Thursday 30 November 2017

"Both Gaia, and ALL her inhabitants, are preparing for “The Great Transition” into the next octave of resonance/reality. In Gaia’s past, whenever a human began to resonate to their fifth dimensional resonance, they disappeared to the vision of those whose consciousness still resonated to the third/fourth dimensions. In fact, there have been special places that also seemed to “disappear” to the perception of the third dimensional humans. However, these places and people were still there, but their resonance is beyond the perception of most humans. Even now, there are still many humans who will not perceive the fifth dimensional beings who have always been guiding them. Fortunately, as they expand their consciousness into the fifth dimensional resonance, they can also expand their perceptions into the fifth dimensional resonance of reality."

We wish we could say that all of Gaia’s inhabitants will return to the fifth dimension, but Gaia is an “energy out—energy back” planet.

In other words, whatever energy fields humanity puts out into the “life flow” of third/fourth dimensional Earth, will return to the senders. Because the third dimensional “life flow” is ruled by TIME and SPACE, you will often need to be at a certain place at a certain time to be able to fully align your Personal Consciousness with the Planetary Consciousness of that given location.

Gaia was always meant to be a fifth dimensional planet, but the Dark Ones attacked Her because they knew that she was the prophesized “Ascension Planet.”

Accepting the CALL to Transmute Gaia
from A Planetary Culture
to a Galactic Culture

The Arcturians through
Suzanne Lie

You must remember that you are NOT alone and that you have NEVER been alone. You came to this earth vessel to liberate Gaia from Her long process of living the illusion of being a third dimensional planet.

Therefore, you must liberate your selves from your personal illusion that you are just a “3D person.” Your process will begin by advancing your “concept of SELF” from a member of a “Planetary Culture” to being a member of a “Inter-dimensional Galactic culture.”

You have also had many different Home-worlds such as:
Venus, Mars, Pleiades, Tau Ceti, Andromeda, Arcturus, as well as many other planets, which you may not even know about in your current incarnation.

You usually choose each incarnation with a “theme, and/or dedication,” to transmute as many components of your SELF as you can into a fifth dimensional frequency of vibration, perception, and contribution. Yes, you all choose a contribution that you decide to contribute to Gaia within each of your incarnations.

Sometimes you were able to keep these “promises of contribution,” but sometimes you could NOT keep your promise. In fact, in some incarnations, you totally forgot all your past incarnations, and even forgot that you have had many lives—and will have many more!

For some reason, many human leaders wanted to tell people that they were innately “flawed” and would have to “work hard to be forgiven,” or they would NOT “make it to Heaven.” Heaven was often known of as a place where Angels fly around and play harps.

In reality, Heaven, is just like all the other frequencies of reality. However, the reality known as “Heaven” is a frequency of reality which resonates to the fifth dimension and beyond. As more and more people, animals, plants, and other members of Gaia’s Earth raise their frequency to the resonance of the fifth dimension, the entire planet will also raise Her resonance.

Gaia, who is the being also known as Earth, has been very patient with Her humans, who were meant to be the most evolved of all Her species. However, some “humans,” or those disguised as humans, have been the most destructive of all Gaia’s inhabitants.

Gaia is now raising Her frequency of resonance, as She is ready to begin Her process of Planetary Ascension. This process will be very difficult for the many human inhabitants who have lived their lives based on Service to Self rather than Service to Others.

These “denser beings” will likely be frightened by the Earth changes, which will continue to occur as every component of Gaia’s earth, air, fire, water, plant, animal, and human kingdoms accelerate their innate frequency of resonance into higher and higher frequencies of core resonance.

These higher frequencies of core resonance will first affect the more evolved humans, plants, animals and aspects of Gaia’s form by allowing themselves to fully awaken to their true, Multidimensional SELF.

We are happy to see that even those humans who have always been dense and static are beginning to become less dense and increasingly mobile. In fact, more and more components of Gaia’s third dimensional reality are restructuring themselves in order to resonate to higher and higher frequencies.

This “restructuring” of Gaia’s form, down into the baseline beings of the elementals, is causing great inconvenience for the humans who have always lived via “power over others.” The fear that has always driven their lives has expanded, as their behavior continues to become increasingly erratic.

On the other hand, the innate transition that the awakened, and awakening ones, are experiencing is expanding their consciousness to perceive, and experience, higher and higher frequencies of reality. Of course, these higher frequencies of reality are not “seen” in the same manner as physical persons perceive their physical reality.

