Tuesday 31 August 2021

LIVE from Medical Freedom March | LONDON

Message To Off World Beings

A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation Posted on August 30, 2021 in Overviews | By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes " This month has the distinction of many aspects pointing toward the ongoing Eris-Pluto square at the 24-degree mark of Aries and Capricorn, supported at the time of the September 6th New Moon by Jupiter in the same degree of Aquarius, Mars at the same 24-degree mark of Virgo, and Venus- Haumea at 25 and 27 degrees of Libra. "

A September Month of Surprises, Revelations, and Transformation Posted on August 30, 2021 in Overviews | By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes This month has the distinction of many aspects pointing toward the ongoing Eris-Pluto square at the 24-degree mark of Aries and Capricorn, supported at the time of the September 6th New Moon by Jupiter in the same degree of Aquarius, Mars at the same 24-degree mark of Virgo, and Venus- Haumea at 25 and 27 degrees of Libra. Meanwhile, the New Moon takes place at 14 Virgo 38 while Uranus resides at 14 Taurus 40, a mere 2 minutes of a degree away from a perfect trine. That trine aspect from the New Moon to Uranus might be considered supportive, but with Uranus involved, anything goes. We might therefore look for surprising events and startling revelations on the way to this month’s massive structural transformation, as symbolized by Pluto in Capricorn remaining in that T-square with Eris in Aries opposed to Venus- Haumea in Libra. This New Moon indeed packs a wallop, and these outer planet placements have already been active since the recent Full Moon that took place in the last degree of Aquarius, so that things are already showing up in the headlines that reflect the incipient disorder in each of our own psyches. There is always a certain degree of chaos with Pluto; a wise man once remarked in connection with this that that such disarray was part and parcel of the regenerative death-and-rebirth cycle. “Do not dwell on the chaos,” he said, “but await the birth,” and that is good advice for us all just now. Besides the Pluto emphasis there is also the Venus in Libra situation with the New Moon, indicating that all of our relationships may be in something if a stew as well, as the new lunation cycle takes hold for the last three weeks of September. There is the transformational influence provided by Eris and Pluto acting upon that Venus position, and then there is the supportive trine from Jupiter in Aquarius, so that there is a ray of optimism to be factored in also. In general we are being asked by the universe to take ourselves and our relationships as more spiritually serious in this time. Humanity is at a cross-roads after all, and the only way out would seem to be that we step up our level of kindness and our acceptance of each other. This is which the more gentle influence of Haumea, representing Nature as spiritual path, might be attempting to tell us. Mars in the picture of this New Moon is also somewhat cautionary, being in close same-degree aspect to Pluto, another trine. This is good for get up and go – but we will also want to recognize that even with the aspect being a trine, Mars with Pluto is also a cosmic signature for represed anger exploding to the surface, and there is usually plenty of that to go around. We will want to be more cautious than usual, even, with all our friends and relations. Words uttered in anger can be damaging, and there is no real way, once uncorked, to put the mixture back in the bottle. Although, forwarned is, as they say, forearmed. Mercury is also in strange states, getting ready to retrograde the last weekend of the month, on the 26th. When you take the timing of the retrograde shadow into effect, when Mercury is recovering its lost Zodical longitude, there are about five weeks to be dealt with, lasting all the way through the entire month of October. During this time we will all likely experience the usual symptoms of missed connections and mechanical breakdown. This is considered as well a valuable time of introspection, when much of significance can be gleaned by looking to the inside. In all this as well, it is good to mention the prominence of Eris, Feminine Warrior in support of soul intention. There is a dark side to Eris as well, and unmxed with higher purpose she can be difficult. Prominent as she is in these lunations, especially this one of Monday, September 6th, the hope is that we will all, including our leaders, be able to take the high road. There is a way that kindness and good intentions can save us, both individually and collectively, and it is past time for beginning to take that approach to all of our many issues.

Monday 30 August 2021

A Message to Lightworkers – August 27, 2021 " This is why we remind Lightworkers (or spiritual seekers, Light Warriors, Starseeds—choose any label you like—they are all too small to hold your true vibration) that you are not passive recipients of what flows before you as you observe life on your planet, any more than you need be passive recipients of what is happening in your own lives. As co-Creators, you are here to change or influence something that you see has low vibrational purpose and intention. You are here to realize each time you see a condition, thought, or emotion that is crying out for healing, renewal, or a new life, that you are the one who can lift it to a higher level. This is why you cannot go it alone, dear ones. You are in a human body, and the frailty and limits of that existence are considerable. Everything unlike pure Love is now rising to the surface to be healed or transformed, while you experience cellular, heart-mind, and etheric transformation. "

A Message to Lightworkers – August 27, 2021 This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective. This week’s Message is an excerpt from the Collective’s book, Earth Life Challenges: The Collective Speak on Dealing with Trauma and Life Changes. This is from Chapter 4, "On Facing Earth Troubles and Disasters": QUESTION: Planet Earth appears to be going through hell. War, destruction, poverty, starvation, terrorist attacks—these only begin the list of horrors. Has the time arrived when humanity is able to digest the phenomenal reality of just how simple it could be to shift the Earth’s vibration? Is it time to enter the next thousand-year cycle? An age foretold, with Peace and Light and beauty? THE COLLECTIVE: This is one of the greater questions of your age. For it has to do far less with “When” but “How” Earth and Her beings may rise in vibration to begin experiencing a far higher reality than you have seen in eons of your time. We would say that one of the reasons you are experiencing the dissatisfaction you feel with how Earth is functioning now, is that you are yourself aware of your own ever-increasing vibration. You have an increasing awareness of how beautiful Earth life could be, if the majority held a higher consciousness. This extends beyond the current Earth challenges. This issue extends into the entire realm of each person’s soul purpose, and why you are here. When you move into that issue, as you lift above the chaos that is Earth’s current frequency, you enter a completely different realm. At that point, you have left behind your attention to What Is, to outer circumstance. You have then reclaimed your magician’s ability to envision, to think in terms of what you will create next. You are, in fact, asking a far simpler question—one of the few you ever need to ask: What did I come here to do? How do I serve humanity’s and my own higher good? How do I naturally live in the energies of Joy, Peace, and Divine Love, so that others pick up on the beauty of that, and aspire to live there also? Even as you and millions of others are asking those questions, Earth is now entering the next age or cycle on Her timeline, and it is an age that extends very far beyond the thousand years you mention. And to usher in this beautiful era of the Sat Yuga, as the Hindus call it—a time of unprecedented Peace, prosperity, progression, and beauty—you need not wait for things to improve, or wonder why things are moving so slowly. We would call upon every heavenly help you could conceivably imagine, as well as your intergalactic brothers and sisters, and require their assistance at levels unknown and unheard of since the Fall of Earth into the third dimension. And more than that, realize your own connection to these great beings! It is time to come out of the feeling that so many looking to the heavens have sunk into over the eons—this feeling that though you have cried out for help, none is coming to you. Earth Herself cried out for help when the weight of this form of existence became too heavy, too painful, too damaging for Her to carry out any longer. And the answer that came from higher realms was you. You heard Earth’s cries, and you volunteered to step forward and say “Yes,” committing to living yet another Earth life on the most pained and troubled planet in the solar system. You stepped forward with the mission of anchoring higher Light on the planet, in human consciousness, in this entire quadrant of the galaxy. All for the purpose of not only establishing Divine Love as the new normal for Earth life, but celebrating it. This is why we remind Lightworkers (or spiritual seekers, Light Warriors, Starseeds—choose any label you like—they are all too small to hold your true vibration) that you are not passive recipients of what flows before you as you observe life on your planet, any more than you need be passive recipients of what is happening in your own lives. As co-Creators, you are here to change or influence something that you see has low vibrational purpose and intention. You are here to realize each time you see a condition, thought, or emotion that is crying out for healing, renewal, or a new life, that you are the one who can lift it to a higher level. This is why you cannot go it alone, dear ones. You are in a human body, and the frailty and limits of that existence are considerable. Everything unlike pure Love is now rising to the surface to be healed or transformed, while you experience cellular, heart-mind, and etheric transformation. For that journey, and for all Earth journeys, you need supports, encouragements, inspirations. Call out for them, and demand them from your higher self. You will not be abandoned. You will be led to exactly what you need, if you will only ask for this assistance. We recommend to many that they listen to inspiring, high vibrational music whenever they feel to be at a low frequency in heart, mind, body, or spirit, or simply as a part of their day. We recommend reading inspiring books that encourage you to turn your thoughts and energies—your focus and attention—to Abundance, Joy, fulfillment, Love, and living out your life purpose in joyful ways. The best of these books will hold higher energies that do the job of lifting your outlook to where you see yourself not as the passive receiver of Earth’s current conditions, but as a powerful influencer. One who helps to set the tone for how the world sees itself, and what it sees as necessary, possible, and real. Your vibration alone influences thousands of people. You are even now beaming out a transmission of Light and higher energies that reach thousands of miles beyond where you now sit. If you want to see more Peace in the world, you must exude that vibration as the New Reality. We strongly suggest that you release all need to watch anything that is not Peaceful—to cease watching any film, television, news reports, videos, music (which often is not music, but chaotic entrainment) that portrays or describes acts of violence, whether between a few people or between whole countries. Even economic news that takes a downward turn can feel to be a form of violence, as your subconscious will be quietly calculating, as you listen to the news report or commentary, how many thousands or millions of people will be affected by a “sudden downturn in the markets.” There is so much in that one phrase alone, oft-repeated in the media, that is intentionally designed to lower your vibration and set you into anger, hopelessness, and feelings of loss—that is reason enough to no longer listen to news reports. We are aware that there are alternative news outlets, programs, and reports that are insightful on spiritual levels, and that seek the true nature of that which is being reported in the mainstream media. Yet carefully watch your vibration as you listen to these—are you heartened by them, or disappointed? Are you feeling empowered, or weakened? If you are feeling anything that is not positive and strengthening to you, do as any sensible parent would do, if your child was watching something that showed violence or some form of struggle without resolution in sight—you would turn it off immediately. We say this not to discourage you from knowing what is happening in the world, but to limit your intake of that information (and you live in information-obsessed times), so that you are mainly taking in only that which feeds you on a soul level, not that which depletes you. Dense or negative news will have a harder time wearing you down if you are in the habit of not listening any further than the first few sentences that introduce what is going to be announced or discussed. That is often all you need to grasp the basics of a situation. And often, even that is more than you are truly interested in. You have simply been mentally programmed to “need” to know what is happening everywhere, and to sink yourself into the hyper-emotional stance of most news reports. That is the sort of holding-your-breath-and-wondering-what-will-happen-next unhealthy excitement—a concentration on the low vibrational—that we would like you to step away from. It is vital—not just a nice idea, but vital—that you take time every week and in a smaller way, every day, to steep yourself in that which, for you, describes the New Earth. Go out of your way to find beautiful and inspiring pieces of music or artwork, inspiring films, quiet and replenishing time spent in Nature, time with loved ones, reading inspiring stories, or laughing at comedies or a life situation, getting your diaphragm engaged in the process of expunging the deep emotions that lie buried there. Just as it is vital to step away from consuming meat and dairy products, which come from violent industries that are harming your planetary climate and well-being, it is also necessary to step away from the toxicity of the digital environment. This means moving away from both the devices themselves, and the content on them. And to stop allowing them to define your daily life. We assure you, despite the appearance of the violence and chaos the planet has been steeped in for millennia, on the whole, this is a planet experiencing more well-being than disruption. The question is, Where will you place your attention, powerful co-Creator? What story will you choose to concentrate on, as representative of the New Earth that you and millions of other Light Beings are busy making? Will you allow the old power structure to not only continue to train your mind and expectations, but to control your emotions and your highly defined beliefs and expectations of the world? Or will you strike out on your own and decide Who you are, remember what it is you came here to do, and concentrate on—increase, in other words—those Earth experiences you would prefer existed everywhere. We encourage all Light Beings (and you are all such) to realize your incredible co-Creative power, which lives within you at all times. It is impossible that you would consistently look at your checking account balance or spreadsheet, and give thanks and bless and praise that “reality,” without seeing it improve in a short amount of time. Never mind that your logical mind is saying, “But we’ve only got a small amount of money in there!” You have chosen to see the Abundance that is within everything, and therefore, also within the open co-Creative field that is your accounts, your wallet, and your everyday life. You have chosen to work with the energetic reality that is constantly open to being molded into some outer form, or renewed into a higher form. In your Universe, what you focus on and call Reality can only increase. It promulgates, grows, extends to greater heights (or depths). It awaits your labeling of it and your feelings about it, before taking off in exactly the direction you have indicated it should pursue. Yes, you are that powerful. And if only two or three people in an entire city determine (particularly if they combine their focus and intention in a group effort) that pollution, crime, inequality, fraud, and toxicities of all kinds are now going to dwindle to record-low numbers in their town—this has a powerful effect. Experiments have been conducted over the past few decades that prove that exact idea. As does your own life. And so, take your eyes off of what you cannot stand—you are not assisting others or taking full responsibility for your inner life by allowing your vibration to fall. If there is a situation you hear of that you would like to actively help or send Light to, then do so. But if a thing feels bigger than you, or feels unsolvable, let it go. Hand it over to your soul, the Angelic legions, Creator God/Goddess, and say, “I give this to you. And I send healing Light, that your Divine solution be made manifest in this situation, now and always. I give thanks!” Then go back to being a positive human being who inspires everyone they meet. Go back to singing your song, and doing what is joyful to you, for Earth’s sake. For this you came. Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-august-27-2021. Thank you.

