Thursday 31 December 2020

Buena Vista Social Club - Orgullecida (Official Audio) ~~~you cannot put life down. It is eternity in its broadcasting out to the cosmos....don't be misled into believing otherwise. ~~~ Micheala

not sure what music to listen to? Buena Vista Social Club - Chan Chan (Official Audio) Chill...and skip the ads. Listen to the whole album, it has helped me many a time. Happy years end ...Just get up and dance with yourself...I just had a dance around the sitting room with my baby girl as she heads out into a covid London determined to celebrate a news year eve, under cover of moonlight, with her teenage girls..its like the young finding resistance to the opposing forces... They will always find a way, that is how life continues~~~The river of life always finds a way, through the obstacles put in its path~~~~Life always wins out. Remember Life is beautiful.~~Michaela~~~

Life is beautiful.

In the Last day of 2020.~~~ Trust in your individual process, unique to you, that brings you to meet the parts of yourself that you had forgotten. Once gathered together and integrated, it is like a Family Reunion, serene but celebratory, where you have all you need that you used to look outside for. It is this inner reunion that brings you the strength, love, heart courage and home that you were looking for outside. When we look within we can find those places that have become separate from us, but still have push and pull on how we operate, and that have indicated our fears and defences, where we have built our brick walls and resistance to what is trying to flow into us... ~~Michaela~~and the Cancer full moon of home and family..."Cancer the crab lends us the courage required to show our soft inner world to others – as well as the intelligence of our emotional body to distinguish when it feels safe to open, and when it’s time to put up that crab shell in protection. This Full Moon’s medicine may show us where and with whom we feel safe (or unsafe), where we find ourselves in defensive patterns, and how we operate around getting our needs met..."

 Its like when Dorothy gets to go home, having found her courage, love, heart, wisdom, emotional intelligence and her sense of home. Through the sense of adventure she finds it was in her all along.   

Its like this Cancer full moon


- December 29, 2020 -


Your energy dictates your thoughts. The Universe is aligning everything you need so you can mould your dreams into reality. Recapture that wonderful feeling again and again. Allow the course of nature to flow naturally in your life. Everything is working in diving timing. Do not worry about things you can't control.


- December 30, 2020 -


Magic happens when you wholeheartedly believe in your dreams. 

Have faith in 

your journey and embrace uncertainty. Doors are opening and blessings will 

start pouring like rain, 

but you have to let go of control, surrender and trust in the process. 

You are ready for a 

new chapter in your life.

A Full Moon of Heightened Emotion and Earthy Imagination 

A Full Moon of Heightened Emotion and Earthy Imagination

Posted on  in Configurations By Leslie Benson for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes

When the Moon is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer it invokes an atmosphere of heightened emotion. It draws our attention to our own needs and the needs of others, as well as looking to the past, both the recent past and further back into our ancestral lineage. The intelligence of Cancer shows us the strength of being willing to experience and move through our feelings, whether that is the height of ecstasy, the depth of sorrow, or anything in between. Cancer the crab lends us the courage required to show our soft inner world to others – as well as the intelligence of our emotional body to distinguish when it feels safe to open, and when it’s time to put up that crab shell in protection. This Full Moon’s medicine may show us where and with whom we feel safe (or unsafe), where we find ourselves in defensive patterns, and how we operate around getting our needs met. 

The final Full Moon of 2020 graces us with the sweet and swift waters of the sign of Cancer, where the Moon is most at home. Taking place at 7:28 pm Pacific Time on the evening of December 29th, this Full Moon sends us out of 2020 with a sober outlook mixed with a dash of inspired action and imagination, as we face our collective future and the complexity and challenges of our current evolutionary unfolding.

When the Moon is in the cardinal water sign of Cancer it invokes an atmosphere of heightened emotion. It draws our attention to our own needs and the needs of others, as well as looking to the past, both the recent past and further back into our ancestral lineage. The intelligence of Cancer shows us the strength of being willing to experience and move through our feelings, whether that is the height of ecstasy, the depth of sorrow, or anything in between. Cancer the crab lends us the courage required to show our soft inner world to others – as well as the intelligence of our emotional body to distinguish when it feels safe to open, and when it’s time to put up that crab shell in protection. This Full Moon’s medicine may show us where and with whom we feel safe (or unsafe), where we find ourselves in defensive patterns, and how we operate around getting our needs met. Especially as we experience this ongoing winter spike of the Covid pandemic, this time may reveal to us our tendencies around care-taking— both receiving care and extending our care to those we love — particularly between children and parents, with elders, as well as in the community at large.