As a physical human’s consciousness begins to expand into the higher fourth and fifth dimension, his/her innate “imagination” reveals important information that these “budding leaders for Gaia” know they must share with others.

As with all major transitions, if one is aware of, and prepared for, change, they can more easily release their “resistance to change.” Resistance to change is common for all of humanity.

Fortunately, as humanity can more easily and naturally open their consciousness to embrace the excitement and adventure of being a member of a Galactic Society, the process of planetary transmutation will flow more quickly and freely.

Fortunately, more and more “human beings” are also embracing the process of opening their consciousness to the fact that they, TOO, are “galactic beings” who took a third dimensional form on Gaia to assist Her as She moves deeper, and higher, into Her process of Planetary Transmutation.

Since human earth vessels are constructed of the same elements of earth, air, fire, water and ether as Gaia’s body, humans can align with the collective process of planetary evolution by allowing their core, elemental self, to also expand into a higher dimensional resonance.

Both Gaia, and ALL her inhabitants, are preparing for “The Great Transition” into the next octave of resonance/reality. In Gaia’s past, whenever a human began to resonate to their fifth dimensional resonance, they disappeared to the vision of those whose consciousness still resonated to the third/fourth dimensions.

In fact, there have been special places that also seemed to “disappear” to the perception of the third dimensional humans. However, these places and people were still there, but their resonance is beyond the perception of most humans.

Even now, there are still many humans who will not perceive the fifth dimensional beings who have always been guiding them. Fortunately, as they expand their consciousness into the fifth dimensional resonance, they can also expand their perceptions into the fifth dimensional resonance of reality.

In fact, more of you have had this experience, but you thought it was “just your imagination,” or “just a dream.” We say to you all within this NOW that “imagination,” as well as your “higher dimensional dreams,” are REAL, fifth dimensional experiences.

However, just as you perceive your fourth dimensional “dreams and/or creative world” in a different manner than you perceive your daily, mundane world, you also perceive the fifth dimensional reality in a very different manner.

Just as you do NOT perceive your fourth dimensional imagination and dream world in the same manner that you perceive your third dimensional reality, you will NOT perceive the fifth dimension in the same manner that you perceive the third and fourth dimensional realities.

Yes, all of these “different dimensions” have different life forms that exist within each dimensional reality. There are many higher dimensional realities that are filled with life forms that are unfamiliar to your third dimensional perspectives.

Fortunately, when you “meditate” or have a special “dream,” your earth body can experience a moment of calibration to the fifth dimensional realities to which Gaia and Her inhabitants are returning. We wish we could say that all of Gaia’s inhabitants will return to the fifth dimension, but Gaia is an “energy out—energy back” planet.

In other words, whatever energy fields humanity puts out into the “life flow” of third/fourth dimensional Earth, will return to the senders. Because the third dimensional “life flow” is ruled by TIME and SPACE, you will often need to be at a certain place at a certain time to be able to fully align your Personal Consciousness with the Planetary Consciousness of that given location.

The different organs of your physical body are located on different areas of your body, need different kinds of food and personal care, and exist on a spectrum from “a healthy organ” to an “injured or unhealthy organ.”

In the same manner that you would give special attention to a part of your physical body that is injured, or unhealthy, you will all give special attention to any part of Gaia’s body that appears to be injured, harmed, unhealthy and/or in need of special attention.

What we the Arcturians, as well as your entire Galactic Family, wish to remind you is that EVERY ONE of you chose to take a physical earth vessel during this NOW. As you are all aware, some humans love Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants.

On the other hand, some humans do NOT perceive Gaia as a living being, but as a patch of land that they can “make money off of,” or “do what they please with.” These “humans,” who usually are not really humans, but Illuminati/Dark Ones, care only for their own personal, financial, or official gain.

We regret that sometimes these beings are able to take over a situation in which they have the ability to fully exercise their innate need to have “power over.” However, there are still human lessons that some humans must learn from their own mistakes or personal lack of inner guidance. These humans are the ones who will NOT be ready to transmute their consciousness and physical form into the resonance of the fifth dimension.

Fortunately, since time is an illusion of the third dimension, if they can just expand their consciousness into the fourth dimension, they can move their consciousness into the fourth dimensional “shifting waves of time” that will allow them to, at the very least, visit the higher dimensional realities.

