Friday 10 September 2021

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of September 8 to 15 ~ Podcast

The Only Way to Live in a World Without Restrictions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton

The Only Way to Live in a World Without Restrictions ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are always impressed by the way humanity is able to adapt to what is happening there on your world. You have an ability to persevere through life’s most difficult challenges, and you are making so much progress with the furthering of your spiritual evolution through your willingness to face whatever challenges come your way. You have been living through a very challenging time there for over a year and a half, and we have seen those who are adapting to the challenges of living in a pandemic thriving, and we have seen those who have been in resistance to it in one way or another lowering their vibration and creating bigger problems for themselves. You must adapt to the world you are living in for several reasons. First of all, it is your creation, and you did create this set of circumstances for a reason. The way of the world as it is today is not something that’s been imposed upon you by outside forces. You created it, so if you resist your own creation, then you don’t get the intended benefit from it. You just stay in resistance, and those who are look for someone, or some entity, or some group to resist, keep finding new entities, new people, new beings to resist. This is a choice, always. It is a choice to be one who goes with the flow or one who resists, and builds upon their sense of self in their resistance. There’s a lot of pride in the protests that you see happening around your world at this time. There’s a lot of ego in those protests. We also see those who choose to adapt and go with the flow holding compassion in their hearts for those who are suffering, for there is no doubt that there is suffering on your world today. Now, those of you who have chosen to adapt and go with the flow can also choose to have compassion for those who are in resistance. Obviously, the world that you are living in today, and the rules and regulations that have been imposed are triggering something that is very deep and very painful in those who resist. It is important for you all to go back to what we said initially right now. You created this pandemic, and you created it for a reason, and that reason is always spiritual growth and evolution. Are you going to grow from it by looking at yourself and your reactions to it, or will you continue to identify as one who resists? That’s the question. What we are saying to you is that before you point a finger and shake a fist, look at yourself and your reaction. Be with the emotions that you feel. Face your feelings, process them, and then look at the situation from a calm, balanced, and neutral stance. Again, if you are triggered now, you will continue to be triggered, because there is still someone and something to fight against, and there always will be. But if you use this time that you are living in now to examine yourself and what is in your consciousness that created more restrictions and more limitations, then you can grow, evolve, and become more of who you really are. Who you really are is everything and everyone, which we cannot say enough at this time. And so, if you are pushing against anything, you are pushing against something that is inside of you, and that’s what you really need to look at, instead of thinking that if you could just possibly dismantle and disintegrate this opposing outside force, then everything would be better on your world. All creation is an inside job, and when you find that what you have created is not to your liking, that means you have to go back to the drawing board, back to the place where it all began, which is always your consciousness, your vibration, your energy, your thoughts, your emotions, and your beliefs. Examine all of those with this extra time that you have to spend alone in your own home, and change that world that is so perplexing and chaotic to you right now from within. It is the only way, and it is the way that is working for those who have chosen to adapt, to go with the flow, and to take that balanced approach to life on Earth as it is right now. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Wednesday 8 September 2021

And so the antidote is Hope and belief in positive outcome. Create is what we do, what we create with is our Hope and belief. From "It is the One, Sophia."

September 6, 2021 It is the One, Sophia. Hope. It is the lynchpin. * It is necessary for belief in a positive outcome. It is the emotional equivalent of intent, and necessary for creation. For you will see your new world in your dreams before it manifests physically. You will see with your physical eyes only what you accept as possible and comprehend. What you expect will show itself in your world again and again and again. Hope. Seek evidence of your new world. Your healthy body. Peace. Cooperation with all races, nations and others. Abundance. Love. Hope is not frivolous or futile. It is the beginning of creation. You will not sit idly by as some benevolent other bestows on you a new and better world. You will create that new world yourselves. It is created with emotions and beliefs and wishes and dreams. It is built with expectations. It is realized with acceptance as being possible. You are creating your new world now. And now. And now. And now. You are building your new world with your emotional output. Endeavor now to remain hopeful and sure, regardless of what is being shouted at you from the outside world. Hold with the knowing of truth. You are love, realized as a human. At your core is peace and compassion. A singular creature, you hold an inner truth and potential that is both brilliant and expansive. Once triggered, you can’t help but believe the new world you see. Play with your visions. Believe in what you feel is your natural state. Hope. For always there will be naysayers and pointers of fingers. Realize that these emerge when fear is present in abundance. Hope. Believe. Intend. Create. And thus, your new world arrives. That is all. Thank you. *Definition of the word lynchpin - n. a central cohesive source of stability and security Note - What came through most powerfully in this conversation is the necessity of recognizing our own power and internal knowing. There was a moment within the conversation that it became clear how we have been manipulated into doubting ourselves and in that moment I saw how brilliant we are. We are magnificent and unique, with little access to our own power. What happens now is that we begin to notice our truth. This comes in a myriad of ways and moments and are not to be missed. Notice the random pre-cognitive thought and telepathic communication that, until now, has been routinely dismissed. Things are changing. There is an influx of energy that activates all that we are, and it arrives right now. Notice it, feel it, discuss it, remember it. This is the beginning of our new world and our natural state. With love, Sophia