Beyond the significations of the Moon in the sign of Cancer, we have a number of potent astrological configurations in this Full Moon chart to consider. First, the Moon and Sun are occupying 8º + of Cancer and Capricorn respectively, and in square to them we find Chiron at 5° Aries, and opposite from the new Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO) planet Makemake at 7° Libra. Together they form a grand cross in Cardinal signs. Chiron represents wounding and the ongoing process of healing, while Makemake, named after the indigenous Creation God of Rapa Nui, represents a powerful Nature connection. Per Henry Seltzer’s ongoing research, Makemake appears to be connected with a sense of profound respect for all creatures, and with taking an activist stance for protecting nature and our earthly environment.

With these two archetypes being activated by the Full Moon axis, we may feel a heightened sense of pain, loss, and urgency around the many severe environmental issues in our world, and the devastating impact that human activity continuing to have on the beauty and integrity of our planet. There is also a nearly exact square forming between Venus in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces, lending us enhanced contact with the numinous realms, allowing our perception to expand in the Mystery, and for our dreams and imagination to whisper new worlds into our ears as we look toward the coming year. We might tune in at this time to the incredible wild intelligence of Nature, the vast, ancient wisdom that lies within the consciousness of Earth, and the miracle of Life it sustains. With Uranus at 6° Taurus also in connection with the Moon — forming a close trine — and the feminine warrior energy of Eris still prominent as well, we could also experience sudden realizations or epiphanies about our own piece of the puzzle in terms of protecting our precious earth resource; the tangible ways we each can have a positive impact.

With regard to the coming year, we have what is perhaps the most important astrological aspect of 2021 at the beginning of its formation: Saturn in Aquarius square to Uranus in Taurus. This is deserving of its own thorough discussion, but to touch briefly on it now, these two will be dancing in this square aspect closely for most of the upcoming year, and again through much of 2022. This combination of influences speaks to further destabilization of and disembarking from systems and structures that cannot be sustained, and stepping into new innovative pathways for the collective regarding all manner of human affairs. There is also represented here the divide that we are seeing very much emphasized lately here in the US between progressive forces (Uranus) versus those conservative voices (Saturn) concerned more with maintaining the status quo. We are indeed as a society in the midst of an evolutionary leap. The year of 2020 has been emblematic of that, and 2021 will be no exception, either.

While this square aspect concerns the broader areas of society, culture, systems, and collective power structures, we can and should also be on the lookout for what part we each play as individuals within the larger context. We might do this by keeping a keen eye out for opportunities to embrace our own unique sense of innovation and contribution to our community and the society at large. One thing that is notable is recognizing the importance of putting your attention, resources, and power as a consumer towards businesses, organizations and causes that align with your core values, and your deeply felt vision for our world.

In this time of laying to rest what has been a very intense year, and picking up the reigns of our responsibilities for action, in feeling into what is to come, this ending and beginning is a potent time to pause for reflection, consideration, and spiritual inquiry. We are being asked, each in different ways, to stretch and transform, and to heal. I believe within that context it is also extremely important to find ways to replenish ourselves, to rest and nourish our bodies, and our souls, so that we may endeavor to live our lives in a way that is an expression of our own unique and meaningful Truth. It is probably not the time to sit back, but rather to stand up and be counted for what we most sincerely believe. As we face into 2021, may we hold prayers for peace in our hearts, and actively envision a world to come, of beauty, thriving, and wellness for all beings.

"You are letting yourselves feel more since receiving that download of energies that reached its peak on the solstice, and you are ready to become that much more of your higher selves as a result. The only thing that ever holds you back from becoming more and more of your higher self is a lack of willingness to just sit and feel, whether those feelings are positive or negative."

 There is a change, and it does feel bittersweet for now, in that there is loss. Loss for the old ways of doing things, established and paths well trod, familiar even if not great. There is excitement and loneliness too, as in when you wake in a new place. We have all found ourselves in a new place, new territory.

 Bittersweet is a feeling that when you begin to open up to multidimensionality, you are still living in a physicality that may bring sadness as you witness chaos and see that not everyone can see what you can. Multidimensionality means You have opened up your own personal library of emotions that span spectrums of varying emotions. It is good to feel into these emotions and expand them too, like widening pizza dough in your hand so that the once small ball of dough becomes a different thing altogether when you have softened it and manipulated it with your being. It is like blessing and opening up an emotion with your fullness and multidimensionality rather then let it stay as it is, small and separate. When you widen the scope of the emotion, be it sadness, grief, loneliness, you invite miracles to bless it and then see the overlaying colours of the spectrum within which it lies. Then you see that there is much more to anything, more depth, more height, more vivacity, more frequency to anything than you used to be able to see. Insights come that were not there before.

