Thursday, 2 November 2023
HOW what we are doing, has perspective within the world. Email to a friend: A Gentle intro For New comers who wish to understand the link between personal chaos and world chaos. (link to cc group presentation that gives insight to whats happening )
Thu, 2 Nov at 10:41
Hi Jim.
wow its so rainy and cold as November moves in, it starts to feel like things are closing in as we are invited to come into ourselves, and get ready to hibernate. I wish I had the country scene to look out onto.
I am happy to help with meditation, and feel free to talk freely about stuff, it really does help to express whats happening, even if if it changes from day to day, which it will.
As it stands currently, we are so far from 'normal' human cycles as the 'civilised' western world trundles on through daily grind of keeping commerce going.
Its hard to feel into natural ways of being when we are constantly being bombarded with external influences that do not benefit health or wellbeing.
The external influences act to distract us from the pure beingness that is the true state of what we could be. This distraction is done by many means, stress and worry, fear and drama.... is the daily download we are manipulated to be absorbing, or be immersed in.
Then only when when we withdraw from the hustle and bustle we get to see how far we have come away from our true selves, how far we have been affected and how much we don't know our true selves, and floundering for a while we can't seem to find solid ground to stand on.
Well.... I've been aware of all that, but still had to continue to hustle on doing what was put in front of me to do.
Without my plan or desire or designs for the 'life I would like' being taken into consideration. It just shows how deep the beliefs and self programming goes. How strong repetitive action and unconscious belief is.
It actually can be considered as fulfilling some contract it is so strong...or some Karma that has to be balanced, But withdrawing from it fully is like a tanker moving full steam but making a 180 degree turn in the ocean. awkward!!! crunching and once started there is no going back.
I am probably not making much sense, but the world is transitioning also. So individually people are being called to make the changes in their personal energy systems... just as the world is transitioning in its energy systems...the concept is consciousness enlightenment...and it is a natural upward spiralling of the
'humanity-earth' complex as it is nestled in its place in the universe. It is consciousness and energy that is real, and 'matter' or the solidity of what we see around us is merely an expression of energy and consciousness.
so in order to move with the upliftment of the consciousness, the energy source which is what runs our world, and is turning the ancient wheels to move onto the next level, beyond limitations of what we think we are. the body of people on earth are charged with the task of doing that. so the discomfort we have felt as individuals and as collectives are the internal rumbles of change inside us and our earth people systems. All have to be pulled apart and reset to higher values and increase our perceptions and perspectives to elevate the experience of being human in a world that is adding to and powering the consciousness on, to push, to evolve into where it requires itself to be.
The feeling that you and I are having, that we need to be living more fully, we need to be enjoying life and creating the long held desires to be more than the limitations that we see around us. We need to break free from the self created prisons/ that have been held in place by external pressures to maintain a face ,and a function and be part of a value system that we absolutely have GROWN OUT OF....The consciousness of pace, evolution and people....that was in our personal history and world and has been for a long time so individuals are waking up in different ways at different times as we begin to reach out to new versions of ourselves, we are like growing or becoming the Future citizens of evolving society, evolving populations on an evolving planet.
think of a sci fi movie... where people are living in their full energy, fully happy consciousness beings, and none of the horrors of our world personal crisis and world crisis exist....
So as we are turning, one person at a time, it is uncomfortable and scary and its the unknown, because we have only known the struggle.
The world is doing that too. Pushing against the struggle. We experience the push against our own internal prison walls as the world pushes against the limitations and stranglehold of lower vibrations of struggle, and need and corruption and vice, inequality and hate and violence needs to stretch away from that.
and we are going with it, we are riding that wave of values change, WE ARE THE CHANGE....breaking our internal prison walls down, prisons that requires alternating between dark night of the souls and grief, being alone and examining our energy systems, releasing and transforming. Clearing karmic contracts and tying up loose ends.
Loos ends are the hardest, and implies the established ways of doing things until you can do something different.
BUT we have to learn to trust our inner voices and intuition while we go through changes....and we need to know that we WOULD NOT be doing this
IF WE COULD NOT...I mean, NOT everyone will be doing this consciously.... but when we choose to make our transformation we have listened to our intuition and inner voice has called us through the mess and instigated the next conscious move. All these moves are causing chaos.