Dr David Martin Part 2: The sinister rise of the surveillance state By Kathy Gyngell - September 8, 2021 "Well, the fact of the matter is, and I’ve made this statement very, very frequently, you cannot manufacture a bioweapon and not say that you’re trying to kill people. That’s what a bioweapon is for. And the weaponisation of the coronavirus, which officially started in 1999 when Anthony Fauci came up with this brilliant idea that he could come up with an ‘infectious, replication defective’ – and those are the actual words used – form of coronavirus. And he paid researchers at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. He paid researchers there to invent a pathogen that did not exist. That’s the reason why I’m very careful with the language that I used. You’ll notice I’m not saying a virus and I’m not saying a vaccine for good reason. We are not talking about a virus, we are talking about an engineered pathogen. We are not talking about a vaccine. We are talking about the introduction of a computer-simulated code in the form of mRNA, but it’s a computer-simulated code not to stimulate your immune system, but to turn your body into a factory producing S1 spike proteins similar to those found in coronavirus. Slow that tape down and listen to it again. Exactly what I said. You’re not injecting a piece of a virus. You’re not injecting a viral fragment. You are injecting a code to make your body produce a pathogen. And then you’re hoping – and that’s all you’re doing – you’re hoping that the pathogen your body produces also elicits an immune response. But this is structurally so important for people to understand: the code that is injected into your body between January 12 and January 20 of 2020, that code was uploaded from a simulated server that was a simulation of the spike protein mRNA. And it was given to the Vaccine Research Council and Kizzy Corbett said, the doctor who made this stuff at the various CDC, and I’m quoting from her interview with Francis Collins: ‘It’s really cool because you don’t even need much of a lab. You build one of these on your computer at home.’ That’s an admission of biological warfare. Adams: This is extraordinary what you’re laying out, and yet it’s also extraordinary, the cognitive dissonance that so many mainstream doctors have where you explain that to them, as you just did, and they will say, ‘No, that couldn’t be,’ or all kinds of justifications or excuses for not believing that. But you ask them, ‘What is the antigen target that’s described by the mRNA instructions?’ And they’ll have to (inaudible), ‘Oh, it’s the spike protein, you know, subunit.’ And then you ask them, ‘What are the vascular effects of the spike protein subunit?’ And if they’ve done any research, ‘Well, it causes widespread vascular damage.’ So how can you not realise that these are instructions to tell the body to build pathogenic particles that will cause harm? How can they . . . how can they not see that? "

from Dr David Martin Part 2: The sinister rise of the surveillance state By Kathy Gyngell - September 8, 2021

Dr David Martin on the Covid vaccine racket – Part 1 By Kathy Gyngell - September 7, 2021 watch the video and read the transcript Interview conversation worth watching.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