What Will it Take to Complete the Shift to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

what will it take to complete the shift to 5D? - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

What Will it Take to Complete the Shift to 5D? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very good about the progress that we see you making since the solstice energies have been upon you and since you have had some time with them. You are letting yourselves feel more since receiving that download of energies that reached its peak on the solstice, and you are ready to become that much more of your higher selves as a result. The only thing that ever holds you back from becoming more and more of your higher self is a lack of willingness to just sit and feel, whether those feelings are positive or negative.

Your higher selves hoped that the pandemic would spur on more of that emotional side of you, because you would be less capable doing the things you would normally do and seeing the people you would normally see. And the truth is that a lot of emotions have come up for people in this calendar year of 2020. But just because an emotion is coming up within a person doesn’t mean the person is willing to feel it. But we are seeing that the solstice energies have had an effect on many humans that is the effect your higher selves were hoping the pandemic would have.

And so, now here you are, evolving and changing because of that willingness to feel, and you are becoming your higher selves at the perfect time, because this is a time where more and more people are needed to display the unity consciousness, the oneness that is inherent within being your higher self. In order to be your higher self, you must make peace with all aspects of who you are, and in order to make peace with all aspects of who you are you must be willing to feel everything that you’ve been resisting.

Your willingness to let any energy flow through you is exactly what will result in you having the ability to let more energy flow through you. And when you are an open conduit to the energies that are upon you right now, then guess what? You are a part of the solution that humanity has been waiting for throughout this entire year. This has been a year of many challenges for many individuals, and a lot of those challenges have been to the mental health of those individuals.

And when you demonstrate through your example that it is possible to feel all of your feelings, you show so many others the way to their better feeling states of being. And so, you are the ones once again to lead the way to better mental health for all, to a recognition of one’s true self as the higher self, and you are the ones to lead humanity to the completion of the shift to the fifth dimension.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

outside of you..."they want you to think that the sun has all of the power to change everything there on Earth, or a politician has all the power to change everything there on Earth. A lot of people will tell you that some law will be passed or some program will be initiated to rescue everyone from their own lives and their own creations. And so, again and again, you are being led to believe in something outside of yourselves, and time and time again you are being disappointed by what you were convinced you should have faith in.".....But "True power is alignment with Source, but you are Source. Therefore, true power is you aligning with you. "


Can Anyone Break the Laws of the Universe? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

can anyone break the laws of the universe - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

Can Anyone Break the Laws of the Universe? ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are listening at all times to your requests, no matter who you are. We are listening to people who would never believe that we actually exist, because that does not matter to us. We are listening and feeling into your vibrations, and we are working with your higher selves and spirit guides, along with many other beings and collectives, because we feel that the rest of the journey to the fifth dimension should be one of ease and joy for you.

We cannot step in between you and your vibration, however, and break the laws of the universe to give you what you want and what you ask for, but we can be ready to deliver when you are vibrating in harmony with that which you desire. It is very easy to get caught up in what is going on outside of you at this time there on Earth because so many people are telling you about what is happening outside of you and then asking you to have faith that all of your prayers will be answered. But the vast majority of those individuals are not teaching you how to create your reality or empowering you in any way.

Instead, they want you to think that the sun has all of the power to change everything there on Earth, or a politician has all the power to change everything there on Earth. A lot of people will tell you that some law will be passed or some program will be initiated to rescue everyone from their own lives and their own creations. And so, again and again, you are being led to believe in something outside of yourselves, and time and time again you are being disappointed by what you were convinced you should have faith in.

We don’t want you to have faith in us; we want you to have faith in yourselves. We want you to know how to gain access to your power, to your strength, to your creativity, and most importantly, to the love that truly are. If you can be love that is unconditional, then nothing that is happening out there can throw you off of your game, and that’s what we want for you. We want you to know yourselves as spiritual masters, rather than people who are believing in the right narrative, so that you can place all of your bets on the outcome that you are being promised.

