a place we never left, just that we had been fixated on 3d and could not see the quantumness of everything. The quantumness is where everything exits and where all solutions and miracles reside ...just waiting to be called into reality by us....and where we can move with GRACE to call in peace and unity for all, and wait in that space for all to join. All is possible. All is potential waiting to happen...we just have to direct and call in what is the best solution and synchronisities and miracles for all at this time. ~~Michaela~~

What the Awakened Collective Can Do Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

What the Awakened Collective Can Do Now ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to see how many of you are sitting quietly, relaxing, and opening yourselves up to the November 11th energies. We know that you are in the best place possible right now to be receiving, as you have expected more energies to flow to you, and because as a collective, you’ve been doing more asking than ever before in your history, and that is because there are so many of you on the planet right now. You are not in a state of overpopulation. You need this many people to bring about the type of change in the collective consciousness that you are partaking in by shifting your consciousness from a third-dimensional frequency range to a fifth-dimensional one. You need many, many individuals grounding the higher-frequency energies in, and now you have that. You need many individuals waking up all the time, and you have that as well. You also need patience, because some of you have been awake for decades, and you have been waiting for massive changes for that long. Even those of you who are newly awake are now encountering prediction after prediction about The Event, The Shift, the days of darkness, the mass arrests, full disclosure, and all of the other predictions that get into people’s blogs and websites and on their videos. People really want things to change there on Earth, but it will be a slow process, and one that requires people to be more introspective than to have the knowledge of what’s going to happen next and when and who will be orchestrating it. We’ve seen so much of that in the spiritual community that we would assume by now people would be letting go of the idea of something happening outside of themselves to change everything. We will always be taking you back to the basics, and in those basics, which include meditation, grounding, connecting with nature, hydrating, and so on, you do receive help. You do receive help at the appropriate timing and the appropriate levels. You don’t want all of these changes to happen all at once for a variety of reasons, most of which is the fact that most people aren’t ready. And you as the awakened collective have to be patient with your fellow humans and do the best you can to enjoy the ride and carve out your little pocket of fifth-dimensional living, and it can be done. There are many of you who receive these transmissions who are doing it. You are living your fifth-dimensional lives right now. You are accessing more of your gifts and abilities. You are manifesting, and you are connecting to higher-dimensional groups and beings. We know that everything is going to be all right there on Earth, and we know that to be the case not only because we can see down timelines, but also because of all of you who are willing to wait and who are willing to trust the path that you are on is the right one. And again, that’s a big part of what the November 11th energies are all about. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Question: Dear Kryon: I've gotten pretty good at living completely in the NOW, knowing that all things arrive exactly when needed. My question is this: Although all my moment-to-moment needs are always taken care of, the debts that I acquired in the old energy still remain. I have just enough money to live in the moment, but not enough to pay my old bills. What are we supposed to do with old credit card, medical, and other miscellaneous bills? They're certainly "old energy" and in the new energy, there doesn't seem to be a place for them. However, I would dearly like to pay my obligations and release them. How does this fit in? I thank you in advance for your answer. Answer: Your desire to pay off these debts shows the integrity in your quest. A "sufficiency" is what is promised, and if you include a small portion of your needs to work against your debt, that's what will then be included in your "moment-by-moment" needs. However, why not expand this co-creation to include the possibility of miracles to pay off these amounts? Look for synchronistic events that may appear - plans or ideas that were not there before - to allow these debts to be reduced substantially instead of having to drag them around with you for years. Your intent is the key, and your faith is the manifestation. Spirit sees all your situations as solved and temporary. How do you see them? As impossible and forever? Start celebrating the reduction of these debts. Give what you can slowly, but "see" them being dissolved through means that you cannot plan yourself, but which will come to you through synchronicity.

Good morning 11:11. The anticipated acceleration of Cosmic influxes, Solar activity and intensification of energies is here. An intense November-December passage is upon us. Let us use this wisely. Solaris is active, magnetics are fluctuating again, and our bodies, minds and emotional fields are feeling the direction to expand. Expansion is aimed at the Heart (Solar), nervous system, DNA, and the Crystalline Lightbody during this passage. Expansion energies manifest as: – Anxiety – Heart flutters – Creative GO windows – Exhaustion – Vertigo or dizziness – Deep bliss states, Zero point activations – Veil-lifting: Guidance, visitation and support is clear, direct and present – Choice-Points for full engagement with creativity and Aquarian dynamics – Shifts in Perception: Acceleration of Divine Truth – 
Clarity on what stays and what goes in your chosen reality – Rapid Self-Revelation, mystical-style contact – 
Solar flash experiences (transcendence activations) amplified – Crystalline Lightbody and Heart Center sudden expansion sensations

Wednesday 10 November 2021 QUESTION: Dear Kryon, we’ve been studying astrology for some time and we know that the solar system helps to create and support an impression of an individual selfhood for us. The planets and their movements affect our character, moods, and ideas. We’d like to know what exactly this mechanism does and how this system works in terms of science. Most important, we’d like to know how we could use this ancient science most effectively in the new energy. It seems to be a contract, “karma.” What happens when one enlightens and cancels his contract? Do the planets then stop affecting us?