A New Moon of Transformation and Discovering Soul Intention, By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes. " The other amazingly potent outer planet energy seen highlighted in this New Moon configuration is that of Uranus, at 14 Taurus 40 minutes, which is precisely trined by the New Moon degree of 14 Virgo 38. This brings up the archetype of the trickster, as graphically portrayed by The Fool card in the Tarot, in all his forms: surprising events, startling revelations, and deeply intuitional information that can cause sudden shifts in life direction, all in a flash. There is the possibility of temptation or acting on these or perhaps the complication of fighting the impulse. The new idea might on the other hand be just what the doctor ordered. As Grateful Dead lyricist Robert Hunter was able to put it – Once in a while you can get shown the light In the strangest of places if you look at it right. "*****A New Moon of Transformation and Discovering Soul Intention***** Posted on September 6, 2021 in Configurations | By Henry Seltzer for ASTROGRAPH Horoscopes Monday afternoon’s Virgo New Moon, taking place after 5 PM PDT on September 6th, late evening for the east coast and early morning the next day for Europe, is entirely transformational in the setup of its outer planet energies. This can be confidently stated, because not only are Eris and Pluto in a partile (or same degree) square alignment, at the 24-degree mark of their respective signs of Aries and Capricorn, but what do we find at 24 degrees of Virgo but Mars, in partile trine to Pluto, and what at 24 degrees of Aquarius but Jupiter, in partile sextile to Eris, while Venus at 25 Libra is opposed to Eris, making a T-square to Pluto, lord of metamorphosis, death and rebirth. This entirely emphasizes the Pluto presence, which has been powerfully strong in the sky ever since January 2020, when it was also conjunct Saturn, inspiring astrologers all over the world to predict societal adjustments on a massive scale, long before the decade began. The Covid reset that we all experienced back then, and that we are still experiencing, can be attributed to this astrological signature, and the intensity of this “world transit” is growing for the current month. Like it or not, and resisting it or not, we are in for massive structural change, for the society at large, and in our individual lives as well. We are, all of us, caught in the cocoon like the dissolving body of the caterpillar, and whatever you might say about the glories of the future butterfly, the simple truth of the matter is that it is not much fun for the caterpillar! We are, however, slowly evolving toward who and what we are truly meant to be. And Eris contributes to that process, being a Feminine Warrior energy for soul intention. Much research has shown that Eris at its most profound level has the virtue of directing us toward our deepest principles, whatever it is that we cannot not do. We benefit from taking up the life task that is before us, embracing soul purpose, tuning our actions to our inner world and our bottom-line values. In this way we move forward into greater authenticity. The evidence for this characterization of the Eris archetype is what I have gathered and presented in my book, The Tenth Planet.

**** (feeling this strongly after a deep dark night of the soul) How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton "We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as ‘the real you.’ Now, as you transition from being an egoic being to being your higher self, this place you are in now is the most interesting and fascinating to those like us who observe this process of evolution. "

How You Will Experience the Completion of The Shift ∞The 9D Arcturian Council, Channeled by Daniel Scranton******* “Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We are so very interested in the development of the new self that is taking place within each and every human being at this time. You are essentially shifting your consciousness from within by noticing that you are more than the identity that you had previously clung to as ‘the real you.’ Now, as you transition from being an egoic being to being your higher self, this place you are in now is the most interesting and fascinating to those like us who observe this process of evolution. We see you becoming more of who you really are every day, because we witness you as an energy that vibrates, rather than as a human body that speaks, thinks, and acts. The up-leveling of your vibration is inevitable because your planet is shifting, just as the entire solar system moves through the galaxy to greener pastures, so to speak. It is a time for you to be looking at yourselves in new ways, seeing the eternal expansion of your consciousness to include more than the sense of self you had previously. You are meant to grow and become, and the process of your evolution is through the realization that nothing else really matters. That is why you experience loss; that is why you experience the break-up, the loss of money, home, possessions, even your youth. You continue to lose more the longer you move through time and space there on Earth, which eventually helps you to come to peace with the fact that you were never meant to cling to these illusions in the physical in the first place. It was something that you were taught to do. You were taught to identify as a race, religion, nationality, gender and so on, and as those things are becoming less important to the awakened collective, there is push back. People who are still clinging want you to cling as well. They want you to have national pride, a religion, an easily-identifiable gender, and so on. The way of the ego is to cling, to attach, to assign meaning to the meaningless, and the way of the higher self is to be present, to care not about form, about structures, about made up ideas, like a country, and instead to be more unconditional love, to show more compassion, and to create from the beauty that is all around the higher self. This is essentially what you expect to do after you ascend, but you are in this transitional phase right now where you are stripping away the identities of the ego in order to become your higher self, and those of you who have done a lot of that work already can begin to identify as your higher self right now. You don’t have to wait for a solar flash, an event, three to however many days of darkness that are being talked about, and so on. You don’t have to wait for any of it to occur outside of you in order for you to decide that you do want to identify as an infinite, eternal, formless being of light and love. And as yo make your expressions about that feeling that you have cultivated within yourself, you light up to others, and then others will be more interested in what you have than the shiny new car, the big house, the luxurious clothing and other items that they have, and they will want you to teach them how to find that place inside where they too can have inner peace and a sense of satisfaction just from existing. This is why we continually tell you that as the awakened collective, you are leading humanity. It is because we can see how the shift will actually continue to unfold. It will be a grass roots movement where all of you who are paying attention right now to what’s going on inside of you will lead the newly awakened back inside themselves to where everything they need already exists. And as you do, you help the collective of humanity move from an egoic one to one that exists as a collective, as a higher self, and then you will experience the completion of the shift. We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.