Seek what is inside of you, and then beings and collectives like ourselves can match what you have found. But again, we cannot break the law, and neither can anyone else, no matter how many promises they make you. If you focus on something, someone, some animal friend, or some tree or flower that can get you to access the feeling of love within you, then you can really start to know what true power is. True power is alignment with Source, but you are Source. Therefore, true power is you aligning with you. It’s that simple. We could complicate it for you, but there are enough people doing that right now, and we would rather remind you of the power that lies within each and every one of you at all times.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

"So you can listen to the doom and gloom report that someone else is giving you, and telling you about how bad things are getting, and how they are getting worse. Or you can see all of that as a timeline you are not choosing, and you can choose consciously the timeline you want to be on, because the energies that are upon you now support the creation of new timelines, unknown experiences, and you moving into unchartered territories. The only question is whether you trust yourself enough to move in a direction that you created."


The Energies Upon You & Unchartered Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council

the energies upon your and unchartered timelines - the 9th dimensional arcturian council - channeled by daniel scranton channeler of archangel michael

The Energies Upon You & Unchartered Timelines ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been in contact with so many humans in the astral plane that we feel we know you extremely well at this point. We know what makes you tick, and we know what you need in order to feel safe and free. Humans like guarantees. You like certainty. You like something to be so ironclad that you don’t have to think about it, and by ‘think’ what we really mean is worry. You want things to be tied up in a nice package with wrapping paper and a bow, and we understand that. We understand why that is and the reason it feels to you that safety and security are the highest of priorities.

And so, many of our conversations with humans center around adventure, the unknown, the unexpected, and we have done some convincing that it is better to not know than to know. And we have had some success with that perspective, but enough of you are ready now to let go of the need to know how it will all play out on your world and for humankind. Enough of you are willing to go into the unchartered territory because you can feel how good the energies feel in that territory.

Now is the time to seek out the unknown and the unexpected because you are working with much higher frequency energies than you were just ten years ago. And the energies are so much higher in frequency than they were twenty or thirty years ago, but you wouldn’t know that by just looking around at your world and taking stock with what you see with your eyes.

You have to use your feeling sense and follow what feels good in order to get to the really good experiences in the unknown. And the reason we know that these experiences are really good for you is because you created them. You just didn’t create them consciously, and the reason you didn’t create them consciously is because your minds are incapable of doing so. But you can feel for what is right, what is better, and what is taking you closer and closer to the fifth dimension and your higher self. Trust your feelings, and reach out with them for the energies of the unknown, because you are creating every step on this journey.

So you can listen to the doom and gloom report that someone else is giving you, and telling you about how bad things are getting, and how they are getting worse. Or you can see all of that as a timeline you are not choosing, and you can choose consciously the timeline you want to be on, because the energies that are upon you now support the creation of new timelines, unknown experiences, and you moving into unchartered territories. The only question is whether you trust yourself enough to move in a direction that you created.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of Dec 30 to Jan 6 ~ Podcast

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Abraham Hicks | A Wonderful Shift is About To Happen | Law Of Attraction...

Marina Jacobi - Q&A live webinar S3 E45

Jesus , Reincarnation & Wisdom. At 33 minutes she talks about regression through death to pre-life.
Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (lit.: Saint Marys of the SeaProvençal OccitanLi Santi Mario de la Mar) is the capital of the Camargue (Provençal Occitan Camarga) in the south of France. It is a commune in the Bouches-du-Rhône department by the Mediterranean Sea. Its 2012 population was 2,495, though it can swell to 500,000 during the summer holidays. It covers the second-largest area of all communes in Metropolitan France, smaller only than that of neighbouring Arles.

"Some of you may be experiencing a death of sorts of the carbon-based body, aspects, and even the removal of what has held us in a limited reality. "


This transition we are in is quite intense, requiring us to use all of our tools in order to stay in alignment. I find that if I dive too much into what is going on “out there” my body becomes quite anxious. Self care in all forms is imperative right now. This can mean quiet time and pampering or it can mean taking a deep dive into yourself. Some are experiencing what feels like a life review as we cut through the illusion. Others are finding that they are connecting in new ways and to new aspects. Whatever you are experiencing, surrender to it and allow it to flow through you.

Many are experiencing intense physical symptoms. The list is quite a range. Joint aches, muscle tightness, and pain in the lower spine/hips are very common. Pain in the heart chakra, higher heart and wing chakras are common as well. Some are feeling cold like symptoms (always fun in a time of COVID), others are feeling a nervous tension and overwhelm in the body. Quite a few have verbalized to me that they feel “they are dying”, even when there is not a rational explanation for feeling something that intently. Yet, there is truth to it. Some of you may be experiencing a death of sorts of the carbon-based body, aspects, and even the removal of what has held us in a limited reality. What is interesting is that my sister is seeing patients in the ER that are complaining that they are dying without a physical cause present. This tells me just how powerful this transit is. Not a single person on this planet will be left unaffected in some way.

