Monday, 30 November 2015


An extract taken from


There are still many of us who cannot remember who we are. We have worn our earthen bodies for so many eons that we believe we are only physical, and that we are limited to these clay forms until we "die".
Where is Home_
According to the law of free will, as long as we choose to believe in the illusion of limitation and separation of the third dimension, that is our only "conscious" experience.

When the reality of our higher dimensional self became "unconscious", we forgot that Earth was a schoolroom. We forgot that we came here to learn how to be conscious creators through the process of third dimensional experiences.

However, even though we lost the memory of our true selves and our reason for coming to this planet, we kept our higher dimensional powers of manifestation, at least for a while.

All manifestations start as a circular path eventually returns to the sender. Therefore, it was dangerous to use our higher dimensional power from only a third dimensional consciousness, as we did not retain the higher wisdom and love to balance our power.

Fortunately, once we misused our power, we began to lose it.
Then we really were "only physical!"

As the collective consciousness of Earth continued to drop, we plummeted deeper and deeper into forgetfulness. Before we knew it, we were enmeshed in the illusions of planet Earth.

Until the Collective Consciousness of Earth had again risen to a level where it would be possible to recognize messages from the higher dimensions, it would be difficult for us to return to the awareness of our true Multidimensional SELF.

Earth had so fallen into fear and superstition that most communications between higher dimensional beings and those on Earth were greatly misunderstood or distorted.

And so we waited!

Sometimes we hated the wait, and sometimes we loved it. We learned that if we forgot about our higher dimensional Home and the part of us that resided there, we weren't so lonely.

Therefore, most of us forgot. Until...
When we would least expect it, as if in a dream, we would remember something~
a feeling,
               a brief picture,
                 a certain color
                    or a sound.

Then we would become very, very lonely. We wanted to go Home.
But we couldn't remember where Home was.
We only knew that is wasn't here.

We only knew that we didn't fit, and we didn't want to!

And so we forget. We forget our SELF, so we forget our Mission.
But then we had:


The Dream
I gazed upon the glorious being floating just before me. Its light filled the entire room with a warm radiation.

"Who are you?" I asked within my heart.

"I am you, Beloved," was the unexpected reply.

I did not understand what the beautiful being had said. I was not glorious. I could not float in the air as the being before me did, and I definitely did not have enough light to fill the entire room.

I was just a regular person with a regular life. Some days I felt good, even peaceful, but some days, I felt bad, even tormented. I did my job as well as I could and tried to pay my bills on time.

I was a good citizen. I had a family that I loved and friends that cared for me. However, sometimes, I was frightened, annoyed, or sad.

No, I was not special. I was just regular.

"Oh, but my one," the being interrupted my thoughts, "just regular IS special."

"What?" I responded in a somewhat angry and disrespectful voice. Quickly, I covered my mouth and muttered an apology.

"You needn't apologize to me my dear. I am you!"

"No, I'm sorry," I replied, almost to myself. "I can't believe that. I cannot accept that. If I were you, then why would I ever want to be me?"

"I am very proud to be you. I am very proud of how you have maintained your life under difficult circumstances. Life on the physical plane can be, and usually is, challenging. And you/I have maintained a heart that loves."

"A heart that loves?"

"Yes, and a mind that thinks. We, that is you and I together, have kept our bond, our promise, to remain our SELF in the face of many temptations that could pull us OUT of 'being special' and IN to being regular."

"Well yes," I replied as I scratched my chin. "I must say that there are a million temptations, from choosing to walk to the recycling bin to remembering to think before I speak. I guess I do try, most of the time, to be the best person that I can be."

"Yes, and all of the time, you are special. You are special not just because you try to do your best, but because you have chosen to leave the form that you see before you/myself/ourselves and enter into the experience of physical life."

Now I was confused. I did not remember making such a choice. In fact, if I could choose, I would instantly become the glorious being before me.

"Are you sure?" responded the being, reading my thoughts. "What about your family, your friends, your work, your planet? Would you not miss them?"

"Well, yes, I would. I would miss them all very much. But, if I am also a being like you, then they must also have a part of them that is like you too. Don't they?"

"Most certainly," replied the being with a smile so bright that the radiance extended beyond the walls of the room until there were no walls and no floor.

There was only light.

At first, I was a bit frightened. Standing in the middle of blazing light was not a "regular" occurrence.