Pluto Eris Square: And now for something completely different. (not really, As it is all in the stars) A look at the Eris Pluto Square for August 2021...."PLUTO SQUARE ERIS: Evolution Vs Extinction." which brings astrological light to what is happening ...."When You See Eris, Think Persephone, Queen Of The Underworld, Shadow Boss and Change Goddess " (Mystic Medusa). "Eris square Pluto, 2020 - 2028, Anticipating Awakenings, New Potentials and Change "

https://angstoic.com/2019/03/eris-goddess-of-strife-and-discord/. ***** https://angstoic.com/2020/01/pluto-square-eris-jan-27-jun-15-dec-11-2020/ ***** https://mysticmedusa.com/2019/01/pluto-eris-aspect-exact-dates-astrology/***** https://abiggerpicture.com/blog/eris2021 ***** Astrological Eris squared Pluto three times in 2020, with Saturn, Jupiter and Mars in the mix. It was an highly erratic, emotionally turbulent and aggravating time, especially with Mars in its home sign of Aries for 6 months. The systems, institutions, and structures of our lives are shaken (the Capricorn planets). Corona virus lockdowns started, enabling reevaluation of the power and control over others, that have ruled societal norms, and the lack of integrity. Individuation, realisation, and justice for Self (the Aries planets) are stirring. Cages are rattled. We are all in our own little cocoons; in gestation… awakening and transforming. Old emotional energy, and psychological baggage rise. Eris the Great Disrupter is one of the most ignored in the astrological community. *****Most people find the inner emotions that rise to the surface unwanted and unwelcome. **** Eris has a decidedly emotional component, oscillating between the heart-centred, and the hard-hearted. Pluto and Eris will make two exact square aspects on 27 August and 9 October 2021. And the 24 degree points on Capricorn and Aries will be triggered into 2022. There will be more conjunctions to Eris (from Chiron and Saturn) all the way to 2028. Uranus square Saturn is the main feature of 2021, but Eris square Pluto is still brewing. Can we really afford to ignore Eris energy? Ignorance is not bliss. This will continue to trigger people, to stir up win-at-all-costs battles, brutal game playing, competition, jealousy and disruptive heart-felt emotions, but more importantly insecurity and vulnerability. And also wisdom being thrown out of the door due to ego-mind, with ramifications regretted later. Eris transits are here to teach us. This time Eris is going to hang around for many years. We can run, but we can’t hide. Kicking or screaming, we are going to do this…

Pluto Eris Square. " MANY ARE REELING from all cosmic energies we've been working with throughout August. In this past week alone, we experienced one of the energetic pinnacles of the transformational Pluto-Eris square, multiple solar flares (the highest at level M-4), and a medium-level geomagnetic storm. In the same way that the effects of a hurricane linger even after the storm makes landfall, we are still within the energy field of the Pluto-Eris square this week. In fact, with the fifth and final exact square occurring less than six weeks from now (on October 8), we actually are working with this dynamic aspect from now through late October. This means that we can expect disruptions and upheaval in the outer world to continue into the next two months, as the facade continues to be cleared away and truths are made evident. "NorthPoint Astrology Journal Your weekly guide to planetary influences August 30 to September 5, 2021 by Pam Younghans.

Get the full oicture for this week: http://www.northpointastrology.com/northpoint-journal.html

Sunday 29 August 2021

September Energies: Cross-Connecting to Atlantis ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "And you will be able to feel your emotions more clearly and choose which ones you want to feel, and that is something that many people on your world have yet to experience in this lifetime. It is huge to be able to choose how you want to feel, instead of walking around and just getting triggered over and over again. We want this for you, and we know that you want it for yourselves, and so we are happy to participate in the delivery of the September energies, and we know that those of you who are sensitive and are open will be catapulting yourselves forward as a result of what you are about to receive. "

September Energies: Cross-Connecting to Atlantis ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very impressed by the way you all have handled the energies of August, and we are very excited to see what you will do with the energies of September, a month that includes an equinox, a balancing of the scales. Many individuals on your world have felt out of balance in some way for quite some time, and more importantly, many individuals have been triggered to specific traumas in previous lifetimes that they are cross-connecting to, but also unaware of the fact that they are accessing those past life traumas. And that’s where the September energies come in to play. You all need some soothing, an energetic bath to cleanse you and to help you to release those stuck energies, those traumas, those emotions you either couldn’t or wouldn’t feel in those previous lifetimes. And so, the energies of September will be supportive of the final release, the final letting go of the heaviness of those traumas so that you can move into the December solstice clear, open, and ready to receive the next download of energies that will take you into 2022. This has not been an easy year there on planet Earth, because so many have felt disappointed for one reason or another, and that disappointment is not just about their own experiences and lives. People have been disappointed in other people, and this has created a chain reaction that has taken you back in a sense to Atlantean times. In Atlantis many of the humans could see the folly of the ways of their fellow Atlanteans but could do nothing to stop what was already occurring. Many felt powerless to put a stop to what was the decline of Atlantis that would ultimately result in its destruction. So many people on Earth right now feel that way for a variety of reasons, and so those Atlantean traumas are just some of the ones that people are cross-connecting to and needing to release and heal once and for all. The September energies will do more than just balance you; they will also support you, help you to cleanse and heal so that you can move on from the weight of past life traumas that you are holding in your root chakras, and you will be able to relax when you open yourselves up to these energies. And you will be able to feel your emotions more clearly and choose which ones you want to feel, and that is something that many people on your world have yet to experience in this lifetime. It is huge to be able to choose how you want to feel, instead of walking around and just getting triggered over and over again. We want this for you, and we know that you want it for yourselves, and so we are happy to participate in the delivery of the September energies, and we know that those of you who are sensitive and are open will be catapulting yourselves forward as a result of what you are about to receive. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Yesterday's London freedom march Hyde park to Clapham Common. Great atmosphere, so good to see so many and everyone was definitely on the same page. See exciting photos and videos here. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9935831/Thousands-anti-vaxxers-central-London-continue-campaign-against-Covid-vaccines. (thousands of normal people, all ages, all cultures, singles, families, friends and small group clusters... 'Walking their right to stand against mandates'~~Michaela~~) htmlThousands of anti-vaxxers march through London in massive 'medical freedom' demonstration against vaccine passports. Thousands of anti-vax protesters take to the streets of central London in continued campaign against jabs. Pictures and video online showed the huge crowd progressing towards Westminster, central London. The demonstrations are understood to be part of coordinated global protest against mandatory vaccines. French and Italian cities also saw protesters, as Paris endured protesters for the seventh consecutive week.

Thousands of anti-vaxxers have taken to the streets of central London in protest as they continue their campaign against mandated vaccines and Covid passports. Demonstrators purportedly from The Save Our Rights UK group, armed with St George's flags, placards, banners and megaphones, spent the afternoon marching through the capital. The collective had previously promoted the 'medical freedom march', which would be 'standing against mandated vaccines and vaccine passports, as the large crowd, understood to be in the thousands, gathering in Hyde Park. Pictures and video shared online showed the large group, understood to be in the thousands, progressing past Vauxhall Bridge. Police are monitoring the crowd, as eyewitnesses report at least four riot vans rushed over to the scene. The demonstrations mark part of a coordinated worldwide protest, seen also in cities in Italy and France, at governments' decisions to impose mandatory vaccinations for some members of society.

Marina Jacobi - Stargates Corrector Technology - S4 E35



Ex-Pfizer science chief: You are being lied to about Covid By TCW - August 29, 2021 https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ex-pfizer-science-chief-you-are-being-lied-to-about-covid/

08/27/21 • BIG PHARMA › VIEWS From Chimpanzees to Children: The Origins of RSV — Respiratory Syncytial Virus Research shows that respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV — recognized as one of the most common causes of childhood cold-like illness — originated in monkeys housed in a Maryland facility where they were used to conduct polio vaccine research. By Lyn Redwood, RN, MSN


Saturday 28 August 2021


Letters of notice to schools re vaccination of child...PUB’s Three Notice Process To Stop Schools Vaxxing Children Posted on 27th August 2021 by The Bernician https://www.thebernician.net/pubs-three-notice-process-to-stop-schools-vaxxing-children/.

PUB’s Three Notice Process To Stop Schools Vaxxing Children *** Posted on 27th August 2021 by The Bernician**** By popular and urgent demand, here lies PUB’s three notice process to deal with the clear and present threat that UK schools will be offering the experimental COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ to 12-17 year olds next month, following the JCVI’s recent u-turn on its 15/07/2021 assessment that the risk outweighed the benefits of vaxxing anybody under 18. Notice of Conditional Acceptance The Notice of Conditional Acceptance should be sent to the governors of any school which has indicated that they have plans to facilitate the ‘vaccination’ of your child, conditionally agreeing to grant your consent in the event they can provide you with the material evidence you ask for. Moreover, every parent should engage in this process acting as a Trustee of the People’s Union of Britain [PUB], in order to establish their legal protection, under the provisions of the Treaty of Universal Community Trust. Each missive must also be sent by recorded mail or special delivery and all mailing receipts must be retained, so that it can proven that every notice was duly served upon the intended recipients. Dear Sir/Madam, RE: SCHOOL VACCINE POLICY. In relation to UK Government COVID-19 ‘Vaccine’ Policy, under the protection of the People’s Union of Britain, you are hereby served notice that I conditionally accept that you are lawfully entitled to ‘vaccinate’ my child, [add name of of child], whilst on school premises, provided you deliver to me the following: 1) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ are incapable of harming my child. 2) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ have undergone rigorous double-blind placebo safety studies. 3) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that my child will not develop neurological problems, suffer blood clots, go blind or die because of being injected with a COVID ‘vaccine’. 4) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the COVID ‘vaccines’ approved for emergency use by the MHRA provide immunity from either SARS-COV-2 or COVID-19. 5) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that the school has sought legal advice on whether it is lawful to administer emergency use ‘vaccines’ to children on the school premises and that you have performed an appropriate risk assessment. 6) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have employed the Precautionary Principle when deciding whether or not to ‘vaccinate’ children at the school. 7) Material evidence, not hearsay or opinion, which proves beyond reasonable doubt that you have informed your public indemnity insurers if there is any possibility that serious or fatal ‘vaccine’ adverse events might ensue upon ‘vaccination’ of my child, in which case you would be liable for gross negligence and perhaps even manslaughter. Please deliver to me these reasonably requested items within seven days of your receipt of this notice, given the seriousness of the matters raised and the apparent imminence of the school adhering to the UK Government policy of rolling out the COVID ‘vaccines’ for children. I look forward to hearing from you without delay in signed writing. In sincerity and honour, without ill will, frivolity or vexation,****For full details of letters go to https://www.thebernician.net/pubs-three-notice-process-to-stop-schools-vaxxing-children/

Ascending in Spite of Your Oppressors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton.