New Moon in Virgo | SEP. 6 | New Plans, New Dreams, New Soil

End Times Juice Choicepoint .(Regenesis or Free Will Individualisation for Ascension)

Hold The Line - We're In The Storm | INSPIRED 2021 (Jean Nolan)

Saturday 4 September 2021

6th September 2021. Virgo New Moon - Divine Timing Is Here! Real Manifestations and Developments Begin...

End of Great Tartaria. Film. ~~~Mystery of vast cities in grand architecture, built with amazing precision that does not fit with our understanding of life and abilities and resources for those times...Maybe they are remanants of previous times of amazing civilisations with great resources and abilities, that were wiped from our memories, and Our current history was formulated and written, (with purpose to confuse) after these times, with no knowledge (or exclusion) of our true past. So a we are expected to believe that a vastly inferior human population, with no real potential, ability or resources to do so (think of our understanding of primitive medical and social health, economic structures, plumbing and sewerage etc that we associate with time dates hundred/s years before 1800's) and it doesn't add up. So one version is of a dumbed down population, having had its memory wiped out, turns up and inherits this advanced architecture, explains that there was a 'reset' of some kind. The Gap between the many years of amazing civilisations that built these structures and the chasm between the brilliance of these structures and then (the arrival) in the 1800's, the history as we know it, of populations, that didn't have the wherewithal to do this inserts a real mystery, if you think about it. This theory explains that all these past great civilisations were 'wiped out' systematically over hundreds of years, with 'purpose' of destroying human advancement along a predestined, enhanced and meaningful trajectory of evolution (...Tartarians being the last to survive). This theory explains that this 'wiping out', this 'reset' was in order to bring the human race back a few steps, change their history and reinvent them as a slower, dumbed down, and therefore easier to manipulate into 'being controlled'. This was done by removal of any memory....that the mass vast majority were anything other than the needy, poverty stricken people that needs protection and governance over every section of their lives. That is of course only one theory. ~~Michaela~~

Conversation and commentary (links provided by Sol Luckman) that explains that there is NO isolated reference material for Covid Sars 2. Not there. Does not exist. "At the very least, extraordinary viruses should require ordinary proof of their existence. " *****So Much for Virus “Isolation” & Germ “Theory”—MAJOR Influencer Finally Eats Crow as the Tide Begins to Turn toward Truth Posted by crowrising **** Sol Luckman**** At the very least, extraordinary viruses should require ordinary proof of their existence. —Yours Truly I’d like for you to pause whatever you’re doing and listen to the most important interview of COVID-1984 thus far between two of the biggest heroes in the resistance to medical tyranny, Drs. Andrew Kaufman and Tom Cowan, and former germ theorist Mike Adams, a big-time social media influencer who has finally seen the light and realized that SARS-CoV-2, the “virus” that supposedly causes “covid,” DOES NOT EXIST. Here’s the interview in all its truthy glory: (Video of this influencer Mark adams seeing the light)***** May this be the first of many, many loud voices to humble themselves enough to let go of manifest falsehood, embrace the simple truth, and eat a little crow themselves—and maybe, just maybe, save the world while they’re at it. These days I simply tune out the word “virus” because I no longer believe in fairy tales. —Yours Truly Copyright © Sol Luckman. All Rights Reserved.

