Saturday, 30 September 2017

" Or are you waiting until life is suddenly easier, and there is an announcement on television? We would not depend upon the outside world to hand you a 5D Earth, or any higher dimensional experience. In the higher dimensions, you do not wait for anything: When you desire to experience something, you actively create it. And so, we would say, fifth dimensional Earth is in the process of unfolding. Though disasters are occurring in the form of apparently natural expressions of storm, flood, fire, or quake, that is never the full story . . . "

Hot air balloons, bubbles and balls of reality.

Definition of channeler

:a person who conveys thoughts or energy from a source believed to be outside the person's body or conscious mind; specifically :one who speaks for nonphysical beings or spirits

This morning I was feeling a bit out of sorts, again, it was a set back that hadn't been in my schedule. And my own hot-air balloon had become stuck and was beginning to loose air, yet again.

After taking at least 4 weeks to reset myself and I had been feeling the uplifting bouyancy that came with the reset, I was enjoying the liberation and how this was dissipating the concerns surrounding it..

Then almost invisibly, this ease seemed seemed to turn a corner... and with THAT CORNER  came the return of a dreading, niggling hissing 'something hidden in the dark.
A week ago the cause of my most prominent, wearisome and irksome -"ON MY PLATE to deal with" Stuff,  drove back into town, and a few days ago, it was knocking on my door. 

That pleasant feeling of bouyancy despite what's going on in the world, deflated like air leaving a hot air balloon, and shrinked off. 

I was not really in a bad mood about it. It was More of a weary and reflective despondent, but certainly with a questioning frame of mind...

"What does a human have to do to blast this stuff???" I have pawed through and covered literally every angle, from every level, and back again to get fresh eyes on it, It has worked every single time in the past..on each level.

But I'm done trying to find the fresh eyes on it, because I'm just done with it. 
I Can't massage it anymore. I can't spin it anymore, I Do not wish to anymore, just take the damn thing away.

The reason I am mentioning channelers in this is because often we use them and their intel to influence how we interpret "what is going in our world". 

With Channelers, their intel will only be of the quality, equal to their own version of "whats going on " version of reality".
When we like, agree with or can find affinity with the material given out by any one channeler or different groups of channelers then that is because their version reflects and compliments a version that we think or feel we want in our lives, and want their version to  either:

  •  help us create the version we want
  •  match the version we have 
  •  explain our version
  •  reinforce our version
  •  be the next step on from our version

So that means that fearful other  channeled "versions of whats going" will complement those versions held by people of a fearful disposition, and will explain, reinforce etc.
Also Loving versions " of whats going on" channeled,  will be sought out by those people who are in that Love vibe.

The truth is that there are many realities, and therefore many versions that reinforce the existing belief systems. 

There doesn't seem to be just one truth on the matter of "whats going on".

As life goes on, we transit and Just like going through revolving doors.. we go through one version on one level, and then leave that version or level,  and start again on a different level. Each level or version holds its own, and different from others "truth". 

Forget what you know to be true, because it is just a version that suits your entry level requirements to that level.

If we don't leave the Earth as we navigate so many different levels.... 
mentally, emotionally, socially, physically, spiritually, all in one life time, 

and MULTIPLY this by "everyone on earth doing lots of the same, i.e. 
     "living a version of life" and looking for validation of that version....
than ......that means that 

Earth holds a lot of "truths". I mean....there are lots of so called realities and with them lots of material, channeled or otherwise that go with those reality levels,  written by, lived by and kept alive by those who contribute to explain/govern each and every version of "whats going on", i.e. life as is experienced in that  Particular reality orb. An example of this would be the reality that needed the Bible to govern, explain and validate the versions that is believed to be true. those in that reality, or wanted to live that, or experience that level...

When we recieve (into our own bubbles of reality) intel on concepts for example, angels, astrology, numerology, off-planet beings, readings writings, science advancements, historical unveilings, cosmic and galactic and weather activity, then we can only interpret their meaning to us from our level of understanding within our bubble.

As we can change level as many times as (some of us) can change our hair style. Then we can sometimes drift back and forward in our interpretation of this intel, channeled or otherwise, which can lead to inner conflicts.

I do not channel, but I meditate and lately have been wary about certain beings trying to contact me. I am tolerant but wary, so this is a bleed-through from a truth that was true on a different level....see? 
So any way I am choosing to  wait to "see" how I "feel" about it, them and their truth.

Back to my story. I had been experiencing this above mentioned "backed in a corner" scenario, and wanted a TRUTH, to work out a solution for the corner I found myself.
But which one?....there seem to be so many.

What did come to me, Is that it doesn't matter where you are, what level or what bubble of reality you find yourself in, AT THIS TIME  most of us have been backed into a corner.....

This "backing into a corner" is almost a make or break time for humans.

 There are as many different scenarios for this corner that we find ourselves backed into, as there are individuals participating in this latest energetic fly-by. 

Let me explain what I mean by " fly by".
In space, when a body is in transit in a solar system, when it comes close to larger body, it is then fuelled on and gains power, by that fly-by energy exchange,  and so is empowered by it to accelerate..(Also a fly-by, can cause that very thing to crash)... 

For example, the space craft Cassini used several fly by's on closer planets orbits, such as Venus,  to power it on its way to Saturn and its systems of moons and rings.
  1. a flight past a point, especially the close approach of a spacecraft to a planet or moon for observation.
    • another term for fly-past.

So the thing to remember is, this "backed into a corner scenario", is like our own personal fly-by, and it can empower us or overpower us.

What you do...
How you function..
How you react..
how you interpret it...
etc etc etc will determine how Either you:

  • can be empowered by it... i.e. EXPAND UPWARD,  Fill up, tank up and refuel, and launch yourself up and "out of the corner," and possibly to a brand new "level".
  • will shrink you and contract you, overpower you and you crash back down.

I did this meditation today, I had been tingling with inner conflict and realised I had come back to a "backed into a corner moment"  and was getting pretty fed up, not to mention being "wired" with all the energy flying about that was backing me into that corner

It is really about how you see your reality and choosing away from a reality that you have grown up and away from, this can happen many times in one life time, spiritually and physically speaking. 

So My intention is not going into the details and dwell in them, gnashing my teeth and cursing god or the 'anti-life brigade'... (from a few levels back). 

The details of which are a "unique" and "particular to me" scenario of events. but actually using it as fossil fuel to fuel my rocket out of here.

If it doesn't kill you, which it probably could, then it can fuel your rocket and get you out of the place...
that you lingered too long to learn much more from, by remaining in and... 

...the final "learning" of any level is in the leaving of it....



Tuesday, 26 September 2017

" Instead, we step up with the higher octaves of the Moon's conjunction with Saturn and the Black Moon: the hero's journey, quests for deeper understanding, that which makes life meaningful, expression of individuality and what one has to offer as a unique being, and acceptance of self and others. We want to practice the image of being "in spiritual communion around a campfire," the Sabian symbol for the degree of the Sun today. We want to nurture that which is new, good, and true."

Most poignant message today...Don't go down the old 'Low octave path'.

New post on Forever Unlimited

THE ORACLE REPORT: Tuesday, September 26, 2017

by ForeverUnlimited
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" There are some solid aspects of your Truth and belief system (Jupiter) which also have a natural evolution (Uranus) that takes your life to the next level."

Kelly M. Beard: Weekly Forecast: September 24 – 30, 2017

by ForeverUnlimited

Weekly Forecast: September 24 - 30, 2017

9/24 ~ Mars (actions & desires) ~oppose~ Neptune (faith & vision):
Mars rules your ability to act on your own behalf and Neptune is the planet of dreams, visions & spirituality (among other things). One is very personal & direct and one is very general & elusive.
When these two are opposite each other, there is a push-pull between the actions you want to take and the actions you believe you are capable of taking. Often, this activation helps you balance faith and action, that is, if you can be clear about who you are, what you want and what you believe is possible. It can also activate irrational fears & unfounded doubts. Oppositions always require balance to be useful & effective, even though we usually have to go through the experience of extremes to figure that out. These are two very diverse energies that have to compromise in order to strike a balance that will facilitate flow. It may be hard to decide what you really want and communication with others tends to go awry. This energy obscures things right in front of you but can make very clear the current consequences are related to your past choices. It is best to own your choices and/or mistakes and do whatever damage control you can at this point.
The one thing this combination of energies is favorable for is working in solitude on a project that needs completion. This will give you the energy to go the distance, as well as the tenacity to overcome obstacles which delayed you previously. If you end up in this mode, do your work, put the final touches on everything, but then wait a week or two before sharing it with others.
9/25 ~ Mercury (communication/expression) ~square~ Saturn (limits/reality):
This energy is good for deep thinking rather than negotiating with others as it is more of a solitary energy making communications with others a little harder than usual. You may feel like people don't understand what you're trying to convey or that you're coming across more negative than positive.
This is not a good energy for business negotiations unless every detail is very clear to all involved.
This energy makes you most critical of your Self, but it could trickle over onto others as well. Beware of a tendency toward apathy, pessimism and/or depression, that's Saturn & Mercury, which makes it more mental than literal. Try to stay focused on all the blessings that you do have and all that you have accomplished instead of what's still on the list of things to do (in life). This energy is not intended to make you feel bad about all the things left yet to do, but encourage you to begin the necessary steps and be okay with small measures of progress for now. This energy just makes you focus on the practical side of manifesting. Clear the mental & emotional debris, and begin to lay a new, clean, solid foundation beneath your goals and strategize about the details of bringing it to fruition.
9/27 ~ Jupiter (Your Truth & Story) ~oppose~ Uranus (freedom & liberation):
(3 of 3:  12/26 ~ 3/2 ~ 9.27.2017)
This is another potent and relatively rare combo (every 12-years) that brings expansion & liberation into your life, meaning nothing will ever be the same again. These two, in their own unique ways, like to shake things up and push you out of any rut you may be in at this time. Neither of them does well with maintaining the status quo, Jupiter wants to expand in new ways and tell a new story, while Uranus wants to break out of the old and step into the new in some way. Naturally, this becomes most obvious in your relationships (personal or professional) where things have grown stagnant.
If you have obligations that have run their course, try to be proactive on your own behalf by initiating the necessary changes consciously, lest you get blindsided. Though it may "seem" sudden, it really has been building over time and with these two, you are reminded that the old way simply will not work anymore. I've often reminded folks that 'when you change, everyone around you has to change or go away' - it's a natural law. The truth is that this kind of integration can be positive in that you may not know how or what to change, but the Universe does and it will provide the catalyst one way or another. Your job is not to throw the baby out with the bathwater though. There are some solid aspects of your Truth and belief system (Jupiter) which also have a natural evolution (Uranus) that takes your life to the next level.
Be as loving with your Self and others as you possibly can as you work through what you know and what you're learning, stay open & receptive to new ideas and trust your intuition along the way. It's time to do things differently, your Truth & Story has evolved and changed over 12-years and now it is time to breathe some fresh air into the story you're telling.
9/29 ~ Venus (relationships) ~oppose~ Neptune (illusion):
Beware of delusions of grandeur where your relationships (old and new) and/or your finances are concerned. Basically, you should keep your true priorities in mind and you will be fine, but if you are deluded to any extent, it may be revealed at this time. It is time to balance what is truly important to you in your interactions with others and the vision for the long-term goal. You can have an ideal romantic experience with this energy, but remember true love takes hard work & dedication, while romance tends to come and go. This energy tends to make you give and give and give in a relationship thinking that will inspire the other to respond in kind, and ultimately you end up empty-handed because your motives weren't correct, you were doing it with expectation (consciously or not), which almost always will let you down. Giving with any expectation always leads to disappointment. A better use of this energy is to focus on unconditional love, altruistic endeavors and anything artistic.
The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.
*NOTE*  There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen. 
Copyright © 2000-2017 * Kelly M Beard * * All Rights Reserved * Permission granted to copy & redistribute Kelly’s Forecasts & Updates on the condition that it’s distributed freely, content remains intact & includes contact/link back to post.
ForeverUnlimited | September 25, 2017 at 5:18 PM | Tags: Kelly M. BeardWeekly Forecast | Categories: AstrologyUncategorized | URL:

" A desire for change has two aspects, clearing the existing energy pathways and setting the energy for the new ones, which involves sifting through and shifting the old energy from the past. That’s why an intention for a new beginning takes us back into the past we thought we already cleared. We did, sort of, but now that we have a new intention, everything from the past that has a mis-aligned connection to this new intention must be cleared. "

Aim for Awe-Filled, Expect Some Awful by Jennifer Hoffman | Enlightening Life

by ForeverUnlimited

Have you ever wondered what happens when you make a choice, either consciously or unconsciously, to make some changes in your life? Here is how the process works. Finish this sentence:  What I want now as my awe-filled outcome is   __________________.
With that sentence you just put out a commandment telling the Universe that you want this amazing, awe-filled outcome for your life.  Then, everything in your life which is not aligned with that outcome will pop up so you can choose whether you want to keep its energy or not. While you expect awesome and amazing results, you seem to get just the opposite, an awful situation, and it can be very overwhelming. What happened? The eventual, awe-filled outcome will be what makes you happy, but there may be a few awful moments before that happens, as you clear the path of whatever is currently making you feel awful, unhappy, or unfulfilled in some area of your life.
We often issue invitations to clear energy pathways without an awareness of the bigger picture that is involved. A desire for change has two aspects, clearing the existing energy pathways and setting the energy for the new ones, which involves sifting through and shifting the old energy from the past. That’s why an intention for a new beginning takes us back into the past we thought we already cleared.  We did, sort of, but now that we have a new intention, everything from the past that has a mis-aligned connection to this new intention must be cleared.
Our belief that this happens in a divine way, where everything lines up and it’s all a lovely process gets us into all kinds of doubt and confusion because the process of becoming dis-aligned with our current reality and establishing new levels of alignment is rather complicated.
So a desire for a new job may involve a layoff, demotion, a firing, or a choice that you hadn’t anticipated. You may be scared, upset, angry, or feel powerless and out of control when this happens.
Why can’t this just be easy? But there’s a reason and a purpose for this, to clear any existing fear, beliefs, unworthiness, and memories of past experiences to help you claim your power. It would be easy if you just stepped into a wonderful new job and that may happen. In the meantime, any prior experience of powerlessness and fear will come up to help you release those connections.
To solidify the energy shift, can you take what appears to be a challenge and create something powerful from it? It isn’t easy to do when you’re scared, but it is necessary if you are going to learn how you can use your power to create a miraculous, higher energy outcome in any situation.

There’s a way to do the transition quickly (and that is a very relative term), and that’s by constantly reminding ourselves of the transformation and outcome we’re aiming for. Maintaining a laser sharp focus on the outcome and seeing how everything is working towards the creation of that outcome, no matter what it appears to look like, is critical. The things that appear to be taking us out of our flow are actually helping us to stay within it and clear all of the old, stagnant, limiting energy from it. It’s easy to stay in our positive, high energy space when things are easy, but can we maintain our frequency when things get challenging?
Can we ride out the temporary storm so we can enjoy a more aligned long-term result that is the whole and complete fulfillment of our intention?
We can expect awful moments to happen when we’re trying to create awesome and awe-filled outcomes but we don’t have to stay in the ‘awful’ energy. Everything serves a purpose in creating our outcomes in some way, we just have to remember that the challenges also contribute to the outcome, instead of limiting it. Energy is always moving and while it can feel like we’re trying to herd cats, energy follows intention, and it flows to the area of greatest emotion. As long as we remember to keep our aim steady and constant, we’ll get through the awful moments and reach our awe-filled outcomes.
Intention is the key to managing the 5D/3D integration, followed by alignment with that energetic path. It’s a 6 week journey to creating your 3D/5D heaven on earth.
Click here for more information and sign up to get your 3 bonuses, including how to use and expand your intuition, one of my most popular classes. Special price for September expires Sept 27 at midnight US EST.
If you like this article and would like to work with me because you are ready for profound personal and spiritual transformation, consider a personal intuitive consultation or intuitive coaching, where we work together to examine your life path, purpose, potential, and possibilities and help you choose one that will bring you the joy, abundance, love, peace and power that you are ready for. Click here to explore the possibilities for transformation.
Copyright (c) 2017 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved. You may quote, copy, translate and link to this article, in its entirety, on free, non-donation based websites only, as long as you include the author name and a working link back to this website. All other uses are strictly prohibited.
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