The being gently laughed, "Be not concerned, the room around you, in fact your entire physical world, still exists. However, your attention is now on my world, which is of a higher vibration.

"Every sentient being is One with God, therefore there is only Love. Anything else is illusory and can only fail."

John Smallman: You will be astounded to see how effective the loving intentions of each one of you has been.

by ForeverUnlimited
The world is awash with disasters and catastrophes, or so it seems. Yes, the mainstream corporate owned and controlled media focus their undivided attention on the bad news – wars, suffering, environmental damage, and some corporate malfeasance – because that is the task their masters have set them with the intent of raising the levels of fear among ordinary citizens. And they are doing a good job. But their real intent is to distract you from the good news, the Real news – that those vast corrupt organizations are collapsing under the weight of the enormous unsupportable debt that they have taken on in order to establish an international camarilla to control your whole world, and the resultant in-fighting now going on between their members, as they fight for survival. This kind of authoritarian despotism has been attempted many times over the eons as clever, devious, and egoically driven individuals have sought ultimate power.
They have always failed to achieve their aims; suppression of others by force of arms is by its very nature self-defeating because it requires secrecy and betrayal in its operations, and those betrayed always fight back, leading to the collapse of these erstwhile dictatorships.
Love is the only real power, and it cannot ever be defeated. God is Love. Every sentient being is One with God, therefore there is only Love. Anything else is illusory and can only fail. It may appear to work, to be effective, for a time, then it will inevitably collapse and fail.
Those presently trying so desperately to reduce you to a state of permanent fear are themselves terrified as they observe their power, power they believe is their inalienable right, slipping away, slipping from their grasp, inescapably and predictably, like water through their fingers. And in their terror they are instigating activities of a most nefarious nature to try and convince you, the population of the world, to seek help from them as they try yet again to present themselves as the only ones who can protect you from the ongoing wars of terror that they have instigated, and from their inevitable consequences.
However, the vast majority of you no longer believe or support them, having made the collective decision to awaken; consequently their power structures will not survive, and all their nefarious and criminal activities will be fully exposed. When this occurs it is essential that these miscreants are treated fairly so that their trials do not degenerate into a war of vengeance against them and all who can in any way be linked to them as supporters or beneficiaries of their activities. That would only restart the whole sequence once again.
Humanity has been doing just that for far too long and needs to move off or away from the “Möbius strip” of self-empowering and self-centered activities, followed by their inevitable consequences, and the resultant harsh judgments that always leads back to the point of origination, where it all starts over again. As the well known aphorism says “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.
Nevertheless, some of those misguided ones may well need to be restrained so that they can inflict no further damage on society. Only Love and the guidance that engaging with It provides will enable fair treatment of those miscreants to occur, finally allowing humanity to awaken. Bitterness, hatred, and resentment directed against those who have wronged you only draws you back into the horror of the illusion.
Great changes are happening right now within your illusory world and within the corrupt administrations that have for so long ruled you – political, national, international, financial, business, religious, and industrial – and these changes are bringing about their collapse. The initial changes have been the disclosure of many corrupt and damaging activities in which they have been engaged, activities that they have kept secret and hidden. With those disclosures trust in their honesty, previously assumed, has been destroyed. Trust is the foundation of all good relationships from personal to international, and once it has been destroyed it can only be restored with great difficulty.
The Tsunami of Love is leading you all towards your inevitable awakening, and your daily setting of loving intentions takes full advantage of its most wondrous energy to share and extend Love to every place where darkness prevails. Do not miss out on your daily meditations and moments of peaceful relaxation or reflection, because you chose to be on Earth at this time to assist in humanity’s awakening, and it is by doing just this – nothing more is asked of you – that the hearts of humanity are encouraged to open to the field of Love enveloping them. The Love you share collectively – everything you do you do collectively because all are one – is the collective will to awaken, and so it has to be shared to be effective.
You share it by choosing to take time out within your holy inner sanctuary and allowing God’s Love to flow through you most abundantly. Do not for a moment think that because you experience none or very little sensation of this outflowing energy that it is not flowing. I assure you that it is flowing constantly, and that its effects are beyond your wildest dreams. When you awaken all will be revealed, and you will be astounded to see how effective the loving intentions of each one of you has been. You can only change yourself, as you well know, but, since all are One, changing yourselves changes all. What you need to understand is that attempting to change another individual human does not work, while changing yourselves changes everyone.
You are divine beings of inordinate power which you put into effect every time you make a loving intent. Keep making those loving intents and awaken humanity.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
ForeverUnlimited | November 29, 2015 at 7:57 PM | Tags: John SmallmanLoving IntentionsTsunami of Love | Categories: Jesus Through JohnUncategorized | URL:

Monday, 23 November 2015

Self talk, and thoughts dictate the experience: change the thoughts, change the talk, to change the experience.

