The long and winding road, of (my) spiritual evolution has brought me back to a place which has for a long been considered antiquated, that is, the practice of looking to a divine feminine deity in order to understand life.
I have been in my own personal whirlpool of life enhancing drama and challenges, which clue by clue, has brought me to this next resting place. Lots of my recent reading, both spiritual texts and life affirming/ enhancing/ coaching texts have been eerily validated by fiction books I have picked up to read.
There has been a lot of writing about the return of the Divine Mother, or, the divine Feminine in 'spiritual' channelling for the past year or so.
So what does this mean, really.
Let me take you on a ramble through what's beginning to take shape in my mind about what this means.
My own Female life has been full of the usual chaos (remember, we need fertiliser to grow from) that is commonly associated with being a woman in this day and age, and in this, largely un-spiritual part of the world. My ramblings have been of a mad 'woman' who has finally kicked her last bucket, and has settled into a "there's got to be something more than this" affirmation, and decided to retreat from the world to find it. I have often shared in posts what has currently been pouring forth. My last posts was about the Venus gong wash, again that was an incredible experience. I have also been rambling on about about the solar plexus and how the lack of feeling empowered has reduced many of us (women) to mush.
I read avidly the fantastic (fiction) "The woman who went to bed for a year" by Sue Townsend, this was never intended to be a spiritual book, but I find that most books I read or films or programmes that I do actually get around to engaging with, tend to be 'current' or have parallel themes to those I am engaging with in my life and in my "spiritual progress". She, the woman , had had enough of twisting herself on contorting herself into everyone else's views, and her own misplaced views, of what she should be. Exhausted she wanted to retreat. And think.
I have just started to read "Unearthing Venus" by Cate Montana, this is an autobiography in response to the question posed to her in 1999, by a recently arrived Shaman guru, Ipupiara, a native from the Ure-e-wau tribe found in Brazil. From its early chapters, Iwished I had read it years ago. This book starts with a question posed to Cate who had gone to interview him. A question she struggled to answer. The question was simply "What do you know about woman?" The rest of the book is Cate trying to answer the question from the baseline of her own life story.
The shaman had arrived in New York at the request of the Dream Change Coalition, which was pioneering an intercultural education process. John Perkins, was the guy who was founder of the coalition, and whose plan it was for us Westerners to gain "other" cultural insights. The idea was to initiate a response from the western world to invite some alternative leadership to help us navigate our ships away from the cultural chasm of global doom that we were surely sailing into.
During this visit and after some observing and deliberation, the shaman guru asks of John, "Where are your women?" John explains where the women are, at work, as teachers in schools and colleges, as bankers in office blocks, at home raising children and just generally living their lives.
The shaman goes on in dismay to educate John that in his tribes and indeed it is tribal tradition in Brazil, that the roles for women are distinct and men and women have different jobs. The men hunt and fish, they cut wood for fires and cut down trees for huts and canoes. The women cook, make clothes, gather food and care for the children. As elders the men and women have equal say and guide the people of the tribe. However there is one role that the survival of the tribe depends on, that is the role of women of the tribe to tell the men when to STOP. Men will fish and hunt, and cut down trees until there is nothing left, it is their nature. It is the role of women, as part of their nature, to tell the men when there is enough, and to stop. So The shaman asks of John, "Where are your Women? Why are they not telling your men to stop?"
Why, indeed?
Ok so I (personally) am at the end point of surviving, as a female, in a way that surely has, for most of us, outlived it's expiry date. We are living quite Unnaturally, (un Nature ally), outside of that which is of Nature.
As a species we are coming to the point that brings us back into alignment with what is natural and of our true nature.
This does not exclude men. Man is woman but with different chromosomes, why is that I wonder? IS it to differentiate the difference in physical attributes by any chance. But men and women, (X or Y Chromosomes) are each linked to the great balance of life. Within both males and females there lies a beautiful merge of our individual divine feminine and divine masculine energies waiting to happen.
That means each person has the potential to have a balance, which when merged and blended, allows us to step forward in the form we are supposed to be, the perfect and natural, the quantum and multidimensional, divine being that we are.
Much has been written about polarity and duality. We have lived under polarity and duality for such a long time that it will be difficult for us to just give it up. The polarity, black and white, opposites of good and bad, men and woman, sun and moon, day and night, sorrow and joy, war and peace, all are distinct dualities that we have never considered (not in this current history anyway) to allow mergence and blending into the one. The ONE.
So... we are ending these, BAD old days, and entering, the GOOD new, Old days.
Get rid of the bad old god, the one that was, and is, held up like a banner in war, and the god that defends my country against your country. The god that led the CRUSADES in Jerusalem, the one that told your religious parents and teachers to beat you, the god that in some communities says that the female genitalia must be cut...the list can go on, and it does.
Of course this kind of ' god ' was, and is the construct of the human minds who had, and have the power at the time. So 'man' determined the kind of god that is in reign in any given time period.
We are all of that 'man' that did the determining. So that, the reality that was, and is, prevalent in any given time frame, is a consensual reality. We conceded the kind 'god' that was deemed to be in-charge, through ignorance. Our humanness leaves us to be easily led, how else would we allow belief in the circumstances that have brought us through to where we allowed us to end up. Why would we be so ignorant of all this and come through such an agonising record of the 'History of mankind'? Maybe we just had to go through this stuff to evolve. It is such a journey that allows a global universal evolution, remember it is the fertiliser that aids Spiritual growth.
Maybe we agreed the whole devastation in order to fully know and embrace LOVE when we eventually allow it to, or there is a consensus for it. We have been waiting and longing for it to shine on us.