These “shifting waves of time” will reach into higher and higher dimensions of “time/space” as Gaia moves more and more into Her innate fifth dimensional resonance. Gaia was always meant to be a fifth dimensional planet, but the Dark Ones attacked Her because they knew that she was the prophesized “Ascension Planet.”

This Ascension Planet, also known as Earth or Gaia, was once a beautiful world with myriad types of persons, places, situations and things. However, since Gaia was “The ONE to ascend,” the Illuminati, who could not ascend because they chose to live the “Path of Power Over” rather than the “Path of Power Within,” tried to take over Gaia.

Unfortunately, their invasion of Earth was quite successful and lasted far too long. Fortunately, there were wonderful eras in which the “Power Within” humans where able to create strong, “Peak Societies” where people lived in Unconditional Love and Service to Others.

We, the Arcturians, as well as the other “Protectors of Unconditional Love,” “Power Within,” and “Service to Others,” created amazing Peak Societies. The members of these “Peak Societies,” such as Lemuria, Atlantis, early Greece, and early Rome loved their planet Gaia and treated Her as their Mother.

That is until the “dark ones” took over. Because Gaia chose to be a “free-will planet,” her humans could choose to live via “power over others.” It was during these times that much damage was done to all of Gaia’s life forms. However, this darkness also served as a teacher, in the opposite manner in which the Light is a teacher.

The Light teaches humanity that which is loving, kind, unselfish and prepared to transmute into the higher frequencies of reality. On the other hand, the darkness taught fear, anger, selfishness, greed, which always caused major damage to Gaia’s planetary body.

When the humans finally learned the harsh lessons of the darkness, many of them returned their society to a “Society Based on Light.”Then, there was another peak experience society. On and on, the darkness and the light took their turn at ruling the planet. The darkness destroyed, and the light rebuilt and expanded that which had been destroyed.

That is, as much as possible was returned to the light. Unfortunately, there are many areas of Gaia which will only be able to be rebuilt when Gaia returns to Her true Multidimensional Planet and can offer the prospect of a fifth dimensional society once the humans could balance their consciousness in the higher dimensions and choose to live via Unconditional Love.

But, dear Gaia is tired now. She has had enough of the cycles of change from light to dark, and then from the dark back to light. Gaia has been an “educational planet” long enough. She greatly enjoyed the Light, just as the humans did, but the Darkness left too many scars on Her planetary body, many of which still have not been healed.

Fortunately, finally, more and more humans are evolved enough now to realize that they are Multidimensional Beings. Therefore, they can travel up the frequency trail of Light into the higher dimensions of Gaia’s Multidimensional SELF to visit Gaia’s higher dimensional expressions of reality.

These higher dimensional representatives of Gaia are great teachers and are happy to pass on their great wisdom to those who can maintain a fifth dimensional state of consciousness long enough to receive and understand these higher messages.

Once these Ascending Ones have received, documented, and understood these higher messages, they are asked to share that information with other humans who are ready to assist Gaia with Her planetary ascension.

These beings have brought this information down to the people with the intention of awakening them. Unfortunately, too often, the darkness was so strong that it could easily extinguish the light, so the eras of darkness were too often longer than the eras of Light.

Therefore, many members decided that they would find that LIGHT inside themselves. They did not need to be martyrs to bring in the next transition from darkness into light, as they could be unconditional loving teachers, scribes, artists and leaders.

In other words, there is a new era of “Power Within” humans who have spent many incarnations on the fifth dimensional Starships and Home Worlds, as well as many incarnations on dear Gaia’s Earth learning and teaching what was necessary to best prepare Gaia, and as many of Her beings as possible, for PLANETARY ASCENSION.

What does Planetary Ascension mean,
and how can we assist in creating it?

This is a question which each “Service to Others” member of Gaia ascending Earth, must find within their own higher frequencies of their own Multidimensional SELF! Are these Awakened ONES, serving as humans on Gaia during this NOW of transmutation into a fifth dimensional reality ready NOW to ACCEPT GAIA’S CALL?

What is this Call? What does “Gaia’s Call" mean? It is because more and more brave, transmuting human ones are expanding their consciousness from Personal Consciousness, to Group Consciousness,to Planetary Consciousness that Gaia will be able to

Transmute reality from a Planetary Culture
To a Galactic Culture.

We Arcturians will return soon to tell you more about Planetary and Galactic Cultures.

Blessings from We the Arcturians, as well as ALL your Star Family.