Even if everyone around us is still doing same old, same old, they are still being influenced by the change and chaos... and that is their version of living through these times....
But huge amounts of people have chosen to work with the change in consciousness.
Even if we do not know how, all we do is follow our intuition, and the decisions you outlined to me are statements that you have listened to your inner voice and that you are following your soul's plan to evolve your self, and your life, and therefore your consciousness.
So Chaos internally, and chaos in the world.
So I have known this for years.
Many spiritual beings have picked up on this.
AND During covid....sooo many people woke up to the horrors of disempowerment and from then many groups and protests formed. I knew that the vaxx was on the agenda long before it was 'invented' for covid, it was designed to be implemented long before the pandemic was implemented...because the pandemic was a tool to control and vaxx people.
So, there were many discussion platforms formed and all of a sudden all the world is talking to each other about the same thing.
Covid had many hats and many platforms, but the main thing is that it OPENED DISCUSSION and opened peoples minds and caused cognitive dissonance, scared the hell out of people and allowed everyone to feel into their fears.
it showed also the top elites and how they have been in charge of everything, and how people have let these other so called 'authority/authorities' have complete control over their lives, education/ health/food/decisions/thought/food/water/air etc etc etc....and people are now slowly beginning to take back responsibilities for their lives, food/health/beliefs etc.
So anyway one of these groups is called Connecting consciousness, it is worldwide, and 3 years ago was established in UK.
here is a link to a recent to a presentation shown recently, he talks about a lot of current conversations that are the topics of the moment.
You may or may not like it, but its worth looking at other views of the world, and its events, even if its just to have knowledge or be informed of these other perspectives. There is a bit of astrology but he talks more about the effects of astrology.
I am sending it as it opens up a gentle introduction into a bigger perspective on whats happening, its a bit long but try it, the questions and answers at the end actually are more enlightening, who knows you might enjoy it or open up to the discussion.
Lots of love Michaela xxx
What is REALLY going on with the world? Astrologer Joseph P Anthony (INTRO MUSIC REMOVED)I
Thursday, 12 October 2023
Elites are pushing the boundaries.
Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Email to hope: finding the God self. and clearing negativity.
"Many old patterns, relationships, circumstances will reappear and be recreated to allow us the time and space to resolve them harmoniously or create closure on old energetic karmic entanglements."
Resolving harmoniously> Keep on keeping on ? or switch it up a bit.
Dear Hope. SO, whats coming to me is this:
humans are only part, or half, of what they should be.
So when we 'couple up' with another it is because of this state of
'LESS THAN' that we feel inside. We go into couples because...the mysteries of life and living are either:
Not fun by ourselves,
or we are scared,
or are just continuing a long line of being programmed to 'be co-dependent' on a another individual....who MOST likely knows even less than we do...
Sacred marriage has not landed here yet.
So we are not in our true sense of 'sacred individuals'.....
we are in a state of scared individuals.....scared, and we figure two is better than one, because we feel that we are inadequate by ourselves and cannot navigate the human world all its mysteries and conflicts and demands and challenges. As a singleton, we perhaps feel, or rather 'sense that we are only 'a half' of what we should be, and so we begin a long journey of co-habiting and co dependency.
Sometimes replacing one with another and having the same result.
And we choose growth that way.... as All roads lead home.
But what we could, or should be discovering, whatever path we have chosen, is that a human is 'part human' and 'part God self'. We do not know/ cannot suspect that we do, in fact, have another half!!!!
But we have accepted the 'INSIGNIFICANT' programming as real, we have accepted the belief systems that show us we are small insignificants ....
who needs BOTH, another person to lean depend on for certain things that we lack the ability to provide for ourselves....AND a higher external authority to be in charge'. AND Sometimes/OFTEN/ if not always in some cultures.... we mistakenly put the other person in charge of our lives, as we mistake them to be the higher authority!!! It gets so messy. Its how we learn this that disentangles us from it.
The God self .....IS.... that OTHER part...of us.
The god self is that part, that we do not see/hear/sense, but it is the self part that runs the HUMAN inner biological systems of systems of breath, blood, DNA, and the quantum heart, chakra, endocrinology, emotional and spiritual systems.