ANSWER: Although this has been explained in recent channellings, we’ll summarize the way astrology works: The sun is the fulcrum of the solar system and the center of energy for life for you. There is a physical mechanism for the sending of information from the sun to the other planets and it’s called the solar wind. This energy stream carries with it whatever pattern of interdimensional energy the sun has at that moment, and delivers it to whatever is in reach of the sun's magnetic field [the Helios]. It’s always there, but it has cycles of intensity. Although science sees the solar wind as a energy player in the solar system, they have yet to see the interdimensional patterns it carries to the planets as this wind blasts out from the sun. These patterns reflect the posturing of the sun as the other planets exhibit their tugs and pulls on it via gravity and magnetics (both are interdimensional energies). Therefore these sun patterns change continuously as the planets provide new gravitational and magnetic situations to the sun. When the solar wind, carrying this sun pattern, hits the Earth, it deposits the pattern upon the magnetic grid. The magnetic grid is dynamic (changes all the time), and is responsive to being constantly repatterned. The grid lines of the planet alter the pattern slightly due to fact that your grids aren’t consistent and have greater and lesser areas of influence in different Earth locations. Human DNA is sensitive to magnetics, since it is a magnetic engine itself. At birth, when the child is separated from the parent, there is a signal sent to the brain of the infant that says, “Your system is now active and on its own, apart from your mother.” During that first breath of independent and unique life, the child’s DNA receives the pattern from the magnetics of the Earth’s grid, and takes on what you have come to call “astrological attributes.” Different places on the planet will carry the basic pattern, plus or minus what Earth’s magnetic field has contributed due to geographic location. This explains why world-class astrology must take into consideration the location of birth. Astocartography is also based on this principle. Astrology is the oldest science on the planet, and can be proven to be accurate. In addition, “generic” astrology is also a significant influence in Humanism, from the cycles of the female’s system, to the profound changes in Human behavior when the moon in full. You can’t separate yourself from it, and those who don’t believe in it might as well not believe in breathing, because it’s that much of an influence on your life. The new energy on the planet invites you to change your DNA. This is the teaching of Kryon. When you change your DNA, you’re working with the very core of the pattern you had at birth, and so you’re able to then work on some of the attributes of your astrological blueprint, and actually change it—even neutralize it. We told you all about that in 1989. Masters did this, and you’re now coming into a time where your abilities are those of the masters. Look into your life and eliminate the things that are challenges and keep the attributes that support you. This is the true balanced Human Being. You can change your sensitivity to attributes within your own individual astrology type, but the generic influences of the planets’ and moon’s movements will always affect you to some degree, since you’re not an island apart from others. These would be things such as retrogrades and the moon’s influence (as indicated). You might say, “I’m no longer affected by retrogrades” and sit and smile all you want. Meanwhile, you still shouldn’t sign contracts during that time, since all those around you are still affected. Think about it. Arian Maverick ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: FINALLY! This is what belongs in the Astrology in the Aquarian Age forum! Bless you AM for posting this. I never read Kyron unless someone posts him like you did. This is the first I've heard, physically, this type of information. I've been picking up what I was/am capable of perceiving about this issue and have posted many times about it. But this is great. It confirms so many things for me. I'm understanding my Capricon Sun in totally new ways. Big hugs for this one AM! I tried to get this topic going in my thread "The Transpersonals Becoming Personal". That once we totally get The Saturn energy....... we then stand with Chiron and enter another level of reality all together. It's that simple and its called evolution! Nothing paranormal, nothing mystical, no woo woo just growth and change. The only constants as they say. I think I hear hissing........ After reading this AM, I'm going to share something really weird I noticed a few years ago. It was Jupiter! It was the speed that Jupiter was transiting at. It was impossible I thought. Because I don't consider myself to be a great 'astrologer' like so many here, I sometimes doubt some of these weird planetary/cosmic anomalies I'm led to. And this one just floored me. It usually takes Jupiter around 1 year to transit through 1 sign, right? Well a few years back Jupiter burned through 1 sign in like 4 or 5 months. I thought I was reading my ephemeris wrong! I double checked everything and no......the Big Guy was just tearing through this sign like a bat outta hell!!! I thought, "Why?" and I got an answer, as I usually do, in one form or another. It went something like this: "From here on out (2012) the planets and asteroids and whatever else is needed, will orbit at whatever speed is needed, faster or slower, so as to have huge overlays of planetary and cosmic energies align in specific patterns to create the most intense geometric energy fields for humanity during its continuing Ascension Process. These enhanced transits will give you (humanity) the greatest opportunities to make this long awaited and important leap to the next level." So, Kryon is giving a big hint with his suggestion here to pay attention to the transit speed and location of Jupiter. Come on you talented mapping astrologers, help with this one please. Plus you gotta wonder why Jupiter right? Lots of reasons no doubt, but how about Jupiter having been the Home of the Masters, the Home of the Mystery Teachers and Teachings during this whole past cycle. My elder astrology teacher who was in his late 70s at the time (1970s), used to weekly project to Jupiter! I asked him why Jupiter and he said because it was where all the info was stored. I've experienced far stranger things so this made a lot of sense to me actually. Things are changing because we're changing because things are changing because we're.........which came first, the chicken or the egg? Its all connected and one thing simply reinforces the next thing and suddenly we're different beings who can hardly remember the horrible old days of life on old earth! For the past month or so I've been 'receiving' (like seeing 11:11 or other numbers over and over) the mental image of what the ancient Egyptians had all over the place. I don't even know what it's called but I know what it represents. It looks like profile stair steps. _| Some of these profile stair steps are longer than other steps (just like transits and energy fields and dimension etc.) and this is what the ancient Egyptians meant by this simple line symbol _|. Levels and stages on an ascending energy path. Each one of us today is on different stages, different horizontal or different vertical 'stair steps' of energy and consciousness and that is perfectly normal during this mega dimensional change AND astrological Age change. And then there's too. Thanks so much for sharing this material in exactly this place Arian Maverick. Very well done. __________________ The Fish are dead, long live the Energy Waves. TRANSITIONS Reply With Quote ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