So now enter the new, GOD, the female god that merges with the male god and produces oneness and balance within the ONE GOD. Oh ...She never left really, its just that we were told, and taught, to forget about Her, and we did. For thousands of years. For during this time, our men and women were left in separation and disconnectedness from the truth of their being and true connection to the Mother/father God. This separation allowed devastation of the true divine masculine and divine female energies, specifically represented by the degradation of women throughout history. In general the population were of a downgraded status, those who degrade, and those who are degraded. Both the pitiful and despised, each gender was damaged. Those who do the degrading must be sufficiently deficient in order to believe this is the nature of things.
Incidently, individually we will have a record of being both, if we can believe that we had as many lives as some would have us believe. Even if we have no knowledge of this, it is written, somewhere, in our soul's CV, also known as the Akashic records. Deep stuff to heal. Every time we set about healing something within us, and within our own psyche, we contribute and help with healing the world's psyche. This is accomplished by the fact that we are all linked into the collective consciousness, the same consciousness that decides which god is in reign, at any given time.
So maybe we had to truly know who we "Were Not" so that we could truly know who we "Are", and we had to experience the separation and duality to learn the true art of being a creator and the responsibility that comes with each thought and action, because they are our "creations". The consequence of those thoughts and actions were described as our "Karma" which didn't kick in until the next life, usually. Part of the deal was in coming to earth, and forgetting, being part of the experience and contributing to it, and so adding to, enhancing or otherwise, our soul's record. Iam not an expert in this but unless you 'know' the absolute truth of something, you can only go by what resonates with you and feels right.
I am digressing again, but it feels right to acknowledge that 'Karma' was not a 'god' punishing us, it was always a self determined act of balancing the soul's energy, not a revenge from an angry god. (To make more sense of this, have a read up on the Akashic records, and read too about how we are now in a position, with enlightenment, to leave the wheel of Karma, its really interesting. I love this stuff).
Ah, the nostalgic, the good old, bad old days.
The uplifting consciousness that is occurring, is bringing us out of the dark ages and into the light. But it is going to take a bit more time to get everyone aligned with higher truths and enlightenment. We take something as a concept at first, we intellectualise about, and discuss it, until it eventually becomes a truth that we can internalise, and then act upon.
Trumpets have been blowing about this new cycle, this new way of being, since the Mayan times.
WE did actually go through the much spoken about "End of times" in December 2012, which brought an end to the energy and paradigms that had kept us only about 4 steps away from Neanderthal man thinking. So this OLD era, this completely obsolete view of life, the earth and Man on it, has come to an end and the next cycle (overlapping) has started. With it the re- emergence of the divine feminine principle. The Goddess is back.
To many this will sound very archaic and back stepping. Well... it is...I suppose. Archaic, ancient, and stepping back. But remember the phrase, "there is nothing new under the sun" (google this to get the insights regarding this).
This refers to the premise that time is not always linear it is overlapped (quantumly of course) with time that goes round in , not just circles but goes round and up in Spirals, and of course there are intersection points, where the lines cross and re-cross and time revisits itself in the future wearing but it is wearing different clothes......(ok, ok . I am digressing , back to subject) But in short, we have come back to the "place" where the divine feminine is the driving force returns to hold the reigns and says "STOP".
But where has this divine Feminine Energy been?
She has been here all the time, its just we have been disconnected from her. We being MOST of us, throughout the world, and apart from a few tribes in Brazil, and for a very, very long time.
There has been much written about creation. And in whatever story about creation that holds your attention, will also hold the yield of your connection to the divine Mother. If "she" doesn't come into it, then you are sadly lacking a large part of vital divine energy that, should you connect to it, you will be enabled, empowered and returned to your original divine co creator self.
So how do we turn our faces to let this sun shine on us?
Before I go on, I will let you into a personal insight I had while meditating on this today. I wanted a phrase, a name an identity that I can refer to, or call to when I am writing about this stuff. I asked what I shall call this principle or what name I can give to what I am talking about.....
This came back to me without hesitation, DEVA.
It is a phrase I have not heard for a very long time and it came succinctly and without any other mind chatter, it was a clear answer to my question (albeit from myself or my higher self plus guides gang). In a dither I looked up some definitions......and found the following.
It is the natural world of fertility, plants and animals and is strongly reminiscent of the deva kingdom.
deva [ˈdeɪvə]
(Non-Christian Religions / Hinduism) (Non-Christian Religions / Buddhism) (in Hinduism and Buddhism) a divine being or god
[from Sanskrit: god]
"god, good spirit" in Hindu religion, from Skt. deva "a god," originally "a shining one," from *div- "to shine," thus cognate with Gk. dios "divine" and Zeus, and L. deus "god" (O.Latin deivos); see Zeus. Fem. form devi is used for "goddess," also (with capital D-) for the
mother goddess in Hinduism. Hence, also, devadasi "temple dancing girl," lit. "female servant of a god," from dasi "slave girl." Also Devanagari, the formal alphabet of Skt. writings, perhaps originally "divine city script," from nagara "city."
and from Urban Dictionary....
Indo-European, Sanskrit word for God, originally thought of as feminine. The modern word Goddess has changed connotations to represent a lesser form of divinity. Deva had the meaning we typically think of as the word God today, however God was thought to be the Great Mother.
In Buddhism Deva's are highly evolved beings who inhabit different levels of existence. Deva's are commonly associated with great beauty and bliss.
Modern New Age versions of Deva's are thought of similarly to angels, nature spirits, or fairies.
Pronounced Day-va.
In Buddhism Deva's are highly evolved beings who inhabit different levels of existence. Deva's are commonly associated with great beauty and bliss.
Modern New Age versions of Deva's are thought of similarly to angels, nature spirits, or fairies.
Pronounced Day-va.
Deva gave life to all things.
DEVA gave life to all things.
(I really like this)
To be continued in part two. DEVA.
(I really like this)
To be continued in part two. DEVA.
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