Wednesday 31 October 2018

"November is Not the Usual Influx This wave is a cosmic launch pad; a birthing of Hearts and DNA, and revelation of New Earth experiences. It opens the bridge for December- January creations, both within and without."

This Newsletter is light-encoded to assist your journey _()_

Blessings Beloveds ~

A unique influx is anticipated toward the end of this month. Since the opening of the Infinity Gate at the end of August, the purer experience of Source-as-Self consciousness, the pure Oneness, has been anchoring into the collective through many activated hearts. Those hearts are in turn activating Divine HUman Crystalline DNA, the Diamond-Solar lightbody and Rainbow Bridges to New Earth realities.

In this now, the Crystalline DNA is receiving and transmitting pure positive photonic light. Our Crystalline DNA event last weekend demonstrated this; we can initiate others into this higher state of Cosmic Christ Consciousness through shared DNA activation.
Pure light infusions are consistent; the unification of cosmic stargates with heart stargates is happening in this Now. Feel the expansion and personal shifts in trajectory as DNA receives and transmits pure positive photonic light. Meditate on this often; those highly charged particles must be directed by conscious intent.
NEW FORMAT: This week's article is below.

I AM about to begin a private sacred retreat to prepare some Gateways and myself for the influx. Emails will be answered soon; thank you for your patience.

Infinite Love and gratitude to all of us. Sending everyone strength, joy and inspiration for the journey. Let us show HUmanity what is possible with Ascension!

In Love, Light and Service,
Preparing for the Collective Trajectory Shift November 21-25
We now prepare for the upcoming influx November 21-25. It is expected to be strong collective timeline/trajectory shift. We unify to provide the High-Vibe reality for all willing hearts, as well as accept and amplify the higher choice of embodiment and full-on Source-as-Self experience as our trajectory. Call this forth through all of the interconnected stargates, including your heart and Gaia.
As with every Gate in this powerful year of transformation, they build, expand, widen the cosmic flows for more plasma penetration. The High-Vibe Tribe experience is already shifting to accommodate the collective intention, and I AM shown this Primary Christed Timeline lifting many to a resurrection experience early in the New Year.
This allows for more Divine DNA codes and strands to bilocate into our fields, more Diamond-Solar toroidal fields to activate, and a shift in Gaia’s core and grids to accommodate. It already feels like a very sacred passage, and a welcome experience after a cleansing year. Let us honor our sacred service well.
For the High Vibe Tribe, embodiment is unfolding in the Now. Embodiment changes the energy fields of Gaia. The intel reveals December – January will be a strong passage for first embodiers. While it is a beautiful, unmistakable and unique experience, our intention is to be of Service and open these bridges to the New Earth for all willing hearts. We do this with conscious intent, sacred Mastery practices, and unifying with the collective HUman heart grid often.
Follow the inner guidance this month; it may seem unpredictable or unfamiliar...

Challenges that Span Lifetimes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council. Daniel Scranton.

Challenges that Span Lifetimes ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We have begun the process of examining your problems from a larger point of view, and we have noticed that your problems are stemming from more than just something that you’ve done to create them in this lifetime. We like to refer to your problems as challenges because you can see the point in facing a challenge, but problems just seem to exist for no one’s benefit.
The challenges that you are facing now are the ones that you’ve been facing for lifetimes, and they are the challenges that your genetic line has also faced over and over again. You are here to change your approach in this lifetime. This is one of the things that you came to do. You came to address the challenges that you have been unable to face and triumph over in those previous lifetimes, and no one in your family history has been able to do so either.
This is why they feel so big. This is why they are so big. So we want to say to you that if you are trying and trying to figure out what you did wrong, you can stop. And instead, you can decide that there is something very powerful for you in facing your challenges. And some of you do have more than one that you are facing, but this is the work that you knew you would be doing in this lifetime. So for many of you, the set up of this life experience put you right in the line of fire, to be facing the challenges that you are facing.
The good news is that in all of your previous lifetimes, and the in the lifetimes of those in your family who have come before you, you have asked for help. You have prayed. You have pounded your fists. You have shouted to the heavens, and you have always been answered. Now is the lifetime where you can receive more help in facing these challenges. You are not alone. You are not doing any of this alone. Take the pressure off of yourselves and allow in the help from the higher realms.
How do you do this? Slow down, put yourselves in a relaxed state, and open yourselves up energetically to all that you have summoned over many lifetimes.
We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”

