Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Celestial shower.

I wanted a download to ease the lurching physical experiences and the fatigue that were causing me to ask why?  I have moved through some extreme shifts in the past week where at points, I felt so present, so " in understanding of my multidimensional" self,  then deliriously zoned out.  The downside is when the fatigue returns and the resuming of  "business as normal" roles when I really can't, becomes too much. It is then I flip into Why? 

This was in my inbox today and I just lay down and let the words and the transmission wash over, through me and around me, It is like having a celestial shower.  After this shower I continued to pulse with the energy until I was finally able to move. This is Beautiful. I am guided to share this.  If you are so moved to and guided to listen, lie or sit as in meditation or relaxation, allow as long a time as you may feel unable to move after,  and let the words move you.


God via Karen Doonan: Message – March 9, 2014

Posted by Alice C
central_spiritual_sunGod: Message – March 9, 2014, channeled by Karen Doonan, March 9, 2014 at http://truthcodes.wordpress.com
Note from Karen: I have at this time taken through a message from God, the energy that came through insisting I use the term “GOD” and the audio channeling explaining why this is so.
I would ask that you allow this message to flow through you, around you and within you. As many of you are now aware the energies are moving rapidly and swiftly, this is to allow the birthing of the New Earth in Truth.
The audio channeling is available to download from here.


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