Ascending in Spite of Your Oppressors ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been witnessing the struggle that humanity has endured with being oppressed, and we understand why so many of you are angry about this oppression. We understand why you are angry with government officials, cabals, and negatively-oriented extra-terrestrials, and we feel compassion for you for what you have endured there on Earth. We do believe, however, that we can help to alleviate some of the suffering that you’ve experienced by reminding you that you are very powerful beings and that you do create your own reality. So all of the oppression that you have experienced has been necessary to give you the third and fourth-dimensional experiences that you have been able to have there on Earth. Were it not for the oppression, you would have moved through the third dimension very fast, and many of you would have shifted to the fifth dimension before the rest of humanity was ready. We saw this happen with the Mayans, for example, where many of the Mayans ascended because they were simply ready to. Now if this had continued on Earth, you would have had civilization after civilization ascending, and those who were not so fortunate to have chosen to incarnate in an advanced civilization would have endured even more suffering and even more oppression. So those of you who have been holding the space for all of humanity and holding the higher vibration that you do for your collective have created a balance there, and that balance was necessary to give all of you the numerous experiences that you wanted to have before shifting. Remember that everything is a choice on some level. Just because you don’t remember making the choice to incarnate there and be oppressed doesn’t make it any less of a choice. Now that most of you who are awake have also become aware of your oppressors, you feel a great deal of anger and you want justice. You want to them to be taken down, imprisoned, and some of you even look for their deaths as a necessary punishment for what they have done. But this is not how you evolve and ascend. You evolve and ascend through forgiveness, compassion, and unconditional love. And that forgiveness is made possible by this understanding that you needed them to play the role of the bad guys, the dark ones. You needed that oppression to stay in the fourth and third dimensions long enough to have a collective event that will be the ascension of all of humanity that is present on Earth. So look for that knowing within yourselves, process your angry feelings, and get to the place of forgiveness and compassion for those who chose to play their roles, and we can assure you that those roles are not as good feeling as you might suspect. Having all of that power and all of that money is meaningless without love. And some of these beings who have been your oppressors have even come to that conclusion through the lives that they have lived, and they will need ones like you who are awake to forgive them. And this is what we believe is necessary as well for the ascension of all of humanity. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Friday 27 August 2021

COVID MADNESS AND MASS CONFORMITY VS. THE LIFE FORCE August 26, 2021. https://www.wakingtimes.com/covid-madness-and-mass-conformity-vs-the-life-force/?utm_source=Waking+Times+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=b54fab5240-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_25f1e048c1-b54fab5240-54819366

Jon Rappoport, Guest** Waking Times**** The basic human immune system is HEALTH. VITAL LIFE FORCE. It ISN’T a germ-killing antibody-marching military machine inside the body. However, since modern society is based on a massive attempt to install Pavlovian stimulus-response as the basic principle for “better living,” professionals are going to view Health as a machine-produced outcome. The antibodies march and scout, the T-cell troops come in behind them and attack the invader, and so on. This preposterous bullshit becomes a model of life. And therefore doctors and public health experts are the messiahs who protect us every day from harm caused by the invaders (viruses). This load of gibberish forms the basis for the fake pandemic and the robot responses of the population. LIFE-FORCE, on the other hand, is a unique drive within the individual to express vitality and energy and imagination in the world. When it flows, health flows. Conformity is the “we’re all in this together” lullaby for the mesmerized masses sitting in a decaying common pool of mind control. For five minutes it looks like a superhighway and then you’re in a blind alley at midnight up against a brick wall. Who is this WE? What is the THIS in which we’re all together? Answer: The WE is rubber-stamped copies of humans that individuals pretend to be, and the THIS is a vapor of spiritual and energetic sedation. What is the source of all the systems, protocols, models, and methods that dominate modern life to the point of lockstep surrender? A good place to start is the education system. It’s managed to promote the false belief that, unless everyone goes to school for at least 12 years, whole nations will be composed of rank drooling idiots. In fact, the education system has a propensity for turning out those drooling idiots. William Blake, one of the greatest poets of any era in any language, attended school until he was 10. After that, his mother taught him at home. I’m not sure about this, but I’ve been told God never went to school at all. It’s impossible to study a child who has been inoculated with 12 or 16 years of education and ask, “What would he be like if he’d never gone to school?” But common sense tells us that, if he had an innate curiosity about life, he would have pursued learning in his own way. He would have learned to read. He would have found books. He would have launched his own imagination in many directions. AND HE WOULD HAVE BECOME STRONG AND INDEPENDENT. He wouldn’t have become a trained weasel. Highly organized civilization makes us think there are only so many paths in life, and we must choose one of them and stay on it. This automatically shrinks our view of Reality. The concept of RADICALLY DIFFERENT LIFE seems impossible. Nations and people are choking on SAMENESS. So when a shit-cloud of experts blows in the door and announces there is a pandemic caused by a virus, most of us stand up and salute. Most of those who don’t merely disagree on the fine points. “Do I really need the booster shot, or am I good with two doses of the Pfizer?” It never occurs to most people that the whole story is pulp fiction flying under the banner of warped and confined “scientific” minds that have been conditioned by years of schooling and training. These expert medical and public health minds have been deadened and walled off from LIFE ITSELF. I see dead people. I see dead people telling us what to do. I see dead people promoting fear as their only goal. Trapped themselves, they want to trap us. The elite strategy is in for a penny in for a pound. “Well, OF COURSE the virus exists. So it’s a question of how serious and deadly it is. Now, the official figures suggest it was weakening by June 15th, but then the Variant emerged. That was a game changer. The latest measurements of antibody production against the Delta Variant indicate…” Zzzzz. The flying edge of a SYSTEM flew by and caught people unaware and dragged them down into the depths of mental surrender to the STORY about the original STORY… Life is not a protocol. An imitation of life is a protocol. Hence, I repost my piece, THE BLOCKBUSTER MOVIE CALLED REALITY: There is always a certain amount of whining and remorse as one enters the theater to see the movie called Reality. “Is this a good idea?” “Why did I buy the ticket?” But you can already feel a merging sensation. The electromagnetic fields humming in the theater, even before the movie starts, are drawing you in. Your perception of x dimensions is narrowing down to three. You take your seat. You look at the note you’ve written to yourself, and you read it again: “Don’t forget where you came from. Don’t forget this is just a movie. Don’t fall asleep. The serial time in the movie is an artifact. The binding feeling of sentimental sympathy is a trance-induction. It’s the glue that holds the movie fixed in your mind.” “The movie will induce nostalgia for a past that doesn’t exist. Don’t surrender to it.” “You’re here to find out why the movie has power.” “You want to undergo the experience without being trapped in it.” “The content of the movie will distract you from the fact that it is a construct.” The lights dim.*** For more go to; https://www.wakingtimes.com/covid-madness-and-mass-conformity-vs-the-life-force/?utm_source=Waking+Times+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=b54fab5240-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_term=0_25f1e048c1-b54fab5240-54819366

Say no to vaccine passports | Together Declaration Launch LIVE

Please sign and share the Together Declaration http://www.togetherdeclaration.org The Together Declaration sets out how vaccine passports, or any form of digital ID, will compromise the rights and freedoms of the people of the United Kingdom and invites the public to join us in sending a message loud and clear: No Vaccine Passports Anywhere. The Together Declaration is supported by senior doctors, NHS staff, mental health professionals, faith leaders, legal professionals, entrepreneurs, business leaders, sports people, presenters, musicians, political leaders and campaign groups. To protect all our freedoms, we know we must do this #Together. We need your help in sharing the Together Declaration and we would appreciate it if you can share the press conference broadcast and the Together Declaration via your social media, contact list and wider networks. #together we can create change. Please sign and share the Together Declaration http://www.togetherdeclaration.org

Saturday, August 28, 2021 Freedom March . https://www.togetherdeclaration.org/#signup

Hosted by Sophie The Freedom Group: London Socials The Freedom Group: London Socials Public group Saturday, August 28, 2021 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM BST Add to calendar Hyde Park Corner · London How to find us Will confirm exact meeting point on Friday evening Location image of event venue Details We say no to health passports & yes to freedom of choice. We want the truth on the C- j a b s from the mainstream media and Tech giants, for people to make an informed decision, and we want to protect the children. RSVP if you'd like to join the Freedom March this Saturday. Start time 1pm. Official meeting point is Hyde Park Corner station. I'll post an exact location for us to meet around 12.30pm, so that we can find each other. More info on what we stand for: https://togetherdeclaration.org/ - Together is a coalition of over 200 organisations and individuals who are working together, to speak out against measures taken in response to C - 19. If you believe that now is the time to work together to help keep each other safe whilst also protecting the most important parts of democracy and normal life, then this is your opportunity to make your voice heard. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcpGbZL6Jvc

08/26/21 • › NEWS BBC Radio Host Died of COVID Vaccine Complications, Coroner Confirms Lisa Shaw, 44, died from vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia, a condition that leads to swelling and bleeding of the brain, about three weeks after her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Studies link AstraZeneca and all three COVID vaccines authorized in the U.S. to blood-clotting disorders. By Megan Redshaw https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/lisa-shaw-bbc-radio-host-died-covid-vaccine-complications/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=e3c7ef52-09f6-45d5-86fc-ed1502ecf805

It was so cleverly done. The perceptions of people have been pushed and squashed into the wrong shaped holes, for so long and with craft to keep them spell bound, and so, even though it is uncomfortable, the people remain trained within those shaped holes, until they can no longer pull their heads out, and that is the warped 'reality' system we have outgrown....or have we?~~Michaela~~.

