Friday, 25 June 2021

"The point of greatest interest lies in the fact that it is group rebirth which is taking place all the time and that the incarnation of one individual is only incidental to this greater happening." Feeling odd and awkward... this is a low grade depression that emanates from the feeling of trying to integrate the hugeness of whats happening in this world, with the hugeness of uncomfortable inner growth, growth which has no words with which to voice its intentions or describe it's progress... just got to sit and birth whatever is evolving from it. The full moon has delivered a baby that we can't see, feel or hear, yet we are responding to its presence in groaning non verbal interactions, sensing the telepathic and empathic emanations, and waves that includes the rising wave of releasing grief (no longer held down, locked up in the socially acceptable non expression dull ache of accepting imprisonment)..... But it is the stomach/gut/solar plexus that is experiencing the ongoing quantum interactive waves, between the self and the collective and the energy waves of the 'quantum universe' that we are responding to.... the 'mind-brain' has had to zone out because it can't do this without an upgrade, it is the last to know what is going on. This is awkward, and no language has the words to describe what is going on, and what is necessary, you just have to have faith that you have got everything necessary, albeit residing in its quantum -but accessible- location, that you need for this part of the journey.~~Michaela~~)

Cancer Full Moon Thu 24 June, 2021 - 07:39 PM (London) Thu 24 June, 2021 - 20:39 (Geneva) Thu 24 June, 2021 - 02:39 PM (New York) KEYNOTE: "I BUILD A LIGHTED HOUSE AND THEREIN DWELL." In Cancer, God breathed into man's nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul. In those words you have established the relation which exists in the mind of God between spirit (the breath of life), the soul (consciousness) and the human being (the form). As a human being passes around and around the zodiac in the ordinary manner, he continually and consciously enters into life in Cancer, the constellation under which the Law of Rebirth is applied and administered. It is not desire, basically, which prompts return. The main incentive is sacrifice and service to those lesser lives that are dependent upon the higher aspiration (which the spiritual soul can give) and the determination that they too may attain planetary status equivalent to that of the sacrificing soul. The point of greatest interest lies in the fact that it is group rebirth which is taking place all the time and that the incarnation of one individual is only incidental to this greater happening. The task in Cancer is to use the available energy flow to release the soul principle imprisoned in all material form. Form is necessary for manifestation but matter can and must provide a vehicle for the soul to use. Energy in this sign can be directed in meditation towards building the "new materialism", defined as the right use and development of all the material resources of the planet for the welfare and progress of the whole human race. The light and energy of the soul must be released and turned towards this goal.

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