Tuesday 30 October 2018

Weekly Forecast: October 28 – November 3, 2018 Kelly M. Beard a message from Kelly M. Beard. 10/29 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):

Weekly Forecast: October 28 – November 3, 2018

10/29 ~ Mercury (ideas, thoughts & concepts) ~conjunct~ Jupiter (expansion & learning):
It is time to expand your thinking & develop more conscious awareness! This is a powerful energy assisting you on many levels. You will make connections easily & quickly that help you integrate newly acquired information or knowledge, making you appear psychic (or at least lucky) to others. At this time, you can connect with your Highest ideal and most broad outlook for your life, and you may feel that you are finally ready to live your Truth. You are so connected to your own ideal that you naturally give others permission to live their Truth as well, creating an atmosphere of tolerance that feeds all involved. The challenge with this energy is going too ‘broad' and missing details that are vital to your success. You will also miss out on crucial information if you are too overconfident and/or self-righteous in any way. Remain humble, knowing that your way works for you, but it may not work for others (and vice versa). And it is ALL okay! If you remain centered in the Light and your own Heart, this energy gives you a little boost to whatever you are creating at this time.
10/31 ~ Venus (values) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom):
Any time Uranus is involved, it becomes the "wild card" and hard to predict how things will unfold, but right now there is a push-pull between your apparent values and your unique individual self. Venus also represents relationships, so you may begin an unusual relationship or you may have something unusual happen in an established relationship.  It is not necessarily a "good/bad" thing, as much as an unpredictable shift or sudden awareness, which requires some compromise & integration. This energy works beautifully if your personal Truth and values are in alignment. It will be very disruptive if they are not. Be open and flexible, while looking for the win/win situation for all involved.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.
Copyright © 2000-2018 * Kelly M Beard * * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.

"Since Chiron is in Pisces, you TRUST the process, you TRUST in the divine intelligence, you TRUST the Goodness of Source. Sometimes, when challenges arise, our minds can’t assimilate all parts of the situation and we may forget that there is a greater force of Love that predominates everything. This week you are OPEN to healing… open to transcend disillusionment or confusion.. with LOVE. Chiron governs not just healing, but Love."

Tania Gabrielle: Jupiter brings Good News this week!

by ForeverUnlimited
What an exciting week as Jupiter aligns with Mercury today and then trines Chiron on Thursday!
Healing and positivity will be given a huge boost!
Jupiter is nearly at the end of its journey through Scorpio which began in October, 2017.
As Jupiter finishes the final degrees in Scorpio, we are acknowledging and clearing out the last remnants of deep emotional issues – bringing to light feelings that need our attention, before Jupiter moves into Sagittarius next week, on November 8.
First, Jupiter’s conjunction with Mercury on Monday (Tuesday in Asia/Australia) invites you to focus on expansive, positive goals.
Jupiter is all about joy and Mercury governs the news.
Essentially, Jupiter joining with Mercury brings GOOD NEWS!
  • You’re feeling positive and optimistic and initiating positive plans for the future.
  • You have breakthrough conversations with people leading to clarity and happy results.
  • You are open – and they are open.
Then Jupiter’s aspect to Chiron becomes exact on Thursday.
Awareness about a part of your life that needs healing is now greatly increased – and the healing is transformational and powerful. 

Since Chiron is in Pisces, you TRUST the process, you TRUST in the divine intelligence, you TRUST the Goodness of Source.
Sometimes, when challenges arise, our minds can’t assimilate all parts of the situation and we may forget that there is a greater force of Love that predominates everything.
This week you are OPEN to healing… open to transcend disillusionment or confusion.. with LOVE.
Chiron governs not just healing, but Love.

So... Jupiter is enhancing love exponentially!
The Universe is preparing you to experience powerful, positive transcendence.
Such exciting times!
Of course, the imminent ENDING of Jupiter’s 12-year cycle and homecoming into Sagittarius always wraps things up, preparing the way for your NEW fortunate opportunities.
  • Make all the changes you want and need NOW – you are totally supported!
You can use your Jupiter Wealth Code to guide you!
Jupiter is the positive, happy, expansive, wise, fortunate, inspirational planet - making sure your GIFTS are shared in the most expansive, gracious way.