But we don't know that....we become reliant on supposedly higher systems (healthcare and governments etc) and by constantly blocking our knowing of our own God self part.... with our fears and desperation's and flawed memories that keep coming forward.... we keep creating the 'ambiance or environment' for them to reoccur and keep ourselves muddied with them. And we send our children down the same path.
The God self , of each of us, IS the other half of us, but it is the hugeness of 'what we can be',
it is the other heart, the quantum heart, the quantum self that links us with the ''''God of truth of all we are'''' within the '''God of All that is."""
We have got to look within for the 'God-self half...
.... (that actually gives LIFE to the human part to actually exist in the first place)....
...... and merge it with the human half.... to become, FINALLY the true whole SELF.
Humans only have duality, 2 options.
The third option is quantum which combines, solve, resolve and dissolve. When we learn to merge fully with the god-self, we find that there is no longer the problem that the 'human part' has been battling with. Because, regardless of the is only a story of where the human part was battling, ONLY, with its small sense 'of being only half'......
.....and the strange sense of knowing without words ....deep down...that there is more ... (experienced in dream and symbols)... but it becomes confused and we interpret this feeling as the 'need another half'...So we seek out another human to fill that space.
1 human half.... PLUS (or merged with).... 1 GOD- Self half .....can equal ONE huge, multidimensional, WHOLE HUMAN...which knows it is powered by a GOD HEAD, so grand that the human, when thinking with its human brain, cannot fathom...
AND when two WHOLE humans get together, it is not in codependency, it is Kick ass powerful....and one where God gets to see.... through the eyes of this powerful expression of whole humans joined in Wholeness, exploring and co-creating realms never been seen before.
Love M xxxx
To clear this mess made by the human half created in fear, we need to release the constructed negativity.
Check this by Lisa Renee.
Significant emotional release is one of the side effects of experiencing higher frequencies integrated into our physical and energy body systems. Heavy and dense emotions, such as fears, unresolved traumas and conflicts are flushed out from the body at all levels, cellularly, energetically and within the cognitive functioning. Many old patterns, relationships, circumstances will reappear and be recreated to allow us the time and space to resolve them harmoniously or create closure on old energetic karmic entanglements.
Emotional Release from Negativity - Energetic Synthesis
Emotional Release from Negativity - Energetic Synthesis
Lisa Renee
Energetic Synthesis covers all aspects of The Ascension or Great Shift, psychic self defense, ascension symptoms...
Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Email to a friend: about the structures and laws of the created universe, that go up many many layers, and the historical situation about how the NAA have obliterated humanity and their links with God. The Negatives are off-worlders and from darker dimensions, what could be called ETs, that have been grossly infiltrating our earth system and universe for eons....Back as far as, and even beyond, Egyptians and Sumerians times....they have created and systematically 'descended' the earth and her people into despair and negativity and then used the humans to create the continuing negativity. Lisa Renee's situational update .
I read this today, it confirms what we were talking about yesterday, but click on the link to the whole article. she talks a lot, she is spiritual and otherwordly, but not with any religion, only with those who are on the side of God and Christ. Christos. And where she talks about J12, she is talking about Jeshua of the 12th dimension, of the highest dimension, she is talking about Jesus. She seems to be able to capture the extent of everything.
3d is the material world we see about us and she talks about the NAA.
THE Negative Alien Agenda. I read her from time to time but sometimes it is TOOOOO much information about offworlds...and in terms that we are not familiar with, the structures and laws of the created universe, that go up many many layers, and the historical situation about how the NAA have obliterated humanity and their links with God. The Negatives are off-worlders and from darker dimensions, what could be called ETs, that have been grossly infiltrating our earth system and universe for eons....Back as far as, and even beyond, Egyptians and Sumerians times....they have created and systematically 'descended' the earth and her people into despair and negativity and then used the humans to create the continuing negativity
playing out on the 3D. Spiritual warfare has been going on eons. There is huge balancing going on to take back from the evil.
In this article from early sept, she says most of the drama NOW is going to be directed and orchestrated in US. But NAA 'plan' is to enfold the whole world in the conflict. which we will see and even see in people around us, but can be protected from the material physical effects by praying. The psychological effects are what we have to control, our thoughts mind and spiritual abilities to rise above, as the overwhelming doom bombarding us is also part of the plan to pull us down, by the fear and descending despair of what we witness, even if we are not directly impacted. so we stay strong.