You do your bit by sending love to ALL involved in the trauma, and so add to balance the damaged equilibrium of the collective consciousness.

My daughter, 13 years old, became quite pale and felt ill, shaky and dizzy. It was some days after the horror in Paris.

In our home we did not really verbally discuss in detail what had happened in Paris, apart from expressing shock. There is a reason for this. But my daughter, when she was visiting different friend's homes, was hearing talk about it and that London would be next.

When she became ill, for no obvious reason, I realised that she was soaking up the collective trauma that is swamping us all. She is highly sensitive and an empath, so I acted to give her the intense healing she needed.

She had no idea why she was suddenly so shaky and withdrawn, resembling some one who had suffered a major personal trauma.

I totally agree with the following message from Doreen Virtue where she suggests that we all get Post Traumatic Stress at times like this.

We belong to a collective consciousness and the vibes that are present in the collective consciousness become available to each one of us. Without knowing, or conscious managing, they will become the strongest vibration that affect us and bring us down in a negative sweep.

Our energy fields, will default to vibrate to the frequency of the collective consciousness. Its only by managing our energy fields that we can find balance.

Visualise your energy field as a ball of  energy around you.
Fill your energy field with a deep unconditional love, visualise it as a deep and strong Magenta colour light.
Then seal your energy field with  gold light. So the ball that surrounds you, seen from the outside is of golden light.
Consciously intend and affirm that nothing enters, or leaves, your energy that is not of unconditional love.
Re-affirm this often.
Re-set this intention as many times in the day as your mind allows.
Write it down to remind you.

Remind yourself, that you wish your personal energy field to only contribute
                       UNCONDITIONAL LOVE
to the collective conscious, and that you do not require anything that is not for your highest good, to enter your personal energy field. See the gold seal as an indestructible filter.

That way you get to know that whatever 'stuff' coming up into your energy field, is for healing, and releasing AND this is your own personal stuff .

When your own stuff becomes visible to you, in feelings, and emotions, memories and thoughts, then act to lean into those issues, which indeed, may have been triggered by the trauma, but because you have intended to HEAL your stuff within the support of the unconditional love, magenta light, Your energy self has released them to you for healing. Things need to be 'seen' or 'felt' to be healed.

There is, of course, the exception. Some Healers and empaths  have elected to heal traumas for others, as in ancestral or cultural lineage, and even larger planet and timeline traumas, but they know what to do. They are of course, healing the collective consciousness in this way, so we all benefit.

If you let this stuff in (to your energy field, which we all do until we manage what we let in) without knowing what is going on, (i.e. not knowing that you are swallowing the excreted negativity that is being absorbed into your energy field from the collective consciousness) then the trauma, fear, hate, pain anger etc, becomes yours and you react by playing it out your life. Also you act to replicate it and send it back out and into the collective consciousness, contributing to make it even more negative, which in turn, swamps you even more.

Avoid judgments, anger and bitter opinions and KNOW that if you constantly and  knowingly, ONLY contribute unconditional love to the collective consciousness, you are in fact helping to heal it.  This is especially true at these times. You do your bit by sending love to ALL involved in the trauma, and so add to balance the damaged equilibrium of the collective consciousness.

 So then, YOU are helping to heal the energy fields  of those most caught up in the trauma, AND of those affected further afield, which of course,  is ALL of us.

Each of our individual energy fields are part of the collective consciousness, which is why we need to learn, that we are together, ONE in the ONENESS. 