Bubblegum. More on stranger things, Dreams and sleep. Last night I was wakened by my son who had come in to kiss me goodnight, in that exchange so much information passed through to me...before I knew what was happening I was tuned into an information channel and getting buzzing vibrating information for the next few hours. My son had simply informed me by this simple exchange of a goodnight kiss, that what he was doing was going through his own combustion process... and the depth and compassion I felt, for him , for me and for all of us on our own combustion processes, totally blew me away.

Image result for images of bubblegum bubbles

WHERE COMPASSION IS ALL, and Integration is key.

Human beings are actually 'loaded/programmed' with the ability to grow.

Both in cell division and through the magic of stem cell diversity where any stem cell can be reproduced into the required cell type and so it can be transferred to the area that requires this new growth.

We all know that humans are so designed to cycle into and through development stages in their biological life and will mature through each stage and move into the next. Death being the last obvious stage.

Humans have also an intrinsic template for GROWTH where emotional mental spiritual and physical functions CAN/WILL and HAVE been pushed through the individuals systems for maximum 'tension'. The trick here is to INTEGRATE the growth within. It is NOT desired  for the individual to buckle under the overwhelm,  that 'can' feel like your backside is kicked so deep and for so long, that you never get back up. It is this closing down that cannot make the adjustments in COMPASSION and integration needed for growth.

The natural growth That I see is the inner growth that takes 'you and your vehicle'  into the next development stage of a higher level maturation. So for us now it is the portal through to the 5th Dimension.

As Humans we have aspects  in each dimension, we already ARE, but from the 3D to 5D we need to have the growth/accelration input that provides the maturation to put us squarely there and experience it fully.

To understand this growth...take bubblegum.
When chewed and swished with saliva and blown into with breath, it alters it's shape and expands.
IT HAS GROWN. It does not change its mass and Volume as such. It cannot actually maintain that shape when blowing stops, it deflates, and ongoing blowing will actually explode it.

Human beings have internal growth functions which can feel like the 'inflation of a huge inner bubble'.  It does not actually increase your volume or mass, but creates a GROWTH BUBBLE into the inner dimension that was not 'available' before.

You can imagine the bubble gum bubble not being blown up on the outside of the body but on the inside. Inside on  a different dimensional level, the bubble has been blown into an inner quantum dimension, one that is not seen in the physical, but is felt in the emotional/spiritual and mental planes of your being.

The human is Biologically/spiritually/mentally and emotionally 'primed and able' for this growth.

But what usually happens is that the 'combustion' that should bring this process forward, has been suppressed, repressed, stifled and resisted and so the call has not been 'heard' and not been responded to.  BUT as the body is still primed for 'some kind' of growth,  it distorts energy away from the internal blowing of the bubble and toward the growth of 'cells and anything other'  IN ORDER to produce any kind of growth, to fulfil that earlier priming that brings us the predestined spiritual physical emotional maturation from a 3D'er into a 5D'er.

The blowing up of the bubble is by combustion, i.e heat/force/burning oxygen... combined with the BLOWING through wind/air/power of  LIFE FORCE a pattern that has primeval  knowledge.
The heat for the combustion is the energy and life situations and HOW we operate in them. Compassion and integration eventually soothes and directs the required growth.

It is this combustion that provides the flow of life to bring about the inner growth.

When it is not seen as such or utilised as such, when it is resisted against and grossly manipulated to extremes etc, (all manner of ways that the life force on the human is not producing the desired outcome within the human, which is for the desired inner growth and maturation into evolution material)....then the human explodes with undesired growth symptoms and gets lost for another cycle trying to manage the undesired outcomes...and so begins the recycling back into the same situation until the human CAN make proper use of the  COMBUSTION material... (of heat tension and life force power)... in order to  form the desired outcome of inner growth.

  1. the process of burning something.

    "the combustion of fossil fuels"

    synonyms:burningfiringkindling, igniting, ignition
    "the combustion of fossil fuels"
      rapid chemical combination of a substance with oxygen, involving the production of heat and light.

Such Combustion material is sadly used against the human, and sadly, each time the human misses the mark. GROSS Manipulations of the many STRESSess, traumas and TENSION FORCES,

which should, in their 'original state' be used as knives to hone the skills and elements and qualities employed by the human for their transformation,

have become so distorted that the human cannot navigate through them.