Oh yeah very interesting is the vaxxinated people, being bioweaponized ...which we knew, but good God, I think we forgot how bad the vaxx program was, and how it was meant to be ticking time bombs in people that is potentially so detrimental .... anyway have a read, love M xxxx
........................"Now sometimes, again God willing, God, our Guardians, our Teams, are going to help us navigate through in order to find a resolution to the problem. But in general, what I’m expressing is that you do not want to run to or engage with the 3D control systems because they are being weaponized against humanity. So that means no direct engagement to the best of your ability – and that, you do your best to stay low on the radar. You’re not rattling sabers or running into the criminal controller system because you think the legal system or medical system is going to save you, because right now it’s not.
So when we set our prayers, when we set our meditations, you can purposely as well, set your intent, consent and authority. We’ve had many threads and some blogs talking about what we do not consent to and certainly that began with the plandemic, where we were saying we do not consent to this mass murder, we do not consent to this weaponization of the medical system, we do not consent to this bio-weapon. All of those are powerful words of you commanding your own personal space in your organic timewave which is your Law of Structure. The Law of Structure is the structure you create, the energy container you create for yourself with your 12D Christos shield and your prayers. That’s your energetic protection, as you’ve set a Law of Structure that is connected to the natural laws of God."
Read the whole thing:
Situational Awareness Update - Energetic Synthesis
So whats happening now. Back story: Through politics and social engineering, gearing us to become shackled to Industrialisation. The Industrial' revolution' was the turning point that landed its full-on offensive against humanity... We have been lied to and led like sheep to the slaughter....with a Link to Benjamin Fulford's version Interesting situational update.
Interesting version of whats happening.
Stating who are the black nobility families, who claim to date from Roman times and were linked to dark forces from that time.
dark forces were around before then, but more predominant in human world in Egyptian, Sumerian and Roman times.
dark forces have their links running through the khastarian mafia (of ancient jewish origin, and anti christ cult which is actually anti life on earth)
We understand the extent of what has been going on and know that dark forces need to use earth people in order to keep their control and thats where these families and secret societies come in.
These are the corrupt families remaining, that have been working with the dark forces to bring humanity down through war pestilence etc. Now controlling through medicals, vaccines, psychological war by programming...
........(tv and film and music Entertainment ...Disney...Continuous use of phones, scrolling youtubes and social media etc) that give the continued corrupted 'backdrop' to human lives).......
and frequency attacks through 4g 5g, others include chemtrails, gmo foods air and water. Dominating and controlling money. Historically they Infiltrated religions, at all levels and countries, primarily Jesuits that infiltrated not only religion but royalty and nobility and had huge influence on politics and social engineering..., so that ALL people remained contained and dominated in their thoughts about life etc..
through politics and social engineering, gearing us to become shackled to Industrialisation. The Industrial' revolution' was the turning point that landed its full-on offensive against humanity... We have been lied to and led like sheep to the slaughter.
Historically they culled the evolving sophisticated historical civilisations on earth to stop people from moving into the beautiful civilisation evolution that was intended for them...and to keep earth people down in, and living on, a low vibration,
and keeping all beneficial technology within their power and control to be used against humanity. Education is all control and dumbing down, and wiping our true history clear, so we have no memory of reality,or context of who we really are... other than what we have been told about humans on the earth and earth itself, our links with God etc, which is again, all about controlling and killing off who we are, and who God is to us.
And Blackrock is the lead company most of the time. the top of the food chain in global corporate control.
so this is about the remaining families in control....but they have reduced input or influence from dark forces... SO, Now, what remains is how they fall, and the chaos they bring with them as they are going down...
other stuff in this which may not interest you OR you might think strange, or off,
but NOW we must use things like this, to practice our discernment to figure out what is real, from what we are being told, and what is right for us to believe.... Sometimes even what we believe to be coming from a good source is a cover up for something else.
that said, there are definitely some nuggets of interest in this.