Friday 3 September 2021

Apple Juice as Exit Point from 26,000 Year Ascension Cycle

THE UGLINESS (AND HIDDEN BEAUTY) OF REAL AWAKENING September 2, 2021. Heartbreaking Cognitive dissonance: “Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” ~Adyashanti The Ugliness: psychological discomfort, ignorance, the pain of being wrong.... "Sharpness does not just come to a knife. Luster does not just come to a pearl. Crystallization does not just come to a diamond. The knife must be tested. The grit must be rubbed. The coal must be pressurized. Had we not been sharpened, had we not been rubbed, had we not been pressured by a cruel universe, then all we would have is grit, coal, and dullness. But we took the ugliness of our awakening and we transformed it into the beauty of living a life well-lived. "....(Cognitive dissonance means being stopped in our tracks, and pulling back from all that we had believed was true, questioning it and realising we are in the middle of our own collapsing tower of babel, out from which we have to scramble and look for truth. ~~Michaela~~)

THE UGLINESS (AND HIDDEN BEAUTY) OF REAL AWAKENING September 2, 2021 ***8**** Gary Z McGee, Contributor Waking Times “In order to be effective truth must penetrate like an arrow—and that is likely to hurt.” ~Wei Wu Wei The path toward true awakening is painful and bumpy. It’s not pretty. In fact, it can be downright ugly. There are egoic pitfalls. There are soul-snaring brambles. There are existential knots. The way is never clear, until it is. An even then, it usually turns out to be an illusion. The path is not soft and sweet but jagged and elusive. It is not artificially blissful but authentically painful. The joy of discovery on the one side is deep and can be genuinely ecstatic, but the agony on the other side cuts to the soul and can be devastatingly dismal. Real awakening is both a reckoning and a wrecking, both an expansion and an annihilation. It is not pretend reconciliation. Authentic awakening is painfully transcendent. It grips the soul by the throat and doesn’t let go. Infinity casts its hook, and you’re taken—hook, line, and sinker—into Growth. The key is to remain flexible and circumspect. The secret is to somehow find comfort within the discomfort. Easier said than done, sure. But as Spinoza said, “All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.” Heartbreaking Cognitive dissonance: “Make no mistake about it – enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense. It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” ~Adyashanti The Ugliness: psychological discomfort, ignorance, the pain of being wrong. Cognitive dissonance is a humdinger of a psychosocial malady. It’s a counterintuitive glitch in the matrix, causing us to believe that belief is black and white. It’s not. Belief is relative to the observer. And when the “observer” is a fallible, imperfect, barely evolved, naked ape who’s prone to be mistaken about a great many things, belief can be downright blinding. Cognitive dissonance is merely the discomfort experienced when two incongruent worldviews clash. It accounts for our hidden fears, our willful ignorance, and our tendency to cling to our comfort zone. It shines a spotlight on our utter inept ability to shine a spotlight. It’s the psychosocial irony of ironies. Indeed. It reveals that we are the fly in the ointment. The Hidden beauty: clarity, clearness, curiosity, recalibration. But if we can embrace our cognitive dissonance, if we can reconcile the discomfort of having been wrong, and if we can correct our incorrections, a deep clarity overcomes us. We’re suddenly able to reprogram outdated programming. An overwhelming relation to Socrates quip “The only thing I know is that I know nothing,” grips us—balls to bones, ovaries to marrow. And our mind opens so wide that the only thing that can fit is everything. Soulbreaking Mortal dread: “What is above knows what is below, what is below does not know what is above.” ~Rene Daumal The Ugliness: mortality, impermanence, soulbreak. Existential Angst can be a soul-crippling thing. Death is a precipice; one in which we all share a natural fear of “heights.” Our mortality is a slap in the face to our immortal dreams. We wear our mortal coils like choke chains around our necks, gasping in sheer terror at the impermanence of all things. But we ignore it at our own detriment. The more we repress our existential angst the uglier it gets. It festers within, eating away at our logic and reasoning. It becomes