Heal From Tragedy and Post-Traumatic Stress

Feelings of sadness, shock, numb, low-energy, and anger are symptoms of post-traumatic stress.  So are addictive behaviors, such as binge drinking and eating, attempts to block-out the pain of post-traumatic stress.
Studies show that our bodies can’t distinguish between stress that happens to us personally, and stress that happens to another person. Our bodies’ empathic systems pour stress hormones into our systems, whenever we read, see, or hear about a traumatic situation. This is called “Secondary PTSD.”
I’ve lived through a lot of trauma during my 57 years, including earthquakes, riots, a car-jacking, and personal traumas. I’ve also counseled those who suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder, and wrote about my research in my book, Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle, a book about recovering from PTSD.
Here are 4 methods for healing from post-traumatic stress.
1. Move your body to disperse stress chemicals.  When a trauma occurs, our first reaction is to freeze like a deer in headlights. We hold our breath and tense our muscles. Meanwhile, our brains are being flooded with stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and histamine.  It’s vitally important to move your body to disperse these chemicals so the trauma doesn’t become frozen into muscle memory. To recover from anxiety and fear related to trauma, gentle stretching or restorative (gentle) yoga can help you to release and recover a sense of inner peace and feelings of safety and security.
2. Stay away from news reports.  It’s easy to fall into the trap of obsessively reading or watching news stories, to try to make sense of tragedy. There’s also a belief that news gives you more control, safety, and knowledge of what to expect next. However, studies show that traumatic news stories flood the brain and body with the same amount of stress hormones as if the trauma had occurred to you personally. This can lead to Secondary PTSD, and the symptoms of PTSD (flashbacks, anxiety, worries about safety, feeling unsafe and insecure, addictions, etc.).  Limit your exposure to news stories. If you feel anxious while hearing about news, be sure to engage in stretching exercises to disperse the stress chemicals.
3. Listen to gentle music.  Soothing meditation music lowers blood pressure and heart rate, and soothes us like a lullaby.  Pandora Radio has a gentle music station called Nature, or you can search for music genres like “Spa music,” “Meditation music,” or “Yoga music” to find soothing background music. I highly recommend playing soothing music at home, at work, and in the car.
4. Spirituality.  When tragedy occurs, it may test your faith. Still, studies show that those who have spiritual or religious beliefs have healthier responses to traumatic events. Believing in God’s protective power, and/or “that everything happens for a reason” helps you to feel peaceful. You retain a sense of safety, instead of believing the world is dangerous and haphazard.  Praying and meditating are instantly effective ways to heal from stress and anxiety.
Having lived through so many tragedies, and also studying history, it seems that trauma is a part of earthly life. History books, including the Bible, show that our world has endured unspeakable violence and earth changes.  One thing I do know:  our souls have an inner compass that points toward peace and health. We are hardwired to be peaceful and happy individuals. And when our hearts break from tragedy, we also have the opportunity to open our hearts to new levels of compassion.
We can choose to let tragedy pull us down, or we can decide to be stronger. We can allow traumatic events to turn us into cold, angry, revengeful people. Or we can find a sense of meaning and purpose in helping others to heal and grow.  
If post-traumatic symptoms continue or interfere with your relationships, job, or other functioning, please seek professional treatment from a trauma-specialist therapist. For more information on healing from the effects of trauma, please read “Don’t Let Anything Dull Your Sparkle: How to Break Free of Negativity & Drama.

Monday, 16 November 2015

Quote : Mother Teresa “Smile at each other. Smile at your wife, smile at your husband, smile at your children, smile at each other- it doesn't matter who it is- and that will help to grow up in greater love for each other.” ― Mother Teresa