The saturn connection. credit cards blocked. Money and flow. Breaking free from the self restricted beliefs.

Gaia was always meant to be a fifth dimensional planet, but the Dark Ones attacked Her because they knew that she was the prophesized “Ascension Planet.”

This post is further to my last post.
I was thinking about gold in some previous posts, and came to the conclusion that as this world densified over time the nature of Gold densified and became polarised.

If, in the 'beginning' the human life form was given streams of 'gold' through the lands and mountains, in its environment to bestow a balancing, natural vibrancy and flow of energy, in the same way crystals and healing waters are found and everything that is needed for the human life form to live in the various habitats, that means that it has been corrupted and abused. The purpose for which it was intended has been denied to the masses and hoarded by the few.

The mind-biology systems that we have come to live by, have been denied the natural, enhancing, vitalising presence of Gold energy in the environment. It has been mined out from earth and its high dimensional energy has been denied to the masses. It had been turned into a commodity, withheld and hoarded, and used to enslave us. By turning the environmental beauty and energy giving, and life enhancing minerals and metals found in the earth into something that only the few can benefit from it has debased the natural flow of energy, and turned it into a  'currency' system that declares Worth, and Worthless and used to enforce partitions and segregation's.

Along with and associated with the energy of gold there is a natural method of self regulation, of flow, of ones place in the world and of recieving what one needs to be in this place, and self worth.  But it has been corrupted, or calcified or densified over our time here on earth, as everything has become more dense in third dimensional energy fluidity.

after the mining began to pull this value system out of the earth, gold was the natural energy of 'recieving what one needs to be in this place', and self worth, and manifest into something that was grasped and remained in ownership by the Rich Famous, gods, emperors, kings and queens, noble men etc, into statements of their own Worth.  Everyone else, was declared to have no worth. They, whomever they may be,  knocked out the natural balance and continued to knock it out, through money wars, and mining, etc etc. Ensuring that they, remain in positions of worth and that the worthless, remain so.

The system has crumbled into what it is today. But that was then, and this is now. So what has happened to the human life form? Well most of us come from the 'service to others' bias, where our mind-biology is just that, of 'Service to others' and this 'system' has been seen by the 'Service to Self' as being naive, vulnerable and worthy only to be made slaves of. So the institutionalized hyjacking of those systems has brought us to what we are today.

The connection with Saturn is about the massive influence it has on our planet. All planets have push pull energy on each other and on Earth we are no different. These influences can be understood in layers of dimensional intelligence. On our 3d level we can see only the physical nature of the surrounding planets and what dangers and astronomical and cosmological interferences they may have. Other dimensional layers will delve deeper into the influences planets have on the earth, such as 4d astrology and higher quantum understandings. It must be assumed that there are higher level energy dynamics that influence life forms on earth.

Take what we know about in Astrology and we can see that everybody dreads Saturn when it swings into the picture. It's effect can be seen as detrimental and crushing, like a grand jury and Judge, laying out judgements of where we have gone wrong and delivers the consequences.

My theory is that Saturn gives this planet the ideals, in the nature of  'higher' self-regulation and 'higher'self correction, to keep things on track and in plan for the evolution of the life form into  Ascension into higher thinking, so Saturn is about keeping things tickety boo.

But what if that influence was hyjacked and distorted in two ways. First,

  •  actually the physical energetic 'influence' electromagnetic or whatever energy system it uses and 
  • then subsequently 'how' that hyjacked or distorted influence plays out in our own personal energy systems. 

Where we have been bound in mud for so long,  the masses cannot see nor feel their true worth.
The higher ideals of self regulation and self correction have been tampered with to make our own 'virtual realities' a place of prison and constant chastisement and  how this plays out in the 3d is to make us pliable and manipulable, as inherently our self worth has been replaced with the reverse.

So Now, we are nearing the end of this hyjacking, and the stage is set for our enlightenment and ascension. When we are making conscious movement through and aligning with our own individual plans, many things begin to be seen, in layers. We begin to see one layer, which prepares us to see the next. Understanding and compassion and gratitude are required to fuel the space rocket that will take you on your journey. Seeing the traps that have kept you mud bound, can only propel your rocket further. Understanding and seeing the traps, allows the 'contractual' binds, to loosen and with higher level compassion to yourself and in the nature of service to others, it works to loosen the binds for all.