Recently a client was discussing how she was struggling with her digestion, unable to eat anything but bland foods as it felt like her digestive system was extremely irritated and swollen. She isn’t alone in those complaints. I have found foods that I could eat at one time are no longer agreeing with me and even caused hives to erupt!

As we were talking, my office took on this incredible shimmering quality. From there all I can say is that THE Goddess, She of Many faces, stepped forward. Both the client and I became covered in goosebumps and the download was intense. Here is what she said:

“What you must understand is that the body is deep in the crystalline process. It is so that the amount of photonic light coming into the earth in the coming days will not be as difficult on the body. All that is out of balance in the form will be triggered: yeast, parasites, viruses, even imprints of traumatic events or an injury. It is of utmost importance that each person listen to their form completely. It is wanting to be listened to, communicated with, and understood so that it may come online (activation of the Divine Blueprint). Much will change with your physicality, what it can do and how it can heal. However, it first must make it through this transition phase and be purified and cleansed of imbalance. It is imperative that each commune and listen to the body’s message and needs. Some will fast, others will not. There is no wrong way when you are listening to and honoring your sacred form.”

I thanked her for her wisdom and then she retreated, leaving us quite surprised. I knew it needed to be shared. I hope this finds you well and coming deeper and deeper into self. If you have not already done so, please join my mailing list so that you keep up to date with my postings and offerings .  To join the mailing list, click Here

Thank you to all that have shared and supported this work. It means the world. Sending you all lots of love, joy, and connection. Happy Holidays!


“The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion“...More on the Game.

 “During the past twenty centuries, we have contrived to set all goyim-cattle against one another, so that nations cannot come to a considerable private agreement without our secretly having a hand in it. There is no evading our power. God has endowed us with genius that we may be equal to our task.

We must debilitate the public mind and turn serious reflections into an empty show; and we must at all costs quell all personal initiative. We shall so wear down the goyim-cattle that they will be compelled to turn to our Super-Government.

It is indispensable for us to undermine all faith, to tear out every principle of Godhead and to put in its place arithmetical calculations and material needs.  We must give the goyim-cattle no time to think.”

Two weeks ago, a Twitter account called FBI Records Vault, which releases information that is due to the public under FOIA law, released a file called “The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion“. The release included the infamous bible of anti-semitic information in the book along with letters to the FBI and from many citizens, as well as some interesting newspaper clippings.  The information was deleted within minutes after an instantaneous uproar from way too many people who instantly claimed it fuel for Nazis and the FBI records site apologized immediately. The comments below the release were legendary, ranging from “way to get the Nazis going” to “umm… that all seems to be exactly what is happening today.”

I’m going to quote much of what it contained and let the reader decide what one thinks of it, while also offering insight into the long-developing solutions, of which I have dramatic experience and the core of education that already exists to repair one’s understanding of who and what one truly is, and what game it is that you are playing.

Cutting Through the Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Brad “El Pinche Gringo” Barber, September 12, 2020

After a long silence, Brad is back and has outdone himself. This superb article has the potential to trigger the avalanche of sweeping revelations we have been waiting for one whole eternity.


The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Протоколы сионских мудрецов), Serge Nilius, first published in Russian in 1903

This article is dedicated to Joseph Pulitzer and this quote from an address that I believe was given in 1910.  I’m sure he’s no longer in his grave, as the heat generated from the intensity of spinning surely has melted what was left of any of his physical containment.

Dolores Cannon Conversation with Nostradamus English. Wow!

also pdf of her book.
Go to chapter 14 for 666, the secret of the number of the beast.

Who is the original, george bush?? and who carries the baton from the original? 

Choice. Is. Learn to let go of Karma - Dolores Cannon on Human evolution From

MOTIVATIONAL | Let go of fear, Dolores Cannon

New earth by Dolores cannon II New World II. Spare 6 minutes to think for ourselves, focus on the higher trajectory, forget your fear.

All Dolores Canon English playlist Dolores Cannon Conversation with Nostradamus English THE STAR OF BETHLEHEM OR UFO ? DOLORES CANNON Dolores Cannon II Aliens II UFO II Extraterrestrial II Alien Universe II Dadaji New Earth vs New Multiverse Dolores Cannon vs Infinite Knowledge (Behad Gyaan ) THE TRUTH OF THE LIFE OF JESUS CHRIST by Dolores Cannon the new world (same video) in hindi thanks visit our english playlist 185 videos available you can watch all videos in English