by Jenny Schiltz | Aug 26, 2021 Message from the Arcturians on the Current Energies " All is awakening, all is changing and we urge each of you to look at all around you with fresh eyes. Ask that the lens and filters in which you perceive the world be updated and cleared of any distortions. It is this lens and filters that often keep souls consistently recreating what was, instead of what can be. Through these energy bursts, all is shifting and awakening. "

https://www.jennyschiltz.com/message-from-the-arcturians-on-the-current-energies/?mc_cid=e01335ce82&mc_eid=eef0e90078 *****Message from the Arcturians on the Current Energies by Jenny Schiltz | Aug 26, 2021 | Ascension help, Energy Update, Messages from the guides, Uncategorized***** Quick update on what is happening energetically. We are being hit with solar winds and Coronal mass ejections (CME). These injections hold incredible amounts of amazing plasma. Plasma in the human body is known to take nutrients, hormones, and proteins to parts of the physical body that need it. The plasma that’s coming in from our sun is bringing activations and codes to our energetic bodies. Once it is in our energetic bodies then it begins to interact with the physical body. The CME’s create geomagnetic storms that affect and weaken our magnetic shield on the earth and it affects our aura the same. Many people experience headaches and sinus pressure, nausea, and dizziness. There can be body aches, bloating particularly around the rib cage/solar plexus area. Often this energy will bring about a deep purge, so you may be experiencing stomach upset. Ear ringing tends to be heightened during these events as well as dreams. When I tapped into my Arcturian team during today’s Aura Cleanse they wanted to give a message: “Your world is being bombarded with awakening codes. These are designed to clear the cobwebs of sleep and activate what has yet to be connected. It matters not where one is in regards to their awakening process. All matter is affected in some way. The information coming in affects everything at the atomic level. All is awakening, all is changing and we urge each of you to look at all around you with fresh eyes. Ask that the lens and filters in which you perceive the world be updated and cleared of any distortions. It is this lens and filters that often keep souls consistently recreating what was, instead of what can be. Through these energy bursts, all is shifting and awakening. For some, it will be monumental shifts and for others, it will be minute. It is through the shifting within that more will begin to remember their connection to All That Is and their place within creation. This is an immensely exciting time, as many are seeing through the paradoxical nature of your reality. Seeing into the illusion will give the opportunity for what is not truth to collapse. These changes being made within have greater potential to bring about healing, connection, and greater awakening when they are interacted with. Will all those not interacting still receive the coding? Yes of course. Yet as you know the minute something is observed the outcome changes. What do you think the change will be if these energies are welcomed into the form with joy, excitement, and appreciation versus disdain, frustration, and a desire for it to stop? One can be exhausted and still joyous. One can be in pain and still excited about the changes taking place. We see this much like a human’s labor. It is indeed painful for most, yet gone through with anticipation and joy. This is because the outcome is known and wanted. You too want the outcome from all that is taking place, yet because it cannot be seen nor quantified, it is natural to lose sight of what is being birthed. We say to you: Keep going, Keep growing and receiving, Keep opening. What you have been working lifetimes for is here to be accessed, the time is NOW.” Thank you to all that support and share this work. It really means the world. If you would like to join the 2x weekly (Monday & Thursday) Aura Cleansing, healing, and energizing, along with an energy write up to help you navigate the intense energies starting at $11.11 per month, click HERE . Jenny

VACCINE MANDATES AND THE “GREAT RESET” August 26, 2021. https://www.wakingtimes.com/vaccine-mandates-and-the-great-reset/ " Through state-provided vaccination, the state can continue to hold on to the narrative of the great threat and still get out of the lockdown. At the same time, it can pass itself off as a savior that is making somewhat more normality possibly through vaccination. To do this, it is necessary that as large a proportion of the population as possible also get vaccinated, because if only a fraction of the population gets vaccinated, the vaccination campaign cannot be sold as a necessary step toward opening up. Thus, it is in the state’s interest to get a major part of the population vaccinated. If this strategy works, the state will have set a precedent, expanded its power, and also made citizens more dependent. Citizens will believe that the state has rescued them from a mortal predicament and that they will need its help in the future. In return, they will be willing to give up some of their liberties permanently. The announcement that a state-organized annual vaccination booster is needed will perpetuate the citizens’ dependence. The mass media have fallen in line and actively support the vaccination narrative. "

Philipp Bagus, Mises Institute Waking Times Pressure on the unvaccinated grows. While the vaccinated in some countries are getting back some of their freedoms taken away by the covid interventions, the unvaccinated are not so well off. They are being targeted for discrimination. Access to public spaces and traveling is being made more difficult for them. In some countries there is even mandatory vaccination for some professions. But why is the vaccination campaign so important to governments that they are increasing the pressure to such an extent? And who has an interest in the global vaccination campaign? To answer these questions, it is necessary to analyze the prevalent vaccination narrative and ask who benefits from it. In doing so, the alliance of interests between the state, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and supranational institutions must be addressed. Let us start with the pharmaceutical industry. It has an obvious economic interest in the vaccination campaign. It makes enormous profits from widespread vaccination. What about the state? In the covid-19 crisis, politicians have systematically amplified fear and hysteria. This was no accident and is unsurprising, for the state builds its raison d’être on the argument that it protects the population from internal and external dangers. The state is built upon fear. The narrative is that without the help of the state, the citizen would be defenseless against hunger, poverty, accidents, war, terrorism, disease, natural disasters, and pandemics. It is, therefore, in the state’s interest to instill fear of possible dangers, which it then pretends to resolve, expanding its power in the process. A relatively recent example is the restriction of civil liberties in the US in response to the threat of terrorism after the 9-11 attacks and the second Iraq war. Similarly, it was in the interest of governments to purposefully instill fear and portray covid-19 as a unique killer virus in order to expand state power to an extent unknown in peacetime at the expense of citizens’ fundamental rights. When the corona crisis started and not much was known about the virus’s potential danger politicians were faced with an asymmetric payoff. If politicians underestimate a danger and do not react, they are held responsible for the underestimation. They lose elections and power. Especially if they can be blamed for deaths. Photos of mass burials aside, the consequences of underestimating danger and failing to act are politically fatal. In contrast, overestimating the danger and taking decisive action are politically much more attractive. If it really is an unprecedented threat, politicians are celebrated for their tough measures such as lockdowns. And politicians can always argue that without their decisive action, there would indeed have been a disaster. If the measures ultimately turn out to have been exaggerated because the hazard was not so great after all, the possible negative consequences of the measures are not as directly associated with the politicians as the photos of mass burials, because these consequences are more indirect and long term. The indirect and long-term health costs of lockdowns include suicides, depression, alcoholism, stress-related illnesses, earlier deaths from canceled surgeries and screenings, and a generally lower standard of living. However, these costs are not directly associated with the drastic interventions and blamed on the policy. Many of these consequences will occur after the next elections or even later and are not visible. For instance, we cannot observe to what extent a higher standard of living would have increased life expectancy. And if someone dies six years from now from alcoholism or depression developed in the wake of lockdowns, most people probably will not make the lockdown politicians responsible, and if they do, these politicians will possibly already be out of office. Thus, it is in the interest of politicians to overestimate a threat and overreact. In order to justify and defend the harsh measures such as lockdowns that are so attractive to politicians, it is necessary to stir up fear. When politicians stoked fear and hysteria during the covid-19 crisis, implementing highly restrictive measures such as lockdowns, the damage to the economy and social fabric was immense. Yet a society cannot be cannot be locked down forever, as the costs keep rising. At some point, it must exit lockdown and return to some normality. However, how can one at the same time stir up fear of the threat of a killer virus and return to normalcy? The way out is vaccination. With to the vaccination campaign the state can stage itself as the savior from the great danger. The state organizes vaccination for its citizens and gives the vaccinations to the citizens for “free.” Without this “vaccination rescue” and in a permanent lockdown, the negative economic and social consequences of the restrictions on civil rights would be so great that resentment among the population would continue to grow and ultimately unrest would threaten. So, sooner or later, the lockdown must be ended. If, however, the state authorities were to back out of the lockdowns and restrictions without further explanation and imply that the danger was not so great after all and that the restrictions were an exaggeration and a mistake, they would lose a great deal of support and trust among the population. Consequently, from a governmental perspective, a good and face-saving “exit scenario” from the most severe restrictions is needed, and the vaccination campaign provides it. Through state-provided vaccination, the state can continue to hold on to the narrative of the great threat and still get out of the lockdown. At the same time, it can pass itself off as a savior that is making somewhat more normality possibly through vaccination. To do this, it is necessary that as large a proportion of the population as possible also get vaccinated, because if only a fraction of the population gets vaccinated, the vaccination campaign cannot be sold as a necessary step toward opening up. Thus, it is in the state’s interest to get a major part of the population vaccinated. If this strategy works, the state will have set a precedent, expanded its power, and also made citizens more dependent. Citizens will believe that the state has rescued them from a mortal predicament and that they will need its help in the future. In return, they will be willing to give up some of their liberties permanently. The announcement that a state-organized annual vaccination booster is needed will perpetuate the citizens’ dependence. The mass media have fallen in line and actively support the vaccination narrative. The state and mass media are closely linked. Framing by the leading media and targeting the population have a long tradition. Already in 1928 Edward Bernays advocated the intelligent manipulation of the masses in his classic book Propaganda. In modern states, the mass media help to construct popular approval for political measures such as in the case of covid-19. The mass media’s support of the state is due to several reasons. Some media are directly owned by the state, others are highly regulated or require state licenses. Furthermore, media houses are staffed with graduates from state educational institutions. In addition, especially in times of crisis, a good connection to the government offers advantages and privileged access to information. The willingness to carry the state’s fear narrative also comes from the fact that negative news and the exaggeration of dangers bring attention. In the corona crisis, the one-sided media coverage that proliferated through social media and muted critical voices contributed to fear and panic and created great psychological stress among the population. However, it is not only negative news that is attractive to the media; the narrative of the state rescuing the population from a major crisis also sells well. Thus, the vaccination narrative plays into the hands of the mass media. In addition to nation-states, the media, and pharmaceutical companies, supranational organizations also have an interest in ensuring that the world’s population is vaccinated. Supranational organizations are actively pursuing an agenda in which global vaccination campaigns play an important role. These organizations include the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), the EU, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and the World Health Organization (WHO), which are closely interconnected. Some of these organizations have set as their goal a great reset, or a great transformation. In the areas of pandemic and climate protection, gender, migration, and the financial system, these organizations want to find coordinated answers for the benefit of all people worldwide. They emphasize shared responsibility and global solidarity. The central control of vaccination, climate change, and financial and migration flows bears the hallmarks of a new world order. For example, the theme of the 2019 annual meeting of the WEF was “Globalization 4.0: Shaping a New Global Architecture in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” Another example of supranational planning is the UN’s “Global Compact for Migration.” At the national level, these radical ideas are supported, as shown by the German Advisory Council on Global Change’s Welt im Wandel – Gesellschaftsvertrag für eine Große Transformation (World in transition: Social contract for a great transformation) policy paper. Raymond Unger (2021, pp. 84–89) sees this drive for supranational planning as part of a culture war envisioned by Antonio Gramsci and Herbert Marcuse. A global management of opinion and outrage is combined with scenes of fear and horror, especially in the fields of climate change and corona, to establish a new socialist world order. In fact, the WHO, the IMF, and the UN are led by former communists. The WEF is financed by global companies, including the pharmaceutical industry and the big tech companies. The WEF, for its part, significantly finances the UN’s 2030 Agenda. The WHO is also significantly funded by pharmaceutical companies and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which spearheads global vaccination campaigns. During the covid-19 crisis, the pharmaceutical industry also exerted its influence on the WHO. And the IMF only aided nation-states if they complied with WHO recommendations. These interconnected supranational organizations see the covid-19 crisis as an opportunity to advance their agendas. The UN policy paper Shared Responsibility, Global Solidarity: Responding to the Socio-economic Impacts of COVID-19 views covid-19 as a turning point for modern society. The intention is to seize the opportunity and act in a globally coordinated manner. The major tech companies support these agendas. They are also members of the WEF and censored disagreeable information related to covid-19 on their platforms (Twitter, YouTube, and Facebook), just like the mass media. Videos critical of vaccination are particularly quickly deleted on YouTube. The title of a keynote speech by IMF director Kristalina Georgieva, “From Great Lockdown to Great Transformation” also underscores the idea that supranational organizations want to use the corona crisis for their agendas. Klaus Schwab, founder of the WEF, argues that the covid-19 crisis represents a “rare opportunity” to “lay new foundations for our economic and social systems.” In COVID-19: The Great Reset, coauthored with Thierry Malleret, Schwab speaks of a defining moment and claims a new world will emerge. According to Schwab, it is time for a fundamental reform of capitalism. Thus, the globally coordinated vaccination program can be interpreted as a building block in a supranational strategy of a great reset. Global vaccination structures are being established that can be used for subsequent global vaccination campaigns. From the perspective of advocates of a great reset, globally coordinated covid-19 vaccination underscores the need for global structures and organizations that can then be used for other global purposes, such as effectively combating “climate change” and pushing for a great reset. In short, the state, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and supranational organizations are closely intertwined and have a common interest in the vaccination narrative. From this perspective, the mounting pressure on the vaccine-free is unsurprising.

