Friday, 19 February 2016

"Greetings Earth Creatures, we are here to assist you". Really?.... Is there a big event coming that will tip the revolution?....What is the revolution? Is it when we are jolted awake and start seeing the many ways we have been used and abused as humans? Where do the alien beings fit in to this picture, if at all?

My time through January and February has been the usual heightened experiences, and long deep drops into the abyss of strangeness, but I manage to quell the over-riding fear that something Bad is happening... (told me by my sensitivities and reactions to the energies) because, simultaneously,  I have an overwhelming realisation that something amazing is happening too (also told to me by my sensitivities and reactions to the energies).

However I do get quite impatient about it all,  as I can't quite see which is which.  Also I question If will be an old lady by the time everything is in place for the amazing happenings to show up in this density as actually having happened, in which case I probably won't notice anymore, I will just want to get off the junk ship, and become as ether to another world's energy.

Recent events in my physical life have me swinging on a pendulum into and out of  the opposites of light and love and darkness and fear. When I am in one extreme, the other just doesn't make sense and I can't imagine it actually exists.

I can be in a high vibration frequency where all is as it is, without fear, Then without warning I smoothly and seamlessly swing back into the extreme of agitation and noisey self talk, watching as  my identity crumbles and see that the world is tied up to a ticking time bomb that is hidden behind a screen,  then start panicking, what do I need to do before the ticking stops and the world matrix reaches whatever climax it has trajected into?

Are we enough to make the leap off the exploding old world matrix and into the beautiful space shimmering  behind (dimensionally speaking). This is the space we can't see when we are in low density thought and action, this is the space we can't see because we can only see the world matrix created for us and by us as a response to believing we are separate from Source and in it we  are hidden from who we actually are.

The space we want is the space that stands in its own truth, and where we finally stand in our truth.

When the ugly Face  is ripped off  the body of corruption we will finally see which ship (matrix) we need to jump from......
I don't think we will even need to jump, its more a case of ascending.....seamlessly

Use discernment in whatever helps you through these times, and a large spoon of humour, when you can because believe it or not thats the answer, we take ourselves far too seriously.....

I have been reading the following from

 click into the whole thing to see where, it is said  extraterestrials come into it. Archons are the dark off-planet destroyers who wholeheartedly ripped the heart of the human race in the early days and put their minions in place to keep-on ripping the hearts of humanity for millenia, their job description was one that had no limits, and even though these jobsworths are mindless puppets and even husks of human beings they are generally seen as being the elite in wealth and above government, contolling government, and therefore control the food chain, and so on.    

Heres how it begins:

The Revolution Has Begun Today is the7th of February, 2016.

 Will Berlinghof is the Voice of Cosmic Awareness, and Callista is the Energizer and questioner. Welcome Awareness, could you please tell us if you have a message for the general public at this time. This is a very interesting and challenging time that we are going through. What are your comments on what is happening? That it is indeed a very interesting time, a powerful time, a time of great significance to humanity, to Mother Earth and to the unfolding of the template that is in formation, that many are tying into already, that is guiding them towards that which is an experiencing of events extraordinary, events of great magnitude and significance, and yet most do not even fully comprehend or understand this.

Instead what is being generally experienced upon the planet is a time of great anxiety and angst, a time of confusion and chaos, as the world around them seems to be falling apart. That the general public, of course, are not aware that the events that they are being focused to observe and partake in, are events of great significance and magnitude in a much deeper and older plan, an agenda that was formulated over the thousands of years, and has been moving towards this very time for completion and activation. Activation for those who have been in power for so long of their agenda and their plans......................

And heres how it ends.

It is a time of great deliverance and opportunity. Remember this as the world seems to fall apart around you as events unfold, that challenge all that you have ever known. Dig deep, go deep within yourself, find your spiritual balance and connection, and know that those events that are coming now, that could unfold in the weeks, months ahead, have a much deeper purpose, not the purpose of serving the corrupted ones, but rather of freeing humanity itself, and freeing Mother Earth as well, and that you are part of all of this, whether you choose to be unconscious during this or use these times and these events to awaken to a much deeper reality that lies all around you, that lies within you is the individual's choice, is your choice. These are extraordinary times, and that this Awareness asks all to remember this as events unfold around them. This Awareness is complete.

There is a large part in the middle that explains that we are in the build up to extraordinary manipulations that will tip us into a final turning of our backs on the atrocious programes binding us to slavery, that are only in place now...because we, as a collective, havent yet fully let go of the false belief that our 'Masters' , the elite, are in power, and as long as we aqueiesce to that belief. 

You can feel the underlying message that this great disservice to mankind, was in fact approved, and woven into the plan. (?)

 It seems in order to serve the agenda of refining a life lived many many times, the  extreme harshness, as it becomes more ludicrous and mad, finally works to call us awake.

We are in the End times where this extreme harshness now comes to an end and will do so when we each individually, wake up and say WTF. We then see and witness, as we are shown what it is, and how long we have let it keep us from our truth, Now remember, its constant, punching, pelting, ripping and belittling, and its constant delivery of trauma (over a number of our lives) to us has  served us to refine our human capacity but also now, its actions TODAY will serve  to jolt us out of its hypnotic hold, where we have been enslaved in it for so long, because our SOULS cannot stay in the vibration any longer, our souls are now like.. " OK OK, I don't want this anymore, I want the truth of who I AM" 

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