The INNATE proficiency to grow, is then distorted into different kinds of growth but usually not a growth that is desired...including cell growth that needs treatment to BLAST the 'wrong type of  growth' seen physically occurring in the body.
<And a 'death' occurs ~Barbara Hand Clow~>

What came to me before in my dreams is AUXESIS. The organic growth of a simple to complex life form....And it is the combustion and life force power that blows POWER and fuel into it.
I refer back to my post earlier this month

Monday, 15 October 2018

Stranger things. Dreams and sleep. The dream state is when material is being developed deep in the subconscious and then is translated into symbols to be observed in the dream state before waking so that the subconscious is sending messages in symbols words and phrases to its 'outer consciousness'. So the issues memories of traumas are translated into the demons and monsters that we run into or away from in our dream state.


auxesis - growth from increase in cell size without cell division
growinggrowthontogenesisontogenymaturationdevelopment - (biology) the process of an 
individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism 
changing gradually from a simple to a more complex level;

the process of an individual organism growing organically; a purely biological unfolding of events involved in an organism changing gradually from a simple to a more 



I have not seen my son properly for many days, he lives here but is always out, and when he is home he is not available. He has been working and I worry he is overdoing it. BURNING away he is a fire sign...He is moving away from me, well he has gone really. He is changing and moving on into the next level....via the combustion process and the 'power of life' that blows into it.


"Jupiter's trine to Chiron offers both increased awareness of a wound and a magnified potential for healing same. Chiron is in Pisces, which means the wound being revealed has to do with our ability to trust in the goodness of the Universe, and in Divine Compassion. When difficulties arise, when our minds cannot comprehend a tragedy, it can be challenging to accept that Love is actually the predominant force in the Universe. And yet, to respond with hate, fear, or apathy only increases that energy on the planet. This feeds the causative factors behind the tragedy, invoking the opposite of what we wish to have occur. So, Jupiter and Chiron are on a mission this week, to increase our capacity to heal our personal wounds of disillusionment and despair. By addressing this issue on an individual level, by holding the light in times of darkness, we are also healing humanity."

NorthPoint Astrology Journal: Your weekly guide to planetary influences October 29 to November 4, 2018

by ForeverUnlimited
by Pam Younghans
Aspects of Note This Week
All times listed are Pacific Daylight Time. For Greenwich Mean Time, add 7 hours.
MON: Mars semisquare Saturn, Mercury conjunct Jupiter, Mercury trine Chiron
TUE: Mercury enters Sagittarius 9:38 p.m.
WED: Venus opposite Uranus 1:44 a.m., Mercury quincunx Uranus, Venus enters Libra 12:41 p.m.
THU: Jupiter trine Chiron 10:35 a.m., Jupiter sextile Pallas Athene
FRI: Jupiter opposite Juno, Venus sesquiquadrate Neptune
SAT: Mercury semisquare Pluto, Venus quincunx Chiron