a blister of suppressed darkness that mercilessly sucks in love and light. It makes us ugly despite the beauty of life. The Hidden beauty: honesty, adaptability, fearlessness, love. Truly waking up to our mortality is allowing death to put life into perspective. This is a double-edged sword that cuts as it heals. It cuts with honesty and truth. It heals with the same, but a robustness comes from it, a resilience is born, tantamount to antifragility. When we shine a light onto our mortal dread, we make an ally of our shadow. Absolute vulnerability trumps naïve invulnerability. Fear is transformed into fuel for the fire (fearlessness) of falling in love with our preciously short life. Dark Night of the Soul: “Undifferentiated consciousness, when differentiated, becomes the world.” ~Vedanta The Ugliness: the existential black hole, ego death, choking on the red pill of truth. Honestly facing our flaws, our wrongness, and our mortality creates a void. This void is the place where our ego goes to die. Where before, we naively clung to our beliefs and worldview through sheer ignorance, now, our innocence is burned away and the existential black hole opens wide before us, fierce and menacing, and threatening to consume all meaning. Here, the egoic perspective is in deep crisis. The certainties of life fall apart. The puzzle becomes terribly more puzzling. We choke on the red pill. It gets lodged in our throat. We falsely imagine that all we need is the blue pill to wash it down. But as the ego dies, the soul is being born. The Hidden beauty: transcendence, nonattachment, Soul initiation. When we face our wrongness and our mortality with dignity and honor, with humor and honesty, with love and appreciation, we discover our ability to adapt and overcome. Our ego is baptized by the soul, becoming a workhorse for selflessness and growth as opposed to selfishness and comfort. We transcend egocentric codependence through soulcentric interdependence. We learn how not to take ourselves too seriously. For we see how everything is transitory. All things are fleeting. The be-all-end-all is always beginning and always ending. We have learned the wisdom of practicing detachment as a way to remain connected to everything else. Crushing Nihilism: “Only to the extent that we can expose ourselves over and over to annihilation can that which is indestructible in us be found.” ~Pema Chodron The Ugliness: deconstructed invulnerability, meaninglessness, Master’s Complex. The higher we rise in our soulwork, the more meaningless the universe becomes. This is a crushing truth for a truth seeker. In our naivete and youthful ignorance, we imagined a universe full of meaning and purpose. We imagined a heavenly blueprint and a loving masterplan. But then we faced our cognitive dissonance and our mortal dread. We experienced ego-death, and it all came unraveled. The unrealistic, pie-in-the-sky, magical thinking center simply could not hold. We were faced with a decision: remain stuck in comforting deception or discover the heartbreaking truth; remain blissfully ignorant or discover painful knowledge. We chose the latter, and it made all the difference. Nihilism, ennui, meaninglessness was the price we paid, but it was a whetstone we honed our souls against and now we are sharp enough to cut God. The Hidden beauty: humor, absolute vulnerability, responsibility, meaning creation. True awakening is a heartbreaking, soul shattering, meaning crushing experience. The wise develop a loving sense of humor regarding the cruelty of the cosmic joke. They smile though their heart is breaking. They laugh though their soul is trembling. They create meaning despite the collapse of meaning. As Joseph Campbell profoundly stated, “Suddenly you’re ripped into being alive. And life is pain, and life is suffering, and life is horror, but my god you’re alive and it’s spectacular.” Indeed. And it is this spectacular experience that launches us into a state of reverence for the sharpening of suffering greatly. Sharpness does not just come to a knife. Luster does not just come to a pearl. Crystallization does not just come to a diamond. The knife must be tested. The grit must be rubbed. The coal must be pressurized. Had we not been sharpened, had we not been rubbed, had we not been pressured by a cruel universe, then all we would have is grit, coal, and dullness. But we took the ugliness of our awakening and we transformed it into the beauty of living a life well-lived. Read more articles by Gary ‘Z’ McGee.

