Thursday, 22 August 2013

ALL WILL BE WELL. I AM sharing a newsletter from Sarah-Jane Grace. It is a simple and helpful page of encouragement to just be the light that we each individually are and to rely on the fact that ALL WILL BE WELL.

August 2013 - Inspirations   
The Rainbow
Dear Michaela, 
Welcome to my latest newsletter. Well, it's not really a newsletter, more of an opportunity for reflection, and a chance to invoke inspiration and insight into the human condition!
Recently I have received lots of emails from many different people from many different places around the globe. There is a sense of intensity in life at the moment that seems to be pushing us towards the edge of change even though this change is, as yet, still undefined. Words such a confused, bewildered, overwhelmed and lost are common place as the discombobulation no longer gently laps the shores of the soul but pounds the rocks with energetic vim and vigour.
Although, on the surface, these emails are all different, each presenting a different subset of problems and challenges, they all have a thread in common. That thread is hope. Despite the pain, the angst, the threat of uncertainty, the anxiety of the unknown, the discombobulation and the doubt of what may, or may not, lie ahead, every email carries within it a small glimmer of hope; a chink of light that opens up our hearts, minds and souls to the interconnectedness of the universe and to a profound sense of knowing that in some way, all will be well.
Hope is inspired by faith, and, as we know, faith comes in all shapes and sizes. Yet there is a common thread running through all faiths (even when it might seem obscured or twisted beyond recognition) and that is one of love. Love is beyond judgement and beyond tolerance; it is acceptance and an ability to be unconditional. Love speaks beyond words and it moves beyond action. Love reaches deeply into the hearts and souls of each and every one of us.
Someone once asked me what it is like to shine a light of hope to those in need through my writing and spiritual counselling. It took me a little by surprise as I just do what I do, in my own way and with my somewhat quirky style. I write from my heart and soul, and although my words are universal in shape and form, they are deeply personal at the same time. I rarely use 'I' in my writing, not because I exclude myself from the collective but because I believe my experiences can speak to others as well. I see myself as an integral part of the collective and hope that my words speak universally. Every word I write reflects my true essence and comes from the depths of my own experience of life.
Yet today it seems right to use 'I' as I felt compelled to share the following...  
I was sitting in a hospital waiting room, preoccupied with the reasons whilst I was there in the first place when I looked up and noticed a woman who was clearly anxious. Her whole demeanour was overly-agitated; it was as though every cell in her body was vibrating with stress. I observed her for a moment before I did what intrinsically felt right: I smiled at her. It was just a gentle smile, full of tenderness and compassion. I never do anything I don't mean, so there was a lot of love in that smile even though I had never met this woman before. I don't know her name and I probably never will.
The act of smiling seemed to flick a switch on in this woman as she opened up to me and told me about her anxieties and concerns. She spoke freely for about 10 minutes before I was called in for my appointment. I just nodded and gently smiled the whole time to let her know that I was listening.
When I came out of my appointment, she jumped up to thank me. She said 'It was like you gave me a giant hug with your smile. You are a beautiful soul, don't ever change that', I touched her hand and smiled gently and she was then called in for her appointment and I went on my way.
What I did cost nothing other than my time. I listened to this woman not because I had to, but because I chose to. Yet my actions had an unexpected, but pleasing, by-product: a huge inner smile that lasted the rest of the day.  Offering that tender smile and gentle warmth, and listening to this woman gave her something she needed; we all want that don't we?
Love connects us all and when we reach out with that love it somehow amplifies and radiates into the hearts and souls of others. The power of intent is not just about wealth and material abundance, but it is about spiritual and emotional enrichment. Yet it is all too easy to forget this as we keep on keeping on, trying to push ahead without ever really stopping or pausing to re-centre or re-align. Sometimes, someone might come along to listen, but even if they don't, we intuitively should remember that we are never truly alone.
Gazing up at the stars that night it was somehow easier to feel the interconnectedness of us all; we all see the stars, albeit from different viewpoints and perspectives on earth. Whilst we not do all see the same stars, we do stand under the same sky, so, although we may be on our own underneath that spectacular panorama, we are never truly alone as there is always at least one other person gazing up at the same time, wondering, hoping, praying and wishing.
Stuff happens in life that we have little, or no, control over, but as I walked back to my car after my appointment, suddenly my own problems didn't seem so bad, not because her situation was 'worse than mine' but because I felt the warmth of that inner smile too...
So, if you are having a bad day or a stressful time, know that although I might not be at your side, my smile goes with you.
Have a beautiful day.
Sarah-Jane Grace

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