 of last week's potent Full Moon continue into the coming week, energized by the exact Venus-Uranus opposition on Wednesday. This aspect requires a great deal of flexibility in our relationships, and can cause instability in partnerships that have been too restrictive or inauthentic for one or both parties. With Venus being retrograde in Scorpio, intimate alliances from the past may emerge from the shadows, whether in our memories, in our dreams, or in our waking life.
Venus in Scorpio also represents the power of the feminine, as well as what we deeply value or feel passionate about. With Uranus contributing its usual "wild card" energy, we can anticipate surprising shifts in these areas. As a transpersonal planet, Uranus brings about changes with the intention of raising the consciousness of humanity -- in particular our social consciousness, but also our individual awareness of and alignment with the Higher Mind. This can be a time of great awakening, if we can let go of the emotional patterns and power struggles that have held us back.
This is the second of three Venus-Uranus oppositions, marking the middle phase of a process that began on September 12 and completes on November 30. The energies will be a little different for that last pass, since Venus will then be direct in Libra and Uranus will have returned to Aries. To take most advantage of the opportunities represented by that final opposition, it is vital that we use this week's aspect to bring in the Light, cleansing our emotional bodies of that which keeps us in darkness.
ANOTHER SIGNIFICANT event occurs this week, although more subtle in its influence: magnanimous Jupiter is in harmonious trine aspect to Chiron, the Wounded Healer. The aspect perfects on Thursday, but is brought into our awareness earlier in the week, thanks to the Mercury-Jupiter alignment on Monday.
Jupiter is nearing the end of its journey through Scorpio, a trek that began in October 2017, the same week that the first of many revelations of power abuse came forward, sparking the #MeToo movement. Now, Jupiter is trying to wrap up its business in Scorpio, getting the last of the emotional debris out of the corners and from under the rugs, before moving into Sagittarius on November 8.
Jupiter's trine to Chiron offers both increased awareness of a wound and a magnified potential for healing same. Chiron is in Pisces, which means the wound being revealed has to do with our ability to trust in the goodness of the Universe, and in Divine Compassion. When difficulties arise, when our minds cannot comprehend a tragedy, it can be challenging to accept that Love is actually the predominant force in the Universe. And yet, to respond with hate, fear, or apathy only increases that energy on the planet. This feeds the causative factors behind the tragedy, invoking the opposite of what we wish to have occur.
So, Jupiter and Chiron are on a mission this week, to increase our capacity to heal our personal wounds of disillusionment and despair. By addressing this issue on an individual level, by holding the light in times of darkness, we are also healing humanity.
OTHER SHIFTS occur this week, as two planets leave the watery realms of passionate Scorpio. Mercury moves into hopeful Sagittarius on Tuesday, which can lighten our perspectives, contribute to good humor, and help our minds dwell on more positive potentials.
As with all signs, however, there are positives and negatives to Sag. Its primary adverse qualities are judgmentalness, self-righteousness, and sarcasm. But, if we keep calling in the light and higher intentions, we should be able to take advantage of the more favorable traits that Sag is known for: idealism, generosity, tolerance, and inspiration.
JUST HOURS after its opposition to Uranus on Wednesday, retrograde Venus leaves Scorpio and re-enters Libra. Again, this change of signs may lighten the energy field a bit, since Libra is dedicated to creating harmony and balance and is a much more comfortable place for Venus to be. However, we'll need to watch out for the tendency to give in for the sake of outer peace, instead of standing our ground and risking disagreement and discord.
Over the next two weeks, until Venus goes direct on November 16, the planet will be backtracking over territory first covered September 3 through 8. This is a powerful time to review relationship issues we may have glossed over at that time, and to make the decision to be more authentic and honest about our truth going forward.
IF YOUR BIRTHDAY IS THIS WEEK: In October and November of 2017, when Jupiter aligned with your Scorpio Sun, an impulse of energy was infused into your being, meant to drive your intentions and ignite your faith in the depth of your knowing. Throughout this past year, you have been challenged to continue to delve into the truth of your emotions. Going forward, your ruling planet Pluto in stable Capricorn asks you to find the purposes behind all that you have learned, and to establish goals for how to apply your heightened self-awareness. The more you can focus on your true motivations over the coming year, the more prepared you will be to take advantage of the alignment of Pluto and Saturn in early 2020 -- a time that should be significant in some area of your life, depending on where that alignment occurs in your natal chart.
In Gratitude and Light,
Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.
 About the NorthPoint Journal
Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this NorthPoint Astrology Journal based on planetary influences and guidance received. Her hope is to offer perspectives and insights that will assist you in utilizing current energies to enhance your life experience and accelerate your spiritual and personal growth.
Feel free to share this NorthPoint Journal with others who may enjoy it! When doing so, please forward it in its entirety, including all contact and copyright information.
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Copyright NorthPoint Astrology 2018. All Rights Reserved.​​​​​​​
NorthPoint Astrology, 15000 Block 75th, Kenmore, WA 98028, USA

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Monday 29 October 2018

Luminescent Samhain Stargate - Critical Mass Seeds Into Bioplasma Light ...

At 9.45mins masculine in the pineal and feminine in the higher heart, merges at the Samhain gateway Portal. Sacred marriage on this day... each couple is divine expression of Source.
Crystals and candles, picture, stone, talisman, leaf...anything that honours the land or natural law are power tools.

Affirmations: Activate the Seven Hermetic Principles of Wisdom and Power.

Published on Oct 27, 2018

"The principles of truth are seven; He who knows these, understandingly, possesses the magic key before whose touch all the doors of the temple fly open." – The Kyballion These Principles, taught by the Atlantean Master Thoth in Egypt, govern our material and spiritual life on earth. The Seven Hermetic Principles/Laws are: Principle of Mind ... Principle of Correspondence. ... Principle of Vibration. ... Principle of Polarity. ... Principle of Rhythm. ... Principle of Cause and Effect. ... Principle of Gender.

Feminine intuition and imagination and masculine will.

"We advise that you look above that persons crown chakra to see, hear, or feel that they have opened their Portal to the Fifth Dimension. Some of these people may be totally aware of this opening, but many others are not aware of why they are having so many strange, or different, dreams, meditations and experiences."