RULING CLASS INCREASINGLY CALLS UPON THE PRIVATE SECTOR TO MAKE LIVES OF THE “UNVACCINATED” DIFFICULT August 26, 2021.https://www.wakingtimes.com/ruling-class-increasingly-calls-upon-the-private-sector-to-make-lives-of-the-unvaccinated-difficult/

Mac Slavo, Guest Waking Times Is anyone sick of being ruled and owned yet? The ruling class is not letting up and increasingly calling upon businesses in the private sector to help them roll out the permanent slave state. They aren’t even trying to hide the fact that they want to own us, our bodies, and our minds at this point. Gubernatorial nominee Terry McAuliffe is just one of the tyrants calling on businesses to mandate Covid-19 vaccines after promoting efforts to make the lives of those who are unvaccinated more “difficult.” Joe Biden has already tried this play right out of the slave owner’s handbook: The Ruling Class Urges Businesses To Mandate COVID Vaccines For Employment It’s like these rulers know they cannot do this alone. The slaves have to help them and, sadly, all too many are all too ready to help make this planet a permanent prison. This only gets worse, though, as more people start to figure out what’s really going on. McAuliffe called on “every Virginia employer” this week to mandate Covid-19 vaccines among all “eligible employees,” according to a report by RT. “I have long said that the best way to defeat this deadly virus, keep our students in school and keep Virginia’s economy strong is by getting every eligible Virginian vaccinated as quickly as possible,” McAuliffe said in a public statement announcement, which followed the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) officially approving their first Covid-19 vaccine, a Pfizer-BioNTech two-dose vaccine, on Monday. –RT So now, private businesses are going to do the bidding of the state by making sure some slaves get at least a little control over some of the other slaves. It’s insanity to think that any business is still around after mandating people get injected with an experimental gene therapy drug that the manufacturers of face no liability whatsoever even if that drug kills them. Who owns you if you have no say as to what goes into your body? The ruling class has admitted they can’t force these shots on people…yet, but they can make their lives as slaves a living hell. “Make it hard for people to get on planes or go to movie theaters,” he said at a Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) conference in Las Vegas. Acknowledging that you can’t “force” vaccines by law, McAuliffe – recently endorsed by anti-Trump ‘Republican’ Bill Kristol – called on private businesses to be the ones to punish those who refuse to get inoculated. –RT But when have the rulers, who make the law, ever cared about following it anyway? Laws are for the slaves, not those who own slaves. “We can’t force them. We’re not going door to door, but you make life difficult,” he said. “If you’re going to come to the HIMSS conference, you got to be vaccinated.” This Twitter user summed it up perfectly: Terry McAuliffe says he wants to "make life difficult" for Virginians who don't comply with his COVID vaccine mandate. "Make it hard for people get on planes or go to movie theaters," he says. They want us to know they think they own us and many are still too far entrenched in the left vs. right paradigm lie to see it. It’s the ruling class against everyone else. Time to wake up and apply the critical thinking we have been honing for the past year and a half. This is only the beginning in many ways.

Tuesday 24 August 2021


Wow**** Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians by ForeverUnlimited Vaccine Patients' Blood Examined, Horrific Findings Revealed by German Physicians Watch % buffered00:0403:33 12738 122 0 First published at 12:08 UTC on August 22nd, 2021. https://www.bitchute.com/video/mTVLXp20O8rr/ https://www.bitchute.com/video/mTVLXp20O8rr/

An Aquarius Full Moon of Dynamic Evolution Posted on August 20, 2021 in Configurations | By Leslie Benson for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes " Then, too, this double dose of Aquarius could be characterized as leading us down unconventional pathways into uncharted territory. The Fixed Air sign of Aquarius can be said to live to march to the beat of its own drum, and the lunar light reflected through this lens may have us actively seeking where we can experiment with expressing our own dynamism, by exploring the unique shape of who we truly are. With the Moon also in a close conjunction with Jupiter, this configuration offers us a larger-than-life opportunity to blossom into a more expansive view of our own individual circumstances, and our attitudes toward what we are ultimately up to in this lifetime. "


AQUARIUS - "Earthquake in Your Empire" AUGUST 23RD - 29TH

Jupiter in Astrology | Master of Benevolence | What Your Jupiter Sign Means

Saturday 21 August 2021

Step on it. ~~Michaela~~.

Pulling all the swirls of change together, wrong this and wrong that; unclear, disinformation, emotional defunct, mental defunct, perceptions that bring eye ache, ear ache, and head ache. Swirl them altogether as you would wrap wool into ball, Then crystalise them with your intention to KNOW YOUR TRUTH AND THE TRUTH THAT YOU WISH FOR, This swirl of threads form a complicated perspective that the human is thrust into and then makes his beliefs into manifestation. So my advice is to Swirl all the unknowing into an Integrated Sphere, where everything that cannot be seen to be truth is mixed with everything that confuses....and Bless (to 'crystalise' into being,) with the solid Intention for 'Securing the next step on your own personal evoloutionary journey, and that which contributes well to the story here on Earth. So all this intention without needing the information that is being rained down on you, crystallises this 'Ball' of magnetic and electric potential into one, onto which you can step, and see the view from there, like a child who steps onto a box so that she can look out of her window. In these times is best to trust that we have our backs, and that when we stop trying to untangle the tangle of time lines that poke and provoke us from all angles, we have assistance to step up and look at the view from above the tangle. ~~Michaela~~.

Endtime Observations and Experiences by GEORGI STANKOV posted on AUGUST 20, 2021 "The confusion around the postulated “climate crisis” is thus as profound and almost impossible to unravel as in the current obsolete discussions on the fake coronavirus pandemic. The only way to solve these issues in an enlightened manner is to “Cut through the BS” – i.e. to apply the CBS-method as Alexander the Great did when he simply cut the Gordian knot with his sword. In order to solve the current pandemic of fear and stop the toxic vaccinations, one should simply realize that there are no viruses in Nature. It is all made up by the ruling cabal to enslave humanity in the Endtime and prevent the Ascension. In fact, the dark ruling cabal and their stooges in science and medicine cannot provide a single material proof for the existence of COVID as recent legal cases have convincingly revealed. This is the only way to radically eradicate the current collective madness. "

Endtime Observations and Experiences by GEORGI STANKOV posted on AUGUST 20, 2021 Fulya Kılınçarslan and Georgi Alexandrov Stankov, August 20, 2021 www.stankovuniversallaw.com**** http://www.stankovuniversallaw.com/2021/08/endtime-observations-and-experiences/

Aquarius ♒ Full Moon - Graduating to Higher Timelines and Time for Key Communications...

You Are Exiles Complete DVD 7v554QtlGKs. This is strong stuff. Horror stories have long been in our psyche, and they have been in our history, maybe its time to 'see' the origin of this horror, this is one version.... Not everyone's cup of tea, and most will find it dis'taste'ful, but it speaks in levels. If you get something from this, what you will get will depend on the level/s you resonate with. ~~Michaela~~

For More on the 'X' go to 54 mins here: Marina Jacobi - Pamphlet Of Your New Holograms - S4 E33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vvP8lIZfG5M&t=3069s

Wednesday 18 August 2021

How Does David Icke View My Work? Very interesting, in his discourse regarding David Icke and others, John Lamb Nash explains that as well as not properly citing his material, he explains how they have omitted understanding of the difference between 'reality' (Sophianic body) and the archon simulation of 'reality' which they 'copy' and manipulate and trap humans into. More importantly is that they have left out Sophia which is the main part in all of this. I often say there is a 'golden grid' which is covered by a dark overlay, this I think is explained here, to me, as the Golden grid must be The Sophianic Aeon body and the 'dark overlay' is the archon matrix. Research (verb) into the Archon and Gnostic Wisdom. Gnostics were the original human 'Wise' men and women who could 'see' the truth as the Archon matrix was being machinated. The purpose of reposting this video is to provide Gnostic context to information regarding the archons, not to troll. My intention is only to provide the context that John Lash Lamb believes is missing in today's material concerning the Archons. ~~Michaela~~.

" This reality that you call reality is actually the illusion. This illusion is now being taken away from you more and more. These illusions will collapse in the Ascension process and it makes room for the new and the new needs this space. Completely different energetic conditions are arising and therefore completely different outer appearances. "


Tuesday 17 August 2021

Look Back into your darkness! A repost 2021 Stranger things are upon us. Not the netflix version but our own particular version of going into the underworld and coming back out. (Rejoice??)

Saturday, 14 August 2021 Stranger things are upon us. Not the netflix version but our own particular version of going into the underworld and coming back out. (Rejoice??)*** https://inspiredheart8.blogspot.com/2021/08/stranger-things-are-upon-us-not-netflix.html

Grand Fixed Cross | AUG. 15 | GRIDLOCK. (Unhealthy lower aspects and healthy higher higher aspects in this fixed cross at 19.50 mins.)..... (I have been seeing the cross of the latitude longitude like on a graph...the graph being the 3D Plane, and know we are moving around and along our various 'locations' at these 'moving' cross-sectional vector points. When the astrology brings us a Fixed Cross, it is saying that at this point we have agreed on the positioning of our own vectors, such as they are along our individual journeys, and will be paying close attention to what we create from those emotional/spiritual/menatl and physical 'locations'. We can look at where we are in our darkness and in our lightness, and stay here, fixed at this point for a while. ~~Michaela~~)

Darkness in Everyone & Awakening in the Dream ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton..."you took on a certain amount of darkness in order to be able to incarnate in that density, in that Earth plane of existence. Everyone who has ever lived has had a certain amount of darkness in them, and very few have been able to make peace with it. Most people fear it, are ashamed of it, or they are in denial of its very existence. It’s okay to be who you are; it is perfectly normal and natural to have very dark thoughts and even dark desires, because you are human and you are there to have the human experience. "

Darkness in Everyone & Awakening in the Dream ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton **** “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are completely in love with each and every one of you there on Earth, and we love every aspect of each and every one of you, because we understand that you took on a certain amount of darkness in order to be able to incarnate in that density, in that Earth plane of existence. Everyone who has ever lived has had a certain amount of darkness in them, and very few have been able to make peace with it. Most people fear it, are ashamed of it, or they are in denial of its very existence. It’s okay to be who you are; it is perfectly normal and natural to have very dark thoughts and even dark desires, because you are human and you are there to have the human experience. Remember that none of it is representative of who you really are, but instead, it is the real illusion but an illusion that you decided to play in and mess around with, because you wanted to explore all aspects of Source. And the Earth experience, as a human being, is a part of that. Yes, there are even more reasons than that for why you came to Earth to have an incarnation or ten, or a hundred, or a thousand, but it will always be about knowing yourself as Source at the end of the day. You must be able to accept this dream of Source as it is in order to become lucid in it. If you are resisting the dream, then you are still in the dream and unaware of the fact that you are dreaming. And so, that means making peace with the darkness in others, as well as the darkness in yourselves. Remember that on some level, you are just like us, loving every single being, just as they are and knowing that you are all playing a game. And it is a game that you all agreed to play with each other. Darkness is the illusion; it’s not the truth. And when you remember that, you can navigate around it, gleefully, and maintain the love in your hearts that is necessary for you to ascend. Any time you are not in the state of being of love, you are pretending to be something you are not. You want love to be the foundation of everything you do, think, and say, and you can make that agreement with yourselves right now. We recommend that you do, because it is time for you to be who you really are and invite others to join you to that party. And when you demonstrate that you can hold that love vibration within yourself, others will be curious about how you did it. That’s when you will truly step into the role of leader and teacher there on Earth, because that’s when the students will be ready. And if you are receiving this transmission in any way, you all will have students someday who will be looking up to you as the master, and unconditional love is what you are there to master. It’s a lot harder to do where you are, and so, we not only love you, but we also respect you. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Sunday 15 August 2021