So here is the thing. There is the visible observable What Is....and there is a reaching for the Contrast that we know is there. Believe there is 'something else' that IS a contrast to the observable situations. The observable situations are those that, for many years ....(and in increasingly awful levels of psyche distortions) have been dumped all around us in piles with the effect of filling our vision with their dictates and their mandates to obscure any reach to any alternative. We have been worked on so that we have become deafened to our own inner voice and blinded from our own visions of a collective beautiful world...How was this done? To have been utterly obscured from any alternative vision. Well its a long story and we all have our part in it, we fell from confidence in our own uniqueness and colluded with the 'need' for safety and sameness and in doing so gave our permission to be blinded from and psyched out of anything higher than the slop being dished out as 'reality'. I see the psyche angst among the young who reaching adulthood realise there is just nothing in the 'pens' of this current reality that would satisfy any yearning to fly out and soar, to reach and leap forward, and stretch into realms beyond tax and death. It is time to let them soar free from the 'pens', by taking note of what the 'pens' are, and remembering that what is 'seen', is observable and reported and recorded, has a higher contrast reality, that when it is aligned with, will bring you to it. The observable situation of the old world to date can be summed up here. 'See this' BUT use it as a backdrop to where we are heading out of.... AND hold the higher frequency for the next patterns of change to happen. We are the consciousness that brings the consciousness to where it is going. A reminder of the 'reality' of where we have been, and currently reside, until we can lift IT.... Part 3. "Bill Gates is really an outspoken eugenicist, you know, although he makes it sound palatable . . . But I just want to re-emphasise the importance of Gates, his own personal commitment to eugenics. His father, Bill Gates Snr, was on the board of Planned Parenthood, which Margaret Sanger founded, not purely out of feminism, but out of a kind of a rabid desire to cut the numbers of the world’s unfit. She’s explicit on this subject in her book, The Pivot of Civilisation. She was such an egregious eugenicist that even Planned Parenthood has had to officially disavow her . . . but the fact is she wanted to see Planned Parenthood abortion clinics all over black neighbourhoods. That is not a Right-wing fantasy. That’s a fact. And Bill Gates Snr was not a feminist. You know, Bill Gates senior was a Rockefeller intimate and a member of the elite. Bill Gates’s mother was connected to the Federal Reserve. That’s where this nerd comes from. And his function has been to make the idea of lessening the world’s population through vaccination seem kind of kindly and altruistically intended, because Gates managed to rebrand himself – again, speaking of propaganda – after his antitrust lawsuit, the Federal Government sued Microsoft for monopolistic practices, and rightly so, just as the government sued John D Rockefeller a century earlier for monopolistic practises with Standard Oil. And just as Rockefeller rebranded himself as a kindly altruist by forming a foundation after that litigation, so Gates did with the founding of the . . . the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but Bill Gates Snr was its director. And there, just as Rockefeller was suddenly this kindly old guy handing out dimes to little girls . . . so has Bill Gates suddenly become. I mean, everybody regarded him as predation personified because his practices atop Microsoft were kind of shocking. This guy doesn’t have an altruistic bone in his body. He is really, you know, an embodiment of greed at its worst. Suddenly he’s got these pastel sweaters and he sounds like Kermit the Frog, you know, and he’s flapping his hands as he talks so earnestly. And there are all these neo-colonialist images of him and Melinda in darkest Africa. "****Part 2. "On top of that – and I know you’ll know what I’m talking about – there’s the complete corruption of the professional classes . . . and that includes academic scientists and doctors; that includes the medical profession, of course; that includes journalism, of course; and it probably includes, you know, most of the legal profession – because these are people who have all gone through a fairly rigorous training period that has entailed the gradual extinction of any idealistic impulse in those young workers-to-be, employees-to-be. This is something that’s studied in the book Disciplined Minds by Jeff Schmidt . . . It came out maybe 2001 or something like that, 2004. It’s a study of exactly how young people with genuine ideals, like yours about journalism or mine and yours about studying literature – introducing its beauties to students, etc – they enter the system of training with these ideals intact, ideals that impelled them to undertake that training and then, without their knowing it, inexorably, that idealism is sort of pounded out of them. And this is especially disastrous for the scientists. Young people want to join the scientific professions to do pure science, you know, knowledge for its own sake and so on, or maybe to serve humankind. But they end up working, in one way or another, for the military industrial complex or for big pharma. Certainly journalism students start out, you know, with admirable intentions. They don’t think to themselves, ‘Gee, I want to get a job where I’m paid not to think for myself and not to investigate certain subjects.’ Right? But that’s what they end up doing. So I think that those were all the factors at play here. That’s why we have a system that is as univocal as the system under Goebbels, you know? And it’s more effective than that, because it has the cover of a free press. DELINGPOLE: Yes, absolutely. Reading the newspapers, which I scarcely do these days, but occasionally I do it to sort of torment myself and to see what’s going on on the other side. And it’s as if the world is still trundling on normally and there’s nothing to worry about and, you know, ‘Here’s a story about this’. Well, I mean, I suppose, for example, the PsyOp which is the Afghanistan withdrawal coverage, suddenly, ‘Look, look proles, here’s an international story which you should pay attention to distract yourself from what’s going on in your own countries.’ I mean, I think I’d almost prefer right now living under the Taliban than under Biden or Johnson, because at least the Taliban are stopping the vaccine being administered in every province that they take over. But . . . my frustration, and I’m sure yours is the same, is so few people are aware of the degree to which they are being manipulated. It’s a massive PsyOp. And I’m wondering, I wanted to ask you: how do we convey the truth to people? How do we bring people round? " ****** ****

September Message To Humanity 2021 (Elizabeth April)