NOVEMBER 15,2015
Dear friends, we observe many now filled with Light and hope in spite of outer appearances. The "future" is here and all is proceeding according to plan. Allow the process, which means a letting go of remaining resistance and concepts regarding what "should" be happening or when and how it "needs" to happen. Simply continue to hold the Light dear ones, for you are creating a new world.
All who are ready, are beginning to have higher dimensional insights and experiences. Obsolete concepts and beliefs carried through lifetimes are undergoing radical evaluation by many and are being recognized as representing outgrown states of consciousness. Some things will be permanently eliminated, while others will simply begin to manifest in higher forms.
Over lifetimes mankind has been taught limiting beliefs by un-evolved teachers based in ignorance and control. You were taught that humans are tainted and unworthy and can only become worthy by practicing certain rites, rituals, practices, and laws. Most of these belief systems are still promoted by "spiritual leaders" locked into the third dimensional belief system of duality and separation. Because of this their teaching is unable to lift others any higher than their own limited state of consciousness.
Un-evolved states of consciousness need rules and regulations as they are not yet able to hear their intuition or always make good choices. The ten commandments are were given at a time when the majority needed rules. You have evolved beyond the need for structured rules for their essence has become your state of consciousness. You have lived through and moved beyond the stages of needing someone or something to tell you what to believe and are now able to be guided from within.
Most of you have had lifetimes in convents and monasteries and still hold a resonance reflecting obedience to rules and sincerely made vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in cellular memory. Until cleared, this can and often does affect the present, often influencing sexual beliefs, abundance, and reflecting a love for rules because rules resonate with a past comfortable sense of being "on track" of "doing it right".
These old patterns are now coming to conscious awareness for many in order that they may be recognized and cleared, and one's inner voice can become the guiding rule. Never fear letting go of anything representing a past state of consciousness for it simply makes room for higher and better forms to manifest.
We of the Arcturian group have spoken many times about love and yet there remains a great deal of confusion about love. Many continue to hold tightly to narrow concepts of love continuously promoted by the media, (films, books, magazines, television), experts, and even religious leaders in the belief that complete fulfillment and happiness can come through finding the "right one".
Love is most commonly thought of as an emotion. Emotion is often a facet of love, but is not the defining criteria.
Evolution is awakening mankind to a deeper, purer understanding of love, shifting those prepared into a state of consciousness that knows and understands all seemingly separate life forms, to be actually in and of ONE. Everything that exists, must exist within the ONE for it is all there is. That connecting energy within the ONE is love.
Love is interpreted according to the state of consciousness of the individual and thus there are hundreds of concepts of love. Those who remain firmly enmeshed in the third dimensional will continue to think of love as sexual attraction, but over time and experience, (often lifetimes) the every individual begins to move beyond personal narrow concepts and begins to awaken to a deeper sense of love. At first this deeper sense will simply be more expansive third dimensional concepts, as he is not yet ready to mine the deeper, richer levels within.
The consciousness of the evolving soul will expand beyond romance and begin to experience the love of companionship, family, and friends. He may even begin to feel something that is very new for him--a "connection" with strangers. At this point many become "do gooders", often joining groups in order to help the "less fortunate".
These groups do wonderful work and are not to be denigrated, but are a step along the way to realizing Love in it's purest sense. It still represents the level of concepts--"us helping them"--separation and duality.
It is important that no one ever feel they cannot take an active part of groups that serve in this manner for their members are living out from their highest sense of love which is all that anyone is required to do. If you are guided to be a part of some particular service group go ahead and do it even if you do not resonate with the particular beliefs of the group (these are often church groups). The addition of one or more participants of an evolved state of consciousness can only serve to lift the energy of the whole group.
Love is only lived and expressed according to the attained state of consciousness of the individual which is why it is useless to try and change someone unless you know they are choosing to live below their attained state of consciousness. Individuals are only expected to live out from their highest level of understanding and as they do this, awareness expands and more is given--at which point he must then begin to live from the new level. This is evolution.
There are those who receive insights and become aware of the higher sense of things, but then choose to simply store it away as interesting information or dinner party conversation while continuing to live exactly as they always have which is like asking for a "wake up call". There is a saying that is true on the spiritual level as well as on the mundane which is; "Use it or lose it".
Mankind is moving through the morass of negative and obsolete beliefs that still hold many in bondage. As you observe the images of a world in struggle and violence, and as you become aware of how much you do not like or understand these things, practice meeting them with love. This does not mean you must like or accept them as being ok while blindly declaring; "God is all", but means instead, remembering that the reality behind all things is perfect and must always be so because all there is, is Divine consciousness. Appearances always reflect the illusory beliefs of un-awakened states if consciousness .
Many still leave themselves out of the equation through falsely believing that every action and thought they have must be perfect and worthy according to some standard. You can never fully love another if you leave yourself out, for you too are a part of the whole. You are, always have been, and cannot avoid being less than infinitely loveable because you are made of LOVE.
Believing yourself to be unworthy of love represents a state of consciousness that most of you have evolved beyond. It is ok to make mistakes, fall flat on your face spiritually, or fail to live up to another's concept of success. Let go of all resistance,replacing it with laughter and acceptance. Failure is simply a word representing the third dimensional belief system and has nothing to do with who and what you are but everything to do with what you are on earth to learn.
Learn to love everything in your lives which means living without resistance, guilt, fear, or rigid rules about how things should be. No more "should's". Simply be with every experience, observing thoughts and emotions without resistance no matter what may come floating through because thoughts and beliefs only become yours personally when you claim them as yours.
Practice responding to every emotion or thought of fear, anger, resistance, shame, judgement, excitement, or whatever with one word--"interesting", asking yourselves; "What am I believing that is making me feel this way, is it true?. No shock, no resistance, no giving some word or thought power for good or bad, just one response--"interesting". As you learn to do this, you retrain your thought processes and neutralize the power you have ignorantly given to things.
Love every perceived flaw and fault in yourself and others for they are markers showing you what you still hold in consciousness. Once judgement is no longer a part of your conditioning, you will find it easy and natural to love self and others. You will begin to experience true freedom--the freedom to laugh and embrace the idiosyncrasies and ridiculous situations that come with living in a physical body. You learn to judge nothing as being bad or good, but as simply facets of the evolutionary journey.
As you do this work, you will find that the thoughts, beliefs, opinions, words, judgements, etc. of others simply lose any power they may of had over you. You begin to live out from that still quiet place within where the nonsense of the un-illumined never reaches.
Love has no rules, Love just is. Love is simply living each moment from a consciousness of Oneness.
All is perfect. Evolution is the process of remembering that.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/15/18
At this point I am being guided to add something the Arcturian Group wants to say about the violence in Paris.
"This violence represents an effort by the energy of those seeking to remain in power while being removed by the Light. The energy of those who did these acts is being manipulated and promoted by those seeking to remain a force of power and thus continue as they have before. Send unconditional love to all involved."