Here's the thing... Ailia Mira a message from Ailia Mira Tuesday, 3 August, 2021 (posted 9 August, 2021). " There isn't one truth. There is only what you make true by choosing to believe in it -- wave collapsing into particle. What you make real! You can believe in this idea about life, or not -- you choose (That's the point!!) "

Here's the thing...https://spiritlibrary.com/ailia-mira/heres-the-thing **** a message from Ailia Mira Tuesday, 3 August, 2021 (posted 9 August, 2021)**** There isn't just one truth. About anything manifest. There is the truth of the interconnectedness of all life, the primacy of consciousness... #oneness But in terms of manifest experience? What you experience? How it comes about? So many ways. So many choices. Long ago Archangel Michael told us: Choose More. Meaning: MAKE MORE DECISIONS. Instead of waiting, hoping, wondering... all of which are fine, but are in and of themselves, a choice... Make a different choice: choose something else -- choose something you want. AND realize that wanting it is enough of a reason to be worthy of it. Then? Unhook what you want from what you do. Allow yourself to be led, action wise. Do what feels right "now," and what is aligned and in harmony with who you are in the moment. Stop using action to make things happen. Action, beloved friends, is for the joy of flow and movement. Be where you're at. Sometimes you feel crappy or life is actually so hard and exhausting and other times you feel good. Let yourself be. Trust in that. Express generously and without hesitation as you feel inclined... AND, unhook all this inspired action from what comes. Let inspired action be HOW YOU LIVE. And what you choose and expect, be WHAT COMES. You get to choose, you see? You get to decide what you make real, what you believe in. What you expect. What's real for you. And you can continually change that. There isn't one truth. There is only what you make true by choosing to believe in it -- wave collapsing into particle. What you make real! You can believe in this idea about life, or not -- you choose (That's the point!!) For me, I embrace this, because I choose to evolve and grow and live with joy and being a powerful creator. That (to me) is a belief that can be fun and easy. And so, I choose that ... I just really wanted to express this. So I am writing to you. I'm so in the groove right now, with the joyous knowing of how much the DIVINE loves us/me...and how wonderful it is to know this, and in this knowing: CHOOSE!!! And if that in some way, gives you the enthusiastic feeling that knowing this, you might want to re-think everything... then it's REALLY a new beginning, right? How fun is that. And then? Add to it, that you don't have to be perfect. That it's okay to be embodied, human, messy and REAL about where you are and to feel good about all of that. Wow. What if, you are really One with All That Is, and All That Is adores you? Loves you! Supports you -- not a little, but A LOT. Like overflowing generosity. Has your back... What if you really knew that? How would you be living? What would you be? I invite you to riff, explore and expand in this direction, toward all the new possibilities that are calling to you! With love, Ailia Copyright © Ailia Mira Media | Expect Wonderful by Ailia Mira. All rights reserved. This message was originally posted here

Saturday 14 August 2021

Stranger things are upon us. Not the netflix version but our own particular version of going into the underworld and coming back out. (Rejoice??)

So, its been a tough few weeks, and tough few months, and in my experience a tough few years...so where is the joy in that? Well individually we can stock of the levels of darkness that we carry unknowlingly. Mine culminated a few days ago, and by yesterday I couldnt even speak. I wanted to express this stuff but, I didnt want to bring it 'life' by doing so...in fact it is more a case of bring it 'back to life'. So suffering on, muted, resentful and disconnected, blaming everything to the point where nothing good was able to shine in I leant into the dark night of the soul. And eventually went to sleep with the intention of falling into this deep pit of despair to see what was there. This morning I felt better. I recognised the energies and patterns of expression of those feelings were reflections of my father and how he 'did' life, which wasnt great. This disfunctional victim energy was so base it really dragged me down when I was around him, and as an adolescent it affected me, I longed to leave and be away from it. So I did, I left many times...lived many places, but often came back and felt it again. In later years I actually gave up 'leaving' and looked after him as I became carer to him, my brother and my mother. But I was always rushing away, as I lived a few miles away and had my own family to look after.**** Recently, my parents both gone, I had to come back to live in their house. From November 2020 I have felt this powerful draining energy. But I have been so busy, and so distracted with the collapse of the world in general. When i had my children I had strong conviction NOT to let them inherit what I had and worked hard to be the parent that didnt bring that to their door. Instead I learned that these energies were for me to 'see', not judge, and have compassion. While being so busy I was distracting myself from them, until they got bigger and bigger and took me out. I had to move back here to 'see' the base energy that I am carrying. It is hard and exposes the deep sadness, exposes the vulnerabilty, exposes the 'lost' feeling all tied up in the shreds of ancestral despair that I am working to dissolve. It is not pretty when you allow space for this to happen. In fact if you dont allow for it, it will ballon up inside you and as it is the energy that you manifest from will 'show' you itself. So you can either go mad, or dissolve it by letting 'be' in the foreground for your loving attention. All That emanates from it, for me, was described synchronistically in the previous post, where the adolescent just wants to have fun and venture into the world and see each bright new day...but the 'reality' that forms eventually is the one of fear, and so one slowly acquieesces to any dominant energy, be that cultural/familial/ancestral or energy carried in the systems that have been hidden but held in place by both family and ancestral dynamics/fears/beliefs that maybe you did not believe were yours...but were deep in the psyche anyway.*****The clearing comes in sweeps of relief as you realise that these are not yours, but were there for you to 'see' how you were affected by them, and how you continued unknowlingly to let them be the alphabet that you used to form the script around you. Look, it is not easy, but dont 'give in', recognise any downward pull (that may be seen as depression and despair) and give it up. This is the work of undoing/unravelling the inherited matrix from your skin and bones, from your visceral being. It is like being hung/drawn/and quartered....and it is actually having the 'illness of despair' wrenched from the cells of your body, deeply hidden, which is why we dont always see it, and so we project it out onto someone and something else, who or which continues 'to oppress us'.**** This is why we manifest outward situations of being stuck, victims or being oppressed.... anything really, that reflects back the hidden 'stuff'....****After a while this business comes to rest, then you rejoice that you got to exorsise your ghosts. And If None of this makes sense to you...then You ARe not going through it, so rejoice about that. ~~Michaela~~. ex·​or·​cise | \ ˈek-ËŒsȯr-ËŒsÄ«z , -sÉ™r- \ variants: or less commonly exorcize exorcised also exorcized; exorcising also exorcizing* Definition of exorcise* transitive verb* 1a: to expel (an evil spirit) by adjuration* b: to get rid of (something troublesome, menacing, or oppressive)* 2: to free of an evil spirit*

Everything Is About To Change Suddenly-Prepare For Deep Awakening: 22 August...

A song. A Message to Lightworkers – August 13, 2021 This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: [From the Collective's live channeling on the August 10, 2021 Ashtar Legacy Call] " We invite you to look at this beautiful song, which has inspired so many for two generations now—to see their life not as a fait accompli, not as a moment of, “Yes, I understand what I’m doing now, and I’m on the right track, and I’m joyfully fulfilling everything I came here to do, and everything’s fine!” Not at all! In that song, they are describing for you a sort of post-adolescent cry for freedom. And the voice, the stern voice that keeps coming forward, is that of a parent. It warns them—it warns the young woman, “If you go down to Hammond”—if you go down to this town, or that part of town—“you’ll never come back!” Meaning, “you won’t be the same girl who our left our house. You’ll have forgotten all our good training. You’ll have forgotten exactly who you ought to be. And you will have left behind the best part of yourself.” And what they mean by that, is “the part of you that we trained to behave and to think and to speak in a particular way." At one lovely point, the youngest of the three sings, “Well I went down to Hammond / I did as I pleased / I ain't the only one / Who’s got this disease.” Meaning, the need for self-expression. A need for living one’s own life. And if you want to carry it to a higher level, friends—a need for sovereignty. And what we see, as we look out over all of you and all over the Earth now, is human beings crying out for their sovereignty, and yet fearing a loss of the parental Love and protection and security. So that is to say, in other words, that people are going to look at the current financial system and say, “Well, this is fraudulent, and corrupt, and horrible!” But then they get fearful. Sort of like when one has a job that one doesn’t like, but is afraid to leave it. “What if there’s nothing else? What if the next job is worse! What if there is no next job?!” So that that umbrella, as oppressive and awful as it is, and running entirely adverse, entirely as an anathema, to one’s life energies—that umbrella begins to look more attractive, the more it starts to fall apart. "

A Message to Lightworkers – August 13, 2021 This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Galactics, Earth Elements, Fae Elders, Angelic legions, and Archangels known as the Collective: [From the Collective's live channeling on the August 10, 2021 Ashtar Legacy Call] Greetings, dear ones! We are very happy to have this time to speak with you today. And so we welcome everyone to stand with us now in this beautiful Circle of Light. This is something we do on the Abundance Calls; we ask everyone to come in to this Circle. And just open up every pore of your being to absorb Light, such as will heal some places, will inspire other places, will dissolve blockages, and will show you your higher aspect. Now, that lovely song you heard, which is called “Hammond Song,” was recorded more than 40 years ago. And it was recorded by a lovely group; three sisters whose surname is Roche. They just called themselves The Roches. **** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA-U5H4VoX8 ***** We invite you to look at this beautiful song, which has inspired so many for two generations now—to see their life not as a fait accompli, not as a moment of, “Yes, I understand what I’m doing now, and I’m on the right track, and I’m joyfully fulfilling everything I came here to do, and everything’s fine!” Not at all! In that song, they are describing for you a sort of post-adolescent cry for freedom. And the voice, the stern voice that keeps coming forward, is that of a parent.***** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EA-U5H4VoX8 ***** It warns them—it warns the young woman, “If you go down to Hammond”—if you go down to this town, or that part of town—“you’ll never come back!” Meaning, “you won’t be the same girl who our left our house. You’ll have forgotten all our good training. You’ll have forgotten exactly who you ought to be. And you will have left behind the best part of yourself.” And what they mean by that, is “the part of you that we trained to behave and to think and to speak in a particular way." At one lovely point, the youngest of the three sings, “Well I went down to Hammond / I did as I pleased / I ain't the only one / Who’s got this disease.” Meaning, the need for self-expression. A need for living one’s own life. And if you want to carry it to a higher level, friends—a need for sovereignty. And what we see, as we look out over all of you and all over the Earth now, is human beings crying out for their sovereignty, and yet fearing a loss of the parental Love and protection and security. So that is to say, in other words, that people are going to look at the current financial system and say, “Well, this is fraudulent, and corrupt, and horrible!” But then they get fearful. Sort of like when one has a job that one doesn’t like, but is afraid to leave it. “What if there’s nothing else? What if the next job is worse! What if there is no next job?!” So that that umbrella, as oppressive and awful as it is, and running entirely adverse, entirely as an anathema, to one’s life energies—that umbrella begins to look more attractive, the more it starts to fall apart. And in this transition state, when you see people around you taking ill, or there’s word of this many people dying, or this many people getting this illness or that, or reacting to this jab or that, etc.—you begin to panic. At least in a part of you. Because you have been trained to do so. What we would Love for you to understand, is that none of you came here to feel secure in the old Earth way of feeling “secure.” You came in to be that brash adolescent, or that brash young person in their early twenties, who decides, “I’m not going to do it this way. I was trained to live this way. But I’m not going to do it that way.” Now, all of you no doubt are saying, “Yes, no kidding! I made that decision a long time ago. I don’t belong to the old Earth! I belong to the New Earth. That’s not very interesting, Collective. Can you come up with something else, please?” And we would say, the interesting thing is that all of you, just like all of the people who would not call themselves Awakened, or who would not feel very Awakened—all of you also have your times of feeling a bit nervous and unsure and insecure. And the term that comes to mind, is Attachment. This isn’t because you are weak and narrow-minded, or lack any sort of imagination for what life might be like once NESARA is fully enacted. Nothing like it! It’s not that you don’t have a vision. It’s that you have been carefully mentally programmed to think along extremely narrow lines. And to literally fear for your survival if you don’t do as you are told. What you are being told right now, is “Act fearful! And follow directions everywhere! Don’t think for yourself. And don’t worry, this overarching authority structure has your best interests in mind!” That sort of scaling down of your own independent ability to think for yourselves—that refusal to admit that you’re individuals, and that insistence that you join the hive mind— This is the last line to cross, dear ones! So if you want a bit of inspiration now, again we would say, go to YouTube or go where you can buy this first album that The Roches put out, and look up “Hammond Song.” And our point is not [for you to] just say, “Well, yes—I came here to be the rebellious type!” Listen to the Joy, the breakthrough Joy and the self-Knowing that is in those three women’s voices, and in their energies, and in their presence! Can you think of anything more subversive to do with your time and your life energies right now, than being Joyful? Because we cannot! Doesn’t that go entirely against plan? Entirely against the agenda, and entirely against the grain of the old order! And is that a sort of “also ran”—is that a secondary or third or fourth or fifth-level idea you came in with? No! We can hear a lot of you saying right now, “It was the first idea!” Because in that Joy, in that revelry, and in these astounding energies pouring in now—and they are very powerful, as you’re still in the Lion’s Gate portal timeframe—in that burst of Light, you are increasingly remembering Who you are. And not just in the way that one reads about on the internet—“Yes yes, I’m a Starseed! Yes, all right—I’m a Lightworkers or Light Bringer. All right, whatever . . . “ It’s not quite that. It’s the individual pinpoint of Light that is your soul in this Universe that marks out an expression of Divinity in some way that has never yet been seen or heard. So what you’re doing is, you’re bringing your soul power into your body at this time, at a level that you haven’t before. And we will say that Yes, these energies can be exhausting. And yes, they are pressuring you to make big changes. We see one channeling session after another where people are leaving their spouse or partner, or job or home, and moving on. Absolutely, it’s spurring on huge changes. And that is very, very beautiful. And yet, the Joy of the moment is still what you came in for! Not the shock of it. Not the endangerment. Not a political statement. Not even a spiritual statement in the sense that you’ve been taught, which is akin to religion—which isn’t actually that spiritual. Every now and again it will be, but that’s not always what’s at the root. So what we are doing right now is blazing the Violet Flame throughout this beautiful Circle of Beings that all of us are, and blazing this beautiful presence of each person’s soul power—anchoring that into the Earth all the further. All the way down into the Center, and then all the way up into the higher realms. It’s flowing powerfully through every ship gathered around the Earth. There are countless ships—billions of them, even trillions. It’s pouring up, well up through all of them, through every conceivable planet and star that it meets, and further on. And that [energetic] pathway is the thing that you fly in on! The reason it reaches deep into the Earth, even though people have been taught that the Earth is dense and dark and difficult, is because of course as you know, She too is returning to being her Higher Self. She too is Ascending. Saint Germain wishes to step forward, and so he is going to speak with you now: “Greetings, friends! This is a beautiful assembly. And we see tinged in each of your auras an expression of gold. And do you understand that you are setting into the Earth, planting the seed, of true Abundance, and the flow of perfect Divine energy through your Earth. This can only mean beautiful provision for every child, every woman, every man, every beast! We wish you to release this fear-based economy. And when we say 'economy,' we mean, 'a way of seeing the world.' We wish for you to release the old currency, and when we say that, we don’t mean these bits of paper and metal. We mean the old thoughts that taught you that sickness was the norm, and sadness was the norm, and discord and disagreement, and rage and loss. And the sooner you stop associating with even that which you see around you, and associating yourself with that which you see in the news, as if that was your reality, the sooner you step into the New Atlantis. And this you have come for, dear ones! (I am bringing in more Light now, down through the crown chakra [of everyone].) It’s pure golden Light. It lights up every cell of your being, every particle of your thought, your emotion. And your spirit does indeed take a leap for Joy! I am working diligently with many others to ensure NESARA’s breakthrough moment. And if you ever doubt that, sit down quietly and ask the Universe or your higher self, How do I birth NESARA in my own way? And that way you don’t have to ask, “How close are we?” Or “When shall it happen?” Because you will know it is already happening within you. And in that moment, dear ones, you walk with Masters. You walk with the White Knights. You walk with all students and initiates of the Higher Way, the mystery schools. All of it now blending beautifully—all of these eras of thought and study and understanding, and inner experience—quite visceral experience, and not merely academic notions—all of those centuries now rolled into the Present Moment, as Time on your planet disappears—just folds. Past into present and present into future—it doesn’t matter anymore! Stop counting the days! Stop counting the minutes or the months or the years! Let it go! Stop stressing that you are getting older. You’re not! You’re just detoxing from all of the density of these other lives you’ve lived, and the preamble to what you are coming into now, which has been this life experience, before this year. And you are aware that the desperation of ‘the old power structure,’ as the writer calls it, would not be so great, were your moment of sovereignty and true liberty not at hand, for it is! We declare it to be so! Now, will you declare it to be so? Say it aloud right now! ‘And so it is! I AM! I AM that I AM!’ Beautiful! There is no day that goes by, that we do not think of those hopeful, if sometimes contentious, summer days spent in Independence Hall in Philadelphia. And for me, it was but a few hours ago, and I am joined now by some [the spirits of George Washington, John Adams, and other Founders] who were there with me. And do not doubt dear ones, but that they stand with you in all that you reach for, and all that you build now. And so, all of us in the Collective, and we include all of you in that!—we bow to you. We bow to one another, as we tip the scales on this planet to return to Service to Others, releasing Service to Self for all Time-Space. It is dissolved! And so we give thanks! Namaste!” Copyright 2021, Caroline Oceana Ryan If you repost, please maintain the integrity of this information by reprinting it in full and exactly as you find it here, and including the link to the original post, at https://www.ascensiontimes.com/post/a-message-to-lightworkers-august-13-2021. Thank you.

Thursday 12 August 2021

08/11/21 • BIG PHARMA › NEWS Exclusive Interview: Mom Whose 14-Year-Old Son Developed Myocarditis After Pfizer Vaccine No Longer Trusts CDC, Public Health Officials In an interview with The Defender, Emily Jo said when health officials push the vaccines it’s “we’re all in this together,” but when you follow their advice and you’re injured by a vaccine, you’re on your own. "The first night Aiden stayed in the hospital his troponin number quadrupled overnight. Aiden’s mother said the cardiologist reported it to the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS I.D. 1396660), and was in contact with the CDC multiple times during his four-day hospital stay. “They determined that yes, he met the criteria of having post-vaccine myocarditis,” Jo said. “The biggest problem is they [CDC] are not explaining what mild myocarditis means,” Jo said. “Aiden’s cardiologist told us no case of myocarditis is ‘mild.’ That’s like saying a heart attack is mild.” Jo said her son gets very tired easily and his recovery will be a long process.


GASLIGHTING: THE PSYCHOLOGY OF SHAPING ANOTHER’S REALITY August 11, 2021. Who is in control of your perception?


Wednesday 11 August 2021

Now's the time...A repost from Thursday, 21 January 2021. Its hard to dance with the devil on your back. (Where we look and see how we have partcipated in, engaged with, been led by, colluded with and complied with the 'parasitism' culture sprayed on our belief systems, that has only yielded ongoing subsequent parasitic tendencies within each new generation as being the 'only way forward'. Where we observe it in ourselves, it must be seen as an intrusive force that has cleaved into the psyche and dissolved by higher thinking. ~~Michaela~~)

Thursday, 21 January 2021 Its hard to dance with the devil on your back. Archon-self, or rather the part of the self that has learned its identity 'within' the archon machine is dominant, because the dominant aspect has become the focus. Density is working along these lines, but it is deficient in that it is parasitic and needs a host. That is why the archon matrix has evolved to be clever at each turn. It is even clever enough to see into the future, to see future challenges by the host to recover from it's, the parasitic, hold. That evolution is ever moving, ever in the picture, means that the archon aspect has had to stay one step ahead, for its survival. It drips into timelines to develop plans that try to sabotage the host from freeing itself. It is a matter of survival for them. Archon machinery is inorganic intelligence that was on the planet, but in the denser dimensions and as it took no sustenance from Source it needed sustenance from another source. It needed a host to draw its sustenance from and found it in man. Man is a creation of Source and so has energy connection to source. Man is An easy source to plunder because we exist in many dimensions...but the preferred energy they survive on is to drain from us the lower energy of doubt, and fear, and so it was easy to keep us at the lower end of the spectrum of our multidimensionality, by keeping our focus in survival and fear and doubt. The world that we could 'see' was impinged by dark creations emitted by man manipulated by this archon machinery. This is the dark overlay. It is like in nature, when parasite plants like Ivy, or Mistletoe, adapt very cleverly to survive on any host tree it has taken root in, and takes every opportunity to take what it needs to strengthen itself. Often the host tree is not seen underneath as the virulence of the parasitic ivy or mistletoe has become the dominant, and even when cut away, there is enough of it to root in again and thrive again. In the same way the 'chemicals' needed by archons will be supplied by the lower vibration and density 'expressed' by the hosts (us, humanity) that it has sequestered. This lower vibration is mainly emitted in our response to being 'host' to lower vibration aspects, that we cannot see, that suffocates and deadens the environment, emitted from energetic area of our auras, the information from the area around only reflects back to us what is happening within us. In such a deadened environment, we cannot feel free to create from the heart to grow and flourish, and the only 'life' or situation that the host (us, humanity) will see... is a lower vibration 'life' or environment, which is only a reflection of the status of being overrun by an inorganic machinery that treads us into the ground. The chicken and egg. Which came first. The negative part of us, born into duality on this planet, was pulled through us in the early days by these negative directives that thrived on its power potential of being a parasite, one that was unseen and therefore, undetectable. It is reflected back to us in all the master-slave relationships that we experience in life, albeit in confusing and not so obvious ways. Causing populations to breed into ever confusing and increasing: Parasitic lifestyles and relationships, Unhealthy, and fearful, co -dependent relationships in life, Living on the backs of others. Living off of the labour of others. Living off of the energy of others, needing so bad to have the 'life blood' of others, in order to be at the top of hierarchy, the top of the food chain. eating live stock animals and all forms of sacrifice are all replications of the ways we as host have been used. All which entangle us and keep us tangled in reincarnation wheel, to come back and try to free ourselves from the resulting energy which tangles up the soul. Repeating and repeating, again and again. Not sure why we can't move forward, not sure why we insist staying in fear. For humanity, Its like trying to dance with the devil on your back. Its hard. Maintain a personal directive to thrive on an inner plane without looking outward for a master. Don't look for salvation by following a master, Look inside and foster the internal being and foster the growth of cultivating personal power. The vibration of personal 'power' is not ego , is not greed, is not power over others, but it is power over self and lower emotions, power over self talk. It is self love, and when we focus on that, it will spiral you upward, eventually out of swampy thoughts deeds and reactions to become high enough to 'Love -back -to-self' all the inner demons, the monsters in your nightmares, that have been created by you in this journey, as your lower level responses and reactions over long cycles of time. By integrating and taking ownership of them, you pull them back and make them whole and loved , and they are no longer the lower dimensional and invisible food source for the archon machinery . This is what it takes to shake off that which takes your energy, the preferred lower energy we emit in the lower dimensions. This is the Energy which is essential for the survival of the archon machinary, aspects that have become entwined and entangled with the humans that found themselves sharing the planet with. The clever thing is that they knew that humans were building up to have spiritual evolution and consciousness expansion...and they worked hard to put disinformation out there into the 'growing humanity'. This causes a spanner to be thrown into the works and as The parasite is often hard to distinguish from the host we cannot see how it works. It replicates back for us a creation in which to live, a world in which to live... that is essentially a smaller and restricted, and limited mimicry of the world that we actually could be living in. If we could but 'see' it. The spiritual and consciousness evolution and expansion continues minute by minute, it gets bigger and bigger, but if we all we see and focus on is what the archon machinery is directing our attention to...than that is as far as we get. The spiritual and consciousness expansion goes on without us, and we get stuck inside the false world of the parasitic living for another age, having not seen, or focused upon getting inside the vehicle of expansion of consciousness, OUR OWN BODY AND IT'S INNATE INTELLIGENCE, IT'S CONNECTION TO SOURCE...IT'S CONNECTION TO THE GOLDEN GRID..... THAT IS THE 'VEHICLE OF CONSCIOUSNESS' in which we evolve and expand. This vehicle is our transport to the golden age, having thrown off the dark cloak of the various roles of co dependency with a parasite, and the various costumes we wore in those roles that kept us from seeing ourselves as we really are. Underneath all of those things....we are Golden. Look within, and look hard to see where you have been lost inside the false world of the parasite. It may take you the rest of your living days...but they will be the days that you have freed yourself from the incumberance of living in the density of 'dead life'. Love and bless yourself, Forgive, use compassion and H'oponopono to address the inner areas where you have been sabotaged, don't judge, just have the gentle conversation and get to know where the true power lies. ~~Michaela~~ Primary Meanings of incumbrance 1. any obstruction that impedes or is burdensome 2. a charge against property (as a lien or mortgage)

(Now's the time)...To become freed of the consciousness prison on earth that is based on the principles of predatorial parasitism, we have to begin to evolve beyond it and learn new ways to sustain ourselves from our own internally generated spiritual energy. One important lesson many people are learning now is that we must remove the concepts we had around money as the first directive to achieve in life and begin to see that the primary motivation for money lies in our darkest fears of survival. People should not pray for money, they should pray for their fear to be removed and their higher spiritual purpose to be revealed. As with higher spiritual purpose in action, dedicated in Service to Others, comes everything that you will need to fulfill that higher purpose, which brings unconditional love and meaningful connection into your life. Most people are unaware that satanic forces are actually hiding behind an astral mirage made up of a colossal field of ravenous Energy Parasites. Satanic controlled systems are also closed source parasitic systems that a few people benefit from. Taking the overall energy resources for their personal advantage at an extreme energetic cost to many others, generating severe imbalances that contribute to energy wars, poverty, disease and world suffering. We are in the end times, the crossroads that define who on the earth is willing to evolve beyond the closed source systems of consciousness-energy enslavement that was administered through off planet Archontic Engineered Parasitism. Those who refuse to change their parasitic behaviors will have more dire consequences to their actions, individually and globally, and thus the fight for control over the access to others energy resources will appear to be greatly magnified on the surface as this transition occurs on the planet. (Source: ES News - Energetic Parasites)

https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3727-evolving-beyond-predatorial-parasitism *****

Tuesday 10 August 2021

This cyborg is faltering. Cyborg or clone, a body run on AI juice can only run a certain distance before it falls on its face. (In Contrast, The divine spark, partly housed within the vehicle of the human body, and majorly multidimensional source light beings....are infinite/powerful and immortal, it just doesn't know it, just yet. 'THEY', those that know the human could be heading to learning and experiencing their true nature, have always been pushing agendas to neutralise that event: the event that people wake up to their true potential and true identities as aspects or sparks of GOD and are eternally connected to source light....This latest ploy was to push the biden clone/s, (as there are usually a few to keep continuity) into THE presidential position to destroy whats left of his country. To maintain their tentacular control, HE (whats left of him as most is IT/AI)... was deemed the only votable candidate...but is actually one of a million 'AI juiced-up' MINIONs, all 'candidates' lining up to keep the agenda on course to neutralise humanity into the same units of similarly uthinking programmable cyborgs on plan...S'obvious that there is no Human left in Here. Not dissing 'natural' age related diseases, but if natural aging diseases were the case here... his suitability, appropriateness and competency for this position would surely have been explored, investigated and rigorously tested in the great 'button pushing' exercise. In England he would not have job in Lidl, nor any other place, had 'this version' applied.~~Michaela~~) Joe Biden ‘doesn't even know the population of the country he's president of....

Seems innocent enough, this thoughtful and carefully worded interview is based on the human being NOT Being good Enough, and therefore brings the loaded implication that Intelligence is on the side of the cyborg...the pathway that is being pushed through the never ceasing agendas that are the antithesis virus and plague to natural, innate, evegrowing, evolving, divinity that is at the centre of the human/earth relationship...'THEY' want that disrupted, desecrated and irredeemably amputated from the human. God help those that think how clever it is to be a cyborg. " We are already cyborgs" | Elon Musk | Code Conference 2016

(** 44 mins) Marina Jacobi - Gifts To Humanity - S4 E32. ( Discusses being provoked to lower vibration by fear or fighting, ('they' are planning a civil war so that military law is in charge) and the subsequent consequences of 'consenting', that their fear sequence are your realities and how that gets you stuck in 'their' timeline. Best to sidestep that version as its a one way trip.~~Michaela~~)

Monday 9 August 2021

Synchronistic message chanelled by Magenta Pixie. I have been thinking that maybe, with so much of it going, and I myself personally, having had to deal with buckets of it lately,...that Cognitive Dissonance, its meaning and its expression is 'something' other than what we 'understand'. I have been in a state of CD for many weeks, leading to massive download this weekend. It is very hard to endure...but when you swim into it, and fathom the depths you open up a new world. She starts to talk and pretty soon she refers to Cognitive Dissonance. This is what I resonate with as my experience. Mission Gaia's Birthing, Organic Template Flip From Inversion (88 Infinity Lion's Gate, August 2021)

So I posted this earlier (before watching this video by magenta pixie), and from this video I am getting a synchronistic explanation and therefore validation. https://inspiredheart8.blogspot.com/2021/08/uk-vaccine-passport-company-owned-by.html **** where I enquired :"So much is going on to cause waves of cognitive dissonance, that surely indicates that it must be the KEY to recognise it is time to alter our beliefs....!!" **** But How? *****So I make out, the best way is to go swimming in it, with the lifebouy-knowledge, that if it is present in your life, then you must be present with it, and seek enlightenment from why it is here and fathom the gifts of enlightenment it brings. Such chasms have been present for me for so long (months) that they must be a key to something.... It is really hard to describe. so unless you personally dive in to witness the process of 'what is 'opening up' and what is 'breaking down' and everything in between with out judgment and with compassion, and the choices you make within the 'Now'as it expands and contracts. This morning I was in the aftermath of such a weekend, and emailing a friend, saying that " I have been too exhausted and in a bit of a state for most of the time since early July. Hoping to work through and figure out why I am so affected, and why things are not going to plan for me. Maybe I just had the wrong plans, or maybe my plans were simply over-riden and dominated by life's 'plans' for me. Stressed is the word."**** The key words here, are "my plans were simply over-riden and dominated by life's 'plans' for me," **** This is where the affected part of me is learning to dance in the chasm between the two worlds.~~Michaela~~

It's About to Get Real-Prepare Yourself For Lions Gate Portal: 3 Choices...

“Everything Is About To Change Suddenly” Prepare Yourself For The Amazing Apocalypse!.

An apocalypse (Ancient Greek: ἀποκάλυψις apokálypsis, from of/from: ἀπό and cover: κάλυψις, literally meaning "from cover") is a disclosure or revelation of great knowledge. ... There are many other books from the Jewish and Christian world that can be classified as apocalypses. Apocalypse - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Apocalypse

UK Vaccine Passport Company Owned by Nazi Joseph Goebbels’ Step Grand Kids Did you NAZI this coming? BY ZACH HEILMAN AUGUST 8, 2021....(Not sure how deep you want to go down this rabbit hole? Maybe not knowing is better. However they say that disclosures are coming that will trigger huge cognitive dissonance in the masses, and watching this will trigger a certain 'extremely uncomfortable' vibration that is better left in the misery years of Nazi dominance, it made me feel sick, but I am very sensitive. How accurate is it? Do We NEED To Know THIS? Yes? No? You decide, but one thing worth noting, is 'THIS VIBRATION' is what we are collectively climbing out of and leaving as we collectively learn to want/desire/act/think.... and therefore manifest... higher vibrations of living...~~Michaela~~) Watch at https://www.redvoicemedia.com/2021/08/uk-vaccine-passport-company-owned-by-nazi-joseph-goebbels-step-grand-kids/?utm_medium=ppt&utm_source=pushnotification

So much is going on to cause waves of cognitive dissonance, that surely indicates that it must be the key to recognise it is time to alter our beliefs.... “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn't fit in with the core belief.” ― Frantz Fanon, Black Skin, White Masks..... https://www.psycom.net/cognitive-dissonance

Sunday 8 August 2021

What You Need to Know about the Lionsgate ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton. "This is a time to be focused on receiving, and also on what you want to build as you move forward throughout the rest of this calendar year. There is so much to be constructed for humanity by humanity."...."Take back the control that you have over what you focus upon and therefore create, and let go of the idea that you are all hurdling towards one future reality that is set in stone. These Lionsgate energies are meant to empower you, and they are meant to get you to focus like a laser beam on what you want to create. "

What You Need to Know about the Lionsgate ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are very happy to see so many of you opening yourselves up to the Lionsgate energies. We know that many of you have felt the changes in the air already, and as you completely open up and expect to receive more, of course you do. You receive these energies because they exist and they are coming to you through the Lionsgate portal, but you also receive them because you expect to, and that is something very important for you to recognize. If we were human beings living on Earth at this time, we would expect to be receiving help all the time, but then again, we can see what you cannot. We can feel how many helpers you have, and we are of course amongst those you can consider helpers in your experience. Now, getting back to these wonderful energies that are coming in at this time. When you open up to the Lionsgate energies, you will receive not only the boost to your vibration they are designed to give you, but you will also be opening yourselves up to energies that you have personally summoned over the past year. You build up so many desires as you move through your lives, and then you open up at these various times and let in so much of what you have been asking for since the last great opening and delivery of energies. This is a time to be focused on receiving, and also on what you want to build as you move forward throughout the rest of this calendar year. There is so much to be constructed for humanity by humanity. We, and all of the other beings and collectives like us supply you with the raw materials, but it is you who create with those raw materials what you want to experience. In the case of some, you create what you fear, what you don’t want to experience. And that is something we would like to remind you of, as you see so many fear-based scenarios being handed to you at this time. Take back the control that you have over what you focus upon and therefore create, and let go of the idea that you are all hurdling towards one future reality that is set in stone. These Lionsgate energies are meant to empower you, and they are meant to get you to focus like a laser beam on what you want to create. We all know how good you are and how powerful you are, but it helps when you know it. It helps you to create a better version of the shift in consciousness that is happening, one where you make smooth transitions into each next step along the way of your journey. That’s the shift we know you can initiate and experience from where you are, and we know it because we have seen all the potential timelines, and we know that enough of you are choosing the ones that are joyous and filled with ease and grace. You are the architects of this next phase of human consciousness evolution, and we are merely supplying you with everything you need to build that better future for humanity that we see and that so many others like us see as well. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”