Friday, 8 September 2023
Email to Hope: My tea cup reading for the day. Dinosaurs, 'life cycles of death and rebirth', and where we are walking to, .....the 'great new space' is appearing as we are dropping stuff and shedding skins. Just as the times we are now in...bumpy and chaotic, with fears of letting a 'valuable' go (money property status identity). Even if life itself was okay, there was always the nuance of irritation and resentment, hostility and we jostle to keep our heads above the water the rising, to appear as if ITS ALL GOING TO OUR PLAN...Its all been to play out our resistance to the demise of the old constructions. But its all been the backdrop, and the conversation about it is that which actually brings it about....The karmic walk is the build up to our dismantling of an existence that is dying out. And about the growth of consciousness through us to do that... Michaela....(I am bringing forward a new blog as this old tapping laptop is windows 7 and so outdated, a dinosaur... and finally I will be getting around to set up a new laptop. The last 10 years was the crazy unravelling for me. The last 3 years have been crazy for me, a build up to the dismantling. The last 2 years have meant being bashed inside with emotional boulders and this year especially, 2023 could be seen as the year I had to let it all go....after many build ups and delays ..... the dismantling crew finally come in and finished the Job. Many Deaths, for ongoing rebirths)
so my teacup reading showed the big dipper, or the bear, I read that it is associated mother, protection and birth and death (within the mother).
I had the understanding that everything has a point to it, and that we create what we need to create to have that experience and open those doors to fill those (fear or hate filled) rooms with love. So it doesnt matter that we are not enjoying the full expression of the energy of those rooms but its more that we get to live in and reside in them (walk with that Karma) to transmute the energy of those rooms, or they are like bombs we detonate to feel a manifestation of something we were drawn to feel in the physical, regardless what the fuck we think we are supposed to be doing.
once detonated they go off and we experience that and then have spiritual 'death and rebirth' that that brings in solitude self realisation or with our actual death. Its the energy we give to anything that makes it 'live' in our lives. But we are doing it all within the mother so its a protective energy, in that when we stop and watch, our 'real' self is watching also for the physical self to step up into its newly created power over that 'thing' or experience that most matches the energy of what we came in to tackle. So two bears exist. The mother bear protecting baby bear enfolded in eachother, symbolic of 'two of us' existing, our real 'higher spirit' self and our physical self... enfolded in each other, but it is the physical self that does the walking through the rooms created for the experience... that reveals the truth of the real self. Its just we get stuck in our own rabbit holes and stay there.
Be -ing so stuck in physical 'reality' literally informs what we continue to create and recreate as our DNA, quantumnly restructs from primal life force units, those rooms we are in the middles of experiencing ... Continuing in birth and rebirth, the creation of different rooms that we walk into, and spend time in....and that all dissolves for us when we are no longer entangled with them or the emotional constructs of them...AND when the puzzle is solved, or the bonds to it are loosened, we are LET GO OF by them.... as they cease to be operational.... because the fact of being in it has 'done something'..... and I don't think it is a 'thinking' thing either. It Is a BE-ING Thing. BEing in that room for whatever is needed to be experienced, whatever contraction or expansion becomes apparent.
'Karma timing' reveals it only as a memory... only when we have disentangled from it.
Its the same as 'growing is done without knowing' it is experienced.
I woke up with a vision of a dinosaur in my mind. I thought oh okay, the meaning here is that the dinosaur became extinct because it couldn't evolve quickly in its physicality to survive the energy of the planet.
So what is this symbolism for me.
AND where did the spirit of the dinosaur go??? it survived in death and rebirth as littler creatures. So the big dinosaur 'bodies' were no longer needed but the spirit returned in smaller variations, having shed its now unneeded large size. The smaller beings were lighter, more nimble and moved faster, More clever?
When Dinosaurs came to be about , here on earth, the energy that came in to be the 'DINOSAUR exploration for consciousness' needed to 'be' suited up in a 'big bulk' to begin to be aware of itself as different, and to separate from what it was before, and to be separate from the earth it grazed on. It needed to BE awkward and gawky and cumbersome to withstand the turbulent energy of a turbulent earth in order to be immersed totally to get what was needed from surviving that time.
There existence would be very different from the microbes, bacteria and single cell water creations that were still part of and happy to be the smallness of the 'all'.
But when the energy changed, the big dinosaur reverted, through death and rebirth to be more streamlined with the incoming or new prevailing energy of 'consciousness of the time', setting growing new plans on the earth.The cycles of life are designed to learn and grow, through : birth , life, death, and rebirth. Time is not important. Consciousness is playing with itself. PLAY. We learn by play and imagination, and so we grow, by creating new growing new rooms in ourselves.