The pressures of these 'negative' influences from 'Saturn', where our self regulation and self worth have been kaleidoscoped into our virtual reality systems, whether we:

  • accepted them as truth
  • or were tricked into accepting as truth, 
using the mind -biology systems  have worked against. We have been pulled into a ' money, self worth, blocked flow of energy' system that has successfully formed the self restricted beliefs that run our individual virtual realities.

Unblock those credit cards!!!

So, how to unblock the abundant flow of energy to resume 'high self worth', value and exalt your place in the world, from a pure high heart?

My advise is to

  • meditate on how to open your eyes on how this has been in play in your life, 
  • meditate on Saturn and reach up higher into those 'heavenly body' meditations to feel the higher level guidance and gifts that its influence has to offer. Hopefully the picture becomes clear,  that Saturn's pure energy, 'self - regulation' comes from a pure-heart place, and is a place where 'self worth' is reflected back to you correctly, and not through the distorted mirrors placed in front of our naive and vulnerable 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision.

  • meditate on the energy of gold, that is a high vibration Gold energy, imagine you are surrounded in gold energy, and see it within your systems, watch it flow within, into and around your particles atoms. Imagine seeing it flushing out and transmuting all blocks to your self worth. It is love with a capital G.

  • know that you can change the virtual reality you conjure up around yourself, because it is simpley a creation of your own 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision.
  • REMEMBER, this is not real, all that you experience IS NOT YOU> you are a part of infinite, miraculous, 'shiney' energy ....that has a piece of it 'living a 3D version,  a 'mind-biology' system's perceptive vision. IT is an illusion that you find yourself in, and so CAN what ever is required to make that illusion a more expansive and enlightening experience.
  • REMEMBER, what ever you do for yourself, you for do for others, liberating yourself works to liberate others.
  • It is possible that the liberation work you do for yourself, manifests to free Saturn's influence back into what it was originally intended. Simultaneously and vice versa, it is possible that it is, in truth, being freed up already, by OUR intentions and conscious desire to be free, at a rate that snowballs as more and more wake up and call for Liberation from these self made cages, that  OUR 'virtual reality' has been 'manipulated' to create.
  • REMEMBER It all helps the cause.

And below, and back to earth, some grounding words for energy transfer into the wallet.


Money problems (at their root) are always mindset problems. The greatest financial obstacle we face is our lack of awareness of the mind/body/spirit connection to our bank accounts, something almost none of us has ever really been taught. Instead, we absorbed lack consciousness and upper limiting beliefs, unknowingly holding them as truths, even though they are a form of unconscious self-sabotage. We tighten ourselves up emotionally and physically... and this drastically constricts the possibility that the money we so eagerly want and need can flow to us.
Once you begin to shift your mindset, however, your entire experience with money begins to change. Rather than holding in energy and clinging to old, wealth-constricting patterns, you begin to experience flow through your breath, body, and bank account as something fluid and organic, letting go of old misperceptions around limitation and lack. You start to feel freer in every way, and as physical and emotional barriers dissolve, suddenly new avenues of income start to appear. Sometimes these seem like miracles, but really this is all just part of the natural process of you reconnecting with the universal state of flow.
Let This Be the Year that Changes Everything!
Imagine having a lot more money than you do right now... and what that would transform in your own life and those closest to you. Imagine you could receive greater income not by working harder, or through some marketing or networking secrets, but rather through removing your own internal blocks towards abundance. Imagine you could directly reconnect to your sense of purpose, experiencing a re-awakening of your spirit, and begin receiving more income simply by living your most empowered life. The truth is, all of these are not fantasies for you to imagine but realities that are available through the philosophy and practices of this course!
A Year of Wealth Wisdom
Every day you'll receive an email--most of them short and sweet--with a quote or a thought to ponder or perhaps a simple task to do. After every week, you'll gently "check in" to notice and expand on how the themes you're exploring are expanding your wealth consciousness. And every month you'll receive a new audio meditation about 10 minutes long that you can listen to as often as you like to absorb and reinforce the key concepts of the course on all levels.
In these 365 days you will:
  • Redefine and reinvent your "money story"
  • Uncover and transform self-imposed financial limits
  • Develop simple and easy financial habits that will create life-long, steady progress towards financial goals
  • Reconnect with your purpose
  • Learn to forgive and heal the past... the essential first step in transforming your finances (or anything)
  • Expand your capacity to receive (and give)
  • Create an auspicious mindset where expansion is the norm (versus lack & limitation)
  • Become unstoppable
The 365 daily lessons are organized by such core concepts as:
  • Self Acceptance
  • Focus
  • Transformation
  • Challenge
  • Gratitude
  • Surrender
  • Giving Back