"Send Light to all involved--the people as well as the perpetrators for the perpetrators are hypnotized by the energy of those who seek to remain a force of power."

"The crossroads we have spoken of before are clearly before you, each person must make their choice, to move forward or stay behind in the old paradigm that is now kicking and screaming to retain its control."

New post on A Unity Consciousness World

Message From Hilarion by Marlene Swetlishoff, 11/15/2015 — Love Has Won

by astrolenn
By Marlene Swetlishoff, November 15-22, 2015Beloved Ones,This is a time of prayer without ceasing. Each person on Earth needs to align to Source and know who they are – a child of the Divine. They need to take a stand in their minds and hearts for that which is good and right, to follow the golden rule. Each time those who do not follow these basic precepts of universal law create havoc and mayhem for its own sake, it is incumbent upon each individual to show the highest qualities they are capable of upholding. Each of you whose hearts are filled with love do more to sustain and maintain the balance on this planet than you can ever know. Do not become discouraged, for you have the strength within you to be as strong as the times you are in call for and it is important that you exercise this attribute by maintaining your equilibrium.It is important to stay daily connected and aligned to the new energies, and reinforce these energies in your own being. This does more than you can imagine to assist humanity and the Earth go through the eye of the needle. The crossroads we have spoken of before are clearly before you, each person must make their choice, to move forward or stay behind in the old paradigm that is now kicking and screaming to retain its control. You know the answer to this one already and there can be only one choice and that choice is love. Be the love that burns within your heart and keep on keeping on. Do whatever you can to give assistance, send your Light and love out to those areas of the planet that are in need of it and ensure that you are in control of you and not reacting to the chaos in a way that compromises who you are within you.Maintain your balance and keep the door to the light and to the promising future open. Use your discernment at all times. Remember, if it does not feel right or good, then it is in all likelihood not good, so do not believe everything you hear and give your power away. You control each situation you encounter by what you empower. You are your own savior, no one else can do the inner work but you. It is the time for you to use your light to transform yourself. There is much depth within you that now seeks to express outwardly. The energies are shifting and new levels of being are now being established. You have not lost any ground for all is in a state of flux. Follow your inner guidance and direction with faith and steely determination.You are entering a new phase of soul development and it is important to be true to yourselves, to know yourselves. The changes that have been wrought on the etheric realms are now coming into expression on the physical plane. It is a new beginning on a new level of spiritual expression and as with everything new, it requires a period of adjustment to become acclimated at the new level. As you go within, you will receive guidance and support from the higher realms. The answers lie within you and not ‘out there’ so it requires that you be still and listen. This is where you have access to greater resources and understanding.As the changes within take place a new framework and direction will come to cognizance. The evolution of the self has brought forth a new aspect that brings new beginnings and an exciting new awareness of the possibilities that lie before you. You will find new purpose and renewed commitment to the path of evolvement that you are on. You have all that you need to make steady progress towards the further expansion of your soul growth and understanding of the higher perspectives take root within. Know that you are loved and supported by your family of light in every moment.Until next week…I AM HilarionWatch video version here:   2009-2015 Marlene Swetlishoff/Tsu-tana (Soo-tam-ah) Keeper of the Symphonies of from The First Contact Ground Crew 5dSpiritual Healing Team:Feel blocked, ready to give up? We are Here in The Highest Love, Honor, and Respect to Be Humanity's Representatives of The New Paradigm of True Freedom, Abundance, True Equality, A Completely Balanced Being and a Completely Benevolent Society! This is our Destiny as The Old illusion of power over and dysfunction dissolve. Allow us to be of service to You. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. For All the Details and to schedule with us you can Follow this Link: We are Booked Right Now Until December
astrolenn | November 15, 2015 at 8:09 pm | Categories: Unity | URL:

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels

The 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels

Dear Ones,
On November 11, the exalted moment of 11:11 for this year, the Archangels hold the Celestial Gateway open so you can access your Golden Template of Light  the 5th dimensional template for your new crystalline light body holding the frequencies for full divinity within your human form.
As you step through the Gateway, you are fully supported by the Angelic Dimensions to anchor this divine template of Light into your human form. It has been divinely decreed that on this day of 11-11, your new Golden Template is activated for you to fully download into your life.
When you have the preparation established within you, it is exhilarating to step through the portal provided by the Archangels during this 11:11 opening. The Gateways of Power are clear entries established on inter-dimensional levels, to create alignment within your energy systems. You are being offered an empowerment so you can feel the operation of higher frequencies in a condensed moment of time.
Once you sense the alignment within yourself, you are forever changed. You can claim this empowerment, access these exalted states that exist beyond the Gateway and use them to bless your own life and all of humanity.
The Gateway of the Archangels
On November 11, your Golden Crystalline Template is activated to be grounded into the new frequencies of your human body through access to the pathways opened by the Archangels. Archangel Gabriel, Michael, Raphael and Sandalphon stand present as they hold Divine Light in massive pillars at the gateway that opens for you during this sacred moment in time.
Archangel Sandalphon holds frequencies of Earth’s crystalline grid so you can anchor and become familiar with the new 5D energy systems.
Archangel Gabriel holds the power for Balance of the sacred masculine and feminine to awaken on the Earth, which allows Unity consciousness within each man, woman and child.
Archangel Michael offers you the courage to step into your highest potential as a blended divine human in 5D consciousness.
Archangel Raphael offers immersion into the Light of Divine Love that permeates every cell and brings into you the highest frequency your human form can integrate in this sacred moment of 11:11.
How to Step through the Gateway
Bring the Soul's vision from your Higher Self for the new life you desire to awaken into your conscious awareness, honor it and hold it in your heart. Invite the Archangels for assistance to anchor the higher 5D frequencies very gracefully into your human form. Ask to be in Harmony with the new crystalline Golden Template as decreed by your Soul's original blueprint to bring divinity into your human form.
Take sacred time during the 24 hours of November 11, most especially at the moments a digital clock displays 11:11, to anchor these intentions and visualize the Gateway of Power. The Archangels standing guard over the gateway are holding this expansive Portal of Golden Light open for you. See them standing there; massive wings of Light expanded in dedication to your own evolution and that of the Earth. These great Archangels are bringing to you a blessing from God.
When you walk through this gateway, holding the vision for new life of Peace and Harmony on the Earth, you align with the forces of all Creation, and a high level of Unity fills your world. That which does not align with these new frequencies of energy drops away. The old frequencies and energy systems cannot exist simultaneously, when your Soul becomes aligned with its purpose in an empowered, integrated way.
In the holy instant of profound opening, the Gateway of the Archangels awakens your divinity into alignment with your physical form, as you step into the 5D Golden Template for new life on Earth. Know that as you claim this for yourself, these frequencies bless all of humanity in this moment of awakening.
The Intention of the 11:11 Empowerment
The greater intention for this 11:11 empowerment has always been to ground Divine Energy into the depths of the Earth so that planetary evolution will prevail.
As millions of awakened people access the Divine Light through the Gateways, Unity consciousness is the resulting force pervading the hearts of all humanity. Never doubt the miracle of Spontaneous Evolution as a creative possibility during the fifth dimensional shift occurring on this planet.
The flow of Divine Love through each person creates an expansion in perception when the veils have parted, so that new clarity dawns. This increase in clarity incites a sense of liberation and the freedom of spiritual expression within your being. Prayers for planetary well-being so the Earth and all humanity can also receive from this moment in time will be of great benefit.
Asking for miracles is very appropriate when you are in the celestial gateway between Heaven and Earth.
The release of pressure from the 11:11 Gateway is similar to the beginnings of a horse race when the horses are being held within the gate. As the gates are flung open, raw power surges forward and instincts take over. The rawness of this power requires careful training and guidance, so that it moves in directions that allow specific goals to be reached and the reaping of rewards. Your prayers and intentions are the key to this process.
As you walk through the gateway, symbolically or literally, you will leave behind outmoded forms and patterns of existence that do not fit your new Golden Template of Light or the energy stream of Unity Consciousness occurring on the planet at this sacred time.
Create the model of your new life through your intentional setting forth of exalted ideas, even if their form is still unclear. Lift your vibration through prayer, inviting the guiding wisdom of your Soul and the Archangels to lead you. Embrace the new level of your inner being merging with your most Divine Self, and invite Archangel Sandalphon to help you anchor it on the Earth.
Although the path on the other side of the 11:11 Gateway of the Archangels may not unfold for you all at once, you can be shown a glimpse of a new vision to give your heart a burst of hope. Do know that as you walk through this portal, you are aligning with the Beings of Light who guide you, and you are never alone. Your demonstration of this intention to live in harmony with your new Golden Template of Light, allows you to receive greater guidance and sets the patterns of Unity and Harmony within your being. This empowers you to experience greater Faith as you take the next steps and the next on your path into an unknown future. Know that you have aligned with your Soul’s Purpose and are being guided every step of the way. Gateways of Power are moments of clear invitation when Divine energies are aligned to support you.
Union with the Self
During this day of 11-11, join with others for a profound  Gateway initiation with the Archangels. You will be connected with the Source of All That Is Divine as you step into your Golden Template for the blending of your most Divine Self with your most human. Give thanks for the Grace that descends during this precious period of time. Receive it deeply within your being, and acknowledge the Archangels who hold the Earth in Sacred Unity.
The 11:11 Gateway opens the way to this union within the self so you become a Bridge between Heaven and Earth. The Archangels stand ready to welcome you into the new creative power of exalted awareness.
Retraining and guiding the fearful thoughts that plague your days are only a prayer away. Each prayer raises your frequency of energy and could be the one that unleashes the critical mass for Spontaneous Evolution on the planet. Imagine that yourprayer is the turning point  the key that fits the doorway to Unity within you and within all beings on the planet.
Archangels of Light and the Divine Presence of All That Is:

As I prepare to be guided through this 11:11 Gateway of Power, I ask that the Light of Divine Love clear any disharmony within my energy field. I willingly let go of the burdens of old beliefs so I may stand tall and move freely through the gateways to Unity Consciousness.

I joyfully invite the Golden Template that holds my 5D Crystalline Body to integrate my human form as is in my highest good at this sacred time.

Within the spaciousness of my cleared energy field, I ask that it be filled with the power of Divine Love, Harmony and Peace. I ask to receive and radiate the strength and courage to embody this Divine Light and ground the presence of Love, Peace and Wellbeing into the Earth to assist its evolution.

I join with the Angelic Dimensions and the millions of those who work in the Light of God, as we are led through the 11:11 Gateway. I know that as one is lifted up, all are uplifted. I allow new patterns of exalted Light energy to engage my human structure in the integration of Oneness ~ Union within my being with the Divine. I dance through the Light-filled gateways feeling your guidance and knowing that loving awareness of new possibilities in my life is being provided in every moment, with every heartbeat.

I awaken in your Light and embrace the Divine gifts being offered to me now with supreme Gratitude. You are giving me the Divine Connection to greater life and I gratefully receive this. I am honored to anchor this Light on the planet to bless all of Nature. As I bring loving awareness and respect for the Earth into my consciousness, all of humanity awakens into this requirement for new life.

Hold me with Love and guide me as I step through this gateway into the Golden Template for my crystalline body. With every step, may I use your Divine Love to bring greater Life, Peace and Joy through my being so I may be a blessing for the Earth.

For this and all the blessings I am receiving, I say Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
And so it is.
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel