"I highly suggest reading, “How To Exit The Reincarnation System” along with ” How To Break Archon Programming” unless you would rather stay in this system of control and perpetual reincarnations that including the erasing of your memories before re-entering, only to feed the archons the energy they desire.
In a nutshell, do NOT go into the tunnel of light and instead, connect with your oversoul who will guide you to exiting this system."
***************************************************************The most important radio Interview you will want to hear right, or keep it till you can Hear this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=2929&v=18EFfo6dS9s
For a long while I was becoming aware of disinformation, information that increasingly sounded like hot air, and a nagging feeling that despite all my spiritual efforts I was banging my head on a etheric glass ceiling and not able to get through try as I might.
NB. The SEVEN preceding posts, reblogged articles, and really important https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=1289&v=18EFfo6dS9s are greatly synchronising with what I am understanding about finding the elusive TRUTH and uncovering the deception plans designed to steer us away from finding it. These posts feel like balm, and in true adventurer style, it feels like getting your hands on a map, for a strange inner landscape that you finally wake- up to seeing is, actually an alien construct of the true inner landscape you thought you were navigating yourself through.
The map is not a fold-out paper that you can hold in your hand, it is about tuning into your own truth, separating from some 'Lazy Guides', and using discernment to find your own way out of the cleverly devised hologram that keeps a person hooked up into it, illusions within illusions. It is about seeing the glass ceiling for what it is:
The glass ceiling comes between you and your goal of self actualisation, it keeps you in a strangely familiar but alien landscape.
I wanted MY TRUTH.
Clearly my recent path has been about disentangling from invisible binding cobwebs. My intention led to being in an extreme state of clearing since 1oth September. This has meant ill health, vomitting and headaches, then body fever and pains, fatigue and then flu, now cough and colds. There was so much negativity coming up and out of my system.
It is now waning and I am back on my individually chosen path. The glass ceiling is no longer there as I have seen through it. All the clearing has been done with acompanying synchronicities. The previous confusion, the glass ceiling made up principally of disinformation, was now shown to be what it is: distractions and not real, something to stop me from seeing the truth, MY TRUTH, the ultimate truth.
Knowing that the healing and clearing process I was going through was indeed a process, did little to help me through the deep intensity of darkness and ill symptoms that were coming up to be released. Also I had requested that I come into the fullness of my sovereign self, that I come into my full authority with full divine consciousness so as to be able to stand and step forward into the fullness consciousness, out of the illusion and engage fully with my higher self. I asked to be able to drop the veil and the old programs, and to see all within my multidimensional potential.
So, as I am recovering from the last few weeks healing, synchronicity helped to connect with the afore mentioned articles, exposing the scale of the Archon deception, (reblogged by me), and also helped me to pick up a book that I had bought in Foyles Book Store, London about 2 years ago. The book had lain redundant in a small pile of books waiting for a time when I could understand it without freaking out. My higher self was obviously shopping with me that day two years ago. I started reading a few days ago.
Part of on my going navigation is to ask my higher self to merge with my consciousness to bring me to where I need to be at any stage in this video game. In answer to that my higher self is strongly making me aware that on our planet, there is nothing new under the sun, all and everything is embedded in the matrix, so discernment must be made.
Having said that I also believe that everything is multilayered and can serve many purposes. We are in a video game, much like a Computer generated world where there are dangers and pit-falls, equating to the rabbit holes we fall down in life. These can be seen as being the dangerous buildings, in the video game, the matrix architecture such as societal structures and established developmental milestones, such as being at school, college, childhood, teenage culture, job, work, profession, addictions, religions, belief system, or denial of, illness, disease, new age rituals, prisons, experiential transits and all present day scientific explanations etc etc are all planted into the matrix, that we have somehow been contracted to enter or to collectively agree to being on this planet. This is a planet of free will, so on some level we have agreed to "do" this, or have these experiences, or to allow atrocities to happen, on at least some hidden level. We have been tricked, duped and by not being consciously aware of the full depth and scope of the deception, we remain unaware of the level of manipulation that we are subjected to. So each dangerous building in the game may (or may not) contain nuggets of information that both can be essential to get us on our way, or can embed us deeper into the matrix. In this video game as avatars, we go into the buildings, retrieve the nugget and get out quickly, or get lost, stuck in that particular dangerous building.
So back to the book. It is a Gnostic book, about the end of time or 'the end times'. It is very hard to read and as I have stated above, how can we be sure that any material is 100% free of Matrix embedded agendas...
The Aquarian Message. Gnostic Kaballah, Tantra and Tarot, in the Revelation of St.John.
by Samael Aun Weor. Maitraya Budha, Avatar Kalki of the New Aquarian Age.
So I picked up this book recently because I needed to relax and read something new, a distraction from the usual which was no longer fulfilling a space.
I read about how our solar system with our solar sun at its centre, has its own orbit around a larger far distant star complex. A Central Sun and its stars. It is the Pleides and the Central Sun is Alycone and is also central to our Universe, I suspect if one is connecting in mental resonance to the core of the experiential universe, it would be to the Central Sun, Alycone.
Alcyone is much much bigger that our solar sun, and it differs by having rings around it (thinks of the rings of Saturn). The rings around Alcyone are made of radiation which are completely different to any form of radiation that we know of. The type of radiation is from splitting the electron to create a higher dimensional energy.
There is an explanation in the previous post and a brief one here also lifted from In5D where it seems the Photon radiation we are immersed in is actually the Wave X,
The Photon Belt
The photon band is a quantum (smallest particle) of electromagnetic energy with zero mass-no electrical charge and an indefinitely long life time. This photon band was first discovered in 1961 by means of satellite borne instruments. About every 26.000 years our Earth travels twice through this higher frequency band, affecting the material world and ourconsciousness. In 1987 our Earth entered for the first time again in this band and every year she is moving in-and out with each year staying longer in this higher frequency band, as our solar system is travelling through this particular area within our Milky Way Galaxy.
It is the date when the Maya calendar ends and a new world begins. Mayor cycles are closing at the same time; one of 26,000 years, one of 104,000 years, and one of 225,000,000 years, giving birth to new species and a new Heaven and Earth. In December 1998, our sun entered for the first time again in this photonic band and has been prepared to adjust to this higher frequency. All what is happening outside is also happening inside of us. We are adjusting internally on a cellular level to the external change which is experiencing our solar system, and including our Earth.
So currently we are in the photon belt. According to the author, since a specific date in Februry 1962, we began our journey through it. The radiation we are now being bathed is this very different energy that is 5th dimensional. The author describes it as electron energy, whereby it is a multidemnsional supreme being energy, emitted by the electrons of a scale imaginable to us here.
The author tells us it is ..."the result of the fractionation of the electron. The fractionated electrons liberate energy, a type of energy that some authors call MANASIC..
Also we are told that "Manas is the Sanskrit word for mind".
We are told further that "Fortunately, scientists (on Earth) are not capable of fractionation of the electron in order to take advantage of the energy enclosed within it. On Alcyone, the case of fractionation (destruction of electrons) does take place. This phenomena liberates a type of unknown energy..."
"We can be sure that nobody knows the power that is enclosed there, or what it is capable of doing.
"Atoms offer many surprises that the men of science, of nuclear science, do not even remotely suspect. Within their interior, the atoms carry that which the Hebrews call, igneous particles or "hashism" or igneous souls. These igneous souls are formidable. Without these igneous souls, atoms cannot process themselves within the living constitution of matter."
"The hashism or igneous souls are enclosed within each of these atoms. The great magicians of the east know how to work with these igneous particles of the atom. In any case, the atoms are impelled by these igneous particles."
The author states "The igneous radiations or vivifying radiations of the atoms of Alcyone will come to alter the molecules of nature".
"Once this radiation envelops the Earth, it will be tremendous..."
Origin of IGNEOUS
Latin igneus, from ignis fire; akin to Sanskrit agni fire
So I got excited about this. Is this the answer ? This is off-planet stuff, and so it is not an extension of the Matrix web. The matrix, as it is gridded to Earth, is being dragged through this Photon belt of energy, this multidimensional energy radiated. As Earth orbits our sun, our solar system orbits her own centre of existence. The route of the orbit of the suns solar system swings us all through the ring of Alcyone and there is enormous scientific evidence to say that we are in a large sea of a new and powerful energy.
First Known Use: 1664
(of rocks) derived by solidification of magma or molten lava emplacedon or below the earth's surface Compare sedimentary, metamorphic(sense 2)
of or relating to fire
Word Origin
C17: from Latin igneus fiery, from ignis fire
This energy is so powerful and of such a high vibrational frequency that anything that comes within it of a lower vibration will not withstand it for long, which to me implies a time frame. So, lower density energy, such as what we experience on Earth, will just be vaporised, out of town. It is just scientific reaction of energy and matter of differing vibrational frequencies. We are being swung into the photon belt and we have to raise our planetary vibration, and our collective consciousness vibration to a higher, much higher frequency in order to not be vaporised out of existence. And we all know who is not going to manage to raise their vibration. So it will be like a load of gnats being swatted of the back of a Wildebeast by its swishing tail.
...OK thats what I am hoping for.