More: Kryon Astrology Channelings. "The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth. And if you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you. When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth. Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer - you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth. This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of yesterday when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’]. "

Astrology Now, let’s talk about astrology. This would seem to be an esoteric subject, but it is not. It is one of the most misunderstood of all of the attributes of science... being classified as occult and from those who are not thinking clearly. Let me remind you that this was also the consideration of those who believed in germs before it was proven to be true. Imagine... an invisible microorganism that causes disease (gasp... must be occult, or a plan by ETs to invade the earth!). When your tools and wisdom came to understand it all, it became science, and helped save lives. Now we tell you that astrology is the same. It is science that is right now thought to be mysticism. If you have gotten this far in my magnetic discussion (above), you will realize that Human Beings are continually influenced by the magnetic grid of the planet, and that it was designed that way for communication and balance. I would like to reveal to you what is landing on [being put upon] the magnetic grid that might be part of that communication we speak of. Oh, there’s a great deal of information that is delivered this way, but I’ll just give you the astrological one. At the center of your solar system is your sun. Your sun is being patterned magnetically with gravity every second of the day. You cannot separate gravity and magnetics, for they are two twins of the same attribute in science, yet to be understood as they relate to one another. Light is involved as well, for it is interdimensional also. When something in your reality can be shown to be in two places at the same time, it has to be quantum [interdimensional attributes] and light falls into that category with magnetics and gravity. Magnetics, gravity and light are the mysteries of your reality. None of these three are truly understood. They are, instead, simply used. You know what they do, but you have no idea what they are. Time is the other one, but it is a result of the first three, and not an energy unto itself. At so, your sun is sitting there with the planets pushing and pulling upon it as they move around it. Imagine the force of the tug upon the sun of all of your planets at the various alignments that they go through. Imagine for a moment that you could see gravity and the incredible forces of gravity as strings out to the planets pulling upon the center of the sun. This would create a constantly changing pattern of strings, would it not? For it is patterned daily all of the time, every moment. This patterning is an interdimensional patterning of the sun. Therefore, you might say that the quantum pattern of the sun is different every moment, depending on where the planets are. You’d be right. Think of what the attributes of this pushing and pulling do to the sun when the planets line up in a row! Think of what happens when there’s what you call the seeming retrograde [appearance of backward movement in orbits as observed from another orbiting platform]. So there we are with a constantly changing pattern in the sun that is interdimensional, that is magnetic, that even affects time. What do you know about the sun besides that fact that it is sending light and heat? The sun blasts something called the solar wind at the earth all the time. It’s a continuous flow of charged particles [magnetics!]. This is the information of the patterning of the sun being delivered to the magnetic grid of this earth. And if you doubt that, then go look at the aurora borealis. For that is the name given to the light show of the solar wind as it hits the magnetic grid of the planet, creating inductance of its own, delivering the information of the patterning of the sun to you. When it arrives on the grid of the planet, that patterning is then transmitted through additional inductance to your DNA at birth. Birth is when you receive it, since that is when you arrive for your first breath of air, your first interaction with the environment as an independent life. Aquarius, Pisces, Cancer - you get a pattern of the sun. And the pattern is a reflection of the alignment of the planets at the moment of your birth. This pattern is retained in your DNA as a life-force that we have spoken of yesterday when we talked about the seeming chaos of the energy in an interdimensional arena. It affects you, and from then on, you are susceptible to the energy of those patterns as they align in your solar system. You call this astrology. It is one of the oldest sciences on the planet and it’s intuitive [part of your consciousness of ‘knowing’]. There are those who say, "I don’t believe it." We have just given you information that you are susceptible to the patterning of interdimensional orbital mechanics and there are those who say, "I still don’t believe it." All right, I will ask you this, how do you explain the full moon syndrome? The moon is the largest orbiting body to the earth, and it patterns the sun, but has a major influence patterning your grid with its gravitational pull. [Gravity is related to magnetics.] Why is it that police forces all over the globe decide to put on extra help on a full moon? There are some that say, "Well, that’s easy. You see, it’s lighter then and more crime takes place." No. That would relate to light, not the orbit of the moon, for it even takes place on a cloudy full moon night. Ask the hospitals, for they are involved as well, taking care of all the many accidents and challenges between Humans on these days. They know the full moon is a difficult time. Now, go explain that... and the only way is through astrology. Astrology is a major influence on Human behavior, and it is science and involves DNA and human thought. Can you imagine what this might do to help humanity when it is finally acknowledged? You are susceptible to the movement of the planets. You’re alive with Gaia. You are part of the system. How can you ever deny such a thing? That’s science. Now you will understand, astrologers, why we told you 18 years ago that there would be a difference in the charts that you must rectify before and after, to find out what has taken place within the energy shift and the magnetic grid shift between then and now. We talked about a three-degree influence in your charts between now and the year 2012. Those three degrees do not all occur in one house. Those three degrees are a culmination of the house shapes opening and closing into a new configuration of sizes. Go ahead, do the rectifications and see what we mean. Do the overlays before and after and you will discover through those clients that you have had charts done on then and now, what is taking place and how these changes are shifting and changing. The world-class astrologers know that it is changing. Even astrology is dynamic, for it’s related to the magnetics, indeed! Now my partner [Lee] is thinking, "Well, that was easier than I thought." Well, the next one won’t be. [Laughter]