Tuesday 28 November 2017

It can be said that we are each locked in to our own virtual reality. I know that is not a new concept, we have been talking about the matrix for some time now, and some of us are aware that the world around us is an illusion, a hologram. But how is that working for you? Good ? Could be better? Want Out? The meditation today showed me (via the locked down sensation in my arms) that I am, as are we all, locked into individual versions of reality. The mind reacts and responds to the programming of the hologram, and it does it in a subjective way, creating pathways that are repeating through and looping back into. When you want to break free from old programming and create new pathways it helps to realise that your mind, as it functionally is designed to do, 'sees' the environment and creates from there. Looping back into and through the pathways, you never get to leave the virtual reality that you find yourself in. The longer you are in that reality the harder it is is to change it. So if the majority of our virtual realities have been distorted and we have been locked into them, and we don't see it, it means that we remain vulnerable to ongoing transmissions into the realities we exist in and meaningful efforts to raise the vibration will be restricted by your own mind. So when we see Virtual Reality industries taking off, it means we are giving our permission to and consenting to a labyrinth of these manufactured life experiences, that cause the mind to just tuck itself up into and respond to by creating pathways that loop around and around in them. We succumb to the danger of going further and further down into rabbit holes, and the seemingly harmless world of VR makes our lives 'disney' and 'holywood', which make it harder to discern what is real and what you would like to be real. The Future of Virtual Reality | Phil Kauffold | TEDxSonomaCounty

I went into meditation today with the intention for clarity and truth.

I was being shown that being locked-in means that there is way to get unlocked. I was looking for some visuals to express the message and it was in the virtual reality arena that it made sense.

My theory is that We create our own versions, as beings of light (seemingly separated from source) that have come to expand through experiencing contrast from the purity of perfection. We all are from the One, but for reasons not yet clear, we are expanding from dumbed down and restricted versions of ourselves. The virtual reality constructs created through our experience are meant for us to expand through and out of. The overlays on our individual constructs mean we are born into a Christian, Muslim, Jewish or any other familial or ancestral overlay, with a predetermined emotional, physical, mental, spiritual remit, enhanced or hindered by the historical epoch, the political, educational, rural or urban environment in which we land. These are overlayed by the astrological and other mystical challenges thrown at us. The deal is to grow through them, to expand through them and then expand out of them. There is no good and bad, it just is. The deal is expansion through not contracting back.  Expansion comes in many ways, and there is a process, not clear to us in this 3d existence but the process is about regaining and expanding who we are from within the ONEness of which we are a part. the Oneness expands as we expand.

So the deal is we are one acting out our individual virtual realities, but then there is a clearing as we realise it that we are creating from a dumbed down version 'safety net' while we learn all the pitfalls of contraction and recreating the same old same old patterns from which we need to expand OUT OF.

The problem is that this system of creating from within a 'safety net' has been overridden by the hyjacking of our systems. The hostile energies and entities that reek havock amongst us, be they who they may, have taken advantage of and abused our inherent learning 'studentship' stage of creating for their own gain and used it against us. They are reluctant for us to leave the virtual reality system, and leave the hologram that they have infiltrated, constructed and manipulated, so that it is more difficult for us to move on and expand into our own sovereignty to resume expanded creation outside the restrictions. Our own systems have been used against us. How I came to this was by connecting to Saturn. There is a Saturn connection which i will write about in my next post...The Saturn connection.

For now, what I see is the potential for a massive expansion out of...or a deep contraction back into... old pathways, looping the loop.

 We each have a choice from within our individual virtual realities. Are we being enticed, (hyjacked, hacked)  to remain locked in?


Heavy metal shots. In the UK, almost all elderly and vulnerable, (people and children who are already sick) are pushed into getting flu shots. I had one quite a few years ago as a carer with people dependant on my care and support, and I felt awful, sick for ages after! be warned.

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There was a huge response to this facebook post. Here is one, who at the end suggests reading for more information. I got some info on Thimerosal and added it at the end.

Christian Palma ★ FLU SHOT NIGHTMARE ðŸ’‰ =  ★

I will take this moment to quickly encapsulate my personal experience as a doctor of physical therapy ... so you can spread the news to all those in your circle, and even outside of it. Yes, the following life-changing eve
nt, and all the research conducted after such, is something I'd prefer you'd share, to protect those you so care about.