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Inter-dimensional Communication--The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

Inter-dimensional Communication

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

It is the NOW to remember your innate ability to enjoy inter-dimensional communications. You, our grounded representatives to Earth, have waited and tried to remember your inter-dimensional communications, but there was always something in your way. 

Life after life, the many different bodies of your Multidimensional SELF tried to remember how to communicate with the higher frequencies of reality. Unfortunately, once you were a member of the third/fourth dimensions of reality, the memories of your innate fifth dimensional SELF were just beyond your reach.

Many of you, our volunteers to take a third dimensional Earth body, tried to remember how to connect with your higher dimensional friends, family, and even your own higher dimensional SELF. However, the connections and the brief messages that you received flew swiftly through your third dimensional consciousness. 

It was only when you instantly documented the message that you could take your “3D time” to try to translate a timeless, inter-dimensional message into a time-bound third-dimensional message that you could document, save, and even, share with others.

You had learned from your incarnations before the late 1900’s that it was not wise to share what you were receiving inter-dimensionally. You also learned in your incarnations before that NOW that it could be VERY dangerous to talk about what you knew was a message from the higher worlds.

Most of you did not know what a “dimension” was, so that term was not used. Instead, you used terms that people could accept, such as your innate creativity. Others, often could not believe that there was a dimension of reality that was beyond their physical world. 

If there was a higher world, it was known as Heaven, in which only Angels and “very good” people could go to when they “died.” Of course, many civilizations believed that  they could have one life and one death.  Then they went to Heaven if they were good and to Hell if they were bad.

Also, only the great philosophers and Saints thought about these issues. The “common humanity” had to focus much of their attention on survival, or obeying what they had heard or read from a different person, a sainted person, or whatever form of heavenly being that they believed in.

Humans that were “different,” from one belief system were pushed aside, ignored or, worse, tormented and killed. In the earlier days of humanity, lifespans were often short, and many people lived on the edge of survival. We, your Galactic Family, are shocked that that type of discrimination still exists.

In fact, there can be no planetary ascension while some humans judge or harm other humans, and as long as humans use this same cruelty on the planet Earth that is offering them a place to learn about “being a physical human.” 

On the other hand, there are many humans who live a life of “service to others” and dedicate their lives to assisting other humans, animals and/or the entire planet Gaia. Because the Pleiadians are the most “human looking” of our Galactic Family, they are often the ones who have ventured to Earth.

In this manner we, your Galactic Family, could “walk among humanity” to better determine how they could assist humanity to awaken, and/or to assist awakening humans to remember their true Multidimensional SELF. 

What we, the Galactics, have found again and again is that humanity has a LONG way to go before they are ready to transmute back into their innate higher dimensional SELF. In fact, we Galactics are quite upset that so many of our brave volunteers to take a human body on Earth have to suffer the great dangers of third dimensional Earth. 

On the other hand, there are humans who are able to incarnate in “safe places” or “peak societies” where they can be their true SELF without frightening the other humans. Humans know not to frighten a bear or a lion, as it may attack. However, members of humanity also attack when they are frightened. 

We, your Galactic Family, wish to comment and thank the many awakened and awakening ones, who are ready to work with us to assist planet Earth through Her process of ascension. 

The humans who assist with Gaia’s ascension will ascend with her and/or they have already ascended and chose to take another incarnation in order to assist with Gaia’s Planetary Ascension.      

Fortunately, more and more members of humanity are remembering their Homeworld, the Mission, which is the reason why they came to Earth, and/or are remembering how to communicate with their higher dimensional SELF and their higher dimensional family. 

Somehow, these awakened, and awakening ones, knew that this frequency of reality that they saw in their mind, heard within their consciousness, joined with during their dreams, and/or wrote on paper, on computer, sang via a song, drew a picture of, etc. was REAL and they “remembered it.”

Different people remembered different things, but they did remember what they said they would remember before they took their third dimensional earth vessel. 

There is indeed a human self, but it is OUR human self, who is communicating with higher dimensional expressions of Beings through our higher consciousness. This higher consciousness is derived from the fact that the Ascending Ones are having more and more inter-dimensional communications.

These “Ascending Ones,” likely includes you. The Ascending Ones may appear to be angry, or upset about something, and may or may not know what they are angry about. This behavior is very common when a planet is preparing to change the Operating System of that planet to the next frequency of reality. 