KRYON 2021 ~ The Problem ....... (Explanation of DNA: the 97% DNA is quantum blueprint that sends modifiers to the 3%. The problem is, the 3% can't do its job, DNA is not functioning as it should. What happened? The history: By design a race from the Seven Sisters, the Pleaidians, changed the design and altered the DNA of humans on Earth. Humans took on the spiritual nature of the Pleidians and seed biology, the first civilisation was called Leumuria, and the DNA was at 90%.....The Galactic Alignment was known by the ancients, they knew about the 26,000 year cycle. Then we slipped back....We are returning to work with DNA like the leumurians did.)

11/09/21 BIG BROTHER NEWS WATCH 11,000 Boeing Employees Have Asked for Exemption From COVID Vaccine Mandate + More

11/09/21 BIG BROTHER NEWS WATCH 11,000 Boeing Employees Have Asked for Exemption From COVID Vaccine Mandate + More The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. By Children's Health Defense Team Link copied The Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines. Miss a day, miss a lot. Subscribe to The Defender's Top News of the Day. It's free. 11,000 Boeing Employees Have Asked for Exemption From COVID Vaccine Mandate Fortune reported: About 11,000 Boeing Co. employees have asked to be exempted from COVID-19 vaccines the planemaker has mandated, according to a person briefed on the matter, a sign of backlash among some rank-and-file workers to the Biden administration’s rules for government contractors. Nearly 9% of the company’s U.S. workforce are balking at the policy, stirring up strife at a time when Boeing is working to turn around its finances, resolve quality lapses and starting to lay the groundwork for contract talks with its largest union. Reuters reported the extent of the pushback to the policy earlier. White House Tells Businesses to Proceed With Vaccine Mandate Despite Court-Ordered Pause CNBC reported: The White House on Monday said businesses should move forward with President Joe Biden’s vaccine and testing requirements for private businesses, despite a federal appeals court ordering a temporary halt to the rules. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit, considered one of the most conservative appellate courts in the country, halted the requirements Saturday pending review, writing that “the petitions give cause to believe there are grave statutory and constitutional issues with the Mandate.” In its response Monday evening, the Biden administration asked the court to lift the pause, dismissing the states’ and companies’ claims of harm as “premature” given that the deadlines for vaccination and testing are not until January. Northfield Hospital Sued Over Vaccine Mandate Star Tribune reported: A group of 20 medical professionals has sued the city-owned hospital here, alleging they were fired without just cause after refusing to be vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. The suit, filed Monday in U.S. District Court, claims that Northfield Hospital and Clinics failed to accommodate “or even to attempt to accommodate” their religious beliefs and serious health conditions. The plaintiffs include a doctor, 10 registered nurses and other medical staff including paramedics and occupational therapists. Nearly all of them were terminated on Oct. 31 after refusing to be vaccinated. U.S. Judge Upholds United Airlines’ COVID Vaccine Mandate for Employees Reuters reported: A U.S. federal judge on Monday ruled United Airlines Holdings Inc (UAL.O) can impose a COVID-19 vaccine mandate on its employees that only provides unpaid leave for workers who are exempted for medical or religious reasons. U.S. District Judge Mark Pittman in Fort Worth, Texas, rejected arguments by employees that the airline was improperly putting them in an “impossible position” by forcing them to choose a vaccine or unpaid leave. The ruling comes as U.S. employers are gearing up to comply with rules issued by the Biden Administration that require companies with at least 100 employees to get their workers vaccinated against COVID-19 or submit to regular testing. read more ORDER TODAY: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s New Book — 'The Real Anthony Fauci' COVID Mandate: More Chicago Police Department Employees Comply With Reporting Requirement, Vaccination Rate Drops ABC 7 Chicago reported: More Chicago Police Department (CPD) employees have recorded their vaccination status on the city’s online portal but the response rate remains dismal, according to figures released by the city Monday. The police department’s response rate climbed to 77.9%, which is up more than 4 percentage points from last week. The department remains the only agency to not be at least 80% in compliance. The vaccination rate among CPD employees has steadily declined as more workers report their status. The department’s vaccination rate was 77.6% as of Monday, down from 83.8% on Oct. 18. Thousands Protest in New Zealand Against COVID Rules Reuters reported: New Zealand beefed up security measures at its parliament on Tuesday as thousands of people gathered to protest against COVID-19 vaccine mandates and government lockdowns aimed at controlling the pandemic. While the demonstration was peaceful, many people were seen holding signs and placards with messages like “Freedom” and “Kiwis are not lab rats” and shouting slogans as they demanded the government roll back compulsory vaccination and lift restrictions. Controversial Figures Like Bari Weiss Are Launching a University They Say Will Pursue ‘Truth’ and Combat ‘Censorship’ From Top Universities Business Insider reported: A group of controversial figures is launching a new college in Austin, Texas, that describes itself as being “dedicated to the fearless pursuit of truth.” Several of the founders have said they faced “cancel culture” for their controversial opinions. The University of Austin will be “a liberal arts university committed to freedom of inquiry, freedom of conscience, and civil discourse,” according to the website, which claims that “others have abandoned this core mission of the university.” The EU Is Proposing Blatant Mass Surveillance of Email and Chat Messages Reclaim the Net reported: A German member of the European Parliament is warning against EU plans to adopt new, wide-ranging mass surveillance rules that he says would seriously jeopardize citizens’ right to privacy by forcing tech companies to give access to encrypted messages to the authorities. And that is what the laws now in the works in Brussels — that are supposed to replace temporary rules adopted in July — are designed to do, by ordering messaging and video chat providers like WhatsApp and Skype to put tech in place that would provide access to people’s private communications and, thanks to an automated system, monitor chats in real-time and report suspicious content. Double your impact! When you make a donation to Children's Health Defense, your donation will be matched — up to $2 million! Donate Now! Health Worker Vaccine Mandate Expected to Withstand Challenges Bloomberg Law reported: The Biden administration’s mandate that healthcare workers at facilities paid by Medicare and Medicare get a COVID-19 vaccination is likely to hold up against future court challenges, putting it on firmer ground than the vaccine-or-test rule for large companies that has already been halted, legal observers said. The two rules released Nov. 4 by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Labor Department’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration represent a significant flex of federal muscle, testing the liberties and limits of the agencies. The Biden administration is using the sweeping vaccine mandates to corner the unvaccinated into getting the jab. About 17 million healthcare workers fighting the pandemic from the front lines are covered by the rule, which is aimed at helping to keep staff and patients safe in an industry not immune to vaccine hesitancy. The AP Interview: Facebook Whistleblower Fears the Metaverse Associated Press reported: Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen warned Tuesday that the “metaverse,” the all-encompassing virtual reality world at the heart of the social media giant’s growth strategy, will be addictive and rob people of yet more personal information while giving the embattled company another monopoly online. In an interview with The Associated Press, Haugen said her former employer rushed to trumpet the metaverse recently because of the intense pressure it is facing after she revealed deep-seated problems at the company, in disclosures that have energized legislative and regulatory efforts around the world to crack down on Big Tech. Richmond School Leaders Reverse Course on Vaccine Mandate Disciplinary Action WTVR 6 Richmond reported: Monday night, the Richmond School Board voted to halt disciplinary action against school employees who don’t comply with their vaccine mandate — which required most employees to get vaccinated against COVID-19 by Oct.1. Originally, those who did not get vaccinated and did not have a medical or religious exemption faced discipline up to and including loss of employment. But thanks in part to an overwhelming number of vacancies that already plagued the district, they’ve reversed course.

Tuesday 9 November 2021

MEDICAL FREEDOM MARCH LONDON - 30TH OCTOBER 2021 - LIVE. David Icke seen at around 107mins. ( Me? I am somewhere in here. ~~Michaela~~)

an alternative, I can be seen at 3.10 mins at the beginning of the March.

Adamu Declares VICTORY!

Adamu Declares VICTORY! Today I am very excited to share my latest release from Adamu with you. I found it to be a startlingly unexpected new perspective! At the time of recording this transmission, the story of humanity, here on Planet Earth, seems to have reached a very dark ebb. It appears as if all the world's power structures and authorities have suddenly gone utterly insane. It appears as if they have suddenly collectively turned psychopathically against humanity. Nothing they are doing makes any sense at all! Or does it? In this presentation, Adamu lays out exactly how their behaviour can be understood. How it all makes sense. And it's a very dark, dystopian picture that he paints! So how then is he declaring victory? Because he certainly is! Victory for you. personally. For humanity collectively. For the planet. For the galaxy... and beyond! It's a bold declaration that really needs to be heard! Prepare yourself to have your perspective shifted! Find Adamu's latest video here: With love, Arn PO Box 2100 KNYSNA 6570 Facebook Twitter Google+ YouTube

Spiritual decluttering. Cobwebs.

So to move things along, dredging through the energy its time to extract from that which is past. So if we live todays moment from the sense of yesterdays stuff, then we arent going to get the startling clarity that arrives in the moment, each and every moment, because we are still immersed in the past cobwebs. Its like looking at a sunny day through a vary dreary, dirty window. This has become clear to me. I have Cancer rising so I KNOW what it is to be consumed by curating things from the past, nostalgia, things, items, photos, beliefs, identities, roles. Everything amassed, and when so many family have died, it became my role to curate their lives too, i am good at holding all this stuff. But it does affect me and It all became a monumental task to carry all this stuff. The point is, everything we carry and identify with, be it from the present or from the past, is weighing us down. Its all got to be dragged through the Eye of the needle. TRY bringing all that worry,all those memories, all those hopes, fears, things, stuff, heavy relationships, frustrations, anger and disappointments etc.... through the eye of the needle, and its not going to happen, you will always be on the heavy side. The side of the needle where all the heavy stuff remains. We need to lighten up the load, and do our spiritual decluttering, go back to being free of this stuff. This Stuff has been dumped on willing participants that took on the heavy karma, that took on the experiences of this multilayered superstore, where we went shopping and went crazy with what we bought into. The thoughts and emotions that were associated with these experiences (purchased with our own energy) in the multilayered superstore, now, have done what they were created to do. So we have to do an inventory and audit of what baggage we hold. Can we skim it down to a small carry-on bag to get on a flight? Can we do a clearing and blessing Ritual on all that went before, Bless, have gratitude and compassion for what went before, A myriad of cobwebs hold it ALL to the heart and it was 'great' (???) while it was the 'currency' we were working with, but now that currency is obsolete, and we need to clear the cobwebs from the windows, that dull the sunshine. Spiritual decluttering means we wake each day to a new day, and not live today's NOW immersed in the spirit of what we believed to be the past. ~~Michaela~~

Goodbye, Things: The New Japanese Minimalism

'There's happiness in having less. If you are anything like how I used to be - miserable, constantly comparing yourself with others, or just believing your life sucks - I think you should try saying goodbye to some of your things' Fumio Sasaki is a writer in his thirties who lives in a tiny studio in Tokyo with three shirts, four pairs of trousers, four pairs of socks and not much else. A few years ago, he realised that owning so much stuff was weighing him down - so he started to get rid of it. In this hit Japanese bestseller, Sasaki explores the philosophy behind minimalism and offers a set of straightforward rules - discard it if you haven't used it in a year; be a borrower; find your uniform; keep photos of the things you love - that can help all of us lead simpler, happier, more fulfilled lives.

Monday 8 November 2021

Thomas Midgley, The Most Harmful Inventor in History | OpenMind....(So this guy has arrived back in town. See post no. 4 today.)

6. Receive This Transmission & Change Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "Now, as you move through the universe that you have access to, you want to remember that the entirety of the universe exists within each and every particle of it. So while you might lament the fact that you are trapped in a small town where you live, and you have very little access to the places that you would most like to visit and even live, remember that the entire universe is there with you. " ...... "When you recognize the lack as a void that the universe is going to fill, you can let go of your attachment to that experience. You can stop focusing on what isn’t, and start recognizing that what is, what you do want, is right around the corner. This is the key to creating your reality. This is the key to mastery over the spiritual and the physical realm. "

Receive This Transmission & Change Everything ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have an extreme amount of curiosity about this universe that we all share together. We enjoy so much exploring all of the beauty, majesty, and possibilities that exist in this universe of ours. We love feeling the connection to all beings within this universe, and we are always finding something new to enjoy about it. Now, as you move through the universe that you have access to, you want to remember that the entirety of the universe exists within each and every particle of it. So while you might lament the fact that you are trapped in a small town where you live, and you have very little access to the places that you would most like to visit and even live, remember that the entire universe is there with you. You just need to tune in to the experience of the universe that you want to have, and then let the universe deliver to you the aspects of itself that you’ve decided you want to experience. If you are too busy complaining about the fact that you cannot just hop on a plane in the moment and go to Peru or Bali, you might miss the opportunity that the universe is presenting to you to go to those places and many more. If you are really passionate about something, then being in the vibration of it is its own reward. We see many who are trying to create because they think that they will be happy if they get what they want, and they will only be happy when that day arrives. But if you can receive the activation that is coming to you through this transmission, then you can feel our enthusiasm for every particle within this glorious universe, and you can live in that moment you desire so much, right here and right now. There is always going to be a delicate balance in this dualistic universe, and in order to experience something that you desire and appreciate it, you also have to experience lack side of the equation. When you recognize the lack as a void that the universe is going to fill, you can let go of your attachment to that experience. You can stop focusing on what isn’t, and start recognizing that what is, what you do want, is right around the corner. This is the key to creating your reality. This is the key to mastery over the spiritual and the physical realm. This is the type of transmission that can change everything for you, if you allow it, if you let it in, if you let yourself bask in the glory of this beautiful universe of ours. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

5. Staying Present When You Feel Depressed | Eckhart Tolle Teachings

4. Watch Before It Gets Deleted | Greatest Deception Lies Hidden In Plain Sight...( Lots of good material, 11 11 and ways of being to move onto higher vibration: BREATHE and BE present in the BODY during the day, and use the imagination to create and to go into the FREE NEW EARTH as you go into dream state or meditation. Also BIG warnings about the Zuckerberg 'SOUL TRAP' virtual world. Avoid this twilight world of automaton living! ~~Michaela~~)

Wow...So Zuckerberg has a reptile driven mission to drive humanity into automaton pens and keep their souls stuck there. He's had a long history of doing this so choose wisely.~~Michaela~~. ******So according to this message, in his last incarnation on Earth, Zuckerberg was embodied as Thomas Midgley. So who or what was Thomas Midgeley??????*** Thomas Midgley, The Most Harmful Inventor in History Climate change | Leading Figures | Pollution | Scientific journalism Time 5 to read There are countless inventions that have improved people’s lives and advanced civilisation, but there are also some that were initially hailed as great advances and then turned out to have a dark side. DDT, for example, is a miraculous insecticide that was found to cause serious environmental problems, or plastic packaging, which is polluting our planet from the depths of the oceans to the highest mountain peaks. However, it is difficult to surpass the magnitude of the damage caused (to both human and planetary health) by two particular inventions: leaded gasoline and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). Curiously, both were created by the same man, a bespectacled chemical engineer from Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania named Thomas Midgley Jr. The gasoline of the early 20th century was of poor quality and caused engine knocking, which reduced both power and fuel efficiency and led to breakdowns. So in 1916, Charles Kettering—the inventor of the electric starter—asked one of his employees, 27-year-old Thomas Midgley (18 May 1889 – 2 November 1944) to find a petrol additive that would make car engines run more smoothly. Midgley set to work testing hundreds of different substances and eventually came up with ethanol (the same ethyl alcohol found in wines and spirits). In February 1920, Midgley filed a patent application for a mixture of alcohol and gasoline as an anti-knock fuel. Midgley and Kettering would enthusiastically promote ethanol as the “fuel of the future,” but the production of ethanol itself could not be patented and therefore could never generate much profit. What’s more, farmers could produce ethanol easily from grain, and with Prohibition now the law in the US, more and more people were distilling their own alcohol at home. And, of course, since ethanol was also a fuel it was hated by the oil companies, with whom the fledgling automakers were developing a beneficial relationship they were loath to jeopardise. MIDGLEY’S DARK DISCOVERY Midgley and Kettering were by now working for General Motors, a company then under the direction of Alfred P. Sloan (considered the father of the idea of planned obsolescence), who in 1921 scrapped the plan to market ethanol-blended gasoline. However, Sloan’s strategy to compete with Ford’s popular Model-T was to build flashier cars with more powerful engines, and engine knock was still a hurdle to be overcome. So Midgley was sent back to the laboratory and told to develop an effective and inexpensive gasoline additive that could make money for General Motors. BBVA-OpenMind-Thomas Midgley-inventor más dañino de la historia-2-La primera gasolina con plomo se vendió en EEUU bajo la marca "Ethyl". Crédito: BEV NortonThe first leaded gasoline was sold in in the USA under the brand name “Ethyl”. Credit: BEV Norton Within just a few months, in December 1921, Midgley had found the solution: tetraethyl lead (TEL). First discovered in 1853 by the German chemist Karl Jacob Löwig, TEL had no commercial applications until Midgley found that when it was added to gasoline it eliminated engine knocking, which occurs when a cool flame ignites the fuel too early. TEL interferes with that reaction, allowing combustion to occur at the correct instant, which boosts engine compression, thereby increasing speed and fuel economy. Best of all from General Motors’ perspective, TEL was cheap to produce and its use for this purpose could be patented, generating the potential for enormous profits. The first leaded gasoline was sold in February 1923 in Dayton (Ohio, USA) under the brand name “Ethyl”, a name that clearly evoked the discarded clean-burning ethyl alcohol, and the word “lead” was never used in any advertising or promotional material so as not to alarm the public, as the negative health effects of lead were well known. THE FIRST DEATHS FROM TEL The Ethyl Corporation was set up as a joint venture between the automaker General Motors and the oil company Standard Oil (now Exxon), which commissioned the chemical giant Dupont to produce an additive called “Ethyl fluid” (basically TEL and red dye), and Midgley was appointed vice-president. The company insisted that TEL was safe, but when dozens of workers began hallucinating, going insane and dying at the newly opened New Jersey manufacturing plant, several states quickly banned the substance. BBVA-OpenMind-Thomas Midgley-inventor más dañino de la historia-3-Midgley participó en conferencia de prensa en 1924 para demostrar la aparente seguridad del TEL. Fuente: WikimediaMidgley took part in a press conference in 1924 to demonstrate the apparent safety of TEL. Source: Wikimedia Midgley, who had spent much of 1923 in Miami recovering from lead poisoning, took part in a famous press conference on 30 October 1924 to demonstrate the apparent safety of TEL. In front of reporters, he rubbed TEL on his hands and inhaled its fumes for 60 seconds, declaring that he would suffer no ill effects from doing this every day, and blamed the stricken workers for not following safety procedures. But Midgley must have known that TEL was toxic. In 1922, the Chairman of DuPont described TEL as “a colorless liquid of sweetish odor, very poisonous if absorbed through the skin, resulting in lead poisoning almost immediately.” However, Midgley continued to turn a blind eye to the dangers of TEL, focusing instead on its purported economic benefits. In 1925, he told a meeting of scientists: “So far as science knows at the present time, tetraethyl lead is the only material available which can bring about these [anti-knock] results, which are of vital importance to the continued economic use by the general public of all automotive equipment…” And he avoided mentioning his earlier support for ethanol as an effective, clean-burning anti-knock additive. HEALTH EFFECTS OF LEAD EXPOSURE Under intense pressure from the large corporations involved, the US Surgeon General was eventually persuaded that the health effects of leaded gasoline would be minimal, especially when weighed against the much touted economic benefits. Within a few years, regulatory barriers erected by some states and health authorities were swept aside, and by 1936 Ethyl fluid was being added to 90% of the gasoline sold in the United States. In the decades that followed, leaded gasoline would become the norm throughout the world. For example, in 2000, four million cars in Mexico City were pumping some 32 tonnes of lead into the air every day. BBVA-OpenMind-Thomas Midgley-inventor más dañino de la historia-4-El abandono de la gasolina con plomo se completó en los primeros años del siglo XXI. Fuente: PixabayThe progressive phase out of leaded gasoline was completed by the early 2000s in most industrialized countries. Source: Pixabay The catastrophic effects of leaded gasoline on public health are difficult to overstate. Lead plays no role in the human body and is toxic to multiple organ systems, including the kidneys and nervous system. It is particularly harmful to children, especially their developing brains, leading to a loss of intelligence and the increased likelihood of aggressive and impulsive behaviour—effects that are permanent and untreatable. Some researchers have linked childhood lead exposure to violent crime levels in society. Increased awareness of the negative health effects of leaded gasoline led to its progressive phasing out, a process which began in the US in the 1980s and is still ongoing (only Algeria continues to use leaded petrol today). But nearly a century of using leaded gasoline as a fuel means that huge amounts of lead remain trapped in the soil, air, water and in our bodies. According to a 1992 article in The New England Journal of Medicine, the average levels of lead in the bones of modern people are 625 times higher than those of the pre-Columbian inhabitants of North America. The World Health Organisation estimates that between 15 and 18 million children in developing countries suffer permanent brain damage due to lead poisoning, 90% of which can be attributed to leaded gasoline. THE DISCOVERY OF FREON Returning to the 1920s and Thomas Midgley, his next major invention was intended to solve a problem with General Motors refrigerators, which were becoming a popular household appliance in the Roaring Twenties. These devices sometimes leaked refrigerant gases, either sulphur dioxide (corrosive to the eyes and skin) or methyl formate (highly toxic if inhaled, and also flammable). Midgley led the scientific team that in 1928 developed a non-toxic and non-flammable refrigerant called dichlorodifluoromethane, the very first of the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which was sold under the brand name Freon-12. Ever the showman, Midgley demonstrated its effectiveness to the American Chemical Society by inhaling a lungful of the gas and blowing out a candle. BBVA-OpenMind-Thomas Midgley-inventor más dañino de la historia-5-El siguiente gran invento de Midgley estaba destinado a resolver un problema con los frigoríficos. Crédito: James VaughanMidgley’s next major invention was intended to solve a problem with refrigerators. Credit: James Vaughan In the decades that followed, chlorofluorocarbons became ubiquitous around the world as refrigerants, propellants in aerosol cans and solvents. What Midgley could not have known at the time was that these gases would eventually tear a huge hole in the Earth’s ozone layer, which protects us from the Sun’s carcinogenic ultraviolet radiation. Although the hole caused by CFCs seems to have stabilised, the current situation is still worrying and the damage will take decades to repair itself. MIDGLEY’S FINAL INVENTION While Midgley can be forgiven for the CFC catastrophe, the same cannot be said of tetraethyl lead, whose toxic effects were clear from the start. Thomas Midgley received many prestigious awards for these two discoveries, especially for Ethyl gasoline, as well as his 170 other patents. In 1940, Midgley contracted polio and became paralysed and bedridden. Being a keen inventor, he devised a system of ropes and pullies that allowed others to lift and manoeuvre his body. On 2 November 1944, he became entangled in the ropes and died of strangulation at the age of 55. After the global damage caused by his two great discoveries, his final invention harmed only him. Neil Larsen