In '09, unbeknownst to me, one of my patients (an RN at a major hospital) had taken her perfectly healthy, amazingly athletic, smart, funny, positively-minded 8-year old Son to the hospital at which she receives her "benefits," in order to receive a seasonal flu vaccination. Sean was healthy as can be, with NO allergies, NO familial illness, and considered by his gym teachers to be "the BEST athlete in the 6 school schooling district," for his age. And my medical colleagues and I CERTAINLY Enjoyed confirming that during Mom's PT appointments. Yes, Sean was ALWAYS being given athletic activities to partake in ... running to and fro, repeatedly hurdling over objects, carrying bulky, cumbersome items and quickly navigating his way through "labyrinths" we set up for him, etc. He achieved off-the-charts, exemplary results for someone SO young ...better than the vast majority of adolescents who undergo sports rehab with us. Sean had ALL the potential in the world, and I loved helping him recognize his POWER and how BRIGHT his future would be! At eight years of age, Sean had Awesome confidence and natural athleticism second to none! But because Mom watches A LOT of tv, just like her close friends in the nursing profession, a decision was made to take little Sean to the hospital to receive a seasonal flu shot .... as the insidious advertising (propaganda) suggested during some show they would watch called "Jersey Shore" (I don't know ANYTHING about this show, and would prefer to KEEP it that way).

7 Days later I received a call from Mom ... frantic and maniacal as could be about the URGENT plight her Son was in; I raced to my vehicle and drove to the ER ... sprinted inside, quickly traversed the building, only to see Sean undergoing seizures and nausea of EPIC Magnitude!!! I've NEVER seen Anything like it! (a horrific episode of tardive dyskinesia paled in comparison) This athlete, fit as can be, was writhing and having convulsive spasms, undergoing torturous dry heaves, and was actually foaming at the mouth ... a Completely UNNATURAL occurrence!!! What struck the deepest nerve in me, however, were the horrifying screams/shrieks of anguish, & how HELPLESS he looked, with his eyes having rolled up in the back of his head ... like some poltergeist spectre.

Having joined the other docs, with "all hands on deck," we were running lines, checking BP, and doing our damnedest to maintain a spark of Sean's life force. But our efforts, no matter how determined, were for naught. The fact that Sean's WBC (White Blood Cell) count had dropped to zero ... Absolute ZERO meant he was completely DEFENSELESS!!! This allergy-free, athletic beast, fast as hell; almost catlike jumping capacity/flexibility; able to stop, turn on a dime, and launch his entire body into the air, parallel to the ground, catching a little football hurled ahead of him, midstream in flight, etc. ... DIED a tormented death!!

With a WBC count of zero, Sean's defense mechanisms, his survival instincts, were Completely NEGATED! ... by "medicine" that is farcically billed as "beneficial". Distraught as hell, my colleagues and I began mass research ... and it has continued to this day, opening up windows of hell that I DON'T wish I never found ... but only wish I had known about even EARLIER than I had, so that I could've SAVED More lives by ushering people AWAY from the TOXIC/DEADLY vaccines!

Our colleagues in Australia & India reported MANY casualties ... with children dying at precipitous rates. In England, the British docs told us that there was an "epidemic" of kids having "fits" (their word for "seizures") and narcolepsy the following day. Not surprisingly, the mainstream (sewer-stream) media NEVER shared such information ... only confirming for me that THE GLOVES WERE OFF and that this was WAAAAAAARRRRRRRR!!!!

When I demonstratively CHALLENGED the pharmacists (night managers) at 4 Major pharmacies, albeit each of them was somewhere b/n 14- 25 yrs. older (and supposedly "More experienced") than I, NONE OF 'EM even knew WHAT was in the vaccines!! I had 'em break out the "flu insert," which is the list of ingredients & instructions for usage that comes in the box with the vaccines when it is shipped from the manufacturer ... something that each of 'em (these "managers") admittedly NEVER read, being still sealed in the original packaging.

The 1st big bullet point we had come across was a caveat to NEVER use during pregnancy. And we found it quite CONTRADICTORY and VENOMOUS that, although the indications for usage from all the manufacturers' respective inserts advised against usage during pregnancy, the commercials that ran during NFL football games, at the time, expressly told the MILLIONS of fans "a child is MOST vulnerable from death from the flu DURING pregnancy" ... lying to the millions of watchers, advising them to vaccinate during the SAME time period that the indications for usage definitively spoke AGAINST! It's a DEATH agenda, aimed right at you and your family!! And only mindless puppets & venomous snakes want you to take these DEADLY vaccines! ðŸ’‰ = 

We also discovered thimerosal ... DEADLY thimerosal in the shots! Yes, I have seen MRIs, PET scans, Cat scans, etc. of the brain where, after mercury is introduced to it, the organelles with which it makes contact just FRY UP and disintegrate into nothingness! It's instantaneous neurological damage! We ALSO found aluminum listed (another deadly neurotoxin), which only potentiates the effects of the already-deadly mercury. A batch of hell that should go NOWHERE near someone's body ... ESPECIALLY into their bloodstream!!

And the last (but not least) HUGE discovery was of squalene being present. Squalene MAKES the body turn on it's own immune system ... causing an auto-immune reaction! Two of these four vile compartmentalized tools called "pharmacists" didn't even know what squalene was!!! And this was supposed to be their "specialty," too. I was LIVID!!!!

The Mother has been DESTROYED by this, and understandably so. Yes, I've been ON FIRE over this for years, warning mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, grandparents, etc. wherever I've been; from gas stations to parking lots; from supermarket lines to people in vehicles during rush hour traffic, etc. The GREATEST thing buoying my spirits is always the phone calls, some 2 or 3 days after randomly meeting the "guardian"of a child, where they call, CRYING with immeasurable Thankfulness because they researched & CONFIRMED that which I had advised them of!! ... about the deadly hell that these vaccines unleash!

There is NOOO Greater Joy than KNOWING how instrumental our actions AGAINST this medical siege our nation is under have been in preserving the Safety and lives of our fellow human beings!! And please remember, in her 40s, Sean's mother was an RN for nearly 20 years. It meant NOTHING! Whatever she HEARD secondhand in the medical community was what the system WANTS her to think! Firsthand NIGHTMARES however, like what happened to her pride & joy Sean, will Awaken you beyond Anything! NOOOOO vaccines for ANYBODY!!! I don't care if they're in utero, just a couple seconds old, or anywhere up to 150 years, there are NOOOO exceptions!
💉 = 

This site is property of Mary Tocco, "America's Outstanding Mom" and international expert on the Dangers of vaccines; she is known as "the Erin Brockovich of vaccine Research" and shares incredible information with you here ...

2 hrs

 2017 Jan;152:280-293. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2016.10.028. Epub 2016 Nov 3.

Low-dose Thimerosal in pediatric vaccines: Adverse effects in perspective.


Vaccines are prophylactics used as the first line of intervention to prevent, control and eradicate infectious diseases. Young children (before the age of six months) are the demographic group most exposed to recommended/mandatory vaccines preserved with Thimerosal and its metabolite ethylmercury (EtHg). Particularly in the less-developed countries, newborns, neonates, and young children are exposed to EtHg because it is still in several of their pediatric vaccines and mothers are often immunized with Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs) during pregnancy. While the immunogenic component of the product has undergone more rigorous testing, Thimerosal, known to have neurotoxic effects even at low doses, has not been scrutinized for the limit of tolerance alone or in combination with adjuvant-Al during immaturity or developmental periods (pregnant women, newborns, infants, and young children). Scientific evidence has shown the potential hazards of Thimerosal in experiments that modeled vaccine-EtHg concentrations. Observational population studies have revealed uncertainties related to neurological effects. However, consistently, they showed a link of EtHg with risk of certain neurodevelopment disorders, such as tic disorder, while clearly revealing the benefits of removing Thimerosal from children's vaccines (associated with immunological reactions) in developed countries. So far, only rich countries have benefited from withdrawing the risk of exposing young children to EtHg. Regarding Thimerosal administered to the very young, we have sufficient studies that characterize a state of uncertainty: the collective evidence strongly suggests that Thimerosal exposure is associated with adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes. It is claimed that the continued use of Thimerosal in the less-developed countries is due to the cost to change to another preservative, such as 2-phenoxyethanol. However, the estimated cost increase per child in the first year of life is lower than estimated lifetime cost of caring for a child with a neurodevelopmental disorder, such tic disorder. The evidence indicates that Thimerosal-free vaccine options should be made available in developing countries.


Breastfeeding; Ethylmercury; Infants; Methylmercury; Neurodevelopment; Pregnancy; Thimerosal-containing vaccines (TCVs)