The whole spectrum of synchronicity and clearing that has been my life for these last weeks have so intense, I thought I was dying. However what I am saying is this CLEARING of negative emotion and thinking is so liberating, ( you have to to do it on every level) and you know when you have cleared enough to feel liberated, even to the point of laughing at the whole mad scenario. It just is liberating.
Know this, state this and Do this for yourself..Do the internal Work to clear each and all aspects of negativity. When you know that density and negativity is not your natural state and it is an energy imposed on you, by your reaction to or in response to something that disempowers you, makes you a slave to, that forces you into dependency and/or codependancy situations, anything that is not for or of your highest good as a free being on Earth, and a negativity from feeling bad that things just are not "right/well/healthy/happy".etc.
It is when You are provoked into a negative state of being as a reaction, from having your bio-energy field messed with.
We are being used as specimens in petrie dishes, being messed with by negativity so that we continue to emit negative energy for the matrix.
Our natural state is actually one of beauty and exploration, adventure, love and honour. Where we recognise each other as being aspects of Divine source.
"I Am not my Pain. I Am a Divine aspect of Divine source. As a Divine aspect of Divine source I claim my sovereignty and Self Authority of my bio energy field. Get gone, out of here, everything that is not for and of my highest benefit and the benefit of all.
Use discernment with any experience or material you come accross, as it may be matrix embedded. that includes all channeled messages, because it is likely that a majority will have their origins from within the matrix. Paradoxically I am also coming to understand that even these situations may have hidden nuggets that only our souls can utilise.
It is like finding only black charred rocks which leave dirt on your hands. But once alight, it can be a coal that provide fuel for fire to light and warm you.
So with discernment in mind, here is another text on the photon wave.
Message From the Elohim on the September 28th Portal
For full message:
"In the new theory of the Universal Law, I have proved in an immaculate manner that the elementary photon(elementary action potential of photon space-time), also defined as Planck’s constant h, is the building unit of all known elementary particles such as electron, proton, neutron, and also quarks."
Here is the message from The Elohim about this incredibly powerful portal, as powerful as the 21.12.12, if not even more so.
The Elohim Message
This moment [ the portal of September 28th ] represents a grand influx of pure photon waves of source energy which floods all of you, Gaia, and every Kingdom within this expression of creation.
The photon waves, moving through here assert their greatest and most focused effort on those light beings who are already opened in their chakras and therefore in their connection to the Source (e.g. the PAT, note George). These are the individuated expressions who hold the highest light quotient and who experience this massive in-flux of energy the most. Those with the highest light quotient always experience the most symptoms of light balancing because these individuals are doing most of the cleansing of humanity in a transpersonal manner (a leitmotif in all our energy reports and discussions on this website; note George).
This portal has been especially dynamic with the First Wave group as cleansing hatred, greed, avarice and fear through the scarcity paradigm has been intense and all of these traits are the foundation of the massive underlying sense of frustration currently being felt globally.
Those light workers whose chakras are just opening and new to light integration, and who simply experience minor flow, may not feel anything other than physical fatigue. The effect of photon light on those new to light integration may vary from one individual to another, but generally always promotes personal cleansing of their own chakras.
The energetic system of the human cannot be overloaded, otherwise there is a complete shutdown or a closing and ensuing blockage within that system. Therefore, while the energies of this portal seem weak to some individuals they are extremely intense for others, and each receives as much as they can manage. It has been intense emotionally as these emotions must rise and be healed to prepare for the ongoing inter-dimensional shift.
For many, the sense of frustration triggers the mental body as they cannot comprehend where the frustration arises from. This compounds these emotions and when they surface the great photon light floods them and transmutes them so they are immediately removed from the energetic makeup of the new reality that builds in every second.
Once the frustration is transmuted, you will begin to feel much better. This arises in you as the transmutation also releases points of energetic interface to your old reality from your physical/mental/emotional/ ethereal system – points which are no longer valid within the newly expanded reality (loss of reference points as discussed by some of you in your latest correspondence; note, George).
As your third dimensional vision of cosmic light is limited, you are not able to “concretely see” any change to your “current” reality, but massive changes have taken place.
There has been an expansion of the energetic structures that shall be the foundation for the new levels of expression within the fourth dimension and as prerequisites to the fifth dimension.
These new energetic overlays compel change in the fluidity of the templates already in situ.
The massive photon energy in-flow acts like a cleansing wave at the same time as it is a composition wave. The actions of flushing and back-filling with pure photon energy move in tandem to create the new superimposed reality already in your midst.
Know that this portal shall continue for some time as there is much to balance and build.
Stay calm, be still, as all is well. You are deeply loved in every moment.
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