Usually, there are the “First Ones” who have volunteered to “do the research” on how a fifth dimensional reality would be different from a third, fourth and/or third/fourth dimensional planet.

A third/fourth dimensional planet that has volunteered to assist the beings of their reality to expand their third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension is rare, but it does include dear Gaia. 

More and more grounded ones are choosing to consciously activate more neural synapses in their brain in order to incorporate this greater load of novel information into their daily  awareness.

As their consciousness expands beyond the third dimensional consciousness of “survival,” their brain can more easily expand its ability to “fire” off more complicated electric components of their neural network. 

It is then that they begin to remember more and more about their past incarnations, their present downloads from their Higher SELF, and the possible future realities that seem “so close and yet so far.”

Gradually, the awakened ones will remember more and more that “Reality is a Perception.” Therefore, everyone is experiencing different, yet often the same, information from the higher realms.  

How can something appear to be “different but the same?” The answer is that reality is a perspective of the one who is perceiving each moment of each experience. You all practiced this “different but the same” behavior on the Ship before you took your earth vessel.

We want to tell you all, dear volunteers to Gaia, that what seemed easy in an unconditionally loving, completely safe environment, is too often VERY difficult and challenging in your third dimensional reality. 

It is for this reason that we have chosen to communicate with as many of our grounded ones as possible. Then, each of them can share their experiences of leaving the fifth dimension to assist with the ascension of a third dimensional, very polluted and totally abused planet known to humans as Earth.

In fact, it was Earth/Gaia herself who is calling for our assistance on a regular basis. Gaia is very concerned that the “dark humans” will damage her planetary body so much that she will not be able to ascend.

We, the Galactics, have assured Gaia that many of these changes are allowing the darkness to come to the surface so that it can be healed by the light. In fact, some of the major leaders of Gaia are doing much more harm than has ever been done by any human leaders before.

The reason for this is because the Dark Ones are losing. Therefore, they are pulling out all their worst tricks and tactics to keep the humans frightened, undereducated, able to purchase rifles that can kill many people within just a few moments, and leaders who care only for themselves and not for those whom they are supposedly leading.

Dear brave humans, please remember that “The Darkest Night is just before dawn.” We Arcturians wish that we could tell you exactly how long it will take for this Darkest Night to end. 

However, time is an illusion of the third dimension. Therefore, we cannot tell you when these changes will begin, but we can say that YOU are VERY important in telling the truth to others who are trapped in the illusions that have been purposely prepared to stop humanity from fulfilling their Mission to:
Assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension!

One of the good parts of the third dimension is individuality. With individuality many people can respond to the same thing in a different way. However, if an “individual” is NOT connected to their higher sources of information, they may become so frustrated and depressed from the “fight to save Earth,” that they just give up!

Don’t forget to REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE and don’t forget that the Third Dimensional Reality is a perception that is often seen as different through different humans, and even through the same human at different times.

Be patient, our beloved volunteers, to assist with Gaia’s ascension. We know that many of you are VERY tired as you have walked this path for many years. We thank you so for your endurance and invite you to visit us, as well as your own fifth dimensional expression of SELF, during your dreams and meditations. We also ask that you share what you have received and/or experienced with others who you think may be able to accept this frequency of information.

We advise that you look above that persons crown chakra to see, hear, or feel that they have opened their Portal to the Fifth Dimension. Some of these people may be totally aware of this opening, but many others are not aware of why they are having so many strange, or different, dreams, meditations and experiences.

Please remember that we, your Galactic Family, are always available to you and are ready to assist you in any manner that you may need. Remember, we Galactics resonate to the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore we are not bound by “time” or “space.”

Instead, we are Here within your NOW to assist you and to answer any questions that you have for us. We close with this message by again reminding you that “the darkest night is just before dawn!”

Therefore, fear NOT the dark night and continue to bravely step into the “Dawn of the fifth dimensional Gaia!” In closing, we remind you that YOU are assisting Planet Earth with Her Planetary Ascension and Gaia is assisting you with your Personal Ascension.

Together, Persons and Planet, and ALL of Gaia’s many life forms, 
can embrace this NOW of great transmutation into the next octave of reality.

We are the Arcturians, who are NOW speaking for your entire Galactic Family.
We have messages for each and every ONE of you. 
Please listen and you will hear

Blessings from the Arcturians and your Galactic Family