As we do, consciousness grows itself by exploration of ....and flowing into what we create...the new and ever-expanding physicality 'growing' rooms in ourselves... gives consciousness extensions of its self to experience.
So my vision today of the dinosaurs could mean that we are coming up to a point when, like before, the old dinosaurs 'disappear' in death and rebirth, either physical or by clever self reinvention, but whatever....or however...death of and rebirth ....means we are actually running around like new littler selves having dropped the unwanted bulk of the heaviness of 'what was'.... and that is no longer supported in, or by 'consciousness's' exploration of them... so new plans for physicality are emerging... with the higher energy released by consciousness's call for a new game and that's where mother comes in, necesseity is the mother of invention,,
I saw in my tea cup this morning the 'big dipper' star constellation and read that it is associated with the mother,(mother bear, and THE MOTHER ,Protection of her young (us as we go through the cycles of life), and the cycle of death and rebirth.
The garage came down today. The Crazy old fossilized asbestos garage that was probably up since the 50's, and certainly for all my life living here, moving in around 1976 and then coming back to live here, was finally totally dismantled today. Feels very symbolic of what is coming to me today about the dinosaurs. The old crumbling unsightly energies finally dissolving. Left for the time it was regarded as being needed. The build up for removal was months of planning expectation and dread, the failed dates and cancellations, then being started yesterday on the hottest day of the year, to be finally skillfully, swiftly, seamlesly transported out of the garden without problems.Today. The build up to deconstruction was huge, symbolically also, Leaving a huge space in its place that I am not going to quickly fill. I heard from the street, a funeral hearse pulled by horses go by, indicating a death... as I looked on the new space reborn in the garden.
Just as the times we are now in...bumpy and chaotic, with fear of letting a 'valuable' go (money property staus identity), even if our life, or lifestyle, itself was okay There was always the threat of outside force dismantling our castle, and there was always the nuance of irritation and resentment, hostility and we jostle to keep our heads above the above the water to appear as if ITS ALL GOING TO OUR PLAN... But its all the backdrop, and the conversation....The karmic walk is the build up to our dismantling of an existence that is dying out.
Death and rebirth, these are the cycles we have to embrace. But death has its own time and is entangled with the nuances and emotions of the physicality. It just is, and when the karma of nuanced emotions, synchronicity, contractions and expansion has been walked to completion it dissolves to a death. Releasing energy for rebirth.
Love Michaela xxx
PS...Synchronicity. The following words are from Sandra Walter, reminding us about the Equinox:
"Kindwhile, a very powerful Equinox is just two weeks away.
You can feel it in the field, and definitely in the collective, as the choice-point energies shake and sort out individual and collective realm choice.
This Equinox, when Divine balance alignments are at peak potency, there is CLEAR REVELATION of which reality you have chosen.
Rather than the duality of love-based reality vs fear-based reality, a refinement is occurring. Nuance which reflects what is created in the subconscious, the Soul intention, Heart Center radiance, and our capability to express Unity Consciousness in thought, word, action, and feeling.
This is where the truth of our journeys and creations reveal our realm choice. Equinox provides deep clarity on our ability to create, hold, and sustain our Hearts in the intense New Light of Unity Consciousness."
Email to Hope: I saw in my tea cup today, a small collection of stars in a small constellation, small in the cup, but clear and evident, nothing else was in the skies in my cup.... I knew immediately it was the big dipper, the message was about the bear. so I looked up spiritual meaning for it. THE BEAR, the MOTHER, CYCLES OF LIFE DEATH AND REBIRTH. love m xxx to read the spiritual meaning of these stars:
i saw in my tea cup today the big dipper constellation, small in the cup but nothing else but clear and nothing else was in the skies. I knew immediately it was the big dipper, so i looked up spiritual meaning for it. love m xxx
Saturday, 10 June 2023
mel gibson: new 4 part documentary. child trafficking.
Was Mel Gibson the fall guy for wanting to expose child trafficking rings in Hollywood? He is involved in a new documentary about the underbelly of child trafficking in the U.S. and other countries. That is why he is trending today. Will the mainstream condone this or remind us why he is a persona non grata?
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